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File: 160 KB, 395x600, A-Dance-With-Dragons..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2023774 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this book. I am trolled hard.

>> No.2023778


>> No.2023791

It's all good you really think Jon is dead? shiiit Mel is going to bring him back like whatshisface brought back Dondarrion

>> No.2023802

I've just started reading the third book and love the series so far. I'm a bit afraid though, I've heard that the fourth and fifth book are not only bad compared to the first three, which are regarded by most people to be really good, they are bad compared to most books in the genre. Is this true?

>> No.2023799


More like Jon taking refuge in Ghost mind

>> No.2023811


>> No.2023817
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Jumping on the bandwagon full speed, what should I expect?

>> No.2023828


You really think Kevin Lannister is dead? More like taking refuge in Ser Pounce

>> No.2023834

You should expect the first three books to get better and more exciting with each iteration. When you reach the fourth book, please drastically lower your expectations. Feast is bad and so is Dragons.

>> No.2023843

Dragons wasnt bad you crazy, there was alot of plot movement. I'm hyped as fuck for Winds of Winter, shit is finally going to hit the fans in Westeros.

How many years till winter hits, another 5? :(

>> No.2023846


They are both enjoyable. But some parts are too long and a bit boring.

>> No.2023863

Oh god the Asha chapters made me want to skip them.

I hate view point chaps that are from unimportant characters views but are witnesses to important events.

See Areo Hotep, but he's the captain of the guard to my heart so i'll let it slide

>> No.2023868
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>a lot of plot movement

>> No.2023870


>doesn't like they Greyjoys

why are you even reading this series you plebe

>> No.2023891

I dont like Asha, she's boring and Theon is eh kind of a bastard but i pity him now.

Victarion and Euron mufuggin Crow's Eye are bosses

>> No.2023894

The fourth and fifth books weren't even originally supposed to be books, but cover a period that would have been skipped and referred back to. So it's not surprising that they are a little slow and boring. I don't know why he couldn't have cut back the page count a little, though. Some of it was a bit much.

>> No.2023898

Just finished this yesterday, and wtf man.
almost no plot movement compared to the other books, even feast had a lot of shit going on, besides 290 chapters of dany choosing a husbando, 256 chapters where jon is introspective, talk talk talk talk talk, it felt like half of the first half of the book could be cut out.

>> No.2023915

I hate Dany, there I said it. Anyone else feel the same?
she seems just like Sansa with her naive "roar Is am precious queen mother" bullshit, and she actually believes her "Me am dragon" thingy, granted, she did hatch some dragons, but still.
I don't hate her nearly as much as Catelyn though or Robb, for killing Rickard karstark for avenging his sons, while his mother let Jaime go, and was unpunished. Or GRRM for not keeping her dead

>> No.2023916

i think the 6 book is where shit gonna get real, 5th really just seems like build up and fleshing out before GRRM brutally kills more of your favorite characters.

>> No.2023922 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 468x468, 1303856652905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck like Daeny?
>derp derp i can pretend to know how to queen
>mfw she flies her dragon for the first time, falls off and dies.

>> No.2023926

We all know that feel bro.

>> No.2023935

Does she remain blind?

>> No.2023938


I'm a leftist pussy so I can't hate someone who frees slave.
Interesting though that their condition become even worst.
The Cersei humiliation was quite awesome. I even felt some empathy for her.

>> No.2023942

the cersei humilation was the most satisfying thing ive read in ages
hope that cunt gets raped by zombie gregor

>> No.2023943
File: 425 KB, 532x450, Tali_Character_Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dany is a lot like Tali, they're both fuckin idiots

>> No.2023947
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lots of wasted time

>> No.2023952
File: 644 KB, 500x406, 1301303920868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy the mind
>implying reading a book can possibly take information away from your brain
>oh wait its a tripfag posting a troll picture, another one for the filter.

>> No.2023959
File: 40 KB, 951x598, filterpropaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah good luck with that faggot

>> No.2023958

wow this Arthur guy would be right at home on 4chan
>things i dont like = shit tier

>> No.2023969

yes i can really afford to, if they are just trolling idiots, what do i lose by fitering and hiding them?
shit posting is not better than less posting.

>> No.2023971

>this Arthur guy

Hahahaha, oh wow.

>> No.2023973
File: 553 KB, 1440x900, ComeAtMeBro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deep&Edgy and other flaming people are in this thread. Please do NOT reply to them. I repeat, please do NOT reply to them. That would only grant them the attention they are craving.

Thanks in advance. Polite sage

>> No.2023974

excuse me if i didn't take your worthless English literature degree and learn about shitty obscure writers.
bet you look like the coolest pseudo intellectual on the block when you can list off a bunch of writers no one cares about.

>> No.2023975

That makes a lot more sense if you knew the guy didn't like badly written books

>> No.2023979

ADWD woulda been sooo much better if it had a fuckin ending to like, three times as many plot/character arcs. All the other books end with their major arcs concluding, but AFF and ADWD end on "cliffhangers" which may as well have just been random points in the middle of the book. Asha and Quentyn coulda had their chapters cut without much hassle, leaving room for everything else to be concluded. It makes me feel like the endings which could have been awesome if thyey were in this book will just feel glossed over in tWoW. Like how Brinne in AFFC ends on an almost literal cliffhanger and despite her being a POV character we're not even sure what happened to her between being hanged and seeing Jaime again. Seeing her promise Catelyn that she'll kill Jaime or whatever, then her showing up to take Jaime somewhere with Jaime not suspecting anything could have made for some great dramatic irony, but who knows what's actually gonna happen. You can only lead readers on with so many questions at a time.

Also, he could have been more efficient by showing viewpoint characters come together, so say if Tyrion and Victarion got to Meereen you could probably bang out the ending in one POV each since the characters' actions would be showin on other POVs. With every single damn character apart from all the others, the story gets bloated and disconnected, it doesn't feel "epic" until their stories intertwine again, like they were in the first three books.

>> No.2023980

This would make a lot more sense if you weren't wasting your time on 4chan all hours of the day. Do you even read anymore?

>> No.2023982

Yeah dude, mostly at night and mostly philosophy right now.

>> No.2023986
File: 19 KB, 300x309, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like how Brinne in AFFC ends on an almost literal cliffhanger and despite her being a POV character we're not even sure what happened to her between being hanged and seeing Jaime again.

Do you mean she doesn't die? FUCK FUCK FUCK, I can't fucking stand this worthless fucking cunt. God fucking damn it she's fucking ugly, dumb and useless, why doesn't she die once and for all? Fuck her, fuck GRRM for letting her live and giving her back a POV. God I was so happy when they hanged her, just like when they killed Catelyn, WHY THE HELL DID HE REVIVE THEM BOTH? Fuck them. Fuck.

Pic related, it's me when they revived Catelyn.

>> No.2023994

dont worry, GRRM always takes the biggest troll route, he will kill them both off, AGAIN and permanently just to troll people harder.

>> No.2023995

What's fucking wrong with GRRM? He kills Robb, Jon Snow and Eddard yet he'll let Samwell and Bran live, he'll revive Catelyn and Brienne and he gives Jaime a POV only when he's missing a hand. Why does he kill interesting characters and keeps annoying, ugly, useless and crippled people alive?

>> No.2023998

The intellectual poison of this place destroys the mind. Unfortunately, you are the intellectual poison.

>> No.2024002

>robb, eddard

>> No.2024007 [DELETED] 

Well, they're good guys and they do fucking something. What does Catelyn do, apart from whining and bitching "hurr durr war is evil my poor sons let's release jaime" (who aren't even fucking dead)? I don't like Robb and Eddard's personalities, but at least we had good guys vs Lannister. Now we have only Lannister vs Lannister.

>> No.2024012
File: 2 KB, 551x37, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they're good guys and they do fucking something. What does Catelyn do, apart from whining and bitching "hurr durr war is evil my poor sons" (who aren't even fucking dead)? I don't like Robb and Eddard's personalities, but at least we had good guys vs Lannister. Now we have only Lannister vs Lannister.

>> No.2024018

fair enough
hopefully in WoW we get some Stannis vs Lannister

>> No.2024019

Good guys? I'm ASoIaF? Are you serious? Go back to reading Harry Potter.

I bet you hate Cersei and Theon, too.

>> No.2024021

Also, as long as Robb was in charge, the Lannister were constantly pwned by the Stark. I think the whole Jeyne and "HURR DURR MY HONOR" thing is a colossal troll by GRRM because he didn't like Robb anyway and didn't want him to win. That should never have happened in real life (assuming real life had dragons, real gods and frost zombies).

>> No.2024025

who doesn't hate cersei
i dont think shes "evil"
shes a dumb egotistical cunt who thinks she knows how to run a kingdom anywhere besides into the ground.

>> No.2024028 [DELETED] 

I hate Theon, yea. He's too arrogant but he's got nothing to justify his arrogance. Fortunately he died rather shortly after being given a POV. And I don't hate Cersei, I pity her because she thinks "LOL I'M SO GUD LOOK AT ME TYWIN" and everyone else is like ohshitniggerwhatareyoudoing.jpg

>> No.2024035

I don't hate Cersei at all. She's a supremely entertaining character. She's a loving mother, a woman trying to make it in a man's world, and she's extremely flawed. I hate that when we finally get a pov, it's when she's gona crazy from loss of Tywin and Joffrey.

Compare that to Eddard "durr honor lyanna" Stark, Jon "dur honor I am the sword in the darkness" Snow, or Daenerys "dur honor slaves 'n' dragons" Targaryen.

>> No.2024041
File: 32 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does he kill interesting characters and keeps annoying, ugly, useless and crippled people alive?

>> No.2024045
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>> No.2024047

Being high born, a capable commander, and driven despite life constantly shitting on you isn't enough to be arrogant about? Also Theon is human, unlike your precious snows and Starks. He's believable and well written. But I don't think you read the books, since it's revealed that Theon is alive in the third and he returns in the fifth.

>> No.2024063

>But I don't think you read the books, since it's revealed that Theon is alive in the third and he returns in the fifth.

Well I must have missed this part in the third book. I recall rumors saying Theon held some place or shit like that but I thought those were false rumors, just like Bran and Dickon's deaths. Also I didn't read the fifth book.

>> No.2024069

Dwd was good. Excluding Dany it's great. I really despise her. If Gurm does 180 and writes her as a villain in wow, all will be forgiven.

>> No.2024076

Roose Bolton gives Cat and Robb a piece of Theon's flayed skin as a gift. He's being held at the Dreadfort.

>> No.2024100
File: 646 KB, 2309x3072, 1262568488125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm not a native English speaker and ADWD didn't come out in my language so I bought it in English, unfortunately proper names with common names in them (you know: Ghost, Frostfangs, Greenguard...) were translated too, sometimes in an "appropriate" fantasy fashion that doesn't translate back well into English. I figured out most of them by myself, but I still don't get what King's Landing is. Is it a city, an area?

>> No.2024106

It's a city, and the seat of the king.

>> No.2024120

Oh well, in my language they called it "Port-Real", I don't think I could have figured out this one alone.

>> No.2024133

that's actually really cool, it gives it a tropical theme. Can you name some other locations?

>> No.2024135

What language would that be?

>> No.2024136

In what language did you read the other books?
Si fue en español, es Desembarco del Rey.

>> No.2024140

Tropical theme? Where are you getting that from?

Doesn't "real" mean "royal" So Port Royal?

>> No.2024149
File: 23 KB, 400x400, CER0003g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2024197


"Réal" isn't a French common word, so I guess the translator just wanted to add flavor or something.


Well fortunately the translator didn't herp derp that much with proper names so most of them are just translation of their English counterparts, for example Dreadfort is "Fort-Terreur", Highgarden is "Hautjardin", Old town is "Vieilleville" (actually the proper translation would be "vieille ville" in two words but whatever), etc...

But there are some exotic translations: Dragonstone is "Peyredragon", the Red Fork is "la Ruffurque" (wat), the Blue Fork is "la Bleufurque" (wat x2), the Green Fork is "la Verfurque" (wat x3), Casterly Rock is "Castral Roc" (well ok), Riverrun is "Vivesaigues" (wtf?), et Sunspear is "Lancehelion" (this one is really herpy derpy but I can understand it: a spear is a "lance" and helion is a ancient greek word for "sun". Also translating into full French, "Lancesoleil" would make it sound fucking retarded).

>> No.2024206
File: 57 KB, 400x388, What_The_Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and Tarth became "Torth", Pyke became "Pyk", Harlaw became "Harloi", Driftmark became "Lamarc", but Winterfell remained the same. I really don't get these.

>> No.2024221

Those are closer to the pronunciations in French.(Except Lamarc; Lamarc is just much easier to pronounce than Driftmark.)

>> No.2024277

- he doesn't kill nobody of value
- thousands of chapters of people going somewhere interesting and drifting to uninteresting place #2 just before getting there
- just 1 boring Jaime chapter

knowing that he is going to die before writing the next book, is he even trying anymore?

>> No.2024297

I downloaded the ebook and am reading it on my TV screen, there is simply no way I am paying for this series until GRRM stops writing garbage and actually moves the plot forward for characters who aren't Dany.

>> No.2024325

he is legally obliged to write the sequel

>> No.2024620


contractually != legally, but your point is valid

>> No.2024670

Dunno why anyone who disliked cat would hate uncat.

Uncat is an abomination

>> No.2024768

No one noticed here the death of Stannis, which is ambiguous because Ramsay did death fake for Bran and Reckon with Theon, but this time it seems proved... unless it's like Davos who was "officially" dead before ADWD. (But I really hope it's a troll because if it's not I am going to stop reading, seriously, he is the last really interesting character).

But I think that Jon is not dead, he was followed by some friends who could have rescued him.

But if Jon and Stannis are dead, there is no reason to read the next books...

>> No.2024788
File: 22 KB, 500x500, gameofthronesleatherbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read any of the books before, so I've decided I'm going to get this edition of GoT. Does anyone know when or indeed if the rest will be released in this edition?

>> No.2024821

Lenore = Ashara

>> No.2024828

Dany's storyline across the sea is fucking boring. Filled with characters that noone cares for (except Strong Belwas) and cant fucking pronounce. And now, she's stuck there still with presumably a new khalasar...fucking don't care Martin.

>> No.2024832


>implying that Dany's plot is moving forward

>> No.2024908

They probably never will.

>> No.2024920
File: 13 KB, 400x430, 9780007456376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently this is going to come soon, so I daresay the rest have been done or are going to be done at some point.


I honestly believe Dany's entire plot is a shaggy dog story. She'll get to Westeros than fucking-BAM: she gets a spear through her chest

>> No.2024932

Those are good, adds flavor.

>> No.2024948

I liked both Crows and Dragons. First 3 books were better of course but I still loved both of them.

Now I'm bummed cause I'm gonna have to wait 6 years for Winds of Winter. Fucking GRRM.

Reading The First Law trilogy now to keep my addiction sated. It ain't bad.

>> No.2025419


>> No.2025445

what's the point of your post?

>> No.2025450

Sometimes the mother has a hard time letting go of her child.

>> No.2025464

I don't know anything about Theon haven't seen him since book two.

Liking this Reek character though. Easy to remember, Reek it rhymes with meek.

>> No.2025503

Does GRRM have a blog or something? I'd like to know how he's coming along with Winds of Winter

>> No.2025539


>> No.2025554

I agree with you, I think the people hating on them are fanboys who have been waiting for years and expected it to be perfect. Dany's plot was slow and a little boring IMO, but everything else was as good as the previous books.

I don't think it'll take six years this time; the only reason it took forever with these past two was because he had planned for a five-year gap in the storyline, realized it didn't work and had to rewrite 1000 pages a few times. Now the timeline is all worked out so it won't take as long to finish.

That is, if he doesn't die. Brandon Sanderson is probably checking his inbox regularly.

>> No.2025556

...er, um... LiveJournal...? Nope.

>> No.2025720


The 4th and 5th books are fine. People get asspained because the a majority of the POV characters in Feast are different, and it sets up a whole new slew of problems without resolving them. Feast is still a good book, but just not nearly as good as Storm (which is a big act to follow, to be sure).

Dance seems to have mixed feelings here. Some people love it, some people don't. Is it a terrible book? Of course not. It's very entertaining, and it's still better than 95% of the fantasy shit out there now. Is it as good as Storm of Swords? I'd say probably not. I thought Dance was an incredibly good book, and it's got me very excited to see what happens in the next book. The second half of the book, especially, was fantastic.

If I had to give ratings, I'd say Storm was a 10, Feast was an 8, and Dance was a 9.

>> No.2025723


>Brandon Sanderson is probably checking his inbox regularly.

Oh, God. Please no. He is everything that I hate about fantasy. I made the mistake of picking up The Way of Kings by him, and it was some of the slowest, most boring shit with the biggest mary sue of a character I've ever seen.

>> No.2025765

At least it'd get finished in a few years. But yeah his style is often pretty annoying, even if he's better than some of the others.

But, I would never have him finish asoiaf. He would almost certainly lame it down by glossing over stuff. Some of the places grrm goes to in his books Sanderson would never write.

I'd go with Abercrombie or Bakker or something.

>> No.2025770


Feast irritated me because it introduced a lot of new POV characters at a point where GRRM really should've been wrapping up or consolidating some plotlines before introducing new ones

instead we got the literary equivalent of season 3 of Lost.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but it frustrated the piss out of me.

Dance was ok but I really really didn't want more fucking cliffhangers.

WoW better wrap some shit up.

>> No.2025774


Nobody is going to finish the books if GRRM dies, the book series dies with him.

The HBO series is another matter.

>> No.2025785

Yeah I know, was just entertaining the idea.