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/lit/ - Literature

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20253998 No.20253998 [Reply] [Original]

How do i increase my girlfriends intellect or get her to read better books? She enjoys reading but mostly reads shlock. any tips?

>> No.20254012

Don't. If anything, support her: ask her what she's reading and how much she's enjoying it every once in awhile. Don't encourage her bad reading habits necessarily, but act interested. And NEVER, EVER try to discuss what you are reading with her, never bring it up unless she specifically asks you, and even then, mention it offhandedly and very vaguely.

>> No.20254017

I wouldn't try to change it. Be grateful she's reading something

>> No.20254021

You change girlfriends, its the only solution anon. Women simply do not desire to be more intelligent like men do.

>> No.20254026

Have her read 1984 it’s the best book

>> No.20254038

Thank you anon i think i get what you're getting at interesting psychological tactic

>> No.20254043


>> No.20254046


>> No.20254069

>get her to read better books
First you should elaborate on what "better" means by naming 5 "better" books.

>> No.20254073

this. why waste energy trying to turn shit into gold? just find the gold

>> No.20254082

Dont try to get people to read something. I lent someone anna karenina once and the person got filtered by page 75 in the book and then read an entire other book but still put on a front like they were reading my book. Then they got defensive when i suggested that they got filtered

>> No.20254095

Women as a whole read 1984 as "omg they had sex in the forest to get back at the mean people hehe". 99% of women will read The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism like it's Latin. Sure, they can sound it out in their head and "read" the words but if you think they can form them into their paragraphs and understand what is being communicated then I don't know what the fuck to tell you.
Orwell was unironically spot on in his writing of Julia as a representation of the feminine approach to politics.

>> No.20254106

I mean anon if you are speaking to someone with no interest in literature you should obviously just get them to read the most normie shit ever. You are autistic if you try to reccomend anything that isnt complete normie tier.

>> No.20254120

you can't ask her to sacrifice her time if you're not willing to sacrifice yours
offer to read something she likes in exchange, and if you can't say anything positive about it then don't expect her to offer that courtesy

>> No.20254122

Unfortunately, this anon is correct. Women do not like being told what to do, and they will know if you are trying to. Think of your girlfriend as an unruly dog. You must be careful not to scare her with forceful suggestions or requests. Positive reinforcement is the only way to change their behavior.

>> No.20254132

Say that In academia spaces and you’ll be canceled

>> No.20254137

Tell her that you leave if she doesn't finish your favourite book, if she loves you she'll understand

>> No.20254149

>Orwell was unironically spot on in his writing of Julia as a representation of the feminine approach to politics.
Couldn't have put it better myself anon.

>> No.20254153

Lots of well-adjusted people in this thread

>> No.20254160
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>> No.20254170
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>Women do not like being told what to do

>> No.20254203

This is true though, name one good woman author

>> No.20254236

This anon is NOT a virgin. Actual good advice and insight into the fem*id “mind”.

>> No.20254239

Anzia Yezierska
Nella Larsen
Nathalie Sarraute
Virginia Woolf
Marguerite Duras
Djuna Barnes

>> No.20254246

He said one you fucking retard

>> No.20254249

lol ask me how I know you're a massive autist

You can't, you might as well be asking her to be someone she's not. You either accept a person for who they are or who they aren't in your case, or you move on and find someone you're more compatible with

>> No.20254278

They don't like being told what to do by a simp. Why do you think they fuck "Chads"?
Because Chad is more likely to make a decision even if they argue, which is loads better than "I don't know, what do you want to do?"

>> No.20254281

Massive cope.

>> No.20254282

You're probably right.

Another anon said this as well.

>> No.20254290
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Why would you make your gf more masculine? Are you gay? Women only carry aesthetic value, don't expect anything ethical to come out of them. Even in their religious pursuits they act like dogs blindly following commands instead of forming their own spiritual worldview.

>> No.20254301
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>> No.20254306

This. A trans /lit/gf is the final redpill

>> No.20254310


>> No.20254329
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Have no idea why you'd want that. Just try to understand why she likes said books and see if u can find common ground

>> No.20254396

Yes, they really like it when you tell them they just have to read infinite jest... this is the thing they love most of all

>> No.20254412

Reading is an effemenite activity

>> No.20254414
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Damn bro, i don't know if i should be the one to tell you this, but you just posted cringe

>> No.20254437

I think I'm just going to go gay

>> No.20254439

Reading in itself is neither masculine nor feminine, you faggot. It is your relation to it that makes it either. If you read because it makes you LOOK smart or FEEL good (I.e. purely sensual purpose = aesthetic), then reading is an effeminate activity for you. If, instead, you read to create/refine a certain system or because you believe it makes you a better person (i.e. ethical reasons), it makes you masculine. There is nothing sensual in reading Kant's Critiques, hence why women will never bother with it. Same reason why men don't want to read soapy novels; there is no ethical system in place, just frivolity.

>> No.20254443


Let her finish the 4th grade.

>> No.20254456

Nice words, but you're wrong

>> No.20254517

Nice blog fag

>> No.20254552

Ah. A good old-fashioned sneed rant.

While I totally feel for the OP, as someone else commented, that's how women are. Women read dross, and authors will build their career around writing and selling dross.

For myself, I am totally focused on writing and selling ultra-high-Quality literature that women are capable of enjoying. It’s difficult, frustrating, time-consuming, and very, very rewarding (but mostly on an emotional level).

I work for free. Honestly, I can’t see anyone paying the very substantial premium required to write books at the Quality bar that I set. It’s orders of magnitude costlier than junk-grade New York Times best-sellers or Amazon romance "novels". Just yesterday, I spent almost all day, “tuning” a dialogue to express and present realistic emotions within a 1-word tolerance. It required that I rip out almost all my previous work, and realign my fundamental writing process.

>> No.20254578

why do you want a well-read girlfriend? as long as she's kind, faithful, nice looking and not a complete idiot just count yourself lucky and love her for who she is.

>> No.20254598

Lumping together reading for appearances and reading for pleasure is a mistake. Reading will not make you a better person, for the most part. Frankly, I respect somebody reading for pleasure more than somebody reading for self-absorbed self-improvement.

>> No.20254613

It's not that women are dumb. It's that they are rudimentary. (and that's a good thing!)

>> No.20254652

Totally arbitrary categorizations and so off the mark, makes it evident that you pulled all of this trash straight out of your ass.
> If you read because it makes you LOOK smart or FEEL good
Men are notorious for autistically dedicating immense amounts of time to completely frivolous pursuits (to satisfy their own ego by attaining an arbitrary amount of competency, to satiate their curiosity, etc.)
>because you believe it makes you a better person
Women are notorious for being completely mercenary in taking up education and higher hobbies (to raise their own status, to find a suitable partner, etc.)

Find a new a starting point and try again.

>> No.20254671

Send her over to my place brother

>> No.20254692 [DELETED] 


>> No.20254736

i got my GF into reading through audio books . I would sometimes have them on while playing, or on the treadmill, and that eventually clued her in that this literature business was maybe more interesting that it originally seemed.

I also just talked to her about books. You have to be able to make it interesting, and she would jump at the oddest things , with books like: The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H., Ulysses, The Idiot, and things of that more 'difficult' sort.

>> No.20254738

>Increase intellect


>> No.20254757

Gave my mom one of Kant's critiques as a present. She's been pretty interested in it.

>> No.20254768

Women* don't read.

*except for Jewesses, Japanese women, and 19th century British women

>> No.20254806

reading is definitely feminine
there's nothing manly about sitting there like a sedentary faggotron with your nose in the books like a dweeb
real men play sports and work with their hands

>> No.20254808 [DELETED] 
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Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:15:42 No.20254306▶>>20254437
>This. A trans /lit/gf is the final redpill
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:17:16 No.20254310▶
Yes, they really like it when you tell them they just have to read infinite jest... this is the thing they love most of all
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:51:26 No.20254412▶>>20254439
Reading is an effemenite activity
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:51:55 No.20254414▶
File: 1605526667490.png (26 KB, 269x304)
26 KB
Damn bro, i don't know if i should be the one to tell you this, butt is your relation to it that makes it either. If you read because it makes you LOOK smart or FEEL good (I.e. purely sensual purpose = aesthetic), then reading is an effeminate activity for you. If, instead, you read to create/refine a certain system or because you believe it makes you a better person (i.e. ethical reasons), it makes you masculi
Indeed french people are crazy. Tales of two cities. 04/21/22(Thu)15:03:16 No.20254443▶
>>20253998 (OP)

Let her finish the 4th grade.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:09:54 No.20254456▶
Nice words, but you're wrong
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:26:11 No.20254517▶
Nice blog fag
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:35:25 No.20254552▶
>>20253998 (OP)
Ah. A good old-fashioned sneed rant.

While I totally feel for the OP, as someone else commented, that's how women are. Women read dross, and authors will build their career around writing and selling dross.

For myself, I am totally focused on writing and selling ultra-high-Quality literature that women are capable of enjoying. It’s difficult, frustrating, time-consuming, and very, very rewarding (but mostly on an emotional level).

I work for free. Honestly, I can’t see anyone paying the very substantial premium required to write books at the Quality bar that I set. It’s orders of magnitude costlier than junk-grade New York Times best-sellers or Amazon romance "novels". Just yesterday, I spent almost all day, “tuning” a dialogue to express and present realistic emotions within a 1-word tolerance. It required that I rip out almost all my previous work, and realign my fundamental writing process.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:42:55 No.20254578▶
>>20253998 (OP)
why do you want a well-read girlfriend? as long as she's kind, faithful, nice looking and not a complete idiot just count yourself lucky and love her for who she is.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:48:46 No.20254598▶
Lumping together reading for appearances and reading for pleasure is a mistake. Reading will not make you a better person, for the most part. Frankly, I respect somebody reading for pleasure more than somebody reading for self-absorbed self-improvement.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:55:24 No.20254613▶
It's not that women are dumb. It's that they are rudiment▶/21/22(Thu)16:39:34 No.20254738▶
real men play sports and work with their hands