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/lit/ - Literature

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20265620 No.20265620 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got sum suggestions for "nobody gives a fuck about you but you" books?
I know this isn't exactly egoism; that more Ayn Rand stuff. Just tryna get more thoroughly pilled on the fact that no one can really do much for you but yourself.
Gonna read some Stirner, I've got a decent understanding of the philosophy and the Ego and its Own and stuff but haven't actually sat down and read any of it for myself. Same thing but to an extreme with Nietzsche, which is even less defendable.
Anything else I should look into?

>> No.20265670

It sounds that you're already convinced about it, so why reading more of that stuff instead of books that will actually help you as an individual?

>> No.20265767
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You have come upon the most rational conclusion. It is quite lonely and somewhat depressing the more you think about it. It is like realizing that free will is an incoherent concept. How to attain freedom? How to attain selflessness? It seems impossible. You certainly won’t find the answers reading some philosopher. What is required is a completely new way of thinking, free from the common assumptions of the world. How can you escape egoism? By escaping the ego. How can you stop being a slave to desire? By giving up desire.

>> No.20265777

I think they'll help me as an individual
You're basically right that I'm already convinced, but a lot of that convincing has come from having already held feelings and observations validated by bodies of literature
But I already know what I need to read so Im kinda just rambling

>> No.20265787
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Do I have a writer for you Anon

>> No.20265793
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beat u to it.
but your validation will lead me to pirate pdfs and put them on my e-reader promptly

>> No.20265797
File: 395 KB, 1080x523, forestanon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and atman pilled
but ill do that when I live in a hut in the woods
For now I gotta get there

>> No.20265805

You should read Ecclesiastes

>> No.20265826

based, carry on

>> No.20265857

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is predicated on the idea that the most virtuous man is the "self-lover", maybe start there. It probably is why Ayn Rand liked him so much, although misinterpreted.

>> No.20265860

>I think they'll help me as an individual
How exactly do you think these books are going to help you? Do you subscribe to some kind of virtue ethics independent of material comfort? If not, then you need to appear to be "virtuous" in an ordinary sense

>> No.20265868
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kinda already explained
I generally agree that action trumps contemplation, but Im a zoomer and can barely read for more than an hour at a time anyways
Like i said im just trying to validate what I already know
I will concede that it is a weak mindset

>> No.20265890

Fucking retard doesn't even know about epub