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20237130 No.20237130 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone thoroughly finished the Book of Disquiet? I havent found anyone that has.

>> No.20237233

i just skip through it. same with meditations. it's a table book you pick up and flick through, not read end to end.

>> No.20237239

That’s because you are a retarded loser

>> No.20237774

Yes. Why is that hard to believe?

>> No.20237781

Nope. Made it like 4/5. Gets boring

>> No.20238473

As a Portuguese I always felt a need to read Pessoa but his writing has never failed to bore me to death.

>> No.20240014

glad to see lit is finally coming around to the fact that this book is boring as shit. no narrative or plot whatsoever, just “muh heckin loneliness”

>> No.20240022

While we're at it the same must be said about Cioran desu

>> No.20240380

I like the fragmented nature of the book

>> No.20240562

finished it and it has become one of my all time favorites

>> No.20240583

Why does it need a plot, the fuck? It's a posthumous collection of aphorisms from a character that is based on Pessoa's feelings of isolation in the modern world. It doesn't need to be read linearly, open a random page every so often and you get the same experience

>> No.20240590

>muh plot
>muh narrative
You have to go back

>> No.20240623

It's my diary desu.

>> No.20241826

>it doesn't have a plot
It actually does but because you are taking some moral high ground about how reading a "random page" here ans there you completely missed it.

>> No.20241858

I like the Zenith ordering

>> No.20241874

This. I read it cover to cover over the course of a month. It was super comfy reading a bit each night. Imagine being filtered by pessoa

>> No.20242397

It's such a perfect bedside book too. Read a few fragments, mull them over while dozing off, repeat next night

>> No.20242536
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Is it okay if I'm reading 25 pages a day and I started today? there is about 500 pages so I should finish it in a little under a month. After reading the foreward I am really enjoying the characterizations (heteronyms) he does. I don't think I will get bored of his writing style anytime soon, especially considering he hops around characters.

>> No.20243178

>he hops around
Eeesh...is that what Zenith does? No wonder his is the garbage translation. Jull Costa splits it into two parts, one for each heteronym.

>> No.20243372
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Yes, I will not elaborate, but I've read the entire thing

>> No.20243380


>> No.20243392

I finished it around 2 years ago. It was harder to read than a lot of other things I've read, because even small passages can feel like reading a huge number of pages. I regret reading it as one consistent text, because it's such a collection of small disjointed passages it really isn't meant to be read that way. I enjoyed every minute of it, and wish I could read it again for the first time.

>> No.20243576

This book is literally, unironically, my diary desu

>> No.20243652

t. the book bored me to death but the man described in the book is literally me so I have to say it's good
We get it. The book is boring. So boring that you can only stand it in tiny bursts. And we get that this book is OMG LITERALLY ME. Stop creating bullshit to pretend it's a masterpiece. Just come out and say it. The book is boring, but you identify with it on a personal level.

>> No.20243837

This has nothing to do with the translation, it’s the editing. Zenith’s translation flows better, but I don’t know any Portuguese to judge it’s accuracy.
>[...] the posters pasted one on top of the other on the walls of the steep houses with windows for words, where the dead sun turns the still wet glue golden.”
>[...] the steep houses that overlap like posters, with windows for letters, and the dying sun gilding their moist glue.”

>> No.20245219

I understand the need to cut through bullshit sometimes but you really are assuming a whole lot. I like the book, anon. Yes, I sympathize with some of the things Soares says, and he expands on things I've thought before. He's also a flawed man and I find it rewarding to understand his mindset, to criticize it. And it's a nice read, I like his prose. Now, you might not agree with me, but there's no need to reduce liking the book to omg it me.
Not that anon, by the way.