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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 466 KB, 539x566, ExHdeFiWgAExCE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20251902 No.20251902 [Reply] [Original]

>Phenomenology of Spirit has also been called "a philosophical roller coaster ... with no more rhyme or reason for any particular transition than that it struck Hegel that such a transition might be fun or illuminating."

>> No.20252595

It's simply the greatest book ever written.

>> No.20252633

The greatest book ever written is the Very Hungry Caterpillar, as proven by the fact that a) more people enjoy it, a1) the people who enjoy it enjoy it more intensely than people who enjoy PoS (AKA piece of shit), 2) it is more widely known that PoS and 3) it has nicer pictures.

>> No.20252637

>proven by the fact that
>>[a bunch of opinions]

>> No.20252651

Partially FALSE.
The doxa presented is actually also episteme, rendering your accusation MOOT.

>> No.20252656
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>> No.20252669

>It has been described as having sold the equivalent of a copy per minute since its publication, and as "one of the greatest childhood classics of all time".[4]
Pray tell, may this be said of Hegel? Or has his work ever been bestowed the following praise?
>The Very Hungry Caterpillar was number ten on the list of "Top Check Outs of All Time" by the New York Public Library.[11]
Or this?
>The New York Times cited it as one of the "Ten Best Picture Books of the Year" in 1969.
Or even this?
>The book has won numerous awards, including an American Institute of Graphic Arts Award in 1970, the Selection du Grand Prix des Treize in France in 1972, and the Nakamori Reader's Prize in Japan in 1975.[2]
Tell me - which of these has Hegel ever won? These are not opinions. These are verifiable facts.

>> No.20252679

Why are Anglos so arrogant about what they don't know about /lit/?

>> No.20252784


Tales emanated through the mining camps of the Dakotas. Tales of Blowjob Phil. A man? A Ghost? A Demon? Some say that he died in a silver mine collapse, or fell off of a mule into a steep ravine. Some say he dealt with a terrible old injun god. But few disagree that his spirit haunts the Black Hills. Attracted to the sound of pebbles whisking through pans and the rattle of coal pumps, he descends on any man not enveloped in the protection of Christ and drains the life out of them. Leaving only bones encased in pale skin the color of dead fish.

>> No.20253024
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>What it means...? I just thought it sounded cool

>> No.20253035

>no more rhyme or reason for any particular transition than that it struck Hegel that such a transition might be fun or illuminating
He just moves from consciousness as form of substance to consciousness as form of collective community. What he imagines as the increments may be his own flourish but the overarching structure I thought was pretty obvious. Do people not get it?

>> No.20253233

This guy wouldn't be so popular if the title of his most famous work had been named Experience of God like it should have been.

>> No.20253270


>> No.20253280

I kneel

>> No.20253537
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>> No.20253540

None of those things have anything to do with Wisdom.

>> No.20253573

already dead to spirit

>> No.20253988

Would a "tale" really emanate? And are "mining camps" really like aqueous media to emanate through? I think you've oversold this one.

>> No.20254173

People are brainlets. Hegel is literally clear af

>> No.20254283

I really thought I'd hate schoppy but the more I read about him, the more I like him. Didn't live too bad of a life for being dubbed the great pessimist. And despite being one he seemed to understand how to maximize happiness.

>> No.20254296

nigga u what

>> No.20254710

>dude people who think their race is superior or are nationalists are losers lmao
>also I hate women and they are inferior

>> No.20254730

The caterpillar knows the transient nature of life, and it’s suffering, through the pangs of hunger. What philosophy could be more wise?

>> No.20254869
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>> No.20254878 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)16:44:22 No.20254747▶>>20254752 >>20254790 >>20254810
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All three of my romance novels flopped Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:22:09 No.20252862▶>>20252871 >>20252912 >>20252961 >>20253180 >>20253185 >>20253203 >>20253219 >>20254711 >>20254724 >>20254731 >>20254740 >>20254742
>friend is a romance author
>made $100,000 last year
>decide to become a romance author myself
>challenging and time consuming
>work 3 months straight
>my books totally flop.

I am currently trying to do a fourth but it is seeming very futile at this stage. How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:23:51 No.20252871▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
You have to pick one, it's impossible to appeal to both in significant numbers
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:24:46 No.20252877▶
Write a book about a handsome gay man who gets seduced by an aged hagraven.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:31:06 No.20252899▶
What's your friend's name? I'm genuinely curious to read their work now kek.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:32:54 No.20252912▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Women love rape and someone to take care of them. Also pirates

Gay men are like men and they like physical things
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:40:11 No.20252944▶
Just get the bestsellers, distill their formula and archetypes and just fill the rest for your books. Don't tell me you're actually trying to make up shit.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)08:43:42 No.20252961▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
It's all about marketing and not how you write.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:45:18 No.20253180▶>>20253220 >>20254726
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>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
>How do I write romance in a way that middle aged normie women, and gays appreciate?
Write abusive smut. That's what holes like. Arrogant bullies who are also tall, muscular, rich, and for some reason obsessed with them even though they're mediocre females.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:46:40 No.20253185▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
are you using a female pseudonym? if not, use it.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:51:26 No.20253203▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Maybe you're a shit writer.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:54:36 No.20253219▶
>>20252862 (OP) (OP)
Why did you post a picture of a convicted child molester. What kind of romances are you writing?
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)09:55:15 No.20253220▶>>20254869

>> No.20255061
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HOLY fucking based

>> No.20255066


>> No.20255205

He was an incel so that’s why he hated women. Simple as. You can skim over his rants easily, and if you wanted to really criticize him, get him on fundamentally misunderstanding Buddhism and tripping up the west’s whole apprehension of it.

>> No.20255209
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>> No.20256351

One that isn't gay. Faggot.

>> No.20256725

that's him in drag, anon..

>> No.20257518


>> No.20257532
File: 90 KB, 851x967, FQ4bBXJX0AAkFNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indescribably based

>> No.20257614

you have to go back

>> No.20257757

This anon gets it. Hegel was a retarded faggot.

>> No.20258063
File: 1.82 MB, 500x209, laughs_colonially.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so assblasted you mass reply
>"n-no u need to GO BACK!!!11!1!1!!1!!1!"

>> No.20258070

>he's still here

>> No.20258105

Schoppy in his deserted lecture hall seething at Hegel, putting on a bonnet and mocking himself in his dead mother's voice for being such an annoying fag like Norman Bates