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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 378 KB, 2016x778, 1650573688964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20258173 No.20258173 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20258222
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>> No.20258227
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>> No.20258240

accurate, except for the fact that Part Two will meet your expectations and then some.

>> No.20258246

care to explain that joke, OP?

>> No.20258272
File: 351 KB, 2016x778, 1650575307387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the substance of "the ring and the book" is the author dunking on the persons involved in the murder of an unfaithful woman. a murder which at the time captured the attention of the public.
sometimes these don't have to be 100% accurate, its more about making an inside joke with others who have read the same book as you. take pic related. the "expected" part is very accurate to what actually happens in the book and the "got" section describes something that wasn't the main focus of the book but was in there a little more than you'd expect.

>> No.20258306
File: 450 KB, 1918x748, 1650576139280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with this one.

>> No.20258320
File: 383 KB, 1291x590, L'Etranger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's my favorite.

>> No.20258357
File: 1.36 MB, 1800x973, the castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommended by the way

>> No.20258367


>> No.20258488

for some reason the jannie keeps deleting these on-topic threads

>> No.20258502
File: 1.01 MB, 2700x1403, diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20258672
File: 828 KB, 1291x590, BuddhaHeartSutra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20258681

Oh Sariputra,
The Barneysatvas and the Barneytshka Dinos of all the Barneylands bowed with palms pressed and sat down next to the Barney and said,

>> No.20258730
File: 955 KB, 1291x590, dELIVERANCEofTHEheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20258756

same but with George Bernard Shaw Don Juan in Hell

>> No.20258770 [DELETED] 
File: 752 KB, 1918x748, 1650582364397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck jannies. jannies 100% are trannies. try starting a thread about "when harry became sally" "irreversible damage" or pic related. they delete it faster than they delete porn. it makes sense, the only way to get people to moderate a community for free is if it allows them to exercise an ulterior motive. this is true on other boards as well. you can't talk about any comic that makes trannies look bad.

>> No.20258786

Just finished this and you’re picrel couldn’t be more accurate. The information in that book though could redpill anyone if they have it a chance. “They” really are the problem.

>> No.20258790
File: 967 KB, 1600x602, whatigot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20258791
File: 86 KB, 803x688, laughing pepe well memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple and short to the point
why would I want to read it then?

>> No.20258797

they look bad by simply existing

>> No.20259029

accurate desu

>> No.20259042

I loved this work. I'm glad it was published. I learned a lot of new words from this diary. Love this little nigga so much

>> No.20259045

Kafka's protags always had women fawning over him. Dude was coping mad hard in his writings lmao. Died a virgin and alone.

>> No.20259334

honestly its hard to recommend it to anyone since its just a DENSE list of the names of people and organizations involved pushing this agenda and the exact details of their involvement. it's only useful to people who are unsure of the validity of the transgender movement and open to being convinced OR to domestic terrorists who want to know who to shoot.

>> No.20259344
File: 172 KB, 720x1420, Snapchat-1981187205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20259943
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>> No.20259953

Now you read Part Two.

>> No.20260137

same, really enjoyed some of the details like the townsfolk burning peaty soil instead of firewood or the way he duped the nuns. some of the bits felt a tad like flashman, especially that bit at the very start where they're raiding the inn or later when he kidnaps a jew to be his guide.

>> No.20260462

fugg, it's amazing how much of the book is about calculus, architecture, or Rembrandt when you think it's about Caesar, decadence, or Germanic barbarians invading from the hinterlands. And yet, I can't help but feel forlorn after reading it anyway.

>> No.20260734

>Dude was coping mad hard in his writings lmao.
Why do you think he was self-inserting as his protags? He was torturing them. Are you a moron?

>> No.20260747

Reynolds is not really good. He's ok at his best, and shit at his worst.

>> No.20260813
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>> No.20261058
File: 876 KB, 1380x552, wuthering heights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expectations: pleasently subverted

>> No.20261088
File: 479 KB, 2016x804, lotf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected demons and murder and shit, got The Inherent Darkness of Mankind

>> No.20262171

I love that Berserk is the only fiction I have ever encountered that shows a womyn getting rekt from her high horse mannish position and then forever lives her days as a mad woman. It expresses the popular delusion ephemeral in the spotlight then the intimate ground breaking reality. It almost meta criticizes all fiction for allowing women the fantasy of delusion in their genuine belief because everything genuine is dissimulated. The art of anime heroine rape dissimulation dissimulates her dissimulation.

>> No.20262211
File: 371 KB, 600x602, jesus christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thread. Can we have one thread where you guys aren't like this

>> No.20262219

Kneel femoid. Know your place.

>> No.20262235

where's that metamorphosis one

>> No.20262386


>> No.20262397
File: 128 KB, 1008x389, 6CB9631B-0BBB-4541-BB7B-D1332B2C57AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20262402


>> No.20263241

Someone post the Illiad one for the love of Zeus

>> No.20263325

where is corn?

>> No.20263381


>> No.20263522
File: 180 KB, 1599x600, BDD073C7-9D20-4C6D-A0C2-3BDA1D6A5F37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20263588
File: 1.21 MB, 1918x748, 1650663981954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20263638

But doesn't Casca best a general while on her period? It's the same old Hollywood trope where a woman half a man's size can beat up highly trained warriors.

>> No.20263656

No, he's right. Berserk fans make that manga out to be much deeper than it really is. The whole thing is a pseud-catcher. It's a fun read, for sure. It's not half as deep as most of its fans make it out to be.

>> No.20263660

>what I expected: badass hoplite battles
>what I got: a list of boats, idk i got bored and gave up

>> No.20263675

>domestic terrorists who want to know who to shoot.

I call them freedom fighters

>> No.20263797
File: 144 KB, 1008x389, read_expected_got-phantom_of_the_opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these. Gonna make a few for books I finished this year

>> No.20263810

>murdering people for living how they want to live is FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM
schizo moment

>> No.20263837

Thankfully a brave and well paid Janny deleted the post, so no easily influenced lurkers will be redpilled today!

>> No.20264038
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>> No.20264469
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>> No.20264514
File: 183 KB, 771x804, 1649624174413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was self-inserting as his protags
>He was torturing them.

>> No.20264586

this is an adult board
Miura was a pedo sympathizer btw

>> No.20264608 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 1460x820, page-header (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros. I just read leave society, and I'm worries about our boy. is falling down some sort of qanon rabbit hole?

>> No.20264856


>> No.20264882

Got one for Moby Dick?

>> No.20264931
File: 1.12 MB, 1590x732, the idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20265235

Yes it is that trope but the story gradually dissimulates it down to a woman's worst fears and vulnerabilities no other media will touch outside a Law and Order LAWYER GOOD posturing.

>> No.20265253

Keep praying to the Patron Saint of Singlemom Altar of Cuckoldry and Swindling

>> No.20265327
File: 614 KB, 1800x900, 1Q84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20265354

This is an anime website. If you don't like it, leave.

>> No.20265390
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>> No.20266218
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i don't personally but im sure someone has made one
yeah found that out the hard way. i just wish i could find a book that was as engaging as rama but with a more complete ending. i've never found anything like it. there's very nearly zero interpersonal conflict and the intrigue comes just from the reader wanting to learn more about rama itself. its so satisfying to see the characters just do their fucking jobs instead of getting into romantic squabbles or plotting against eachother for money and fame the way they do in every other book. not to say that clarke is a better author than dostoyevsky or shakespeare but you get a feeling right after you finish that this was a book about adults and most books are about overgrown children.

>> No.20266235

aside from guts every single man in the hawks got killed. the fact that casca couldn't defeat an army of monsters wasn't some kind of anti-feminist statement though personally i agree that that strong womyn shit is annoying.

>> No.20266236

That's pretty apt. Just needs a reference to the ending spergout.
Squarepusher made a reference to this, I think he was saying that it reminded him of the desire to make music, like he was hearing it filtering through a phone line but couldn't quite make it out.

>> No.20266237

No, she gets her shit kicked in while being on her period and only after she's no longer on it is she able to beat him.

>> No.20266240

Have you read any Stanislaw Lem? Eden comes to mind as a similar book to Rama - just a bunch of people trying to figure out a place. Or Solaris.

>> No.20266245

I've been wanting to read Libra. Is it good?

>> No.20266262
File: 196 KB, 1599x720, Underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't like the version I saw in this thread, I feel like it didn't emphasize the buffonish ranting enough

>> No.20266267

i'll check them out, thanks.
i was a tad disappointed because i was hoping for more convoluted schemes and also i'd heard it described here as a "perfect book" at least twice. it wasn't a perfect book but it nailed the feeling of a little peak behind the veil and i feel like the delillo's oswald must be pretty close to the real deal. all the characters felt very human. like they all have bills and as they get older stress has a medical toll on them. makes you understand why someone might get desperate and shoot the president.

>> No.20267216
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>> No.20267231

This. Isles in the Stream is kino

>> No.20268209


>> No.20268280
File: 556 KB, 1592x656, read-expected-got-heartofdarkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20268450

The Idiot is a harem anime?

>> No.20268484
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>> No.20269403


>> No.20269433

How does he compare to Peter F Hamilton?

>> No.20269512

Kek, this has been the whole pandemic desu

>> No.20269523
File: 565 KB, 556x817, r9k starts taking hrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels base their entire self-esteem on what women think of them. Never forget that!

>> No.20269525

both are empty and soulless

>> No.20269540

That was everyone I know one month into the quarantine. I'm pretty sure most of them are still unvaxxed.

>> No.20269547

Not an incel but if you were my gf I would let you bite the tip of my head like ur pic related.

>> No.20269610
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>> No.20269988 [DELETED] 

Kek, I didn't get the fedora vibe (is it referring to how he lies to the widow?) but it was not what I expected.

>> No.20269994

I used spoiler tags.

>> No.20270120
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>> No.20270192
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>> No.20270196

Not a girl but I would definitely not be your bf, for I only date successful chads and not hopeless losers haha

>> No.20270459


>> No.20270483
File: 327 KB, 1834x694, wuthering heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now post the real one

>> No.20270502

Being a hopeless loser has never been an obstacle when trying to get wet cunt.

>> No.20270514

>successful chads
ok I usually steer clear from this genderwar baiting but you just know that women who say this are just a plate being passed around by some old guys who used to do coke

>> No.20270538

Goes for like 90% of hyped up anime and manga

>> No.20270562

>this is an anime website
Why do people always use this retort? Anime sucks and the site has outgrown being a 2ch fork.

>> No.20271010


>> No.20271017

Ouch. Sheesh...

>> No.20271037
File: 609 KB, 1599x627, thoreau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it though

>> No.20271561

You've just convinced me to read this.

>> No.20271744

Love triangle anime with rich crazy girl and tsundere loli

>> No.20271785
File: 537 KB, 1291x590, readexpectedPHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20271842

Did you not know what a Hail Mary was?

>> No.20271937

Kafka was engaged 3 times, was liked by women and went to whorehouses, he definitely did not die a virgin.
You must be retarded

>> No.20271975
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1644413601068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an anime website
You are not welcome

>> No.20272066
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>> No.20272077

stfu kafka apologizer

>> No.20272163
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pretty good though

>> No.20272207
File: 241 KB, 2016x778, huysmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great book, a lot more funnier than its reputation will lead you to believe

>> No.20272291

Keep telling yourself that sweetie
Aww, it's pretending to know what successful men are like.

>> No.20272663

this is falseflaggin

>> No.20272730

Does anyone have the Handmaid's Tale one where What I Got has "tfw no bf tfw no sex""

>> No.20272830

Kafka had many relationships and was a whoremonger. He wasn't a virgin

>> No.20273105

i do now lol, i'm not native english speaker and they kept the same title
maybe that explains why the character is called Grace

>> No.20273117

I thought that was the point he was "torturing" himself

>> No.20273182

what was it?

>> No.20273338

are you pre or post-op?

>> No.20273375 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 525x503, 1644654348373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff always wants to make me vomit
that too but to a lesser degree

>> No.20273382
File: 58 KB, 525x503, 1644654348373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff always make me want to vomit
that too but to a lesser degree

>> No.20273389


>> No.20273449

100% accurate

>> No.20273456
File: 223 KB, 1600x600, demonsdostoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20274002
File: 135 KB, 1281x631, hpmor what I expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it.

>> No.20274643

Demons very much feels like the spark that starts the What you expect.

>> No.20274665

Not welcome
This means you should go

>> No.20274672

Haha, yeah. This is pretty accurate. He seems like a gossip

>> No.20274933

> that starts the What you expect.
I don't understand

>> No.20274962
File: 39 KB, 731x543, 1624894740613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate yudkowsky

>> No.20275293

thoreau was 32 when he wrote that essay

>> No.20275348

So funny. I am an atheist, but the last few years I have been thinking that one of the scariest aspects of atheism is how it destroys artistic judgment. Thank you for this.

>> No.20275414

I hate him too. I'm no Christian but holy fuck does he seem to miss the point. He's a Bugman to end all bugmen.

>> No.20275436

Kek, that ones great.
It’s incredible to me people still want to get with Heathecliffe.

>> No.20275453


>> No.20275671
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>> No.20275686

Even as a joke, this does not work whatsoever. The third pic should just be Hitchens in a my chemical romance outfit or something..

>> No.20275705

needs more incest

>> No.20275761

That's from twelve years ago, come on. Also, he's not wrong that the Bible isn't particularly well-written. People who say that just point to traditional and how it's a pillar of civilization and how much other works reference it, not because it's good but because it was the only omnipresent cultural text that people knew.

>> No.20275984

Meanwhile Scott Alexander writes Torah fanfic
I know who has my vote

>> No.20276023
File: 38 KB, 225x350, 190342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20276125

>needs more incest
Ordering this book immediately

>> No.20276431

absolutely based

>> No.20276557

>I don't understand
Demons foreshadows the communist revolution

>> No.20276590
File: 749 KB, 1367x590, gateway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20276741

Checked and keked

>> No.20277167

kek saved

>> No.20277425

Down to having an edgelord frenemy rival.

>> No.20277708

Kate's bush

>> No.20277731
File: 272 KB, 1291x590, an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20277738

I'm going to start this book in a few weeks

>> No.20277842

Anything shady I should know about as a Catholic getting into Huysmans' work?

>> No.20277927
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>> No.20277985
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>> No.20278098

So you are a tranny!

>> No.20278115

so it was bad?

>> No.20278203

Klaus Schwab made this meme
>not Marcel's Creek

>> No.20278210
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>> No.20278212
File: 1.79 MB, 1918x748, attraction prism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin coaxed me into a snafu

>> No.20278264
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>> No.20278270

No, it was great.

>> No.20278276
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x741, botns-reg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20278697

Yes, don't be such a stick in the mud

>> No.20278707

It's kino

>> No.20278718
File: 83 KB, 655x653, 1630444516674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly bastard

>> No.20278825

Homerun buddy now go back.

>> No.20278864
File: 436 KB, 2016x766, 1650573720900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could had spend the money on another book about the roman republic

>> No.20279784


>> No.20279814
File: 393 KB, 2016x778, 1619043940538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20280193

would love to see Charlie in that position, the preparation for the duel is one of my favorite parts

>> No.20280220

My theory is that Geralt’s palpable sexual tension with Ciri ended up causing his death

>> No.20280233
File: 879 KB, 824x659, Dragon Speak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

age, whether excess or lack therof, does not excuse shit writing unless you're below grade nine reading level.

>> No.20280240

Why did I read this? I get rationally angry whenever I see it

>> No.20280244
File: 374 KB, 2016x778, 1650946785365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20280246

Do another Proust one again again

>> No.20280257
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>> No.20280273

lintraeellylllyy me

>> No.20280287
File: 1.77 MB, 2016x702, manufacturing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately did not know we(US) had had a secret war with Laos, among other things in this book.

>> No.20280293

yeah there was also a plan to deploy nuclear weapons in Vietnam

>> No.20280305

Learning history can be powerful but I feel like knowing too many facts like these will give me mental illness. Shit makes me depressed.

>> No.20280319

Makes me hate the antichrist more every day.

>> No.20280409

He's talking more about Farnese desu

>> No.20280498

>lives her days as a mad woman
admittedly farnese was pretty crazy but i'm still almost certain he meant casca. farnese was only crazy when she was first introduced and then she just stopped being crazy with no explanation. plus she didn't GO crazy FROM trying to fight against men.

>> No.20280502
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>> No.20280514
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>> No.20280566

Wanted to read this but was turned off by the supernatural elements. My hope that it was some sort of sci-fi technology diminished page by page

>> No.20280672

Yes but no author alive would now have the balls to end it the way he did

>> No.20280679

It’s disappointing how much Britain lacks a truly great 19th century political novel. Good thing there are always biographies, but still a shame

>> No.20280684

Funny how the "What I Read" is the least accurate depiction.

>> No.20280781

is it that bad?

>> No.20280870


>> No.20280894


>> No.20280910
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1627756171773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say what you like about Shakespeare, there's no way I could do better in five minutes
this guy makes harry potter fanfics and he thinks he's a better writer than shakespeare.

>if those words had been in the first chapter of Genesis, everyone would think it was great poetry
but it isn't, and nothing that awful exists anywhere in genesis. also how does this pass the "five-minutes test"? he's claiming he could do better, but then he's contradicting himself by saying "people wouldn't notice if this were put in genesis". that doesn't mean it's better, that just means compared to the rest of genesis people can overlook 4 uninspired trash lines

>> No.20280936

I am neither tired of this Earth nor excited for it. I am neither tired nor excited of being caught in the tangle of their feels

>> No.20280951

It unironically is.

>> No.20280952

You get both, the expectation and the get

>> No.20281122
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>> No.20281223
File: 2.04 MB, 2016x772, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20281321

I wish he would have escalated things even more, I think the book ended too early.

>> No.20281379
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>> No.20281386

i wish i was that chick on the right...
...in the abstract

>> No.20281396


>> No.20281406


>> No.20281931

So I should skip Dune entirely

>> No.20281992
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>> No.20282028


>> No.20282233

This is the only bad take on this thread.

>> No.20282245

cope, soiboi

>> No.20282280

Kek I enjoyed it but this is true. More accurate for Hesse's other shit though.

>> No.20282281
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If you think Steppenwolf's message is in any way aligned with the onions agenda you just got filtered embarrassingly hard. Maybe for the next one of these threads you could consider something with some smaller words more appropriate to your level. Pic related

>> No.20282313


>> No.20282359

I couldn't stop imagining the characters in the anime style
No other author does this to me

>> No.20282402

I don't get the last one

>> No.20282432

You can't recommend high quality literature like this to people who got filtered by Steppenwolf of all things.

>> No.20282447

This is really bugging you, isn't it.

>> No.20282455
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>> No.20282477
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I read: retarded nonsense on 4chan
I expected: retarded nonsense on 4chan
I got: retarded nonsense beyond my wildest dreams

>> No.20282506


>> No.20282530

they are both correct

>> No.20282546

Bretty gud

>> No.20282551

aren't we missing caesar and corn?

>> No.20282688

lol'd at this

>> No.20282749

Anon... were you expecting Hesse to have written some DC Werewolf Erotica? This board never fails to deliver

>> No.20282844
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Does anyone have the three from C.S. Lewis's cosmic trilogy?

>> No.20282899

Needs more traveling circus carnies and an androgyne

>> No.20282912

Woops meant for >>20264469.
But still applies

>> No.20283018
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>> No.20283120
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here's a template for future use.

>> No.20283145
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>> No.20283259

I started reading it from start to finish. At the 'what I expected' part where jews are killing a shitload of arabs and other jews.

At what point does it become the 'what I got' part?

>> No.20283309

goddamnit, no fucking goddamnit this book better not be shit i had my hopes up

>> No.20283327

it was both really

>> No.20283353

It is incredibly overrated, but decent enough as far as western sci-fi goes.

>> No.20283365

I’m just memeing. I really liked it

>> No.20283394


>> No.20283417
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>> No.20284479


>> No.20284688
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>> No.20284727

It would be more accurate for something like The Sinister Tradition by O9A

>> No.20284805
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>> No.20284845

Bro you a death metal fan?

>> No.20284870

It just kind of reminded me of a guy in a bar packing heat with a trucker hat on saying "LEMME TELL YA WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD" I felt I was being lectured to, it was enjoyable at least.

>> No.20284882
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>> No.20285137
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bumping up with a classic

>> No.20285427

Ecclesiaties, Psalms, Corinthians

>> No.20286545
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>> No.20287060


>> No.20287265

i want the name of the film in (What I got)

>> No.20287597
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>> No.20287997
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>> No.20288633
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>> No.20288761

fucking kek

>> No.20288825
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>> No.20288835

Your expectations describe the book much more accurately desu

>> No.20288845

Yeah I'm just shitposting, the whole trilogy is great (even CotP) but I still think it's funny how McCarthy includes "he ate the rest of the beans and used a tortilla to wipe up the plate and ate the tortilla and drank the rest of the coffee and told the woman gracias por su hospitalidad and got on his horse and rode off" a dozen times in all of his westerns.

>> No.20288850

You forgot about the bread.

>> No.20289239
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It is probably one of the most misunderstood books I can think of.

Brainlets post /pol/ memes with one quote about "colored races" and they think Spengler is some ebin based race war type and completely miss the point. Spengler wanted to write an epic tone-poem that would be read as such.

>> No.20289273

checked, bumped, and I want to see how anon covered Ransom
I almost made my own for THS (expected 1984, got I Have No Mouth and I Must Seek the Holy Grail)

>> No.20289366

Fuck, now I have to read another one of his books. Is there even another author?

>> No.20289892

any history based on darwinian theory is inevitably libcucked and retarded.

>> No.20290072
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>> No.20290100

both true

>> No.20290128

most of the book is set in Germany. the gambler only goes to Paris to waste money and enjoy life.

>> No.20290161

Kafka pulled pussy no problemo.

>> No.20290186

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

>> No.20290189

You know the name of the painting of the capped man with the big horse and the angel?

>> No.20290194

No, it's more like a reverse Dostoievsky.

>> No.20290202

Tokyo Godfathers

>> No.20290205

Kek accurate. Shreve best character.

>> No.20290218

One of the few, where the movie improves on the original. Raoul is a retarded kid and leaving Erik without real positive characteristics is leaving it a lame duck.

>> No.20290246

trying to le own people on 4chan doesn't work because you are literally posting in the crab bucket

>> No.20290285

The two characters who started everything and ruined everything were French

>> No.20290628

that cover art is doing things to me

>> No.20290688

At least the ending line was good. The book itself was pretty stunningly mediocre.

>> No.20291113

sauce on the jav on the right

>> No.20291255
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Good afternoon, I hate women.

>> No.20291260

You shouldn’t read books. I’m guessing it’s Caddy you hate. Why?

>> No.20291340

Allegory of hubris - Johnny Morant

>> No.20291352

Candace turns the family's decline into a terminal one. Fucks around and tries to entrap a man to take care of the child by deceiving him that it's his. Even though her mother approves of this scheme and even wants to make him pay child support after the divorce, she later refuses to take the money she sends for Quentin's upkeep by burning the checks. Candace also sends her own daughter to the dysfunctional home she grew up and keeps here there even when she has the money to keep her anywhere.
As a result the daughter shares her fate and it is only by chance that she ends up with thousands of dollars and free instead of destitute or imprisoned.
All in all these three female characters are even worse than their male counterparts.

>> No.20291411

Dostoevsky's works as a whole do, Demons is just on that topic so its impossible to miss.
Myshkin in "the Idiot" never made a wrong prophecy, just that the one about the old aristocracy being destroyed if it doesn't get its shit together was fulfilled outside of its pages.

>> No.20291425

Nah. Jason’s clearly the worst. I laugh every time Quentin gets the better of him at the end of the book. He deserves it. Quentin wouldn’t be a bitch if her family was normal. Not her fault. Caddy didn’t like the banker guy, so why should she marry him? To get her dickhead brother a job? Lol. No. Oh, the horror of a teenage girl having sex with a guy she likes! Sex isn’t a big deal.

>> No.20291429

doesn't Jason burn the checks? or manipulate his mother into burning the checks? you might've missed the point completely on this one. also this >>20291425 caddy and quentin don't owe Jason shit.

>> No.20291448

Yeah I didn’t even see how he interpreted the check situation. He was stealing money a mother was sending to her daughter and giving the his mother fake checks to burn. He’s clearly the scumbag of the book

>> No.20291873


>> No.20291896

Would you recommend it? It looks interesting

>> No.20291903

Not him but it's very good.

>> No.20291936

Thanks, I'll check it out :)

>> No.20291938

He didn’t even understand the plot. He isn’t in a position to judge

>> No.20291996


>> No.20293122

Alright nigger I just wanted to go to sleep and not take up space in a thread about to reach the bump limit but it looks like you are going to seethe about something I made in 30 seconds for the next 2 days so might as well argue a bit.
1. Caddy is marrying the banker for the sake of her child. Jason isn't forcing her but he is the one male in the family ok with scamming him because of the promised job. Quentin is against it because of muh honour. It's implied her own father reveals to him that the child isn't his.
> “And you didn’t even see him? You didn’t even try to get him to make any provision for it?” and Father says “No she shall not touch his money not one cent of it” and Mother says “He can be forced to by law. He can prove nothing, unless——Jason Compson,” she says. “Were you fool enough to tell—”
2. This is not about her promiscuity but about trying to entrap another man. In any case the book is set in the early 20th century so sleeping around was a big deal. For her brother Quentin in particular, who killed himself because of it.
3. Yes Jason is manipulating his mother into burning them to steal the money. I don't see how this justifies his mother's actions just as I don't understand how growing up in shitty conditions justifies any of the unsavoury behaviours of the rest of the Compson family. It is not even revealed whether he convinced her to burn the checks at the beginning or she started doing so herself out of pride and he devised his scheme around it, giving her a push whenever she had a moment of doubt.
4. Even without the checks situation Caroline Compson is definitely not a good character but one of the main sources of the family's misfortunes.