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/lit/ - Literature

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20257115 No.20257115 [Reply] [Original]

Post 4/20 edition ... I have a nasty headache.

Previous thread: >>20248148

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc Brandon Sanderson

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

>> No.20257128

Thread Question:
Let's say the impossible happens and your work gets discovered. You're the talk of the 'net, a bit hit on Amazon, and everyone wants to know about the mysterious author of this amazing new work. How do you respond? Stay anonymous but continue working? Go completely into hiding and never write again? Give the world the full load of you (and risk losing your fame?) What?

>> No.20257157

I respond to enthusiasm with enthusiasm. If I'm suddenly getting interest from outside parties, I start talking to them big time and sharing their passion. But I stay humble, agreeing that what I do next might not be as good as the last thing I did, but striving for excellence anyways. That's also a great way to springboard your popularity and build a fanbase which will support you.

>> No.20257169

Can you guys help me come up with some bullshit ideas for my paper? I have to write a 10-page paper where I apply Marxist theory to 1984. I can borrow from other theories, but I primarily want to do Marxism. My thesis statement is, "The purpose of this paper is to identify Marxist themes within 1984 such as the power dynamic between the Party and the Proles, and to analyze the small-scale revolution Winston Smith undertakes against Big Brother. However, a Marxist perspective will also be used to explore a lesser-known connection

That thesis is unfinished. I'm doing a 2 sentence thesis statement which I don't think I've ever done, but I think it'll be okay considering what I'm writing about. The teacher WANTS us to apply literary theory to our novel of choice to find an UNKNOWN connection. So basically, I have to find some bullshit unknown connection between 1984 and Marxism, which is super hard to do.

>> No.20257176
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I'd be disgusted with myself for writing something so accessible and normal. I'd take my money and move into a cabin in the woods with no electricity or running water.

>> No.20257187

Just make sure you don't retread "A Confederacy Of Dunces".

A previously UNKNOWN connection between 1984 and Marxism? Ouch. Your teacher is a sadist.

>> No.20257197

You're free to discuss your work, and not discuss yourself.
There are many celebrities that do everything they can to preserve their privacy.

>> No.20257199

Been just writing other stuff while I'm stuck on my novel:

The Hairdresser

Unaccustomed to the shampoo-scrub ritual, preferring the in-and-out Great Clips transaction, the impersonality of it, the averted eyes, twenty bucks and strained conversation. There should probably be an initial questionnaire: Talk or just close your eyes?

In Seoul, I didn’t know any place. Wandered upstairs, the hairdresser eyeing blonde through the glass, shrugging her shoulders. Inside, I showed her a picture as she dragged me over to the shampoo chair, tilted my chin back with her thumb, and draped a cloth over my face. She mocked my Korean and—

There’s a difference between cutting and scrubbing—scissors, razors, brushes: sterile tools wielded by professionals who, careful not to graze the skin, hold hair away by pronged fingers, strands gingerly snipped. Ideal for tin-canned conversation over the best places to live, adjusting knees under an encompassing black bib. But scrubbing…

Scrubbing is for mothers holding down squirming kids in aluminum wash-bins, for clerical absolving and salt-soaked penance—a restorative, intimate violence reserved for lovers, families and the baptismal. So of course I remember her skeletal fingers pushing into my scalp, the provocation of each rotation, the idea that you can fall in love with someone because of their handwriting and how the same must be true for the washing of hair. And then me, limply committed (Ellie, on the futon, gazing into apartments across the railroad)—knowing full well that, if this woman were to pause, to lean down and tell me to leave, I’d be unable.

>> No.20257206

I'll get interviewed by my favorite booktubers of course!

>> No.20257223

I secure a large contract with some big trad publishing house for my next book and I enter negotiations to sell the movie rights for my current big hit. And because of all the dosh I have coming in I hire a publicist and offer a very carefully curated picture of myself to the public. Then I invest in real estate, the market, probably defense contractor stocks they never go down and they pay dividends, and crypto.

>> No.20257229

Have you read or do you have time to read about Lukacs' theory of the novel and the socialist function of realist literature? You could also write about Orwell's peculiar relationship to socialism and communism, and how it informed his depictions of communitarian/totalitarian societies. Here's an interesting post I had to dig up, with a link to an essay by Deutscher:

Here's also a Pynchon essay on Orwell

Another thing that comes to mind if you want to stay internal to the novel and its themes, and just do a Marxist analysis of them as opposed to the novel itself as a product of Orwell the man, is how interpellation into the echelons of the party works in the world of 1984. There is obviously "hard" repression of dissent but there is also "soft" integration. Althusser is most famous for his use of the interpellation concept but he's very hard to read so I recommend "strategically" accessing him with the help of secondary sources.

>> No.20257233
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I’m writing a comic script. Is this entertaining? Do you feel compelled to read / know more.

>page 1

>> No.20257238
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>Page 2

>> No.20257239

This is a comic script. We don't know how anyone sounds. How is the artist/letterer meant to convey this?

>> No.20257248
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Imagine the characters as autistic high schoolers

Mina is the main character

Sofi is barely being introduced

Danny is a Diogenes type of girl who acts like a dog and is homeless and likes to cause trouble around the high school

>> No.20257250

I'm trying to get into erotica. How's this?
Damn, her tits are big, I thought. "I'd like to suck dem titties," I told the alabaster bitch before me.
"I'd like to suck your cock, Tyrone," she said in response. She winked, and I knew I'd get to fuck that bitch.
Then I fucked that bitch. I fucked her titties. I fucked her mouth. I fucked her pussy. I fucked her ass. I even came in her right ear. She was one eager ho. "You're one eager ho," I said.

>> No.20257264

are you being sincere or is this a facetious example?

>> No.20257266

Yes, yes but how is the way this speech sounds to be conveyed?

>> No.20257278

Sofi is nervous and anxious

Mina is excitable

It’s the beginning to the third episode and I don’t know if it’s a strong enough beginning. It has symbolic significance but I didn’t know if it was interesting enough or if should try something else

>> No.20257280

Physically on the fucking page how - HOW - is the text supposed to be conveyed.

>> No.20257285

Yes, I get it that you're telling me WHY they sound like that. You're not telling me how you're going to convey it.
See, comics don't have sound. You can use sound effects to create ambiance but how do you convey a speech sounds robotic and rehearsed?
If it was me, I'd go the Godfather route and show the rehearsing

>> No.20257304

>Do you feel compelled to read / know more.
Dude, why would I?

>> No.20257315
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I don’t understand! What do you mean? Like explains what’s going on? I don’t get it ! And I actually did think exactly of that scene when writing it and the script does begin with Sofi rehearsing and messing it up when she sees Danny

>> No.20257318

Are you the same anon as this?
If so...just stop. You're neither funny nor entertaining.

>> No.20257319

Idk. If you saw a cartoon start like this would you watch it? / be compelled?

>> No.20257327

So just add the rehearsing back in, no biggie.

>> No.20257334
File: 202 KB, 828x1063, 5382D4E8-C187-4857-9DCC-D30944A60293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I see I messed up the first page with an exit I didn’t catch

Here’s the fixed page with more rehearsing like the god father scene

>> No.20257344
File: 1.04 MB, 3024x4032, 9A4FECFC-461A-44E0-B0DF-E31200A59CAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With an edit*
not exit god damniy

>> No.20257347

N-no. That's not me.
And fuck you, faggot.

>> No.20257351

>You're free to discuss your work, and not discuss yourself.
Not these days. You have to sell yourself as much as your product/

>> No.20257352
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x3024, 51EA5296-2DBD-4D4E-918C-48D76EA7D577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I meant to post Sofi I’m sorry mods wrong pic please don’t ban I’m sorry oh god oh fuck

>> No.20257354

I think you need to take your meds

>> No.20257367

>Danny is on her knees rubbing her favorite dog's belly
you just know
more seriously, why are there a bunch of wild dogs on the school grounds, and why does Danny have her own tree?
>mysterious pizza
>autist reading her hello my name is speech
>net trap
I think this story has exceeded any reasonable bounds of le quirky and randumb. Where is the tard wrangler for these children? Was he let go because of budget cuts?

>> No.20257369

Oh darn, your story's "big reveal" is spoiled now. LOL

>> No.20257371
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How to write femal characters?

I have mever talked to a woman outside of work or school by the way if that matters.

>> No.20257377

like man but vagina

>> No.20257391

Do you think it would at least catch the attention of the younger variety of readers?

>> No.20257393
File: 114 KB, 842x639, z3kAGYU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my opening paragraph bad? I feel like I might need to put some in-text citations. I think it's fine, but my teacher is extremely strict.

>> No.20257394

>fuck you faggot
If that's another example of what you bring to the table as a writer...NGMI

>> No.20257410

Start with a man, then take away reason and accountability.
(h/t to Jack Nicholson's character in "As Good As It Gets")

>> No.20257416

Imagine the most twofaced, passive-aggressive person you can. Now remove all rationality, add an unfounded belief in them somehow being "really good at reading people" and in the power of horoscopes. Next remove all sense of personal responsibility and empathy. Add unfounded pride and an ego that is bruised whenever things don't go the way they want. Make them entitled, to the point they are offended when people don't hold the door open for them or when someone doesn't greet them properly.
This person HAS to be the center of attention at all times but lacks anything interesting to say. They also don't have the attention span to listen to anything you might say. They chase quick dopamine rushes.
This is woman. Hear her roar.

>> No.20257447


>> No.20257456

Lurk crystal cafe (female 4chan). You'll get a sense for how women are different and how they're the same.

>> No.20257457

touch grass.

>> No.20257472

You need to be over 18 years old to browse this website, son

>> No.20257491

Are you from Southern California?

>> No.20257530

I mainly write fan fic for established shows, but I started writing a fic which while using someone else's characters doesn't have a big fanbase that would read fanfc. And I'm really enjoying it. Tho I wonder if I'm doing myself a disservice by not converting it into something I KNOW will get a bigger audience.

>> No.20257539

stay anonymous unless it would be more profitable not to.

>> No.20257551
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As we have a flood of new posters I'd like to post some cultural norms of this general as a reminder:

>You MUST ask for approval of any writing ideas before you begin both writing or posting (not just before posting)
>Do NOT edit before posting samples since you'll just have to edit it again anyway
>Don't waste time thanking anyone for their feedback, that time can be better spent on your world building bible
>post from your generic advice resevoir as often as possible, if it's generally applicable it will be generally beneficial
>DO post with the same repetitive avatar image so your personality can come through and help build our sense of community

Let me know if I missed any and thanks for being part of /wg/

>> No.20257572

>Let me know if I missed any and thanks for being part of /wg/
Nobody here writes.
Or reads.

>> No.20257600

I just want to write. Any extra hassle would just get in the way of that, and it would be pretty frustrating if people cared more about my person than my work, so I'd try to stay anonymous.

>> No.20257611

You forgot a couple

>before posting the post asking for permission to post the work that you haven't bothered to edit because editing is something that is an ongoing process so what even is an unedited piece of writing you wrote it therefore it may as well be considered edited, you need to post a post asking if you can ask to think about asking to post the post where you then ask to post your unedited piece of writing
>fanfiction, more like funfiction

>> No.20257656

Create a persona but stay anonymous. I would try to do the same vtubers and corpse husband do. Have a presence online, go to interviews, befriend and meet some people but try as much as possible to stay anonymous.

>> No.20257687

Nobody re- oh, Carry on.

>> No.20257717

Generic users get generic advice.
Actual writers get detailed analyses.
And witty snark is vastly preferable to seething.

>> No.20257731

You guys aren’t just dropping your book into the void right?
Imagine how powerful it would be to have an email list of 10,000 upon book release.

>> No.20257734

Give no interviews, do all communication through an agent who never gives up my name to anyone. It'd be my little secret.

>> No.20257738

I post it to scribble hub so yeah, Into the void.

>> No.20257753

I'll just buy 4chan ads. If it's not good enough to catch on 4chan, it's not good enough to catch anywhere else. I ultimately don't want success if I can reasonably point to all that much more than the quality of my writing.

>> No.20257774

This is setting yourself up for failure.
A cope for when you inevitably do fail so you can point to something else besides the quality of your writing.
Seek healthier coping mechanisms.

>> No.20257789

Meerkaters OUT!

>> No.20257793

Didn't that gardner guy do this?

>> No.20257808

And lost money presumably.
Imagine if you had an email list of 10k
5k open link.
There’s a selection bias, they already like your writing, 1,000 people buy your book.
Imagine how that would jumpstart your sales and really improve your amazon algorithms.
This should hypothetically take less than 2 years of writing to gather this size following, but would improve your visibility comparable to decades of traditional effort.

>> No.20257810

Do I have permission to think about maybe pondering possibly posting something here for critique? I just want to think about it hypothetically. Not do it. That’d be presumptuous of me.

>> No.20257871

You continue to be a moron.
You are not going to become a fucking influencer with your follow4follow Twitter scams and email lists made up entirely of phishing bots.
> And lost money presumably.
Once again, retarded. There are 44 reviews for Call of the Crocodile alone. If Son of the Son guy made money on his advertisements with only 4 reviews than you’d better believe that Gardner, a man who achieved meme status, has made money on his.

>> No.20257937

Nobody sneeds

>> No.20257951

>Son of the Son guy made money

>> No.20257981

I see the moron continues to speak as I’ve surpassed 8,000 followers and even gotten the follows of a few dozen other writers in my sphere.
Don’t be too jealous of my success.

>> No.20258081

>so you can point to something else besides the quality of your writing
What? Did you not understand what I said? I explicitly want my writing to stand on its own. I'd rather fail than have any doubt. It would be a """"cope"""" if I were pretending the odds were anything but against me. My eyes are wide open.

>> No.20258087

You're that reddit guy aren't you?

>> No.20258235

That's interesting...not only are you our seething pseud, but unless you can explain how you know the Son Of The Sun guy made money...you're also the author of that book.
That would certainly be a fine how-do-you-do.

>> No.20258243

He is.

>> No.20258248

>try to write on the computer
>can’t string together a single good looking sentence
>put pen to paper
>writing flows no problem
Is this a common issue for people? I’m such a slow writer with pen and paper but I’m starting to think I’m incapable of using my PC to write

>> No.20258250

it makes sense, doesn't it? it makes sense that the guy who shills so hard for marketing and social media presence and email lists is the one who writes YA-tier garbage and tries real hard to create a presence on r*ddit.

>> No.20258256

Er, no. My marketing sucks.
And don't change the subject...is our seething pseud the author of Son Of The Sun or not?

>> No.20258258

>Is this a common issue for people? I’m such a slow writer with pen and paper but I’m starting to think I’m incapable of using my PC to write
i write using a font i like. i've discovered that it's way easier for me to get a feel for how my prose "looks" when it's rendered in a font that helps ME fall in love with it. in the same way that it's really, really hard to write good-looking prose on 4chan due to the sans-serif font, it's marginally less hard to write good-looking prose when you slap a nice serif font on it during the writing process. TNR makes everything look ugly.

>> No.20258263
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lose some weight

>> No.20258270

Oooh, fat-shaming on 4chan. Won't find too many allies that way.
And, unless you can explain insight into money made, it seems our seething pseud IS the author of Son Of The Sun.
Awfully big for your britches, aren't you.

>> No.20258422

Oooh, being fat on 4chan. Won't find too many girlfriends that way.
And, unless you can explain where the clitoris is, it seems our retard r*dditor IS going to die a virgin.
Disgustingly fat, aren't you.

>> No.20258469

You're certainly our seething pseud.
And, unless you can explain how you know the Son Of The Sun author made money, I have to assume (for the time being) that you're him.
You keep dodging that question.

Dude, WTF?
I was nothing but nice to you.
I bought a copy of your book, read it, pointed out a few typos, and one overall characteristic that could be improved in order to heighten the tension, wrote you a very nice review on Amazon...and this is how you treat me?
How do you justify this? Are you just psychopathic?

Apparently my Google-fu is bad, since I can't find the conversation we had last year, with your epic seething. Can anyone improve on this?
I thought it was odd at the time that the seether mentioned that the Son Of The Sun author had bought ads on 4chan. I mean, who would remember an unknown author? Except the author himself, of course. I dismissed my suspicion because I couldn't believe he would act that way.
This isn't likely to have a positive effect on your public image, such as it is.

>> No.20258478

does anyone have the slightest clue what this retard is talking about? go back to r*ddit. you habitually shit up every thread beyond recognition. i have no clue who or what son of the sun is and i don't give the slightest shit. go away. you are worthless. your writing is worthless. it's just fucking embarrassing that you exist. it's a stain on the craft of writing. you are fat and disgusting and nobody would give the slightest shit about you if you didn't continually clog up entire threads with shitty opinions and spam about social media presence and marketing. you are the living definition of mediocrity in writing. you will never be a real writer.

>> No.20258492

Oh rly?

>If Son of the Son guy made money on his advertisements
You have a short memory.

>> No.20258511

I got your back, anon. Discuss how the Party of 1984, and the Stalinist USSR as a result, treated the workers very poorly which is against the spirit of Marxism.

>> No.20258518

>bitching back and forth about son of the sun
>go to amazon look it up
>24 reviews
I'd say that's an indicator right there it made money, granted I have no idea how much was spent on advertising or cover art. 24 reviews means at least 200 people have read the book. Probably more. Even if they were all kindle unlimited viewers, 200 people reading 275 pages is 55k pages read. At 4 dollars per 1k pages read, equals $220. That's my very conservative estimate. Minus whatever advertising, cover costs, I would still believe it made money.

>> No.20258524

It's an indicator that he had a free-download promotion. I remember it.

>> No.20258545

>spilling all this ink over whether an author managed to make $100 from a task of over +100 hours of labor
Writers are pathetic.

>> No.20258556

>expecting to make gobs of money writing
you're doing it for the wrong reason if you don't enjoy the process or you don't have stories to tell.

>> No.20258560

this. i get that everyone has to make a living, but commercial success is the lowest standard to which an artist can be held. if you want to make money, try bricklaying or surgery.

>> No.20258577

If I had a choice between being an artist, and a professional writer, I'd choose the latter.
Consider Andy Weir, who quit the software industry after selling the movie rights to his debut novel.
Do you suppose he cares if people call him an artist?

>> No.20258596

half finished garbage i might get to later

i swore to god
one day ill decide
to take my fate and mine
somewhere in this grand design
ill found a place to wine and dine
its basic shit for any twit
so why cant i believe in it?
it started at seven
on the fourth of july
as bursts of sparks flew across the sky
nice enough to make you cry
but our barbecue went awry
who thought that day id almost die
like a demons plan, a star from hell
shone bright as diamonds as it fell
a boy looked up, reached out his hand
must have looked like a ticket to fairy land
but there are no fairies, only tales
of chosen ones and dragon scales
hed watched the movies, read the books
bought that shit like fish bite hooks
he tried to grab it, burned his flesh
lost a heart and hand and scarred the rest
it was a six month stay in intensive care
plenty of time to feel despair

>> No.20258602

Most full-time professional writers don't just go into writing full-time from nothing. They write in their spare time, manage to get it published, they get a big break, something they make sells really well and then move into full-time.

>> No.20258625

I completely agree with what you just said.
But that has nothing to do with whether a successful writer would care about being considered an artist.

>> No.20258640

you're the only one who brought up the distinction between artist and successful writer. plenty of unsuccessful writers write complete schlock.
you are putting the reward before the process itself. this is your issue. you should find the process itself enjoyable, whether you only sell one copy or one million.

>> No.20258643
File: 211 KB, 1655x2483, 5A29307C-2288-4A64-B5E8-E0601A2C3389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of have a weird issue that I figured I’d run past some of the writers here and see if there was a solution.

So I’m working on a cartoon and want it to be a slice of life family comedy, but I’m having an issue writing it as I have a bit of a rocky family life and am going through a bit of a dark period in my life at the moment. I don’t want to use that as an excuse not to actually get to work, but I also don’t want to make something nihilistic and depressing just because that’s how I feel at the moment. Is there a good way to get into writing something I currently and not feeling and haven’t experienced?

>> No.20258647
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>But that has nothing to do with whether a successful writer would care about being considered an artist.
what is the point you're trying to make? you are autistically focused on the idea that people who get commercial success at a lower level of artistry just "don't care" that their level of craftsmanship is lower. are you trying to say that all of these genre fiction dreck-shovelers "totally could" write actually-well, but just kind of... choose not to?

i know for a fact that if i managed to luck into success without putting an intense amount of work into it, i would feel like a fucking fraud. i'd probably quit reading entirely if i sold picrel to hollywood, because i wouldn't be able to stomach the shame of comparing what i wrote to something that's actually good.

i would care quite a bit, but maybe that's because i'm not a soulless, materialistic bugman.

>> No.20258655

No, it was this anon that made the distinction:
I was disagreeing with him.

Another case of short-term amnesia.
Still celebrating 4/20, maybe?

>> No.20258663

No. You are the one who brought up the word artist.
He was merely pointing out that becoming a commercially successful writer has a low, low, low probability of success. Being an artist does not mean you'll never be successful, nor does producing the lowest quality shitsmear on the page.

>> No.20258675

I don't think there are many books written about happy families...usually the other kind.
Maybe check out church-related family functions?
Even if they're not really happy, they can still provide the valuable background info you want.

>> No.20258683

The old adage is "write what you know", but you can always know more. Do research, look at other stories that have done similar things, etc.

>> No.20258712
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Hell-Anon here, rapidly approaching first smut scene.

>> No.20258754

>rapidly approaching first smut scene
this is some tortoise and Achilles shit, right here
I do look forward to reading it, anon

>> No.20258764

You can always draw on happy memories of your family life instead of how your life is now. But if you haven't experienced it, this is time for escapist literature to shine. Write some place you'd rather be than where you are.

>> No.20258822
File: 738 KB, 627x1000, A Hero Among Monsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20258835

Did you pull this from RR and are now reposting? How far ahead did you get drafting?

>> No.20258844

That's a nice cover.

>> No.20258848

>Did you pull this from RR and are now reposting? How far ahead did you get drafting?
Yeah. I threw a hissyfit a couple of months back and took it off of RR. I think I got up to chapter 20 over there. I've written the whole book, 37 chapters in total (that's the 2nd draft). I'm revising the chapters as I go, though.

>> No.20258879

>write a romance
>girl basically wants to hop on the guy’s dick right away
it’s what women want, right?

>> No.20258896
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How do I write a woman who has a dark sense of humour without making her cruel or edgy?

>> No.20258902

Fair enough and good luck. I will say posting bi-weekly may be too slow. Also the top says posts a chapter once per week, the synopsis says bi-weekly. Any reason you're choosing scribblehub as your "main" site over RR, just because that's where it used to be and you'd rather avoid it? Any other reason?

>> No.20258912

What is your opinion on fanfic?
Personally I think it's better to just rip the themes and characters that inspired you, but reskin and tweak them and boom, now it's a genuine original work.

>> No.20258918

It has been hard because I had friends that I thought of like family, and they are still good friends, but I found out friends definitely aren’t family. I just don’t want to let my experiences affect my work negatively.
>write what you know
That’s the hard part at the moment. I don’t want to sound like a super downer, but I just haven’t had the best family life for a majority of it. Still, there have been worse, but I want to deliver something genuine and heartfelt and it’s just hard when it isn’t coming from experience.
I think that’s probably the best way to go about it.

>> No.20258921

You should make them have dinner or something first. You should show that the guy is desirable by the car he drives or the clothes he wears or his expensive watch or his nice apartment. Or he does something "manly" like fight a grizzly bear. They should have cocktails and then you should have her hop on his dick right away. You need to make it relatable to that demographic.

>> No.20258931

I don't think I have control over that once a week thing. That's some bullshit stat they pop in there. No reason why it's my lead platform, though, aside from it wasn't RR. I am reposting it to RR, though (lagging by several chapter) as well as Wattpad, mostly out of curiosity.
I have absolutely no readers on Wattpad. Looking at the stats, nobody's even seen it.

>> No.20258944

>What is your opinion on fanfic?
If you try to do it well, it's good practice. And by doing it well, I mean not relying on OCs and self inserts and shit like that. Study the established characters, lore, and rules of the setting and try to produce something that actually fits there. It's a good way to train yourself out of the mentality of "you're the writer, you can do AnYtHiNg!" without diving into world building and all that other stuff.

>> No.20258952

not surprised, there's no discoverability on wattpad at all. it's amazingly bad, actually.
I was just wondering if there was some other reason for scibblehub but the site seems quite functional.

>> No.20258957

I really like the glossary function that it has.

>> No.20259004

This is terrible. It's formatted like a screenplay. Have you read a comic script once in your life?

>> No.20259099
File: 380 KB, 592x823, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me make my garbage less garbage. Are there any good books that can teach me the Tao Lin garbage style jutsu?

>> No.20259104
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part 2

>> No.20259116
File: 99 KB, 595x343, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this sucks but I would really like to improve. This is the type of stuff I'd like to write about in this way I just don't know how to actually get better at it. 2KGGD

>> No.20259207

Hermit mode activated. I'd go full Salinger.

>> No.20259254

Less adverbs.

>> No.20259261

Also, it's kind of a cliche to have your story start with a character waking up.

>> No.20259313

The first paragraph is already pretty bad. If he was truly dying there needs to be more sense of dread.

>> No.20259392

>go on RR forums for some reason
>see thread
>faggot commenter started a fight with author over using the word "sped"
>rates him 0.5 stars
>author asks forums what the fuck
>everyone except like 2 people agrees that it's an "ableist slur"
Jesus fucking christ I regret posting anything on that site more and more every day. Buncha fuckin' speds and faggots.

>> No.20259399

what is ableist slur mean?

>> No.20259408

It means you hurt the feelings of a retard or retard defender on the internet by using a word to describe retards such as retard, sped, mong, etc.

>> No.20259428

It doesn't suck, anon. It's much better than most writing posted here. Just keep at it, fix your grammar and style issues. If you are emulating Tao Lin, you don't even really need to have a "story" per se so I don't know what to advise.

What do you think is wrong with your writing? Why do you call it garbage? Why are you unsatisfied?

Complete a whole short story and repost and we can comment, but this sample in itself has no major problems.

>> No.20259430

i thought sped, was the past tense of speed?

I'm so confused.

>> No.20259434

In some areas of the world, notably parts of England, "sped" is short for "Special Ed" and is basically a synonym of "idiot" or "retard".

>> No.20259443

okay so what do you call students with special needs? special needs students? students with exemplary challenges? exceptional students? none of the terms work. Just use idiot, retard, dumbass, low IQ dumb mother fucker, stupid piece of shit, useless waste of oxygen, or just Liberal.

>> No.20259449

oohhhh i get it. It's like Autism. Where the word gets picked up by the general public and they throw the word thinking they know what it means then completely butcher it so badly we need new combination of letters to label something we already have a label for. Got it.

>> No.20259452

See I'm in favor of that because I think these fucking idiots are retarded, but the fact that retards that flip out over this shit are so ubiquitous on RR is irritating as fuck.
Yeah except in this case you also have autists flipping out over it and hugboxing because apparently calling them autistic is hate speech or something.

>> No.20259467

I post my sockpupper twitter which is just me complaining about blacks and lgbtq.

>> No.20259503

>ableist slur
I've used retard twice so far in my RR story and its going to be used again real soon. I'm glad none of my readers are sensitive retards.

>> No.20259514

the forums are useless its plagued by people who write trash and think light novels are good literature

>> No.20259523

I need to know if this concept alone sounds like a cosmic horror story.
Basically, there was a monster earlier in the story that rampaged around and did some scary shit. A character managed to dispatch it, however. But the real issue was soon to come.
For some reason, electronic devices started projecting this image of this fucking massive silhouette that would pass through buildings and people, with said people almost being locked into a form of trance, during which they'd sleepwalk around and start building inexplicable structures out of random shit they found lying around.
The thing that connects these two events is that the weird signal that drives people to construct stuff is, in turn, influenced by the collective memory of that monster within it's victims. So it eventually takes on a distorted version of that monster's goal.
I wanted it to be weird as fuck

>> No.20259527

Just stay away then? They clearly don't share your POV. If they want to censor or cry about a writers work, fuck em.

>> No.20259529
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How do you know my ex wife?

>> No.20259541

Woketards are confusing. My coworker calls people retarded all the time but got super offended when I said our sexual harassment training was a bunch of fag shit to one of my buddies.

>> No.20259555

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Come back once you've written something.

>> No.20259573

Does it sound remotely creative?

>> No.20259581

i still remember back in 2013 the first time i saw an anti "ableist" sign on my undergrad campus and it was my first taste of woke, i had no idea how insane shit was about to get

>> No.20259596

Day... 15? Of brainstorming a title for my book. I'm reduced to dartboarding ideas and seeing if any combination jumps out at me. This is the last step I need to accomplish before springing for a book cover and starting my campaign.

>> No.20259598

You sure know how to pick them.

>> No.20259602

I mean, _I_ like it.
It has the potential to be as weird as something from H.P. Lovecraft or Harlan Ellison.
But how you execute it will make all the difference.
Make us proud!

>> No.20259610

Oh, I hate that.
I thought I had a book title picked out, then I obsessed over with it for like two weeks, going through a plethora of possibilities.
I ended up picking something that was totally unique, so it wouldn't get confused with any other book, but in retrospect, the title is sort of clumsy.
I hope you do better.

>> No.20259616

Do you just find random Indians to schizophrenically connect me with so you can avoid accepting I’m right?
Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical.

>> No.20259624
File: 5 KB, 229x220, 1644093978475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget
>be as non-specific as possible if you give any critique or advice
>call everything shit but do NOT tell anyone why, and do NOT give pointers on how they can improve it

>> No.20259636

>>You MUST ask for approval of any writing ideas before you begin both writing or posting (not just before posting)
Don't even joke about this. You know it triggers my autism.

>> No.20259648

I posted this like a week or two ago and it was almost unreadable I'm still high though but I revised it and took about about 700 words and rewrote some stuff hopefully it's betterer

>> No.20259661

Sounds about right. I think the forums there were almost as bad as a reddit for writing.

>> No.20259668

Stop double spacing.
>,” he chuckled.
Chuckling is not a way of speaking.
>,” the dwarf smiled
Smiling is not a way of speaking.
>,” Mr. Plumbian puckered
Puckering is not a way of speaking.
Overall, the fantasy element is complete window dressing. There's no purpose to it at all. And it's so generic, too, with races you're just stealing from other books. I don't know why fantasy writers convinced themselves it's okay to rip off other's inventions if many people do it, but it's not really justified to use goblins and elves and dwarves. The original writers came up with their own mythology.

>> No.20259692

Just read the new part, i.e. up to page 49.

This is really well done for a first draft!
And the tension is building smoothly.
I look forward to seeing a glossy-covered paper version in my hands.

>> No.20259693

This is an excerpt from something I'm writing. He's waking up after heavy partying.

Thank you, anon. Tao Lin seems to have a flow that makes small things interesting. There seems to be something so authentic about the degeneracy that it's compelling to read. He's so strange his stories feels surreal even though most of it really did happen.

>> No.20259711

I think you nailed it!
The seething pseud is schizo!
And he keep trying to stalk me with his doxxing.
He's the Seething Schizo Stalking Pseud Chan!
Say THAT five times fast.
Fortunately, he seems to have gone on sabbatical.
I sincerely hope he's not really the Son Of The Sun guy, but the synchronicity is striking.

>> No.20259713

Can you give me some examples and how I could improve them? I do understand I use adverbs too much. I do really like them.

>> No.20259725

I really want to get into writing as a hobby, but I feel like writing requires some practice time get good at. Are there any exercises or beginner steps to get down?

>> No.20259732
File: 29 KB, 451x680, Lb Far2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post the bussy. Don't deny drawing it

>> No.20259753

> Chuckling is not a way of speaking.
Yes it is. The problem is that you’re an idiot, which is why you say retarded shit like the rest of your post.

>> No.20259776

If anyone wants to read what i have so far in my chinaman story, here it is. I did look at earlier critiques and rejected the idea of removing accents. I just felt it didn't fit well with the rest of the story.


>> No.20259794

Just write.
The more you write, the more practice you'll get.
I know of no shortcuts.

>> No.20259813

If genre fiction is about writing a story based on the genre's story structure, where can I find the different genre's story structures?

>> No.20259947

In books that you can read.

>> No.20259987

I read and commented on it last time and it is much improved in terms of clarity but I did find myself spacing out a few paragraphs in because it's not very experiential "showy" where it needs to be. I'm told all these details about this burning or goblins doing things maniacly/people walking confidently but I don't smell acrid fumes of burnt buns left with a layer of char on their bottoms or see the pink cheeks of the helper girl as she dashes about.

I'm not a fan of Brando Sando's writing but check out his writing lecture playlist in OP if you haven't already, could have some helpful ideas for you around description.

>> No.20260253

Everytime I try to write, it turns into a manifesto. How do I stop this?

>> No.20260269

Make more bombs.

>> No.20260272

Nice try FBI, but I'm non-violent.

>> No.20260281

>Boswell was the meerkating pseud all along
I’m not surprised, but I do feel kind of guilty seeing as how this might be partially my fault.
For those new to the thread, Boswell came here a couple months ago to advertise his book. His genius strategy was to pretend to be part of our club with his WAGMI chants before linking us to his Amazon where he had the book listed for $8. He refused to give us a free copy and demanded that we purchase it if we wanted to read it, we didn’t deserve to see his work for free after all. This stance came off as a little weird seeing as how he had just written out three paragraphs thanking us for our support throughout the entire writing process.
Our response, and his public freak out to our response, likely lead him to look into marketing. Being the absolute brainlet that he is, this only brought him to podcasts and follow4follow scams.

Boswell, I’m begging you man, quit it with the meerkating pseudisms. You are not going to be an influencer, you are not going to be a #BOOKTOC superstar, and you are not going to be a YouTuber. I have 4 years of real marketing experience and I can help you actually market your shit if you want but you need to be realistic and you need to stop being a retard in public.

>> No.20260286

This is the guy who talked about following people on twitter to build an "audience" for books?

>> No.20260314

Cant sleep... i gotta keep writing...

>> No.20260368

>1.4k today
>Still can't bring myself to add sex scenes
>Hoping that it not devolving into smut will give it a sliver of autistic integrity

>> No.20260388
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>> No.20260401

>original character
>reader insert character
Which one and why?

>> No.20260423

author self insert character

>> No.20260534
File: 484 KB, 1358x2048, Gene Wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, all my stories are about my self-insert character being drooled over by beautiful women whom he all makes love to at his leisure, how could you tell?

>> No.20260544

The first time I heard the word "triggered" was from a mainstream left-wing friend around 2010. She'd been trying to get anti-war activists to stop showing her photos of dead Palestinian children, during a meeting on whether to condemn the Israeli airstrikes that had killed them, and told the meeting they had to stop because she was getting triggered.

My goal is to be able to write scenes more ridiculous than that.

>> No.20260762

I see what you mean. Thanks, I’ll check out the playlist.

>> No.20260815

Write a manifesto to get it out of your system, and then post it here of course.

>> No.20260923

WTF is meerkatting? Is it a sex act? is this some furry shit?

>> No.20260930

It's depraved and degenerate. Avoid it.

>> No.20260935

Subscribe to my free TouYube (tm) channel to find out, and also gain access to exclusive content, free videos with writing advice, and more! If you whore yourself out like me you can be like me! Like and subscribe today!

>> No.20260941

bro you never watched meerkat manor?

>> No.20260950

How do I really start writing?

My dopamine-fried lizard brain hates sitting down to write, and when I do, it never comes out the way I want it to.

pls halp

>> No.20260967

I hadn't done push ups for a while. Started up again recently, did them even when i really feel up for it. Now it feels weird when i miss them.

>> No.20260974

It seems like you already know the problem and the solution. If the dopamine addiction is that much of a problem then get outside. Work out. Go camping. Buy a gun and fishing pole and subsist on the land for a few months Just spend some time away from video games and the tv. Healthy body healthy mind, that's what I always say.

>> No.20260992

I think the issue is more of perfectionism; I do work out partially because I've shifted the focus from the destination to the journey. With writing, it's much harder to do that.

>> No.20261005

Yiff in hell, furfag!

>> No.20261016

>Buy a gun and fishing pole and subsist on the land for a few months
NTA but I would die in day two if I tried that. Any other way?

>> No.20261038

If I wanted to grift the system and declare myself a tranny for wokepoints, how trans would I have to go? Could I just toss a wig on or would I have to take hormones or would I need to go the full dick inversion?

>> No.20261043

Just become a drag queen. You get woke points and don't need the old chop chop. Do a few reading sessions at libraries in disgusting drag makeup and you're golden.

>> No.20261050

You need to enjoy it.

>> No.20261090

Thank you for making my day... this is exactly what I needed.

Right now I'm splitting hairs. The protagonist is about to work her first "client", and this is an extremely big moment. I only hope I capture it perfectly.

>> No.20261103
File: 21 KB, 337x337, 1639522346476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'it' hurts people?
wow i never knew
is that why you always try to get me to do 'it', just like you?

'it' isn't the same as 'me'
we are not the same
how much longer must we keep playing this game?

'it' hurts people
you're right, 'it' hurt everyone i ever knew
'it' even hurt me, and 'it' hurt you too

'it' hurts people, yes, why don't we think about that one for a second?
i have every right to hate 'it' until the day im fucking dead you stupid, selfish fucking prick.

I'll tell you a quick story
to make 'it' clear for you
about the first time i did 'it'
since you seem so concerned
about the girl i did 'it' with
and how 'it' felt
so "good"

but you don't want to hear 'it'
you never did
so why would i tell you?
you just want to play games with 'it'

but truthfully i have no interest in 'it' anymore
not since you programmed me
like a personal computer
so congrats, i think this works out well for the both of us
and hey, you're both too old for friends
(not that you ever deserved 'em)
and i suspect, just about too old for 'it'

>> No.20261121

What has helped me:
>download a local playlist, and set aside consistent hour of writing time. During thay time disconnect wifi and set a timer - you can only do outlining or drafting
>when not writing listen to lots of writing lectures/podcasts to keep you in that headsspace and develop good concepts in your head
>try different writing approaches and styles
>read for an hour before bed each night - space marines, classic lit, Flashman, anything you find fun
>stop playing FPS and watching TV

>> No.20261280

If you have to be critiqued doesn't that mean you shouldn't have written in the first place?

>> No.20261290

If you have to be critiqued that means your work has affected other people. Distaste is a better emotion to get from readers than apathy, because at least with distaste you know you're getting through to them in some way.

>> No.20261317

>You should produce everything perfectly the first time through.
What? Getting good, actionable critiques is how you improve at anything. It's hardly any different than a powerlifting coach helping someone correct their form. The writer might have very creative ideas and a strong voice, but maybe they're getting in their own way with punctuation or pacing. We can always improve.

>> No.20261365

No, I'm NOT the one talking about marketing, mailing lists, podcasts, follow4follow, and whatnot.
That's someone else.
And, as I have stated MANY times, I posted 40% of my 1st novel in public, for free.
You're simply wrong all around.

>> No.20261396

Would you apply that standard to woodworking?

>> No.20261399

Your posts in this thread make that very hard to believe. Were you smashed last night? Is the Son of the Sun author in the room with us right now?
I can’t think of any other reason you’d be so hyper defensive of the meerkating tard.
>40% of an unedited draft of your book posted to Reddit as thanks for us “helping you every step of the way”
Do you really wanna retread this ground?

>> No.20261407

Of course! You should be blamed for wasting good wood.

>> No.20261449

>very hard to believe
Believe whatever you want. I'm telling the truth.
My subreddit has all of 12 subscribers, so obviously I'm not the meerkat.
What's posted in public is nearly identical to the finished work.
There were just some minor wording changes, mostly to help glue the chapters together.
Which I have ALSO said before.
Again, believe whatever you want, but I'm telling the truth.

>> No.20261482

>Cadence's first day at Vale's Academy for Contractors wasn't what she expected. She, along with 10 other students woke up to find that the academy has been taken over by an unseen force, the town has been encased by gigantic walls, fog covers everything in a thick mist, Rakshasa are on the prowl, and no one will come to save them. Their captors present them with an ultimatum. Put your lives on the line in the various death games for a chance to live another day, or die an untimely death

Would you ever read something like this as cheap fiction?

>> No.20261483
File: 388 KB, 585x380, cd3d7c054110488d9b0aed6ee158330b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so obviously I'm not the meerkat.
Which is exactly what I'd expect you to say if you were the meerkat! You've been ferreted out, you rat!

>> No.20261490

Squid game was a hit, so why not?

>> No.20261519

I'm glad morons like you, and the following, disapprove of me:
If people like this approved of me, I'd figure I was doing something wrong.

>> No.20261550

>Believe whatever you want. I'm telling the truth.
None of this is an explanation for your fit last night. It's just desperate pleading to believe.

>> No.20261559

i fuck children and worship the devil and use google adwords, and i approve of this post

>> No.20261637

And if you don't, hey, it's a first draft!
Sometimes you have to get a few middling drafts out of your system before the right one emerges.
I don't think you'll have that problem, but at least there's a way out.

>> No.20261642

Mario Van Peebles? Is that you?

>> No.20261818

How does you get idea for writting ?

>> No.20261918

Sometimes it's life experience, other times I want to discuss a specific topic and invent characters through which to explore it.

>> No.20261957

Mostly my brain just kind of works down a pathway that leads to an idea sometimes. For example I was recently thinking about a specific trope, tried to think of a concept that could use that trope interestingly, and it sort of spiralled from there.

>> No.20261964

Make a habit of remembering or noting down interesting observations you have, everyone has those daily they're a dime a dozen. They're usually not enough to carry a story on their own but if you actually do make a habit of this they will eventually combine in your head and become something genuinely interesting.

>> No.20262008
File: 1.55 MB, 284x245, duck-victory-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5,200 words added last night!
Not bad for a work night!
Up to 75k words...first-draft total might be 85k.

Previously posted excerpt: >>20203829

>> No.20262019

>having a dark sense of humour
>or any kind of humour
that's the real joke

>> No.20262260

whenever fantasy or the like gets posted I block out the names and other proper nouns to see if it’s attention getting. If this is a pitch try considering generic descriptions.

>> No.20262307

>Yes it is
No, it isn't.

>> No.20262317

If you kids don't stop fighting, I'm gonna turn this car around, and there'll be NO Winnipeg for anyone!

>> No.20262419

Women can be funny, incel. Get over it! What, do you expect MEN to tell jokes about THEIR VAGINAS?

>> No.20263487

Just read some chapters I wrote last year and I'm still cringing. I thought they were pretty good at the time.

>> No.20263498

Post them.

>> No.20263502

They're not in English.

>> No.20263526

What language are they?

>> No.20263922

This is very good, potentially. I would like some more flowery prose, but this better hit more on the argument that communism is racist and how capitalism is non-racist. This story will either be complete utter shit or an incredible historical fiction.

>> No.20264075

Anyone else hate how Frater anslem invades every poetry thread?

>> No.20264090

>turn character into a succubus
>somehow it doesn't devolve into smut
this is called a bait and switch. you do you, but there are certain expectations that you are no doubt aware of. the reality is there are character development opportunities in sex scenes that can be missed with a fade to black. especially in a story with your themes

>> No.20264135

You do know you can filter tripcodes right.

>> No.20264168

Hello, newfag here. I keep coming up with bad stories. Ideas that sound good as a premise in my head, but go nowhere on paper. How do I write a story? What am I missing?

>> No.20264177

We may need more details.
Post some of your "bad" stories and we'll try to figure out your problem.
Caution: we may determine you're an idiot.

>> No.20264189

Well, my stories aren't finished because I realize the story is going nowhere or its lacking conflict. Also my characters don't feel real either.

>> No.20264250

You need to outline the story then. Look at your premise, does any particular conflict potentially arise from it? If not, make the setting one wherein such conflict could arise after the premise kicks off. As for character-writing... I dunno, look at books with characters you think feel real, think about what makes them work for you and what doesn't work about ones you find lacking. Characters don't have to feel 'real', though, they should just feel genuine, because stories aren't real. A flat character who plays a bit part is fine because we don't need any more of them than that bit part, but major and minor characters need more to them. Think of what drives a character, why are they doing what they're doing, what're their relationships with other people, what beliefs and values do they hold, what do they dislike, what do they despise, how do they interact with people they like, how do they interact with people they dislike, things like that.

>> No.20264294

>turn character into a succubus
It sounds like you're referring to my story, but I didn't write the post you responded to lol.

>> No.20264306

>find a perfect song to listen to while I write a dance scene to
>only the first part of the first movement is good
Guess it's another night in silence. Maybe I just need to read those big Russian novels that have dance sequences in them.

>> No.20264328

I'm the guy who gave the long-winded response previously about receptive language and you really improved it a lit with this edit, good going. I'm still not nuts about the bracket system (not sure best alternative so might just be a me thing) and I still noticed some redundant language (e.g. "stout burly man").

But I read all the way through without having to force myself which rarely happens on here so you've definitely got a good flow going.

If you're new just post a 500-1k word sample, it'll be plenty for us I assure you.

>> No.20264366
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I got a 4 star rating for my first review!!!! FUUUUCCCKKKKKKK!!!!

>> No.20264369

That's bad?

>> No.20264374

no, but still feels bad it wasn't a 5 star.

>> No.20264394

A 4 star from a complete stranger isn't that bad. That's an 8 out of 10 and maybe he would have rated it a 9 but there is no option for it.

>> No.20264423
File: 495 KB, 500x386, citizen-kane-clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations! May it be the first of many more!

>> No.20264446

Emilyanon deserves to be rich and famous. Go Emilyanon!

>> No.20264451

Lol wtf is that ms paint cover

>> No.20264462
File: 38 KB, 630x988, road-into-storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unknown authors can't exactly afford cover artists, you know.

>> No.20264481

Thanks anons! Love the positivity!
$0. That's is what with the MS paint cover.

>> No.20264530

Congratulations frend, I really hope for the best for you. Hopefully I will join you someday soon!

>> No.20264575

This gal got BLACKED no seriously she did by the artist and its kino

>> No.20264644

Does anyone have a tip for planning stories?

When I have no outline or goal in mind I inevitably get lost in the writing, but I find that when I outline the story loses its life.

I currently have the picture of the story in my mind. I'm not asking for an exhaustive method, but what are some of the techniques you use to get the picture out into a story?

>> No.20264663

Try to constrain yourself. Presumably you're starting from some sort of premise that kicks off the story, so try to think of an appropriate ending for that story, then think what sort of events should happen between that. It shouldn't necessarily be a straight A-to-B thing, deviation and detours are fine as long as they aren't the absolute bulk of the plot, they're useful for characterisation, fleshing out the world, or simply giving more downtime. Don't plan out each detail, simply plan out checkpoints or milestones of the story, and then try to mentally connect those, see if any other checkpoints would fit between them and note those down too, those are basically the "things you have to hit when writing" (its not immutable but it's a good guide), but keep a lot of empty space to fill in as you write.

>> No.20264689


>> No.20264889

I am going to write a litrpg, any advice? serious replies only

>> No.20264895

Does anyone have the Ernst Junger/Neon Genesis copypasta/screencap? I need it for my files.

>> No.20264935

See, I would recommend the opposite.
I agree with outlining the story; I use a free, open-source outline editor called TreeLine. It's capable of much more than I use it for; I just arrange hierarchies of titles and text.
I then fill it with ideas in the order I come up with them, which is, effectively, completely random. As my ideas fill out, they spawn other ideas, and I add them, and I refactor them as appropriate.
At some point, I have enough related ideas to feel confident I can write something, and I proceed to do so.
But even the skeleton of the story, i.e. the beginning, end, checkpoints, milestones, etc., comes to me randomly, and is assembled as I go.
Sure, there may be more skilled writers that can plan these things. But I'm not one of them. Hopefully that means my advice is applicable to a wider variety of authors.

>> No.20264952
File: 65 KB, 623x632, EB24CEEF-25F4-494D-A04A-339098EAD7A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publishes book into void
>spent 2 years writing it
>didn’t spend 2 years growing an audience
>sell 1 copy a month

>> No.20264957

I can tell you about my approach, but it's predicated under the (non-literary) assumption that the primary purpose of fiction is to simply keep the reader engaged. I call this quality "momentum" but I've also heard it go by other names (e.g John Gardner calls it "profluence"). You can generate momentum in three ways: suspense, contrast and aesthetics. Suspense is when you raise a question in the reader's mind that is not immediately answered. Contrast is the varying the elements of the story (constant stimulus has a soporific effect). Aesthetics is economy and beauty of expression.

Each one of these categories has a handful of associated techniques. When I have an idea for a story, I try to fill in the gaps using the techniques, asking myself how I can generate momentum with what I have. If all I've got is a character, I'll try to brainstorm situations that raise the most interesting questions, or generate the greatest contrast for that character. If I have an ending, I'll think about its opposite or try to frame the ending as the answer to a question I can raise in the beginning. As the story begins to gel, its internal logic will begin suggesting further material: necessary exposition, additional characters, cause and effect etc. Once I've gotten to the point where I have some scenes, I'll flesh them out by again asking how I can generate momentum. Two techniques are particularly helpful for this: dramatic conflict and reversal. The first generates momentum through suspense (character wants something, will he get it or not and how will he get it?) the second through contrast (the reader is led to think one thing will happen, but the opposite happens instead). I try to let the story itself suggest which techniques to use for a particular part. Exposition, for example, is something that usually kills momentum but if you use a technique like dramatic irony (a technique of both contrast and suspense), the momentum is conserved. Likewise for dialog. Once I have a clear idea of what to write, I sit down and write it, allowing myself to modify the outline as needed. The last step is to apply the techniques of aesthetics during revision, first to ensure that there is no point where the momentum is lost as a result of ugly prose and second to elevate the key moments (especially the ending) so that the story continues to engage the reader even after they've finished reading it.

There's twenty or so techniques in all, grouped into the three categories mentioned above. When I'm really stuck I'll just go through them one by one and see if it sparks any ideas. I also pay attention to how other authors generate momentum in their work. Even literary authors are not exempt from the use of these techniques and once you recognize what they're doing it's not very difficult to steal for it to your own work.

>> No.20264971

Thanks, I can attest to the random arrival of ideas. Thus far my method has been to wait until something 'randomly' appears in my head and then clutch on for as long as the words come out of it, and then I wait and just try to hold it all together in my head until the next idea comes. I don't think what you're describing is the real opposite of the other anon's method, though.

For me, I think, the most important thing is patience and reflection and not forcing it to do its thing at the wrong time.

>> No.20264982

That's a pretty nice approach anon. Have you been writing like this for a while or is it a new structure you started recently? I've always written subconsciously toward a "What should logically happen next to generate new conflict" idea, but I've never seen something like this put into words before.

>> No.20264997

>doesn’t have at least a following of 10,000 people when he releases a book.

>> No.20265008

Thanks, that's really helpful and exactly what I was looking for - practicable dramaturgic method

>> No.20265016

The stars open like millions of tiny doors, and into our reality they march - billions strong.

>> No.20265033

Go away Boswell.

>> No.20265056

I just noticed that a lot of my metaphors involve things and nature. I've seen a lot of metaphors in the Western canon involving references to other works in the Western canon like the Divine Comedy. Is incorporating those references now out of fashion?

>> No.20265069

making allusions to timeless things is timeless. why would you think they'd ever be out of fashion?

>> No.20265111

No contemporary poet would name a greek mythic character, for example. That is obviously out of fashion.

>> No.20265120
File: 7 KB, 340x100, not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, pseud.
Wow...you've literally become paranoid.

>> No.20265130

Nice try buddy. Can’t convince people I’m you, the BLACKED connoisseur.

>> No.20265151

Can't blame me. You have the stereotypical BLACKED enthusiast phenotype.

>> No.20265161
File: 985 KB, 480x360, simpsons-milhouse-camouflage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see me all around you?
Am I living rent-free in your head?
You really have a problem. And it has nothing to do with me.

>> No.20265163

Feel free to drop your 5 year old book into the void.
Tell us when you release it so I can watch it fail :)

>> No.20265185

>His unrest issued from him like a wave of sound: and on the tide of flowing music the ark was journeying, trailing her cables of lanterns in her wake.
Alright Joyce, you've got my respect this time. I'm gonna have to write a better metaphor than you. Anyone else get fired up and inspired when they read good shit?

>> No.20265191

If that's true I'd consider that compelling evidence that modern poetry is dead. Asphyxiated on its own flatulence.

>> No.20265224

Good point.
Has this schizo seether ever released anything?
Or even graced us with a sample of his writing?
I don't understand why he even comes here.

>> No.20265231

I don’t think he posts writing advice, samples of his writing, or advice on building an audience related to writing.
Nothing productive.
Only nigger behavior.

>> No.20265239
File: 26 KB, 433x427, 1645242794422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did 10 minutes of writing today

>> No.20265260
File: 203 KB, 1144x1248, 0142 - NPrUBRH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what his motivation is.
And to answer your frequent question, no, I've done nothing to build an audience. I'm not good at that sort of thing.
But I have over 1700 Pepe images!

>> No.20265305
File: 1.30 MB, 326x279, skeleton-shuffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4,200 words added to my novel tonight!
Not bad for a Friday, after an exhausting week!
79k words total so far!
I expect to finish my first draft this weekend!
Then begins the unbounded, tedious process of editing.
Nevertheless, I expect I'll enjoy it.

Previously posted excerpt: >>20203829

>> No.20265483

Ideas and basic plot are easy to come up with. Getting the execution right is the trick.
>I have over 1700 Pepe images!
I fear him.

>> No.20265568

I've been collecting the pieces for a while, but only recently had the flash of insight that connected everything together into a seamless process.

>> No.20265582

thats a bit of a simile desu

>> No.20265589

>dead, Asphyxiated on its own flatulence
perhaps true, but its not from a lack of classical reference. I don't think you know much about poetry.

>> No.20265668

>Aesthetics is economy and beauty of expression
I wonder about 'economy' as a characteristic of good prose. It's used in the simple sense of 'sparing,' but surely it being economic should really imply giving sufficient resource according to need; neither under nor overfunding any given element of the fiction. Obviously, right, but I just think it's much easier to be spare with prose and underfund it all than it is to be lavish where its needed and it still be balanced...

>> No.20265705

is it genre or literary? if it's literary link it here and I'll buy it.

>> No.20265934

>another 1k down
>just hit 160k
>realize i will need about another 40k to finish out all i have planned

>> No.20265976

Split it into 3 at least. I've read Malazan books and even the abomination known as To Green Angel Tower (a single book over 500 000 words) and let me tell you, it's not necessary.

>> No.20266004

Sorry, I meant to trim down adjectives and adverbs.

>>Kevin woke up with a shattering headache from the fantastic combination of withdrawal, and a mild overdose causing respiratory depression.


Kevin woke up with a headache from a combination of withdrawal, and an overdose causing depression.

>> No.20266010

I don't know why people suck Tad Willians' cock so fucking much. His novels are bloated and mid af in the fantasy genre. Lower than mid

>> No.20266058


>> No.20266081

Maybe you're dad didn't beat you enough as a child

>> No.20266085

Tad Williams is important for historical reasons, without him the big fantasy series that are popular now wouldn't exist. He inspired GRRM to write ASOIAF, he created the market that enabled Robert Jordan to get Wheel of Time out there.
That being said he's pretty bland and people should be looking at Stephen Donaldson instead.

>> No.20266092

Good rec on Donaldson. I read lord fouls bane a long time ago. Rape brown cuties.

>> No.20266131

Is this a good place to post a poem I wrote

>> No.20266227


>> No.20266264

who is this? the new resident troon?

>> No.20266483

Don't conflate the numbers going up with actual character development. Examine what the LitRPG elements actually mean in the world (it depends on how you're doing it, admittedly, is it everybody has them because the world's just like that, is it just the protagonist because they're special, is it more the protagonist interfaces with the local non-gamey magic with a game interface) and how society might be affected. Try to do something interesting with the gamey elements, too. They all have quests and titles and classes and levels and stats and everything, put something more niche from games in to see how you could write it out.

>> No.20266501

Similes are bad.

>> No.20266548
File: 103 KB, 410x512, Incoherent rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started writing down a list of all the individual novels I would like to write. Assuming I wrote 1 a year, I'd be 48 years old by the time I finished them all.

>> No.20266561
File: 76 KB, 895x886, 1650407317612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no great aspirations, I just want to write anime fanfics and escapist love stories , but I can't bear the feeling of shame and absurdity everytime I spend more than an hour writing out a fight scene between two cartoons characters with absurd dialogues.
How do you cope with this?

>> No.20266564

Stop feeling shamed. If that's what you wanna write go right ahead. You're self-aware enough to know you're not writing high art, so just indulge.

>> No.20266582

>With a whirl the engine’s sputtering beat upon the eardrums hammering flat the once serene soundscape with indomitable monotony.
Evocative or purply?

>> No.20266584

t. Hater

>> No.20266717

"No adjectives, adverbs, or similes shall pass my lips," chanted the zealot, "for they are the flow killer, the little-death of workmanlike prose that brings purpleness. I will permit them to pass over me and through me. And when they have been deleted I will turn my editorial eye to see a sea of simple sentences. Where the vivid description had gone there will be nothing. Only dialogue will remain."

>> No.20266734

> the little-death of workmanlike prose that brings purpleness
In here the word "that" refers to the workmanlike prose, when it should refer to the little death.

>> No.20266738

Just stop.

>> No.20266750

I stopped and I’m listening.

>> No.20266762

It's you again. Your prose gives you away every time.

>> No.20266773

The last time I posted any prose here was May last year.

>> No.20266787

Seriously? Just read the news. There's enough conflict there to inspire several series.

And if you don't start now, you'll be even older! So get cracking!

Then write them! Post them on WattPad!
You may find you have more "noble" ideas underneath all the anime crap, once you unbury them.
Writing is purgative.

>> No.20266789

Actually, if there’s a guy you ‘recognise’ with that prose could you point me towards his posts so I can see if I have the same pitfalls as him, thanks.

>> No.20266791

>So get cracking!
Hey, I'm already halfway through my daily quota so don't go sassing me.

>> No.20266793

Well then in that case you sound a great bit like one of the ones I see post here regularly who doesn't know how to end and/or punctuate a sentence.

>With a whirl the engine’s sputtering beat upon the eardrums hammering flat the once serene soundscape with indomitable monotony.

I like the use of sputtering here as the subject, but it makes for a clunky read especially the first time through and (in my opinion) isn't very easy on the eyes.

>With a whirl the engine’s sputtering beat upon the eardrums, hammering flat the once-serene soundscape with indomitable monotony.

I have no idea how proper or "correct" my alteration of your original sentence is, but that's how I'd write it personally to separate the ideas a bit. Without any punctuation reading your original sentence it takes me at least one full reread to try to understand how my internal monologue is meant to "speak" this.

>> No.20266824

Thank you, the last time I posted prose someone advised me to break up the sentence too so it’s something I have to watch out for. I thought the drumming imagery throughout the sentence would make it flow well enough in the mind of the reader.

>> No.20266830


>> No.20266839

I sass because I care.

Good answer. Great discussion.

>> No.20266844

The imagery isn't really the problem, it's just the lack of cues you're giving the reader's eye. Again, this is my opinion. I'm not a professional writer and I post in these threads and I think I'm decent, but my advice stems more from what I can intuit and what feels or sounds right to me.

I don't think it helps that "sputtering" and "beat" are being used as the subject and the verb respectively. It's just as easy on a first pass through that sentence to imagine that "sputtering" is actually meant to be describing "beat", right up until "upon" and then I have to do a double take to assess your intentions.

>> No.20266892

I was hoping you could reread it and see how retarded your claim was. Are you that reddit spammed just posting without images now? I see a similar style.

>the descent of the round sun that brings the darkness
Here is another line with the same structure- does "that" refer to the roundness of the sun or the verb "descent" in your expert opinion?

>> No.20266919
File: 84 KB, 500x680, 44f0a0107aa01b6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that sentence is fine. Here, have an image.

>> No.20266930

just don’t like ‘em, simple as. If you’re good you’re good, you can use everything even run-on sentences if that’s the case.

>> No.20266953

How do I write a villain romance without making it abusive?

>> No.20266977

>set for a major conflict to erupt about halfway through the story
>suddenly realize I don't have a first half of a book

>> No.20266980

>Are you that reddit spammed just posting without images now? I see a similar style.
You were actually correct. Good eye.

>> No.20267069

New thread is up