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/lit/ - Literature

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20234111 No.20234111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>“Realizing that Dhu-l Qarnayn was not at all a real person but was rather based on a fictional account of Alexander the Great instantly left me with only one possible conclusion: The Quran was not divinely inspired,” he wrote. It had taken Alexander the Great fan fiction as fact. “Of course I would have preferred to have discovered all that 17 years ago and avoided much trouble.” He has therefore abandoned not only ISIS but Islam and religion as a whole. He is an atheist and admires the God Delusion author Richard Dawkins.

>> No.20234113

>In prison, he began to study the Quran in greater detail, and focused on the aspects that most puzzled him. Among these was the figure called Dhu-l Qarnayn, “the two-horned one,” who appears in the Quran’s 18th chapter and is believed by many to refer to Alexander the Great. Cerantonio did not see a resemblance between Dhu-l Qarnayn and the Alexander of history—but he noted similarities between Dhu-l Qarnayn and a heavily fabulized version of Alexander’s story written in Aramaic. He considered that the Aramaic version may have plagiarized the Quran, but after acquiring a copy of the Aramaic and translating it for himself, he determined that the reverse was more likely.

>> No.20234171

there's literally zero chance that this guy wasn't a glowie from the start

>> No.20234202

Bait from /his/

>> No.20234406

“Seeing individuals dedicate themselves to tyrannical death cults led by suicidal maniacs is bad enough. Knowing that I may have contributed to their choices is terrible.”

>> No.20234410


There was a very strange time in Australia during around 2014-2016 when Islam suddenly became the most important topic of public discussion. He was one of the most famous figures on the Islamist side during that time.

Thankfully none of the major figures on the anti-Islam/nationalist side have cucked out. Blair Cottrell, Tom Sewell and even Avi Yemini are still doing their thing.

>> No.20234429

I remember when the jihadi/taymiyya spammer use to post this guy on /lit/

>> No.20234509


>> No.20235935

What makes it more interesting is he's an autodidact who came to this conclusion from primary study of the Arabic and Aramaic texts.
>In prison, he began to study the Quran in greater detail, and focused on the aspects that most puzzled him. Among these was the figure called Dhu-l Qarnayn, “the two-horned one,” who appears in the Quran’s 18th chapter and is believed by many to refer to Alexander the Great. Cerantonio did not see a resemblance between Dhu-l Qarnayn and the Alexander of history—but he noted similarities between Dhu-l Qarnayn and a heavily fabulized version of Alexander’s story written in Aramaic. He considered that the Aramaic version may have plagiarized the Quran, but after acquiring a copy of the Aramaic and translating it for himself, he determined that the reverse was more likely. (“I always knew that being proficient in Aramaic would one day prove useful.”)

>> No.20235940
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>Blair Cottrell, Tom Sewell and even Avi Yemini

>> No.20235941

>I asked him why the Alexander stuff had convinced him that ISIS was wrong, whereas the group’s practices of mass murder and sex slavery had never tipped him off. He said the latter were consistent with the religion, while the Alexander plagiarism failed intellectual tests on their own terms.
Very /lit/

>> No.20235988

Dhul Qarnayn isn't Alexander obviously, this glowie is dishonest.

>> No.20236068

>Dhul Qarnayn isn't Alexander obviously
But thats not the point retard. Obviously he knows its not, he even said as such. What he said is that the character described in the quran is a fabuled version of Alexander from an arameic fanfic.

>> No.20236142

Muzzies coping.

>> No.20236600

alexander was known as dhul qarnayn by the arabs due to his being depicted with 2 horns

>> No.20236604

he didn't study aramaic, he read the aramaic alexander romance, translated into english, which the article fudges over in order to make him seem more intelligent for some reason.

>> No.20236638

Dhul Qarnayn is certainly the biggest reason (not to mention many others) to know that the Qur’an is a fraud. It is quite literally a near-plagiarism of the Alexander Romance. It is sad that this man has become an atheist though.
I wonder how he is coping

>> No.20236646
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Cope more

>> No.20236658

Reminder that jannies are literal trannies so they'll delete this thread to protect the feelings of browncels while allowing islam shilling threads to stay up.

>> No.20236670

Well yes I agree, that the Quran is truly a particular and exclusive Recitation literal word of God incarnated in time and space, is contrary to sense, but I do agree with the Quran (as in general Recitation not book) the Divine Word so to speak being an intrinsic continuos revelation experienced primarily personally, I also agree
There is no God but God, that dhikr is also nice and rhymes to speak, you can get in meditative trance via just repeating etc.
Praise God ! Allah is the Greatest ! Hail Zeus !
The Buddha and Jesus and so on so forth !
God has 1000s of names.

>> No.20236680

I don't care about belonging to this or that religion exclusively, someone should tell me why I an wrong, I feel God Everywhere, the linguistic medium so to speak hardly matters, I don't see God only here or only there, Gods everywhere, now someone can't BTFO me with their heady philosophy and make me repent and change my views hopefully.

>> No.20236688

*now someone should try to BTFO me with their heady philosophy and make me repent and change my views hopefully.

>> No.20236701

I used to talk to him on IRC around 2002-03, i'm also australian and a former muslim. He was 'intelligent' but not a genius. there is an obvious lack of serious reflection going on which led to him jumping into islam without deeply looking into the historical evidence, and again he jumps straight into dawkins atheism not considering that there could be other positions besides like abrahamism or materialistic atheism. maybe when he gets out of jail he will start openly preaching against islam making videos etc, the same way he preached islam, which will be interesting to see.

>> No.20236951
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This guy is not serious is he?

> In May 2019, Cerantonio was sentenced to seven years in prison for his part in the 2016 plot.[31] [32] For his defense, his lawyer, Jarrod Williams, said that Musa "doesn’t always fit the profile of an Islamic extremist", as he enjoys music by the likes of AC/DC, Cold Chisel, Johnny Cash, Paul Simon and Rammstein.[33]


>> No.20236967
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Take your meds you freak, how many threads are you going to make? Unbelievable.

>> No.20237027

A recurring theme with the Abrahamic religions. Seems like they were all constructed for political purposes.

>> No.20237188
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These threads are posted by multiple anons. What did you expect would happen after you browncels started hardcore shilling on/lit/ and /his/?

>> No.20237291

probably he started listening to old music again once he left islam

>> No.20237298

most likely he was browsing youtube videos and came across this.

there is another ex muslim called abdullah sameer who left islam for the same reason and has made videos about it