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20259488 No.20259488 [Reply] [Original]

>Is that... the unnamable chaos which lurks behind the veil of the material world? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE HELP ME VILLIERS

>> No.20260026

>Helen Vaughan did well to bind the cord about her neck and die, though the death was horrible. The blackened face, the hideous form upon the bed, changing and melting before your eyes from woman to man, from man to beast, and from beast to worse than beast, all the strange horror that you witness, surprises me but little. What you say the doctor whom you sent for saw and shuddered at I noticed long ago; I knew what I had done the moment the child was born, and when it was scarcely five years old I surprised it, not once or twice but several times with a playmate, you may guess of what kind. It was for me a constant, an incarnate horror, and after a few years I felt I could bear it no more, and I sent Helen Vaughan away. You know now what frightened the boy in the wood.
I don't get it, did she fuck a goat?

>> No.20260037

Who else finds "chaos" to be a banal term after watching one too many Peterson lectures?

>> No.20260120

I'm here to kill chaos.

>> No.20260345

how is it possible to watch one too many?
Your premise seems to be off my good chap.

>> No.20260377

>Is that a person of feminine persuasion with a healthy sexuality not thoroughly repressed by the pointlessly oppressive patriarchal society? OH AAAAAH THE VERY FABRIC OF MY REALITY IS COLLAPSIIIIIING! BY JOVE HELP ME GEORGE!

>> No.20260894

go back to mggg

>> No.20261099
File: 64 KB, 328x500, 61iYQdUI9mL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of more lit with elderlitch monster girls?

>> No.20261264

All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event – in the living act, the undoubted deed – there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask.

>> No.20261403

>healthy sexuality
Every guy she fucked killed himself

>> No.20261523

It's not women's job to act as an emotional support blankets to fragile males, who can't handle a liberated female.

>> No.20262792

This book mogs the shit out of HP Lovecraft, achieves the same tone and atmosphere without the pretentious purple prose.

>> No.20263789

>I don't get it, did she fuck a goat?
How the fuck did you get that

>> No.20264752

I thought she gave birth to a goat baby or something

>> No.20264963

I wrote the shittiest paper on this about 8 years ago. I knew it was shit so I wrote in entirely in the cadence of Rod Serling's narrations just to have fun with it. Watched probably 40 hours or more of the Twilight Zone to get it right.

Got an 80 or 90 something on it. Uni English 1XX is a total joke.