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/lit/ - Literature

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20248562 No.20248562 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf thread

>> No.20248564

>colour coded

>> No.20248566

You shop at Barnes and Nobles way too much.

>> No.20248571
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>> No.20248575
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>> No.20248576

Are you a woman?

>> No.20248582

>painting of Beckett
Why? Why? Why?

>> No.20248595

Female shelf detected

>> No.20248601
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I just got this shelf for $30 at walmart, not bad.
Not good, but not bad. It's an Ikea Billy clone.

>> No.20248615

...holy incel...

>> No.20248619

I bought it on my last night in Ireland from a guy on the street. 40 quid. Good memento. Also, Beckett is one of my favourite writers.

>> No.20248630
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I got pretty lucky, the particle board is thin, but I managed to get every nail for the backboard in without any splitting through the side.
Every piece fits a bit weird, I could've sanded it down a bit to make it fit better, but I didn't feel like cleaning up the aftermath.
One of the wood screws stripped inside, but that's about it.
Well I wouldn't go as far as to call myself "holy".

>> No.20248667

if you're the sort of person who sorts their books by colour
and also the sort of person who likes series of books
if a publisher publishes e.g. a trilogy of books and makes every spine a different colour
which takes priority when you put them on the shelf? the series or the colour?

>> No.20248673

If you're the sort of person who sorts their books by colour you are a woman.

>> No.20248680

are you taking this picture from under the doorframe? if you are, you should switch your bed and your bookshelf. it's kind of awkward to walk into someone's room and look directly at their bed. the first thing they should seee is your... "book"shelf.
also, put your fucking pillows against the wall you caveman

>> No.20248685

Get rid of the manga, the anime figurines, the matress, and the pillows. Be a man.

>> No.20248699
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Just finished organizing after absorbing my brothers collection

>> No.20248709
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>are you taking this picture from under the doorframe? if you are, you should switch your bed and your bookshelf. it's kind of awkward to walk into someone's room and look directly at their bed. the first thing they should seee is your... "book"shelf.
What you just said makes no sense.
Yes the image is taken from the door when you enter the room. The first thing you see is the bookshelf, with the bet to the left.
Post shelf.

Pic rel was the previous setup.

>> No.20248738

heaven forbid you should ever encounter one of those anon
don't worry anon your virginity is safe

>> No.20248751


>> No.20248789

should've gotten the Schleiermacher translation for Platon. also too many secondary sources, but otherwise a nice selection

>> No.20248799

look like a mental institution room you doing okay anon?

>> No.20248819

>get rid of the pillows, be a man
Fuck that, I sleep like a princess

>> No.20248830
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That's kissless virginity to you
Better than ever. Saving for a Suzuki Bandit 1200 on minimum wage kek.
He may have a point, I could get rid of my pillows and use a duffel stuffed with clothes like I do for camping.

Pic isn't mine, but I liked it.

>> No.20248831

Anon i hope you're doing fine. You can come talk to us anytime. We're here for you.

>> No.20248835

>Doesn't have Time Regained

>> No.20248839

I could shit in a hole in the ground like I do when I'm camping but there's a reason I don't.

>> No.20248845

I'm doing really good, the last time I was here was before I moved out and some anon spent the whole thread telling me how disappointed my parents were in me and that I should just kill my self.
Now I moved out and got a job, life's good, I'm poor as shit, but whatever.
Because you hate the environment?

>> No.20248848


>> No.20248851

Any book recommendations for that feel?

>> No.20248855

>no clothes in the closet
Do you only own the clothes on your back???

>> No.20248861

Capitalism and freedom.

>> No.20248894
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The clothes go in that ammo trunk by the bed and that milkcrate conglomeration.
5 shirts
5 pairs of underwear
5 pairs of wool socks
Interview clothes
Work clothes
"Working on bike" clothes
Good recommendation

I should say, I have a bit of camping gear, cold weather clothes, and tools in the hallways closet.

>> No.20248906

What do your roommates think of you? Do you read at the library? I ask this last one because I notice a lack of books, despite posting on /lit/. I find you very interesting. I consider myself anti-social and a very private person, but even my apartment is not as soulless as yours.

>> No.20248949
File: 2.37 MB, 2463x3914, IMG_20220419_171424_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post shelf.
Here you go anon. Also, why are there no clothes in your closet? Glad you got yourself a bookshelf though anon.

>> No.20248956

Holy shit my camera quality is so bad. Oh well.

>> No.20248964

>GED test prep plus 2021
>own multiple books on higher mathematics

>> No.20248975

I am a complete and utter failure, fren. I try to cope with the fact that I am a highschool dropout by attempting anything.

>> No.20248983

>The Fountainhead
Good choices

>> No.20248987

And also because I have developed a certain amount of autism around mathematics. My shelf is pretty inconsistent. A good reflection of my retardation.

>> No.20248991
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My roommate is actually a girl going to college here. She's your average dumb blonde slut, but she's messy as hell and I don't think she really cares. I work at night so I am usually sleeping or at work when she's around, we get along fine.
>Do you read at the library? I ask this last one because I notice a lack of books, despite posting on /lit/.
Library and used book stores. I usually keep a book at work to read it on breaks. Then when I'm done I give it to someone else.
The reason I keep manga and not my /lit/ books is because of the art. Even if it's an untranslated manga I may enjoy it and keep it.
90% of my money goes towards my motorcycle and that area of my life. Because of this I don't spend much money on my room.
I also move often, so it's nice to be able to pack up and throw everything on the back of my bike.
Neat shelf. Clothes go in the trunk by the bed.

>> No.20248995
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Wtf anon. Is this you? I have your room and motorcycle helmet pictures saved on my computer.

>> No.20249000
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>> No.20249017
File: 3.30 MB, 3200x2119, b597d933-d2bd-4bad-9f3e-02f07caced51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, yeah that's me.

>> No.20249040

Are you the guy that was posting about how he was going to have a female roommate move in?

>> No.20249048
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 1645588681829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think you were posting on /g/. Happy to know that you are still alive and well. Best of luck in the future motorcycle helmet man.

>> No.20249054

I saw this photo in the anime figurine thread on /a/

>> No.20249067
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I don't think so, I don't remember bringing that up before, but maybe. It's been a couple of months since I lasted posted here.
Yeah I visit /g/ from time to time, they've helped me fix my laptop a few times. And thanks, you too.
You must've seen the un-vacuumed version then.

>> No.20249103

Potential schizo chamber, I like it

>> No.20249107

Thoughts on The Tale of Genji?

>> No.20249115

Based improver anon, keep it up.
We are proud of you, ignore the trolls

>> No.20249142
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>> No.20249192

Are you a furry?

>> No.20249291

folio BOTNS ... very nice

>> No.20249297

This looks comfy and I wish I lived here. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.20249326
File: 173 KB, 1136x852, IMG_2998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're fine, though I'd recommend the Tatami+Futon+Kakebuton route.
I dislike that my room has carpet.

>> No.20249363

they unfortunately havent published it in this collection yet... but it's fine, i'm only on vol. 4
it was alright. i got turned onto it by a peer in a medieval lit class, since we read tale of the heike, but it was slow going and a lot of it was lost on me because, unlike a lot of my fellow americans, i'm not infatuated with japanese culture, so i didnt understand a lot. very historically significant though
thanks. it's a beauty. just came in a few days ago. it has stylized drop caps and everything

>> No.20249407

I'm waiting for the Animorphs complete set leatherbound myself

>> No.20249443
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Have one of the shelves.

Wow. I'm honestly impressed.

>> No.20249447
File: 2.00 MB, 3456x2304, moers shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one. But that's it for today.

>> No.20249457

Thanks, I was hesitant to pick it, and now idk anymore. Maybe I'll take a look at the four chinese classics instead

>> No.20249662
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How do you clean the back of this bookshelf? won't there be space behind it and accumulate dust there?
I've been thinking about getting something similar but it's something I've been thinking of for quite some time now.

>> No.20249672

If it just accumulates there with nowhere else to go then that's A Problem for Later™.

>> No.20250694

>The Philosophy Book by DK
Loved this book as a teenager. Granted, as with all introductory level Philosophy books, the depth of information is at best just below surface level. But its emphasis on visual aids makes it stand out from other books with the same target audience. Also iirc the entire Hobbes subchapter was literally just criticism lmao. The tone of that portion of the book is distinctly jarring compared to the rest and you could tell that the author/contributor was seething. It was weird but hilarious in a 'what the fuck lmao' kind of way

>> No.20250699

Woman moment

>> No.20250724

Made me think of a bit in the Antiquary, after his sister and his maid tidy his library and dust his shelves because his friend is visiting
> “You’ll be poisoned here with the volumes of dust they have raised,” continued the Antiquary; “but I assure you the dust was very ancient, peaceful, quiet dust, about an hour ago, and would have remained so for a hundred years, had not these gipsies disturbed it, as they do everything else in the world.”

>> No.20250747

I have that book of miracles, really fascinating proto surrealism

>> No.20250758
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pretty happy with mine so far, majority are from last 3-4 years

>> No.20251186

There is something about ancient records of weather phenomenon that is really comfy. I haven't read the entire thing yet but everything I read so far was fascinating, especially since it was only discovered relatively recently.

>> No.20251200

Try the Tale of the Heike instead. It’s a far more action packed story and the Royall Tyler translation is excellent.
You can’t go wrong with the Chinese classics either. Journey to the West is probably the best starting point, though The Plum in the Golden Vase is my personal favourite for the sheer grotesquerie of its comedy.

>> No.20251907
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>> No.20252460
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Woah, a rare Noukin friend?

>> No.20252500
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>> No.20252515

haha you posted it again nice :DD :D

>> No.20252540

I did, it's cheap, pretty and functional =3

>> No.20252546


Fuck off

>> No.20252548

And yet you didn't post your personal reading list and instead chose a stock image.

>> No.20252574


>> No.20252671

Sorry, I meant to reply to >>20252500

>> No.20252812
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those Proust editions look nice, haven't seen them before

>> No.20252824


cool shelf. i keep meaning to pick up something by Schmidt, i've heard good things about his novellas

>> No.20252830
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>> No.20252836
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>> No.20252840
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Don't read Schmidt. He will turn you into a book hoarder like me and eventually you will read obscure weirdos like Klopstock, Meyern, and Schnabel.

Comfy collection, though. But you should get another shelf. Seeing so many books stacked on top of other books gives me anxiety.

>> No.20252994

i'm planning to move to a larger place next year, which should hopefully allow for more shelves. though i'm sure it won't be long before they wind up stacked on as well. and damn i haven't even heard of Meyern or Schnabel, seems like i have some research to do

>> No.20253022
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Moving to a larger place to house all your books is the patrician way.
Arno Schmidt's novels are pretty nice but where he really excels at is unearthing forgotten literature. I even had to buy books over 150 years old because they hadn't been reprinted since. But I was never disappointed by Arno's guided trips into the catacombs of literature.

>> No.20253096
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my bane, got 5 more on the way rn

>> No.20253100
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>> No.20253111

My taste is pretty pleb tier honestly still, need recs

Sometimes I just copy paperboard and BTF's shelves

>> No.20253183

You first have to read pleb tier books to ascend slowly. Every reading journey is a personal one. Read the books recommended by your favorite authors.

>> No.20253275

Kek, I wonder what’s going on with him now