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/lit/ - Literature

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20263765 No.20263765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading, does it correlate to what you are studying?

>> No.20263915
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Engineerchad here, HONESTLY if you aren't taking STEM you should just kill yourself

>> No.20263920

Does that mean that you stick only to non-fiction books too?

>> No.20263923

Nah I'm reading Dosto rn

>> No.20263925

Excellent choice

>> No.20263932

Based, at least you don't ignore the arts like 99% of engineers

>> No.20263939

I am studying medicine and rereading celine and bulgakov so yes

>> No.20263953

Nothing. I'm a tradie. Work outside for much of the day.

>> No.20263955
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I'm getting an associate's degree in audio recording and sound production.
>inb4 useless
I am aware.

Currently reading Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky, which does not correlate to my program at all. I don't think I've even opened any of my (libgen pdf) textbooks except for my Pro Tools one.

>> No.20263959

>degree in audio recording and sound production.
Sounds pretty cool if you ask me, and Notes is a wonderful work. Hope you like it.

>> No.20263963

I'm currently studying law and hell no I don't read any law books. Shit is boring. I do read philosophy and I'm kinda interested in psychology. I think I might swap my major but I'm afraid of starving to death.

>> No.20263981

>I might swap my major but I'm afraid of starving to death
If you actively dislike law (as opposed to just tolerating it) then you shouldn't pursue a career in it, you're just going to be miserable.
Ever considered a job as a psychologist or psychotherapist? Always seemed interesting to me and I'm sure they get paid well.

>> No.20263997

sounds like a recipe for mediocre results if you loathe it, better study something you like and earns a nice sum of cash too. Psychologists certainly don't earn bad wage.

>> No.20264004

Tradechad here. I’ve never even been near a University and I make $1500/week then spend the rest of my time reading.

>> No.20264010

Got any reading recs that you recently finished?

>> No.20264014

The Origin of Species

No, I’m going to community college to be an IT professional. It’s still fascinating. Crazy how many psueds tried to attach Darwin’s theories to human society (including Marx)

>> No.20264032

Which one? I was considering becoming an electrician for a while

>> No.20264044

Carlyle - The French Revolution
Very comfy after you get used to the style.

>> No.20264048

I like psychology; in the sense that I like to know how people work and why they act the way they do, but I don't like people lmao, I'm selfish. Psychologist are always helping people. That's kind of my issue. Plus it's five more years relying on my parents and going to a shittier college cause I'm at a good college right now but it's expensive and I don't think my parents would want to pay 5 more years of that. I'm fucked

>> No.20264061

Nice, I've been looking at that one recently actually. Might take it to closer consideration.

If things get too bad you could always look abroad for opportunitie where fees are much more lenient.

>> No.20264174

for a while?

>> No.20264199

For a while I was considering becoming an electrician. Reading back I see how that's confusing.

>> No.20264219

sorry engin*er, your field is now oversaturated and a litbro can specialize in the most arcane shit like 17th century afghan oral poets and get a job somewhere

>> No.20264229
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I'm studying business administration but I took a creative writing class this term and I'm loving it (writing has been a hobby of mine for many years). this week I have to read "The Laughing Man" by J. D. Salinger.

>> No.20264236

I studied psychology and it absolutely blackpilled me about the state of the field right now. Most graduates are by far 80IQ white women who would cry before you would if you were to have a therapy session with them. Also a lot of them have an autistic approach to medication and would find it acceptable to prescribe it for the slightest reasons if they could. But mainly they're really stupid. The way they write, the mistakes they make, their strengths and weaknesses, it's like they're ALL engineered to learn by heart and spit it back, but without a human touch or consideration. Person has problem X? It means it's Y as per the playbook. Idk it made me realize the whole thing is a scam

>> No.20264251

Reading ‘On Aggression’ which is a short book describing his theory behind the evolutionary origin of Aggression in animals
>intros basically a fan fiction of him scuba diving lmao

>> No.20264256
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studying psychology and pol science. I really like the content but don't want to be poor. I spend my free time reading fiction. Any advice anons?

>> No.20264268

learn foreign language, make fancy friends, get a consulate job, if you are lucky and American you could get a comfy life in a weak economy country and a dollar salary

>> No.20264304

So how long have you been on HRT?

>> No.20264331

thanks friend

>> No.20264334

Business administration

I am reading some psychoanalysis articles here and there (am down the Lacan rabbit-hole currently), and some romanian books. Started reading Dostoevskij and while I get the appeal, it doesn't click for me.
I am planning to read Deleuze once I have a good grasp of psychoanalysis. Beckett intrigued me as well.

None of this shit has anything to do with running businesses luckily, the curricula is boring as fuck

>> No.20264338

If you have a natural inclination for the Humanities you WILL hate being an engineer, you'll hate your studies, and if you graduate you'll hate your job too. Do not do it, it's not worth the money, take it from me

t. engineer

>> No.20264351

Engineer is only like 1 tier above comp-sci in cringiness.
> Yeah bro, I'm STEM and not some useless fag degree
> oh, so does that mean you're good at math?
> uh...er...no actually, I'm not good at mathematics, I'm just an autist.

>> No.20264359

not that guy, but what would you have studied in retrospect?

>> No.20264378

Honestly if you're not sure, just don't go. You don't have to study. Live with your parents, get a mundane job and do research on careers in your free time. If you think, maybe I want to be a computer engineer? Look up what kind of courses computer engineers take at university. Pirate the textbooks and self-study for a few weeks. You'll find out if you like it or not.

But whatever you do - do not get a mentally taxing job in a discipline you don't like. Don't get a job in something that's going to work you like hell, and leave you with no energy to pursue what you want in your free time. This is what STEM is for a lot of Humanities guys. They think, "I'm smart, I'll just breeze through these classes and learn Latin/read/do whatever in my free time." And it works for a while. Then the classes get harder. They have to study now. They can't focus on both Humanities and their studies, so they have to give up what they love. And so they want to drop out ASAP.

If you do STEM, this is probably what's going to happen to you. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>what would you have studied in retrospect?
I don't know. Hell, maybe philosophy. I envy the guys who did this instead of engineering.

>> No.20264466

I am studying law and I am reading Stoner and slowly progressing through the Bible.

>> No.20264496

The philosophy guys probably envy you though. They can speechify their way into getting mediocre std ridden marxist pussy but at the end of the day people know they are charlatans. They themselves know this on a subconscious level.
You on the other hand can go to college again and get a philosophy degree and it won't be seen as a brainlet cope given that you graduated engineering already.

If I were you I'd go study philosophy in Italy where there are tons of english taught programs, top notch pussy and no student loan jew to fuck you in the ass.
A couple of years' salary and you're set for the entire duration of your bachelors.

And if you realize you don't like philosophy either, you have the luxury of a back-up plan.

>> No.20264573
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Picrel: homotiddies graduating with $200000 loan while I am getting paid to study

>> No.20264584

I voluntarily took up a large loan to attend as a grad student at a much better university.

>> No.20264598

I am probably dropping out soon to be honest. I'm probably smart enough to get the degree, but I absolutely hate physics and circuits and engineering work in general. Might switch the degree to CS, I'm not sure.

>but at the end of the day people know they are charlatans. They themselves know this on a subconscious level.
Well, the thing is, you'll feel like a charlatan in STEM too. There's nothing intellectual about it; you're merely memorizing formulas to do some mundane technical task with minimal thought involved. But it's even worse than blue collar jobs because you're not free to think whatever you want. A man chopping logs or bagging groceries is free to let his mind wander, but if you're in STEM you have to apply your mind. By the time you're done working for the day, you'll be too tired to do anything else. STEM and humanities are basically incompatible.

>> No.20264609
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My uni is in the THE global top 25 for engineering
Problem is everyone is so driven that it's hard for me to catch a breather and actually learn what I find interesting, I'm actually more interested in psychology myself

>> No.20264635
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Based STEMChad, I kneel

>> No.20264636

ask me how I know it's the 25th on that list

>> No.20264649

Majoring in Biology and minoring in Psych, I’m continuing my philosophy reading with some Descartes. I wish I could take philosophy as my minor but I’ve only heard bad things about my uni’s program and psych fits better with biology anyway ;-;

>> No.20264819

I miss being a college student. I got my BS in 2007 and my PhD in 2014. Where does the time go?

>> No.20264829

Reading Barchester Towers; Mathematics.

>> No.20264840

What does this mean?

>> No.20264850

he trades yugioh cards for a living

>> No.20264871

>don't want to starve to death
Law is super competitive in Australia and it's almost bad enough to be a recipe for starving to death. t. Law graduate.
That being said, psychology is a pseudo science and all its practitioners are retards

>> No.20264880

It goes somewhere anon, it goes somewhere.

>> No.20264887

Studying math at uni but I plan to switch to CS
Reading Doctor Zhivago

>> No.20265007

>psychology is a pseudo science
Provably false.
Go watch Sapolsky's behavioural psychology course on the Stanford Youtube channel.

>> No.20265128 [DELETED] 

Mech Eng
I hat it so much
I'm doing engineering and I want to kill myself

>> No.20265136

Mech Eng
I hate it so much. I fucking hate maths, I fucking hate doing equations. Fuck this shit ass degree
I'm doing engineering and I want to kill myself

>> No.20265894

Considering an English degree or a trade. Probably should go for the latter. I think I'm too mentally ill for college. I can never sleep properly when I'm in school. I'm reading Frankenstein, the New Testament, and Anesaki's History of Japanese Religion.

>> No.20265946

>Anesaki's History of Japanese Religion.
Would you recommend this?

>> No.20265960

>I think I'm too mentally ill for college.
If you're thinking this, it's probably best not to go.

>> No.20265980

ha ha haha ha
I went to uni and studied what my parents pushed me into, then failed out. tried a different major, still not what i wanted to do, failed out again. now i'm 27 and live at home with my mom and work a pretty shit jo, i'm 50k in debt and don't have a degree. ahah ha ha fuck

>> No.20265984

It's pretty reasonable to think "Society's not going to pressure me into doing something that's ultimately bad for me... right?"
But it happens anyway

>> No.20265988

>A man chopping logs or bagging groceries is free to let his mind wander
But they're not free to read any books of their choosing, or to truly contemplate anything with their devoted attention. They're not free to learn what they want. In fact most menial low-intellectual-baggage jobs still demand your full attention for hours on end, from retailing during peak hours, to food service. Really, it's the middle class, white collar office workers doing non-mathematically-related jobs who have the free time AND the opportunity to actually pursue their personal hobbies and interests while on the payroll

>> No.20265997

Stanford CS & minor in Econ. Debating a minor in History for fun.
Currently reading Kojève, rereading Plato, and Woolf's To the Lighthouse.

>> No.20266000

>Most menial low intellectual baggage jobs still demand your full attention.
I have absolutely hit the jackpot w my work, but I'm not rolling in the money. I work nights and have downtime from 12a-5a and am literally getting paid to read. Drawbacks are the hours and the fact that I'm only making around 45k. I'm working through Ulysses right now!

>> No.20266011

You're definitely right that the low-effort jobs cluster uniformly in white collar positions, but it also seems like a serious matter of luck to find one, and you'll absolutely need a degree for it unless you have great connections. This is probably the best route for anyone who wants to maximize their free time in life, but getting to one of those jobs will take a bit of dexterity. I've heard that IT for instance has plenty of jobs like this but also many awful ones, it's all chance.

I guess what I wrote really applies to your time in university and your early career, which in STEM takes a lot of mental exertion. If you can get past that hump you're probably fine, but it depends on the field too I guess. Engineering jobs probably never get "lax" the way government jobs or IT or security ones do.

>> No.20266012

I'd recommend it. It's quite easy to read if you are new to the subject, like me. I discovered it from reading the introduction to Edward Seidensticker's The Gossamer Years where Anesaki's History was recommended, among other works.
I think you're right. Trying to accept this hurts, though. I have to learn to live with this disability instead of trying to fight it. I am too powerless.

>> No.20266113

I study engineering, but read many genres. From the classics such as Don Quijote and The Commedy, to fiction like crime novels, and philosophy.

I never understood what is the point of studying literature, philology, philosophy or arts when you can study it by yourself? And compared to those who study these disciplines as career, your creativity and thoughts have not been tainted and limited by school.

As an analogy, you if you take a course you are just sitting in a roller coaster, whereas if you study by yourself you are building the amusement park.

>> No.20266125

If you read archaeological sources/blogs in your free time it’s a quick trip down the schizo rabbit hole that you’ll have a hard time climbing out of compared to someone who is actually attending good lectures held at non-American universities.

>> No.20266153


>> No.20266215


I graduated with a degree with CS and I'm now working for IBM.

I would like to study Philosophy or Literature and go back to school again but I'm 28 now.

Should I?