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/lit/ - Literature

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20265010 No.20265010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>writes a long yee yee ass story on how he got no bitches
>becomes national hero

>> No.20265027

Who is this Mexican intellectual?

>> No.20265038
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>yee yee ass

>> No.20265043

Pepe the Frog
Nah its Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. Pepe was one of his alias though.

>> No.20265064

Filipinos are really the worst. Imagine looking like a brown chink and your name is José Alfred Peres. And on top of that you also speak a mongrelized language of english spanish and native. Dude create your own culture ffs or bring the past culture back, dont know, just stop being so pathetic

>> No.20265088

>José Alfred Peres

Nobody goes by Spanish names anymore, have you actually met Filipinos?

>> No.20265091

What is left for them at this point?

>> No.20265097

Im a Spaniard myself so should I adopt a Filipino name? I live in America I could if I want.

>> No.20265099

>t. malay
>t. indog
>t. vietcong
>t. trans thai

>> No.20265125


>> No.20265148

same happened with Giacomo Leopardi. All great national writers are incels.

>> No.20265196

I am a pretty racist white person and I love Filipinos. They just seem like they're "all there" in a way other non-whites aren't. They remind me of Japanese, they are clearly their own thing and very different but they've got a full set of marbles if you give them a chance in life.

>> No.20265201

Rizal lost all his mystique to me once I read about how privileged he actually was compared to other Filipinos at the time and his entire beef with the Friars only started because his family owed money to them and they refused to pay.

He isn't a hero to me anymore, vastly overrated.

>> No.20265215

T. Poorfag.
Im an aristocrat with fiduciary problems and look up to this little Banana Goblin GENIUS

>> No.20265241

His contemporaries like Del Pilar were far more ballsy than that coward manlet.

He also chickened out when the revolution came. I have no idea why we revere him.

>> No.20265248

Someone on /lit/ was in the process of making a Filipino-Spanish literature chart. Any update on that?

>> No.20265666

thirty dollar haircut

>> No.20265676

>bring the past culture back
Has this ever being achieved in the history of humanity?

>> No.20265686

>how privileged he actually was compared to other 'X' at the time and his entire beef with the 'Y' only started because his family owed money to them and they refused to pay.
Many such cases in History...

>> No.20265821

It's me, still in the process of making it, you might see a prototype chart of it next week.

>> No.20266780

to a degree, the jews

>> No.20266781

Thanks. Im an American and this is the only Flip we hear about when we use our expensive 10 seconds of annual alloted world exploring to find out about.

>> No.20266785

India has Dravidian Buddhists monks making a come back right now.

Also Hitler had a pretty good run.

>> No.20266790

>yee yee
why are you talking like a nigger

>> No.20266881
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>I am a pretty racist white person

>> No.20266915

Nice, I'll look for it.

>> No.20266924

for me, it's El Filibusterismo

>> No.20266937

Hey spaniard here, so its gonna be a list of filipino writers who wrote/write in Spanish, if I understood correctly?

In any case lots of luck and cheers with that, always nice to see that kind of work arround.

>> No.20266950
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>Their pioneers wrote mostly in Spanish and now their successors write mostly in English

>> No.20266978

Hey there, it's mostly a beginner guide to Filipino Literature as a whole. There will be writers who may or may not be known but it'll focus on Filipino Hispanic Literature, it's merits, it's beginnings, golden age and then its decline.

If you'd like a list of Filipino writers who have wrote in Spanish, I suggest you look at the Zobel Awards, a discontinued literary award that was given to the best Filipino writer who wrote in Spanish. Some of the names there will be on the list but not all of them since as I said the guide will be an introduction mostly.

>> No.20268178

All they've really managed to achieve is bringing back "Hebrew" as a spoken language. I don't think they'll ever successfully recreate ancient Judaism even if they build a new temple.

>> No.20268208

Is this guy really the best we have to offer? Why don't we have a bigger international push to circulate translations of Filipino/Spanish/English lit written by Filipinos?

>on how he got no bitches
Quite the opposite, the man was a certified fuccboi.

>> No.20268228

We have better writers but none of them moved the nation as much as he did.

>> No.20268322
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>> No.20268426

>topping free pizza
The horror...!

>> No.20269209

Thats a huge deal
They have their own country that speaks it

>> No.20270082


>> No.20270694

>Ar-15 aficionado

At least he's not a ak or HK nigger

>> No.20270831

>j-just bring back the long dead, extinct pre-colonial tribal culture bro!
I’m glad I was never born a Burger.