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/lit/ - Literature

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20253760 No.20253760 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Laundry Planet

Previous >>20249882

>> No.20253789
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>> No.20253799

so I need to close them again. But they keep flailing back up because I'm a spoiled ADHD brat
what do

>> No.20253835

I'm currently freaking out about the potential my writing could be completely ignored because of the whole "nothing new under the sun" idea. This crisis has been brought on by seeing how trope heavy M.R. James stories are. They're great, but nobody would take that seriously these days.

>> No.20254031

Lately I've felt so content. I have this profound sense of optimism that's hard to pin down, it's not that I think my life is going to be great and easy, more like I know that the real source of anxiety and fear, the broken state of the world, the human condition, it really is going to be ok somehow.
I could try rationalize and philosophize it, but really I think the best course of action is to be a chill dude for those near me, and I write some fiction which will get imbued with all that.

>> No.20254035

milfs and cunny

>> No.20254083
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Another day, another session of browsing northern Canada, Greenland, uninhabited parts of Wyoming and Montana, Siberia, and uninhabited Pacific islands on Google Maps while fantasizing about walking into the woods as far from human civilization as I can get and committing suicide by exposure.

>> No.20254125


>> No.20254145

failing to absorb massive bolus kebab
can't sleep nigga
can't sleep

>> No.20254298

>suicide by exposure
What is that? Letting yourself freeze to death? Your instincts would probably kick in and prevent you.

>> No.20254338

If you take a bunch of Xanax and die in the woods and get eaten does the bear then get fucked up?

>> No.20254354
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Hey, It's me. (>>20253641)
I wrote my apologize message, Thoughts?

"Hi X. Sorry for being so ignorant. When you asked me if I was serious, I could have just said "no, I'm not serious", but I decided to make a big deal out of it. I thought maybe it was because I took advantage of the fact that you took what I said so seriously. But I understood that you weren't the one who took me seriously. I was the one who took my lies too seriously. I wasn't truthful to you, I shouldn't have created and continued this pointless argument.
Sorry to try to keep the conversations going without you having the mood to talk, I wouldn't like that either, of course. I'm pretty insensitive sometimes, but I'm going to be more empathetic from now on.
I wrote this message before sending it to you, but I hope it doesn't detract from the sincerity of my words."

>"Are you serious?"
That's what she said right after. I had forgotten.


>> No.20254381
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What other generals/boards do you guys visit?
>/x/. I usually visit the /loa/ general

>> No.20254397


>> No.20254398

/int/ hoping there's a good thread (there rarely is)
/jp/ and /vt/ when I watch vtubers
/v/ when I'm really bored

>> No.20254400

I'm not taking the vaccine. I just won't do it. There's nothinf you can do to convince me. Tou have eroded my trust in the governement and in the media. I do not trust your intent. I will not follow your guidelines
There's nothing you can say to creare a meaningful dialogue. This is your fault. I'm not taking it

>> No.20254419

/tv/ basically just to shitpost. idk why its so fun to do that there. and /vr/, i love sixteen bit games like you wouldn't believe. and pol but ever since the ukraine thing. its been borderline unusable

>> No.20254424

Do you also collect funko pops by any chance?

>> No.20254445

200% demoralized

>> No.20254450

basically this thread, shitting up the catalog when the thread is dead, and wsg

>> No.20254460
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Based and same. That being said, its still a huge blackpill when you realize that 99% of females are vaccinated
Its over

>> No.20254488

I told an arthoe I know that still haven't been vaxxed. She went nuclear on me and I just 'no my problem'd all her arguments until she asked if I was scared of needles. I told her I would rather start shooting heroin and get tattoos than get the vaxx. She punched me as hard as she could, it was really cute, and then I laughed at her and showed her my pass.

>> No.20254534

No you wanna see my game collection tho?

>> No.20254593

/sg/, /film/, /heem/

>> No.20254595

How could I not be? Everyone else is cattle

One glimpse of hope is that my wife is not vaxxed too

>> No.20254606

I'm lonely and sort of horny, writing erotic literature will only make the problem worse, won't it?

>> No.20254609
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I'm reading East and West from Guenon and its astonishing how he managed to describe word for word whats going on in most of the west, prophetic in a way. He describes the formation of a scientific dogma fueled by materialism, progressivism and sentimentalism. These npcs who tell you that its "safe and effective" will never question or ponder behind the massive campaign and agenda to vaccinate the entire world. Covid facilitated the biggest transfer of wealth to the 1% capitalist elite and most communist trannies know this but they will never really object or protest against the system because deep down they know that its the same corrupt system that enables them to engage in their hedonistic pleasures. Its also amazing how many trannies happen to be openly marxists, nigga you rely on big pharma for the rest of your life for your hormones and all other shit you consume from them.
Most npcs will openly say stupid shit they heard from their favorite e-celeb like "eat the rich" or whatever but if you say that big pharma is using the vaccine to make as much money as possible you become a science denier, its so tiresome

>> No.20254662

I'd do just about anything to give 10 minutes of advice to my 14 year old self

>> No.20254672
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There are like, no photos online of Sarah Gadon without makeup. None. Zilcho. Zippo. And the fact that I'm pondering this is causing me a bigger sense of shame than any fap binge I've been on. I've known for years I need to "reconsider my priorities" the problem is I don't know what the fuck else I should do: and this just rams it home this fucking pointless cycle... that I'm looking for photos of Sarah Gadon without makeup like it's the Holy Grail or Aristotle's lost treatise on Comedy.

>> No.20254681
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>inb4 "Zippo? wasn't he one of the Karl Marx Brothers?"

>> No.20254690

What jobs do you guys have? I've been looking for a new career.

>> No.20254699


>> No.20254701

Used to but not any longer:

Still do:

>> No.20254714

That would be nice but absolutely not necessary

>> No.20254716

That's why I just clown around with everyone who cares about it now. Most of my friends don't give a shit about any of the vaxx stuff in fact most of us stopped caring about the memeflu mandates after the first month. It just baffles me that npcs take healthy skepticism of big pharma and the governments implementation of the vaxx as some Hardline political position that you should ostracize people over. Peak clown shit.

>> No.20254733

where to start with guenon?

>> No.20254775

This is actually the first book I read from him, think its a good start.

>> No.20254792

i had a dream last night where i met a middle-aged man with a gray mustache wearing a blue suit, who was waving to me to get my attention. i approached him in this dream, and he told me that he constructed a machine that enabled him to communicate to other people via dreams. he then asked me if i wanted to participate in a brief survey.

instinctively i told him no, and i promptly woke up. thinking back on it now, i feel like i should have said yes and participated. have you guys also experienced this kind of dream?

>> No.20254803
File: 2 KB, 101x125, Nostalgia Critic Shitpost 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To have cradled you all your life, to have it all taken care of; your existence, your morals and purpose, all shifted onto the wagon that God provides. The wheels that are removed once you renounce God, now, you must carry those boulders of burden, now it must be YOU who carry's them the rest of your days. But perhaps, if you do so with a smile on your face, no one can tell you not to enjoy it otherwise.

>> No.20254811

If that Schizo spammer posts under me, call him a nigger faggot.

>> No.20254845
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I think I'm gay

>> No.20254849 [DELETED] 
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Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:44:22 No.20254747▶>>20254752 >>20254790 >>20254810
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All three of my romance novels flopped Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:22:09 No.20252862▶>>20252871 >>20252912 >>20252961 >>20253180 >>20253185 >>20253203 >>20253219 >>20254711 >>20254724 >>20254731 >>20254740 >>20254742
>friend is a romance author
>made $100,000 last year
>decide to become a romance author myself
>challenging and time consuming
>work 3 months straight
>my books totally flop.

I am currently trying to do a fourth but it is seeming very futile at this stage. How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:23:51 No.20252871▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
You have to pick one, it's impossible to appeal to both in significant numbers
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:24:46 No.20252877▶
Write a book about a handsome gay man who gets seduced by an aged hagraven.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:31:06 No.20252899▶
What's your friend's name? I'm genuinely curious to read their work now kek.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:32:54 No.20252912▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Women love rape and someone to take care of them. Also pirates

Gay men are like men and they like physical things
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:40:11 No.20252944▶
Just get the bestsellers, distill their formula and archetypes and just fill the rest for your books. Don't tell me you're actually trying to make up shit.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:43:42 No.20252961▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
It's all about marketing and not how you write.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:45:18 No.20253180▶>>20253220 >>20254726
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2.67 MB
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Write abusive smut. That's what holes like. Arrogant bullies who are also tall, muscular, rich, and for some reason obsessed with them even though they're mediocre females.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:46:40 No.20253185▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
are you using a female pseudonym? if not, use it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:51:26 No.20253203▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Maybe you're a shit writer.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:54:36 No.20253219▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Why did you post a picture of a convicted child molester. What kind of romances are you writing?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:55:15 No.20253220▶

>> No.20254858

I am feeling the same thing anon. I suddenly realized how life is way less complicated than how I always made it out to be. I don't know if that's part of maturity but I like it.

>> No.20254860

Just found out Ajax killed himself. I'm distraught.

>> No.20254877 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:44:22 No.20254747▶>>20254752 >>20254790 >>20254810
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[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]17 / 1 / 16 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
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All three of my romance novels flopped Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:22:09 No.20252862▶>>20252871 >>20252912 >>20252961 >>20253180 >>20253185 >>20253203 >>20253219 >>20254711 >>20254724 >>20254731 >>20254740 >>20254742
>friend is a romance author
>made $100,000 last year
>decide to become a romance author myself
>challenging and time consuming
>work 3 months straight
>my books totally flop.

I am currently trying to do a fourth but it is seeming very futile at this stage. How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:23:51 No.20252871▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
You have to pick one, it's impossible to appeal to both in significant numbers
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:24:46 No.20252877▶
Write a book about a handsome gay man who gets seduced by an aged hagraven.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:31:06 No.20252899▶
What's your friend's name? I'm genuinely curious to read their work now kek.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:32:54 No.20252912▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Women love rape and someone to take care of them. Also pirates

Gay men are like men and they like physical things
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:40:11 No.20252944▶
Just get the bestsellers, distill their formula and archetypes and just fill the rest for your books. Don't tell me you're actually trying to make up shit.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:43:42 No.20252961▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
It's all about marketing and not how you write.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:45:18 No.20253180▶>>20253220 >>20254726
File: men vs womyn.png (2.67 MB, 1328x1254)
2.67 MB
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Write abusive smut. That's what holes like. Arrogant bullies who are also tall, muscular, rich, and for some reason obsessed with them even though they're mediocre females.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:46:40 No.20253185▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
are you using a female pseudonym? if not, use it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:51:26 No.20253203▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Maybe you're a shit writer.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:54:36 No.20253219▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Why did you post a picture of a convicted child molester. What kind of romances are you writing?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:55:15 No.20253220▶

>> No.20254905

/mu/ on rare occasions to find new music but it's rarely if ever fruitful
that'a pretty much it

>> No.20254909

>implying shedding isn't real
You're still obviously right, but it would never, ever be as simple as that to avoid the poison.

>> No.20254916 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:44:22 No.20254747▶>>20254752 >>20254790 >>20254810
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[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]17 / 1 / 16 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
File: F59F0DBE-7C23-4684-858D-D(...).jpg (52 KB, 900x750)
52 KB
All three of my romance novels flopped Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:22:09 No.20252862▶>>20252871 >>20252912 >>20252961 >>20253180 >>20253185 >>20253203 >>20253219 >>20254711 >>20254724 >>20254731 >>20254740 >>20254742
>friend is a romance author
>made $100,000 last year
>decide to become a romance author myself
>challenging and time consuming
>work 3 months straight
>my books totally flop.

I am currently trying to do a fourth but it is seeming very futile at this stage. How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:23:51 No.20252871▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
You have to pick one, it's impossible to appeal to both in significant numbers
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:24:46 No.20252877▶
Write a book about a handsome gay man who gets seduced by an aged hagraven.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:31:06 No.20252899▶
What's your friend's name? I'm genuinely curious to read their work now kek.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:32:54 No.20252912▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Women love rape and someone to take care of them. Also pirates

Gay men are like men and they like physical things
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:40:11 No.20252944▶
Just get the bestsellers, distill their formula and archetypes and just fill the rest for your books. Don't tell me you're actually trying to make up shit.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:43:42 No.20252961▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
It's all about marketing and not how you write.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:45:18 No.20253180▶>>20253220 >>20254726
File: men vs womyn.png (2.67 MB, 1328x1254)
2.67 MB
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Write abusive smut. That's what holes like. Arrogant bullies who are also tall, muscular, rich, and for some reason obsessed with them even though they're mediocre females.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:46:40 No.20253185▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
are you using a female pseudonym? if not, use it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:51:26 No.20253203▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Maybe you're a shit writer.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:54:36 No.20253219▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Why did you post a picture of a convicted child molester. What kind of romances are you writing?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:55:15 No.20253220▶

>> No.20254950

this is my LAST 'wyd' text anons. if she declines to hang out one on one (now at 5 times over the last 2 months) I will have to forcibly remove her from MY FRONTAL LOBE. This 'forbidden romance' has been going on for too long and im too horny to continue in this state of obsession for much longer.

>> No.20254959

You might be right but then again assuming covid is a bioweapon we might all be completely fucked and we still dont know it. Why would a bioweapon end up being a nothingburger? Makes 0 sense. If the virus was made in a lab it was designed to act as a bioweapon, not as a regular flu.
>covid is a bioweapon and it was engineered in a lab
>its just the regular flu broo
choose one

>> No.20254971 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck is that schizo spammer shitting up the fucking board??

>> No.20254983

Maybe they weren't done working on it when it got out so it's not as effective. But I don't know, who knows what the fuck they were doing over there, we probably will never know

>> No.20255022

fjcki , ive rea,lly done a nummber on myself

you know, fuick it ill admit it. relapsing on weed was a mistake. i fucked up. i havent been doing too well. too be honest evrythuihings gone downhill since i stateyd smoking again. im sory i lashed out at you fguys that night. im deranged. i was in the wrong. i know iim going to have to stop smokign weed again but i cant quit again yet. its all i look forward too these days. i just need a bit more time. a bit more purpose. then ill quit again and fix myself up i guess

i made thsi song exactly one year ago today.
>ballad of the late night 4channers.mp3
this version omits the falseto singing (screeching) in the chorus, and some other aspects

>> No.20255073

My bed's dreams sleeps a deeps for embedded slumbering bed of dreaming head of sleepiness of under covers as pillows as mines eyes close as shut for REM for resting to no longer be wake but to be unconscious as ass under blankets and feet stink.

>> No.20255077

/sp/ specifically for /f1/ (gimi (pbuh))
Used to frequent /mu/ but it's intolerable now
Occasionally dip into /tv/ for shitpost fun, same with /fit/. I love working out but /fit/ is maybe the most demoralising, blackpilling board on the site.
I check /pol/, maybe /biz/ when there's HAPPENING
Came from /b/ ca. 2008, don't go there now. I am no longer 14.

>> No.20255086

I'm a spy. An aspie, to be specififificic.

>> No.20255097

Keep fixing up your old musik trax, it'll give you something to focus on and at least some semblance of purpose. Post em, here or elsewhere. That piano-y anon ballad is noice. You'll get there.

>> No.20255173

>Used to frequent /mu/ but it's intolerable now
I feel the same. Always thought it was probably me changing and not the board, but everyone says /mu/ went to shit so maybe not

>> No.20255345

People say this about every board though.

>> No.20255351

/pol/ - best board on this website by far
/his/ - great place for humanities but a bit too autistic
/sci/ - fine place for science but already far too autistic

>> No.20255358

If you're an atheist you're a wokie but you may jus not know it

>> No.20255361


>> No.20255362

Underage confirmed. /pol/ is miserable. /sci/ is highschool/college freshman tier at best. Mostly the homework helper board.

>> No.20255366

>/pol/ is miserable.
Midwit detected

>> No.20255372

It ain't wrong.

>If you don't hoover up disheartening pessimism you're a midwit
Self preservation m9

>> No.20255383

People on /pol/ are happier than people on /lit/ so your argument is dumb. If you wanted to avoid pessimism, you wouldn't be on /lit/, which is one of the most pathetic boards

>> No.20255389

It's true for some boards. I think /lit/ is as good as ever personally.

>> No.20255432

>candle-shaped lamps with a battery charger and remote control
I can understand not getting regular candles, cause fire hazard, but this is just so unromantic it would be thousand times better to get some regular lamp with a decorative shade.

>> No.20255542

I think people like em for the same reason those videos like 4K FIREPLACE 6 HOURS have so many views. They trick monke braine into "experiencing" a similar kind of warmth and security that we've come to associate with the nighttime campfire that shielded our ancestors from exposure.

>> No.20255565
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My favorite entry in the genre is lightbulbs hanging from ropes. No coherence necessary as long as it's cozy.

>> No.20255583

Fireplace is also heavily associated with romance and Christmas, yet not everyone has space and money to get the real thing. Which is kind of a shame, we have a wood stove with glass door and a video will never come even remotely close to the sensation of seeing actual wood burn.

>> No.20255609

Based as fuck

>> No.20255642

stunning and brave.

>> No.20255771

men and women are radically different. women are fucking insane. these are my observations. vindictive. there's something about a sense of pair-bonding, dignity, indemnity and self-worth or lack thereof (they seem to remember hap-hazardly which it is) that drives them to evil. More things can probably be said about them, but these things appear in my experience to be true. Women are the true victims of modernity. Who are we kidding, everyone is. The consequences of the industrial revolution

>> No.20255778

4chan needs a philosophy board because I'm going to mcfuckin' lose it.

>> No.20255779

it was just political compass, he was gay as fuck you made the right move

>> No.20255833

When I get like this it's just too awful. Can't eat can't sit can't read. All I think about is wanting to connect with someone, to get outside of my head and prove that I exist. I'll never be anything because I don't want anything other than my existence to be recognized. I see writing as a revenge. I will read and read and read until I can write, then no one will be able to ignore me. There is seeing and saying. Some people see a lot but have nothing to say, vice versa. If you see a lot and can say a lot you're in for a treat. You can be something big. I don't know if I've seen a lot or a little but I know I've seen too much at any rate. Though the path has disappeared behind me. I couldn't relate a thing I've seen if I tried. I've got nothing. That's always been my problem. I never have enough to say. Which is really a cardinal sin when it comes to writing. I can say some pretty words and maybe arrange them in a pretty way but it is just card tricks. There might have been a hope for me at some point in life but I've gone off the rails. I'm far from shore and the water is cold. Not even potential. I didn't even have potential. When that was said about me they didn't even mean it. They couldn't even bring themselves to lie about me and say that I had done something good. Potential is the kind of lie you say when your target is not even worth a proper lie. I have never enjoyed my life. It is one of the confessions of ancient egypt. The way you get to egyptian heaven is to answer yes to this question: will anyone miss you when you're gone. I would have to look maat in the face and say no

>> No.20255890

I think you're doing this to try to get your family to care. I don't think it's going well. I think you look for a connection with us that you should have with them. I think that you are destroying yourself in the process. I think this is a waste.

>> No.20255907

a swedish writer once wrote something to the effect of

Man requires connection, and he wishes that connection to be love between him and another;
if he can not have love, then for him the next best way is adoration and adulation;
if he can not have this, then to be recognized in being despised,
and if not this, then to be hated.

>> No.20255913
File: 63 KB, 626x288, Screenshot 2022-04-01 at 01-49-44 _lit_ - Write What’s On Your Mind _wwoym_ - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20256223
File: 455 KB, 797x1127, 1585508862477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent the past few hours learning to mic blast CSGO lobbies before asking myself, why am I doing this?
I need to change

>> No.20256607

You are pathetic. And even worse you are lying both her and yourself this way.

>> No.20256745
File: 502 KB, 800x800, 1628468551874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She forgave me! I'm so happy!
She's the best girl I ever met!

>> No.20256757
File: 1.12 MB, 267x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you all the best.

>> No.20256780
File: 88 KB, 568x548, 1636191927571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.20256868

i dont think so

>> No.20256943

I agree to both statements. i dont care.

>> No.20256992

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20257015

You should because whoever she is doesn't deserve to suffer because of you. Seek truth and live by it no matter how unbearable it is.

>> No.20257042

Thank god tomorrow is Friday, because my nose is stuffy and my head feels funny, I just want to sleep. Walking to work is both healthy and unhealthy at the same time when mornings are cold.

>> No.20257121

My alcoholic father just died at 60. The last time I talked to him over the phone he was drunk and said he had trouble keeping his balance. Said he was going to the doctor. Now he’s gone. I told him I would visit him this summer. I have no idea why I’m posting on here but yeah.

>> No.20257158

Sorry for loss.
Why did he drink in the first place.

>> No.20257175

I'm sorry anon. I'll pray for you and your dad for what it's worth. Try to stay strong and focus on the good aspects of him and your relationship to keep the connection strong while you grieve. Pass on what is best about your dad and your relationship with him to your own kids. That's all a dad could hope for.

>> No.20257276

Genetic. His grandfather was an alcoholic. Three of his siblings were.
Appreciate it.

>> No.20257459

>be old neet living at home
>gearing up for a night of some job prep
>mother makes drama about losing status in society or something
>crying and who rigamarole of jumping from one thing to another whenever i say something reasonable she has not answer to
>whenever i cite a reason for me not having a job yet dismisses it calling it a lie
>this is my only socialization since last few years
>now won't be able to focus through the night

>> No.20257471


>> No.20257473

Are you an alcoholic too?

>> No.20257495

When you hear people gripe about “capitalism”, and it’s clear that they are loose with the term, it may be appropriate to swap out “capitalism” for “the world”. Pay attention accordingly. Most of these people actually hate the world.

>> No.20257565

I'm losing patience

>> No.20257637

No but my brother got the bug. I’m fucked up in different ways.

>> No.20257676
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I'am uncapable of having fun or being happy.

>> No.20257686


>> No.20257690

This is more of a concession than a refutation

>> No.20257691

For me, it's

>> No.20257711

Same. Can’t see myself lasting beyond 4 or 5 more years. Need to write a book first, no matter how shitty.

>> No.20257751
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1648804027438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I write a meme book and become rich like my niggas Bronze Age Pervert or Mike Ma?

>> No.20257783

It's true that I killed my Mentor... and yet, I am not his murderer.

>> No.20257823
File: 908 KB, 1816x2292, 20220421_210249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up /lit/-meme book at university's library
>book seems heavily used / worn out
>open it
>only the first 30 pages or so are actually heavily read
>mfw the important parts of the anthology are beyond those few first pages

I hate everything and everyone associated with doing stuff with printed words on paper. Pretentious little faggots, all of you

>> No.20257849

Is this a Lovecraft bit?

>> No.20257859

it's from an odd french half life 2 mod

>> No.20257870

>It is true that I have sent six bullets through the head of my best friend, and yet I hope to shew by this statement that I am not his murderer. At first I shall be called a madman—madder than the man I shot in his cell at the Arkham Sanitarium. Later some of my readers will weigh each statement, correlate it with the known facts, and ask themselves how I could have believed otherwise than as I did after facing the evidence of that horror—that thing on the doorstep.
Is what i was thinking of and it was in fact, Lovecraft.

>> No.20257921

There's strangers in my room right now. It appears they're looking at the heater directly behind me. One of them said "excuse me", but I pretended I didn't hear them.

>> No.20257949
File: 40 KB, 480x360, 4hytr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been stuck for years on the fact that everything happens at the same time. I would turn some memory of a random walk in 2014 into an object and then compare it to whatever else I'm doing in the present, being like
>Hey, the emotions released by the thing you're interacting with are somewhat unjustified because it exists within the same world as this random place you've been in 2014
And this place isn't even special. That's the worst part. It's just some gravel path on a sunny day, I walk on those all the time. Some abstract sensation of walking on the gravel path causes an aesthetic concept, a whole ideal world I have never seen but already know the theory of it. The thing evolving after gravel paths, not the thing that's replacing them like asphalt. Idk man I hate thinking. I'm not a science brain, I'm stupid meaning brain

>> No.20257956

It’s a quote from the opening lines of Divine Cybermancy, a schizo game, which is thought to be a reference to that lovecraft quote you just posted so yes it’s probably from lovecraft

>> No.20258030

Ought we identify as human? Isn't that identity politics?

>> No.20258042

I spent 122 hours playing through Elden Ring and as amazing as the experience was... fuck I'm happy to be reading and working out again.

>> No.20258045

I haven’t had sex for so long that I’m almost certainly never having it again. Grim.

>> No.20258046

I've never had sex in 30 years.

>> No.20258052

Are you planning to?

>> No.20258053

It isn't politics unless you make it political.
It can be made political today, but you need to go fairly fringe for it.

>> No.20258061

I dont have looks, personality, high status or money.
So no.

>> No.20258068

Women born after 1990 are demons anyway, we’ll survive somehow Anon

>> No.20258073

I don't think the category of human as a species is as bounded as you think (I don't know anything about biology, but I know categories tend to have soft edges), and as identifying as human we "other" nonhumans, like animals, and if we were to meet aliens with similar consciousness or higher this would likely bring tensions similar to the tensions between races and nations as we have now.

>> No.20258075

Physically - maybe
Psychologically - probably not

>> No.20258082


>> No.20258086

I keep thinking about the things that could have been, about what my life would be if I wasn't a dumb piece of shit that can't make good decisions no matter what.
I keep wondering and wondering and wondering.

>> No.20258091

It is what it is.

>> No.20258148

No, I think it's highly porous, I'm just saying it isn't politically salient (yet). There are some cases but they're weak for one reason or another.
Veganism/animal rights wants to stop privileging the human identity, but it doesn't do much with the choice whether to identify as human.
Otherkin have much to say about identifying as human but they're politically irrelevant.
Personhood pops up in various debates (abortion, disability rights, euthanasia...) but is distinct from humanity.
Aliens would make it salient, as would advanced AI, as would extreme body modification. But we don't have those things right now, and so identifying as human is rarely political yet.

>> No.20258251
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I have some relatives who keep 'hinting' to me that I should be in a state of despair over my NEEThood. They will never outright say "you useless sack of shit, don't you feel any shame that you've been unemployed for a decade while your cousins have graduated college and are making six figures!?" but I know that's what they're thinking, and when I play dumb, acting like I don't know their meaning, it drives them up the wall

>> No.20258253

I feel the same.

>> No.20258271
File: 5 KB, 225x225, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am starting to suspect that you guys aren't actually NEETs and are billionaires larping as one

>> No.20258296

Im a 30 year old NEET.

>> No.20258302

Nice try Elon

>> No.20258318


>> No.20258323

Glad to here it, Anon

>> No.20258344

Used to be
> /lit/
> /pol/
But after the Ruskies invaded Ukraine /pol/ somehow turned into an even deeper cesspool. Used to go for the banter, but now they're just whiny contrarians and actual schizophrenics.

>> No.20258390

Among my few yet unrealised projects, I've thought about writing a fanfic set in Tolkien's Legendarium. About sailing and island explorations, set during mid-2nd Age, with a Númenórean crew and an elf guide.

>> No.20258396

I would be a NEET but unfortunately I have a highly employable skillset

>> No.20258428

I can't get soft

>> No.20258548
File: 61 KB, 1000x871, 1648620885094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I'm trying to make it, anyone know how to become a millionaire? Shitcoins? Podcast? Meme books? Any tips?

>> No.20258553

you lashed out at us?

>> No.20258581

That’s a solid punchline for a very short joke. Like two sentences total. Good luck in stand up.

>> No.20258582

>see shit thread posted by phoneposting retard
>see substantial effortposts by someone else in the thread trying to actually answer retard's question
>open thread so i can read and respond to the human being later, disregarding the subhuman OP
>come back
>thread is 404ed
>OP glossed right over the effortposter to reply to another retard one-line phoneposter
>effortposter was unrewarded for his effort

How do I shake the feeling that the world is a fundamentally evil place and everybody ugly, lazy, weak, and lazy always has a better time and wins in the end by being a thoughtless pile of garbage? I see people who actually put effort and care into things, or try to do good, as rare flowers in a gray wasteland being crushed by shit-eating monsters.

>> No.20258590

Get off the Internet, you dip. The real world is better because there are more constrictions for bad behavior.

>> No.20258607

It feels the same in real life. Sometimes even worse because it's less abstract and intellectual, more woven into daily life. Every time I see someone or something nice, it seems like it's thanklessly and thoughtlessly eclipsed by something exploitative and selfish.

I could even admire selfish exploitative behavior if it was ruthless, but it's never even ruthless, it's just the sheer inertia of everybody being a fucking selfish retard. You can't win against it, a giant mouthbreathing baby who takes items off shelves in the store and leaves them on other shelves when he doesn't want them anymore comes along and crushes everything sooner or later.

>> No.20258610
File: 130 KB, 891x881, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ /wsg/ mainly, sometimes /ck/ /s4s/
in the past /r9k/ /cgl/ /fa/

>> No.20258633

Interesting thoughts. I think of the Matthew principle. Everything sucks when you’re at zero — and that’s actually a good way to tell you’re on the bottom — when everything seems to suck. Incremental improvement will move you into better strata. Best of luck.

>> No.20258706
File: 1.51 MB, 1450x1024, 44F77817-C3F8-4618-A52E-043BB8084523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become a NEET? I’m 30 with 300k saved. What should i do?

>> No.20258946

need pussy or i might die

>> No.20259054


Buy things that make money over time.

Don't buy things that incur costs over time without paying for themselves.

Don't buy stupid shit you don't need.

If you're low IQ, read Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Cashflow Quandrant, and Fake. Not very accurate (lots of hate for these boomer books), but close enough and easy to understand.

If you're high IQ, go for The Intelligent Investor.

Browse /biz/, but never get suckered into buying anything. Half of the posts are bullshit trying to provoke your fear/greed into buying something that benefits the poster. Learn not to be control by fear / greed, because that causes all bad investment decisions.

Pick a market, study it for a year or two to learn the true value of things. Once your knowledge is good enough you'll be able to buy and sell with confidence that you're getting a good deal.

Keep what you earn. Wait for the right time. Multiply your money. Make friends with rich people. Pay people to make money for you. Make your money make money.

>t. 200k

>> No.20259084 [DELETED] 

Maybe I'm retarded, but I thought Postal 4 was funny.

>> No.20259091

I'm a couple of years older than you, whut up!
No. No. and hell no. My current vague unactionable plan to get out of NEETdom is to either:
1. spend 2x the average commission's worth advertising my specific skills
2. buy some sort of franchise business I can run with no expertise
Longer term 1 is a better option because there's more room to scale up, with option 2 if I want to scale up I have to buy more franchises. But with option 1 there's less overhead, but the overhead is basically a premium for reduced risk.
I've always said that the ultimate way to get rich would be to create a subscription model business that is highly scalable where all machinery or real estate can be rented, or better yet is entirely online. SaaS is obviously a great example. So is starting a Motivational Speaking or Sales company. However, finding a niche, establishing it and then figuring out how you recruit people is really hard and I would have done it myself if I could figure that shit out.
There's a company call "Who Gives a Crap" who have a genius model: they send you toilet paper on subscription. Something people will always need. It can be a generic product and they can source from multiple suppliers. There's plenty of delivery companies they can do deals with: that would be my model.
Also remember the iron law of small business: if you can't pay yourself a decent salary, then your business won't survive.

>> No.20259100

just live simply for 10-15 years, at which point civilization will collapse anyway. then either an hero or join the water wars' meatgrinder.

>> No.20259110

Can you do this with a normal wagie job to retire early?

>> No.20259154

i cummed super hard and now my penis freaking hurts

>> No.20259214

Does anyone know some good used bookstores in/around the London core?

>> No.20259225
File: 104 KB, 768x781, wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no girls in my friend group or at my work. There is no crush or oneitis. There is no girl giving prolonged eye contact or smiling at me that I should talk to. There is no ex-girlfriend am I still in love with, or girl that got away. There are no exes at all. I have no lost loves. There no “what-could-have-beens” or lost connections in my life. I have never been oblivious to flirting only to realize it after the fact, because no girl has ever flirted with me. No one has ever asked me how it is that I’m still single, and no one has ever offered to set me up on a date. There is nothing, no history, no beginning. Women do not exist in my world. They are an image I see on the street which cannot see me. They are as tangible to me as a two-dimensional anime character on the internet, and I interface with them in the exact same way. I cannot reach out and touch a woman as I cannot reach out and touch an anime girl in my monitor. They both exist purely as a titillating concept which exist beyond my realm of action. I see them and they are beautiful, but they cannot see me. Interfacing with a waitress or the girl cashing me out at the supermarket is nothing more than reciting pre-selected nothings and pleasantries. Going beyond the programmed script is impossible; they cannot process the words coming from my mouth as anything more than white noise. Though I am nothing but human refuse compared to them, I compare myself to the Greek monks who have not laid eyes upon a woman in decades.

>> No.20259275


Depends on luck, circumstances, debt, and people skills especially. If you're on the low-income end, one of the most powerful things you can do is shared living costs, or living with parents if not already. How much you earn is meaningless, how much you keep is vital. Be extremely careful of cars (maintenance costs, rapid depreication, avoid unless you will gain per month more than you spend per month) and also of mortgages (unlike renting, you will pay all the wear and tear maintenance on top of the interest; not always a bad decision, but it has a lot more downsides than most people realise).

If you have one dollar, and you double your money with it twenty times, you'll have a million dollars. If you save two thousand dollars after one year's work, you only need to double that nine times. If you're looking to multiply your money 'safely', you'll be looking at 4%+ returns (double your money every twenty years, excluding compound). I watched the crypto market for three years; one time I bought in when I thought the time was right, and the investment doubled in three months. I've made losses in crypto as well, but overall came out good.

I'm 37 with 200k, which I consider pretty bad. I plan to stop and pseudo-retire at 450k with very low living costs. Only one-and-a-bit doubles to go.

Ten year's salary + a liquidised pension + luck with crypto and saved up gifts from three relatives has given me a £160,000 flat which I bought after observing the market for two years. Still living with parents regardless, will rent it out.

Society is designed to make you run like a rat in a wheel, such that you never keep your paycheck and are eternally enslaved by your comforts. It's extremely good at it. Study the cage (your debts / monthly expenses) carefully, and slowly take it apart piece by piece. Society doesn't put you in a cage (too much effort), it just gently tricks you into building it yourself.

>> No.20259357

I'm gonna dip my nuts in boiling water

>> No.20259387

told myself I was just gonna take it easy tonight, then I got a text asking if i wanted to go to the bar, 5 minutes later im out the door. funny how things change. i just hope i dont get too fucked up...

>> No.20259433

I live life in a constant state of anxiety, fear and avoidance

>> No.20259438

Sounds like safe investing is near pointless when you consider other options. I put a small amount of money into crypto myself and lost about $100 overall, but that's because it was basically done randomly into a currency people said was good at the time. It seems like there's a smart way to do crypto but there's also a high knowledge barrier which is why most people lose with it.

>Society doesn't put you in a cage (too much effort), it just gently tricks you into building it yourself.
It really does feel like a game, doesn't it? The winners are the ones who accept this early on and proceed with figuring out its rules, rather than those with blind faith in society that they will be taken care of and given everything they need. It's about working with what you're given.

>> No.20259463

/lit/ - literature
/biz/ - finance and business
/ck/ - food and cooking
/out/ - outdoors
/diy/ - do it yourself

>> No.20259482
File: 103 KB, 800x1208, 685009a8bb791d531608189df78dc30b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Jordan Peterson considered the essential conservative intellectual of today when there is Peter Sloterdijk who is
>more philosophically sophisticated
>more based
>more redpilled on the female question
>more nationalist
>names the Jews and their influence in psychiatry and banking
>more robust metaphysical system

>> No.20259489

It's stupid I feel the need to channel my energy into philosophy when being physically and/or mentally ill means you view the world in a warped perspective. There's this side of intellectualism that encourages you to use it as a form of escapism, which is all the more powerful because no one views it as escapism or criticizes you for using it as such

>> No.20259505

I have to go back. Bye.

>> No.20259515

I’m not a neet but I am a unironic (school) janny.

>> No.20259607

The Karamazov force.... the force of the Karamazov basedness

>> No.20259675

It's remarkable how little views good quality content can get on youtube. Like you can look back on your history and see ok this video that actually taught me something has <30 views and is more than 1 year old, another one with like 11,000 views, or upwards to 400K views but nonetheless they are not competing with the most popular content. However another intriguing thought is how the most popular content on youtube probably caps on average to 10m views. So it makes you wonder you can't just call everyone a brain dead normie, when 10m is actually very few, so depending on how many people scroll through youtube, they are not all just automatically finding the most normie video to watch like an NPC, rather they are all finding stuff they particularly want to watch. Which is why things are spread out like this. If you think of the entire userbase of yotuube like it were a university, 90% of those who go to that university will watch the brainless shit, however it will still be relevant to their interests, like brainless shit on video games or whatever else topic they like, and then 10% will watch these more educational videos, which is why there is the wide disparity of views populating it.

>> No.20259841

Do you work for free?

>> No.20259904

normalize getting your ass kicked and getting arrested and pissing yourself in public and harassing strangers

>> No.20259933
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1617711888898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albeit anecdotal, I think fiction can or does have better impact on one's life than non-fiction to a certain degree. Especially if you compare shit like "self-help" books with fiction. Take Sherlock Holmes for example, its a fun detective fiction but one of the rudimentary aspects of his character is that he is very observant. Its been stated through example again and again, what one would miss. Reading it, one would curiously try to explore the same observational tactics IRL because although it's not "real", you're given a story to follow along with the protagonist. Suppose you get the same general idea from a self help books, with the evidences and anecdotes that substantiates the lesson. I'd argue there's less likely chance it'll stick with you. Because you're not taken along a journey to follow, just an example. And the very nature of these self help books are usually short term gratification.

>> No.20259960

I have ideas but I can't string them together into a coherent story without boring myself, and therefore boring potential readers.
I get writers block after a few paragraphs and cannot figure out how to continue, or even just entertain myself for a few words longer.
I worry I have completely burned out my dopamine receptors with years of alcohol abuse and I am too fucking stupid to ever complete a project.
This is the only thing in my entire life I have any sort of talent at and it makes me want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.20259993

Not even close to free.

>> No.20260023
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>> No.20260128
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>meet cute woman online
>she lives 30 min away from me
>she thinks the world of me
>very open and endearing
>she has a daughter and shes divorced

>> No.20260143

my creative spirit is shot. I need mental help

>> No.20260145
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1637396581001m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

The older I get the more this makes sense to me

>> No.20260161

She was mistaken. You aren’t endearing.
Send her my way, loser.

>> No.20260183

You really want another man in the the picture and for her kid to see you as "Mom's boyfriend"? Fuck that.

>> No.20260184

I was taught this early in life.
Not that I believe in a literal soul to sell to the devil or anything.
Recognize the island?

>> No.20260187
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>our third phone call and she said she was crying earlier because of the stresses of being a single mom
>starts jawing on about optioning schools for her daughter
>holding my ground and not playing "shoulder to cry on" simp
>however, mommy milkers, literally
do i hit or no?

>> No.20260194

You abstain from “hitting it” till you can feel genuine love for her. (a nofap courtship)
Take care of your heart, but don’t be heartless going in.

>> No.20260201
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I was lightly depressed earlier today because a girl I'd been seeing for over a month suddenly decided to ghost me.
Then I hung out with friends and realized that, despite a lack of romantic love in my life, I'm far from alone. I was just too blind to see it.

>> No.20260213
File: 25 KB, 600x600, crylaughingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome advice, anon.
>meet hot milf in my area
>she has kids
mfw i got memed

>> No.20260383

The awkward side-effect of a manga being updated at slow pace is that, while retaining basic understanding of what is happening in the story, I often forget who some of the characters are. The sameface syndrome that comes up due to artist rushing to make the deadline certainly doesn't help.

>> No.20260392

if there isn't a new chapter once a month i generally can't follow the plot at all
how am i supposed to pick up a storyline 3 times a year and still feel any sense of continuity?

>> No.20260397

i fucked up, ik fucked up. im so drunk. i did not mean for this to happen.
i have no respect for myself

>> No.20260402

With manga that is largely episodic in nature it's still possible to just tag along, although returning characters leave me confused and looking up wiki. Then there are some where it's important to keep track of details, so I'm keeping it on backlog until it ends, then I can binge read. Seems to be the only good method of reading this stuff.

>> No.20260406

>so I'm keeping it on backlog until it ends, then I can binge read
hmm, that's a pretty good idea for stuff with slow publishing schedules. i'll keep that in mind

>> No.20260415

do NOT drink with eastern europeans you meet in the street....
there is no winning outcome

>> No.20260438


>> No.20260552

In the past - in the 60s and 70s, if I remember correctly - there was a subject at school where pupils were supposed to imagine the future: what was the name of this subject?

>> No.20260560

Ah, found it: Futurology

>> No.20260600

Has anyone else noticed a kind of passive acceptance of philosophical relativism in certain people/languages? Maybe it's because I just woke up from a weird dream about this but I feel like it's true in some way. Like in some languages you're more likely to see an implicit belief that we can't hold all people to the same standard because consciousness and experience are subjective and we can't hold people responsible for what they perceive.

Maybe I'm being weird again. I can't think of examples but it felt real and obvious in the dream.

>> No.20260656
File: 153 KB, 1045x459, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got banned from a certain blue board for being based

>> No.20260659

i got banned from certain blue boards for posting pictures of my penis

>> No.20260701

Story? Share you shame. Also what hit of the 80's is on the playlist for tonight?

>> No.20260769

>i dont think so
I can only think of two reasons why you'd insist on this persona. the first is that you want to build a personal legend. but if that's what you're doing, then your stories really are shockingly bland, and you're an imaginative person and you'd understand that no one would be impressed that you got high and lost your job. the second reason is that you want someone to care that you're destroying yourself. Maybe it's something else entirely, but that's all I can think of.

>> No.20260790

my appartment smells like yeast
maybe I smell like yeast
I can't tell anymore

>> No.20260803

he's very handsome

>> No.20260810

So this last week I've gotten heavily into online buying. Ebay, BookDepo, BetterWorldBooks, the whole shabang. One thing that consistently bothers the FUCK out of me are United Kingdom sellers being too chicken shit to ship internationally. I'd spend an hour trying to find at least one person with a copy for a respectable price, wait more hours for a reply only to get told "hee hoo, I don't ship outside UK bruv.". Fuck. me. But more importantly; Fuck. YOU.

>> No.20260846

maybe you're a yeast

>> No.20260892

I hide every single thread that uses a pepe image, without exception, and without reading it. I refuse to engage. Whether I hide pepe posts depends on my mood.

>> No.20261064
File: 110 KB, 720x960, 2731BA71-1B40-4030-A066-CCEC30478F68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve shouted and cried to God for three days straight.

>> No.20261068
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When did my first crypto investment, I lost about 66% of value on several year's worth of savings. I was really disillusioned and disheartened and wanted to pull out before I lost more, but luckily I had a sensible friend who told me to just hold. I didn't pull out and held until it recovered and eventually profited.

Don't be afraid to lose money. As long as you don't go crazy, the money (and knowledge) you gain by taking risks will exceed the occasional loss, and you have to learn by making mistakes one way or another. Better to learn what you did wrong with a hundred dollars instead of ten thousand.

>It really does feel like a game, doesn't it? The winners are the ones who accept this early on and proceed with figuring out its rules, rather than those with blind faith in society that they will be taken care of and given everything they need. It's about working with what you're given.

Rich Dad Poor Dad frames successful investment as a fun game to win or lose, utterly ignoring the ethics that the exploitation causes needless human suffering in the process. It's philosophically bankrupt, but it's useful in that it explains a lot of the basic concepts of how capitalism actually works.

With the same book, he shills his board game he made that teaches about cashflow principles. Not only does he frame human exploitation as a game, he literally made a board game out of it (which he, of course, also profits from).

In many ways, seeing it as just a game to win or lose helps to stop the nervousness from fear/greed that comes from investing. If you lose, laugh about it. If you gain, laugh about it.

>safe investing is near pointless

The 'safe' investing companies take your money, and use it to make more money for themselves. Why take risks with their money, when they could take risks with your money? They keep most of the profits, and any losses that do occur are your problem.

But for people without financial knowledge, it's the only tool available to them for fighting against inflation which will obliterate their savings (the official government-issued inflation numbers are complete bollocks and artifically low). Or people could read a book about money, but who would want to waste time reading and learning?

>> No.20261106

my brain is oftentimes uninspiring

>> No.20261138
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Would you like to have sex with Billie Eilish?

>> No.20261145


>> No.20261163

You bet
Funny you say that
I'm currently writing some prose about an unhinged man that compares the belly of a pregnant woman to an evil HR Giger-like steam machine with a metal gooey foetus running things down
I have the imagery in mind, but fuck it's insanely hard to transcribe it with words.
welp, in that case, i'm a midwit too.
seriously, why would anyone waste time with bitter ESL cretins that whine about everything and nothing all day long? there's a reason why it's a FUCKING containment board.
it's Twitter for virgins.

>> No.20261193
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Why do people take being wrong about something so badly? Why are people so protective of their understanding of something and take so poorly to correction?

And do be clear I am not talking about competing culture war narratives that descends in to epistemic hell, I have to really emphasises this that I don't mean broad narratives and worldviews, I mean really basic uncontroversial day to day solitary facts. Like when to take the next turn, what someone's birthday is, which country another country borders on. That kind of shit.

People will got something like that wrong and take it as a personal attack when they are corrected over it. Its strange cause it happens to me too, even though I know it it is stupid. As a kid I never felt this way, I was just eager to learn and understand, but at some point it became personal.

>> No.20261267

Being corrected incurs a status loss.
Being wrong about countries bordering each other likely has zero effect on your life. But being corrected on it? You may be seen as slightly stupider than before, you may be seen as slightly less reliable, and graciously accepting the correction means submitting to the person who corrects you, indicating that they have authority over you.
Communication is never just about the things that are said. It inescapably sends social signals. The book "The Elephant in the Brain" clarified much of this for me.
On a practical level, the way you correct someone can make a big difference. It's harder for unsubtle facts like birthdays, but there can be ways to make a correction without forcing the correctee to signal defeat. Less "you're wrong because..." and more "have you thought about...". If you do it right they don't have to lose face (but conversely, you don't have an opportunity to look smart).

>> No.20261350


>> No.20261440

The boy reading this. <3

>> No.20261462
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>> No.20261487
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>Anon... Chad beat me again. Can I stay here until he's cooled down?

>> No.20261499

Sure, come in, you'll be safe here.
>text Chad
>snitch on the roastie
>highfive him as he comes for his whore

>> No.20261544

Im not comfortable with women I do not know.

>> No.20261553

Low test. Zoomer girls love casual sex.

>> No.20261565

i'ts fucken hard being human lads

>> No.20261568

Good for them.

>> No.20261679

although this trip was initially created as a joke (hence the dumb name that im now locked in with) the entire purpose of it is to document either my rise or fall from what i consider to be the lowest period of my life, the last 2 years. its a virtual archivable diary. this trip only exists so that this link can exist:
i blog post just like everyone else does, i just attach a trip to it so that this link can exist. when its not a blog post or something addressed to the trip i turn it off. why this all annoys you so much is a mystery to me. its not like im butterfly and i reply to everyone or something, I literally only speak when spoken to, aside from the blogposts.
and if you think this trip is what i am like irl you are mistaken. so yes, i dont think you are right. i do not drink and do drugs to get my parents attention and im not trying to create some personal legend im literally just posting my problems like everyone else except im archiving it. if it makes you feel better this trip will end someday.

its really not a cool story, i just got drunk with a stranger
>be me
>meet Croatian outside bar
>cool guy
>start drinking with him
>drink far more than i wanted to
>dont want to drink anymore
>Croatian dude can go all night
>appear weak for not wanting to drink more
>tfw you arent eastern european with a trans-generational alcohol problem

anyways heres the menu for todays 80s kino:

>> No.20261737

I think I've evolved somewhat, mentally speaking. Its very hard to explain in words, but inside it feels right. Maybe it's turning 25 and my frontal cortex fully developing or something. But there's a definite change. My life is still kind of fucked but I don't feel self pity anymore, I just feel calm and like an adult that is capable of dealing with his problems in a mature way. This isn't a one night thing either, it's a cumulative change that's occurred over a number of months. I think I'm finally something resembling an adult and it feels good.

>inb4 I'll see you next week

>> No.20261773

this place just depresses me

>> No.20261788

whats so depressing?

>> No.20261819

4chan is the last place that preserves my sanity, normie spaces make me suicidal.

>> No.20261855

hopelessness has been crushing my soul for a long time now, I cannot even remember when was the last time I felt light hearted and genuinely happy in the last couple years. Everything seems an eternal cycle, everything repeats itself in a cycle of trivial, insignificant moments. My last hope is the love I feel towards my gf and my family. But not even that manages to fulfill my soul at the moment...

>> No.20261942

The book is the thing. Finish the book. Then all will fall into place.

>> No.20261965

Aaaaaaaaaahh. That look, that look when they're absolutely enraptured in what you're saying. And you know they're not listening, they're looking at you. The power you feel in that moment. That look they give you. You can never forget that look. Aaaargh. Why am I such a fuck up.

>> No.20262000

What did you fuck up?

>> No.20262065

he didn't pull his dick out of the pants at the right moment

>> No.20262072


>> No.20262085


>> No.20262118

By just being uninterested I fell into being beta orbiter guy. What the fuck.

>> No.20262123
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>> No.20262128

Made a promise to myself not to drink anymore. Gonna drink to that today.

>> No.20262214

I am filthy stinkin rich as a Batman villain

>> No.20262223

Sor I would gladly contract my venereal diseases from her ghastly nihilistic low effort zero pair bonding snatch and snusnu

>> No.20262230

Based and same.

>> No.20262396

didn't want to make a new thread but what is Schopenhauer's "On The Freedom Of Will", does it go by a different title? because my Delphi collection may not have it.

>> No.20262423

I ate a packet of tempeh tofu this morning for breakfast and I feel so much estrogen it's like being drunk I feel so hormonal and weak and emotionally drained irritable etc. St Thomas Delauer of Keto said Tempeh is less gay Globohomo Satan nigger rape madness than tofu but it feels bad man. I drank two cups of coffee and still I am so low energy. Usually after my hearty meaty eggy animal breakfast I am strong like an ox. I warned you about soi bros. I warned you. I am gonna do some jumping jacks and then some $0eijacks (jump and tuck your knees up)

>> No.20262606
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Have you ever met a woman that you could genuinely qualify as a brilliant person?

>> No.20262618

Of course, a lot of times. Still hate em

>> No.20262622

yea sure, a bunch

>> No.20262629

What are some books featuring multiple PoV characters, where the writing style also changes depending on the PoV?

>> No.20262659
File: 2.20 MB, 1312x2039, 96273859(21224026)_オフィーリアごっこ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see my peers accomplishing something, instead of being happy I can only think of ways on how to have a leg up on them. Why am I so evil?

>> No.20262708

because you are severely frustrated and discontent with your current life, with probable self loathing

>> No.20262793
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I feel like something isn't wired up correctly inside me and my death drive has taken the place of my interest in life.
I find death comforting and beautiful; love, mysterious and terrifying. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around, people should rejoice in eros and recoil from thanatos.

>> No.20262821

Despite being so memed, I was not even remotely impressed when trying madeleines for first time. On the other hand, palet bretons with morning coffee are amazing.

>> No.20262906
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You're probably right, I don't seek out ways to actively sabotage them though. More like how to improve my own skill set or cover up the things that I lack so that I could feel better about myself when compared to them.

>> No.20263014

banned from /int/ again

>> No.20263019

>I was not even remotely impressed when trying madeleines for first time

>> No.20263040


>> No.20263049

Why is every career path now about becoming incredibly successful in your early 20s? Does it have something to do with the gynocentric world following the feminine biological clock?

>> No.20263123

I read a lot but I'm still too shy and uncomfortable to talk to women. Who wants to hear about books they haven't read? And I don't feel like anything has ever changed me as a person. What do I read to fix this?

>> No.20263148

They supposed to be warm when served just in case you got the prepackaged ones which are ass. A nice madeleine is like a nice anything else, it's partially the recipes and bakers and personal choice. I really like oat cookies, but most of what they call oat cookies are bland af and don't taste nice; now and then I make an old recipe and it makes me feel like a small happy child who was loved. The hype loses that idea, so it becomes madeleines in general, not "madeleines the way auntie would have given me". The majority of madeleines are hanging out in kiosks as a last minute purchase by people who have not had breakfast, not sparking precious childhood memories. If I was sat in a cafe and they brought me an oat cookie which didn't taste just passable but instead tasted like the recipe I'm attached to, I would have a crisis and worry they had stolen it or were fucking with me to be honest.

>> No.20263157

You dont read. You act.

>> No.20263248

Why would you talk about books? It's like a Facebook engineer talking about how Facebook works to laymen

>> No.20263253

lgbt trannies ruined /lit/

>> No.20263257

surely democracy was just a massive, massive mistake

>> No.20263268

Ummmmm this kind of rhetoric is a threat to our democracy
>no democracy = no tranny pills

>> No.20263330

actual dumbasess

>> No.20263342

>wahhh why isnt my channel not receivin heckin views
Not My Probelm

>> No.20263349
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>actual dumbasess
>2 more boosters!!
Fuck off tranny.

>> No.20263358

I don't feel alienated.

>> No.20263366

Reading is my only hobby

>> No.20263392

You have the advantage of having more tools to express your thoughts, you just need to sell yourself better
Just spitting out summaries of some random novels won't do

>> No.20263394

Materialism is primarily based on the lack of "miracles" in the world that defy current notions of science (a miracle recovery is accepted in medicine for example). Yet, supposedly, to this day there are Eastern Monks (and even some western scholars) who claim to know people (or have done so themselves) with provable memory of past lives, or who have precognition, which died out in the west, in part due to Christianity and then Enlightenment, in part (supposedly) due to never having the same level of cognitively-responsible tradition. Why the dissonance? The Dalai Lama is said to have memory of past lives but I've never seen him discuss that in western interview, or the major issue of over-confidence in the mundane in the west.

>> No.20263417

people forget that the Buddha said that samsara has no 'discoverable' beginning. according to bikku boddhi

>> No.20263447

Miracles are supernatural, so I'm guessing something that discounts supernatural is not going to account for supernatural. What's not supernatural, including what was thought supernatural but wasn't actually, what could be supernatural but is not considered are the only things accounted, then you can never discover the actual supernatural.

>> No.20263467

bros she is completely fucking insane
I miss her so, so much
this has to be a failing in some kind of self-preservation
all I want is that she would be super crazy right next to me right now

>> No.20263488

don't care incel

>> No.20263500

>no answer

>> No.20263501
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I think you do care and I do not think that I am the incel of the two of us to be honest

>> No.20263507

Memories of past lives can be verified and confirmed were it done, and well recorded by scientists. If at least one case was fully proven and accepted as well done science, the legitimacy of materialism would lose it's legs overnight, especially in autistic internet debates that sadly decide the future of humanity. Yet materialism is barely considered in the Buddhist circles while ignoring the issue of materialism in the west.

>> No.20263512

>incel coping and whining about his deranged slut

>> No.20263573
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I trust myself, I put faith in my own gut instinct that there must be a deeper reason why I spend so much time slogging through India to find the occasional gems sticking out of the shit

>> No.20263593

I just want this general to die

>> No.20263794

The trick is to not care at all what the woman thinks of you, to already be done with the encounter and expecting nothing from it but in a completely relaxed way. You don't want to be angry or resentful, or thinking "fuck this bitch I don't even care what she thinks" type thoughts. You have to truly utterly not care.

The best way to understand this is by analogy. If some fat old guy was babbling at you somewhere, but the conversation was pleasant enough and you were willing to carry it on, you would be reflexively confident because you know the worst case scenario is some fat old dude doesn't like you. You'd be interested insofar as it remains pleasant, insofar as you have something to gain by talking to the guy, but you would feel from your gut that you're not going to take disrespect or obnoxious behavior from this person if he started giving it to you. You can leave at any time. There are no stakes.

You can be charming and even strategically invested in a fellow human being while fundamentally not caring whether they "accept" or "reject" you. You should always act toward women like there are no stakes. The necessary first step is to already not care, when entering any encounter with any woman, whether you fuck her or not. Never try to fuck any individual woman. Never allow yourself to think, alright this is my big shot, this is the moment of truth. Women are not job interviews. Women are fat old men talking to you in line at the bank about something, and they may or may not become disrespectful. Don't tolerate anything you wouldn't tolerate from a fat old man. If he's nice, he's nice. If you decide to go for coffee with the fat old man later, you can do that. But if he starts acting like you should be impressing him, you would simply discontinue your relations with him. You wouldn't feel shattered or humiliated. You would think, that fat old man became rather saucy and entitled for no reason, I shan't be following up about that walk in the park we had proposed.

The same logic actually applies to job interviews. If you go in to every one expecting an all-or-nothing, do-or-die, zero-sum battle with the interviewer, you will stumble. But if you always already know you are going to have to go to a couple dozen before a lucky stroke of fate or an inexplicable, unusually good chemistry decides in your favor, you will be relaxed and even in every one, and not tolerate bullshit. Women are just job interviewers or fat old men you can fuck once they make the mistake of hiring you because their hormones were ovulating in just the right pattern to let you slip through that week, whereas the previous week they would have tried to publically humiliate you because then they were in the Waxing Gibbous phase of their cycle.

>> No.20263816


>> No.20264030
File: 143 KB, 1080x1312, chadwizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, ma'am, I understand your concern. But, the word nigger is not, or shouldn't be, offensive. It is etymologically derived from the Spanish word negro, which simply means black. So, you see, nigger essentially means 'black person'. If you find 'black person' to be offensive, maybe it is yourself who is racist.

>> No.20264065

Yougo's are a different breed man. But Croat or not you knew this was gonna happen.
Thanks for the Kino!
Is this a Cesar Romero reference?
>Who wants to hear about books they haven't read?
The same reason you read stories about things that haven't happened to you: entertainment value. Become a raconteur.

>> No.20264264

I payed for all the drinks, bummed all the cigarettes and he smoked my weed too. I got swindled by Croatian charm. Now he wants to work out with me too. What have I gotten myself into. This is what happens when you are too personable.

>> No.20264289

I feel you, man

>> No.20264341

i know when to go out
i know when to stay in
get things done

>> No.20264355

You certainly are gregarious and generous aren't you?
p.s. used to love that song
Do you catch the paper boy?

>> No.20264360

yeah, but nothing really changes

>> No.20264364 [DELETED] 

wut do you bruvs think of CSPeirce method of defiining words??S

>> No.20264436

being extremely selfless is actually one of my biggest problems. its been taken advantage of many times
anyways i have to go get drunk now

>> No.20264455
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>put effort into a post
>only reply is some inane bullshit
>get genuinely angry

>> No.20264478

Your mommas not sure if you're a boy or a... oh wait, wrong song.
Yeah I could psychoanalyze that based on your posts

>> No.20264482 [DELETED] 

im gay

>> No.20264492


>> No.20264542
File: 65 KB, 400x274, its-all-fairy-dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only secret in this place is that there is nothing worthwhile here

>> No.20264564

I was nonconsensually educated.

>> No.20264571

she is dead

>> No.20264579

Why would you think this line of argument would work on people though? more to the point why does this word continue to remain a political football that allows both sides to play this game
>Hey we'll continue to say this word that identifies us as racist
>And we'll continue to give that word cachet by feigning moral outrage when you say it
>We'll concentrate power over this purely symbolic issue
>Us too!

>> No.20264697

For what it's worth, I like how you write and feel exactly the same. Thinking of everything and nothing at the same time has been my modus operandi for years. Nothing will come out of it, but fuck it.

>> No.20264995

It's petty, meaningless, and it's foolish to be upset by it, so whoever gets mad deserves to be tormented.

>> No.20265000

Ah, so it's not about reasoning it's about giving them the rhetorical equivalent of itching powder? I'm on board.

>> No.20265041

Precisely. Welcome aboard, brother.

>> No.20265042

I have met genius women. I have met women with IQs far above my own. I have met the most vitruvian valkyries and sage like dravidian desi dames. All of them are globohomo basic bitch commie retards like super computers with viruses not running a single productive self serving process.

>> No.20265060

PersonallyProtectingProvidingDisagreement.exe not found
Insert Y Chromosome for rationality expansion pack
Defense drive is not responding
Your incorrect password attempt has been reported to the librarian for CoC patrol and Commercial United Comisssion of Kentucky (C.U.C.K) Reappropriation

>> No.20265072

Eye like to read. Ear like to here.

>> No.20265123
File: 50 KB, 500x379, irrelevant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatsa big, grey, and live in da circus
>Ey, dats a right, there's a whole lotta irrelevants dat live in a circus, with a biig a trunks

>> No.20265139

How can I turn being able to read 1600 pages a day into a profitable job, pls help, homeless RN

>> No.20265176

Do you actually read that much? Goddam

>> No.20265200

What post anon

>> No.20265206

Nigga I aint readding all that shit

>> No.20265236
File: 57 KB, 615x964, WhyDoestheWorldExist-bookcoverjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it's been awhile since I have. It's easy to get burnt out on it (reading) because I've read so many terrible books. I once had a terrible obsession about reading every book I got to it's end. I only read non-fiction now lol Hardest thing I've ever read was Moby Dick, tho. Took a little over thirty days to read it because I would get stoned and have to read every page 13-30 times to understand it. I've told /lit,/ this story a few times already, I do believe. Favorite chapter is The Specksnyder, hands down

>> No.20265249
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>on /lit/
>cbf to read

>> No.20265251

You know something. It was actually their fanboys like you. You keep bringing them into conversations where they don’t belong.
The board is just for trolling now though. It’s people like you that ruined the place.

You too.

>> No.20265259
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>You know something. It was actually their fanboys like you. You keep bringing them into conversations where they don’t belong.
>The board is just for trolling now though. It’s people like you that ruined the place.

>> No.20265321

I see you agree.

>> No.20265431
File: 6 KB, 329x153, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine drinking

>> No.20265544

>tranny whisperer flooding the board.
You people are a plague

>> No.20265617

What’s’a matter doc, got a sore throat?

>> No.20265639
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i stopped biting my nails

>> No.20265682

The cool thing about reading is that you can take the thoughts of someone much smarter than you and pass them off as your own. People think you're a genius for repeating stuff that was common knowledge 500 years ago

>> No.20265698

New thread. Rufus T. Firefly edition