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20244113 No.20244113 [Reply] [Original]

>it's ANOTHER Brienne chapter.
What the fuck was that fat mongoloid thinking? "Hey let's make 25% of the book about a boring as shit character busy with a quest that the readers KNOW it's gonna fail, because they know exactly where both Arya and Sansa are, since they're POV characters. They will like that."

I'm less than halfway through A Feast For Crows and I'm gassing out.

>> No.20244123

brienne plot is redeemed completely by her last 2 or 3 chapters imo. pure kino

>> No.20244129

This, I don't know what the issue is. Brienne chapters are fucking Kino and pays off in the end.

>> No.20244132

>he's reading the Germ
kill you are selve

>> No.20244133

There's only like 4 brienne chapters and they are good, but like so much of feastdance you just don't give a shit first time reading

>> No.20245043

Brienne chapters
>the hound gravedigger
>brotherhood without banners
>lady stoneheart cliffhanger
Idk man I'm more keen to see where her storyline goes than any of the others personally

>> No.20245116

Feast is unironically the best book out of them all, Dance the worst

>> No.20245532

Her entire quest is kino but the last chapters do take it into overdrive.
I don't understand how people don't love her journey up crabclaw point and cleaning up Westeros of some feral dogs of war. Do they not like seeing more of this world? Do they not like action and adventure? Why the fuck are they reading this book?

>> No.20246057

For the first read, they are reading to find out what happens to their favourite characters and the big plots they are accustomed to. Same reason no one gives a shit bout Shaza mo Greengrace and all that shit first time round

>> No.20246224

>I don't understand how people don't love her journey up crabclaw point and cleaning up Westeros of some feral dogs of war. Do they not like seeing more of this world? Do they not like action and adventure?
For me the problem isn't the action in itself, it's that we're looking at it through the eyes of a supremely BORING character. Brienne is an ugly girl that was bullied for her ugliness and because she wants to yass slay queen instead of wearing dresses. That's it. That's her whole psychology. It's boring.

>> No.20246233
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I only want to read about Pod

>> No.20246237
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Pod of the HUGE COCK?
Isn't it odd how he kept focusing on Pod's dick even though he's a 10 year old boy? What the fuck, Gurm?

>> No.20246248

>its a based cersei chapter
I really enjoyed watching her fuck everything up in real time

>> No.20246281

>What the fuck was that fat mongoloid thinking?
I'll tell you exactly what he was thinking: "maybe if I write a chapter about a strong non-binary woman and harp on and on about it, perhaps one of these short-haired mid-thirties heifer m'ladys I meet at comic-cons will deem me worthy to dip my prick in their cunts which will then become the world".

>> No.20246285
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>> No.20246292

The reader spends more than enough time in the fucking Riverlands.

>> No.20246300

Brienne is extremely binary, she just needs a chance to prove it.

>> No.20246359
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>> No.20246369

She's the character that actually faces the dilemma of knightly honor.

Ned gave his answer years ago and suffered for it in the first book. Jamie also gave his, and it made him into a Laughing Knight. Davos never had any honor to begin with and he knows it. Brienne is the one who is solving the dilemma right now.

>> No.20246372

The better question would be - why do we need the M*rtell chapters. Now that's a snorefest if I ever saw one.

>> No.20246376

>pleb filter
>hit or miss
>skip on sight
>the rest
not worth mentioning

>> No.20246387

>skip on sight

>> No.20246433

>faces the dilemma of knightly honor
How so? At the moment she's looking for Arya and Sansa because she promised Catelyn. There's no dilemma there.

>> No.20246463

>a Laughing Knight
Jaime is basically The Comedian from Watchmen, at least in the beginning.
Bran will become Dr. Manhattan.
Sansa is the slut whose name I don't remember.
Jon is Night Owl.
Ned was Rorschach.

>> No.20246648

>Do they not like seeing more of this world?
The exotic places full of magic and occult that we've been teased with, sure.
More swamps and woods for Brienne to trod looking for something we know she won't find? Nah, I'm good.

>> No.20246722

>>hit or miss
Never understood his popularity.

>> No.20246739

He's fine in the first book and his shenanigans in the second are great. Then he starts feeling a bit pointless and annoying.

>> No.20246746

thats from the show though

>> No.20246747

He's snarky in a reddit humour way.

>> No.20246749

My illustrated edition has realistic drawings of Podrick, and they do nothing to hide his veiny manhood.

>> No.20246756

interesting, i must purchase it immediately

>> No.20246762

What about my boy Joncon

>> No.20247000

It's truly incredible how stupid that twat is. And she thinks herself some kind of genius mastermind.

>> No.20247014

mummer's farce

>> No.20247124

Wylla. did you see how brave she was

>> No.20247144

Favourite chapter laddies? I dig Sansa's last one in ASOS because by that point I was a smarmy little shit who thought I had figured out how the series worked so I was so sure she was going to die. Will always have a soft spot for Littlefinger for that one. Outside of that, probably Theon's last one in ADWD.

>> No.20247486

>There's only like 4 brienne chapters and they are good
They're 8 and goddamn, they're boring as shit.

>> No.20247598

Simple, he can't give us a Doran Martell POV because being in his head would be spoilers. So he needs to do POVs of people around him.

>> No.20247604

It's pointless and boring, but she has to do it, hence the dilemma.

>> No.20247654

I think GRRM has admitted that if he could do it over again he would stick to one Dornish POV instead of the mishmash we got. Stuff like the Arys Oakheart chapter only really got released in that form because his publishers were demanding a book, he’d realised he could just about release the Feast material, and he couldn’t be bothered rewriting it to Arianne’s POV. Not that she’s a particularly interesting character mind. And she has two of the sample chapters released, in which absolutely NOTHING happens. Not exactly promising

>> No.20247714

oh it’s you again

>> No.20247782
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>> No.20248463


>> No.20248769

By way of counterpoint, she has big soft brown titties and a streaming hot jungle pussy.

>> No.20248833

I'm really glad that /lit/ is reading asoiaf more

>> No.20248850

Do you love seeing her suffer?

>> No.20248856

Podrick never had sex in the books

>> No.20248899

>Hyle: Isn't that where we want to go? We seem to be walking every way but toward it?
>Meribald: Faith. Believe, persist, and follow, and we shall find the peace we seek.
Brienne VI. It's cathartic after all the pointless suffering

>> No.20248977

where is the damphair? prophet to the drowned god?
and Victarion, shining light of book 5

>> No.20249063

This, its a great series that gets very little love here.

>> No.20249229

Yeah, Littlefinger fully dropping the mask at the end of ASOS was amazing. After everything that happens in that book it still manages to shock. I love the Sansa chapters in AFFC for the same reason, and the Victarion ones are also my favorites. The one where Euron has taken a southern fortress and it ends with him telling Vic to go to Daenaerys.
The House of the Undying chapter is an easy favorite as well.

>> No.20249279

>Yeah, Littlefinger fully dropping the mask at the end of ASOS was amazing
one of the funniest ironic moments was the reveal that the one thing the lannisters were initially accused of that set off the whole story, they were actually completely innocent of

>> No.20249742

Seconding this. Feast really develops an atmosphere of windswept plains and somber reflections. You really get the sense that the empire is crumbling and you get to see these people fall with it. Dragons somehow fails miserably to capture any of this, which is a damn shame considering how much of its plot is just people going from a to b. So much wasted opportunity in that book.

>> No.20249750

These books were written well before that terminology hit the mainstream, and to put him that far ahead of the curve gives him far too much credit.

>> No.20249759

She wants to be a knight. That's like half the characters.

>> No.20249771
File: 96 KB, 533x948, Euron-mike-hallstein-infobox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euronchads check in. Will our boy become Cthulhu?

>> No.20249802

Honestly Brienne was one of my favorite parts of Feast. Not much happened that seemed very consequential for the story but it was fun exposition for the Riverlands. I enjoyed Nimble Dick and I liked how Ser Hyle Hunt and her had a developing relationship

>> No.20249952

Yea this is the second thread you made about it. Its the worst one out of all of them. Deal with it and move on. Another thread died for you to tell everyone you're reading Feast.