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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 251 KB, 791x547, AD576AAE-4E35-4143-A4EB-1F8C956CCEC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20265694 No.20265694 [Reply] [Original]


Previous >>20253760


>> No.20265701

I don't know where I'm going
But I sure know where I've been

>> No.20265746
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I'm very insecure at times. I look at people and the first thought that comes to mind is " these people would never like me"

It's a dumb defeatist mindset that I'm trying to get rid of. It's not up to me whether they like me or not so I should just go approach if I want to. Putting everybody on a pedestal is fucking retarded.

>> No.20265757
File: 137 KB, 924x1136, _what a guy file 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to make some really weird art. in retrospect i dont like it so much, but the important part was that i took the risk and i took it seriously

>> No.20265758

Is Hegel's synthesis and Aristotle's golden mean actually the same? Aristotle's golden mean could be seen as the synthesis *between* the extremes of excess (positive) and deficiency (negative) (2+-2=0) as Hegel's synthesis is the mean *between* thesis and antithesis; we could say 0 is the truth and the non-zero integers are deviations from truth.

>> No.20265764
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Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation.

>> No.20265771

No. I’ll work as though I lived in the days before this slave camp you call a nation darkened the continent.
Stop dragging your fetish in here.

>> No.20265773

I approve of the use of a Marx Brother in the OP
>I look at people and the first thought that comes to mind is " these people would never like me"
Me too, except I also go "and I wouldn't like them. So that makes that easy" and then I go talk to some hipsters.

>> No.20265791
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, 59f783dd-c236-11ec-8b16-5deb907d59d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been laughing at this AI generated movie poster

>> No.20265801
File: 54 KB, 348x288, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yellow word 4th row down, the first letter looks like a banana. I like visual puns.

>> No.20265807
File: 950 KB, 1198x677, 9phpc8jjw0t41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was talking to a girl for the past month or so, we'd gone on 5 dates.
Told me today she has BPD and she doesn't feel a relationship is right for her when she shuts herself away from contact during her slumps.
Makes me sad since I liked her a lot, but maybe it's for the best. At least we left on good terms and with a potential for getting together in the future if she feels up to it. I feel much better ending this relationship than I did with my last gf, who cheated on me after 4 years together.
Regardless, no option now except to continue with my life. If she comes around, great. If not, at least I met a person I enjoyed my time with, even if it was temporary.

>> No.20265849

Another word I'd like to add that shows further similarity: Plato's "metaxy." The middle ground. That's what Aristotle and Hegel are advocating and basically every philosopher is advocating in some sense, otherwise they wouldn't share their ideas.

>> No.20265866

Sorry to hear that but you've dodged a massive bullet if she really has BPD.

>> No.20265884

>as Hegel's synthesis is the mean *between* thesis and antithesis
I'm not familiar with Hegel but I'm pretty sure synthesis doesn't refer to "between". It is the concrete product of two 'abstractions'. For example the thesis of logic, and the antithesis of the physical world create the synthesis of spirit/mind. This does not neatly map to Aristotle's ethical means where you might have being loose with money on one end and being a miser on the other, and in-between being prudent with money.
I am reminded of when Eistenstein tried to apply Marxist Dialectic to film editing - he would cut between protesters running from the Tsarist forces bullets with footage of animals being slaughtered. Now in this example the thesis - protesters, and the antithesis - cattle being slaughtered, do not exist on the same 'continuum' they are totally arbitrary images that when 'synthesized' produce an analogy. Or what Eistenstein called 'Interllectual Montage'. I don't know if that's what Hegel was going for, but I think the root of Hegelian dialectic is in the syllogism and not comparable to the Aristotelian ethical means.
You don't say "slaughtering animals is the opposite of protesters running from bullets" any more than you say "the physical world is the opposite of logic", but you do say spending too much money and being a miser are opposites.

>> No.20265887

Wait, I'm a fucking retard. Meant Bipolar Disorder by BPD, not Borderline Personality. In my head BPD stood for Bipolar Personality Disorder.

Still, you could be right, it may be that I only ever saw her in her "ups" and have no idea what she's like in her slumps. Especially in a very long relationship, things may have become unbearable.
Still, I've met some Bipolar people who are quite kind even in their low states and are just very depressed then, while others are complete narcissists regardless of their mood.
I wish there would be more I could do for her but there's not, sadly. Just wish her the best and hope for the best.

>> No.20265915
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressing bar conversations. Life, death. I dont even want to think about it anymore. To be honest I'm only making this post so I can share another 80s song with the one anon who enjoys when I do. That's the truth.

>> No.20265919

>niggas will hate on a hebrew but lap himself up some Marx-brothers shit shake my head #Kony2022

>> No.20265931

I like it, you're probably just moved on from that style to somewhere else.

>> No.20265935

I'm working on myself. I'm not where I want to be, but I know that I can take little steps everyday to improve. I have to remind myself that it's okay to not be where I want to be. I am not a waste of space. It's okay to be proud of the small things that I accomplish and keep moving forward. Every day. Little bites. Just keep moving forward. Rome was not built in a day. I have found it really difficult at times to not fall back into my man-child ways, wanting to turn my brain off and just play video-games. There's an aversion to reading substantive works, and I actually get nervous before picking up something challenging. It's been difficult to uproot negative thought patterns and misconceptions. "If you're smart, everything should be easy. And since this ISN'T easy, I must be stupid." Like many of the people here, I'm sure, I have decided that I want to be an author. I took a couple steps forward with that and started just plunking away on this little blog, I bought the domain an everything. I'm going multiple days without writing, and there are days where my page gets no traffic at all. Currently I'm too insecure to post any fiction writing, so to get my feet wet I started with legitimate diary entries, just to get some of my thoughts out there. Maybe someone can find it worthwhile or a bit of insight. The original intention with the blog and what I need to get back to is to just view the writing as a vehicle for self-expression. I'm not writing "for" anyone, so the straightforward, "this is what I think about X" writing style was helpful and therapeutic. I want to creatively expand, and express myself through short stories. I care WAY too much about how other people perceive me. That's something to work on too.

>> No.20265941

one of the greatest achievements in all of human history has to be the adaptation of the Mario concept into three dimensions. somehow ,the very first 3d installment is by far the best mario game ever made, easily one of the best games ever made. How do you do it, japs? what is this unwavering, as meek as it is terrifying sincerity of yours?

>> No.20265947

U are not alone anon, especially the nervousness before reading something challenging is a feeling I’ve had a lot recently but just remember that it’s more than worth it when you do end up making some kind of progress when you weren’t sure you’d be able to.

>> No.20265955

It's kind of like Seinfeld in that at least it's pretty funny even if it's really Jewy

>> No.20265956

Man I love when you start a new book and right away you realize, this guy really fucking knew what he was talking about

>> No.20265958

are there any "great philosophers" that were great philanthropists?

>> No.20265959

meant to post this but that scenes pretty cool too
> https://youtu.be/m9Wh66FXZJQ
Not OP btw, just another Marx Bros. enjoyer.

>> No.20265963

Does anyone have recommendations for good beginner math books? I've decided that I want to be good at math after I wrote if off around 5th grade. Highest math that I ever took in school was trig. I got really interested in math for the the first time bc of the mystical aspect of it and thinking about what IS a number. Math no longer looks like just boring formulas and steps to follow, mystical really is the best way for me to describe it. Math actually sounds wicked cool now. I'm legitimately working 8th grade tier math knowledge, do you think any textbook would be a good place to start or are there any that are particularly good?

>> No.20265967
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your alright

>> No.20265973

I see what you mean. Courage isn't a "synthesis" of recklessness and cowardice. It's just rational action.

>> No.20265982

the only dignified part of western culture since the founding of the catholic church is soccer fandom in its entire ranged from "kid goes to the big footy with his grand dad" to full on hooliganism.

>> No.20265991

no. they're all whores. they continue to inspire generations of whores that are somehow outraged at modernity

>> No.20266009

It's more the other way round, courage is between recklessness and cowardice, and the optimal point between is 'rational'.
Synthesis would be, say, between Recklessness and Generosity; or Cowardice and Honesty - not on the same continuum, but from different continua I guess.

>> No.20266024

What book? Bet it's something incredibly dumb lmao

>> No.20266029
File: 154 KB, 519x640, ABABEFFA-60E2-4F7D-BBC5-EBA10C754992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a crossroads in life. Any book recommendations for me?

>> No.20266033

The Hugry Catterpillar

>> No.20266043

I'm not telling you, too bad

>> No.20266055
File: 89 KB, 1024x694, 1024px-Byrne_1847_Pythagoras_Querformat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll answer this in an atypical way:
Euclid's Elements or Euler's Elements of Algebra might interest you but they are really old. If you aren't interested in mathematics professionally though I don't see what harm they could do you (on the contrary). A modern introduction to topics of mathematics which also has historical content though would probably be Jan Gullberg's Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers; this is an extraordinary book which is incredibly engaging for the amateur mathematician of any level and a very good introduction to many useful concepts. I don't know of any books which look at mathematics mystically however, I'm afraid, but Guénon apparently had a book talking about calculus which I haven't read and Berkely too, but as far as I'm aware, calculus wasn't really the point of Berkley's The Analyst. I would assume however that these works are largely metaphysical works rather than spiritual, but I couldn't say.
If you want modern reccs then you should check out /sci/. From what I've read, Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang is well liked there and often recommended but I've never read it. Meme answers usually include the Manga Guide to (e.g. Calculus, Analysis, Topology, &c.) but these usually are just okay from what I've skimmed and heard other people say.
For Euclid's Elements, check out these websites
> http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/elements/elements.html
or this site
> https://www.c82.net/euclid
The first is just a website version of vanilla Euclid (mostly from Sir Thomas Little Heath's translations, which are now standard) and the second is based on Oliver Byrne's edition of Elements, which uses graphic representations instead of words to convey meaning within proofs, along with a colorful, almost Modernist, representations and demonstrations though it came out in 1847. Picrel is just a sample from the book.
Still, though, I recommend memorizing vanilla Euclid even if you mainly think in terms of Byrne Euclid.

>> No.20266064

>I got really interested in math for the the first time bc of the mystical aspect of it and thinking about what IS a number. Math no longer looks like just boring formulas and steps to follow, mystical really is the best way for me to describe it.
I agree there's a lot of cool questions to ask about math, but the actual discipline of math rarely concerns itself with that sort of questioning from my experience. If you want to just do that straight away you can start here

>> No.20266067

Forgot to mention Calculus Made Easy, which is a very interesting and intuitive look at calculus. It's not exactly conventional though and doesn't even cover limits.
>Calculus Made Easy ignores the use of limits with its epsilon-delta definition, replacing it with a method of approximating (to arbitrary precision) directly to the correct answer in the infinitesimal spirit of Leibniz, now formally justified in modern nonstandard analysis and smooth infinitesimal analysis.
and is also somewhat outdated
>The original text continues to be available as of 2008 from Macmillan and Co., but a 1998 update by Martin Gardner is available from St. Martin's Press which provides an introduction; three preliminary chapters explaining functions, limits, and derivatives; an appendix of recreational calculus problems; and notes for modern readers. Gardner changes "fifth form boys" to the more American sounding (and gender neutral) "high school students," updates many now obsolescent mathematical notations or terms, and uses American decimal dollars and cents in currency examples.
still, it's very good I think. It also apparently has a website form but I just found out about that now
You might want to just want to go the conventional route and go read Spivak's Calculus though if I'm honest.

>> No.20266073

I think I got filtered in calculus when they told me this series or whatever runs infinitely and then you get the right approximation and I thought "in what time frame is this running infinitely? is this happening now, while I just stand here? what if it runs less than infinitely? is that less time?"

>> No.20266128
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if we could just agree that sex out of marriage is a massive sin, like we used to and which is what it is, I think that would solve most of our problems. of gender identitiy and anxiety, of misery. no more women trying to be men. no more men trying to be women. no more competition. we could focus on real things, like living up to our potentials.

>> No.20266132

marriage is not a sacred thing anymore

>> No.20266140
File: 1.07 MB, 1700x1301, thanksGeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done talking to Narendra Modi on the telephone. I said
>Do you really think you're doing enough for the climate crisis? We're out here paying more than ever for basic goods and gas. Soldiers. These numbers make me sick. You wouldn't believe them.
He said
>To walk the fine line I walk takes more strength than you know. I'm troubled and on occasion I worry that I am too weak for this burden I've taken.
I said
>You know we may not always see eye to eye but you're a fine man Narendra Modi. Kind of man I hope my daughter marries one day.
We said our goodbyes and I suppose that things having little alternative will carry on much as they are. Happy Saint George's Day.

>> No.20266156

the intelligent adversary fallacy

>> No.20266164

Good luck wrangling women back into traditional society, this whole model of casual sex into late twenties and then settling down with a provider is built to maximize their pleasure.

>> No.20266168

>if we could just agree that sex out of marriage is a massive sin,
You won't change my mind and I can't change yours either.
I also believe in 'try before you buy'. If you can't have chemistry in the bedroom that's part of a negative feedback loop with other aspects of your life that won't have chemistry: if you can't communicate to your lover about what you like sexually, then you probably can't communicate on values and other important things couples should discuss.
>like we used to and which is what it is,
It was never about 'sin' and there was never a consensus about that - it has always been commercial and pragmatic. Feminists will always say it has been about 'women as property' - that paying a dowry was paying the father for the right to reproduce with the daughter. But it has always been about "who will look after my daughter when I'm gone?". A man who has enough land or wealth to pay a dowry can do that. It was never about stopping people from fucking, it was always about commercial pragmatism. Also what makes you think that when there was no twitter or vidya to distract teenagers they weren't "playing doctor" and exploring their sexuality with each other?
>of gender identitiy and anxiety, of misery. no more women trying to be men.
Overblown problems. Most women try to be women. Women compete with other women. Women dress not for men, but to mog on other women.

>> No.20266171

that will last 2-3 generations max, since this produces the worst kind of human being who will in turn spawn miserable children who will either die young or destroy everything "mommy helped build". it will self-regulate fast, this culture will not last another 20 years.

>> No.20266172

>It was never about 'sin'
it's pretty much the ONE thing even the apostles of Jesus held to

>> No.20266173
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I always felt art should be very serious. Maybe thats a mistake?

>> No.20266185

the word "art" is a spook

>> No.20266195

You do realize that virtue signalling and preference falsification existed in pre-modern societies as well and that ethics and morals were often post-rationalizations for emergent social behaviors that obviously had eusocial advantages. The whole Leviticus don't get tatoo'd was probably because of infections. COME ON ANON, YOU'VE READ PLATO! YOU KNOW ALL THROUGHOUT HISTORY PEOPLE LIED ABOUT WHY THEY DID THINGS!

>> No.20266197

Too late for us. Personally I'm glad I got some free pussy in my teens and got cucked badly enough to give up on femoids altogether. 90% of my married male peers are dead inside even though they'd never admit it.

>> No.20266199

>anything so I can stuff my twat
you do you senpai

>> No.20266203
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What word isnt?

>> No.20266205

dont bother. they're too gone.

>> No.20266217

No I'm just a chad who doesn't need a legal mandate to get laid

>> No.20266302

Can't stop thinking about a girl who offered me beer and mushrooms earlier. I moved to walk away and she followed me back to my car. As I shifted right from foot to foot the ambient light cast my shadow across half her face. Her one illuminant eye was light blue and locked on my face. She called me cute and we hugged.

>> No.20266308
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I miss myself

>> No.20266310

what happened?

>> No.20266317

Types of psychological torture
Many forms of psychological torture methods attempt to destroy the subject's normal self-image by removing them from any kind of control over their environment, isolation, monopolising of perception, impression of almightiness, creating a state of learned helplessness, psychological regression and depersonalization. Other techniques include humiliation, forced nudity and head shaving, exhausting by sleep deprivation, hooding and other forms of sensory deprivation.

A strictly fear-inducing method is the mock execution. Various threats operate on the same fear-inducing principle.

Another method is indirect torture, in which a victim is forced to witness the torture of another person, often a loved one. This preys on the victim's affection for and loyalty to a partner, relative, friend, comrade-in-arms, etc, whose real pain induces vicarious suffering in the targeted psychological victim, who is thus loaded with guilt but spared physical harm that might affect their ability to comply[citation needed].

Though widely used e.g. in Communist and Nazi prisons as well as other totalitarian regimes but well hidden, the publicly known systematics was developed in 1956 by the American psychiatrist Albert Biderman who examined several U.S. soldiers tortured by North Korean and Chinese secret services during the Korean war. He defined three basic actions to break the victims as dependence, debility, and dread. His work was further developed for the CIA.[6]

Effect of torture
While psychological torture may not leave any lasting physical damage—indeed, this is often one of the motivations for using psychological rather than physical torture—it can result in similar levels of permanent mental damage to its victims.[7]

Psychological torture methods were devised by, and in conjunction with, doctors and psychologists.[8] Medical participation in torture has taken place throughout the world and was a prominent feature of the US interrogation practice in military and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) facilities.[9][10]

>> No.20266326

>dependence, debility, and dread
this guy gets it

>> No.20266327

>destroy the subject's normal self-image by removing them from any kind of control over their environment, isolation, monopolising of perception, impression of almightiness, creating a state of learned helplessness, psychological regression and depersonalization. Other techniques include humiliation, forced nudity and head shaving
Perfect description of my first long-term relationship

>> No.20266340

you have to appreciate that the spanish will straight up name a kid "Celso"

>> No.20266448

Really? The happiest women I know married young, saved themselves for marriage, and have many children.

>> No.20266475

chicken and the egg: was she able to save herself for marriage because she was well adjusted and even if she slept around she'd still be happy, because she's not insane.
She could hold off because she was well adjusted. it's not like if she fucked a guy the psycho button would get smashed.
I've done coke several times. I don't care for it. Other people become addicts.

>> No.20266487

I have a great and raging appetite for life. I fear this can not be applied in the service of the Lord. I thank Him for showing me the vistas of this mode of being, so that I may empathize and be a more complete person.

>> No.20266579
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need an e-whore gf, lads

>> No.20266592
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swallow your fears now, here we go
can i ask who’s calling? who wants to know?
i’ve got a man that’s not quite right in the head
are you sure you didn’t mean to call the cops instead?

doctor don’t lock him in an inst-tution!
if you want home care there’s only one solution:
teach your man life isn’t fair
everybody knows but no one cares

how can disaster seem so divine?
why am i waiting on bad fortune?
burnt to the ground but everything’s fine
’cause every mistake you make is mine

>> No.20266740
File: 206 KB, 640x1097, C39AB893-C0E9-4BFC-B39A-628165F5DB30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ate 5g

>> No.20266769

Jarir reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is deprived of the characteristic of gentleness is deprived of all goodness.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2592

>> No.20266810

I joined an online writing group to learn techniques and swap ideas. Smooth sailing for the most part until someone posted their idea for a novel; a lumberjack gets trapped by a fallen log. Yes the synopsis really was that simple. I asked if this was akin to "127 Hours" and what he/she plans on doing differently. Got a very wordy response saying I'm "Trespassing on his/her freedom as a writer". Other members gave their support, not to me, "Oh well why have fantasy when Lord of the Rings exists?" "It's called inspiration, don't demean the writer" "At least he/she is writing". What the fuck do I do? These people are goddamn idiots who're obsessed with copying popular works and they absolutely can NOT open themselves up to criticism. Fuck writing groups

>> No.20266814

>I joined an online writing group

>> No.20266815

We should have never given literature to the plebs

>> No.20266841
File: 37 KB, 762x802, 94529001(66249790)_osaka Bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /lit/ hate manga? Have you even read Azumanga?

>> No.20266856

As much as it pisses me off, I wish invalids such as them never see the beauty of creativity. I don't want them to squander such a gift with pathetic attempts at storytelling.

>> No.20266864

I dont hate manga. If anything I read more manga than books.

>> No.20266880

anime was lit

>> No.20266943

I have been trying to figure out how to write more and push past all the problems that have held me back in the past and made me hate writing.

I noticed I struggled with writing in full on word processors as all the features end up being distractions.
Realizing this I looked for something that was basically like notepad only with spell check included.
For some reason I couldn't easily find something that was that simple yet still included spell check. The closest I found was the site zenpen.io. While pretty good and almost exactly what I was looking for, I found not being able to shrink the writing window so I could only see maybe a paragraph at a time annoying.

Now I figure I will just write first drafts in chunks on image boards then copy and paste that draft to a text file where I can then port it to something like scribus to format and edit into something decent and pretty looking in the second draft.

Could backfire but worth a shot.

>> No.20267026
File: 103 KB, 800x1208, 685009a8bb791d531608189df78dc30b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Jordan Peterson considered the essential conservative intellectual of today when there is Peter Sloterdijk who is
>more philosophically sophisticated
>more based
>more redpilled on the female question
>more nationalist
>names the Jews and their influence in psychiatry and banking
>more robust metaphysical system

>> No.20267183

Misanthropes. Also easily manipulated into the meme that anyone who posts it is trans

>> No.20267757

Google Books' search function is so incredible, I am ever grateful for living in such a time where something like this is available to me

>> No.20267768 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.20267776


>> No.20267796
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Have it

>> No.20267819
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>> No.20267827

I can't believe how ubiquitous woman disregarding has become among the younger generation

Back in the day "have sex" would have been a deadly weapon, it automatically puts the other poster on the defensive. Similarly, posting thots would always attract simps who will defend women at any cost because they have unformed brains. Now thot posting attracts an even mix of simps and jezebel despisers, and have sex is powerless.

>> No.20267846

Does anyone else read the e-book version before buying a book?

>> No.20267854

Catchphrases, memes, and insults get worn out, generate counters, or simply get replaced. This isn't really something new, especially online where 100,000 people repeating the same thing at the same time can rapidly kill whatever novelty or potency a thing might have had.

>> No.20267865

>hAvE sEx
Right, what is this 2010?

>> No.20267886

Someone has switched the captions on this.

>> No.20267891 [DELETED] 

woah this is one of the most based things i've ever seen in my life seriously that just increased my life force

>> No.20268024

Saigon... shit. I'm still only in Saigon... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle. When I was home after my first tour, it was worse. I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a word to my wife, until I said "yes" to a divorce. When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle.

>> No.20268057

We create new theories, then those theories are debunked, and it just seems like we always find out that the ancients were right all along and nothing new can be created and all we can do is commentaries.

>> No.20268210

will knowing this information improve your life

>> No.20268283

Will having sex fix my life, help me to get an internship and let me have a room for myself instead of staying in hostels?

>> No.20268298

Literally yes. Pussy turns you into motivated adult, no pussy mfs are whiny children.

>> No.20268304

When is America going to be going under? I need me a southern racist blondie with freckles to take in as a refugee.

>> No.20268314

All getting pussy does is take it off the pedestal so you can stop wondering whether it's the omni-drug that heals all sadness. It ain't, it often stinks too.

>> No.20268316
File: 930 KB, 2048x1377, 82315809(54492600)_アスカ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pussy is so great then how come poor people who get pussies are still poor? Checkmate chud

>> No.20268378

Haven't we already been posthuman cyborgs since the beginning of technology? We already rely on technology in order to live. Tools, transportation, communication, and even as part of our bodies, e.g. glasses, prosthesis, pacemakers, even clothing. Reading this post means you're a posthuman cyborg.

>> No.20268383

Incel copes

>> No.20268444
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I'm still at the lower quadrant of the needs hierarchy

>> No.20268488

Very true

>> No.20268493

I think I've had the most gruesome dream of my life. It just couldn't get morally worst than that.

So, let's start from the context:
I went out from a shopping (It worked as a school too, in a room in the 2nd floor) but I keept messing around in there (I remember hangin out with two girls of my school days and taking pics of some mangas to show to /a/) and I got late to take the bus I always used to take.
Then I thought I had to go walking to my house, and that's what I did. Problem is... I didn't know my way home! So I just walked through streets I've never seem before hoping I could find another bus or something (I eventually met a crazy couple on the road which straight up offered me a ride. Of course I declined because they knew I was lost somehow, even without me seeming like that, and I found it creepy. Besides, they were crazy).

Now for the part that matters:
I eventually got on a railroad, but it wasn't just a normal path for a track to go. 5 to 10 meters, I suppose. That was the depth of the hole/pit/abyss (idk how it's called) that go along with the track, sustained by a narrow path of ground (The railroad was also surrounded by very green, big trees). I think I just casually walked through that road without fear until I met one of the "train station" (It was just a roadway bus station, with the shelter and all).
There I met some people. I don't remember all interaction I had with them, but I remember the one that matters. It was with a young woman with a big map sitting on the bench. I went there to talk to her and asked her to help me find my house, which I found! I think there were three ways to go besides the railroad. So I picked the far left one, which was the best way to my house. But she warned me before I go: It was getting dark and to go by the way I choosed was dangerous because there was evil things happening on the streets I had to go through (I think she mentioned robbers and r*pists). But I decided to go this way anyway. So back to the railroad to get into the road I would go. But to go back wasn't so chill. I had to literally hug the tracks out of fear and I think I almost fell sometimes, it was hella scary.

Now for the immoral and last part:
Anyway, I managed to get on my way to the start of the creepy streets. And there was not r*pist or robber, but kids, and not normal ones. The streets and buildings were like old london but they were very small, actually it looked more like a alley complex. The first thing I saw was some censored newborn (twins, I guess). One was full of blood in its body and the other one not, I think they were abandoned on the streets. Then I saw a young girl also covered in blood. I ran to another street and there was a ghost of a skinned kid coming for me. I don't remember what else I saw in there, if anything. But It was creepy thinking what the adults the young woman metioned would do to these kids.
Then I scram out of that complex and the dream change it's mood completely.

>> No.20268622

you forget that somewhere out there, right now, someone is considering the implications of dance moves

>> No.20268676

Woke up at 6am nude on the opposite side of my bed and surrounded by fruit roll-up wrappers. There was some documentary on the Himalayas playing on my computer too. Very strange. Weed makes me do strange things.

>> No.20268740
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Why are smart girls and slutty girls so fucking attractive when they are the worst to settle down with? I mean smart like intellectual. I've been chatting with this girl, and from square one I knew that she was too smart to actually want to be with. The banter is so stimulating, but this bitch is way too educated.

>> No.20268770

Don't lie on 4chan. There are no smart women. Even "smart" women are shallow, short-sighted retards who are at the the C or at best the B grade of whatever it is they do for a living.

>> No.20268873

What are the lowest organisms that you believe experience consciousness? Do crustaceans experience consciousness?

>> No.20268879


>> No.20268883
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>> No.20268889

for all the posturing you faggots do about being superior to women, you sure like to avoid talking about actual intellectual topics

>> No.20268894

I think they may. Take the most vague memory from your earliest years as a child and divide it by ten, or perhaps twenty, and you'll have what they experience in terms of "wherewithal" and "intensity". no more than the most distant, fleeting flicker of experience, but a flicker nonetheless

>> No.20268897

another question is what is conscious that we dont even recognize as organisms like the biosphere or the sun. nobody knows what consciousness is and miss me with that daniel dennet fedora bullshit

>> No.20268929

All of them have some form of awareness or are sourced from something that is aware but none are self aware in terms of critical self-analytical capability.

>> No.20268955

I believe all networks are conscious

>> No.20269040

Apparently Groucho was very well read but suffered from inferiority feelings because he didn't achieve his ego ideal of becoming a scholar. Maybe he thought show business was of minor importance. He also married very young women that he had nothing in common with and eventually despised them and bullied them with his intellect.
Those are the complexes that growing up in a Jewish middle class home gets you

>> No.20269086

I've been posting a lot of my more unique existential ideas on /lit/ recently and have been finding no one who can argue against them successfully, am I right or autistic?

>> No.20269106

What are some based research chemicals?

>> No.20269107

post some of them and I will tell you if you are right or autistic

>> No.20269127

AL-LAD aka baby acid. All the euphoria and hallucinations of lsd without any of the head and body shit. You can actually go around in crowds and function while laughing like a complete idiot.

>> No.20269134

Kek, based

>> No.20269218

life is fucking shit

>> No.20269261

mom found the cocaine.
its over.

>> No.20269357

I'll give you one I've not posted yet, I had to rewrite it to be coherent because I found it complex, though it's just a slight ponder on eternity
>people desire permanent attainment that is non intrusive and truly permanent, not just indefinite
>which leads to the need of realizing the nature of permanence, which becomes the meaning-desire's target itself
>said permanent-attainment is also a perspective on a single idea that I will refer to as the primordial, unfettered will
>this object, when not doing or being anything, defines individuals as opposed to them stemming from anything else and is also the uncreated and uncaused that was simply ignorant for the longest time and thus had nothing to do
>said will is perfect in it's coordination for any single individual even if their will's wants are "primitive", it is not atomic
>it perfectly unintrusively utilizes all things that have been permanently attained as it is those things at any intuition, unless it is accounting for actions already happening in which case complexity diverges near infinitely
>all things that exist as external or internal active reality are multiplicities of attributes, any that can be observed whether internally or externally, applied to the will's wants
>confusion in said coordination comes from wanting too many things simultaneously while failing to understand how to do things simultaneously or in very specific coordinatory circumstances that only exist off other simultaneous action
>to realize the nature of said permanence, as you would any other aspect of the nature of this self-will-permanence, your best bet is to let go of all other intents no matter how subtle
>utilize your intent or a word to refocus, and perform actions that might not have before the intent seemed like something you would not have done
>the object seen as will is not truly graspable, as the will cannot be trapped by anything, only deluded into it from it's own confusion but you can still come to awareness of it by intent, as you do of anything you know
>on occasion we may experience a proximity (for the object seen as will) from the perspective of our achieved permanence but not in an inquisitive manner enough to ponder it's true nature
>the realization is, like any more mundane realization, an unobtrusive extension of self and the object we see as will that we may utilize and act on with perfect coordination, this one simply being a more important scope
>the reason you need a body to do all this now is because you are lacking in a lot of practical permanence that this life tries to teach you, and the simultaneous engagement of your will with your body is also somewhat intruding on you even if subtly

>> No.20269358
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How do i find self worth? I have no original ideas. What is so special about me?

>> No.20269375
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Have any of you anons been in therapy before? I would sincerely like to know what deficits therapists tend to have? What is it that they don't get?

>> No.20269382

Depends on the therapist. There are a few that know what they're doing and can help.

>> No.20269395

I had a therapist that was probably a 25 year okd girl that was younger than me and told me to “try to listen to music and dance”

>> No.20269401

like a single cell probably

>> No.20269414

Is it possible to transition from friend to partner?

>> No.20269430

i don't know what i'm doing wrong, and i don't know why i'm still alone. i'm almost 22 years old and i've never been in a serious relationship.

i've been trying to meet people on dating apps, which never goes anywhere. it's been years now, and i've never met someone who it works out with for more than 2 dates.

i have absolutely no clue what i'm doing wrong. I always was a quiet guy, not that good socially, but i'm by no means wildly socially incompetent or anything, I have interests i'm passionate about and i'm fairly attractive (i think) as well, yet i'm still alone.

i just want intimacy
i just want human connection
i just want love
i'm so sick of this shit

>> No.20269438

Christ, I hate w*men

>> No.20269461

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20269476

Blame positive psych studies. It's basically undisciplined, unprincipled hogwash. They have no theory of happiness, and their entire justification is that happiness feels good. Like, how the fuck are you gonna tell a PTSD client to "just dance". Inexcusably shallow, and just another example of how universities are basically adult summer camps with no connection to the real world.

I worked with a therapist basically treats her practice as a social media "self love" channel. She was clearly intimidated by clients with actual problems and was very easily stressed out with normal work.

>> No.20269496


>> No.20269553

Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if feminism actually succeeded? The whole goal of modern feminism is ultimately absolute power of women over men. It would be humorous if we hit this inflection point and suddenly women are the only ones ones in the workforce while the men have to stay at home. This is hilarious because women cannot physically overpower men so they won't have any true power at home. They'll be stuck working 80 hour weeks and digging ditches while men just watch TV and cook dinner. Why won't the men be digging ditches? Because as long as they're employed and skilled they'll hold some level of power. For feminism to succeed it would need to strip men of all roles of responsibility outside of the home.

>> No.20269561

Drink Jesus.

>> No.20269586

It's quite sickening. Universities, now, are basically dominated by women-children who shriek and cry when you upset their playroom. And that's what higher education is now, a day care center of frail white women "celebrating their womanhood". How on God's earth we allowed these blubbering vaginas to take over our education is beyond me.

btw read Camille Paglia if you're interested in this stuff. She maintains that the original feminist university culture was hijacked by puritanical busybodies who demanded "safety" over equality. The universities quickly degraded since then.

>> No.20269615

Feminism has no real goals. Goal-orientedness is actually a masculine trait. Defining of terms is masculine. Planning and execution is masculine. These are abhorrent to the feminist. The driving force of feminism is female hysteria and collective psychosis.

>> No.20269640

>read Camille Paglia
No, I won't read a feminist, satanist, and literal pedo apologizer.
People like you who want to counter radical feminism with just an older form of feminism are why conservatism is so cucked and spineless now.

>> No.20269656

>original feminist university culture
is what allowed things to get this bad in the first place.
Cuckservatives are so pathetic. I bet you watch Jordan Peterson too.

>> No.20269674

>is what allowed things to get this bad in the first place.
Agreed. It's the Day after the Revolution problem.

directionbrains getting mad again

>> No.20269710

>you can't give me the life I want
Really means,
>there's someone better than you

>> No.20269749

Eros is not the only desire a person feels, therefore a romantic companion won't fulfill you wholly, only your desire of eros which as all desires fulfilled do wanes and waxes as the moon in the night sky, occasionally being red and rising the dead apocalypting the planet into a sloughed flesh field driven by mad hungrous animalian decay.

>> No.20269801
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I made this friend but after years of college he became some kind of redditor. He can't stop talking about how great polyamorous shit is or making jokes about watching interracial porn, about how many male traits are toxic and shit
You may think I'm joking but it's really that bad.
Sad, he was kind of smart.
Female friends are a disease.

>> No.20269813

This is why I'm not going to let my children use the internet.

>> No.20269862

you dont know what this is like

>> No.20269869
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I know this guy who let his gf sleep in the same bed with her other male friends and then he acted shocked when she admitted that she cheated on him.
Why is the generation born in the 1980s like this?

>> No.20269873

You don't know what it's like for me to not know what it's like for you. Knowing a particular is another way of not knowing another particular because of our finite capacity to know, as we can't know everything, then we must not know particulars that aren't the particulars that we do know.

>> No.20269895
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I think our increasingly isolated lifestyles are going to cause eating disorders (and it may be the case already). That, and the fact the market is entirely flooding with superfluous and unhealthy foods. Basically, people don't know what to eat anymore. In the past, our diet was regulated by not only natural constrictions, but also by what everyone around us was eating. I can remember in the 80s that people didn't eat out as much, and besides keeping some snacks around the house, all the cooking was done by our mothers who cooked more or less traditional food, and they shared recipes among each other. Diet was very regulated and predictable. I don't see that anymore. People no longer live in large families, people no longer have as many children around, and young people especially seem to eat random food, and keep very little food in their homes.

Maybe I believe that modern people, especially living in cities, ALL have eating disorders.

>> No.20269909

i think i've found my home board

over the years wandered on lots of boards, fit, mu, tv, sp, but here its different and it took a while to found it. this is the board where i belong

nowdays i dont read much cause will is weak but i used to. at least i got many books at home now

>> No.20269923

There are things special to you. Sometimes the world makes u think otherwise

>> No.20269935

Just made plans to go drink with that Croatian gopnik I met the other night. This is gonna be a mess...I CANNOT drink like an eastern-euro.

>> No.20270055

Just write in notepad, holy shit, stop finding excuses to not write

>> No.20270239

Strange (or maybe not so strange) that most married men my age (thirties) are pretty unhappy. Married women always seem to fit nicely into that lifestyle, even when both of them are working full-time. Women love nothing more than getting pregnant and hen-housing with other married women. The men are always sidelined and sadly don't seem to feel to have much control over their lives.

I'm seeing one of my good buddies get sacked by his family life. Occasionally we've gone out for a beer, and he just seems exhausted, the same dampened mood all the time, monotone. He seems at once to want to vitalize his life once more, but doesn't have the energy, or has limited options. He's at that stage where he's getting into expensive hobbies and exhausting them quickly. The last time we were at the bar, he cut it off early, and then suddenly left with no emotion on his face. "I have to go now. I have to watch the kids tomorrow."

The last time I invited him to something he bluntly said, without looking at me or changing the tone of his voice at all, "Cant. Kids."

A part of me doesn't believe that this is necessary. Because at the same time, I have another friend who's married and he's still having a blast.

>> No.20270282

Kids are a soul killer if you don't have a solid support network around you and your family like Jesus intended. When I want to go do my own shit with the bros I either leave the runts with my mom aunts or grandma's. Or I take them along if that's an option. That's how I got my girls into fishing. Never pushed it on them they just saw it was something I liked so they liked it too.

>> No.20270328

Good thoughts. I really hate to be a doomer about this kind of stuff, especially about something so essential like having a family. I feel bad for kids with fathers like that. My dad wasn't like that. I think it's also a consequence of our hedonistic generation. They're simply not equipped to accept marriage as anything but a burden. It's not a burden. My dad thrived with his kids, and very much maintained his sense of self. Then again, my parents were boomers and my mother didn't have to work, and we were relatively well off with a single-income. Also there wasn't this bullshit about having to move out of state, away from family, just to get a job. My married buddy is in this situation. Basically he has no support system. I might add that he's somewhat immature though intelligent, something I think most men in our generation can understand.

>> No.20270343

generalize or you will not digest!

>> No.20270361

>see 9/10 cutie walk into the coffee shop
>all dolled up but sad and bored looking
>she proceeds to order 4 different "signature" lattes, complete with latte art and drizzles and matcha power, fruit garnishes
>takes pictures, spends 15 minutes looking at her phone
>leaves without touching any of her drinks
this happened 5 years ago and i still think about it

>> No.20270366

I hear you about the dad thing that shit was important and was something I completely ignored when I was just a young BVLL doing ignorant shit. Once I had kids I realized the most important lessons my dad, who I never really got along with mind you, imparted on me were leading by example. I got into baseball boxing and action sports at a young age not because my parents pushed me but because my dad was the coolest motherfucker on the planet and that was what he was into so I was going to do it too.

>> No.20270380 [DELETED] 

Read Augustine, Seneca, Vasubandhu, Asanga, Tsong-kha-pa, Dōgen, Maimonides, Pascal, Locke, Hume, Kant, J. H. Newman, Carl Schmitt, Walter Benjamin, Iris Murdoch, Susan Sontag, Edith Stein, Gillian Rose, George Steiner, Bruno Latour, Giorgio Agamben, Jean-Luc Marion

>> No.20270426

mabye you should stop

>> No.20270428

Amen and god bless good fathers. My dad wasn't the smartest fella, but he was very affectionate with us. In retrospect I realize what a strong father he was, something I realize children will pay for if they lack. Same about hobbies. He was dedicated to his crafts, and something I learned from him was to work with my hands, be outdoors as much as possible, and value solo time. He was never a bitter person, and neither am I, and I hope I never become bitter. It's crazy to see how much people become their fathers.

>> No.20270473 [DELETED] 

Laundry is racist. Umm. Did someone already make that joke? Probably. I don't know. But I think it was. Probably. I mean about laundry being racist. Because you separate whites and blacks or whatever. Get it? I don't actually know what they say about doing laundry, whether they say you separate whites and blacks, because I don't separate my clothes ever and never had trouble with my white clothes getting stained by black clothes which could be because of the certain type of clothes I purchase. I don't know. Still. I don't know for sure. But, anyway, moving on. Well. Anyways. I don't know. That's all I gotta say. That is for now, anyway. Ta-ta.

>> No.20270493

Seeing is sieving.

>> No.20270614 [DELETED] 
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Thinking is for suckers. Thinking is what you do when you don't know what to do. Think in the morning, act in the afternoon. Dummies like me would live in the perpetual dawn of thought if it meant I didn't have to hit the plow at some point. I don't think my grandfather has had a single thought in his life. He was just slaying pussy and slinging racial slurs and living on cheap credit, and now he's a retired big fat guy with a straw hat. What about that? God bless them, because boomers didn't have to think.

>> No.20270625

Anyone want to see my penis?

>> No.20270630

oh I know that girl I had sex with her

>> No.20270738 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20270745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20270746

She thicc

>> No.20270811

I've spent hundreds of dollars commissioning art if various video game/cartoon girls I find attractive as NFL/college cheerleaders. Their breasts and vaginas are covered as I'm still sort o repressed.

>> No.20270823

Why cheerleaders specifically?

>> No.20270826

I've had a thing for them since I was a kid. They just tap into some primal part of my brain that drives me wild.

>> No.20270829
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>apartment is a mess for months
>disgusting bathroom
>uncleaned kitchen
>clothes everywhere
>no vacuum or mopping
>fast food wrappers and beer cans overflowing on desk
>have zero willpower to clean it up
>even taking out the trash takes all my energy
>faint possibility of a girl coming over suddenly appears
>with zero hesitation, I clean it all up in 90 minutes like a machine
we really are just monkeys whose purpose is sex...

>> No.20270849

You played yourself. Im always amused by how shameless broads are about their living conditions. I took a hot ass girl back to her place and it fucking reeked and when I went to take a piss her dog was locked in the bathroom and he had covered the whole place in shit and piss. Her bedroom was a fucking wasteland.

>> No.20270863

Yeah but we aren't women, we don't have the privilege of living in filth and bringing back men who will still fuck them

>> No.20270883

You would think that but when a woman wants dick her standards become non-existent. Watchu kno bout fucking hoes in a crusty ass futon with sheets that Haven't been washed in months surrounded by cans of Steel Reserve and plastic handles of cheap vodka.

>> No.20270885

You need a gf

>> No.20270934

Why do you think it is that I only feel comfortable being friends with females? online only. The prospect of talking to a male gives me anxiety.

>> No.20270941
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I was OHPing ~200lbs, squatting ~400lbs and deadlifting ~500lbs for reps when I quit lifting. It's been more than a year since I have lifted, but I did go back to the gym this week. I'm weak as fuck. I look like a marshmellow that got left out. But I'm gonna get fit again. I'm gonna get a job as a personal trainer. I like getting paid to hang out with people and talk. I hate trade jobs. I hate office jobs. I'm a loser. Play to your strengths.

>> No.20270946

With no sense of irony, because you're a beta and anything that reminds you of that fact makes you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.20270975

I said online only. I have male friends irl who are genuine chads. They don't make me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.20270978

total beta response. get mogged kid

>> No.20270982

It was a retarded conjecture so I wanted to see how you would handle a curveball.

>> No.20270994
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Go cry to your discord kittens about it you fucking bussy
Another win for the MoggerMan

>> No.20270997

Pretty good article on how to become an intellectual.

>> No.20271003 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't have sex with 11 year olds

>> No.20271111

>real feminism hasn't been tried
Camille pls

>> No.20271131

How is it that scientific claims follow the dominant milieu of the crowd? Like how the scientific distictions between sexes are now more ambiguous after it became politically correct to view them that way.

>> No.20271156

Science isnt a science anymore but rather a political tool.

>> No.20271168

what an awful night. jesus fucking christ. im too nice of a person.
fuck, what a horrible fucking night.


>> No.20271197

i just recently got into reading books. how is the state of this hobby atm

is it better than it was 5/10 years ago? what are the prognosis for the future

>> No.20271217
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Back in the early 00s, it genuinely looked like America could make a multiracial, multicultural society work. Even in the aftermath of 9/11, there was a kind of soft peace made between all the various races, cultures, and religions that make up the United States.

How did it all get so fucked up?

>> No.20271225

Occupy the wallstreet

>> No.20271253

wait a second
i'm actually going to die

>> No.20271265

It was all an illusion, and things were different under the surface.

>> No.20271279

Because no one wants to / is able to fund studies proving blacks are inherently less intelligent due to public outrage.

>> No.20271332

your worship of my manhood is as flattering as it is exhausting

>> No.20271335

mario if he real

>> No.20271373

It so boring being sober.

>> No.20271388


>> No.20271392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20271394

the rule of thumb is you act on the assumption that would create the most interesting situation. if the situation is less interesting than that, then it's pointless either way. treat everyone like they are who you hope they are.

>> No.20271535

It’s not enough to be able to lie with a straight face; anybody with enough gall to raise on a busted flush can do that. The first way to lie artistically is to tell the truth — but not all of it. The second way involves telling the truth, too, but is harder: Tell the exact truth and maybe all of it…but tell it so unconvincingly that your listener is sure you are lying.

>> No.20271554

America's racial situation is still extremely hard to understand for me, and I'm from here. When I figure out how it works I'll write a book about it and let you guys know.

>> No.20271557

America is a social experiment

>> No.20271563

Has it been successful so far?

>> No.20271706

You likely come off as needy and women hate that shit, for some reason. I used to pull and date high quality, like high IQ, upper class, real cute bitches while I was a jobless unwashed degenerate poly-addict, just a complete mess of a man. It was effortless and I had so many options available to the point of it causing stress. Now that I'm clean and take care of myself better in every possible way, it's completely dry out here. I can't even punch downwards successfully, it's been years and I really don't get it. You could try and psychoanalyse women in any number of ways but in the end they're just retarded children. Women are a meme and you should start doing drugs instead

>> No.20271829
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Im fucking enraged all day

>> No.20271833

>Women are a meme and you should start doing drugs instead

>> No.20271839

So, you went from being true to yourself and what you wanted to do—a period in which you successfully dated high quality women—to a more constructed and curated version of yourself, and you wonder why women can suddenly smell the falsity?

>> No.20271843
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>> No.20272017
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Around 2018 I started writing a post-apocalypse story where most people died from a plague. Now I'm worried people will think I'm one of those dipshits that write about whatever is happening as fast as they can. I'm seriously fucked up about this.

>> No.20272024

Well, if you have spent four years writing your subject and it's indistinguishable from dreck shoveled out at light speed, that's your fault, isn't it?

>> No.20272026

You gotta fake it till you make it. If you notice that your thoughts are getting out of control, use a mantra. I changed a lot of my negative behaviors with mantras and medication.

>> No.20272029


>> No.20272052

As someone with BPD, and had a friend with BPD, they can be really, really hard to work with. When you get to know them, it's obvious when they're having a BPD episode, and you can ignore what they're saying to you (if they're getting physical, that's a different story). If they're self-aware, then they'll come back all apologetic, but it is difficult and sometimes it's exhausting.

But like all people, different BPD have different behaviors. Me, for example, I'm just kind of autistic and on occasion I'll have bouts of sheer rage- but I know that I'm being irrational, so I make an effort not to let it affect the way I treat others. I like to think I'm a pretty chill person.

If you really want to try, you could suggest to her that you two have a probationary period, say, a month or two.

>> No.20272056

do you want to be?

>> No.20272058

well, in the sense that there's an insane amount of fascinating data, yes.

>> No.20272075
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thinkin about sex

>> No.20272200

what happened to us?

>> No.20272287
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I get it, I just don't like it. It's like I'm being punished for trying to hold myself to higher ideals. Maybe there really are primordial archetypes that are assigned to each of us by the stars, if you accept it then all goes well, but if you try to switch lanes then the cosmic hand will fuck you up. I just don't know why the universe is in need of drunken fools

>> No.20272295
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>parents keep nagging about how I'm not independent enough (because I'm in their house)
>tell them "ok I'll move out and get a job then"
>they get agitated at me for wanting to leave them
I've been trying to get a job while staying in the same house but it's fucking difficult because they'll need me to do some chore or a favor every other day. My time in life right now feels like a Catch-22.

>> No.20272349

I keep being mean to my gf by night and feeling bad about it by morning

I think I keep hoping she'll banter back and then increasing the banter to unhealthy levels as she doesn't

>> No.20272359

You stopped calling

>> No.20272390

Without resorting to incel tropes, explain to me why it's better being an average woman than an average man. While you could argue that no woman can feel the soul crushing despair of the most depressed men, as an average man, you get to enjoy being way more emotionally stable than the average woman. You don't overthink things, you don't cry over trifles, you don't stress over conforming to social expectations as much, you have substantially more self control, you're less likely to be tormented by jealousy, you don't get too attached to the people you sleep with, you don't feel heartbreak as acutely, etc (again we're talking about the average normie male, not the incel aristocrat of the soul, most men aren't incels). In addition, your sexual value does not go down with age, and if you're not good looking, then you can (theoretically at least) make up for it by being wealthy or having a prestigious job. Women don't have that option, if a woman is not good looking, a thing completely outside her control, then her sexual value plummets precipitously with little to no chance of redemption. As man you can control who to initiate relationships with, unlike women who constantly have to deal with creeps, harassers, douchebags, etc. Explain it to me please.

>> No.20272394

The only people who want to be a woman because it's easier are people who want to remain children with no responsibilities forever, since that's what women basically are. They should also want to be housecats by the same logic. "Women have it easier" was always a minority view of sexless delta males, "women are ruining everything and need to be stopped" is the view of every normal man.

>> No.20272411

To be clear, it's that disdain for your former self and your former activities that is the false part. You aren't being punished for bettering yourself. If anything, you're probably being punished for the attitudes you've probably developed in the process of bettering yourself. Was "high quality" with respect to other people always in your vocabulary? Was it something that spurred your betterment? You're probably complicating the whole thing. In reality, a lot of people will sniff out that judgy attitude. Consider the possibility that the real work begins well after you're clean.

>> No.20272413
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All ideological, political, culture war content, not matter how obscure, ultimately has its telos in a black girl running a youtube reaction channel nodding along and saying "truth" in agreement to funnel viewers to her patreon/onlyfans.

>> No.20272439

>people who want to remain children with no responsibilities forever, since that's what women basically are
All people are like this, for the most part. Women have absolutely no monopoly on this dynamic. This is also an incel trope and an unsubstantiated belief proposed as axiom.

>> No.20272501
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>How is it that scientific claims follow the dominant milieu of the crowd?
basically science become the guide, the light, the new church, so this church will change with the crowd everytime till the point they probably end up with a new more accurate form of empiricism some time in the future... remember that science is a human endeavor and its not beyond humanity, science dont trascend humanity like they actually believe it does.
in one or two hundred years a cocky smartass guy will say "science is dead" and everybody will think that is profound etctc...and time and time again. there is really nothing new under the sun.

>> No.20272504

Very good example of womanly thinking, nice. Now post an example of thinking like an adult.

>> No.20272512
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Science cannot epistemologically justify itself. Science is real, but it relies on more fundamental presuppositions. Scientism is the ridiculous and false belief that science itself is the ultimate worldview, and this leads to terribly false conclusions.

>> No.20272517

I think the fair statement is that women without children know nothing of responsibility. Good women with children know more about responsibility than any man.

>> No.20272976

This website has done nothing but being a huge time sink with no RoI in sight

>> No.20272991

For a long time I've thought that this is the beating heart of the internet
Now it's clear that I've been talking to a bunch of irredeemable losers and faggots

>> No.20273099

I have the opposite problem of her smile. Hers is able to reveal a large portion of her gums, but in my hardest ability to show my teeth without opening my mouth or using my hands, my smile only shows a portion of my teeth with no gums visible, and my natural smile doesn't cause my lips to part.

>> No.20273101

its cloggin my mind

>> No.20273109
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Belgian and Polish women are trying to speak with me on pen pal websites again. They'll be disappointed to find out that my life largely revolves around intoxicating myself with various substances.

>> No.20273120

I mentioned earlier, but I did mean Bipolar Depression and not Borderline Personality. Those two are very different and I get the acronyms confused at times
That said, maybe I'll message her after a month or two and check on her/ see if she feels up to trying again. Won't try to pressure her or force it though

>> No.20273183

What is an object? Everything is made of little things. We call objects the things that are visible to us and the things invisible are the parts of the object, like a hammer which is made of many smaller and smaller things but is called an object ("hammer"). Except everything could be considered smaller parts of a bigger things. The hammer is part of a toolset, the toolset is part of a human civilization, a human civilization is part of a planet, and so on until you reach the universe. Isn't the definition of object then relative to the observer or even the concept of objects based on a social construction?

>> No.20273261

>I'm gonna get a job as a personal trainer. I like getting paid to hang out with people and talk. I hate trade jobs. I hate office jobs. I'm a loser. Play to your strengths.

Rock on brother. Go for it with your full being and never give up.

t. guy who also hates office jobs and love playing sports and teaching so decided to become a coach and get paid to do both

>> No.20273269

No good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.20273464

>Isn't the definition of object then relative to the observer or even the concept of objects based on a social construction?
I think so. the interesting question is if there are previous categories of use. I mean it can be assumed, I think, that humans create objects based on use. So what could be useful: this should dictate what could be an object.

>> No.20273473

this could also imply "higher realities" as lower uses are abandoned.

>> No.20273503

social media

>> No.20273524


>> No.20273532
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This is the problem that arises when one assumes a nominalist paradigm. Then everything becomes nothing but arbitrary collections of elementary particles.
Nominalism is wrong though. When you understand that universal categories are real and literal then the world takes on new meaning that seemed to be lost when you believed in the lie of nominalism.

>> No.20273533

I imagined answering the question in court. No, I do not feel any guilt. I did feel a great feeling in my chest as I said this, I understood that what I was saying was of some real magnitude, that this was a great moment in my life and possibly the lives of others in the room. Something great was shifting, irreversibly, as I was making a choice. But I felt all throughout my chest, through my thought and my being and it was true. I felt no guilt. It may well be I am disturbed, and should it be recommended that I undergo some form of therapy I could be open to this, but I do not feel I did anything wrong the circumstances being what they were, my understanding being what it was. If anything I was very restrained. So it seems.

>> No.20273538

social engineering and psyops

>> No.20273543 [DELETED] 

occupy wall street scared the bejesus out of the ruling class, and it's been all division ever since.

>> No.20273703
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It was the closest thing to "love" I've ever experienced
Imagine driving a nail into her hands while listening to her screams
So blissful

>> No.20273749

There has never been peace. Look up the crime statistics. Nonwhites have been perpetrating a slow holocaust against whites since integration. All that has changed is that white people, who are stupidly trusting and will literally brainwash themselves so hard that they can't even see disproportionate crime statistics but start doing mental gymnastics to excuse the person raping their wife instead, are finally, FINALLY going "perhaps this is a bit strange."

Mostly because this broken astro-turf society is straining so hard that even whites can't avoid looking at the cracks anymore.

>> No.20273795
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She not even checked my message in the three hours she was online, is it over? Or maybe she's just busy and I shouldn't bother her?

>> No.20273822
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She sure is busy

>> No.20273874

I want to cry. Sometimes, I even have the physical feelings of what might happen before you do. Tears well up in my eyes, and there might be a light tightness that well in my chest. Still, it's like I feel nothing. Like the physical aspect of the act is the only thing that exists. I think even if I did manage to cry, I still wouldn't get the catharsis I desire.

>> No.20273991

Never text a girl if she didn't reply the first time. There are two options here: either it's really over, or she's just being a silly girl who doesn't reply to texts. It's very common for girls to do that, god knows why. Just see what happens. If she doesn't text back, just let it go.

>> No.20274026

>she's just being a silly girl who doesn't reply to texts
I mean a girl who doesn't reply to texts on time. Some girls take forever to reply to texts for some reason.

>> No.20274033
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I already know she'll reply, she always do. But if I asked why she ignored me, I fear she'll just say she didn't, as she said one time.
I don't know how to save this friendship. I also don't what to talk with her, all I talk about seems uninteresting to her. It's over...

>> No.20274065 [DELETED] 

this is literally why i've decided to start posting on /lit/ again. i'm not interested in waiting around for two days to get a reply when i can just post my thoughts on here and get a (you) or not in a couple minutes.

>> No.20274072 [DELETED] 

i'd laugh if we're texting the same chick. or maybe some influencer somewhere is telling girls to do this. well, it might be cute at first, but i've known this person for years. when you just met someone it might add mystique or tension, but this long it's just tedious and makes me think i could find someone more responsive to converse with.

>> No.20274266
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Why is Harold bloom such a sloppy fat disheveled fuck? Does he have no self respect? His appearance make me question his judgement in all things.

>> No.20274285

Yesterday I went to a garden with the girl I'm seeing and we ate strawberries in the sun. It was the happiest I've felt in years.

I will have to leave her in the next two months when my time in this part of the world is over. What do I do? It's destroying me

>> No.20274303

4chan brought up in philosophy podcast The Partially Examined Life by guest on the episode about Bruno Latour

>> No.20274318 [DELETED] 

how can people on /lit/ listen to podcasts? either listen to college lectures or audiobooks. listening to amateur comedians cringe their way through a midwit conversation is not a good way to spend your attention.

>> No.20274339

They went to grad school for philosophy and the guest is a professor of English whose primary field is in rhetoric of science and has written papers on Latour.

>> No.20274378

take her with you idiot

>> No.20274407
File: 50 KB, 1794x98, pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, imagine the expressive power of PIE with so many noun and verb forms. imagine if it never split into a thousand languages and we had one language that contained all of western history and philosophy and literature. we would have conquered the universe be now. I fucking hate yahweh for destroying the tower of babel

>> No.20274592

I can't. She is going to do a PhD here (England) and I have to go back to America for work.

>> No.20274872

How do you guys react to the idea that intellectualism is a rejection of life? Is the only sane answer that we should all take the Golden Mean approach, and live a life full of experience which is couched in reason and reflection?

It's easy to write that out and suggest it's what we all ought to do, but the amount of men who genuinely do this is probably around 0.5%

>> No.20274893

I forgot to register for the exam but I still submitted my term paper on time (not knowing that I hadn't registered). Now I messaged my lecturer and I hope we'll be able to find a solution. I can't handle writing yet another term paper for this course with everything else going on. Wish me luck, anons.

>> No.20274931

I've seen this post before.

>> No.20274945

Pretty similar, yeah. I hadn't messaged my lecturer at that point though I did that today. I hoped that the problem would just remain unnoticed and that my grade will just be put into the system without the examination office noticing. But my lecturer is usually very slow with grading and I am pessimistic in general. I couldn't wait any longer and decided that I need to message him now.

>> No.20274991

what in the fuck is the bump limit on /a/

>> No.20275434

Sometimes when I look at late 19th/early 20th century aristocrats and intellectuals it just looks like a larp. Like Darwinism and Humanism and Egalitarianism had won the cultural victory but the old values had yet to be replaced, so everyone was still acting like aristocrats and using their manners and parading their values, but the whole system was about to die and get re-integrated into the rest of society, and people were just trying to ignore it or pretend it wouldn't change everything but it did.

>> No.20275466

I'm kind of taking the opposite route and feel the same way. I went from working and having great daily habits (reading, exercise, creative work) to being unemployed + going out 4 times a week and it's been the same story. Part of it is the fact that I go out (and drink) way more so there's more opportunities but there's also this free and 'unbound' vibe that I give off now which makes girls wet. I think that by becoming less concerned for the future and operating at a more short-term ,reactive state of mind you get closer to women and they like you more but at the same time those same tasks that require patience and the prospect of the future become harder to do or stay motivated in pursuing.

>> No.20275741

what exactly is the most common reason for 'successful' (in terms of status and money) people to be depressed about? Most of my own depression is either related to how much I've failed in all my ventures or paranoia caused by romantic relationships. Are these people just really tired all the time and this stress gets to them or what?

>> No.20275759

Failed relationships
Illness, mental or physical
Friends going away

>> No.20275937

I miss my online friends

>> No.20275952

I always thought there would be money in running a DYEL group class to teach them form on the main barbell lifts. Like, maybe five or so people, but it's probably more lucrative to be a private trainer. Feel free to steal my idea.

>> No.20275965

Late 19th/early 20th century also saw a lot of people that got rich through trades or other kinds of business, so they bought their way into aristocracy, but were genuinely larping and looked quite obvious about it.

>> No.20275975

i want to take a shit

>> No.20276016

I need anorexia. Tired of being fat.

>> No.20276115

this is the bleeding asshole of the internet

>> No.20276130
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I had real, positive and empowered sexual fantasies about someone other than my abuser. I think I may be healing. What a hell of a weird thing to carry around though, but this seems to a huge sign that I could maybe love, romantically and sexually, again.

>> No.20276151

How long ago was that last relationship and what sort of abuse did you experience?

>> No.20276192


>> No.20276276

>she owns and plays a ukulele
>plays cute songs
>has a parakeet
it's over, right

>> No.20276284

Be wary of responding to people like >>20276151. Nonzero chance that the reason he's asking is that he finds abuse sexually stimulating and will jerk off to it. In the extreme, you might encourage the abuse of another.

>> No.20276301

Nope. It's one of the better places, sadly

>> No.20276506
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Just got my glowtype

>> No.20276517

Humans around the age of three years old, because consciousness means the awareness of their own being, and theory of mind would be a huge part of that.

>> No.20276521

>consciousness means the awareness of their own being
How do you define that? By self-awareness? The mirror test?

>> No.20276533

No, beyond the mirror test, I would consider it to involve the ability to recognize traits in the self (and implicitly traits in others) and to exercise change and meta-cognition. It's the difference between being Pavlovian conditioned to associate a reward with a behaviour, and to instead change a behaviour based on reasoning. That indicates that the child is aware of their behaviors, they are aware and able to identify manners and traits in themselves, and perhaps even can go a way to explaining why they do them, even a simple statement like "I like Daffy Duck because he's fast and silly" is hinting at a budding consciousness because more than just recognizing their own face in a mirror, they are able to recognize their own traits, and self-reflect on the cause of those traits. To my understanding that is an intrinsic quality of consciousness which is a hopelessly nebulous and useless word.

>> No.20276678
File: 522 KB, 1378x2039, 97083153(21224026)_らくがきまとめ その10_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slide a knife, her belly yo
Pull it out, she iffy uh

>> No.20276778

God is my ward.

>> No.20276781

>Want to be smart like my old man.
>Google "Hardest fiction book ever"
>Buy Ulysses
>Start reading
>Kind of get lost.
>Hey this Stephen character seems wicked smaht
>I want to be smart too.
>See that Stephen reads a small number of pages from a bunch of different books, simultaneously.
>Look up other hard books
>Buy Being and Time
>Buy something from Guenon
>Buy Gravity's Rainbow
>Read 3 pages of Ulysses, GR, Being and Time, Symbols of Sacred Science each day.
I can feel my brain getting wrinklier.

>> No.20276814

I feel like my brain has been destroyed by visual novels to the point that I can't enjoy anything that doesn't at least somewhat fit into their storytelling conventions.

>> No.20276822

Was at a party the other night. Woke up next morning with bruises and cuts all over my knuckles and a big scab on my head. No memory whatsoever as to how I got them. The thing is I didn't black out. I was very drunk but I remember the rest of the night well and I even remember the journey home. The party was all strangers too so I would feel weird asking them if they know what happened. Strange.

>> No.20276850

When I was younger I would have all these ideas and thoughts and I'd write them down and maybe sometimes share them. These days if I have an interesting thought I tell myself I'll think about it later and then obviously I just forget about it. I should get back into the habit of writing things down. You know I've heard a similar sentiment expressed by other people and often they speculate if it's not related to social media - i.e. twitter etc. makes you write things in short bursts, rather than long-form thought like a blog. I don't use twitter but I guess this website is similar. Maybe it's just getting older. I just set up a neocities account though so I'm thinking I might start blogging more.

>> No.20277046

That's just the feeling of your neurons trying to wriggle themselves free before you fry them.

>> No.20277412

I feel like God has abandoned me.

>> No.20277438

why did this board/thread die over the weekend?

>> No.20277476
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Forgot about my job interview and just missed it

>> No.20277486

Today is my birthday and on days like these I actually realize how alone I am. Besides my family it seems like everyone has forgotten me and moved on with their life. Maybe that's life when you are in your mid twenties. Also suffering from chronic backpain doesn't really improve the situation.
Anyway does anybody maybe know some good recs that are similar to Houellebecq?

>> No.20277497

what was the job?

>> No.20277503

A programming job. There's millions of them so it's nbd but I do have professional standards and am still mortified.

>> No.20277507

Read The Outsider by Colin Wilson, it will give you a whole list of books like it.

Happy Birthday, these are very lonely times and most forms of community have been destroyed. Don't begrudge ordinary people too much for not understanding how to operate outside of the things they no longer have (church, community, extended family), and being confined to the few broken ones they have left (nuclear family if you're lucky, workplace, fair weather friends you "go out" with and forget they exist once you haven't "gone out" with them in a while). That's just how ordinary joes operate. It's a tough time for them too because they don't have the skills to seek out a weird place like 4chan, they just spin their wheels faster and faster within their "going out" sphere of fake work and college friends. The upside to being stuck in that two-dimensional plane with no higher answers on it is that they never have to deal with the stress of trying to get a three-dimensional perspective on what's gone wrong.

Besides, you're never alone as long as you have 4chan.

>> No.20277537
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>> No.20277550

Quality post, ty anon

>> No.20277553

>Chronic backpain
Research back extension or reverse hyper
And McGill big 3

>> No.20277621
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We're on a road to nowhere.

>> No.20277640


>> No.20277701

I don't know what happened, but I hope I don't see you in Valhalla.

>> No.20277997

Yes I hate the loser, degenerate 'alpha' male class but it is not even close to the visceral disgust for the genetic dud losers who make up most of the male pool. I'm sure this is how women see it as well but with more pull toward the degen class and a greater disgust for the dud class.

>> No.20279187


>> No.20280207
File: 44 KB, 480x481, hegel sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Hegel doesnt ever really propose a 'synthesis', especially not as a 'middle' between two opposites. the thesis-antithesis-synthesis thing is something he never spoke of and is kinda a later bastardisation. Hegel's development refers to internal contradictions that develop the thing into a more real and true version of itself. hope this helps

>> No.20281699

That’s handsome guys just getting up in the morning?

>> No.20282725

What women see is the male who has ruined not just his potential but the earth’s
Degeneration can heal at some stages.

>> No.20283478

1. No one has original ideas
2. You can create the facsimile of originality by combining unlikely things, like collonial era African missionaries and 4chan.

>> No.20283514
File: 2.64 MB, 1300x850, 2CF5D8E9-39CE-43C4-9CE1-2437B11AF592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would we be able to understand multi-human entities (such as governments, families, and corporations, the entire fucking world) if we started treating them as singular organisms?

>> No.20285012

Corporations and governments as people, are dangerous sociopathic killers and should be given death sentences.
Doing this to the entities they are frees the humans inside

>> No.20285027

The opposite, Internal Family Systems Therapy/Daemons/Society of Mind/Plato's Republic/Archetypes: you can better understand single human entities by splitting them into separate sub-identities situationally vying for control of their consciousness. Continuing to see Corporations, Governments, and even individual human beings as single wholes obstructs and occludes the complex systemic phenomena that is dictating their behaviour.

>> No.20285070


It's funny how darwinism, humanism, and egalitarianism all make disturbing complements to one another. Something about the liberation of women and normies and the power they've acquired under democracy and mass media.

>> No.20285082


Mario 64 has the best controls, but the level designs can be lacking

>> No.20285090

>the liberation of women and normies and the power they've acquired under democracy and mass media.
Ephemeral and illusory powers, young power-cuck