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/lit/ - Literature

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20232234 No.20232234 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here actually managed to get back into a habit of reading after years of frying his ADHD brain with vidya, compulsive webbrowsing and in general just consooming modern entertainment

Would pic related be a good start

>> No.20232380

Kill all notifications and look into until the shallows by nick carr

>> No.20232385

Lol nickcarr

>> No.20232434

I wrote this post. I didn't start reading a lot until last may. Before that i was playing vidya and reading manga the entire day. Ever since i started to read i turned my life around.

I haven't read that book, but i might check it out.

>> No.20233286

my philprof recommended this highly; i'm convinced he browses /lit/ and will know who i am if he sees this. i'm in his class based off a recommendation from the "unis of /lit/" thread a couple months ago. see you thursday morning, prof

>> No.20233325

Why don't you read something lighter?

>> No.20233348

Read something fun. Read something without any motivations for learning or self-improvement. Your only intent should be reading for the pure joy of it.
I'm reading Star Wars Thrawn series at a lightning pace after the same problem, and false-starts with more dignified non-fiction selections.

>> No.20233370

The first book I read to get into reading 100% was Star Wars darth bane

>> No.20233378
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>> No.20233387

Your professor sounds pretty based

>> No.20233402


>> No.20234087
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If this is another boomer tier technolodgy bad screech, imma give it a pass.

>> No.20234172

Cal Newport is a very good writer for professional/school advice but you could probably get by without actually reading his books. Like most books in the self-help genre his writing can become very repetitive and stuffed with real life stories so it can fill up 300 pages. Before buying his books I would highly recommend looking up his blog posts and articles in the New Yorker, and then deciding whether you want to read a full book with these topics.

>> No.20234327
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>> No.20234329

See you in class, anon.

>> No.20234403
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Print off pic rel and bring it to me during my office hours. I'll know then who you are and give you special treatment.

>> No.20234408

You're still compulsively browsing

>> No.20234486

lol jesus christ. Good for you guys but lol

>> No.20234545

Pomodoro worked for me when studying nonfiction. For fiction just find entry book that'll get you sucked in.

>> No.20234847

I would occasionally read on my phone but I realized it would be impossible for me to actually build a reading habit on it. I bought a bunch of physical books I wanted to read and so now I actually grab a book and sit down and read.

I'm still probably on 4chan too much but at least I quit everything else. So now it's just books and 4chan. Another tip is make a nice space for yourself to read, get a nice recliner and lamp and leave your phone in another room

>> No.20234989

Have sex

>> No.20234993

Yes, use an ereader
Now the compulsive web browsing serves a purpose

>> No.20235065


no chance. if you post the book we're reading in class, though, I'll call you anon at the start of class

>> No.20235115

nickcarr can't even breathe now

>> No.20235137

>reading "Star Wars Thrawn Series"
no you

>> No.20236488

I did it. I just removed any reason to be on my phone, and whenever I caught myself on it I would ask myself what reason do I have to be on this? What am I doing right now?

>> No.20236547

Im actually making similar threads once every few months in hope of finding some recommendations that would help me but this time I'm giving up and I'm going back to a therapist
Due to my rampant adhd procrastination sperg outs I had to quit my internship out of embarrassment at one of the big four firms - trying to catch deadline after deadline was ruining me and I felt completely embarrassed with my performance since the other interns seemed to be disciplined aces

>> No.20236839

Better than literally who philosophy. I'm reading both of those trilogies they mentioned in the near future and I'm eager.

>> No.20237505

I hope you’ve read chapters 5-10 of Star Wars Episode II: The Attack of the Clones: The Official Novelization for our discussion this week

>> No.20237683

James? Is that you?

>> No.20237824

>gouge out my eyes
>never have to leave the house again
>get free money
>people around me feel bad and bring prostitutes over
>listen to audiobooks and music all day
>don’t have to look at my ugly face ever again
This blindpill is sounding pretty enticing..

>> No.20237852

Take a shower and for the love of God, stop wearing anime t-shirts.

T. Professor Anon

>> No.20237881


>> No.20237965

I know exactly what I should do to improve my life:
>no screens
>eat 2,000+ calories like a healthy man
>walk 5,000+ steps a day
>lift weights 3+ times a week
And yet, I don’t have the motivation to do these things.