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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2026383 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there, /lit/.
I've come to you for book recommendations.
I posted this thread a couple minutes before but then saw the thread about recommendation threads and I immediately thought "Oh god, what have I done!" So I've checked that out.
I'll start off by saying that I'm not much of a reader.. at all. I guess I've come out of a phase in my childhood teenage whatever where I would just play video games, get high, jack off and be generally unhappy all the time. Consistently doing mindless things. I remember when I was little, I thought that I wanted a job doing something mindless, just because that was an easy sort of thing. Like a machine on a production line. I've read a few books, because in high school I was forced to. But actually, they were great books that made me think about all sorts of things. Any other books I've started.. well I didn't care to finish. I don't really like happy stories, not to sound like a cynical cunt but I guess I am. Some books just have a certain peculiarity that I just latch on to. The books that I've finished were
-The Catcher in the Rye
-Brave New World
-Fahrenheit 451
That last one being my favourite. It made so much sense to me, I think. Not that I really know shit all about anything.
I don't really have a whole lot of friends, and the ones I do have I'm not particularly inclined to talk to that much (though I do have fun with them). People have said I'm like Holden Caulfield, and I think I agree, somewhat. I need something to fill my time with.

>> No.2026397
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>People have said I'm like Holden Caulfield
Aww here goes.

Anyway, just read some more basic intro stuff like Catch 22, Shoplifitng for American Apparel, Great Gatsby, Go Tell the Mountain etc, etc.

>> No.2026399

For awhile, it was music, so I figured after high school: go to university for music. I ended up dropping out due to a number of reasons, but the main one was that I didn't give a damn about the whole thing. I described being at university to a couple of people as "smashing my head on a table over and over"..

>> No.2026401

I dropped classes because I thought text books were too politically correct. The way they wrote about black people's contributions to music.. It was just disgusting. Take what I just said for what it is. Don't you dare assume that I am racist. Though my girlfriend happens to be. I don't really care about that

>> No.2026409

I really do care about music, and in my years long despair in my god damn basement I dreamed of making music. I didn't really have motivation to do much at all though, really. Not always, but sometimes I play my instruments and I feel like I can make something amazing. That I can make something truely beautiful. Ever since I can remember I've been pretty self concious about sounding like a colossal faggot. The way people can put things, it can really disgust me. Hell, the way I put things sometimes too. I'm not special. I think idealism, individualism and romanticism only really exist in literature, ideas and thoughts. I've thought a lot about suicide, and started discussing suicide on the internet and with certain people. From that I learned that everybody will tell you things so that you will do what they want you to do. I think the world is fucked that way. I fantasize dreams of grandeur.. "The Emperor of Africa" "Going on a Rampage because I have no Hope for Society" to name a few. Not that I've titled them while I was fantasizing about them, but it basically sums them up. That last one, I don't really know enough about much to decide whether there is any hope or not. If you can't tell already, I have a lot of useless thoughts. Most of them, probably.
I figured with this thread, I would just type a little bit, and perhaps some of you would read this, and some books may come to mind. Maybe you could get a sense of well, something anyway. So does anybody have any suggestions? I like the idea of dystopian literature.

>> No.2026414

lol is tat your indie boyfriend

>> No.2026415

Ahahaha wow the narcissism is overwhelming nobody cares kid. Go back to worshipping Sephiroth and explaining to everyone that everyone is like a phony and like evolution and survival of the fittest yada yada emotions are lies!!! XD

>> No.2026418
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>> No.2026422

I've told a few people that my collegiate experience consisted mostly of, "turning in graduate level work for an undergraduate degree."

>> No.2026435
File: 30 KB, 340x340, keleO-340x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having Kele Okereke as your indie boyfriend. if only

>> No.2026441
File: 33 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lq7208owhc1qbuwnmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know who kele okara is but he's not exactly paloma faith you fucking poseur

>> No.2026449
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But Paloma, while adorable, is not the Sov.

>> No.2026453
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filthy dyke whore.

>> No.2026457
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>> No.2026465
File: 78 KB, 484x368, ladysovsad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see, speak, eat or anything with you ever. We are no longer friends. I bid you a good night, and goodbye forever, sir.

>> No.2026471

i don't even know who you are but okay lol

>> No.2026497
File: 120 KB, 351x500, kele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we could have formed a friendship and been crime fighting buddies. You ruined that now. Enjoy knowing you missed the chance to be a crime fighting superhero... I don't know I've lost train of thought. These posts are stupid and I'm stoping.