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/lit/ - Literature

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20245954 No.20245954 [Reply] [Original]

Post midwit normie lib -core

>> No.20245960
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>> No.20245974

at least we will have plenty to throw on the fire to keep warm once gas is $20 a gallon

>> No.20245988
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Sherman Alexie makes a cameo as the final boss of ENG 101: The Video Game. An evil, obnoxious sex pest hypocrite, he hides inside an enlarged doll's house decorated with haunted yellow wallpaper, having ousted former occupant Henrik Ibsen, the good king of Sweden. The player, aided by other heroes such as Morrie Tuesday, The Great Gatsby, and Phoenix Jackson, must navigate the themed worlds inside the wallpaper, fight enemies, and acquire powerful talismans like Emily's Rose, Bell's Hook, the Sun Raisin, and Michael's Pollen. Written at a 7th grade reading level, it is the most intellectually stimulating video game ever made. 50% of freshman college students cannot beat it, and most video game journalists cannot even beat the literacy test in the tutorial level.

>> No.20246116

Guns Germs and Steel

>> No.20246126

Guns Germs and Sneed

>> No.20246228
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>> No.20246241

Any biography about a modern politician.

>> No.20246381


>> No.20246414
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>> No.20246421


>> No.20246440
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>make you think section at Winstone's

>> No.20247012


>> No.20247136
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>> No.20247177

The Bible is like a river. It’s shallow enough for a child to wade in, and deep enough for a scholar to dive in.

>> No.20247193

Kek; spat out my tea that was so poorly put. Psudo intellectual please vacate the premises.

>> No.20247208

spoken like a true LARPer

>> No.20247468

this is very true, except that most of the space in bookstores nowadays is dedicated to blankets, puzzles, and other trinkets and most shoppers come for those rather than the books

>> No.20247641

>The Bible is like a river. It’s shallow enough for a child to wade in, and deep enough for a scholar to dive in.
The Bible is like the dark murky bog pagans used; to throw in little children and old men as sacrifices to the gods.

>> No.20247720
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>> No.20247724

NPC world

>> No.20247806

What do pseuds see in Sapiens? Please tell me. It was like a drawn out series of glossy magazine articles about shit you should already know from school and by osmosis through general reading.

>> No.20247849

Biographies of modern politicians, GGS, Sapiens.

>> No.20247865


>> No.20248046

Lmao how is Dosto lib? He was a Russian nationalist.

>> No.20248068

I could maybe get studying MLK speeches but not the other one

>> No.20248510


>> No.20248536
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>> No.20248558
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>> No.20248588

of the black population that has purchased this book to put it on their coffee table, what percentage has actually read the book, cover to cover.

>> No.20248616

Mindfulness schlock

>> No.20248686


>> No.20248700
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kek >utopia for reeealists

>> No.20248706

Very accurate

>> No.20248711

A better question would be of the white population that has bought and read this book, how many live in all white suburbs?

>> No.20248737

Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.20248741

>coffee table

>> No.20248749

Michael Pollan is a recurring figure in my life. Everytime I read about nature or agriculture, he’s lurking right around the corner.

>> No.20249405

99% of the people who bought Michelle Obama's biography were liberal white women.

>> No.20249992

It was a Brief History of Time, but for people who skipped high school anthropology. Both of these books are for the uneducated. It's not a bad thing, but when a bunch of normies tell you to read a science book, now you know.

>> No.20250089

> pretty much any book by Jane Austen
> 90% (maybe more) of books written about ww2 past the year 1960
> any autobiography of a politician since the year 1960 (possibly earlier)
> any autobiography of a celebrity since the year 1900 (possibly earlier)
> Any English-language book written about Russia/USSR since the beginning of the cold war
> Any English-language book written about any political ideology other than modern American liberalism since 1970
> All sports literature
> All English-language dystopian novels since 2000 (there may be fewer than 5 exceptions, I will accept arguments)

I am sure there are more categories but that is all I can think of easily right now

debate me

>> No.20250123

Fuck, I'm reading this right now. What's wrong with it?

>> No.20250179

>Written at a 7th grade reading level, it is the most intellectually stimulating video game ever made

Got me

>> No.20250640

Black people aren’t the ones buying those books.

>> No.20250656

why are broads like this?

>> No.20250983
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>Poor man's version of rehashed stoicism
>Oh my god it's so badass because it almost has a swear in the title
>The author is some hyper insecure conman who feels compelled to tell you how many women he has definitely slept with on practically every page
>Made the mistake of picking it up once, got 50 pages in, took it back and got a refund
>If you read this and you thought it was even OK then you need to take a long hard look at yourself. Might be the worst book I've ever dipped into, and I've read The Alchemist

>> No.20250999

Someone should find one of these displays at a bookstore and sneak in copies of The Denial of Death and Conspiracy Against the Human Race.

>> No.20251007

>The author is some hyper insecure conman who feels compelled to tell you how many women he has definitely slept with on practically every page
That's what I hate about these books, or rather dating advice in general. It's never anything helpful or practical, it's just humblebragging about body-count and purposeful deception

>> No.20251142

For sure - from the 50 or so pages I read, it seemed incredibly obvious that Manson has all kinds of demons, insecurities, and hangups that he's never dealt with, and just projects outwards instead. Which isn't a bad thing in itself - we all have shit to deal with. It just is laughable that someone that blind to their own psyche thinks they are in a good position to teach others how to live their life.

>> No.20251921

Not gonna lie I found this quite stimulating when I was 10.

>> No.20251926
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I'd say pic related which I'm about a third of the way through is the best dating advice I've ever read, and it's not about dating per se.

>> No.20252256

I asked this neo lib poli sci girl what primary works have really molded her outlook and she said sapiens changed everything for her

>> No.20252425

>Might be the worst book I've ever dipped into, and I've read The Alchemist
Have you read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.20252521

Literary Post-Normcore surely has to be a thing. If not now then at some point. Why does so much """"dissident"""" or non-mainstream writing/media have to be sustained by political extremism or written in the style of shitpoasts? I reckon there's gotta be some kind of potential for using that unsettling "turn you brain off at the mall" emotion, whatever that's called, in a mocking, self-aware style for use of satirising clown world.

>> No.20253099

>Critique of atheism

No way this isn't bait

>> No.20253407

>> 90% (maybe more) of books written about ww2 past the year 1960
That's boomer men who are into military history. Libs might read the latest book written by a 300 year old shoah survivor but not actual history books.

>> No.20254318
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Good news! This vibrator being sold by the only major book chain in my part of the country is a staff pick, so you know it's good.

I basically only buy books from thrift stores these days. I don't know where these weird patricians who donate their books get them from, but I'm glad they're there.

>> No.20254321

kek based, wagner is the ultimate pseud magnet. he is dfw-tier basically.

>> No.20254406

This is just vapor wave

>> No.20254433
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>> No.20254499

Really makes…

>> No.20254528

Man, who could possibly have such identical and yet agenda-driven opinions?

>> No.20255518

Bros, if you could get a Fleshlight molded on one author who would it be?

>> No.20255522

his music is good tho

>> No.20255606

bold of you to assume PoC should read just because you say so.

>> No.20255626

Sally Rooney

>> No.20255676

>Buy Yourself the Fucking Lilies: And Other Rituals to Fix Your Life, from Someone Who's Been There
>F**k It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is
> Zero F*cks Given: The 21st Century Guide to Deep Self-Confidence
>Thug Kitchen The Official Cookbook, Eat Like You Give a F*ck

The word has a very powerful attraction to anemic nerds who find it marvelous that someone would put EDGY CURSE WORDS on something as revered and hallowed as a book in BOOK STORE.

>> No.20255705

Good point. But what would a novel-length piece of vaporwave writing be like? Is it even possible?

>> No.20255706

>Billie Eilish

>> No.20255716
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>Books to make you think

>> No.20255737

Literally the only book stores worth going to are independent ones that sell local literature that you can't find online. Its a fucking shame because I would love to just go and browse through a store with a decent selection of literature but its all just garbage.
Then they go and wonder why Amazon is eating them alive.

>> No.20256389

I have no clue
Maybe a full length advertisement written satirically or perhaps an old book from the 80s that been edited and changed (in some ways obvious and some ways not) like how vaporwave is a disortion of mall music it would be a distortion of something youd read in the mall. I wouldnt know all the time I spend listening to vapor wave and not reading