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20252383 No.20252383 [Reply] [Original]

ITT writers who compensate their average artistic talent with pure hard work and knowledge.

>> No.20252459

Sanderson really is a hardworking motherfucker. His writing style is poorer than GRRM or Stephen King, but his books are way better (and better rated ) purely due to his relentless attention to detail and dedication to his fans.

>> No.20253103

Mistborn was ok but I really like storm light however its a bit too long for an almost YA story

>> No.20253152

only read Elantris, and although the prose isn't noticeable, I think he has a very good sense of storytelling. I think that counts as artistic talent, it's just less obvious than muh writing style to normalfags

>> No.20253209

I respect him for simply writing, not many people here do that.

>> No.20253210

I nominate DFW, I guess
wasn't he all about normal wits but masochistic levels of hard work?

>> No.20253222

>prose isn't noticeable
you have a warped understanding of what prose is.

>> No.20253225
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People hate to see a Trad white man winning.

>> No.20253240


>> No.20253242

Why do we (people in general) seem to value natural talent over hard work when it comes to the arts? In most cases, when somebody has clearly worked hard to achieve their skill, it demonstrates that above all else, they possess extraordinary dedication and willpower that they were able to apply to develop and hone their skills; this is more impressive than somebody who simply came out of the womb with a natural knack for the thing in question? Does not the person who put in the time and effort to improve deserve more praise and recognition?
Also, all of this is being asked assuming the person who worked to achieve their level of skill produces something of equal or better quality compared to the person who had the gift naturally; obviously, if you work and work and work and the stuff you produce is still shit, then tough luck

>> No.20253293

Because natural talent is necessary but not always sufficient for producing a great work. Hard work can only bring you so far, an innately talented person will produce better art without even trying. If you aren't born with innate talent you shouldn't even bother.

>> No.20253300

youre making up a dichotomy

>> No.20253305

bogus idealism

>> No.20253324

It's the truth. It's no different than in sports. The great are born as such. Sure, they need to do SOME amount of work to cultivate their innate talents, but a random person will NEVER be able to produce anything of artistic value no matter how hard they work at cultivating their craft because talent is INNATE.

>> No.20253328

genius or naturally talented people or whatever probably work 'smart' not 'hard'. there's different types of good art anyway as varied as there are manners or voices, not a single ideal standard that can only be accessed by the genius

>> No.20253329

>If you aren't born with innate talent you shouldn't even bother
Anon, I need to know your opinion on migration and programming socks.

>> No.20253336

Mostly against it
>programming socks

>> No.20253340

I saw part of one of his videos on youtube, and it feels like he just wants to explain, and not tell a story.

He likes to discuss, not write.

Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt though, I don't actually know what his writing is like.

>> No.20253341

A large amount of people are spiritually normies and will never make good art no matter how much they refine it. If youre an even slightly adventerous interesting person, and you put in work, youll make something good.

>> No.20253348

it depends on what the person values, their teaching, how they view the world and their experience of it, their ability to self-evaluate, ability to innovate, ability to analyse other works, resilience, etc. I don't know if this is what you mean by 'innate talent' or if you think some people are just able to channel some spirit world of art

>> No.20253349

>Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt though
that was already my plan but thanks

>> No.20253350

Because hard work is manual.

Talent, maybe implied in its nature, is effortless. Struggling or doing something actively is less elegant and graceful than doing it automatically and without thought.

>> No.20253356

>some people are just able to channel some spirit world of art
Basically yes.

>> No.20253366

there's technique in making things appear effortless but people with talent still put in the effort.

>> No.20253369


When we ingest something, we are more impressed by someone being confident and not making it a big deal. Like a cool person doing something cool, and being casual about it.

Now compare that image of this cool person with someone who sits down to deliberately create 'art' and has to put their mind to it or it won't happen and works towards it by making an effort.

While the latter is much more admirable, the former just oozes charisma.

TL;DR: effortlessly doing something > making big fuss about doing the same thing.

Effortless charisma > tryharding to get something done.

There's a reason actors are almost worshipped, while programmers are seen as nerds.

>> No.20253371

i suggest looking into art history to dispel some of these myths about the production of art. it's really less special than most people think

>> No.20253375

Thanks for hte link.

>> No.20253377

>an innately talented person will produce better art without even trying

No they won't, that's exactly the point the anon you're responding to is saying you retard.

>> No.20253519

>actors are almost worshipped
There's no almost about it. No one ever committed sudoku over a programmer's death, although there are plenty of losers who do so when their favorite pop slut or serial Hollywood liar kicks the bucket.

>> No.20253545

>is writing style is poorer than GRRM or Stephen King
Wew. Can you guys post an excerpt? I can't imagine a professional writer being worse than GRMM.

>> No.20253557

How do you know you're good? Even talented artists tend to be quite insecure about their talent.

>> No.20253579

All this talk about talent, how do you even know how much of an outcome is due to talent? more importantly, even if you could measure talent; how would you do it for something as abstract as art?

>> No.20253586

“I’m going to die, aren’t I?” Cenn asked.

The weathered veteran beside Cenn turned and inspected him. The veteran wore a full beard, cut short. At the sides, the black hairs were starting to give way to grey.

I’m going to die, Cenn thought, clutching his spear—the shaft slick with sweat. I’m going to die. Oh, Stormfather. I’m going to die. . . .

“How old are you, son?” the veteran asked. Cenn didn’t remember the man’s name. It was hard to recall anything while watching that other army form lines across the rocky battlefield. That lining up seemed so civil. Neat, organized. Shortspears in the front ranks, longspears and javelins next, archers at the sides. The darkeyed spearmen wore equipment like Cenn’s: leather jerkin and knee-length skirt with a simple steel cap and a matching breastplate.

Many of the lighteyes had full suits of armor. They sat astride horses, their honor guards clustering around them with breastplates that gleamed burgundy and deep forest green. Were there Shardbearers among them? Brightlord Amaram wasn’t a Shardbearer. Were any of his men? What if Cenn had to fight one? Ordinary men didn’t kill Shardbearers. It had happened so infrequently that each occurrence was now legendary.

It’s really happening, he thought with mounting terror. This wasn’t a drill in the camp. This wasn’t training out in the fields, swinging sticks. This was real. Facing that fact—his heart pounding like a frightened animal in his chest, his legs unsteady—Cenn suddenly realized that he was a coward. He shouldn’t have left the herds! He should never have—

“Son?” the veteran said, voice firm. “How old are you?”

“Fifteen, sir.”

“And what’s your name?” “Cenn, sir.”

The mountainous, bearded man nodded. “I’m Dallet.”

“Dallet,” Cenn repeated, still staring out at the other army. There were so many of them! Thousands. “I’m going to die, aren’t I?”

“No.” Dallet had a gruff voice, but somehow that was comforting. “You’re going to be just fine. Keep your head on straight. Stay with the squad.”

“But I’ve barely had three months’ training!” He swore he could hear faint clangs from the enemy’s armor or shields. “I can barely hold this spear! Stormfather, I’m dead. I can’t—”

“Son,” Dallet interrupted, soft but firm. He raised a hand and placed it on Cenn’s shoulder. The rim of Dallet’s large round shield reflected the light from where it hung on his back. “You are going to be fine.”

“How can you know?” It came out as a plea.

“Because, lad. You’re in Kaladin Stormblessed’s squad.” The other soldiers nearby nodded in agreement.

>> No.20253618

Sanderson prose is often cheesy and always simple; but it is clear and evocative so I don't have a problem with it, what I dislike is how much he repeats stuff he already made clear; for example, in Mistborn it was really common when a Misting used his allomantic power; Sanderson would write a couple sentences explaining (again) what metal he used, the name by which that particular kind of user was known, what the power actually is, some flavor text about how cool the power is; and then he proceeded with the narration. This happened over and over again ever other chapter.

>> No.20253627

This reads like an online roleplay.

>> No.20253649

Yea I only listen to the audio books but for the most part it is entertaining and not too cheesy like most fantasy is. Obviously this isn't the best of his writing but its the average, some stuff is quite brilliant (in the sense it is exactly what I want)

>> No.20253891

>Why do we (people in general) seem to value natural talent over hard work when it comes to the arts?
Because it makes for a better story. A misunderstood genius has a more romantic feels that the average joe who manages to produce great work by perfecting his craft throughout sheer effort.

Still most of the great writers fall in the latter group. But we only see the results, not the process. Then we simply romanticize their story after their masterpieces are published, and make a romantic story out of their hardship.
This is one of the main theme in Ulysses.

This is also one of the main characteristic of good writing: it seems to flow efortless. Think about it like a violin performance: there is no struggle, the performer gracefully goes through the most complex passage like it's nothing, and we stand in awe to his genius. We, of course, have not seen how much time he had to put to reach that level.

There is one downside aspect to this, and is that aspiring writers (or artists of any kind, for what matter), feel soon disheartened when they see that what they produce is not up to the level of the masters. Leaving aside the hint of arrogance in this, this steems from the idea that artistic work is inspired, rather than slowly crafted. But as soon as a person gets involved with other writers, or takes a course in anything, quickly realizes how long it takes to write anything, from fiction to a research paper — it's build piece by piece, and many times rewritten.

I've never read Sanderson, but I listened to some of his talks and it somwhat surprises me how down-to-earth he is compared to his peers.

>> No.20253982

>pure hard work and knowledge
He's backed by the mormon literature mafia, as well as the freemasons allegedly
He's mormon which is nearly the opposite of trad, plus he's allegedly a freemason which is the opposite of trad
This. He's a historian to his own works, not a storyteller. He would do great on a fromsoft game especially with all their subversion of Christian morals, but he's shit at writing novels

>> No.20254159

>a fromsoft game especially with all their subversion of Christian morals

>> No.20254968

The lore, setting, and moral lessons surrounding fromsoft's games draw almost exclusively from gnosticism aka satanism. Gnosticism survives today through the jews via their talmud and kabbalah as well as the jews servants the freemasons. the masons are everywhere including japan, and they love nothing more than to inject their works with their gnostic(satanic) beliefs (wheel of time, way of kings, super Mario 64 and fromsoft games to name a few relevant ones) These satanic beliefs are then subversively mixed with Christian imagery, prayers, and morals to mock Jesus Christ and to devalue Catholicism (the one true faith). for example the mixture of pagan deity's and pantheons being worshipped in cathedrals, the use of prayers and blessings as spellcasting, the use of priests as pagans or demon worshippers, the church as an evil cult, etc. And with the final lesson of the games usually being the core tenant of gnosticism, to become or usurp (a false)god, plus the duality choice endings, there is 0 chance fromsoft creates it by coincidence, it is strictly planned.

>> No.20254985

>a freemason which is the opposite of trad
All trad writer praised by /lit/ have ties to freemasonry or are freemasons (Evola, Guenon…)

This certifies Sanderson as Trad

>> No.20255000


>> No.20255009

You sound like a fucking autistic sperg, holy shit.

>> No.20255011

haha, fair

>> No.20255013

Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I share this bird with you. Kys.

>> No.20255017

I think it's because it's just such an awesome thing to witness genius, people wish that they were chosen instead, and I can't blame them. You're right though hard work is just as- even more admirable and awesome. Problem is many people don't want to work hard. So many people have this false idea that if they're not proficient by X age they never can be and shouldn't even try. It's really sad. They also probably chase after fame and fortune which can be alright but it shouldn't be all. A lot of people have this who cares attitude because they won't ever be as big as some guy at the top but it shouldn't matter.

>> No.20255038

I only read Mistborn and its ok, it didn't leave an impact on me like other writers but he is fun to read and he knows how to write a good plot, he is obviously good at something and people enjoy it, he got fans and I think more people are getting more into fantasy novels because of him.

>> No.20255049

Living in shame and misery
Total lack of supremacy
Living just to rage and scream
Rage so hard I blow steam

>> No.20255141

>All trad writer praised by /lit/ have ties to freemasonry or are freemasons
>This certifies Sanderson as Trad
You have no idea what trad is. Trad is traditional as in Christian Tradition in all aspects of life. From how we dress, how we speak, our faith, our worship of God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, it is every second of our lives. The freemasons and their masters the jews, literally started wars (the revolutions which started with the French revolution through the "enlightenment") to end tradition and remove the western world from God and Jesus Christ's teachings. We were traditional people when we had God present in every second of our lives as a people, now we don't even have that culturally, look around. mason scum are not trad they are gnostic satanics.

>> No.20255184

I feel like Chuck Wendig is a serviceable but unimpressive writer

>> No.20255326

art is not rlly that abstract tbqh

>> No.20255369

Big cope, massive seethe

>> No.20255536


>> No.20255585

This guys takes over the whole market using the clever lit machine tactic, he employs a squad of mormon goons that go around blackmailing, threatening, and beating up talented authors to scare them away from pursuing their careers and publishing their works, even the most famous authors have been blackmailed and humiliates into not completing their work and releasing their magnum opus, this mormon lit machine crushes all that stand against it and they are the scummiest of goons, they literally hack authors computers and print sensitive documents.

>> No.20255600

Take your meds.

>> No.20255673
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life is too short

>> No.20255685

Why do people read this shit when actually well written fantasy exists? Gene Wolfe or even that hack Rothfuss make this look like fan fic written by a high-schooler.

>> No.20255690

Gene Wolfe is a meme, his writing is t stellar either. I’ll even say he’s overhype. Read Tolkien

>> No.20255692

Wolfe is a peasant compared to the liked pf Bakker, Bakker makes Wolfe look like smut written by a cuckold.

>> No.20255717

Gene the jackal the de-balled dog
Named after jackals, looks like a hog

>> No.20256252

I agree with the fact he makes people read, better this than people watching netflix or marvel movies.

>> No.20256418

He really doesn't have much detail. Tolkien could paint the scenery of details in a fraction of the pages Sanderson writes. Sanderson doesn't give any good descriptions of anything in the world. He's not good at world building. This is a meme for people who have never read anything.

>> No.20256434

Because I work hard for 35K wage slaving at the cost of my blood and sweat. I don't consider a lifestyle living room within walking distance of your office and writing formulaic soulless books hard work. Many writers that write books could produce the same results if they had the freedom and publishing connections he has.

>> No.20256452

Actually anyone can make valid and cool art expect for you in particular OP
sorry bout that you just dont got INNATE talent you have to BORN with it(what is it? Maybe its maybeline?)

>> No.20256706

Because Wolfe is dead and Rothfuss hasn't written anything in ten years. Sandersons shits out one novel a year, so if you're looking to only read fantasy and to read a lot of it, Sanderson or Prachett are your best options. Their prose is roughly equivalent, but unlike Prachett, Sanderson doesn't have his head up his own ass.

>> No.20256729

The Japs don't even understand Christianity well enough to subvert it.

>> No.20256783

Weirdest thing about Sando is his writing and storytelling seems to be getting worse.

>> No.20256807

I don't know man; I read the first trilogy of Mistborn after reading SLA 1-3; and Mistborn is way worse.

>> No.20256878

It unironically reads like a light novel. Probably that's why it's so popular, everyone can get into it.
Not criticising, some people like light novels.

>> No.20257445


>> No.20257515
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The snippets I've read seem NPC normiecore squared. BUT I love how he did an end-run around the affirmative action crowd and got them screaming.

>> No.20257519

>he did an end-run around the affirmative action crowd and got them screaming

>> No.20257528

The Way of Kings plot spoilers.
Shallan in the beginning: "I need to steal the fabrial for the sake of my family's safety."
Shallan in middle: "I'm stealing the fabrial for the sake of my family's safety."
Shallan at the end: "I'm sorry for stealing the fabrial for the sake of my family's safety. And oh, by the way, I have super powers. But it's the end of the book already. tee-hee, see you in the sequel."

Kaladin in the beginning: "I have to fight to save my men!"
Kaladin in the middle: "I'm fighting to save my men!"
Kaladin at the end: "I have fought to save my men. Now, I can be free. Oh and I too have super powers by the way. Heh... see you in the sequel"

Dalinar in the beginning: "I must unite the people for a greater cause"
Dalinar in the middle: "I'm uniting the people for a greater cause"
Dalinar in the end: "I have failed to unite the people for a greater cause. And I finally understand my powers btw. See you in the sequel"

This eventless plot drags on for 1280 pages. Or 45 hours and 30 minutes on audiobook. To put that into perspective: that's about 1.5x longer than game of thrones. Over 2x longer than lord of the rings. 3 main characters. 3 points of views. And barely fuck all happens.

But you can't hate him entirely, because there's no real "flaw" in the book. No plot holes. No thematic inconsistencies. No glaring problems with the prose. No overt red flags. His work is frustratingly underwhelming.

>> No.20257529

>He's not good at world building

Cant really agree. You either have never read Sanderson or you have very high standards for world building. Sanderson is way more creative in his world building than most fantasy authors. ASOIAF worldbuilding is very uninspired and bland compared to Stormlight. I enjoy both anyway.

>> No.20257543

>Gene Wolfe or even that hack Rothfuss

Bruh I agree with you but these guys are just trash. You could have picked better examples.

>> No.20257560

it's been almost 15 years since I've read Tolkien, I can't remember if he used first-person narrative in the whole trilogy. The "realization" hit me when I was finishing Mistborn and remembering all the authors who let you know what a character thinks, but I can't remember that ever happening in LoTR. I remember it all being third-person omniscient.

>> No.20257645

Begone jew
For most of the Japanese sure, but not the men who create these works, they feign ignorance. Like the guy who created evangelian, clearly a student of gnosticism and probably a mason, lied and stated his work just used aesthetics but the actual work contradicts that, he knows. Here are some videos that I found to support my claim that the Japanese understand what they are doing.
And this was just a quick cursory search, nearly every jap videogame is rife with gnosticism/talmudic/kabbalah/satanic teachings, you have been gently subverted since childhood, reject these anti Christian beliefs and embrace the one true faith Traditional Catholicism, its the only thing that can free you from their grip.

>> No.20257742

Oh my god shut up

>> No.20257826

>His work is frustratingly underwhelming.

Most popular fantasy works are. Sanderson's strength lies in his world building. Instead of having to drag yourself along another copy- pasted, uninspired version of medieval europe (lotr, GoT etc.) You get a creative and way more interesting setting and magic system. But I agree that stormlight books should have been 300 less pages on average.

>> No.20257917

marvel superheroes with magic swords and armor. very creative

>> No.20257924

You could've just typed that. Are you narcissistic? Are you that desperate to have your voice heard by other people?

>> No.20257928

Why are fantasy works underwhelming? What makes them underwhelming to you?

Or rather, what are you missing that makes it not as stimulating?

>> No.20257930

stormlight is far worse. Mistborn was a fun story. Stormlight is just bloated garbage.

>> No.20257931

Beats having to read the same medieval european setting over and over again.

>> No.20257944

Except it's literally that just with more magic. Having magic bugs that float around doesn't change that at its core it's just medieval fantasy. Try reading more fantasy classics like wolfe. They are much more creative than this garbage.

>> No.20257953

It's like a marvel movie. I've seen this exact scene so many times before...

>> No.20257963

>Why are fantasy works underwhelming? What makes them underwhelming to you?

I find most popular/mainstream fantasy works underwhelming, not all of them. I always found works like ASOIF, Harry potter, wheel of time underwhelming. It's mostly due to weak worldbuilding and a lot of recycled ideas.
Sanderson is probably the first mainstream fantasy writer I find enjoyable, besides Erikson and Tolkien.

>> No.20257983

Rothfuss is far worse

>> No.20257993

Roshar doesn't resemble medieval europe at all. Neither do the different cultures. It's set in a completely different landscape with almost alien weather and totally different fauna and flora.

>Try reading more fantasy classics like wolfe

I read The Shadow of the Torturer when I was in college. It was ok. I actually don't remember why I didn’t read more of his works afterwards.

>> No.20257997

Man. they're just copying Eva or Berserk most of the time and even in those cases they were just copying stuff they thought was cool, I don't buy that Anno or Miura Miyazaki or whoever had secret occult knowledge derived from Masonry for a minute. Don't know enough about Souls to comment but the video on Eva seemed to be reaching pretty hard. Actual Japanese religion is a mix of animism and Buddhism which could almost be described as orthogonal to Christianity.

>> No.20258024

Superficially different. At it's core it's just more medieval fantasy

>> No.20258049
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>> No.20258283

rabbi getting toasty
>they were just copying stuff they thought was cool
>video on Eva seemed to be reaching pretty hard
The stories are straight up gnosticism through the kabbalah, they lie to cover their subversion, and it was just one video I quickly pulled others go deeper like this one https://youtu.be/8RBi_fxfsU4
>I don't buy that Anno or Miura Miyazaki or whoever had secret occult knowledge derived from Masonry
Its not derived from masonry its derived from gnosticism, which is satanic. The masons are but one of many schools that teach this, being that they were created by the jews who follow the talmud and the kabbalah two other schools of gnosticism. Anno or Miyazaki may not be masons but they are definitely involved in gnosticism one way or another through some school.

>> No.20258308

Sanderson has some really great climaxes I don't care what anyone says. He also has some emotional gems that you know he has been sitting on trying to figure out a way to make it work

>> No.20258615

The entire theme of Eva is about reaching out to others in spite of the pain it can cause, this really doesn't strike me as gnostic. I never interpreted Third Impact as being a good or desirable thing even if the show is using Gnostic imagery alongside it.

>> No.20258626

Nothing you described is even remotely gnostic.

>> No.20258654

Because he writes boring books that do nothing but build up to one climax

>> No.20258746

Walter pater and Flaubert were considered this, Walter pater especially due to him taking so long on each passage but was considered irl incredibly tame and whatever. Dependent on how you feel about him, Ezra pound would also fit here, as would any technique fixated author to some degree. But in truth, literary talent is not much more than the capacity to steal techniques and fragments and recombine them in conjunction with your particular odd aesthetic ideals, fusing these with the random burst of inspiration and particular spirits/mind and emotions you feel appropriate, since literature is the least sensual of the arts the capacities of these can be trained and rationally grasped, thus talent and time+taste are almost interchangeable. A good example of this is Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who was able to make any paragraph by slight adjustment sound like any of the models he held, and taught people how to do the exact same. Imo the bigger question is the unique strangeness of conception, for with enough effort you can create a passable pastiche of any author in terms of a line by line basis and overall structuring principles, thus combining of multiple author styles was always the historical means of advancing the art in prose, this more or less breaks down around the 1900s since literary tradition begins to break down as does taste for the synthesis of all of the many traditions and authors, except in select art movements and authors.

We can see approximate movements in the more sensual arts, creating pastiche of the great composers is very common in history, much of it very good and passable, painting is more difficult but technology and time and education allows much of the gap to dissolve, the level of detail and symmetry your generic piece of computer made art has and the high amount of it would make the old masters blush, but they fail in not having their height and strangeness of mind.

But let us return to music, if we consider the more rhythmical and sensual form of music, such as in rock and (non-lyrically complex) rap, this is all reliant on talent and mastery of understanding of animal rhythms.

TLDR, if you’re autistic enough you don’t have to worry about talent.

>> No.20258795

Did you really expect anyone on .lit/ to know what Gnosticism actually means?

>> No.20258859

Well tool is my favorite band and I guess I see your point

>> No.20258871

No, but I still like calling out retards.

>> No.20258968

It’s therefore more likely that the greatest philosopher never wrote a word, and that the greatest footballer never touched a ball.

>> No.20258985

It's just some Trad conspiracist who sees masonry under every rock

>> No.20259137

Deceitful jew I know what I'm talking about for everyone else here is a short video explaining https://youtu.be/qrZOve_p-MI the relevant part starts at 2:43 but you should watch the entire thing. They take this inversion of Christianity and reinject it back into Christian imagery and morals to demean and mock Christianity. it is exactly gnosticism which is then wrapped in an alluring video game lore which is used to mock and deride Christianity.
The esoteric theme of Eva is literally kabbalah endgame. Any theme you derive from your own experience watching it is exoteric, in other words you are not learned, you cannot comprehend what they have made, this is one of the core aspects of gnosticism/kabbalah (Only people with the knowledge handed to them from people who are learned, will know the real meaning). Your interpretation has no bearing on the true meaning which is what they decided which is kabbalah gnosticism.

>> No.20259152

Already putting too much faith in him. He's just a retard.

>> No.20259184

>The esoteric theme of Eva is literally kabbalah endgame
Third Impact/Instrumentality is not presented as a good thing in Eva. Did you even watch the show/movie? The entire point is accepting living in the world despite the suffering intrinsic to it, and reaching out to others in spite of the pain it can cause. This is the entire point of Shinji and Asuka rejecting Instrumentality at the end of EoE. You would unironically have better luck attacking Xenogears.

>> No.20259201

Anon, it's no use to argue against him.

>> No.20259217

Brandon is nice
the rest are mice

>> No.20259222

Mario is a masonic plot to sissfy westerners? WTF

>> No.20259227

/pol/ is that way, schizo.

>> No.20259228

come on man, Rhythms are definitely Human not animal, and are an intellectual part of art. No difference between a rhythm in a rock song and the rhythm in a poem. Sure rock is sensual, but its definitely human and intellectual sensuality. (not even a rock fan)

>> No.20259246

This song has sensuality

Bakker rules and sandi drools
Bakker knows and sandi blows
Bakker supreme and sandi scream
Bakker Bakker hey hey hey
Bakker Bakker make them pay

>> No.20259251

Bakker is shit.

>> No.20259252

I’m not saying this as a lower opinion of the rhythm or the style, I for example love disco but it’s simply not designed with the same kind of rigor as Bach has but instead in a much more sensual and intuitive basis.

And I do mean animal as an adjective meaning a subtype of rhythm, for there is an animalistic or if you prefer, Dionysian quality to the more wild rhythms.

>Sure rock is sensual, but its definitely human and intellectual sensuality.

All art is, it’s a scale. Most sensual art is still art so it’s still intellectual and human, I would consider cuisine the absolute pinnacle of sensual arts, whereas poetry is at the opposite end, and because it is still art, still has sensual elements. If a thing hasn’t any sensual elements, it’s difficult to call it art truly, if a thing has no formal/intellectual aspect whatsoever it is again difficult to call it art truly.

>> No.20259253

im not initiated into any groups or anything so i guess I don't know much, but Eva and Dark Souls just seem to be describing our current meaningless sad world using this theme. I doubt Anno is trying to personally subvert christianity. Its possible he feels resentment towards it, but it seems entirely like self expression rather than some idealogical subversion.
Anno said in an interview he can play and rearange christian concepts because he has no personal relation to them. He said he wouldnt be able to do the same with shintoism because its something he has strong feelings about.

>> No.20259256

Says the sandi enjoyer.

>> No.20259262

idk anything about esoterica, but Mario 64 has alot of aesthetic similarities with other stuff ive seen described as gnostic/schizo esoterism.
think nu bladee, william blake

>> No.20259276
File: 134 KB, 1300x1064, comic-con-super-mario-cosplayers-sheffield-uk-october-three-cosplayer-girls-dressed-as-supermario-brothers-luigi-112580900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario 64 is Sissy Hypno confirmed

>> No.20259285

don't know, that sounded more like /x/ or schizo /his/ than /pol/ proper

>> No.20259289

Will and dedication is genetic. Why would you praise something more just because it took more time?

>> No.20259299

sure, rock is fully sensual and therefore closer to the animal than baroque rhythms which are going for something in addition to the sensual. I guess just a choice of words, cause I don't see animals making or understanding disco. But I agree with you the way you've used it, dyonysian is more resonant of a term with me.

>> No.20259308

Mario 64 is much better than nu bladee and is redpilled af, but its def made some basedboys over the years

>> No.20259314

Many players who speed run the game got sissified and transitioned, this is no coincidence, its planned..

>> No.20259379

What a fucking loser mindset. Following this logic, nobody should ever make anything, including those with so-called « talent », because there will always be a hypothetical genius who is better.

>> No.20259445

>What a fucking loser mindset. Following this logic, nobody should ever make anything, including those with so-called « talent », because there will always be a hypothetical genius who is better.
Mostly true.

>> No.20259778

You have no idea what you’re talking about
>t. Raised mormon but left

>> No.20259792

Holy Christ kys

>> No.20259827


If you write because you believe your work only has worth if it is comparable to the Greats then you will never produce anything worth reading. And I say that from experience. The worst writing I ever did was when I was trying to be profound and to produce a sense of awe in readers.

If you write without regard to how it will be viewed, but because you have something to say and because you know what you have to say is something worth saying, then maybe, just maybe, you'll produce something worth reading. But there's no point in trying to write something great or even good--just write. Write what it is you need to write without regard to how critics will view it and you will write something worthwhile if for no other reason than the fact that it is a way for others to see the world through your eyes.

>> No.20259846

> there will always be a hypothetical genius
If that guy exists (he doesn't), then fuck him because I'll take his place

>> No.20259849

And if you don't?

>> No.20259865

>just detach from the result bro
Wow, never heard this one before.
Nah, I think I'll continue to compare my work to them. That's the only thing keeping me going. Aiming for high standards isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.20259870

Then I'd just kill myself because nothing else is worth living for

>> No.20259902

Aiming for high standards isn't bad, but the standards shouldn't be external. They should be knowing that you said what you needed to say as clearly and precisely as you could.

Therapy, mijo. You have worth beyond your work and even if you didn't, your perfectionism will strangle your potential in the cradle.

>> No.20259935

Quantity has its own performative lack of quality

It's the Muses, not the Mules. It's the difference between the effortless and the forced-- one is the product of play, the other is . . . a product.

>fast food Proust, Type 2 Logorrhea

Encounters with others' styles is necessary to distinguish oneself from them. What passes for 'literacy' in this age is a hindrance to accruing that sort of experience.

>> No.20260046

>standards shouldn't be external
Art depends on someone consuming it too. When you create art, you have to submit to that dynamic and acknowledge it. It sounds to me like you want to ignore it

Also if I hold myself to that standard I can secretly hold everyone else to that standard too if I want

>> No.20260108

Art is like childrearing.

You do your best to give it everything you can, but ultimately, it will be what it is and it will be received as it is. This is not to say you shouldn't try, but to quote Picard:

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life."

>> No.20260809

I can't speak for the whole stormlight series. I've only read the way of kings. But the worldbuilding was not all that oustanding as you make it sound. It's actually very video gamey. He gives characters these mana orbs that they have to spend in order to perform magic. That reminds me of Terranigma. In that game, they had something called "magirock". A mineral that is capable of storing magic power. So you have it store the power you want, and then unleash the power through rings. So yeah, now that I think of it, fabrials are literally a game system from 1995.

But not truly. I'm sure Terranigma got its ideas from older sources, which in turn got their ideas from older sources, and it stretches way back. Storing magic inside of stone an mineral is not a new idea at all.

>> No.20260857


>> No.20261408

He's not wrong, though.
The CIA has an office in every major media production outlet.
The current pope is a CIA assest.