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/lit/ - Literature

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20267804 No.20267804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Never read again.

>> No.20267806

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.20267814

I want to spit on these type of people. Jesus how much anti-intelectual can America get?

>> No.20267815

/lit/bros... how do we cope?...

>> No.20267831

>oh, and the pirate on the boat

>> No.20267832

The only people who read and become intellectuals are people who don't get sex.

>> No.20267837

Looks like he coped hard. Did the Reddit cope by shaving his head and growing a half assed beard.

>> No.20267840

This. None of us would be reading if we could f*ck bunch of hoes instead.

>> No.20267844

Brainlets overcompensating lmaooo

>> No.20267847

Why do people like this need to spin some big cope instead of just saying "its not my thing,"? Is it for views?

>> No.20267856

Well the people who browse and use TikTok are borderline retarded, so yes.

>> No.20267858

This guy's semen runs inside the womb of Jordan Peterson's daughter by the way.

>> No.20267868

Women are attracted to men of action. Intellectuals are worthless in their eyes, they want Chads who can fuck their brains out and then pay for trending products. Public denouncement of low value activities raises his sexual status.

>> No.20267871

You can tell he's been in lots of fights.

>> No.20267883

>he said contempt instead of content therefore i will not refute his position at all and declare myself the winner!!!!
if you were truly so much smarter than him you will engage with his ideology instead of engaging in disingenuous tactics.
chad 1
(You) 0

>> No.20267885

Reminds me of Chad warden, very based

>> No.20267889

/lit/ BTFO by CHAD

>> No.20267894

What's wrong with cope? All great literature was created in the wallows of cope

>> No.20267899

/lit/ Doesn't read, he is /ourguy/

>> No.20267900

being a man of action and an intellectual aren't mutually exclusive. only retards like the baldie in OP think in this black and white extreme.

>> No.20267904
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Guys he's right

>> No.20267905

>only retards
I was talking about women

>> No.20267940


>> No.20267948

This is most likely satire

>> No.20267958

He was arrested for human trafficking

>> No.20267980

>he doesn’t want to be a well read shit talker who eloquently starts bar fights

>> No.20267988

Hoes love pimps

>> No.20268008

>Is it for views?
Yes, he's doing it for publicity.

>> No.20268011

He's right about fiction books not being any better than other media but his misguided justification is rather indicative of an undiagnosed mental disorder, probably ADHD. Relaxing media, drinking tea, and the like, doesn't actually kill your motivation.
People who feel like that might have low dopamine or low dopamine receptivity, and have learned a coping strategy early on in their lives involving self-stimulation of stress hormones (adrenaline/cortisol), relying on the feeling of "dread at negative outcomes" these stress hormones promote, to get things done. These people consider themselves to be "disciplined" and "conscientious."
When these people take drugs that lower stress (bacopa, ashwagandha, theanine, etc.) or engage in activities of that sort (e.g. reading fiction), the action that precludes this coping mechanism, and they become unable to function, they lose access to their "discipline" and "conscientiousness", because those modes of action were built on top of this fear/worry impetus, on top of this fake motivation.
The problem isn't the drug having side effects, though; it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing: reducing stress. It just turns out that some people have no other way to function than to rely on stress to push them.
This "brain fog" is their default state with no adrenaline flowing through them to keep them physiologically aroused. But it's not the neurotypical default state; the "brain fog" is actually there because of the undiagnosed ADHD, possibly other mental disorders. People normally are physiologically aroused (awake and aware) because of dopaminergic stimulation, with adrenergic stimulation being the exception.

>> No.20268025
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All things considered, the father of this guy was a chess grandmaster, chances are he IS in fact smarter than most of /lit/.

>> No.20268040

Chess doesn't take IQ. Most grandmasters are midwits with a good chess memory. Not everyone is like Bobby fischer

>> No.20268055

So what you're saying is that I should start taking amphetamines. Makes sense honestly, and I've always wondered how being high on them feels.

>> No.20268059
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>Jordan Peterson's daughter
Based and clean room pilled

>> No.20268087

shut the fuck up you self-loathing faggot.

>> No.20268106

>Carnivore diet
I bet her body odor is off the charts

>> No.20268127
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>memorizing openings and counters is wit
that's a midwit take.

>> No.20268131

Imagine those braps...

>> No.20268137
File: 274 KB, 1525x2313, carnivore diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carnivore diet
FACT: this is a real book

>> No.20268161

CLASSIC Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.20268169

Tbh this is the way. Years of reading books and listening to internet bloodsports, preparing me for the day I will start a barfight and verbally eviscerate my opponent from start to finish

>> No.20268211

frfr on goddddd bro no cap 100

>> No.20268320

Checks out

>> No.20268495

Honest question, do you think you would be happier and more serene if books were not in your life? I honestly think it is has made me less happy and more impatient with people who are NPCs.

>> No.20268508

The term ignorance is bliss is a true.

>> No.20268509
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>mfw this is what kids on tiktok are listening to.

>> No.20268511

Literature makes me more understanding of people around me and the world in general. I don't really have a superiority complex like most anons do.

>> No.20268515

Quit the opposite. Vanishing into the pages of a book and forgetting myself offers a brief reprieve from the turmoil of life. I find it brings me serenity and a serene quietness of mind.

>> No.20268524
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>> No.20268533

No. Books and meditation helped me realize ignorant people are bound by their own ignorance, and the only way for them to get better is to actively want to. They literally know not what they do.

>> No.20268554

quite possibly

I usually only read fiction and it seems I am getting more and more hate filled towards some fucking people and their nonsense.

Well when I read, I often find the characters and scenarios remind me of people and event sin my real life, not give me a break from them. Sounds like a "me" problem.

The meditation sounds like a better option for me, but I don't like it. I will agree with the rest of your post too, some people are infuriating.

>> No.20268595

>there are """"""people"""""" who call themselves "intellectuals" and "high IQ" with full confidence itt
How shit is this site really?

>> No.20268613

mutt ears

>> No.20268685


Mediocre looking. And she seems to have highly heritable metabolic problems given from her parents who also both have metabolic syndromes

>> No.20268852
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His point would be more effective if he wasn't visibly subhuman