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20242747 No.20242747 [Reply] [Original]

I am an 11th grade ELA teacher and I would estimate 30-40% of my students are either functionally illiterate or are totally illiterate.
My worst student is unable to associate phonetic sounds to every letter in the alphabet. I am not sure how they made it to my classroom when they read at the level of a 3 year old. They aren't special needs either.
Administration would like us to pass all of these students. They think next school year we should have an options class to promote literacy.
Basically, they want us to read books like the Giving Tree and the Very Hungry Caterpillar to groups of 15-18 year olds.
So /lit/, what are some other age appropriate books I should ask for? I was thinking of asking for copies of I'll Love You Forever and The Missing Piece

>> No.20242757


infinite jest

>> No.20242794

The American education system needs to be burned down and remade.

Catcher in the Rye. Easy, short, relatable, and there's a lot of swearing, so they'll be amused by that.

>> No.20242801

Shel Silverstein
Dr. Seuss
If they can't read, they can't read. Your school recommends children's books like VHC so get children's books and teach them to read from the basics
The saddest part is that any of this is acceptable. Retarded kids receiving retarded education in the name of social promotion. They should fail and drop out of school. Coddling them and aiming for the lowest common denominator only results in sinking to new lows. Parents will blame schools but it is the parents fault, the onus is on them to ensure their children learn. Would also be better off removing all blacks from the classroom since we're talking pie-in-the-sky here

>> No.20242802

Sounds like you failed as a teacher. Just have them *read* audiobooks and when they give book reports let them do it orally.

>> No.20242816

Animal Farm, unironically

>> No.20242838

You're an idiot. It has nothing to do with social promotion. It's the school system cutting corners, and not giving a shit.

>> No.20242850

>Sounds like you failed as a teacher.
You're a goddamn moron. I tried to come up with a witty reply, but there's just no way. You realize that OP had nothing to do with years K-10, right?

>> No.20242871

there are books targeted towards teens/adults with literacy problems. they are easy to read but have more grown up themes. war, romance etc. try e.g. ransom.co.uk or an equivalent in your country.
or give them comics or similar. or maybe find out what they are interested in

>> No.20242886

I'm sorry to read that anon. Are they really illiterate or do they have trouble with their attention span?
I failed school because I couldn't focus on letters. Using coloured and patterned foils I could put over the pages in various order helped keeping my focus. Some of them had colourful underlines, or underlines with different patterns, flowers etc. That helped keepign my attention from word to word and line to line.
Just a thought, maybe the problem is elsewhere, at least for some of them.
Good luck.

>> No.20242888

are you american?

>> No.20242889

I second

Also, books for ESL might also be something to look into. They'll have footnotes explaining difficult words and phrases on the bottom of the pages.

>> No.20242899

Anon, these students can't perform a more than surface level analysis of any literary work even if it is in audiobook form.
There has to be a very clear bad guy for them to come up with anything.
For example, Nights by Elie Wiesel is required reading for 11th graders in my district. A lot of the reports I received were basically "Hitler bad because he kill jews".
They talk about Hitler as if he's some cosmic evil that is innately evil.
They basically view Hitler the same way they view Ganondorf.
Likewise when we went over Julius Caesar I got a lot of reports that were simply "Brutus bad because he murder Caesar, murder is wrong". When I try to prod them a bit to see if they can figure out why the Liberators killed Caesar I get blank looks or "the liberators evil so they murder Caesar".
Even though we spent a lot of time discussing the Liberators goals and motivations for killing Caesar. We went over Cassius' speech in act 1 scene 2 so many times and even then a lot of them didn't get it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to fucking cavemen.

>> No.20242955

They shouldn't read anything other than the Bible anyways. All they need to live a successful good life.

>> No.20242975

I was talking to my neighbor the other day who's a Q-Anon schizo in her 50s, and we were just catching up, and I mentioned I "oh not much" but went to the bookstore the other day and got a few things, and she wanted to know what, so I showed her "The Conquest of Texas" which is about why Texas history is all fucked up and racist, and I showed it to her, and I was anxious she'd have a bad reaction to the subject matter or get offended or something.

But as I sat there watching her when she was looking at the back of the book, I realized she couldn't really read it. She's not the only functionally illiterate person I've met at the age. I used to have a neighbor who asked me to write letters which he'd dictate because he couldn't write.

>> No.20243009

They probably just don't care about Caesar, or even really understand the context. If you asked them about Walter White or Nikocado Avocado, they'd probably have very nuanced views.

>> No.20243041

>associate phonetic sounds to every letter in the alphabet.

>> No.20243090

Die mad about it you complaining faggot. Maybe you should not have been a teacher you fucking complaining pussy.

>boohoo they cant read

Do your fucking job you bitch. Maybe if you spent a little less time worshipping nigs in your class this wouldnt be a problem faggot

>> No.20243104

You're a retard, blow your brains out.

>> No.20243109

Did mad about it bitch. Not my fucking problem you cant do your job.

>> No.20243115

t. illiterate black kid

>> No.20243116

Wouldn't that mean you literally cannot read aloud at the age of 17? How is that not a mental disability?

>> No.20243121

> le public school edjewmuhkayshun
Either homeschool or send your kids to a trad private school. THAT'S IT. You're fucked if you're a poor retard, however, so if that's the case just buy your kid lots of books and play classical music or something (literally the least you can do).

>> No.20243122

How many of those students are black?

>> No.20243128

I agree with anon.
You're a retard, eat a bullet.

>> No.20243134

>they aren't special needs either
Not possible.

>> No.20243141

Oh some bitch faggot public educator is mad about his piss poor showing. Fuck him. Hes a fucking faggot who cant do his job. He should fucking man up instead of being a crying pussy. Like i said stop worshipping nigs and teach. But hes too much of a complaining dumb fuck to do that. So here we are with op the crying bitch



Kys you faggot and op kys you piss poor faggot teacher

>> No.20243151

I'm not sure how they would even write anything on their own.

>> No.20243156

I understand the thinking behind universal education as an option for people, but we never should've made it mandatory.

Beyond basic literacy and numeracy, there's just an intractable subsection of the population that'll always be too stupid to teach. And that's not even counting outright troublemakers.

Uppercrusters ignore these problems because they all send their kids to private schools, where the consequence to not meeting the minimum level of acceptability's expulsion. They'll face zero consequences to fucking the underclass, emmiserating the poor bastards who actually have to try and teach these little bastards, and further roadblocking anyone who might have a chance at escaping this hell.

>> No.20243173

Maybe if people were a lot less like you and actually RESPECTED their children's EDUCATORS and taught their children to respect them and DEMANDED HIGHER SALARIES FOR THE THANKLESS JOB EDUCATORS DO OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART we would get higher quality work from them. HAPPY PEOPLE = PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE.

>> No.20243180

>Brutus bad because he murder Caesar, murder is wrong". When I try to prod them a bit to see if they can figure out why the Liberators killed Caesar I get blank looks or "the liberators evil so they murder Caesar".

not a wrong answer

>> No.20243183

>I used to have a neighbor who asked me to write letters which he'd dictate because he couldn't write.
The virgin scribe and the chad dictator

>> No.20243191

They basically memorize the shapes of very common words.
They know how "cat" is supposed to look so when they see "cat" in the text their mind visualizes the object the word is referencing.
Then from the words they know they try to piece together the context of any passage they're asked to read.
It makes their understanding of any text surface level at best, and their writing is nearly unintelligible.
Having a conversation with them is alright but they could never spell most of the words they use.
They never submit work either and they just write down random shit during tests but I still have to pass them.

>> No.20243198

I hope one of those students you think are stupid bash your fucking face in until you have brain damage. You complaining fucking bitch.

>> No.20243203

t. Dante Alighieri

>> No.20243216

you sound retarded, how is he supposed to teach them at an 11th grade level if they read at a 4th grade level, he cannot do the job he was trained for

>> No.20243221

I'm not OP you fucking schizo bitch, I just know that teachers get a lot of fucking crap they don't deserve from idiot losers like you. The solution is to pay them more and to give them some fucking respect for once. God, I really hope you don't have kids. We can all thank natural selection that you probably are unfuckable anyways, lmao.

>> No.20243256

Ladies, ladies, come on now

>> No.20243261

This fucking faggot op cant even do his job and you want to pay him more ?



>> No.20243268

Unless they went to a school like Harvard, I don't see how anyone can feel anything other than resentment towards the educational system. Educators deserve all the hate they get.

>> No.20243278

It's not his fault that he has to deal with kids who weren't taught properly. You realize he didn't teach these kids from birth right? the kids had an education BEFORE HE EVER GOT THEM so whatever they were taught, he would have to augment, but since they WEREN'T TAUGHT he has to offer remedial education. IT"S NOT HIS FUCKING FAULT maybe if you don't get that then YOUR THE RETARD, BITCH.

>> No.20243286

>an 11th grade teacher's job is to teach 17 year olds how to read from scratch
I'm sorry your teachers failed you

>> No.20243289

How can you just fucking say that? What do educators do that is so wrong that the good they clearly do doesn't even make up for it? tell me!

>> No.20243294

What's the approximate mean household income in your district? Add or subtract $2-4k for anonymity if you need to

>> No.20243297

agreed. 90% of teachers hate their jobs, and actively ruin children. it's a position of authority that appeals to people who are too weak and chickenshit to deal with adults. the only people I respect less than teachers are cops.

>> No.20243311

Teaching is not about fucking authority, it's about passing knowledge to people. Are you serious? Did a teacher touch you or something? What an unbelievable take.

>> No.20243320

anon 11th graders dont care anything other than pussy and parties, you're expecting too much.

>> No.20243322

Have you ever talked to someone who went to school you fucking drip? Everyone will tell you about that one good teacher they had. Do you know how many teachers a kid has during their school life? How is it that everyone has only one or two "good" teachers? It's because most of them fucking suck, and jerk off to memories of yelling at children.

>> No.20243340


>> No.20243343

we shouldnt pay a unionized teacher a higher salary. you can earn more from being a private teacher

>> No.20243354

I really hope this is a troll, or OP is legit in 3rd world.

>> No.20243361

checks out
t. ex-teacher

>> No.20243364

I just thing the educational system here contributes too much to the social and economic hierarchies and doesn't allow for much mobility afterwards. That most people's entire lives are decided by how they performed as teenagers in terrible social environments is kind of horrific to me.
I've never understood why people get so frustrated about American anti-intellectualism, when it's almost always inspired by justified resentment towards our educational system.
It's a tough call. I got along my high school teachers pretty well despite being a lousy student. The teachers I had in middle school were nasty and horrible. They were exactly as you described.

>> No.20243367

>OP is legit in 3rd world.

Alabama had a lower literacy rate than Iraq when the U.S invaded Iraq in 2003 anon, The United States is third world.

>> No.20243371

This was both humorous and depressing at the same time.

Schools were already fucked before the pandemic, and now we're trying to play catch-up after sequestering kids in quarantine for two years. This is what our cowardly policymakers did to us and our children.

>> No.20243387

I don't really understand because if they know words when spoken they should understand what it means in text. Like I'm just thinking of all the kids on youtube videos who are capable of digesting the video and leaving comments. Clearly they are all literal but possible don't understand some grammar conventions. It makes me think what kinds of videos your illiterate students watch instead? Is it those ones where ever 2 seconds is a micro cut to a reactionary face or meme? Then what do their comments look like afterwords?

>> No.20243393

>it’s another chud assblasted that people don’t like Hitler

>> No.20243401

>I got along my high school teachers pretty well
The older you get the better it gets. You can communicate with teachers on a more even level, and the ones there for power want to stay away from people who can fight back. Once you're an adult, education is so vastly different.

>> No.20243407

What industry are you in now anon?
I was thinking of moving to IT
My younger brother is 26 working in IT and is making 100k in a non-coastal city.
I'm making 63k right now and he was making roughly that much as a 21 year old fresh out of college.

>> No.20243412

The glaring problems in the education system made a lot more sense to me when I saw which of my classmates were going into teaching. All of them were airheads who could barely read themselves, so obviously none of them are going to be able to properly teach anybody. Paying them more wouldn't solve anything unless there was a way to also make the field significantly more competitive to filter out the millions of "I like kids :^)" bimbos.
I genuinely don't know what the hell could fix the system at this point and would never willingly send any of my kids into it. I'm gonna need enough money for private schools, I guess.
Tangentially related, it'll be interesting to see how severely fucked the classes graduating from high school in about ten years are - there's going to be an enormous dip in basically every metric from kids who spent two or three of their most essential formative years fucking around on zoom calls instead of learning to read or count. No elementary schooler learned a single goddamn thing in 2020 or 2021.

>> No.20243413
File: 203 KB, 600x600, BDC0566E-D602-477B-9FA2-6C2086E8A35A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 10th grade english teacher touched me but she had a big rack so i was fine with it

>> No.20243414


>> No.20243430

I didn't go to a great public school system and didn't turn out too bad. I think involved parents and natural intelligence can make up for the failings of schooling. Probably would have been better if I'd gone to a good school though.
I don't think there's any way to fix the system, the people in charge of the system don't care at all and have no incentive to improve it.

>> No.20243472

>They talk about Hitler as if he's some cosmic evil that is innately evil.
>They basically view Hitler the same way they view Ganondorf.
this is what society teaches

>> No.20243501

Not OP but I live in one of the US states with the lowest literacy rate in the country and had classes with several rubes that fit what OP describes.
I hate this country so fucking much.

>> No.20243569 [DELETED] 

I really wish education was more accessible to adults. I could be wrong, but I honestly think I would do better if I were able to study with the school itself being the center of my social life.

>> No.20243584

I really wish education were more accessible to adults. I could be wrong, but I honestly think I would do better if I were able to study with the school itself being the center of my social life.

>> No.20243606

I agree with you. One of the reasons I moved out of the States when I had the chance was the free education. It really did change my life for the better, and it's where you make your best friends. Me and my friends are thinking of going back, and it's just something we can decide off the cuff. It's a pretty heady feeling.

>> No.20243701

Live in a White state, lmao.

>> No.20243702

Hate to say it, m8, but my students have it just as bad. There are obviously many factors at work here, but the public education system is a sinking ship in every sense. Just make sure to give extra attention to the ones who actually care about English. Start a literary club for your school or something if you actually care about making a difference.

>> No.20243749

>I'm gonna need enough money for private schools, I guess.
or alternatively homeschool them in the most autistic manner possible, speaking only in Latin to them until they completly master it

>> No.20243762

I do. Why do I think I called them rubes?

>> No.20243783

From what I understand they dont really have any control over curriculum planning. Some higher up sets the agenda and they follow through. And that's before the inevitable bureaucracy and shitty kids/parents. One can fight a losing battle or just make the best out of a shitty situation. At least OP is trying to help the kids.
Recommendations: Those types of books that make complex literature (Moby Dick, Treasure Island, Frankenstein etc.) into books for kids. Also, greek myths.

>> No.20243811

Only stupid people are breeding and you're surprised at the outcome?

>> No.20243839

People who advocate home schooling aren't typically products of home schooling themselves, though I understand the attraction. The actual educational material you learn in K-12 is important but is likely subordinate to the social learning you receive there. Learning how to navigate bureaucracies and interact with others will probably be a bigger determining factor in your eventual professional (and personal) success than having rote knowledge.

>t. anon who was home schooled for 12 years and has always lagged several years behind everyone socially ever since.

>> No.20243875

I don't really advocate for it, but if going for it, might as well go all the way and raise them just like Montaigne was, using Quintilian as a guide

>> No.20243887

I know a couple who taught their kids Latin and English as their first languages. The couple is known to be somewhat eccentric and they were both independently wealthy before they got married. I think being a bit crazy and rich is really the only way you could successfully pull this off but if you happen to have the resources for it I would strongly consider it.
They also have a unique style of parenting where their kids are free to basically do whatever they want or escape punishment as long as their kids can convince them it was a good idea. The kids are expected to orate in Latin when they do this obviously.
I'm like 99% sure both of their kids are going to end up as lawyers.

>> No.20243897

Jesus. I had to read Moby Dick and english is my third fucking language.

>> No.20243916

English is my fourth language and my teacher made me read infinite jest in middle school

>> No.20243936

I didn't learn Latin when I was home schooled (though I took it up as an adult), but my mother was very religious so she'd have me copy out New Testament verses in Greek. A good understanding of the Bible is a pretty decent literary education by itself, but other pieces of my education were lacking—namely math, would I had to take remedially while in college.

>> No.20243943

English is my 10th language but I was still forced to read James Joyce's Ulysses in kindergarten.

>> No.20243948

This of course highlights some of the lunacy of the modern education system. There is zero accountability except from administrators to the feds to secure gibs.

>> No.20243950

>Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land, 1820–1875
based. gonna add this to my Texana collection.

>> No.20243981

You joke, but Ulysses is fucking staring at me from a book shelf. Judging.

>> No.20243988
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This though.
Shut up faux butters.

>> No.20244001

Are you in America, anon? If so, which state? This is just depressing. In my southern California high school I saw nothing like this, and I graduated last year. Didn't know it was this bad...

>> No.20244011

To be fair, it's probably a good thing that "murder is bad" has been hamfisted and pounded indelibly into the collective psyche of the retard class.

>> No.20244025

>southern California high school

Orange County? When I was a TA at UCLA the students (who mostly come from California) seemed pretty dumb with the exception of perhaps 10 decent students out 100 and perhaps 2-3 exceptional ones from the same group. One professor I had who teaches at both UCLA and another university in New England would talk all the time about how much better the New England students were at writing, etc.

>> No.20244031

Midwits are more dangerous than retards though.

>> No.20244119

Yes. It's why midwits aren't capable of differentiating between capital punishment and murder and also self-defense homicide and murder.

>> No.20244131

Yes Orange County, but I was in Honors/AP classes which probably skewed my view of how smart the general student population was... I hung out with stoners more than smart people however, and them and their friends had no problem reading or analyzing at an acceptable level.

>> No.20244180

Is it actually a function of literacy or is the required homework just not digestible and coming from these bureaucratic institutions as not compelling enough?

>> No.20244181

Just to make it clear to newfags OP is just cheap bait

>> No.20244223

you are all like children, English is my 20th language and I was demanded to translate and commentate Finnegan's Wake

>> No.20244273

>I am an 11th grade ELA teacher and I would estimate 30-40% of my students are either functionally illiterate or are totally illiterate
let me guess, you teach assortments of shitskins

>> No.20244330

>let me guess, you teach assortments of shitskins

I'm guessing he meant 30-40% of them are.

>> No.20244357

I don't think it's so much the differentiating as it is interpreting things along the line of a preconceived bias; such being not only socially expected to the point it's unconscious and is actually advantageous in many ways. A retard goes by a simple logic connected to their personal reality testing whereas a midwit will internalize a given ideological inclination and process information accordingly. Even people you'd regard as intelligent will still do this and it's a big part of what the education system has become--building natural bias through internalizing the correct language with which to frame things.

That said, the guy who ("unironically") recommended Animal Farm made a good choice.

>> No.20244449

I teach 9th and 10th grade lit. I get this struggle, but I'm not defeatist about it. I can say I push my kids pretty hard and get them to at least a middle school level by the end of 10th grade. Part of it is how you approach it and draw their interest. Just reading and writing will kill their interest in yr class. Do fun hands on activities with the novels. When I taught the crucible, I had kids start out the play by accusing other students of being witches and ostracized them. Later. I had them make puritan propaganda posters. Their final for that was to create interviews with the characters that essentially functioned as character analysis. In doing things like that I got my kids to become more interested, literate readers.

>> No.20244464

no if anything we need to half teachers pay from the results of current schooling

>> No.20244483

It's not.

I work in Fast Food, so I work with a lot of teenagers. Yeah, yeah, I'm a failure and a fuckup, but moving past that, a lot of these kids are unable to count change or hold a conversation about anything besides a Tiktok video or what drugs they did last night.

>> No.20244493

>being a teacher

So, do you enjoy wasting my tax dollars promoting CRT in the classroom and teaching toddlers about queer sex? Fuck off.

>> No.20244500

>For example, Nights by Elie Wiesel is required reading for 11th graders in my district.


>> No.20244511

We should ban private schools so their children have to be educated with us proles. Then we'll see standards improve

>> No.20244539

We should instead create robot teachers that can teach Joyce to eight year olds.

>> No.20244565

There's was a study done a while back—I forget the name—that examined the detrimental effect that opening up a greater variety of career options to women had on the education system. Basically, the idea is that high ability women used to only have a couple careers options, such as being teachers, and that as other career fields were opened up to them, the more capable women gravitated away from being teachers to working in other fields, thus leaving less capable women to run the education system.

>> No.20244574

This makes sense.

Most of the Education majors I knew in college were "Kids are adorable!" types.

Very few had any real passion for the subject matter they wanted to teach and even if they did have an interest in it, it was cursory at best (e.g. the English Ed major who wanted to teach English because she liked Harry Potter as a kid).

>> No.20244667


>> No.20244834

Always painful to remember that /pol/ brought actual 55+ boomers here out of their facebook bubbles and left them to post absolute nonsense like this all over the goddamn site

>> No.20244852

Not him but I'm 53. Why do you think you own this website?

>> No.20244878

People who are ugly, dumb, and/or old should stop bothering everyone else in all spheres of life, 4chan and beyond

>> No.20244909
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Can definitely confirm this. My mother complains constantly about retarded teachers who just pass kids. But this has been going on for up on at least 40 years now. See Stand and Deliver for more details.

I disagree with racist bullshit, but yes, shit like common core and cross-cultural grading and participation grading standards ruin kids. A, B, C, D, F works just fine. Met plenty of Mexican kids whose dads would literally beat them in the parking lot after school if their report cards had bad grades, because damned if they had swam across the Rio Grande and spent their life as a landscaper to have their kid grow up to be retarded. As far as I am concerned, you don't need to do anything. Let the kids go to school equally and let the social situation play itself out. Some kids are just natural idiots, others are geniuses, and teachers should focus most of their time trying to get the smart kids off to good schools, and help the average kids rise up. The rest can wither and die in the corner while they play rap songs or do their makeup. That's what they did with the dumb kids at my school. Put them with bad teachers who didn't care and let them flounder.

>They basically view Hitler the same way they view Ganondorf.

I used to despise private schools until I became a moderately successful adult. I see why parents send their kids. The kids at private schools, hell, even charter schools or parochial schools, have better manners and don't dress like retards and are more cultured.

>> No.20244916

The fuck?
I thought Americans were reading books like the Iliad, Moby Dick and Ulysses in middle school

>> No.20244920

jesus christ this fucking thread
why are you all such utter cunts

>> No.20244923
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Lol, fuck no. When I was in middle school, we read dumb YA bullshit like Hatchet and a few random novels. By the time I was in high school, we were reading Shakespeare, and then I bounced out of that and got into a sci-fi class a hippie teacher taught that let us read Dune and Neuromancer. Read some Zora Neal Hurson and Hemmingway and Gatsby as well.

>> No.20244924


>> No.20244944

Damn I had to write a 40000 word novel In 10th grade

>> No.20244952

>spent their life as a landscaper to have their kid grow up to be retarded.

Retarded blue collar parents getting mad at their retarded children for growing up to be unexceptional is one of my least favorite IRL memes. Of course your kid is a retard who works a menial job, they were raised by you after all. What did you expect?

>> No.20244956

It's a subject that's worth getting mad about.

>> No.20244961

Then there are those who can read but still illiterate.

>> No.20244975

>I used to despise private schools until I became a moderately successful adult.

There's a phrase: "Everyone's a progressive until it comes to their children." In graduate school I took classes about education economics. The professors would discuss things like peer effects at public schools at length. But did they send their children to low quality schools to induce achievement in lower income, lower capability students? Of course not.

>> No.20244998

Idk are you an American teacher? I was in an AP class and we didn’t even read the most complex of books. Ethan from and nectar in the dive were what really stuck out.
There was a quarter where we read “a tale of two cities” but I swear I’ve read the first 5 pages and never opened it again and somehow STILL got straight As

>> No.20245002

>One professor I had who teaches at both UCLA and another university in New England would talk all the time about how much better the New England students were at writing, etc.
I wonder if this is just residual Puritan cultural autism about education.

>> No.20245024

What kind of sadistic monster makes a high schooler write a novel? Like if you’re a cringe lord writing fanfic that’s your time but to ASSIGN THAT is basically begging for their resentment of you

>> No.20245065

How is someone this mad lmao

>> No.20245073

The New England states have the highest average IQs in the U.S. and the highest school test scores, so he may have been on to something. UCLA and Berkeley are good universities, but they have a lot of idiot undergrads since the majority of students are from California high schools due to in-state tuition rates and preferential admittance to said students.

>> No.20245097

Massachusetts white people might be more like 105-106. Ricans drag the average down. Oh, how I wish we could dump them in New York somehow... it would be a paradise if we could simply cut welfare.

>> No.20245108

Listen New York is already bad, I don’t need mid grade white people here too when I have to deal with Spanish people who have somehow been in the US longer than I’ve been on the planet yet have not learn a single English words

>> No.20245110

"No Child Left Behind" lowered the standards for everyone, and now we face the consequences.

>> No.20245142

I know it's bad. That's precisely why I want to dump the Puerto Ricans on New York. It is already a cloaca of races, to paraphrase Madison Grant.

>> No.20245196

lol maybe in the 1860's not now

>> No.20245202

>mfw the vast majority of /lit/ posters are young enough to have had this exact same public school education
holy shit it all makes sense now

>> No.20245229

I really dont understand how thats possible

>> No.20245230

I'm still kicking. What makes you think I should just be tucked away on a shelf just because I got to experience my youth undominated by COVID or the computer?

>> No.20245248

its the parents

>> No.20245250

What made you think that

>> No.20245284
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>They basically view Hitler the same way they view Ganondorf.
>Likewise when we went over Julius Caesar I got a lot of reports that were simply "Brutus bad because he murder Caesar, murder is wrong". When I try to prod them a bit to see if they can figure out why the Liberators killed Caesar I get blank looks or "the liberators evil so they murder Caesar".
The problem is there are two fundamental ideas everyone in the system believes.
1) We should educate everybody, it's the state's job to make people enlightened people.
2) Education is necessary for a successful life.

While politicians will scream about STEM and "jobs of the future" forever, what we've gotten instead is a job market where the majority of jobs are bullshit jobs. Low level grunt work that those fancy university grads are fit for; stacking shelves and selling clothes. Or overpaid government titty jobs with no real standards. Pointless button pressing jobs in an office where 50% of the time is spent fucking around - this includes the supposedly coveted code monkey jobs.

There are too many people and less to do each year. You could solve a lot of this by cutting the gordian knot and simply training people on the job doing what they're actually supposed to do. Anyone with two braincells can advance through some internal placement program. That's how shit worked for a very long time. Longer than the new system that's not working at all.

Most people aren't interested in, and will never have any use of what they're taught. Ask adults with jobs about school questions, ask them about math basics, ask them about history - the overwhelming majority (suspiciously close to everyone who didn't have a personal interest or job need of these skills) have forgotten the fucking lot. They can't even help their own kids with basic questions.
Unfortunately no matter how much money is pissed away on educations virtually nobody needs, how much time is wasted whining about how shitty said education is, how many billions could be spent on alternatives, this is a political third rail.

>> No.20245300

Well seeing as how you're dumber than a box of rocks perhaps you should stfu and get off 4chan with your nigger shit.

>> No.20245302

“trees are all kept equal by hatchet, axe, and saw”

>> No.20245303

The education system is a form of behavioral conditioning. This is all deliberate.

>> No.20245312

Do you expect me to write an essay on it, faggot? It is instinctual, gut revulsion. I don't write long effortposts explaining to cockroaches all the reasons that I kill them and flush them down my toilet.
Go cash your social security check so you can rent a pontoon boat for the weekend instead of trying to get (You)s from us.

>> No.20245343

There is a new prevailing education system though. Its being able to remember where funny Instagram posts are, or the name of every valuable funkopop, or how the plot details between different marvel cinematic universe movies interact, or the best loadout to use in call of duty, or how to sell pussy on onlyfans, or how to gamble online on sports, or how to flip shoes, etc.

Its time to make way for the new. There will be a referendum on all this internet 'attention economy' and algorithm shit because its become untenable for all parties. And I guarantee people will begin to read more than they ever could under the old system.

>> No.20245349

take your meds

>> No.20245352

>Marvel cinematic universe
Do people actually talk about or remember these beyond the day they go to see them to marvel (heh) at the CGI? Random anime series seem to exist longer in online cultural memory, really.

>> No.20245353

>Moby Dick and Ulysses in middle school

>> No.20245363

Some people get really into MCU lore

>> No.20245369

They remember all the details each day they see a new movie. There's much more episodes of anime than there are movies, so there's more remembering being done, and for that reason it sticks around longer.

>> No.20245374

Interesting. I was not aware of that. I never got into capeshit at all because I couldn't figure out where to start, and I think I just prefer anime and other Japshit for light entertainment anyway.

>> No.20245380

Me neither, but I’ve got a buddy who loves to gush about it
I assume most of the audience just likes the flashy colours and fancy effects or whatever though

>> No.20245384

4chan was designed for the ugly and dumb, retard normalfag.

>> No.20245394

>I disagree with racist bullshit
That's nice. But be honest - blacks are year after year the worst students in your classes, right? There will be outliers here and there but overall they are the dumbest, the least achieving, the laziest and cause the most trouble.
You can admit the truth, everyone knows it and you are anonymous here. You already alluded to it in your own reply
>play rap songs or do their makeup

>> No.20245402

>play rap songs or do their makeup
Unfortunately anon even white kids mostly listen to Rap nowadays. We need a de-negrification of culture.

>> No.20245403
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In 1925, they developed something called Basic English with about 2000 words in its entire vocabulary, something similar to George Orwell's Newspeak. Perhaps that's what kids need to learn today. Doubleplus good!


>> No.20245420

>Met plenty of Mexican kids whose dads would literally beat them in the parking lot after school if their report cards had bad grades, because damned if they had swam across the Rio Grande and spent their life as a landscaper to have their kid grow up to be retarded.

They're meant to be the laborer underclass, though, so that's working as intended.

>> No.20245421 [DELETED] 

>While politicians will scream about STEM and "jobs of the future" forever, what we've gotten instead is a job market where the majority of jobs are bullshit jobs. Low level grunt work that those fancy university grads are fit for; stacking shelves and selling clothes. Or overpaid government titty jobs with no real standards. Pointless button pressing jobs in an office where 50% of the time is spent fucking around - this includes the supposedly coveted code monkey jobs.

Don't forget that 90% of these people are now cattle of social media, streaming services, pornography, etc..

>> No.20245475


That's a shame. A Tale of Two Cities is really good, and worth actually reading.

>> No.20245509

I suppose if children whose ancestry are overwhelmingly slave labor are raised in environments where anything more is expected of them, and of course given that they are truly slave-soul at heart, they will grow up facing constant shame of their true nature that they otherwise would delight in. Not only that but society endangers itself by intermingling slave-souls with say warrior-souls, and when the time for courage comes the slave-souls will show their true selves and once again be ashamed. They will only be able to help people/participate in society according to their capabilities, and if their capabilities amounts to menial labor, they shouldn't be ashamed, they should be proud of being a social good in a way that they are meant to be and according to their nature. Otherwise they suffer and society will suffer with them.

>> No.20245516

>Likewise when we went over Julius Caesar I got a lot of reports that were simply "Brutus bad because he murder Caesar, murder is wrong". When I try to prod them a bit to see if they can figure out why the Liberators killed Caesar I get blank looks or "the liberators evil so they murder Caesar".

Cringe on you for trying to tell your students what to think. Murder is bad, yeah. Maybe things would be better if they didn't kill Caesar. What's the big fuckin deal man??

>> No.20245531

Yeah its true that the based/cringe dichotomy does destroy nuanced opinion and naturally appeals to uneducated people who subscribe to that meme by giving themselves an air of certainty.

>> No.20245535

>night is required reading 11th grade
>11th grade

Anon... Night is like a 5th grade level book at best... If they can't handle Night in the 11th grade then it's time to fail all of these students and let the administration figure it out themselves. I hope you're tenured because it's gonna be a hell of a ride.

>> No.20245554

Pretty cringe ngl

>> No.20245568

pretty cringe urself no cap fr fr fr

>> No.20245625

>Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to fucking cavemen.
Universal political suffrage was a mistake, and the education system designed around its conceits will invariably be to the detriment of those that can make the best use of it. This is by design to prevent natural or meritocratic pressure on elites. Joe Blow retard could be trained up to a certain level, but there will always be need of a multi-tiered system. Most aren't going to get anything out of this kind of class. Rhetoric and boilerplate "here's how to avoid looking like a retard in written communications professionally" are as good as it gets here.

>> No.20245634

>That most people's entire lives are decided by how they performed as teenagers in terrible social environments is kind of horrific to me.
Theatre Kid Asslicker Occupied Managerial Government is the idea

>> No.20245635

The problem now is we have an increasingly large slave-labor class voting away civil rights because they feel intimidated by such things.

>> No.20245644

Perhaps this student's brain would be better off learning a language with a logographic writing system.

>> No.20245657

>but I still have to pass them

>> No.20245695

The solution starts at the foundational level, with a greater freedom of curriculum for teachers (and a corresponding rise on budget for the necessary supplies). Simply spending money on "more books" is useless when those books are shitty common core work books with no literary value. Not only that, a lot of districts simply dispose of old books entirely. One teacher I knew had a backroom where thousands of books were kept for class sets and now they've all gone to a landfill somewhere because the curriculum doesn't need them. That simply shouldn't happen. For the last few years, one school I know of doesn't use books at all in high school besides a workbook with paragraph-length excerpts and fun "projects" about cultural differences and useless bullshit like that.

Give teachers freedom, remove faggy standards/teaching-to-the-test, cut district bureaucracy and useless eater positions (no school needs more than 2 principals, max, or the battalion of paper pushers downtown), and hold parents to greater standards. It should be considered child abuse if your son or daughter is obese for a period longer than 6 months, or if they are illiterate by the age of 10. There should be mandatory prison sentences for parents and guardians that allow such neglect, which is just as bad as malnourishment and beatings.
I'm glad that worked for you and your class anon but those kinds of activities are exactly what drove me to hate school. I just wanted to read, write some essays, maybe debate a little, and move on. I hated when teachers "spiced" things up, especially by middle and high school when I knew I was too old to be "tricked" into enjoying learning. I already enjoy it, I don't need to be tricked, and I hate being patronized. At the end of the idea, I don't blame you or those teachers. They have to do it, otherwise they'd have classes full of F's, and districts brag about graduation rates as if that even means anything.

If anything, a school district with an exceptionally low graduation rate is a good sign.

>> No.20245723

>I'm glad that worked for you and your class anon but those kinds of activities are exactly what drove me to hate school.
I thought the same thing but didn’t want to discourage anon

>> No.20245752

If she's in her 50s, it could be a vision problem. Lots of people with vision problems only wear their glasses or contacts when they know in advance they're going to have to read something.

>> No.20245764

This is how it should be. The average person has no need to read and write.

>> No.20245769

If it works, it works and anon is a miracle worker. Every school needs people like him who care and try, even if it's sad. Also, maybe you and I are just autistic sorts (hence why we are even on this website) and for all I know, most kids liked those activities. Most of the girls did, as well as the outgoing/leader-type boys. I still think the old, traditional methods are optimal but I'm not sure how you could accomplish that with teenagers who have already been molded heavily into their traits and personality. It would have to begin from a rather young age.

Also, I forgot that common core won't last. It will get replaced, if it hasn't already in some states. But it will be replaced with another fresh batch of educational theory nonsense. It's an industry to sell fresh textbooks to a new generations of districts and as budgets and tax spending goes up, all of a sudden the district "reforms", throwing out the old, buying up the new. Yet it's the same useless shit, over and over, based off of worthless theories of education, hired by textbook/test companies. It is comparable to UI designers in tech. They constantly change it, for better and worse, simply to justify their job. The federal, state, and local departments of education members are likely investors in this industry, so when their body comes along with a bullshit study using a new set of jargon and buzzwords, they smile and nod and stamp it with approval. Another billion dollars, down the drain!

>> No.20245962

There is no reason to hate the 'educators.' The INDUSTRY exists; someone has to do the work. Yes, most of them are utterly lacking the most basic faculties a teacher of something should have, but just remember that every teacher in a public school today will have come through a public school themselves. How can you blame them? This is obviously a deeply structural problem.

>> No.20245969

We did fairy tales in 12th grade. Which has built in differentiation as a literary area. For low students it is easy to read and understand plot points. For high level students, we could do textual comparisons and other stuff.

>> No.20245983

The public schools need to be liquidated. No Child Left Behind cheapened public education to the point of disrepair. You would be much happier and better paid if private schools were the norm.

>> No.20246049

What's the point of public schools? Poor students learn just about as much as they would not attending. Private schools aren't that expensive either. Just a couple grand a semester.

>> No.20246076
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My view on my peers has softened somewhat as I've gotten older and more reflective but I am still quite certain that many (if not most) of the people I went to school with were fucking stupid even when my observations are weighted in hindsight against the lens of teenage angst through which they were recorded. It also didn't help that classes were basically either geared for the lowest common denominator or for the institutionalized tryhards padding their college applications - you had the regular English classes where we would spend weeks crawling through a single fucking novella that I could read in a couple of hours or an AP class where the material was more challenging but the teacher took out the fact that he couldn't land a college job on his students by assigning massive amounts of busywork instead of spending class time on actual education.

>> No.20246121

>we would spend weeks crawling through a single fucking novella that I could read in a couple of hours
For at least 4 years, some schools I know of wouldn't assign any reading outside a textbook (California of course). Reading for enjoyment, which was heavily promoted just 10 years ago, is actively discouraged. The kids aren't even unruly gang shits like in the movies, they're just... dull and distracted. I'm certain they'd rise to the occasion if they were held to high standards but if their parents don't give a shit, their friends don't give a shit, and their teachers don't give a shit, then who does?
I'd be hesitant to throw the baby out with the bath water. There is a certain type of "person" who actively wants to keep the supposedly poor and stupid in their place, and even the middle and upper class are considered the same as the poor in this case. There's no explanation besides intentional poisoning of education, which makes sense when you consider the Rockefeller's and Carnegie's roles.

>> No.20246235
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>refuses to mention the race of the problem students
>implies they could be white

holy fucking shit kill yourself you kike

>> No.20246240

>deranged racist rant

>> No.20246244

People like you are really starting to put me off racism.

>> No.20246246

you retarded shitskin animals are genetically incapable of abstract thought
you cannot be educated
you were created to be manual labor slaves and no one needs you any more

standby for genocide

>> No.20246405

Unironically, my dad got pissed I didn't get into an Ivy League university on a full ride.

He was disabled and couldn't hold down a job to save his life.


>> No.20246488

>I'm glad that worked for you and your class anon but those kinds of activities are exactly what drove me to hate school
To be fair though it seems like this type of stuff is useful in certain situations like his where all the kids aren’t interested, makes them more engaged and learn more. Of course if you are interested and not retarded it just seems like pandering. Should be looked at on a case by case basis

>> No.20246508

Completely right. Would make working and living life a lot easier also. Only problem with learning via experience is that you wouldn’t be taught the fundamentals on the same theoretical level you would in school. You would never understand math, only how to use a calculator because that’s all you would need to know in the work place, how to press buttons. Which I think is a bit gross

>> No.20246510

why do the glowniggers think they can insert jordan peterson bots here and we'll buy it?

>> No.20246513

Why do you write like a tenth grader.

>> No.20246517

revolt against the modern world

>> No.20246519

>is actively discouraged
I remember when I was in public school there was that reading reward stuff. Is that still a thing? Or did they get rid of it? Could be indicative of a terrible change of mentality in recent years

>> No.20246524

nowadays they reward you for not being able to read by letting you be violent towards the white kids

>> No.20246525

Schizo rant

>> No.20246528

can some one teach these bots how to read

>> No.20246543

>Yet it's the same useless shit, over and over, based off of worthless theories of education, hired by textbook/test companies. It is comparable to UI designers in tech. They constantly change it, for better and worse, simply to justify their job.
To justify their job couldn’t they just actually fix the education system and to keep their job each year they could change the textbooks to reflect the changes in knowledge each year seeing as the world is ever changing?

>> No.20246552


>> No.20246573

The midwittery in this thread lmao

>> No.20246585

school shootings are great, but they'd be much better if most of the victims were teachers

>> No.20246654

People i here have some very ugly superiority complexes, but I think a lot of it just comes from American schools being such an unhealthy social environment.

>> No.20246664

>those kinds of activities are exactly what drove me to hate school. I just wanted to read, write some essays, maybe debate a little, and move on.
Unfortunately you are the 1% anon, most kids do need that stuff or at least benefit from it

>> No.20246677

The Western education system killed itself by moving away from the tritium.

>> No.20246792

white bitches in AP classes had to cheat on tests and prefaced everything with duhhhh ummmmm ermmmmm you fucking retard. not one group of people other than those with enough money is safe from this.

>> No.20246848

>I got a book on how your history is hecking problematic sweaty

>> No.20246911
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In one school I worked in it was policy to have a dictionary on every desk and instruct the kid to use it if they didn't know a word. Good idea but it hit a snag on the many occasions when half the kids in the room didn't know the alphabet so would spend 10 minutes randomly flicking the pages of the dictionary until found the word by sheer chance or gave up.

>> No.20247027

Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, they're not interested in your boring ass nerd shit?

>> No.20247034

The fact that they might be white is even sadder, honest

>> No.20247041


>> No.20247046

not my problem

>> No.20247059

>10th grade
>teaching a book like they're in 3rd grade with activities and posters
Holy fuck the education system is fucked.

>> No.20247065

Please tell me you mock burned the fegs

>> No.20247083

This generation of kids grew up on 30 second vines and tiktoks. The YouTube generation that had enough attention span for 10 minute Minecraft videos is in college now. They will be the last semi-literate people.

>> No.20247106

>Likewise when we went over Julius Caesar I got a lot of reports that were simply "Brutus bad because he murder Caesar, murder is wrong". When I try to prod them a bit to see if they can figure out why the Liberators killed Caesar I get blank looks or "the liberators evil so they murder Caesar".
To be fair, this is not false.

>> No.20247128

>We should ban private schools so their children have to be educated with us proles
That's not how it works, richer areas have better public schools as well.

>> No.20247171

Poor inner city schools have more money dumped into them per student and yet continuously fail
Richer areas have better schools because they have better people, i.e. fewer niggers

>> No.20247210

I graduated from a southern California high school a few years ago, and while I was in all honors/ap classes, we had to take a few classes that did not have any distinction in level, such as health class. I recall two kids, around 17, that could not read at all, and had to trace their fingers underneath words and phonetically pronounce each one.
Once you get out the honors bubble, you'll start to see how California has the lowest literacy rate in the US.

>> No.20247290

Bus rich kids to poorer schools.

>> No.20247319

Huh I graduated from a socal high school in 2017. It was well ranked and everyone was really smart. Sorry you live in a ghetto.

>> No.20247355

You are a teacher in an inner-city public school teaching negroes and spics. Nothing new here, it has been this way for many years, the only difference now is of course that this problem will become more rampant the more these slave castes reproduce.

>> No.20247364


>> No.20247425

I hope those kids got bullied for being so dumb if they weren’t special ed. and god knows because at least some of these kids are dumb just because they’re lazy they’ll try to argue you don’t actually need to learn how to read and it’s a waste of time or some shit

>> No.20247505
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>Nights by Elie Wiesel is required reading
Seriously?? The book that was found out to be full of lies from a professional liar that built a career about lying to people is REQUIRED READING??

And they say american education is not a propaganda tool in the hands of the tiny hat tribe.

>> No.20247516
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Go back, you zoomie zoom zoom.

>> No.20247518

I had a few unpleasant experiences with teachers and had some family issues at home which made me ask "what's the point in trying? I'm already so far behind...." Then I gave up and became depressed, lazy, accelerating the issue. I'm now 21 and working as a welder, and I'm trying to escape my blue collar lower middle class future by going to the library every day and studying math and improving my writing skills. I feel like I've fallen so far behind when it comes to math skills it's embarrassing. I refuse to give up though, and I hope with enough hard work and dedication I'll be able to get a proper education and become a civil engineer. Immediately after telling people what I do for work I feel that their perception of me changes and I'm looked down upon like like some brow grunt, and I can understand that because a lot of people who occupy this profession aren't exactly the brightest, it just sucks that people have to look down on others this way. That's just life though and I know there's no changing it.

Honestly, all those negative years in education have really turned me off to learning, it's only recently that I've been able to actually enjoy the process and that's with the help of some great mentors I've met online and through their books.

>> No.20247533

>after telling people what I do for work I feel that their perception of me changes
Avoid those people. You get to know instantly whom not to associate with.
Welding may not be for you but it can be a lucrative profession. All those fags that look down on welders sing a different song when they need something welded. Same applies to plumbers and garbagemen

>> No.20247536

>They talk about Hitler as if he's some cosmic evil that is innately evil.
No shit. This is what the (((people))) who control all our media tell us since we're in diapers. They want us to think that Hitler was some inhuman guy 100% evil, because this way nobody even thinks of asking "Yes but WHY did he hate the jews?" That's a dangerous question, you might dig in the issue and find out he actually had quite a bit of concrete reasons to hate them (economic and cultural reasons). Much better to prevent these questions by convincing everyone that he was just insane and evil "just because". As if he was a cartoon character.

This is also the reason why (((they))) are so insistent that the holocaust was a SPECIAL genocide, different (and worse) from every other genocide in history, as if it had a special quality that sets it apart from the rest and that makes it impossible to question or to investigate. You can simply PREACH the holocaust, but you can't investigate it. God forbid, you might find out about lots of bullshit like the masturbation death machines, or the huge electric chair that killed 100 jews at once, or the deadly roller coaster which flung jews into ovens, or the cage with the bear and the eagle where jews were thrown to be mauled. Nobody must be allowed to look into their favorite religious dogma. They made it straight up ILLEGAL in many european countries. It's illegal to ask questions about the details of the holocaust. Let that sink in.

Your students are not cavemen, they're victims. They're the intended result of 77 years of state propaganda.

>> No.20247540

If you work hard by yourself for a clear goal, you're ahead of 99% of the morons who regurgitate their lessons to get good grades.

>> No.20247546

In the womb?

>> No.20247549

In the end though, I think it comes down to what these kids want out of life. I can relate to how disillusioning it is now to pursue an education when there's people like that "catch me outside" girl who started an only fans at 18 and made more money in six hours than most people will make in a life time. There's a bunch of things working against students, boys especially, in a time of their lives where they're very vulnerable and impressionable. There's so many emotions that run through these kids heads due to hormones and the examples that we're leaving for them through these celebrity role models is going to turn many kids into literal retards and misanthropes. Politics have invested these institutions, combine this with local corruption and we're going to be in quite a mess in the next few years. Many of these kids are simply unemployable because they have no skills or ability to function in a real workplace. Shop classes don't exist, it's literal office politics where the only people who excel are girls with an average or above IQ. Everything is demotivating, and I don't see it changing any time soon. I think all that's really left to do is save the ones you can and hunker down until the storm hits.

>> No.20247573


Thank you for the positive commentary. I'll do my best not to be a drag on society. I appreciate all the teachers who were there for me even when I wasn't doing so well. Seeing them not giving up on students like me have made me realize that there is something in me worth salvaging.

>> No.20247590


>> No.20247601

Nope. Private school teachers earn a good bit let on average

>> No.20247611

>Die mad about it, bitch. Not my fucking problem that you can't do your job.

>> No.20247618

Don't you need some math skills in order to even become a welder?

>> No.20247671

Yes you do, but not calculus level stuff. Its not so much that im unable to do algebra or geometry or whatever, its that ive got gaps in what i DO know.

>> No.20247777

>I disagree with racist bullshit
, he lisped.

>> No.20247787

Brutus was a proto Redditor which is why he was bad.
>We need to kill Caesar to protect our democracy

>> No.20247921
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is this you?

>> No.20248008

that's nick rochefort

>> No.20248012
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Public school shouldn't be considered an incredible educational experience.
There should be a capacity to fail. If you absolutely refuse to learn the basics, you shouldn't get passed on the basics.
Physical fitness should be an integral part of education. Greeks had it right.
Public institutions are a intimate to public life. If your society sucks dick, don't expect your schools to survive it.
This also ties into my general distrust of early life educators. There are three types of people who teach kids:
>women with an overactive maternal instinct (best possible outcome)
>people who like to "educate" (indoctrinate) children with no critical thinking ability
>literal child molesters
Almost everything in early education is learnable, if not intuitive. If you don't become literate it's because you either refuse to learn or, Allah forbid this, your neolib teacher is more interested in turning you into a BLM/LGBT activist.
I feel a little bad for the High School teachers who get sent kids that got fucked up in Elementary/Middle school

>> No.20248018

Well, she's not a native Texan anyways so it's not a big deal. She moved here from California.

>> No.20248048

when are the movie days?

>> No.20248050
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yeah we shat on em, anglo man wins again

>> No.20248124

I get this. I'm a math-tard when it comes to anything where I can't actually apply it. So everything I actually learned how to do I learned in my science classes, but my math class grades were always dogshit.
NB4 "muh word problems" by the way. You all know what the difference is.

>> No.20248140

Theres another category of educators you missed
>burn outs who want an easy job and summer vacations
These make up the majority of teachers. One english teacher in my high school would come in hungover and have "meditation" day where everyone would nap on pillows. This happened frequently.

>> No.20248159

Being a skilled welder/tradesman who does honest work is valuable to society
but follow your interest

>> No.20248192

Rick Roderick in his teaching company philosophy courses said on tape that even at Duke University, where he was professor, nearly all students from privileged southern families had no dreams , no hopes for their lives, wanting nothing, desire nothing, nothing.

>> No.20248203

>I can relate to how disillusioning it is now to pursue an education when there's people like that "catch me outside" girl who started an only fans at 18 and made more money in six hours than most people will make in a life time.
And the housing market. When a kid with some initiative crunches some numbers in high school and realizes that they'll have to go to college or go into a back-breaking field of work like oil extraction to make the $80,000/year they need to afford a 30-year note on a home like the one they grew up in and that their parents paid off in ten years on a $50,000 salary, it's no wonder that so many of them have just plain given up. Also worth noting is the "anti-work" movement - if all you stand to own in the future is your dignity because you can't make enough money to afford a house or a family or health insurance or whatever anyway, then when someone shits on your dignity it's easy to decide that the nominal sum you're being paid isn't worth it.

>I'll do my best not to be a drag on society.
You already contribute considerably more to society than most of the labor pool. What the fuck can the average wagie have to point to? Slightly increased profit margins for the billionaire owners of the faceless global holding company that owns the company that owns the company that owns the store they work for?

>> No.20248428

It is pretty insane that whites and asians are given the same criteria as niggers. What an absolute joke. If I were trying to dumb down society to make a bunch of retard slaves I'd put niggers in the schools and lower the bar. That is what universities are doing too.

>> No.20248592

Money != space nor does it guarantee freedom from corruption or a good mental health program as many kids are shoved in a smaller classroom with a decent amount having very poor home lives/parenting

>> No.20248625

I don't know about this. If you're asking people to present their thoughts on Hitler to the class, what incentive is there to give any other answer besides the most basic one?

>> No.20248626

Don't know what it looks like now, but in elementary school I was taught after he went homeless his mild anti-semitism got worse and that's where most of it started (not mentioning his mother). They also mentioned his dog and his nephew and all that. We also got to see pictures of many standard items salvaged from the Holocaust and read about the hiding, the work camps, and how organized it all was. We read diaries. We saw video of victims being interviewed and visiting another school. My father actually says he met one or two survivors.

>> No.20248631

*I'M not mentioning his mother, they briefly went over his family life

>> No.20248638
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I'm also an ELA for high school and you're taking it too seriously. You're just gonna burn yourself out and get bitter if you expect our jobs to be anymore than glorified caretakers. I don't give a shit what my students do or don't understand. I reserve effort for the few kids that ask for it (a handful throughout 7 years of teaching), or ones who aren't retarded.
It sucks, but that's the reality of it.

>> No.20248734

Your homeschooling was Bible Bible and more Bible, but it was homeschooling that's the problem? Did you even have any study groups where you met with other children?

>> No.20248794

>Did you even have any study groups where you met with other children?

Yes, but meeting up occasionally with other (strange) children isn't the same as interacting with a large number of children in a normal, structured social setting, which presages later university and office settings used by adults.

To your point about my biblical education: good luck finding a home school family that doesn't engage in some atypical form of education—that's why they're home schooling their children in the first place, to give their children something other than what is normal. That said, from a literary standpoint a familiarity with the Bible is probably more useful for teaching narrative style and allegory than most of the garbage English teachers are using in classrooms these days. It's also one of the the central works that shaped Western literature and culture, so even if you're not religious you have a serious gap in your knowledge if you're not familiar with the Bible.

>> No.20248810

I hope you're an actual bot instead of a faggot so programmed by memespeak that he becomes incapable of a single thought.

>> No.20248818
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>you will live to see segregation, largely voluntary
>you will live to see white communities flourishing
>you will live to see old coastal elites, clinging to their multicultural disease pits, denying what is now obvious to everyone

>> No.20248998

>They basically view Hitler the same way they view Ganondorf
>kids forced to read an incredibly shallow novella and they give you an equivalent low-effort reading in return
>kids instinctually recognize the senators for the foul social parasites they are
yeah, the kids are all right

>> No.20249033

Some easy young adult lit like the Alex Storm books might be a good starting point for some of the kids. Those books helped me get into reading for fun.

>> No.20249345
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We met twice a week, with a large but known, group of kids. Sure, you should learn the bible, and some of the parents had eccentric ideas about pedagogy but no one was trying to recreate the home life of Carrie. Semi-lapsed Pentecostals and eclectic hippies were the weirdest I knew. Almost everybody used just regular published workbook curriculum or some great books, classical education, ambleside thing.

>> No.20249355

Nice books, I've learned so much from them. Eliade honestly changed my life.

>> No.20249712

>normal, structured social setting,
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.20249728

This is the million dollar question

>> No.20249820


>> No.20249830

>very poor home lives/parenting
this is the problem, not money
My parents taught me how to read, not schools.

>> No.20249939

Normal and structured in the sense that it prepares you for the working world as an adult. What do you think the point of school is? Modern schooling was invented during the industrial revolution.

>> No.20249969

I also despised any sort of "fun" projects. Language or humanities classes should be about writing essays. delivering speeches/giving presentations and debating. Anything else is shit and I hate it.

Speaking of which, I need to get better at essay writing, engineering has been rotting my brain.

>> No.20249973

most schooling just teaches you to be a drone for the elites. best option is to have a network for learning instead of institutions or homeschooling

>> No.20249976

be happy its not "au nom de tous les miens". At least elie wiesel actually went through oswiecim.

>> No.20249981

mentions the women's movement as "much needed" I stopped there.

>> No.20249987

This sort of stigma is only really present in America where everybody thinks having a bachelors in communications is better than being a master electrician.

>> No.20250018

What does that make Cato?

>> No.20250075

A sneaky butler who attacks his master when he least suspects it

>> No.20250107

i dont care that i have to go back to learn how to do long division. early math is always there for you to learn lol. if the early math you are learning is not on my level i.e 1-3rd grade and youre stuck worrying about calculus even though youre better than me then i really believe you were to be an academic

>> No.20250247

But how are the kids? Considering their upbringing would you consider them to be well adjusted?

>> No.20250252

that's due to women overflowing colleges. most women look down on blue collar work from a metaprofessional stance.

>> No.20250262


>> No.20250330

written by retard reposting the article, just skip that bit

>> No.20250390

I used to grade English papers and this is how the vast majority of essays really are. It’s like teenagers can’t even communicate. Their conclusions are always shit like “Daisy ignored Gatsby because she was very greedy and greed is bad.” There’s zero reflection or aesthetic contemplation. Their minds are empty.

>> No.20250432

I re-read that, and goddamn is that accurate. worse yet, I've been on blackpill/incel websites who talk about taking away benefits, which I understand why, but it would also affect me, who also get benefits, I shouldn't have SSDI taken away from me because Shaniqua wants community dick and has ten kids as a result so if I do get work that will get me out of this rut, I'm not gonna have to foot the bill for some woman who can't keep her legs closed. I totally get why they want to retract welfare, though, in all honesty.

>> No.20250584

shut up babydick

>> No.20250654

good luck anon you got this. the hard work you do as a welder is gonna take you far, so many people in universities have never worked a hard day in their lives.

>> No.20250662

What I learned from schooling is how to get by with the most minimal effort. Why should I try when I absolutely hate learning from others. Even in my college classes now if there’s an attendance requirement I’ll just go in with a book in my hand and read the uploaded notes afterwards, it’s a waste of time for me to listen to some retard when I could understand a concept in less than 10 minutes without them.

>> No.20250669
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>If you asked them about Nikocado Avocado, they'd probably have very nuanced views.
the absolute state

>> No.20250691

My condolescenes

>> No.20250717

Oh we're fucked

>> No.20250780

Judging by your comment, you're either
>still in high school
>dropped out of high school
Either way end yourself you waste of space.

>> No.20251257

>millenigger arguing

>> No.20251281

Yes I agree. I hate most rap so this would be welcome.

>> No.20251401


>> No.20251730

Teach these lil niggas hieroglyphs

>> No.20251752

> most schooling just teaches you to be a drone for the elites.

Well, yeah. It’s not as though the government is providing all this schooling simply to be nice to people. It’s 1) a way to free up parents for the workforce (it’s more efficient to have one adult teaching 40 kids than 40 parents teaching those kids individually), and 2) to teach children how to be part of the professional machine when they grow up. I’m not saying this is ideal, just that it’s what it is.

Naturally, this set up is not ideal for remarkable children, but it accomplishes its task for the unremarkable ones, which is most of them.

>> No.20251846

Get them interested in reading, and you can do that by getting in writing, which you do by getting them interested in expressing themselves, in debating and discussing their opinions.

>> No.20251861

>prepares you for the working world as an adult.
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.20251882

Being stuck in a monotonous environment, being given and completing assignments (which are sometimes important and sometimes nonsensical), learning to obey authority figures of varying degrees of quality, learning how to navigate interpersonal politics, learning how to have conversations with others. Or did you think the point was the create independent thinkers? It’s not.

>> No.20251899

I don't think you realize how dysfunctional zoomers are. And with everything gone online the past 2 years, they're even less competent now than ever. The average american can't even interpret data on spreadsheets.
Anyway, I'm a tradie. I was always taught in high school that world consists of desk jobs and burger flippers. Going into construction has taught me that theres actually a very big economy and a whole lot of interesting jobs out there. I can tell you as a matter of fact that school didn't prepare me for shit. I actually feel stunted by it. I am not just an outlier in that.

>> No.20251911

It's too late for them and you don't have enough time or resources to fix it. If you want to help them, teach them how to use text to speech on their phones. If any of them want to learn on their own time, send them home with hooked on phonics assignments.

>> No.20251971

I remember one year where we had to read it and 2 other holocaust book in a single year.

>> No.20252003

He was right. God damn it he was right.

>> No.20252033

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20252066

Is 40% of your class non white? I'm willing to bet that's the case.
Captcha : KKKAS(FUCK)

>> No.20252088
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>The American education system needs to be burned down and remade.
Why did you assume OP is American?

>> No.20252173

Read John Taylor Gatto. If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.20252282

They can't keep passing retards and delinquents like this. This is why a high school diploma is worthless these days. 91% of people get one so 91% of us should be reading on a 12 grade reading level, about, right? But they don't. A highschool diploma might mean you can only read on a 2nd grade reading level and can't do math. Do the right thing and fail them.

For age appropriate books, I'd say huck finn. I read it in 4th grade because i heard it was a classic. It's not really a "dumbed down" children's book. It's a book that's appropriate for all ages. I remember that it was taught in 10th grade. I don't really remember why then. I felt i could grasp it much younger than that, even if some of the satire went over my head, i could get the story at that age. at 15 i got the satire. Maybe lord of the rings, too, or the hobbit? Idk,

I know this might sound like a stretch, but if it's really as bad as you say, you may want to consider graphic novelizations(really big comic books) of stuff like The Hobbit. I got a book like that when I was 8 or so and it was really good. That book is why I'm thinking of a graphic novel or something. I read the real book later on and comparatively, it has almost all the text of the original book, save for some setting description, but it's all set into a comic book type thing with speech bubbles and text blocks or whatever the non speech bubble things in comic books are called to do the 3rd person narration. Something like that could be really good if they struggle a lot. To me, the pictures are just cool ways to visualize what im reading a little better. To them, it can probably help with context and association of stuff which will help with reading comprehension long term maybe. I'll add that i was taught to read young and I read well enough. I would say close to 12th grade, since i was able to test out of intro college english courses with a 5 on the AP exam, but that might not be true because of the declining standards. Anyway, that makes it difficult to gauge it for me because I'm not an educator nor was i a typical child reader. LOTR doesn't seem too different from Beowulf, something which was 11th grade reading for me. One is just an old myth story and one is more modern fantasy, so i feel like it fits. The plot isn't too hard to follow. I don't know if a teenager would find that interesting, though. I imagine a good number of the boys in class at least might.

And maybe the "Lemony Snickett, A Series of Unfortunate Events" might be good. They're meant for children, and those children in the books, they are privileged in a way, so they're well educated, well spoken. What they say carries weight, with wording of stuff mattering quite a bit. It's good for vocabulary. There's an explanation in one book about the difference between nervousn and anxiousn because one of the siblings was feeling one way about an event and another was feeling the other way. They stay with a grammarian aunt for a while.

>> No.20252309

The Nazis were suffering fuel shortages since the onset of the war. That was why they broke the Molotov Ribbentrop pact to capture the Galesian oil fields.

If they were experiencing fuel shortages, why would they use diesel trains to cart the jews across europe to kill them instead of just shooting them in a ditch near where they lived? Why would Chelmo have been using gas chambers which were essentially the big full size diesel VW Van/bus things that had the exhaust gasses piped back into the passenger compartment to kill the occupants with carbon monoxide poisoning? Why wouldn't they just put a bullet in them? Lead is a lot cheaper than fuel in a situation like that.

Or a shovel to the back of the head. Or live burial. Or hanging. Or literally anything else.

>> No.20252315

>ugly plastic insect

>> No.20252432

The only way to get niggas to learn is to take back the ruler. Beat their fucking ass when they don't turn their homework on time. All niggas have it ingrained in their genes to listen to violence. Then when they finally finish developing their frontal lobe they'll realize how much you helped them.

>> No.20252442

Where can I read teachers being honest about how fucked everything is, and not being too scared to point out certain demographic trends? I don't want racist preaching to the choir, I'm already racist, I want actual truths that happen to be racist. If I have to read one more milquetoast pussy white liberal teacher who clearly wants to kill himself say "I-It's not racial, I h-had a Latinx student who was very smart" and force his brain not to notice trends I will puke.

>> No.20252471

>and not being too scared to point out certain demographic trends? I don't want racist preaching to the choir
Yes you do

>> No.20252750
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Not him.
What do you want, little man?
Tell us. Tell us!

>> No.20252819
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>> No.20252822

>take back the ruler
Schools have metal detectors. How out of touch do you have to be to think >muh ruler is remotely viable?

>> No.20252828
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>> No.20252829
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even plebbit lets the mask slip once in a while

>> No.20253534

Anon you're preaching to the choir here. No real person would come on 4chan in the current year to argue the mainstream narrative on the holohoax.

Not about education but If You Give a Gay Their Way was just published and it is exactly what you're looking for but pointed at the homo agenda.

>> No.20253548

t.faggot shilling his own book

>> No.20253581

Nope, but I picked up a review copy of his book and quite liked it. It is in fact what that anon is looking for. Hopefully Joel writes about basketball americans next.

>> No.20253620

But Hitler isn't in Night anon.

>> No.20253673

As a counterpoint, the social environment in school is not really reflective of anything you encounter as an adult either. If you have a friend group and participate in group extracurricular activities you'll probably end up normal enough.

>> No.20253693

In Quebec they made us read decent stuff in high school like short stories by Maupassant and Théophile Gautier but also forced us to read shitty YA novels and this feminist novel about some empowered woman going to Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush. In (advanced) English Class they had us read Shakespeare but also Holocaust sob stories like The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and more YA novels ; weird mix of High and Low culture. This was at a mid tier Public School, not too bad overall. Feel bad for poorfags who will be forced to read terribe literature because rich libs want to ''decolonize'' the classics and language classs while those same rich libs will maintain a certain degree of knowledge over stuff that matters but it's ultimately mostly genetics imo.

>> No.20253706

Did they make you read Bear? It did win a governor's award.

>> No.20253718


Nope, heard of it on /lit/

>> No.20253730

>Or shovel to the back of the head.

So like, you’re a CO and you’re supposed to tell your guys to just start killing loads of people by hitting them in the head with shovels? That’d get demoralizing pretty quickly even if you hate the people you’re doing it to, and what if there’s children? It’d be more efficient and less demoralizing to kill them via gas chamber. Also wouldn’t the trains be using less fuel moving people than freight since people weight practically nothing compared to freight?

>> No.20253740

I'm a mec eng undergrad. In my Uni, a professor that worked many years as a welder said that a good, certified welder can actually rack up a very good paycheck. So if it makes you feel better, you can actually get a lot of cash (almost 6~ digits) as long as you manage to get certifications that are on demand, which usually implies getting hired by a company which will pay you to get certified since it's really expensive and only valid for a few years. But the opportunity is there, as long as you chase it.

>> No.20253793

It worked for the russians. Rather than arguing hypotheticals, you need to realize there was never a plan to kill all the jews, same as there was never a plan to kill all the japanese in America. They were internment camps. It's literally a holohoax designed to justify the creation of the israeli state and extract "reparations" from germany, again for the benefit of the newly created israel.

>> No.20253795
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A lot of this kind of reminds me of when I joined the army over a decade ago. Particularly in basic training. Only one directly involved me though
>do a field exercise
>"time to march back, everyone grab their rifles"
>go to look for mine
>cant find it
>eventually only one is left and everyone is waiting on me
>fuck it, take that one
>no big deal, this rifle probably belongs to who took mine on accident
>can just check the weapon roster when i get back, explain, swap back, no drill sergeant involved
>get back, check the roster
>this rifle belonged to some negress
>was naive back then so tried to push the stereotypical black woman out of my mind, was sure it would be as smooth going as dealing with anyone else
>sneak to the female barracks, have a cutie outside im friendly with go in to explain the situation to the negress so we can swap
>negress comes out
>try to tell her im not saying she stole it, accidents happen
>refused to listen, just kept shaking her head and going mhm mhm
>tell her to check the serial number and the weapon roster to prove its mine and to prove this one was hers. trying not to get the drill sergeant's involved
>she huffs and goes back in
>comes back out, nostrils flared as hell, but with my rifle
>no words said, she gives mine and i give hers back
>"next time don't put it near mine"
Not the worst thing that could happen, and definitely not comparable to those teachers' stories, but it might be interesting to someone.

>> No.20253910

>Unfortunately anon even white kids mostly listen to Rap nowadays.
Its depressing. What even is White culture, nowadays? Black culture is American culture at this point. From music to fashion, its all niggerfied.

>> No.20253921

>No shit. This is what the (((people))) who control all our media tell us since we're in diapers.
Pretty much. What did OP expect?

>> No.20253933

>What even is White culture, nowadays?
Just because it's not broadcast on the television and radio doesn't mean that white culture is gone. 4chan, for instance, is white culture. Go look for it, don't just lament that it's not delivered to you on a silver platter.

>> No.20253946

>What even is White culture, nowadays
For me it's being able to forget I locked my doors when I go out and take solace knowing I won't get robbed. Also that I can run at the park at night without getting stabbed

>> No.20253951

>4chan, for instance, is white culture.
>Go look for it
That's the problem. If you have to look for it then its a subculture at best. Most Whites don't subscribe to White culture at this point, that ones that do skew old.

>> No.20253970

You are falling for and spreading demoralization. Knock it off. Go visit a fine art museum and read a book.

>> No.20253992

You think White culture is still mainstream? Go listen to the most popular music. Read the most popular books. Talk with the average person, especially one younger than 35. We're a bankrupt people. Is that a good thing? No, its fucking horrible. But that's modernity for you. Brown, consumerist, 85 iq hyper-stimulation as far as the eye can see. We're in the bad times.

>> No.20254333

There is no white culture
There’s Slavic culture
There’s French culture
There’s Italian culture
There’s british “culture”
There’s Russian culture
There’s even Belgian culture and that’s a made up country
America has always been a mix

>> No.20254639

I live in one of the wealthiest cities in California, however my high school was 50% mexican/whatever the fuck

>> No.20254655

not dude you replied to but i'm ex-it-gone-teacher. teachings fun. like, yeah, we have to pass too many kids and hold off on explicitly teaching Christianity until tenure, but it's fun reading shakespeare and making fun of students for not getting dirty jokes then explaining dirty jokes while creatively working Christian values into the curriculum in a way that stays somewhat under the radar.
everyone's grass is brown. it pays better and you don't do any work, so it's better in a lot of ways, but i find at least some spiritual peace teaching.

>> No.20255012


>> No.20255018

Things that never happened.
Why are leftists so obvious with this shit?