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20253812 No.20253812 [Reply] [Original]

>How dare you expect me to show remorse for shooting an Algerian?!
I can't belive I let /lit/ trick me into thinking this book was good.

>> No.20254455

Didn’t he shoot an Arab?
I can’t recall many of the stories particulars, but I remember it being a very nice read. I might go back to it.

>> No.20254483

its fun

>> No.20254492

I read this, then Nausea, and decided that French people are not for me.

>> No.20254715

It's alright. You can get the entire point of the book just by reading the first sentence though.

>> No.20254746 [DELETED] 
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File: The Stranger.jpg (96 KB, 421x614)
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L'Etrager is mid at best Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:21:31 No.20253812▶>>20254455 >>20254483 >>20254492 >>20254715
>How dare you expect me to show remorse for shooting an Algerian?!
I can't belive I let /lit/ trick me into thinking this book was good.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:08:34 No.20254455▶
>>20253812 (OP)
Didn’t he shoot an Arab?
I can’t recall many of the stories particulars, but I remember it being a very nice read. I might go back to it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:17:53 No.20254483▶
>>20253812 (OP)
its fun
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:19:46 No.20254492▶
>>20253812 (OP)
I read this, then Nausea, and decided that French people are not for me.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:31:34 No.20254715▶
>>20253812 (OP)
It's alright. You can get the entire point of the book just by reading the first sentence though.

>> No.20254748

>Didn’t he shoot an Arab?
same difference

yeah but the point of the book is shit

>> No.20254795

You're supposed to read The Myth of Sisyphus first.

>> No.20254799 [DELETED] 
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Cyberpunk Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:30:21 No.20253865▶>>20253919 >>20254186 >>20254247 >>20254510 >>20254794
Currently reading pic related and I want to read all of the best cyberpunk scifi. What are the can't miss cyberpunk books?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:38:49 No.20253913▶>>20253918
i read william gibson last year and enjoyed it, but i don't know of many other cyberpunk authors. The first two sprawl books were bretty good.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:39:55 No.20253918▶>>20253968 >>20254542
Should I start with Neuromancer? How much Gibson did you read? I hear mixed things about his later work.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:39:56 No.20253919▶>>20253923 >>20253950
>>20253865 (OP)
I believe this was written before cyberpunk became a thing.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:41:03 No.20253923▶>>20253947
How do you think something becomes "a thing"
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:44:12 No.20253947▶
It became a thing after necromancer
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:45:01 No.20253950▶
Come on, man I JUST made this thread do you have to be stupid in it already. Please go be stupid somewhere else.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)12:48:14 No.20253968▶
Start with Neuromancer. I read Burning Chrome and the first two Sprawl books. Couldn't get into the third.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)13:37:14 No.20254186▶
>>20253865 (OP)
Has anyone read Altered Carbon?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)13:41:08 No.20254202▶
Cyberpunk is a threat to our democracy since it portrays billionares and corporations (stewards of our democracy, as the NYT has informed me) as evil influences that will lead us to a dystopia. It is also latently transhumanistphobic, androids are Othered hard.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)13:52:14 No.20254247▶>>20254408
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>>20253865 (OP)
>you now realizes the title is partially an analogy to the Anti-Christ
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:27:24 No.20254343▶>>20254375
This book is not cyberpunk.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:41:30 No.20254375▶
Not OP. It’s one of the books that invented the genre it definitely counts. Saying it’s not cyberpunk is just being very autistic.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:47:53 No.20254401▶
Greg Egan
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:50:21 No.20254408▶
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:56:12 No.20254422▶
Dead Girls
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:23:52 No.20254510▶>>20254522 >>20254549
>>20253865 (OP)
Neuromancer is a must and then read Snow Crash becsuse it’s better.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:27:11 No.20254522▶
Snow Crash is Reddit
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:32:28 No.20254542▶
Go ahead, read it. But Philip K. Dick's cyberpunk is very far from Gibson's. If you like Androids but don't like Neuromancer, then just read more PKD.>>20254795

>> No.20254994

>"turns out I was the stranger all along"

What did he mean by this??

>> No.20255005

Arabs are based and trad. Shooting an Arab means you're against conservatism and pro-leftism, tranny faggotry, etc.

>> No.20255917

This French "existentialist" literature is garbage that teenagers eat up, then become unbearable cry baby philosophers

>> No.20255923

Looks much much much better than Camus' fiction

>> No.20255927
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Go read the full version of the Count of Monte Christo if you want French kino instead of some overrated le existentiautismo shit shit. God I want to be as cool as Edmond Dantes.

>> No.20255931

I second this, the "existentialist" garbage isn't the only French literature out there

>> No.20256017

It's a good book.
How can you expect him to care if he just doesn't?

>> No.20256510

Why should I have empathy for someone without empathy? Why should I care about someone righfully demonized for sociopathy?

>> No.20256539

and its absurd at its greatest

>> No.20256542

It’s interesting to glimpse into the perspective of someone who sees things differently.

>> No.20256553

This book sucks though.
>oh boohoohoo I forgive you let's hug instead of fighting to the death
Cuck shit

>> No.20256569

the Plague - 7.5/10
the Stranger - 5/10
the Myth of Sisyphus - not good
the fact that Camus is stated as having said that he learned most of what he knew about ethics from playing soccer rather than from uni - 9/10

>> No.20256571

Lol what? He got the revenge on everyone. The only time he doubted in his right to revenge he saw a sign from God after he went back to his old cell that it's justified, get them all bro.
He killed one guy (make him commit suicide); killed the whole family of the second guy with poison using his wife and make him go crazy; made the third guy go completely bankrupt and left him in the forest naked.

>> No.20256575


>> No.20256618

It's not presented that way, it's presented as Camus' genuine feelings. He is trying to justify the worldview of the main character, and that's retarded becuase the main character is a sociopathic murderer.

If L'etranger were a short story, and written from someone else's perspective - maybe from the perspective of the priest trying to take his confession - then it would be a nice read, and an interesting perspective into the mind of the mad. As it is, it's just a long lecture into why emotions are spooks.

>> No.20256623


>> No.20256627

>from the perspective of the priest trying to take his confession - then it would be a nice read
That'd be a great book.

>> No.20256644

At best. Calling it mid is generous, and calling it shit is more accurate.

>> No.20256664

Maybe because you might then understand that not everybody is a self-righteous normalfag that shares whatever cares you have. It's funny how you're acting exactly like the audience at the trial - the reasonable justification for condemning Mersault (shooting the Arab) is less important than how he challenges your own assumption of a universal morality.
I really hope you're religious, because otherwise you're just insufferable.

>> No.20256676

I’m not Camus do the book still functions as a look into someone else’s perspective even if it’s reflective of Camus’ genuine feelings. I’m not sure how your post is a retort to mine.

>> No.20256679
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Your opinions are incorrect and I will not be entertaining them