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20225987 No.20225987 [Reply] [Original]

Cathedral Edition

Previous Thread:>>20215184

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20225990 [DELETED] 
File: 868 KB, 706x488, Bran Stark and Summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Bran’s fifth chapter was alright, his chapters are a hit or miss for me. Though this chapter was okay for me for what it was. Bran getting to ride horses was sweet and something I didn’t expect to smile at. But his inability to remember what happen to him is such a cop out. Also, nice to see the fallout from Ned and Jaime’s fight is about to bear fruit. Theon getting very little love from Bran and the fight with the wildlings and the deserters was low-key great.

>> No.20225999
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What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Bran’s fifth chapter was alright, his chapters are a hit or miss for me. Though this chapter was okay for me for what it was. Bran getting to ride horses was sweet and something I didn’t expect to smile at. But his inability to remember what happen to him is such a cop out. Also, nice to see the fallout from Ned and Jaime’s fight is about to bear fruit. Theon getting very little love from Bran and the fight with the wildlings and the deserters was low-key great. Also, Theon gets very little love by anyone who isn’t Rob

>> No.20226081
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>> No.20226089

Fuck Chinese fiction that isnt about Murim, cultivation, and fucking mad bitches.

>> No.20226096

>fucking mad bitches

>> No.20226117

Why yes I am a big balled heterosexual that likes going balls deep in petite Asian bitches. How could you tell?

>> No.20226134


>> No.20226142

Just read John Barnes A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass
There's two more in the series but I can't find them at the library or second hand stores just yet
Very interesting potrayal of Globalization and culture shock, the main character coming from a culture inspired by Troubadors and is thrust into a very Protestant inspired culture.
Really enjoyed them, has anyone else read this series?

>> No.20226193
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>we are literally going to get a series about Yi Ti before TWoW
I hate George so fucking much.

>> No.20226225
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Reject Chinese Xianxia, embrace West Webfictions! I recommend Worth the Candle, an amazing isekai deconstruction with extreme meta-narration, written by the author of the Metropolitan Man. It's also from the rationalist community, so if you liked Methods of Rationality and similar, then you should like it.

Anyway, I'm about to attempt reading Gardens of The Moon for the second time, the first ending after I saw the next chapter going into a different era than the previous events. This time I intend to read the entire book, then decide if it's worth continuing. Any good tips for reading Malazan? I've heard it's cumbersome.

>> No.20226244
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reject webfiction, read a fucking book nigga

>> No.20226264

>Reject Chinese Xianxia, embrace West Webfictions!
Why? I don't read xanxia because most of it is trash, but if there is a xanxia worth reading why should I reject it? Western webfiction is similarly trash, there may be one or two stories worth reading, everything else is trash.

>> No.20226272
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When do we get a Dream of Spring?

>> No.20226273

I've read about a thousands normal books, webfictions are just better at telling the story, that's all. No constraints of publishing, too large volumes, any bullshit like that. Just pure story. I honestly have hard time going back to normal books after it, they feel rushed and poor in comparison.

>> No.20226642

Recommendations for good tecno-thrillers?

>> No.20226655

Jurassic Park, but I'd suspect you've already read that seeing as Chrichton basically created the genre.
There's not really that much content other than his works though.

>> No.20226671

>Nobody praises it as great
people do praise it a lot. in fact i tend to read opinions where they say it's the "best webnovel they dropped", which sounds bizarre to me.

it doesn't exactly sound appealing, but then it's supposed to be really good? i'm just confused.

>> No.20226695

Yeah, I just hoped since his death others have been trying to continue this type of low-scifi, high adventure, cinematic books

>> No.20226776
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>people do praise it a lot. in fact i tend to read opinions where they say it's the "best webnovel they dropped", which sounds bizarre to me.

>it doesn't exactly sound appealing, but then it's supposed to be really good? i'm just confused.

Back when the story was still posted on Royalroad, some people made lengthy, thousands word long reviews with maximum rating, saying they are dropping it due to author being too cruel to the characters and they could no longer bear feeling so much emotions for them. It was some real schizo shit, but highlights TWI's greatest virtue - characters that you learn to love, and boy there are a lot of those.

Personally, I've read around thousand normal fantasy books before venturing into webnovels by accident, and The Wandering Inn is definitely among the best stories I've ever read. It's not perfect, there is a lot to complain about, but mostly because it's so good that it's worth complaining about. It's not just some popcorn story with some events that you are supposed to enjoy, it's one of those that have something to say, whether you agree with it or not, but to me it's a mark of every great book I've read.

The problem with getting into TWI is that it has 9+ milion words at this point, and the beginning is not that good. It's not bad, but there are only glimpses of what makes it so good, and many people would quickly drop it. I considered dropping it several times during the first three volumes, and I am so damn glad I hadn't.
The real TWI starts around volume 4 or 5, the world grows much larger and characters become amazing, even those that were previously just a plot devices or expositions.

Now that I am at it, I can just as well sell you on reading TWI:
It's an Epic Fantasy story where a young woman named Erin Solstice is suddenly isekaied into a fantasy world. There, instead of becoming a warrior, craftswoman or mage as is cliche, she instead becomes an Innkeeper. She is the main character, but as time goes on the story expands into multiple storylines on five continents following other characters, with events that will shake the entire world. The Inn is always at the center of everything, though.


>> No.20226780

The story's greatest strengths are:
- Incredibly good dialogue, the voices of characters are so distinct you don't even need to look at the text to know who's talking
- Compelling, multi-dimensional characters that act true to themselves in a way that you learn to hate or love
- Rich world with thousands of myths and legends that shaped it throughout uncountable thousands of years
- Epic Story about events larger than life, intertwined with normal Slice of Life, although my personal opinion is that TWI should be called 'Slice of War Crime'
- Incredibly evoking storytelling, few stories will make you feel as much as TWI
- The story is a part of LitRPG genre, but it was written in parallel to it, not growing out of it like the other stories, so instead of typical gaming system you get one focused on storytelling, similar to D&D and other table-top games.

If I had to name some of its flaws, it would be some inconsistencies in the world, taking short-cuts to arrive at certain plot points (the author will have its great events, and is going to do anything to get them), overly dramatic storytelling at times. Still, those flaws are dwarfed by all of the good in the story.

Now, one strange thing that I'd recommend anyone interested would be to NOT READ IT at this point in time. The author is finishing Volume 8 at this moment, and it's been almost 6 years and 9 milion words since the story started, so obviously it improved a lot during that time. Because of this the author intends to rewrite the first volume after finishing V8 to bring it up to current standards. If you are interested, I advise to wait a few months until the rewrite is finished. Still, it's absolutely worth trying out. 2/2

>> No.20226807

thanks for the helpful writeup. this series definitely has a weird reputation but judging from what you wrote it seems like something i would very much like.
i'll follow your suggestion then and wait for the rewrite.

>> No.20226853

Doctor Who: Love and War.
Maybe Bastion afterward.

>> No.20226906

>But his inability to remember what happen to him is such a cop out.
Did you miss the part where a magical being jumped into his head and plucked the memories out? You need to step up your game because ASoIaF is a text to be combed for important details.

>> No.20226967

>isekai deconstruction
>with extreme meta-narration
>from the rationalist community,
I'm impressed. Never before have I been so compelled to not read a book.

>> No.20227066

Does it take normies years to read ASOIAF or why do they exclusively read those books and nothing else? It's like the ultimate brainlet move to restrict yourself to one series.

>> No.20227080

Normies won't engage in anything unless they've been told it's Socially Acceptable. Quality or content is utterly irrelevant, they simply won't ever engage in something that hasn't been explicitly approved as Socially Acceptable by the masses.
You ever had someone ask you for recommendations, then proceed to never even look at anything you recommended? It's because they're a normie, and they hadn't ever heard of what you'd recommended. If they haven't heard of it, it's clearly not Socially Acceptable.

>> No.20227136

They only know GRRM, Tolkien and Rowling because they had successful adaptations. When you start to actively seek new authors instead of reading whatever everyone else is reading, that's when you stop being a normie.

>> No.20227165


>> No.20227169

Wait that shit isn't done? Do ANY web serials end? Practical Guide to Evil, Worm and Mother of Learning are the only ones I know of that seem to have actually finished.

>> No.20227173

Little Big.

>> No.20227210

Its not Dune or LOTR, its not BOTNS, its gotta be Gormenghast. I struggle to think of even any 'real literature' that matches my love for Gormenghast.

>> No.20227340 [DELETED] 

I don't know what no cap means and why everyone keeps spamming obnoxious nigger speak, that shit is going to get filtered like s m h t b h f a m was

>> No.20227365

>John Barnes A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass

>> No.20227375
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Many webserials end, but not many great ones have ended as of yet.
Reverend Insanity was going good until Chinese Government took issue and ordered the author to stop, too much authority bashing within the story.

Void Herald has written three finished good and popular webnovels, 'Vainquiar the Dragon,' 'The Perfect Run' and 'Never Die Twice.' I recommend The Perfect Run, NDT and VtD if you can withstand LitRPG, VtD in particular is a very funny story following a Dragon discovering LitRPG system of his world after meeting an isekai loser. VtD is much shorter and condensed, being a story of a Necromancer in pursuit of Eternal Life and fighting with Gods. The Pefect Run is a super-hero story, with a MC being able to go back in time to earlier 'save-file,' being in pursuit of the perfect run (speedrun, basically), good overall, although meanders before the end and loses some steam, still finished on a good and satisfying note though.

Wildbow wrote Worm like, 9 years ago? Ward a few years later, and two other webnovels, Pact and Twig, haven't read them but Pact is supposed to be good. At this moment he's writing Pale.

Mother of Learning is a classic and everybody knows it, same with Practical Guide to Evil, although I personally dropped it midway through.

Everybody Loves Large Chests is a weird shit, but it was popular and also finished, although it had way too many rape in it for my taste.
A webnovel with actual good NSFW content would be either 'Blue Core' or 'Erogame', with the second one deserving to be called one of the best things written within the last decade or two, some even speculate it was written by Yudkovsky, the author of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (which counts as a webnovel as well, I guess). Another great rationalist work is Worth the Candle, which I already mentioned earlier.

TWI, according to Pirateaba's staff member, is around a bit below mid-way through. So considering it's Pirate we're talking about, you can very well expect 20+ million words before it's finished, provided they won't die. It's their one and only Magnum Opus, I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't write anything else once they finish it, they are already doing 70-80k words a week as it is. Literally one of the most prolific writers the mankind has ever seen. And they are still writing side books and comics during their breaks. Literally a content machine.

Webnovels seem to have gained popularity only recently, and even I don't know that many of them, focusing mainly on RR (Royalroad). There are other websites Wattpad etc. who focus on slitgthly different genres like dramas and romances. AO3, fanfiction.net and forums like 'sufficientvelocity' or 'spacebattles' focus on fanfiction from what I've seen, although there are original works there as well. Most of Fanfiction is trash obviosuly, obviously. But the ones like Methods of Rationality, The Metropolitan Man or Purple Days shine among them.

>> No.20227382

For me it's a close tie between Fellowship of the Ring and The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.20227502

>20+ million words
What the fuck. I don't even think I've written that many words ever, including all the times I've posted and whatnot.

>> No.20227516

I keep meaning to read The Perfect Run, actually, but I rarely like to read more than one thing at once and I keep going from one book on Kindle to another. I've actually been on a LitRPG binge lately, to see if any are worth much. So far I've only fully dropped one (Ten Realms, god that was just not good how is that consistently rated so highly) and I'll generally say that so far, nothing has REALLY topped He Who Fights With Monsters (which isn't amazing, it's just pretty good), though I haven't read that many, admittedly.

>> No.20227553

>NDT and VtD
loved perfect run but couldn't really get behind these even after reading a few handful of chapters. VtD's characters don't really feel authentic to me and i can't really get behind NDT's MC.

>> No.20227607

>Void Herald has written three finished good and popular webnovels
Objectively, yes, they are finished and popular. I don't think they're good, though. The Perfect Run is utter garbage, at least in the first few chapters that I've read, where a lolsorandumb character does stupid shit in an utterly uncompelling setting.

I don't like Wildbow, personally. His stories start off readable and then later the protagonist murders a baby to stop three trillion villains from ending ten worlds (Worm), or suicide is the only moral and valorous option (Ward, from what I've heard).

Blue Core is about a living dungeon that gets immensely horny the minute an elf steps inside, kills her pursuers, and somehow convinces her to become a breeding sow for new monsters.

Methods of Rationality is an utter pile of shit written by a self-aggrandizing grifting piece of shit who knows nothing of actual science. "Rationalfic" in general is utter trash, of course, because for some reason it seems that in pursuit of rationality you have to discard things such as tension, prose, or pace, and the result is an r/atheism circlejerk about how basic middleschool science knowledge should make you God. Metropolitan Man gets its dick sucked because it is "rational", while frankly it's just the adventures of a rich retard given a pass by the author, aka the ideal redditor power fantasy.

TWI is so long it has become unreadable. That's just a stone cold fact.

>> No.20227647

>The Perfect Run is utter garbage, at least in the first few chapters that I've read, where a lolsorandumb character does stupid shit in an utterly uncompelling setting.
you're probably judging it too early. even his errant actions make sense and the premise and setting actually turn out to be very good.
i had a similar initial reaction with his erratic behaviour and randomly having a communist character, but my worries were put to rest pretty fast after that. its in the same league as mother of learning imo.

>> No.20227703

Western webnovels are the filth of the filth. Asian webnovels are 100x superior with a better catalog, better tropes, and more variety. The translated asian web novel has on average better prose than anything on royalroad. Even the fucking website hosting them is 100x better, novelupdates.com has 100000x more tags than royalroad and looks/works so much smoother. Anything posted in the english language after 1950 is dogshit and that still holds for webnovels. Asian webnovels are the superior race.

>> No.20227746

i know this is bait but i unironically have trouble reading translated webnovels now that i've read more RR stuff.

>> No.20227762

The Shadow Rising (Robert Jordan)

>> No.20227792

Is there a Deltora Quest omnibus ebook?

>> No.20227809
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>dat webm
umm... what is that from?

>> No.20227824

Due to circumstances I won't be posting writeups in the thread for now.

>> No.20227831

Is that you, reviewfag?

>> No.20227844

I meet a girl that never read a Sci-Fi book but says she is interested, what would be the book that would most likely impress her?

>> No.20227864

Do you know what she has read? Anything she especially liked?

>> No.20227873

Enders game. Retards love enders game.

>> No.20227887

She might find out Orson Scott Card is a Bad Person(TM) and hate Anon for it, you need a safer bet.

>> No.20227901

Give her an old school degenerate rape book.

>> No.20227918

Is Urth of the New Sun worth reading? It's kinda hard to find a copy of it in my language so I need to act fast before someone buys it up.

>> No.20227951

Why wouldn't you just read it in English?

>> No.20227981

Seems like a difficult read for an ESL like me, especially considering how Wolfe throws in made up words sometimes that may sound plausibly English.

>> No.20227992

Hitchhikers Guide

people love that shit

>> No.20227999

Wolfe never uses made up words.

>> No.20228020

Words not usually used in modern speech would fit better I guess, but it's kinda how it feels like to me sometimes. It's hard enough to handle in a native language.

>> No.20228028

>Words not usually used in modern speech would fit better I guess,
It's called archaic

>> No.20228069


>> No.20228081
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rec me some stories where the main character is a human raised by non-human's. bonus points if they are raised by monsters and not just elves or other humanoid races.

>> No.20228084

stop bitching about learning new words you double blackamoor

>> No.20228092

Book of the new sun. If she gets filtered you saved yourself the trouble of having to deal with a stupid bitch

>> No.20228102

Does he SS the dragon in her Cloaca?

>rec me some stories where the main character is a human raised by non-human's
Blue Mage Raised by Dragons.

>> No.20228104
File: 510 KB, 759x500, nice guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy tarzan but for fetishists

>> No.20228116

I don't want to break my focus just to look up something, you know how zoomer attention span works.

>> No.20228177

There was this one Mercedes Lackey book where one of the main povs was raised by Griphons, but I can't find the name of it. It was the one where two herolds go on a journey to some semi-desert(?) place. There was also a sexy cat woman that there were sex scenes with. I don't recall more.

>> No.20228181

Reverend Insanity, no joke. I can't say for certain whether it's just because I read it more recently than some others and so recall it more strongly, or because I read it when I was older and more inclined to understand and read into it, but I've read thousands and thousands of fantasy books and it's one of the very few that I actually remember in great detail, and of those it's by far the best.

If I had to pick something western, and preferably a published book, I'd say Sabriel(thought I read it a long time ago when I was very young) or maybe The Night Land.

>> No.20228560

>sexy cat woman
Why is it always cats? Endless possibilities for demihumans but it's always cats.

>> No.20228577

Cats are cute.

>> No.20228582

Started the spellmonger series some anon was posting maps from a while back. Enjoyable so far, but I've only just got my toes wet in it and I'm waiting to see where it goes with the larger narrative.

>> No.20228586


>> No.20228605

Cats are regarded as sensuality given animal form.

>> No.20228632
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>Cats are regarded as sensuality given animal form.

>> No.20228718

Looks flirtatious, if you ask me

>> No.20228740

cats are cute
women can also be cute
cute + cute = more cute
simple as

>> No.20228844

any books where someone fucks a dragon?

>> No.20228855

Dragonlance Chronicles I shit you not

>> No.20228879

The Wheel of Time

>> No.20228967
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no idea bro

>> No.20229061
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>> No.20229113
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Is this worth reading or should I skip it?

>> No.20229128
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>> No.20229194

glen cock

>> No.20229228

If you've gotten that far, why not?

>> No.20229273

cause the last book ends on a massive cliffhanger and this one goes back to tell the last book from a different angle, i just didn't know if im actually gonna miss anything by skipping it.

>> No.20229295


>> No.20229302


>> No.20229352

The Martin estate will contract Brandon Sanderson to finish TWOW and ADOS in 2032.

>> No.20229353

Don't skip it, but it's probably the weakest in the series.

>> No.20229369

Most of reynolds work is garbage especially recent work, only revelation space was worth reading, also pushing ice was ok, everything else is trash (that includes house of suns)

>> No.20229370

Yes, yes and yes. It ties up all the loose ends and you will like the new, more mature Severian.
Hyperion. Just tell her about the Priest's story and that's about it. Women and normies wouldn't understand anything else from that book.
Or just read Starship Troopers and complain how it's evil and fascist. Women dig seeing fascism in everything.

>> No.20229374

Dune or bust

>> No.20229378

I am in awe of this common belief that Brando would finish GoT. There are so many layers of idiocy and delusion in such opinion that I don't even know where to start when someone utters it. Like, have they read more than two fantasy series? Do they understand differences in writing, temper and ideas among authors? Brando is unironically one of the worst authors to write after Martin, he would eviscerate the story while at the same time brining its literary value down to the gutter.

Imagine the mind of an average Sando Brando reader, who has also tried Martin's books, he hears 'Martin is unlikely to finish the books,' and his mind instantly makes a connection: 'If one author cannot finish it, someone else should! I also read Stormlight Archive, and it made me feel so good, it means that Brando is a great writer and should finish it! Ingenious!'

If anyone ever brings up Sando writing ASOIAF in your presence, disregard any of their opinions, future and past.

>> No.20229387

lol, wut? Is this some kind of copypasta? It was just a joke. I didn't even know that opinion was common. I just made the connection to Sanderson because he finished A Wheel of Time. And yeah, it's absurd that he would finish Martin's work, because they're nothing alike as authors.

>> No.20229396

I'm pretty sure even Sanderson himself has stated, numerous times, that he was hesitant to even finish WoT, and he knows there's no way in hell will he be able to do anything for ASOIAF.

>> No.20229422

I would have suggested Starship Troopers, too. I liked it a lot, but wouldn't say it's evil and fascist. Maybe fascist, but fascism isn't evil in itself. It sparked some interesting thoughts.

>> No.20229444

Perfect Run is good. Try Dungeon Crawler Carl.

>> No.20229453

This guy posts videos of himself sleeping with his cheetah harem and they spend all night licking him and trying to be the one nearest to him

>> No.20229457

Sounds comfy.

>> No.20229462

You'd think, but apparently they have tongues like sandpaper.

>> No.20229463

I can't remember the title, but it's French.

>> No.20229477

Any stories that deal with interdementia, like you travel to another dimension, your body returns home but your mind stays in the other dimension?

>> No.20229512

I already have a lot of a backlog for web serials and such, but I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.20229564

Really? It seems interesting. What do you love about it

>> No.20229753

cool poster

>> No.20229874
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I wasted time with Wheel of Time and I started to hate women even more. Almost every woman there is a entitled bitch. , especially the Sedai

>> No.20229887

There is some nice fun with the Adam though. It's just too bad that bitch Egwene escaped and somehow became even more insufferable.

>> No.20229923

Finished Songs of the distant Earth, should I go with City and the stars next?

>> No.20229947

2001 Odyssey, nice comfy start.

>> No.20229976 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1000, 1650072788464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of Mysteries.
Chinkshit, but Klein is so, so good as the main character that basically ruined other protagonists for me, the cast is diverse and funny and the world is mysterious and dangerous, with the most broken ass powerful enemies I've ever read.

>> No.20230026

All of these words mean the same thing:
>for real
>no cap
>on god
>to be honest
>on gang

>> No.20230065

You put up with the women being cunts to get the sweet catharsis when they finally get put in their place

>> No.20230303

That's the problem. Egwene never gets puts in her place.

>> No.20230308

>113 posts
>ctrl-F b****r
>0 results
/sffg/ is healing...

>> No.20230318

Why do royalroad novels have so many words? I cannot get past a pharagraph on those webnovel classics without ALTF4ing.

>> No.20230320

Because people unironically saying chinkshit is the best fantasy they ever read is somehow better...

>> No.20230325

more words more better

>> No.20230327

Because people who use royalroad want to read massively bloated stories full of mindless filler like beware of chicken.

>> No.20230336
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 164988524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean, I just really loved it

>> No.20230395

human brains can easily filter out bugman posts, it's second nature, whereas this becomes much more difficult when leafs start making absolutely abhorrent posts over and over

>> No.20230401

GGK should finish martins work

>> No.20230432

The Wizard Knight

>> No.20230441

ggk is too good for that

>> No.20230447

Women are incapable of comprehending or appreciating something like The Book of the New Sun.

>> No.20230453

Tell her to read „Alien Stones“ by Gene Wolfe

>> No.20230461

I don’t see why you would read anything by Wolfe in a language other than the original. They are not that hard to read. And Urth is an absolute must. It might be my favorite of the series.

>> No.20230531

Even Sandersnoy acknowledges Wolfe as the best sff author

>> No.20230653

Recommend me some **good** scifi or fantasy lit for coomers.

>> No.20230784
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Who could honestly fill in for him after he dies?

>> No.20230789

His will states that Sarah J Maas gets to take over

>> No.20230825

>Author: Main point is that right now my appearance isn’t the best. I’m bald.
>Author: After RI was banned, I felt terrible for the next few months. I even had moments where I really wanted to die. I felt angry, vengeful, and confused; nothing else could interest me. It was only later that I slowly climbed out (of my depression).
>Author: To write and publish my new novel, I shaved my hair and confined myself in my home. When my hair grew out, I would shave it all again. I have been staying in my house for months now. And since there is the coronavirus plague at the moment, I have never left the house.
>Author: Because of that, I have prepared and worked on <<Wu Xian Xue He>> way, way more than I did for RI’s starting. When I started writing RI, I had a ‘yolo’ attitude, and just wrote it. So yes I prepared a lot on this new novel. I plan to do a chapter a day and release at 12pm every day.
Why are fantasy authors all so fucking autistic?

>> No.20230830


>> No.20230839

You pretty much have to be to spend all your time in front of a notepad and create another world.

>> No.20230845

any fucking cuckmade TV writer who's read 2 shakespeare tragedies

>> No.20231069


>> No.20231319

Because that went so well on GoT.

>> No.20231339
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IIRC it's part of the big announcement Reverend Insanity's author made at some point his story being banned by chinese government adn him having a bit of a breakdown, leading him to start writing another story.

The better the story the better fanartists it gets. TWI is quality, so the artists are quality as well, and Enuryn seems to be very talented, picrel

>> No.20231363

Princess (2006), Danish

>The story is better because there's more of it
We're losing him. Quick, Nurse, get me the complete works of Chekhov and an abridged copy of The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.20231487

>6 years ago when I started writing Reverend Insanity, I was unmarried. 6 years later, I have a family and a son in kindergarten. My time writing Reverend Insanity gave me ample writing experience as well as many important enlightenment.

>During those 6 years, I read and found many outstanding books. I am thankful to my fellow writers, during those 6 years, online literary masterpieces could be found everywhere and they were my spiritual food.

>Besides online writing, I also read the classics. I sleeplessly read The Moon and the Sixpence, wept tragically over The Little Prince, and repeatedly read and sighed over The Red and the Black. I also read professional composition textbooks like What is Writing, Narratology, A Guide on How to Create a Movie, amongst others. I created a system to privately assess myself to these quality stories. I call it the Three Standards, it covers both webnovels and traditional literature.

>I also began to have a new understanding of how beautiful novels were.

>6 years ago before I started writing Reverend Insanity, I followed the three golden rules. They were fast updates, conflict, belief, etc. After 6 years, I feel that a writer should have more room to write comfortably.

>Reverend Insanity being banned was an important trial for me. Because when I wrote my book, regardless of how it performed, I was never a eunuch. I do my best to finish every book because I love writing itself and I treat every book as my own child. I never want to see any of my children die prematurely.

>Of all my books, I felt differently about Reverend Insanity because it was my old dream.

So he started reading western lit and wrote infinite bloodcore, it was so shit, he is literary rewriting it now, kek, that is what you get for trying to find inspiration in some progressive western trash.

>> No.20231704

A Ted Chiang short story collection

>> No.20231852

>>Besides online writing, I also read the classics. I sleeplessly read The Moon and the Sixpence, wept tragically over The Little Prince, and repeatedly read and sighed over The Red and the Black.
Are these actually considered classics? I'm pretty pretentious but I've never heard of any of them

>> No.20231867


>> No.20231884

I'm European and of those I only read The Little Prince, but it was in primary school. I've only seen pretentious people talk about this book, because it's for children. Also haven't heard of the other books.

>> No.20231908

i don't think klein is that special, but he's a good MC. it's the premise, the setting and the side characters that make it so damn good. the sense of progression is also incredible.

>> No.20232081
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Reading picrel at the moment. About a quarter of the way through. Pretty comfy so far.

>> No.20232249

I've uploaded my first work that I'm happy with onto RR for their current event. Any anons interested in giving me some feedback?
planning for it to be 2 books, maybe three
When I have more chapters I'll probably post it on wattpad and topwebfiction, if it isn't a dumpster fire

>> No.20232285

Link it. Don't ask, be confident and just put it out there.

>> No.20232331

About halfway through Birthgrave now. I was very pleasantly surprised when the first part of the book ended in a surprising but logical way, as I was expecting some kind of asspull

>> No.20232421

>Klein is so, so good as the main character
He's an isekaid protagonist from modern china, that was enough to turn me off.

>> No.20232543 [DELETED] 
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>first person pov

>> No.20232577 [DELETED] 
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>unreliable narrator

>> No.20232579
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>mfw last two chapters of The Light of Other Days
I find sick amusement in knowing it's the kind of novel your modern SF reader would hate as characters are so tertiary to idea of this new technology and what can be done with it.

>> No.20232580 [DELETED] 
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>present tense

>> No.20232615 [DELETED] 
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>two different POVs in the same chapter

>> No.20232633 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20232789

I don't think i'll post it here again. I don't like shills

>> No.20232989

Sanderson hasn't even read past Game of Thrones because he thought the book was too mean to Daenerys

>> No.20233037

i thought you were joking but then i looked it up. lmfao

>With Ice and Fire, I specifically found Daenerys's plot too brutal. I'm all for putting characters into terrible situations, and letting horrible things happen. But her plot crossed the line for me. I did not want to read a series where teenage girls have their brothers brutally murdered before them, are raped into submission, finally fall into a kind of stockholm syndrome love with their captor, then get betrayed for showing a little kindness. There's a kind of brilliance to the way that plot played out, but when I was done with it, I just felt sick.

>> No.20233067

For real, I hate this bitch so much it makes my blood boil.

>> No.20233070

-- said the Mormon. With no sense of irony.

>> No.20233076

you have the same problem as all royalroad writers, too many fucking words, you describe something so people have an easier time to imagine it not to pad the word count with purposeless bullshit.

>> No.20233092

holy shit
i read this book when i was a teen. the concept has stayed with me all this time but i couldnt for the life of me remember the name of it or the author.

>> No.20233093

Why would she? She's the main character.

>> No.20233099

Read the first book, was pretty enjoyable but even in the first book I could already see that the female characters were going to be horrendous so I just never bothered with the rest of the franchise.

>> No.20233107

Could you give me a couple of examples?
I'm having a hard time making use of your feedback without it

>> No.20233122

Why wouldn't she? Just making her stfu would be a legit improvement

>> No.20233127

Well, she does die in the end. And is the only main character to die and stay dead. That's justice in its own way.

>> No.20233162

does it take long to happen

>> No.20233164

Wtf is the inverse fire

>> No.20233168

I'd wager most would say it takes far too long.

>> No.20233207

any good sci-fi/fantasy with some humor?
don't necessarily mean full on parody or comedy. just a bit something you know.

>> No.20233220

Later Discworld pushes away from parody, but it is generally fairly humourous in tone so it's not really "fantasy with funny bits" it's "funny fantasy".

>> No.20233223

You need humor? Maybe you should go back to Hello Kitty Forums then? I think this place is not for people like you... Here we read books that are... dark... grim... You are just a normie faggot s o y loser, probabyl just came straight from reddit with your beard and glasses. Go back there... it's for the best for all of us... or else... trust me

>> No.20233231

locke lamora is pretty funny sometimes

>> No.20233256

>Practical Guide to Evil
Is the MC here actually villainous or still morally good/neutral?
Also is there a place where i can check on the state of the rewrite?

>> No.20233281

>female mc
skip it

>> No.20233288

was thinking about trying to read discworld at some point, but there are so many books in that series.
i know your joking, but have to say there are sometimes kinda funny characters in those "dark grim" books.
have heard something about this one. might look into it if it seems interesting enough

>> No.20233298

There's a lot of Discworld books, and my general recommendation is still publication order, though you can read some of the earlier books that start off their own subseries if you want instead (Mort is often recommended as a good one to start with). The books are more organised into subseries than being one long series, with several standalones as well. First two books are probably the most blatantly parodic the series gets, afterwards it's more its own thing.

>> No.20233300

But i want to read about cool FeMCs....

>> No.20233306

It's moreso about a world where objective Good and Evil exist, and the protagonist is trying to make the Evil empire she lives in better, just for pragmatic reasons, not really for virtuous reasons. I think she slides a bit into pretty ruthless villainy at some points, but never quite gets fully evil. Selfish, but rarely without cause.

>> No.20233310

>but there are so many books in that series.
Don't worry about that. Each book is a complete story. Some books are sequels to others, but not all.
Mort and Guards! Guards! are good. Or if you want later Discworld as >>20233220 says, Going Postal. You don't need prior knowledge for any of those three.
If you end up really loving it you could try publication order, but I wouldn't do that if you're figuring out whether it's for you.

>> No.20233314

>if it seems interesting enough
I thought it was pretty decent overall, but sometimes it a drag. Like, almost 20 pages to rob some clothes

>> No.20233332

i see. not very familiar with the series. kinda assumed that it's one long thing. thanks.

>> No.20233346

It is and isn't. Each one does build on the previous ones, and they're... Mostly chronological (I think Small Gods might be set before most of the rest) so events from books might influence or be referenced by later books, but only obliquely. But, yeah, Mort is generally considered a good first one to read.

>> No.20233376

i'll keep that in mind and read the mort one if i decide to plunge in to that series.

>> No.20233499

Phule's Company

>> No.20233501

>Is the MC here actually villainous or still morally good/neutral?
>Also is there a place where i can check on the state of the rewrite?

I read like 3-4 books of PGTE before dropping it, but the theme was typical 'I work with evil to achieve good (independence of MC's nation)', but it wasn't really villianous to me beyond fighting heroes from the side of Good. If you want an actual vilainous MC go read Worm, the Main Character there has no chill and manages to justify to herself even the most horrible actions.

By rewrite do you mean TWI or PGTE? I heard some rumor about PGTE being rewritten after it's finished, but I don't really follow that story. If you are asking about TWI, then the author will start rewriting after finishing this volume 8, which should be done this month. Then the author takes a break of 1-2 weeks. Supposedly the entire rewrite is already planned out, so it should be written in around 4-5 months, depending how deep Pirateaba wants to go into it. But they write 70k words a week on average, so it shouldn't really take more than half a year at most, although they are likely to write new chapters for Volume 9 as well, so you may be better off waiting for 2023 release.

TWI unironically has a strong emphasis on humor, balanced out by horrible events.

Webfictions have primarily Female MCs in general. Among good ones with female MCs are: Worm, PGTE, The Wandering Inn, Journey of Black and Red, Ra.

>> No.20233525

Genuinely how the fuck does Pirateaba write that much that fast. On good form I write maybe 2-4k a week.

>> No.20233571

Looking it up, that's just a rip off of an old Damon Knight story: I See You

>> No.20233581

What's TWI?

>> No.20233594

the wandering inn

>> No.20233599

I'd say something modern. With older sci fi you have to keep reminding yourself that it was written before the internet and high performance personal computers, so it might make going in for a total newby a bit harder.

>> No.20233614

I have a shit attention span and I'm not used to reading. What are some fantasy/scifi/horror books that get you hooked?

>> No.20233626

The Martian really hooked me.

>> No.20233700

They stream it on twitch, they are simply experienced I think, they used to write 6k long chapters when they started, but then started progressing to more and more as they got the hang of it. One could say that Pirate is really sparse on detailing the scenes and surroundings so they don't have to think that much, but then dialogues appear harder for me to write and Pirate excels at doing them. Make no mistake, The Wandering Inn doesn't really have filler, not all plotlines are liked universally, but the author treats all of them seriously and all chapters are plot, this way or another.

According to Pirateaba they think about the story all the time, making notes and plans for what will happen. The chapters are actually too short so the author cuts some corners, as Pirate has some weird schedule of writing things, they always do only one attempt at writing the chapter, sometimes they hire proffesional editors for important chapters to improve them (real industry veterans who got Hugo awards), but by and large they don't do any significant edits.

As for the author's hands, Pirate has a schedule of doing exercises for their hands so that they stay healthy due to such a big amount of writing, I think I heard something about a proffesional massager taking care of the hands as well.

>> No.20233795

what? is it several authors collaborating?

>> No.20233800

I literally just told you Pirate is streaming how they write it, it can't be more than one person unless they share the same keyboard.

>> No.20233809

Who is they then?

>> No.20233824

I don't understand The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.20233865


>> No.20233885
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We don't... asoiafbros... it's over

>> No.20233919

"They" is used for a person of unknown/undefined gender. I think somebody said the author was a woman but I dunno myself.

>> No.20233924

is she hot

>> No.20233941 [DELETED] 

>woman author
hard pass

>> No.20233966

Im not sure myself. I think it’s like a portal that shows whether or not you are damned. Once people look inside and see themselves burning in hell for eternity they snap and loose all hope thus making them evil. The Inchoroi were all damned and so were the Nonmen. Once they saw their future they couldn’t help but go insane.

>> No.20234054

Unironically read fanfic Purple Days, it's about Joffrey reliving GoT events again and again. It's one of the few fanfics truly worth reading, the characters are consistent with those in ASOIAF, the lore is deeply explored, although everything is put in the author's new frame with new things added, but it throughly entertaining and the themes are amazing, especially at the end. And it's finished. It's as much of a conclusion anyone is going to get with ASOIAF series, because Martin sure as hell is not going to finish it.

>> No.20234205
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sounds kino

>> No.20234261

Thanks, this is really helpful
I was pretty much going with my gut when deciding paragraphs so I'll try put what you said to use.

>> No.20234435

>Joffrey reliving GoT events again and again
For what purpose?

>> No.20234543

Catholicbros we won. I'm reading The Sparrow now and it's fantastic. Any other religious sci-fi other than that or The Canticle of Leibowitz?

>> No.20234573

What’s the first Conan book I should read?

>> No.20234591

Tower of the Elephant is a great start.

>> No.20234626

I was thinking more along the lines of an anthology of stories, not just a single one

>> No.20234634

Tower of the Elephant, take it or leave it.

>> No.20234643

Ah sorry, check out The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian

>> No.20234653

There's only like 25 of the originals. You can read them in pub order on Project Gutenberg if you like. Complete Chronicles has all of them, I think, if you want them under one cover. In three vols I think you have the Coming Of, the Conquering Sword and the Something Else of Conan.

>> No.20234657

I got The Complete Chronicles of Conan for pretty cheap.

>> No.20234696

Thanks, I’m going to read Conan to see if S&S is for me

>> No.20234703

Any recommended gypsy sci-fi or fantasy?

>> No.20234718

mass effect, peaky blinders

>> No.20234924

The thread truly is dead without the spammer

>> No.20235015

>The thread truly is dead
It’s almost as if people have actual lives and can’t spend the entire day watching this thread.

>> No.20235021

I don't even know what he's complaining about, /lit/ is a slow board. Same goes to the generals.

>> No.20235076

It's typical newfag perception, i.e., has to be fast/active discussion 24/7 or it is dead.

>> No.20235094
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Anyone ever read the Tekumel books?

>> No.20235203
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Its been a long 10 years road from the dragonet prophecy in 2012 for this zoomer but at last I've got my hands on the finale(maybe) in this long line of dragon books.

>> No.20235314

>I'm reading The Sparrow now and it's fantastic
The Sparrow kind of sucked but whatever if you liked it. BOTNS has some catholic influence in it (I think Wolfe was Catholic). Maybe read that.

>> No.20235340

Any self published fantasy about necromancers?
I've more or less given up on conventional books covering my mister skeltal addiction

>> No.20235348

Plenty, none of which you will like for various reasons.

>> No.20235352

Which will I dislike the least

>> No.20235375
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about to reading Lyonesse

>> No.20235391

Menocht Loop but its really shit

>> No.20235428

Necromancer. The Complete Series Box Set by M.R. Forbes. The only reason why I'm even recommending this, is because its cheap, like 5$, for four books and a novella and it's on Amazon.

>> No.20235495

Anybody reading "speedrunning the multiverse"?

>> No.20235500

The Dune knockoff?

>> No.20235513

I've been meaning to, but no. RPG got me intrigued.

>> No.20235523

At least not as far as i know as i have never read dune

>> No.20235528
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The cover gives off Dune vibes.

>> No.20235565
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gives off wombo.art vibes

>> No.20235579

Don't know what that is, nor do I care.

>> No.20235612

Well it takes place in a desert (at least for now)

>> No.20235731

Just read 40 chapters of the perfect run. Is it just me or is literally every single timeloop story EXACTLY the same? Like all the characters, plot points, cosmology, etc...
I've read three of them at this point and I swear if you just renamed the characters you could barely tell the difference.
Makes me wonder, is it a coincidence, common interest, imitation, or is there something about the structure of a timeloop story that forces this kind of writing to happen?
Can one be written differently, like really really differently? Or are the inherent restrictions on the story because of pseudo-precog impossible to avoid without destroying the entire setup?

>> No.20235732

Is The Dark Tower series worth reading? The only other King I've read was the Bachman books

>> No.20235736

>tfw can't give you recs for good timeloop stories because the timeloop is a major spoiler

>> No.20235753

So I'm guessing it's an "mc outside the loop" story then?
Theoretically that could be different, but I mean a full on "viewpoint protagonist in a timeloop" story.
The issue as I see it is that obviously a perfectly rational and not retarded character is too overpowered. In order to hold the story together either they have to be severely restricted by internal and external forces, or else be incredibly lackadasical and treat the entire story as a slice of life before solving the actual plot in the last few chapters.
The main issue is always that it defacto removes all risk and agency from the characters and the story, nothing matters. All that remains is action scenes and exposition.

>> No.20235761

Menocht Loop isn't like most of them and that's just a part of why it sucks

>> No.20235771

>she hasn't read steins gate

>> No.20235772

And with those constraints, the only reason for anyone to read, or write, the story is to see cool or interesting new scenes. Which requires the MC to act like a schizo retard constantly doing random shit just because the author thought of a cool idea and wants to show it off. Pepper in some angst and relationship drama and you've got your powerfantasy timeloop story.
All that can probably be fixed with a weaker power, but I'm curious if you can go a different way without doing that.
And if you can't, why have I only seen the fullretard version and not a lot more limited timetravel stories? Are they harder to write? Less interesting that I'm imagining?

>> No.20235829

You play or watch Steins;gate.

>> No.20235838
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>Visual Novel

>> No.20235892 [DELETED] 

>Just read 40 chapters of the perfect run. Is it just me or is literally every single timeloop story EXACTLY the same? Like all the characters, plot points, cosmology, etc...
That's the entire fucking point of a timeloop. Holy shit, how can you be this stupid.

>> No.20235955

You can't hide your shame.

>> No.20235958 [DELETED] 

What shame? I just realize the
At anon was retarded and there was no point in any of it.

>> No.20235962

What shame? I just realize he was retarded and there was no point in arguing.

>> No.20235975 [DELETED] 

>>>20233919 #
>>woman author
>hard pass
Not sure why this was deleted. Let me clarify for a retard mod, I strongly reject woman authors, I will not read works written by a woman authors. Literature written by woman woman authors is garbage.

>> No.20235977 [DELETED] 

Can you fuck off already.

>> No.20235982

If your post is anything to go by, children books would be a difficult read for you.

>> No.20235996 [DELETED] 

Fuck off already

>> No.20236004

We get it, you’re a repressed faggot. You don’t have to announce it to the rest of the thread. We don’t care and we’re not >>>/lgbt/

>> No.20236006 [DELETED] 

Yes even if I can only read childrens books (or can't read at all) it doesn't change the fact women authors are shit, and women literature garbage

>> No.20236009

Before I go on, be honest with me, do you have mommy issues.

>> No.20236015 [DELETED] 

yes I am out! YOU got me out of the close chud, I have been found out, I am repressed homosexual (well not repressed anymore), I have just come back from >>>/lgbt/ but it does not change the fact that women literature is garbage.

>> No.20236023 [DELETED] 

Yes! I have mommy issues? How did you know?? And before you ask I have daddy issues, and uncle/aunt issues, sister and brother issues, cousin issues etc.
Still the women authors are shit, womens literature is garbage

>> No.20236034 [DELETED] 

I see the roastie mod is at it again. Let me post it again.

>>woman author
>hard pass
Not sure why this was deleted. Let me clarify for a retard mod, I strongly reject woman authors, I will not read works written by a woman authors. Literature written by woman authors is garbage.
THIS IS AN OBJECTIVE FACT. roastie mod can go kys

>> No.20236035

So I just finished the wircher series.
Solid 6/10.
The 2 short story collections were by far the best, and then it just got kind of a slog to read. Like the books didn't feel standalone, and were just one long, boring slog. Last book was pretty good though. I also really hated how he'd focus on literally who's for awhile, then jump back to geralt or ciri or whomever then just jump back to more literally who's. Plus all the character deaths at the end felt very flat.
Idk, anyone else read it? What do you think?

>> No.20236045 [DELETED] 

You might have to ask in a few hours or in the next thread. There’s a tourist from /r9k/ sperging out.

>> No.20236054 [DELETED] 

Too much focus on women characters, it felt like the whole story revolved around women and Geralt was like unimportant side characters, there were some good parts but mostly it was meh.

>> No.20236055

I'm not of this opinion, but a lot of people say that the first book is very weak. But it's short, so if you can power through, at least read the 2nd. 3rd is my favorite, and 4 is great.
5 6 and 7 are hit or miss, but if you're invested in the first 4, worth reading.

>> No.20236059

I agree with geralt feeling like a side character, but ciri was entertaining to read. The other girl characters not so much.

>> No.20236085

i just read El Aleph, i enjoyed it but i was expecting a lot more, people are always sucking borges' dick. did i get filtered?

>> No.20236087 [DELETED] 

Filtered about what? You read the damn thing. What more do you want?

>> No.20236129 [DELETED] 

Too much focus on women characters, it felt like the whole story revolved around women and Geralt was just an unimportant side character, there were some good parts but mostly it was meh.

>> No.20236170

>Reading a timeloop book is itself like being a timeloop

>> No.20236197

isn't the perfect run already plenty different? they have their similarities but i found it to be a completely different read compared to mother of learning. and you don't even know anything about PR's cosmology yet. same about plot and characters, but to a lesser extent.
i feel like you're really jumping to conclusions here.

>> No.20236306
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>female pov
>they can't stop talking about how this noble guy is beautiful and perfect
Am I an incel for hating it?

>> No.20236308

>Any self published fantasy about necromancers?
>I've more or less given up on conventional books covering my mister skeltal addiction
Never Die Twice, available for free on Royalroad or on Kindle. Not amazing, but good. If you want a story that has some necromantic content and major characters with it, try The Wandering Inn.

Mother of Learning is the peak of what Time Loop might be, in plot structure. It can be done better, but if I read Time Loop I want it to be like MoL. The Perfect Run isn't an amazing TL story, but it's good enough. Purple Days takes a different approach, with every loop going as long as it needs, even decades, and it is interesting in its own way. Menocht Loop was just bad, it took everything good about Time Loops and threw it out of the window, leaving little in exchange.
If you want to understand how bad Time Loop story can get, just try Blessed Time, it gives some proper metric why MoL is so good.

>> No.20236371
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>it's a Shallan chapter, again
Half way through, and I want to put this thing down because of her. The rest of the main characters are great, but Shallan is too smug and boring to bear. Does she get better?

>> No.20236394

Yes but that's okay

>> No.20236414


>> No.20236430

She gets worse, and she also gets more and more focus because she's the main character.

>> No.20236491

>that's just a rip off of an old Damon Knight story: I See You
Only in basic premise itself.

>> No.20236501

I mostly agree, except I enjoyed most of the parts focusing on random literally who's and rate it 7.5 because of that. In fact, I've been wanting to find more books that are written that way.

>> No.20236537

It's Malazan for me.

>> No.20236542

What makes MoL good? I keep meaning to pick it up but I've never really been sold on it one way or another.

>> No.20236545

Bros, what are your favourite Chinese cultivation novels? I need my dose...

>> No.20236559

I agree they have very different writing styles but saying Martin is the better writer is just retarded. GRRM writes books for horny edgy teenagers, he had some good shit, the first 3 ASOIAF books and some of his smaller works like Fevre Dream and Sand Kings which were Ok. Besides that, his books are cookie cutter comercial garbage.

>> No.20236608

>GRRM writes books for horny edgy teenagers
For real

>> No.20236647

Focus on the Magic System and how it works in a logical way, the rational behaviour of the main character, his flaws and strengths, other characters as well, although they are not the story's main strength. Interesting, rich world, the way the character uses the loop to become stronger over the entire story, and the entire plot of the book is well written and thought out as well, progressing in scope and stakes as it goes on.
It's a very good underdog story, where a small person gets caught up in events far beyond their comprehension, struggling to survive at every step.
I think the technical quality of writing is the story's flaw, as the author is not a native speaker, but it wasn't a problem for me.

If I wanted to read or write a story about Time Looping, I would want it to be something like MoL, it's really that good at what it does in executing the idea of time looping.

In the beginning the story might be a bit slow for you, but it gets good after the looping starts. I personally read it three times already, and sometimes feel the urge to do it yet again. It's just that good.

>> No.20236689

Noted. Half of the pull of time loops to me is exploring permutations and the existentialism of the nature of time loops themselves, does it delve into the latter?

>> No.20236698

Lord of the Mysteries.

>> No.20236742

There are many novels and shorter forms about time loops that aren't self-published or webfiction.

>> No.20236750

Got any recommendations?

>> No.20236768

Yes, especially later on. The nature of the looping itself, how it came to be, how people in it should be treated, the morality of it all...it's all tackled, maybe not in some deeply philosphical way, but it's treated seriously.

>> No.20236817
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>called the second foundation
>is actually book three
>my bookstore only has book one and book three
ive read the first one and thought it was pretty good but i felt like it was a foundation for books to come. are book two and three going to be better?

>> No.20236901

>I've read around thousand normal fantasy books before venturing into webnovels by accident, and The Wandering Inn is definitely among the best stories I've ever read
thus the name

>> No.20236925

Nothing. It is somewhat interesting in the beginning but soon after that it becomes repetitive and boring. Also do not expect any kind of depth, characters are boring and 1 dimensional. At times writing feels more like screenplay (and a pretty bad one) than an actual novel.

>> No.20236974

I've the entire series years ago, but honestly you should only read the prequel with the Proffesor and the main three books (I think that was all?). It's not really worth it to read more, it gets really weird, no grand or interesting ideas get introduced, maybe except for the last book, but you can just read about on the internet. Although the foundational concept of the human race living so long that it forgets it started on one planet long ago is fascinating.

>> No.20237055

Release that Witch

And maybe "Ascending, do not disturb", but that's more of a comfy read. Tbh i couldn't get into much else despite trying. I've been wanting to read a good xianxia but i've found more luck in the western space.

>> No.20237063

Release that witch does not have cultivation though. It's just roland being an engineer and collecting women.

>> No.20237067

Yea, fair enough.

>> No.20237138

achamian is INFP, right?

>> No.20237245


>> No.20237276
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>MFW its another Dunyain pov chapter

>> No.20237371

What are your favorite sff books that heavily feature ships and travel by ships?

>> No.20237596

boat of a million years, but the boat isn't until the end

>> No.20237660

Where do you guys like to buy your used books? I bought several new paperbacks and quickly realized that I’ll have to buy used if I want to sustain my reading habit

>> No.20237678

Don't read western webnovels they are all horrible. If you have to read some sort of webnovel than go to novelupdates.com and read asian webnovels.

>> No.20237700

do this if you want to read unfinished, horribly translated schlock.

>> No.20237721
File: 1.15 MB, 1271x578, 252525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can recommend good youtubers describing books?

/// when i type in book haul on yt all i get is women, or literal fags

why is that? normal people dont read books?

>> No.20237758


>> No.20237762

Normal people don't do video reviews (on youtube), and infact most don't use youtube at all

>> No.20237765

Why go to the moving picture website to hear about text? I sometimes go there to hear about films, but for books I'd turn to written reviews.
I like prose, and I want to hear from people who like prose enough to use it.

>> No.20237789

What's the problem? Your standards are already so fucking low you think generic power fantasy character arcs with superficial lip service to muh mental sickness are "great characters", so how can you not enjoy another shit character?

>> No.20237792

This is actually a positive, mechanically translated works are straight to the point unlike westoid webnovels with word limits made for a shitskin audience that for some reason like to waste their time on meaningless crap. Webnovels should only serve as a kink because actual novels will beat them in every other way. If we consider kinks then asian webnovels beat westoids every single day especially because of the god forsaken horrible genre that is litrpg which is for some reason is 99% of works on royalroad. Royalroad authors market to the small tiny percent of people who enjoy wasting their time on subpar works, who are usually >100 iq wageslaves who do not have the brainpower to focus on actual novels, which will tell you a lot about what gets primarily published on royalroad. Even their 'best webnovels' such as MoL are especially mediocore with a magic system so complex that it just never gets explained, their are no principles for the magic system on MoL btw, and characters so flat that they are 1d instead of 2d. They only like the series because of the ideas it represents not the actual content it provides. Asian webnovels know their place unlike westoid webnovels that reach for the sun but realize they went the wrong direction.

>> No.20237802

abebooks, they generally have whatever i'm looking for at a decent price

>> No.20237810


>> No.20237814

Look, we all know modern western lit is garbage, but the chinese/korean/japanese(?) webnovels are also garbage. They may be direct and to the point however if an author has no creativity he can only produce garbage. There are few exceptions(asian and western) but otherwise it is all garbage

>> No.20237836

not really, asian stuff has the bare minimum of trying to add a 'but' to any of their works, which over time creates interesting subgenres. For example, isekai is popular because it allows amateur authors an easy way to introduce a world but thats all it does in the end. This makes it so there are a lot of flavors of the genre, which satisfies more kinks. Though for some reason westoid webnovels had the great idea of taking the most restrictive subgenre of isekai and least fantasy genre that is technically fantasy, then renaming it litrpg. There is literally nothing else except litrpg, nothing, its like globohomo made a literature publishing company making sure everything is the same bland flavor and called it royalroad.

>> No.20237861

think about how mentally sick this person is, to be able to produce all these thoughts about such inconsequential garbage that only the manchild to end all manchildren would be into in the first place

this is like seeing a news headline that says "Man sentenced to 80 years in prison for killing his brother over argument about editing rights on Wookieepedia."

>> No.20237876

You're arguing with the reverend insanity fag, he can't take no for an answer and throws tantrums whenever he's challenge. For fuck sakes, he even went on some retarded spiel because reviewanon refuse to review reverend insanity while giving legitimate reasons as to why he won't.

>> No.20237879


>> No.20237900

>refuse to review reverend insanity while giving legitimate reasons as to why he won't
did he read it? what's the reason?

>> No.20237904

They get the best algorithm and bot traffic to build artificial consensus.

>> No.20237940

what i meant is the women look like literal feminists. thats why i discredit them from the start.

>> No.20237941

Realistically, if anyone finishes it after GRRM's death, it will Ty Franck and probably Daniel Abraham.

>> No.20237962

western author has an ability but he has always been a liberal. Today we might think of an author from 50 years ago as not a liberal however that person in his own period was one of the most liberal people at the time. The current western literature is just the continuation of liberal thought, and globohomo have always been behind it directing them. They have ability to write good lit but they simply choose not to. Now asian authors on the otherhand lack ability, so while they release a lot and sometimes stumble upon good concepts (isekai) but they are unable to realize them fully.
In other words globohomo will globohomo and asians wil continue stumbling in the dark. And once in a while something good gets released (by accident or not).

>> No.20237968

what is a book you would recommend as example of good literature

>> No.20237973

Lord of the Rings.

>> No.20237978

No, I am Reverend insanity fag and I posted this >>20237814
The review anon I believe read the first book/arc and rated it 4/10, it doesn't really bother me, frankly the writing/translation is mediocre at best but I liked idea behind it and the mc while many anons here prefer traditional western mc.

>> No.20237983

that's pretty good but everybody has read lotr. what's something obscure but really good? like impeachment of man or sth

>> No.20237988

My apologies then. It's hard to tell since Reverend insanity fag gets extremely defensive.

>> No.20237991

>there's less than a handful of female characters in this book
>they're all either prostitutes or concubines
>they are basically just there as objects to be used by the men, almost prizes, like items
>there's so much sexual violence in this book, so many instances of it
>even if things were like borderline consensual, I still felt disgusted
>a huge chunk of this book made me feel extremely uncomfortable
>the women in this book have no voice
>she thinks of herself as pathetic all the time
>it's sickening to be in the minds of these women
Such a glowing recommendation, bumped it up on my reading list.

>> No.20237994

Maybe western authors but not western webnovel authors, they're both pretty bad. Its just that western webnovel authors are a different kind of bad. The one that doesn't choose to innovate and sets word minimums and forces themselves to churn out daily chapters. Then they have the audacity to make their description, "King Dane the Dragon Slayer of Dark Beyond reincarnates into Wordia a litrpg where he has an epic adventure with his friends LythIa Corseir the female brute of Vallenheimand, Frescheis Leamses a black catkin from the scourged lands of lumithia.

>> No.20237998

Any works by E R Eddison and William Morris

>> No.20238008

awesome i'll check those out, thanks

>> No.20238016

If you're going to start with Morris, then read The Wood Beyond the World. It is the first modern fantasy story.

>> No.20238023

It’s weird seeing this General have over 100 different IP, when a few months back, we were lucky to get 60.

>> No.20238027

>normal people dont read books?
No, they read books. They just don't make youtube videos about it.

>> No.20238036

It was really quiet yesterday but now its lively today

>> No.20238039

>It was really quiet yesterday
No it wasn't. It was pretty active yesterday. It only started getting quiet at night.

>> No.20238040

I think one such accident was Dresden files. A series like Dresden files would not get approved today, and I think in later books he tried to steer it in more liberal direction and those were terrible books. Clearly Butcher is a liberal but the first few books didn't feel like it. Also one of the more recent works Blood song by Anthony Ryan, first book was kino af but the it went downhill so fast, I personally think that was by design, hook up readers with book 1 then immediately shove some homo shit down their throats with later books. His other series feature non white protags and crap like that. He can write good stuff but he choses not to

>> No.20238043

I don’t understand the mindset of having the thread be active all the time. People have other things to do, besides /lit/ is a slow board. Same goes to the general.

>> No.20238054

Western web novels authors are bottom tier scrape of the barrel bottom feeders.

>> No.20238059

looking back it seems you're right, I wonder why I thought it was so quiet yesterday, maybe Its because nobody would reply to me sad.

>> No.20238069

Shame, anon, but that's how these threads go. At the very least, you didn't self-reply like a few anon

>> No.20238080

Because east vs west authors and concepts discussion has potential to uncover something new, new ideas, or even a fusion of ideas. Talking about some old western liberal woman and her strong homosexual woman mc has zero potential and is just tiresome at this point.

>> No.20238083

Not to be some kind of pseud snob, but that's a soul-sucking way to engage with art

>> No.20238094

Honestly, some self-publish books have interesting ideas but are held back by either the author or the readership.

>> No.20238102 [DELETED] 

Women shouldn't have rights to read books

>> No.20238107

>some self-publish books have interesting ideas but are held back by either the author or the readership.
I feel as if they take too much from Worm. That's my feeling.

>> No.20238126

I couldn’t get into the Dresden files, even with the first book.

>> No.20238133

I’ve been trying to find this for a while, some time back I saw a short story, I believe on 4chan, about where an alien scientist realizes that humans are the only sapient species that hasn’t wiped out any cultural or ethnic diversity before reaching space, anyone remember this?

>> No.20238141

>best video game, fitness, history, cooking etc youtube channels are run by men
>but not for books

>> No.20238147

Because reading books is gay not to mention a female activity.

>> No.20238149

Any recommendation for a story with the protagonist being the leader of a top secret organization? Even better if the mc is male and not god almighty

>> No.20238153

Any japanese LN.

>> No.20238154
File: 107 KB, 1236x899, MlAHoQi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this thing? I just googled "hfy diversity".

>> No.20238159


>> No.20238176

Is it me, or have the past few threads been decent?

>> No.20238184

good read

>> No.20238204

No, I've notice these threads have been getting better.

>> No.20238227

I've been posting more often. You're welcome.

>> No.20238233
File: 242 KB, 1400x2113, 71zGG7MVuoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loved the first book in this. its simple but exactly the kind of dark fantasy im looking for

>> No.20238249

>has a faggy looking guy on the cover
>title has bone in it

>> No.20238267

I should really get around on reading that, people here keep talking good things about it.

>> No.20238304

don't forget
>shilled by a guy literally named "Gay Man"

>> No.20238329

Uhhh... this guy in the cover is... you know...

>> No.20238355

Gaimen has to put his little fingers all over everybody else's work.

>> No.20238357

Why? is it because it's urban fantasy? first book is really weak desu

>> No.20238362

>first book is really weak desu
The first three books are weak and terrible.

>> No.20238380

In that case the entire series is terrible

>> No.20238383

People aren't denying that.

>> No.20238388
File: 24 KB, 595x358, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy sovl...

>> No.20238394

Better than anything a /lit/ anon ever wrote. What’s the problem?

>> No.20238398

They're exactly the same at the root. Obviously details vary significantly, but the basic core of the story (local conflict->exploit loops->major conflict->memory device->cosmic conflict) is there, it's the same story.
And It kinda has to be because it's based on the exact same mechanism, that's how a timeloop works.
The main characters are the same too, underneath the skin. That same "woe is me for being old and quirky, can't relate to people cause I'm too intelligent and nihilistic, kinda evil but oh no I have some arbitrary hangups that reveal my inner heart of gold and absolves all my flaws"
I'm exaggerating somewhat, but there's a commonality. Once again entirely because of the timeloop. This is just how I assume most of these writers think anyone trapped in a timeloop would be, whether they're correct or not doesn't really matter, just that it's a common assumption.

Thinking about it, I can't really fault them. The "superpower" of timeloops is knowledge and skills, human alienation is almost guaranteed, someone with no hangups can just brute force every loop, without the quirkiness there's no ability to show personality or attempt to make the mc likeable. So your only other option would be having an absolutely robotic sociopath who gradually and inevitably digests the setting and characters to extract maximum value out of it before moving on, who'd also end up basically omnipotent and omniscient. Not exactly entertaining.

As a solution I'd start out with drastically limiting the loop count. Like say a character who can loop ONCE, i.e. he gets only two shots at any given scenario and is stuck with the second one no matter what.

>> No.20238401

This is some coomer shit. Garbage. Why even read something like this?

>> No.20238410

New thread

>> No.20238429

God I hate Worm, another example of "had potential, if the author wasn't a raving degen"
He's obviously a literal metalcase, since the story inevitably degrades into insane asylum support groups and how great psychiatric medication is.
I mean, a setting where only deranged whackjobs get superpowers is somewhat interesting, but not if the author is one of them.

>> No.20238434

I'm trying different things
This one isn't good though

>> No.20238489

Nah, I hate it because ever web novel after it tries to make chapters 10k words.

>> No.20238628

Liberal, yet Wildbow literally starts Worm with the MC talking how the teacher looks like a transexual, meaning ugly. And then the author has the mc be his mouth-piece for talking about how drugs, even marihuana, are bad. Not that it's something inherently bad, but calling Wildbow a liberal is a bit much.