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20235417 No.20235417 [Reply] [Original]

why are super intelligent people sometimes such shit authors while others are incredibly good authors?

>> No.20235448 [DELETED] 

I think it depends on how much you're willing to let ego get in the way

A lot of people want to be praised for good writing while very few want to make themselves vulnerable enough to move people or risk failing in their career

>> No.20235451

Because we aren't very good at measuring intelligence

>> No.20235455

Broad generic intelligence or an high IQ isnt the same as having a specific talent for writing well.

>> No.20236243
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Are you dismissing the possibility that super intelligent authors only sound retarded to you because you can't understand their language so-to-speak? As dumb as it sounds, JK Rowling's writing is so easily digestible that I have no problem whatsoever reading it seemlessly without needing to reread anything. Is it less difficult than other authors? Yeah, it must be. Or perhaps am I retarded and I have just found my "sweet spot" of intelligible understanding.

Some people are able to communicate to the masses. Many super smart people only want to discuss matters with a specific esoteric audience and often can't emphasize or lack the patience to deal with the weak sauce minded normie.

>> No.20236307


That's because Rowling merely made it look easy. It's not. At least not to those who want to do it right.

Same with Orwell. Everybody can follow him, but to actually write like Orwell took considerable effort and talent.

Intelligent people come to writing more easily, but many use their smarts as an excuse to be lazy and take shortcuts. To not hone their craft. This often happens with intelligent people in any field.

>> No.20236309

that guys a fraud

>> No.20236360

Funny because Orwell has a book on how to write well and I find it a meme that every author when pushed to explain how to write, all they do is talk about their life. Good point about laziness though. You can be wicked smart and still be a lazy no effort faggot.

>> No.20236363

Nah he's legit. I can tell his IQ is insanely high because he has the same political opinions as I do.

>> No.20236376

Checked and based. Langan speaks out about how mass immigration and vaccines are parts of the kalergi plan for white genocide.

>> No.20236379

Conveying understanding is an entirely separate skill from having it. Most great thinkers are pretty shit at conveying what they discover.

>> No.20236406

That just makes you not retarded. Not smart.

>> No.20236413

the saying work smarter not harder exists for a reason. smart people just want to take shortcuts. only an idiot would pour years and decades into their craft lol

>> No.20236428

Because raw intellectual prowess doesnt vast knowledge or unique creativity. It's why asians have such high iqs but they go for careers like engineering, mathematics, finance and medical stuff. They're like robots, smart but programmed to do a limited amount of tasks.

>> No.20236432

is that why all of their art is terrible and they can never innovate? it seems like everything they do is shit except for select few films.

>> No.20236455

Just a post modern era of the boomer world view. A literal boomer saying. Throw that in with "Har har if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in yer life ya-huck" That's some kys in Minecraft shit if you ask me.

>> No.20236498

>Why are some people good at a thing but others aren't?

Damn, that's one hell of a question.

>> No.20237522

With people like Langan and Kant they are just really awful writers

>> No.20237552

It's funny how he praised Jewsus but then went on to say he's better than him.
Just proof this Mexican looking megalomaniac Amerimutt goblin and all his lanky zoomer shot fans are just a narcissistic fags.

>> No.20237562

Langan's project is no worse than any "real" academic's project, it only demonstrates that academia is a nepotistic ponzi scheme that has usurped real intellectual work.

>> No.20237679
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Narcissistic subhuman trash. His fans are a bunch of morons too who should the kill themselves.

>> No.20237692

Kys, pseud. Go worship your prophet and Jew dick sucker.

>> No.20237696

I have more respect for Varg than narcissistic and hypocritical morons like Christopher Langan.

>> No.20237854


low IQ detected

>> No.20237860

>It's why asians have such high iqs but they go for careers like engineering, mathematics, finance and medical stuff. They're like robots, smart but programmed to do a limited amount of tasks.
No, they're just good shape-rotators and bad wordcels.

>> No.20238574

how? let me guess, his beliefs don't agree with your own

>> No.20238588

>narcissism is... LE BAD
cry more

>> No.20238593


>> No.20238595

Because IQ is a meme

>> No.20238600

Because intelligence is not the same thing as creativity. My dad is a genius engineer but has been writing boring poetry which has stagnated for 40 years.

C'mon, buddy.

>> No.20238698

Not after I slit your throat.

>> No.20238708

You've never read good prose in your life, I can certainly guarantee that.
Stick to textbooks, hylic.

>> No.20238732

Obviously there’s outliers but as a whole they’re trained to be worker drones.

>> No.20238752

Because being smart with writing doesn't mean anything if you can't articulate it, which just takes life experience and understanding outside of being smart. You have to know what people want to hear, they have to want to buy what you're selling.

>> No.20238894
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>I can tell his IQ is insanely high because he has the same political opinions as I do

>> No.20238980

Being intelligent doesn't mean being a good communicator.

>> No.20239049

It's just a distinction of shape shifter iq (which is the iq we officially measure) and verbal iq. Writers can express themselves beautifully and eloquently with high verbal and emotional iq, but can be total dimwits when it comes to science and philosophy. Many such cases with writers today.

>> No.20239064

I agree with what you saying, but wtf is "emotional iq"?

>> No.20239077

he was inspired by a lot of western influences

>> No.20239265


Dream of the Red Chamber? Romance of the Three Kingdoms? The Tale of Motherfucking Genji?

>> No.20239344

I was speaking in generalities. There are exceptions to every rule.

>> No.20239500

I’d like to see you try, gayboy

>> No.20239506

Ability to perceive and understand emotions. Dostoyevsky is a good example of emotional iq. He can dig deep into a characters psyche and make the reader relate to him, almost universally. Basically a high understanding of how people feel. Autists for example often have low emotional iq, they don't understand their emotions, think they are just "in the way", and have difficulties empathing with others. Good writers often have good emotional iq while autists will stick to academia

>> No.20239508
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>> No.20239516

Holy based

>> No.20239527

kants not that bad, he has a nice sense of humor

>> No.20239539

Narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies.

>> No.20239572

How? Also can't you just say anything correlates with homoerotic tendencies?

>> No.20239577

Read Mishima.

>> No.20239582

I'm not gonna read some gave novel, tell why you think narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies or your comment is pointless.

>> No.20239595

Yes? Narcissism is a symbol of insecurity.

>> No.20239596
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Having a hot rod doesn't make you a good driver. IQ measures how much intelligence you have, not how intelligent you are. Chris Langan punches far below his weight.

>> No.20239597

Keep in mind, narcissism tends to be more over-the-top than confidence. Self-confidence is always good.
Narcissism indicates an over-attachment to one's external appearance and human form, and such over-attachment risks developing psychosexual obsession. Confidence tends to lead to seeing things in terms of function rather than obsessing too much about "vain self-image". It's similar to how fetishization of others can lead to such psychosexual fixation.

>> No.20239598

Are all kind of shit and thousands of years of breeding away from the current group

>> No.20239599

I suppose for the purpose of creating media "emotional iq" is good for creating relatable characters, but I would argue actual IQ is more valuable in the world.

>> No.20239608

>can lead-
Whats with the reaching? I would argue that people who are less narcissist are often more gay because compassion for others is heighten.

>> No.20239615

Why do you presume there's an inverse correlation between narcissism and compassion?
Also, from my experience, many homosexuals tend to be narcissistic and not compassionate individuals.

>> No.20239619

How? Narcissism is just showing absolute confidence in oneself. Is this an insecurity?

>> No.20239628

Narcissism typically means seeing yourself as more special than you are. For example, viewing a bird as lowly and thinking you're much better.
There's a difference between self-confidence and narcissism.

>> No.20239631

I presume there's an correlation between the two because if you are a narcissist then you are usually more self centered and don't care for others all so much. People don't want to be around this kind of person. I don't hang out with gay people so I don't know if they tend to be more narcissistic.

>> No.20239636

Yes and you get this viewpoint from self-confidence. No one just becomes a narcissist out of thin air.

>> No.20239637

because super intelligent people naively believe in their heart of hearts that peers of their caliber exist somewhere out there. they will not exercise the common empathetic faculties to translate their raw thought to common language, because they believe, perhaps naively, that someone out there will hear thgm

>> No.20239641

Self-obsession isn't necessarily confidence.

>> No.20239642

>if you are a narcissist then you are usually more self centered and don't care for others all so much
True, but not being narcissistic is not sufficient in being actively compassionate or so.

>> No.20239643

No it's just projected confidence. Narcissists are generally the most insecure of people. This pretty uncontested among psychologists.

>> No.20239652

>having teach to retarded narcissistic zoomers why narcissism is not a psychologically desired state
Without modern medical intervention, you would not have survived child birth. You should be euthanized.

>> No.20239656

Compared to a narcissist, I would say non-narcissist people are more social and in return are more likely to be compassionate. I would say this assessment is valid.

>> No.20239662

>thinks he can prove the existence of god
he hasn't read kant and is a brainlet

>> No.20239664

you are not even a person, and are mogged in every interaction. die.

>> No.20239669

>non-narcissist people are more social
Not necessarily true.
>in return are more likely to be compassionate.
No. There is no correlation.
How old are you?

>> No.20239670

Why did you throw away your argument so quickly? Stop with the relativity claims.

>> No.20239676

It's a retarded topic to discuss in the first place. It's only possible with stupid narcissistic zoomers.

>> No.20239682

How are non-narcissist people not more social compared to narcissist people? Narcissist people are often selfish, selfish people are often less social for the reason that they are selfish? This argument really just derailed and we are going into semantics.

>> No.20239686

>Stop with the relativity claims.
Also, no, I am serious when I say most zoomers would not have survived child birth without modern medical intervention.

The problem is today's world is all geared around skills and employment, but warfare was needed because it offered “get rich quick” opportunities for young males to support their families and the human psychology shows this.
That is actually what our evolutionary design is: it kept the village safe, the enemies knocked up, the population under control and sufficient resources for young breeding couples when it was needed.
We are now in some Indianization, like what happened in India during and after the Raj, the young have little money at their peak breeding ability and as a consequence children are growing up subtly malnourished and mentally impoverished, the old are living longer and retaining resource control, infant mortality is too low to permit any genetic winnowing, the species is creeping along the path of cretinization and infirmity.

>> No.20239687
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>If you like yourself... you uh... want to suck dick!

>> No.20239689

You think attacking the person and not the claim will stop narcissism?

>> No.20239700

this is the only correct answer and you have been filtered

>> No.20239701

Again, how old are you. You are a complete and utter moron with absolutely little to no contemplative depth.
>How are non-narcissist people not more social compared to narcissist people?
There are introverted non-narcissistic people who prefer solitary activities or solitude over interpersonal relations. They are not narcissistic. They simply prefer solitary activities.
>Narcissist people are often selfish, selfish people are often less social for the reason that they are selfish?
Selfish people may interact with others even more for wanting to "stroke their egos". They may seek the company of others for flattery and more.
>This argument really just derailed and we are going into semantics.
Again, how old are you? I feel like I'm talking to a bot who has no metacognitive awareness.

>> No.20239707

Narcissism is not the same thing as liking yourself. Narcissism is self-obsession.
I just want them euthanized at this point. Hopefully they get the jab and die from blood clots or something.

>> No.20239723

Viewing animals as lower beings is literally the foundation of humanity. You couldn't have used a worse example.

>> No.20239725

>They may-
How retarded are you? This shit is so fucking simple. People who are narcissist are not as social as people who are not. If you want to refute this claim, then I can easily refute your claim to correlating "homosexual tendencies" to narcissism.

>> No.20239737

I don't care if this logic wouldn't work in the past. I care about the now. Fucking collectivist nigger.

>> No.20239741

>People who are narcissist are not as social as people who are not
What about the reclusive mystic archetype? There was a tradition of Buddhist poets who went to live on the mountains barely interacting with anyone. They were not narcissistic and just preferred solitude over human company.
>Viewing animals as lower beings is literally the foundation of humanity.
No, it's not. Maybe for retarded Abrahamists.
For example, saying you have no qualia and you are effectively a p-zombie is not narcissistic on my part because it's true. Enslaving you is not narcissistic on my part because you are an insentient and stupid narcissistic faggot.

>> No.20239745

Based. Respond to a retarded claim with a retarded shitpost.

>> No.20239753

Fucking narcissistic brainlet with absolutely no self-awareness or emotional intelligence. Genuinely kys and take Langan with you.

>> No.20239764

I won the debate. Claiming narcissism inversely correlates with prosocial behaviors is the dumbest shit I've ever seen, especially given the history of solitary mystics throughout the world.

>> No.20239767

>But muh cherry picked buddhist example!
I don't care about the trees, I care about the forest. My assessment is straight forward. Narcissist people are going to be less social than non narcissist people. Remember that narcissist people are self absorbed, people will notice this, people won't want to hang out with this person(unless he is some boss or someone of value). Less social interactions, less compassion, less relationships, less new ideas of homosexuality, less practices of homosexuality.

>> No.20239772

You first you weak minded collectivist nigger faggot

>> No.20239775

>Narcissist people are going to be less social than non narcissist people.
Explain yuppies like Patrick Bateman? They are narcissistic as hell but very social. That's where the word socialite comes from, dumbass.
Many of the top elite are very narcissistic but social within their social group.

>> No.20239778
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Narcissism is the addiction to one's own glory. Narcissists are people who get off on their perceived glory to a pathological extent and get cranky when they lose it, often resorting to neglecting and sacrificing everything else in their lives only to retrieve and defend this glory they're addicted to. Insecure narcissists tend to be more inevitably toxic, and empathetic narcissists tend towards inclusive narcissism.
t. Ascended ex-narcissist

>> No.20239780

saying people who believe in narcissism are more likely to be gay is the same as saying people who breathe oxygen are more likely to be gay. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.20239791


"homosexual students score higher in both measures of narcissism and lower on the self-esteem measure, compared to their heterosexual counterparts."

Now kys.

>> No.20239792

HAHAHAHAHA. I fucking knew you would bring this up, this is why I included, "unless he is some boss or someone of value". How is it difficult to believe that MOST narcissist are not as social as non narcissist. This shouldn't even be an argument.

>> No.20239796

I really don't care about your personal experience.

>> No.20239799


"homosexual students score higher in both measures of narcissism and lower on the self-esteem measure, compared to their heterosexual counterparts."

>> No.20239809

>American highschoolers
>Selected American higschools
Ah yes of course because this represents all of narcissists. This is fucking highschool, who knows what these kids are thinking? Could be a phase or whatnot.
Side note what the fuck was the point of this study? Tax dollars at work.

>> No.20239814

If I wanted to be precise, my original post should have said American.
>Ah yes of course because this represents all of narcissists
Chris Langan is American.
>This is fucking highschool, who knows what these kids are thinking? Could be a phase or whatnot.
Nah, it's just American culture. There are many repressed homosexuals here.
If you're American, then you're most likely gay yourself.

>> No.20239831

Now you want to be precise when arguing such a broad fucking belief. What was inclusion of Chris Langan for anyhow? He only started this argument about narcissism. Unless you think he is gay now. I would also not just lump American culture as being gay either.

>> No.20239843

I am modifying my claim to be, "Narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies in America." The research substantiates that. My own personal experience also substantiates that.
>Unless you think he is gay now.
Based on my probabilistic estimate, he is gay.
>I would also not just lump American culture as being gay either.
American culture does have a lot of homoerotic aspects to it. How else could the LGBTQ+ movement grow to become so widespread? Many of my (past) friends either became gay/bisexual or transitioned out of the blue.
America is very, very gay.

>> No.20239855

You don't have to

>> No.20239857

Okay we can come to an agreement here I suppose. Just change your claim to be, "Narcissism often correlates with homoerotic tendencies in American High schools", and we will all be good. I doubt Chris is gay because I believe he has a wife, but I don't know the guy, so who knows. I think it's not that the America as whole is gay, but America being more left leaning(supporters of the weak in society) is what is making America appear to be gay. Other countries and religions are not supporters of homosexuality, but America is because America is mostly left leaning.

>> No.20239863

You don't have to post about your personal experience when it could be fabricated.

>> No.20239866

i wouldn't lie to you

>> No.20239868

>in American High schools
I disagree. I will have to look for other studies. Narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies in the country America.

>> No.20239870

I have trust issues man, I don't know if people are lying to me or being truthful nowadays.

>> No.20239874

I don't have to and in fact I didn't, which you'd know if you had actually read the statement

>> No.20239878

I see what you did there

>> No.20239879

>I don't know if people are lying to me or being truthful nowadays
Truth becomes fiction when the fiction's true;
Real becomes not-real where the unreal's real.

>> No.20239881

I read the statement and it's mostly about your personal experience. It could be fabricated. How is this so bad to say especially on this website.

>> No.20239885

I fabricated the experience, but to me it's real, just like the Shoah.

>> No.20239887

I can save you the time, unless you can find another stellar .gov study, or some gov census data that mentions homosexuality and narcissism, you won't find anything of value.

>> No.20239905

That's some fucking paradox you got, my mind is blown.

>> No.20239907

What do you mean "fabricated"? Truth is discovered, not decided. You can read my statement, compare it to what you know about the topic (in this case narcissism and narcissists), and see for yourself how well it describes the condition. Or can you?

>> No.20239909
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While Langan's narcissism has no bearing on the truth value of CTMU, I don't see the point when Langan admitted it's just a more scientific way of arguing for double aspect theory. Schopenhauer argued for a similar kind of monism without relying on verbose and obscurantist language.
However, my question would be, did Langan experience the Absolute or is he just putting forth another metaphysical-physics defense like David Bohm did? David Bohm also seems smarter than Langan and his implicate/explicate order is easier to comprehend.

>> No.20239915

I took it from this review of The Story of the Stone https://www.complete-review.com/reviews/orientalia/tsots.htm

>> No.20239923

I mean no offense. It's just that you added hints of personality in when you were describing how a narcissist person operates. I don't believe that all narcissist people do this: "...resorting to neglecting and sacrificing everything else in their lives only to retrieve and defend this glory". This is romanticized to disbelief I would say, then again you might be on a different level of narcissism that I know of.

>> No.20239924

>double aspect theory
Also known as dual-aspect monism*

>> No.20239926

Looks interesting, might check it out.

>> No.20239936

>I mean no offense.
None taken
>It's just that you added hints of personality in when you were describing how a narcissist person operates.
Takes one to know one
>I don't believe that all narcissist people do this: "...resorting to neglecting and sacrificing everything else in their lives only to retrieve and defend this glory".
Neither do I, hence I said "Often resorting to". Feel free to check.
>This is romanticized to disbelief
What do you mean?

>> No.20239948

This is why I initially said I didn't care for your personal experience. That's why when you mentioned me during the argument I had with the other guy about homosexuality and narcissism, I didn't think it added anything of value to the argument. Also I just thought you worded it a bit dramatic to be true, that's what I mean by saying, "romanticized to disbelief".

>> No.20239962

On a side note, maybe we should value his speeches, articles, and books more than Facebook posts. Still interesting topic you bring up.

>> No.20239968

Because qualitative concepts and quantitative concepts are as different from each other as colour is from dimension.

>> No.20239975

What I have to say is much more valuable than anything Langan ever had to say. I am pretty much an awakened Buddha and the closest thing to a prophet in this day and age, and I do not say this out of narcissism. I simply say the Truth.

>> No.20239996
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I respect the confidence, good for you.

>> No.20240026

Here's something I wrote for fun recently. Much better than anything Langan has ever written:


>> No.20240033

Ken wheeler is way ahead of langan

>> No.20240049

Looks... unique. I might just read it later. Cheers.

>> No.20240068

Kek'd to the moon

>> No.20240088

>This is why I initially said I didn't care for your personal experience.
You don't need to for what I'm saying to be true, which according to someone who understands it (e.g. me), it is. Take it or leave it.
>That's why when you mentioned me during the argument I had with the other guy about homosexuality and narcissism, I didn't think it added anything of value to the argument.
Hardly much of an argument if you refuse to consider insight into the definition of one of the terms in question
>Also I just thought you worded it a bit dramatic to be true, that's what I mean by saying, "romanticized to disbelief".
Seems kind of NPC to ignore a message for its wording as though form affected content whatsoever

>> No.20240098
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Couldn't tell if based or cringe and knowing this place I was about to assume the former but
Cringe it is, unironically kill yourself

>> No.20240109

Nah, I'd rather kill you. What I wrote is far more valuable than anything Langan has written.
Slit your throat, edgelord narcissistic faggot. I wrote an interesting Lebensphilosophie.

>> No.20240113

I don't care in the sense that your YOUR definition is of narcissistic behaviors is DRAMATIC. Also the wording comment doesn't have to be this big of a deal, you are just dramatic when it comes to writing about personal experiences about narcissism, take it or leave it.

>> No.20240123

Idiot. Critique his writing, not the writer. Also >>20240109 just wanted to let you know I am not >>20240098 , this man is unknown in the narcissist argument from before.

>> No.20240130

cringe thread

>> No.20240141
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>> No.20240155
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>> No.20240159

Whatever, edgelord faggot. It was just meant to be a fun essay. Kys.

>> No.20240166

Suit yourself, and godspeed in overcoming your glory addiction

>> No.20240187

Yeah I hope this glory addiction never fades. Besides that, good luck to you friend. Life is a different path for us all.

>> No.20240194
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One buddha you are

>> No.20240202

>didn't read the essay

>> No.20240223
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Dimwit, read the essay, find critiques, mention the critiques. It's not that hard, instead you are frogposting. Arguably based, but still doesn't excuse you from criticism.

>> No.20240226
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>have razor thin skin
>call yourself a buddha
>get told off
>seethe about it

>> No.20240237

>Spiritually, I take a back seat to no one presently alive
His concept of spiritualism is sophomoric as fuck.

>> No.20240240

I'm just stressed about a lot of different things, and if I could take out my aggression on you in Minecraft, I most certainly would.
I would gouge out your eyes, cut off your fingers, disembowel you, and make artwork out of your entrails.
Be happy we're on the Internet. I am full of aggression and one day we may come face-to-face on Minecraft. All of this is just a sideshow o mine to hold my growing bloodlust and unfathomable rage.

>> No.20240242

I am a budhha and theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.20240313
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You may have figured some things out, you may even be a Bodhisattva, but crafting the medicine won't cure you. You must also drink it. This you clearly haven't.
Whatever, kid. Proclaim yourself a black belt and people will kick your ass to prove you're a fraud. Buddhahood is a physical state, not an intellectual trophy.
Take a break, get some help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJs9Y2eqLuE&ab_channel=YongeyMingyurRinpoche
And come back when you're of age.

>> No.20240324

It was just a fun essay meant to be a small part of a lebensphilosophie. I don't really care to continue this.

>> No.20240419

I believe in you anon

>> No.20240472

IQ has diminishing returns after a certain point. Even according to expert statisticians, there's no correlation between high IQ and any measure of success. The only thing that's well correlated is that low IQ indicates low success.

>> No.20240517

c'mon chris aren't you tired of making threads about yourself?

>> No.20241226

Because whatever you mean by 'intelligent' isn't the sum of someone and human beings are not general in any way.

>> No.20241240

Being smart doesn't mean you're a Mary Sue who's good at everything. The highly intelligent have specific interests, talents, aptitudes, like everyone else. To boot, art is notoriously incomprehensible. It's not something that can be analyzed down into its composite parts and holistically understood such that you can "recreate the experiment," as you can with (most) science and math. There's no reason to believe someone who is incredibly intelligent should be able to "figure out" the nature of art in this way, no matter how intelligent.

>> No.20241726
File: 129 KB, 1200x1190, 1641125203878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some bullshit women and betas came up with as a cope. what they're referring to in actuality is trait agreeableness, and for fellow sigma males its fucking worthless

>> No.20241988


>> No.20242192

Older Japanese and Hong Kong movies are fantastic

>> No.20242213

This is untrue, there’s a strong positive correlation between iq and success up to the high 120s/low 130s at which point returns swiftly diminish

>> No.20242357

Narcissism is one symptom of a greater disease. Compulsive inward escapism. I'm in the metaphorical pit right now. But I'm using it to make doors out, if that makes any sense.

>> No.20242371

Another day, another Langan thread. I swear you guys just like shitting up the board. How is this even related to literature?

>> No.20242385

That's completely retarded. Just because YOU haven't bothered to read the Eastern canon doesn't mean it's not real.

Not to mention modernism was explicitly influenced by Japanese poetry...

>> No.20242421

How does one get diagnosed with ultra high IQ? When I did an IQ test I literally got the "plateaued score" above which IQ is apparently hard to measure.

>> No.20242438

Because writing is a craft of practice, not intelligence. Smart men can ponder a beautiful work of art, but ask them to paint a masterpiece when they have never held a brush and they will inevitably create stick figures.

>> No.20242483

I believe IQ anxiety to be a real effect, especially in a one life, materialist perspective where you get one life to live but are also designated a static IQ.
We know someone retarded cannot ponder even basic philosophical concepts, and the IQ difference between a retard and average is the same as between average and genius. So perhaps the truth is something that, no matter how spiritual, is unlikely to be reached or even gotten close to by an average person.

>> No.20242778

Being a good author has to do with storytelling. A simple story with small words told well is usually more engaging than a 1000-page hellscape about the nuances of a cultural zeitgeist eating itself or something

>> No.20242861

Based and he has read Kant you kunt

>> No.20244106

I get the impression he has spent a lot of his life ensuring that nobody is in a position to criticise his perfect thoughts. Which leads to lazy, self-indulgent, and narcissistic thought patterns. There's a positive side to peer review which some people just can't stomach because they know in their hearts that they are right in all things.

>> No.20244116

how does he escape the impossibility of proving that the mind does not proceed on grounds of hidden errors unrecognizable to itself

>> No.20244243

>did Langan experience the Absolute
he has mentioned that he has had a many 'supernatural' events but has never discussed the specifics
so im guessing yes

>> No.20244260

There are people who have a reputation for being highly intelligent, such as Langan, and then there are the genuinely highly intelligent people. As >>20235451 suggests, the fact that unremarkable people perform well on intelligence tests mostly tells us we're not very good at measuring intelligence.

>> No.20244785
File: 15 KB, 300x300, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we as a species have yet to learn that there's a difference between pattern recognition and intelligence.

>mfw Verification not required

>> No.20245377

You are the blackest gorilla nigger.

>> No.20245880
File: 271 KB, 1021x1282, 1649152241017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks somewhat like Hitler

>> No.20246398

Literally what do you think intelligence is? You're just making up definitions for words you do not agree with the definition of but like the aesthetic of.

>> No.20246403

>high IQ = accomplished
literally and verifiably false, as high IQ people are not overbearingly materialist and obsessed with the carrot/stick mentality that pervades most.

>> No.20246408

Best post ITT

>> No.20246436

Because writing is a skill that needs to be toned? This is like asking “why aren’t all strong people good construction workers” very retarded question.

>> No.20246738

ughh imagine if Hitler had done barbell workouts instead of being a DYEL sissy...

>> No.20247391

Some want to appeal to their audiences, to others its secondary or a non-factor

>> No.20247551

>Rowling merely made it look easy.
Indeed. All the shitwits on /lit/ constantly mocking her because she writes kids books would NEVER be able to write a book half as compelling as hers. She has a tight, effective style above the abilities of 99% of the faggots here.

>> No.20248993

IQ is one aspect of the mind. For a task that requires creativity or judgement IQ alone will not be enough.