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/lit/ - Literature

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20249465 No.20249465 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most effective self help book?

>> No.20249469

The Bible

>> No.20249485


>> No.20249489
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Internal self help kino

>> No.20249490

This guy looks like he's a direct descendant of Dante judging by his younger pictures.

>> No.20249500
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external self help kino

>> No.20249515
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Depends on what problems are you trying to solve Atomic Habits is a good start. I’v gotten something out of these books but I’m still working to improve myself.

>> No.20249536

>I’v gotten something out of these books
What did you get out of them?

>> No.20249900

Atomic Habits, everything else is a footnote to this

>> No.20249903


>> No.20250371

Dr burns

>> No.20250386

What habits did it help you instill that you couldn't before you knew the techniques from the book?

>> No.20250778

Not that anon but I also read the book. 1% better everyday and change beginning from identity. There's a significant difference between statements like "I'm a non smoker" and "I'm trying to stop smoking."

>> No.20250831

love this guy. what was his name- Materazzi? something with a C? I forget. He was the best, best all around guy, great player.

>> No.20250834


>> No.20251028

Self help from JBP? OP may as well get tax advice from Wesley Snipes

>> No.20251114

Depends on what. You have to have some idea of what your problem is, what the obstacle is in front of you etc.

I've read tons of shit but the thing that helped me the most was Eugene Gendlin's Focusing technique. There's a book on it, but the gist is you have to look inwardly and find out how to move your emotions forward, if that makes sense. Any kind of chronic emotional problem is basically being stuck and this technique lets you listen to the "felt sense" of the problem so you can get a better "handle" on it and find a way to "move it forward". It sounds very hocus pocus like, but his language is very particular in how he describes inner experiences which you'll learn to notice the more you observe and pratice. When you move something forward, you feel a "felt shift" which is very distinct and you might find yourself thinking or behaving in new ways somewhat effortlessly.

>> No.20251116

Cringe take.

>> No.20251124

What book?

>> No.20251127

"Focusing" - Eugene Gendlin

>> No.20251149

So it helped you quit smoking?

>> No.20251162
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Not the anon you asked but Allen Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking genuinely did help me quit through a similar reframing. I'd tried to quit a bunch of times before unsuccessfully as well.

>> No.20251181

I don't smoke. I was trying to ascertain in what way the book Atomic Habits helped him or anyone.

>> No.20251193

The man’s a benzo-addicted wreck who breaks down in tears whenever he’s in front of a camera. I wouldn’t take his advice on anything. Plus his daughter’s a whore

>> No.20251231

Anon, you just don't bloody get it, even though it is so in your face, but you tried to take it too damn literally, and that's just a very. bad. idea. It took me months of thinking about Peterson as a benzo-addicted wreck before I even began to have an inkling as to the absolute genius that is on show here. I mean, man, you could write a whole thesis on this one sentence and barely scratch the surface of what is actually being said here. What it is, is you have a wreck right? And a wreck represents chaos - or more accurately the primordial female chaos that we all must do battle with sometimes. It's the same chaos that is the dragon in Snow White, and Cerberus at the gates of Hell. But a wreck can also be read in the sense of Jonah, who was caught in a wreck and found himself in the belly of the beast. Now that's a dark place that you do not want to find yourself in. And it's like what Dostoevsky wrote in Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky was a bloody prophet you know - he saw what was coming, he saw how nihilism threatened to destroy the world, and of course, we saw what happened later in Russia. Some very bad times. So we have this wreck both as primordial chaos and as the instigator for facing the beast - who is of course the father figure - and who else could this be than God? And that's what Peterson is bloody saying here. He's saying that life is hard, and tragic, and just so bloody difficult a lot of the time, but you have to wrestle with it man. I mean - if you don't, that's just what the cultural marxists have been getting at this whole time, and look where we are now. I. Don't. Like. It. Very. Much. And that's why these benzos are so damn important here - they instigate some kind of doomed heroes journey that is almost transcendent. I mean you really do transcend on those things if you know how to view them in their proper context. Jung got that. You know there is this very interesting link between the trickster archetype and the addict. It's all there man. It's enough to make you cry when you get it. It really is that beautiful and sad.

>> No.20251238

Give me 1 good reason to read a self help book over an actual Buddhist piece of literature.

>> No.20251292
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Benzos are dope, nig. And yes his daughter is a whore and personally, I have this weird taste in my mouth whenever I hear him or his daughter speak after the benzo shit. But pre rehab peterson is among the best content on the internet. 12rules 4 wife is a great book. Nothing has helped me more in my life than pre rehab peterson shit.
I havent followed him since, everything feels soulless since he came back.
But the benzo thing man, imagine how you would take a situation like the one he suddenly found himself in. I dont know how much you know about the situation back then and I dont care to explain it to you since you come across like a judgemental tourist. Either you know or you dont. If you dont than your opinion is worthless, which is reflected in what you already said.
Anyway, I always get the feeling that the real reason programmed pets shit on peterson is becauae he dares to talk about the male crisis and thats the biggest no-no in existence. Governments are super invested in having incompetent and spiritually crushed men and boys, cant have this canadian faggot shine light on any of it...

>> No.20251300

You can make more money from writing self-help literature than Buddhist literature, money that could be used to open a temple, as such if you wanted to successfully make money from a self-help book you'd be better off reading self-help books rather than actual Buddhist literature so you could understand the genre.
There, there's a good reason.

>> No.20251312

Plutarch's Lives of the Eminent Grecians and Romans
learn by example

>> No.20252333

going outside

>> No.20252364

Or you could just read Buddhist literature and condense it into a self help book and sell it to retards

>> No.20252516

studying, quiting sugar, quiting porn, getting pussy, getting fit, making money

>> No.20252538

Based. Could you give me the tl;dr or the most impactful tips in the book?

>> No.20252547

Wtf we have a successful man here

Do it anon, please