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/lit/ - Literature

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20230143 No.20230143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anons who effortpost on /lit/, why do you do it? Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead? What makes effortposts worth it to you?

>> No.20230147

maybe if you're into failed pixie girls

>> No.20230155

Deny this I do not

>> No.20230156

Maybe you are right, I have been thinking about it, and considering that my attempts to post anything meaningful here were shit, maybe this is impossible.

>> No.20230162

>What makes effortposts worth it to you?
They're not, but this is a forum where I can air my retarded thoughts about things since I don't really have anyone irl I can talk about lit with on a regular basis.
>Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead
It's a lot tougher to do those things than post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.20230181


>> No.20230188

because no one would reply if I posted it on a blog

>> No.20230189

You don't know what it's like out there, I've spent six months reading about something and tried to talk to someone who has studied it for ten years voluntarily and they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"

I've been on dates with girls who claimed that their entire lives revolved around studying a thing and then when we met in person they got angry at me for trying to talk about it and told me they "go on dates so they can put their brain on ice"

You don't know what it's like

/lit/ is the only place people actually talk about anything

>> No.20230190

Because you're guaranteed some kind of audience here, whereas nobody (NOBODY) reads blogs any more. As for actual journals, they aren't going to accept the writings of a rando. Not that they matter either since people don't really read them much anymore either.

>> No.20230201

It's just my natural autism at work. I write several paragraphs about stuff even while phoneposting, hoping I will catch the ear of some kindred spirit. Usually it fails.

>> No.20230203

Damn. I had no idea how bad things really were.

>> No.20230205
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Few reasons:
1. I am sometimes on adderal and being productive in an unpoructive way feels good.
2. I can talk about things I find interesting in depth, without all of the bother of editting or airs. Allowing me to either write down a stream of consiousness, and not being bothered about connecting the content to a cultivated persona who might have “standards”
3. The temporary and anonymous nature of the platform allows you to think and act in a way you cannot with a blog. there is a “serendipity” to it. You can always come back and its like you never where there. its usually a fresh start.
4.I like the sound of my own voice
5. I can shitpost a little more in it
6. a wider and oftentimes entertaining audience. Sometimes you get legitamently good responces. or at least a passing smirk. And if not, its still better than a blogpost with 0 comments.
7. I dont have to remember or do crap if I dont feel like it atm.

>> No.20230206

I don't even look after I effortpost, I just try to be helpful or informative and close the thread usually

>> No.20230209

When you fail, how does that make you feel?

>> No.20230213

>You don't know what it's like out there, I've spent six months reading about something and tried to talk to someone who has studied it for ten years voluntarily and they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
Reminds me of when I emailed my philosophy professor during undergrad asking if we could discuss The Republic and he said he couldn't find any time to do it.

>> No.20230221

Professors are the worst culprits. Their brains are so rotted by answering emails and doing busywork that they don't even remember what it's like to have a conversation about their field outside of a structured environment that is 98% fluff, like a conference or a presentation of some sloppy derivative work in progress.

>> No.20230234

Well, it's par for the course. Most people don't really care about this stuff. At this point it would be weird if they did.

>> No.20230236
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What is to be done?

>> No.20230237

>they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
Lmao it's so true. Not everyone is like this though, some are happy to talk with you even if you know almost nothing

>> No.20230250

It fills the time between telling people at the bus stop and the pub my retarded ideas on restoration theatre.

>> No.20230261

>/lit/ is the only place people actually talk about anything
Ok here me out. What if- speaking hypothetically here- what if we got rid of /lit/? Huh? How bout that? Then there'd be no where to talk about this stuff. Then they'd be forced to talk about in irl. Just think about it. Just think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it. There was no /lit/. This is the way bros. We have to shut down /lit/.

>> No.20230270

Yes, but they would all move to the same city.

>> No.20230273
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You know whats to be done

>> No.20230274

>think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it.
We had phonebooks to solicit unrequited penpals for our hot takes back then. Amazing books: you could just stick a pin in it, and send off your jottings on the state of modern cuneiform translations to someone as equally uninterested as anon.

>> No.20230281

The logistics dont work that way though. Wed all have to go live on a commune together, which would be simply horrific

>> No.20230282

Ok here me out. What if- speaking hypothetically here- what if we got rid of that city? Huh? How bout that? Then there'd be no where to talk about this stuff. Then they'd be forced to talk about in irl. Just think about it. Just think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it. There was no /lit/city This is the way bros. We have to shut down /lit/city.

>> No.20230291

Sounds like great times

>> No.20230294

>that fucking image

>> No.20230296

Ok, let's meet irl, Mr. hypothetically. Name a place and a time.

>> No.20230302

You imagine the pre-internet era as if everyone was discussing Plato all the time. People simply didn't talk about their pet interests with others nearly as much. In general there was a greater incentive to conform.

>> No.20230309
File: 34 KB, 480x480, opening-credits-of-the-twilight-zone-episode-time-enough-at-news-photo-160672040-1548863607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok the place: here, the time: now- in the the Twilight Zone...

>> No.20230313

So long as mandatory return addresses don't take off here, it's a beautiful future too.

>> No.20230315

No. I love her.

>> No.20230321

if you got rid of /lit/ I would have no access to would-be art-lovers and would have to resort to my pubs and bars full of deanos, bazzas and Y'R AIGHT Y'R AIGHT
I would an hero, I can't leave this place

>> No.20230326

I don't want to write a book i want to tell something interesting to my friends on /lit/

>> No.20230334

Your friends left without you and said you'd cover the bill.

>> No.20230337

unironically what is /lit/city?
hardmode: no London or NYC

>> No.20230340

It ain't interesting and we aint yo frens phillip

>> No.20230344

Topeka, Kansas

>> No.20230346

It hasn't been London or NYC in decades upon decades anon. Berlin has a better recent history than either and Berlin is awful.

>> No.20230347

Ignore them anon I'm your friend

>> No.20230354

you will never be welcome on this site, repulsive reddit scum

>> No.20230355

Iowa City.

>> No.20230358

I am human and I want to be loved juat like everybody else does

>> No.20230361

'not berlin' isn't a city

>> No.20230362

Quintessentially reddit thread

>> No.20230368

This isn't the wrongest response i can imagine. Of the Midwestern options, I'd probably still place Minneapolis over it

>> No.20230370

zoomers arent human, zoomer

>> No.20230371

Jokes on you. 4chan is Reddit in another form.

>> No.20230377

Circa 2010 this was actually kind of true. By 2014 it was no longer true and in 2022 there is basically nothing in common between them anymore. 4chan has more in common with Twitter now by far

>> No.20230378

She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart, but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see

>> No.20230383

Twitter? How dare you.

>> No.20230411

trying too hard, newfag

>> No.20230418

Because every time I have ever tried to talk about literature that meant something to me, I have been given shit about it and told that I was a pretentious ass who is either lying or wasting my time. I like Ulysses, I like Infinite Jest, I like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I like Catcher in the Rye, I like Dhalgren, I like Moby Dick, I like Gravity’s Rainbow, I like everything Joyce, Asano, Salinger, and Dickinson have ever put to paper. I like works which help me to challenge and understand myself instead of merely feeling some sort of vague interest in the plot or a character or two. And quite frankly, if I had to live my entire life holding conversations about literature exclusively with the kinds of people who think that “no one knows what Bildungsroman means you’re just trying to act smart”, I would have killed myself years ago because there would be no hope left for society.

There are people who read. There are people who care. There are people who challenge themselves and understand just how beautiful the written word can be. I want to talk to as many of those people as I can, and unfortunately this is one of the best places I’ve found to do so. So I’m going to effortpost until the fucking cows come home because god damn it Holden Caulfield gets it and Pemulis is the best character in IJ, and Joyce is the greatest goddamn genius since Shakespeare, and Dickinson makes me cry, and more than anything I’m really really fucking bored. Is that a good answer?

Also, OP? She’s super hot. Anyone who disagrees is just wrong, sorry.

>> No.20230464

No actually I'm not a newfag. It is you who is the newfag

>> No.20230479


>> No.20230481
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>unfortunately this is one of the best places I’ve found to do so.
>tfw you lose hope in the world

>> No.20230489

Iowa city resident here. It is hell. Kill me now.

>> No.20230493

you need to go back

>> No.20230495
File: 470 KB, 600x407, 1600125902575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose at one point i wanted to make effortposts on /lit/ in the hope that it would somehow improve the quality of the board overall. But i was mistaken. Then, i hoped that by making effortposts i would at least attract quality discussion to myself by demonstrating a degree of competency in the subject. But again, i was mistaken. So now i reserve my effort to helping individual anons with their questions where i can. Which is rare because i don't like retreading old ground. Still, i think that is the only worthwhile avenue left for this board.

>> No.20230507


>> No.20230508


Pol Pot, like Lenin, did nothing wrong.

Assuming you actually buy into all that communism crap. Otherwise, yes, they did a whole fuck of a lot wrong.

>> No.20230510

Never. I'm going to rub my reddit all over this place

>> No.20230523


1. People are actually interested in effortposting here, so reading other effortposts is enjoyable.

2. I enjoy talking about what I know about.

3. Sometimes, responding to something gets me thinking about what I already know in a different way, and exploring different topics.

Effortposting is a way to help refine your own understanding of whatever it is you're talking about. Actually coherently expressing ideas helps distinguish if your ideas are fundamentally retarded or not.

>> No.20230538

You might not like this answer, but the inner (emphasis on inner) circles of your local catholic community are filled with intellectuals who will talk about anything.
I grew up around people discussing physics, philosophy, history, mathematics etc. There's a huge emphasis on a classical education. Sometimes priests are the driving force (they're very educated, at least a masters), but often it's autistic homeschooling fathers who are the most educated. To this day the smartest people I've met are from this fold. These kinds of family's all know each other, it's a network and a tad culty.
I remember entering public school at 12 and going to normal peoples houses for the first time and I was so weirded out that their houses weren't filled with books.

>> No.20230543
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>tfw you get greenlit by arguing with a retard into wondering if it may be you who is in fact the retard

You anons who ever defend your effort post experience this phenomenon?

>> No.20230545

Commies saying "Lenin did nothing wrong" always rustles my jimmies. Not because of the edge but because the edge has no risk to it. When some skinhead retard says "hitler did nothing wrong" he is actually risking real punishment. But a commie is not risking anything by saying that about lenin. So it's like fake edge. If you're going to smugly laugh about murder you should at least be actually going against the grain, not doing something society literally just lets you do. Something about that combination of fake bravado, making light of suffering, yet obsequiously toeing the line of real taboo simply sets a fierce rustling afoot in my James Tarkingtons.

>> No.20230547

effortposting on here or anywhere else on 4chan is its own reward because there’s no incentive for a post to be insightful or truthful

>> No.20230550

Anon are you taking your particular experience and universalizing it a priori?

>> No.20230551

I do not like this answer

>> No.20230554

Congrats on your effortposting, but give it another year and you'll be posting 1-sentence shitposts with the rest of us. It's just not worth it.

>> No.20230555

What if 4chan paid people for effortposting?

>> No.20230560

There is literally no way for that to even remotely work and the very concept is appalling. Anything good that happens here happens as a sort of miracle in a sea of sneed; do not try to cauterize and formulate it.

>> No.20230562

It does. you would know this is you ever effortposted.

>> No.20230566

I’ve been here for years and I do plenty of that too but sometimes I just love to lay it all out. It’s good for the soul every once in awhile.

>> No.20230567


>> No.20230574

>"weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
People get tired of using their brain all day. Later they just want to watch Big bang theory and not think. If they already do this for 8 hours a day bugging them about it later is exhausting. Unless they are genius people and are just on another level of motivated and interested. They know who to talk about their work and who isn't spouting bullshit. Anyone can be tricked or manipulated even in technical fields. Its way easier just to stick to the group you know and not have to vet some new retard. Everything you are saying could be a waste of time.

>> No.20230578

Actually retarded. I have been going back and forth doing one liners and textblocks for going on a decade.

>> No.20230583

>Anyone can be tricked or manipulated even in technical fields. Its way easier just to stick to the group you know and not have to vet some new retard. Everything you are saying could be a waste of time.
Too true. Hence the ad hominems out of frustration in /lit/ debates.

>> No.20230587
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I've made many threads: lots on Rene Girard; and two recently on Educational Philosophy. I liked the process of making them and it was fun to chat - Anons here, by and large, are pretty knowledgeable.

You get a lot of shitty responses. But once you bait the decent posters you can mine some decent recs and avenues you wouldn't have considered before. Absolutely it is worth it if any of you are considering it.

My favorite people are the Steiner folks, honestly. He's such a strange figure who barely gets mentioned in mainstream academia - I've really found some gold from Anons here

>> No.20230593

I know this is the case for north america.
I'm from rural Canada but the network I mentioned stretches across Canada. There's a couple hotspots that they congregate in, some lay apostolates, homesteads, University's, that kind of thing. But I know many family from America too, and I know this kind of thing is only stronger there. I almost literally hadn't interacted with someone ''normal'' until I was 12.

>> No.20230594

This is only sort of true. Cliff Clavin's whole character in Cheers is basically the proto internet nerd, and his type were responsible for generating a lot of interesting discussion in the days before everyone had access to Google

>> No.20230596
File: 377 KB, 773x1034, Steiner_um_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Steiner?

>> No.20230602

If you are really passionate about something or choose to specialize in it, you sort of adopt certain behaviors that you carry with you wherever you go, there is no "pausing" that unless you never really gave a shit about it

>> No.20230606

>If you are really passionate about something
No true scotsman!

>> No.20230608
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I screencap them for myself when I see good effortposts I want to keep.
I may not write mandatory “upvote-posts” like “Based” or “FPBP” or whatever, but there are always people like me who find value in your post and silently appreciate it.
So don’t feel discouraged about writing some effortposts just because it feels like “nobody cares”, fags.

>> No.20230609

kek this, I usually shitpost but if a thread rustles my jimmies enough I go back to my old ways

>> No.20230611

scotsmen dont even exist reatrd. Its a perfect form.

>> No.20230613

Something very offputting about sincerely wanting others to read your stuff, even asking them to pay for it. Authors probably become eccentric to cope with this. They hide their true fact under a persona because the reality of interpersonal magnetism is devastating.
It's good here precisely because you are never really 'rewarded' even for the best post, yet the most insignificant thing posted here is more experientially potent than a book because it's so personal.
That's why people often want to make this place as shit as possible. Vampiric forces see the holy grail in our interaction as a kind of emergent exploitatble 'field' like we see an explotiable perception in for example, your picrel.
We look at picrel, but she never looks at us. This is a one way exchange. You can see that she too tries to go beyond herself, she dyes her hair and wears makeup. In that sense she literally has a different face every day.
Anonymity is that fountain of youth, free unlimited energy for those of the purest hearts - I don't mean to moralize - but those who can withstand being physically disembodied. You can only have the most fun if you completely forget who you are - 'happiness only real when shared' etc, so it follows that the most fun one can beyond extremely intimate physical connection - such connection which is impossible to reproduce - is here, if you are so disposed.
But it really isn't worth effortposting is it?

>> No.20230616
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That's the one! I love the Steiner bros. There's so much insanity in his canon, and it can be hard to see what the value is. If you're looking at him critically however the wheat far outweighs the chaff.

For example, his focus on mediums and technicity in education is really superb. It's surprising how subtle his ideas are - far more equipped to handle the territory than crude constructivist dogma. I wouldn't have looked at this if it weren't for the fantastic posts I've read here

Plus, it's fun to argue with people about stuff you know something about. Oftentimes you realize you know far less than you thought you did - that's super healthy, I think

>> No.20230619

dunning-kruger effect!

>> No.20230626

Because there's at least one person on the other end in real time who can read them.

>> No.20230629
File: 15 KB, 160x240, 71hY0mU8ekS.SR160,240_BG243,243,243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way you ever heard about this book? It incorporates Husserl and Steiner.

>> No.20230638

I agree, /lit/ has taught me so much, including how to be humble and how to learn. People in "knowledge trades" and anything that requires an online persona, like blogging or being an eceleb, are often so brittle and seem very unhappy. /lit/ taught me to look past personal details and minor annoyances and slights and seek the content in anything. If there's no content, just walk away. If there's content, engage in a way that promotes it and helps others see it, even the people who are damaging it. I have learned a shitload about myself from posting here, about my reactions and tendencies and about what I do and don't like, and I can then immediately apply that knowledge the next time I have a similar exchange and train myself to do better. In the real world, life lessons are not only rare, you're not "in it" consistently enough to absorb them and apply what you've learned. On /lit/ you have every opportunity to.

>> No.20230640

>scotsmen don't exist
We are literally the master race. A perfect blend of angle, saxon, celt, and small sneedful other parts. I almost dont think non-Scots are even fully human

For example there is a field of philosophy called "epistemology". This is apparently some kind of a debate. For a Scot this is not some array of possibilities; it is literally an organ in our mind which just compels us smoothly to a sensible and harmonious mixture of empirical pragmatism and happy, open ended speculation.

This sort of simultaneously casual yet forceful elegance is apparent in every aspect of the Scot.

>> No.20230644

people shill shit on here but it’s not like those people get paid to write indepth information over multiple posts.

>> No.20230648

Would you at the very least say that it is helpful in improving the quality of your work? Practice makes perfect, but only if you get meaningful feedback right?

>> No.20230652

You know, it was reading Critique of Pure Reason that led me to the Occult and Esoteric. So I can see how Steiner took the direction he did, and even though I can follow the logic where it goes, I have to admit sometimes it does make me wonder if guys like Steiner really pierced a veil or if they literally broke their brains from exceeding the capacities of human thought. I agree with the direction they took, but it's just hard to believe it can actually be done. I still believe though, but if you talk about it to other people they'll call you crazy, and I don't blame them.

>> No.20230654

kill yourself, braindead zoomer

>> No.20230658

The occult can be very rapidly verified as real; you dont have to read anything. I can give you a ritual right now to make a blood offering or pact and you will not even vaguely doubt after you do it that the occult is real.

>> No.20230659

Why are people like this? Why are you so angry at zoomers?

>> No.20230661

How do I get into the inner circles then? Do I just attend mass and stick around afterwards, help out in events/drives?

>> No.20230667

What things have you experienced?

>> No.20230676
File: 727 KB, 1000x541, mastodon+for+blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Thank you for the recommendation!

>Scott E. Hicks is a spiritual scientific researcher, philosopher, linguist and musician living in Pennsylvania with his wife. He has three children. He is a faculty member of the Global Event College, directed by Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon. His current research involves the new Anthroposophical work of the School of Michael in the etheric world, transforming community and landscapes, chemistry, finance, and refrigerator design.

Based? But this does worry me a little. Even though I often hate, sometimes despise, the influence of insitutions work like this raises alarm bells. I cling to institutional authority - university presses, good ratings online - so closely when hunting for books. That's a trait browsing this Taiwanese knitting forum has helped me inculcate. Is it a good thing? Maybe, maybe not. At any rate thank you for sending this through!

Wonderfully said. Saved your comment as a reminder to be more patient, cheers. You sound like a good Son.

That's fascinating! Great to hear your take. My interests are education, imitation (Gabriel Tarde, Girard) the philosophy of technology (especially "language tools", think Whitehead), and intellectual history. These things have led me to similar positions. And yet it's hard to dive into Steiner properly, you know? I keep hesitating. Is the esoteric content just a smokescreen for epistemological arguments that were stated better in, idk, Derrida? Thanks for being patient with us fence-sitters

>> No.20230678

If I do said ritual, will I be oppressed by invisible entities?

>> No.20230680

Your ass better be confirmed. And in a state of grace.

>> No.20230684

>I can give you a ritual right now to make a blood offering or pact
Why blood, and how much? A pact with what? You say the occult is real, but in what way?

>> No.20230686

Do you want to do the ritual? It involves specifically condemning christ and the holy spirit, and giving your soul to Satan, making a small blood offering(you just have to cut yourself a bit to sign your name on blood).

There are some much more complex ones too, but you're going to have to put effort into that. The Satanic one is very easy

>> No.20230687

Have you read Lonergan's Insight?

You should read Colin Wilson's The Mind Parasites, it will scare you straight about messing with evil stuff.

>> No.20230696

If you two want another Steiner recommendation that I almost never see posted, check out Jonael Schickler. He was supposed to be incredibly brilliant, trying to put Steiner on a new philosophical footing
>Metaphysics as Christology is part of a larger project in which Schickler was engaged when he died to demonstrate an organic continuity and development between Aristotelian ontology, the 'Kantian turn' and Hegelian dialectic, reaching its fulfilment in the work of Rudolf Steiner. Two other parts of the project exist in complete, albeit unpublished form, From Dialectic to Phenomenology and Aristotle: Man and Metaphysics, and may be published in the future.[citation needed] Other planned parts of the project for which only notes exist are: Phenomenology and Depth Psychology (which was to discuss Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wittgenstein and Jung), Structural Phenomenology (an idea taken from Herbert Witzenmann), and The Recovery of Nature (which included an assessment of the prospects for a rebirth of alchemy).[citation needed]

>In Metaphysics as Christology, Schickler examines the key philosophical problems with which Kant and Hegel grappled, and finds in the work of Rudolf Steiner the essence of a solution to them; he claims that Steiner returned to Hegel's philosophical problems but was better able to solve them.

But he tragically died at 25 years old in a train crash..

>> No.20230702
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OP how would you go about doing the opposite: instead of effort posting how would you go about creating an actual dialogue or getting a conversation going on a blog about whatever the fuck niche topics are on my mind?

>> No.20230705
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>write a book

>> No.20230710
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>Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead? What makes effortposts worth it to you?
4chan is full of shitposts but also one of the only places people actually speak their minds without filters. No profile, no karma, no post history to protect. No moderation to speak of. No propriety to uphold. If you're shit, you're shit. If you get an effortpost in return it makes your day. Any praise or assent feels genuine instead of part of some social game.

It's also full of people with absolutely no lives and nothing to do all day but autistically dig into some niche subject. I guarantee you have met some of the foremost experts on the planet on some ultra niche topic right here. Was it an important topic? Probably not.

>> No.20230712

THANK YOU! This is exactly the kind of content I wanted.

>studied at Cambridge
>has all the markers of reputable philosophy
>talks about Steiner

Fantastic! I've finally got an introduction. Thank you, again

>> No.20230713

I don't effortpost, but I recently saw an effortpost which I liked that died without a single reply. I didn't reply to it either, because /lit/ is a terrible medium for discussion. Even then, for a long time, it was the best medium I had. But recently I went to a reading circle at my university, and we collectively read and discussed a short story. It was way nicer to look people in the eye when talking to them. This digital world really is a prison. It wasn't a sausage fest like /lit/ either, actually there were more girls than men and most of them were very beautiful. So it was much more rewarding in that sense too

>> No.20230718

No But thanks. I know enough about the occult not to fuck with it without knowing what I'm doing. But I am in search of something more than normal human life offers. That's why I study it but it still doesn't make sense to me. I'd like to know the philosophy of it, the mechanics behind it, at least at a basic level, but no occult writings I've read I've found satisfying. I joined an Order to learn more since I figured the good stuff is unpublished but so far I'm still in the dark. And actúally ever since I joined the order my mental health, which was bad to begin with, has only gotten worse. So I'm still on the fence.

>> No.20230720

disgusting simp

>> No.20230725

Haven't read either of em. What they about?

>> No.20230730

/lit/ is my favorite community online because people here are generally more intelligent and self-aware than anywhere else I've discovered. Like on other sites you'll find plenty of people who present as very intelligent, but it's a sort of specialized hyper-focus on some technical subject usually which is boring. /lit/ users come the closest to being intelligent in a traditional sense IMO, since people here have world-views that go beyond "I fucking love science!" or "Philosophy is solved why are you studying that shit?". Not everyone here has much concrete knowledge, but you guys grasp the problem, and get how boring it is to go through life not questioning anything, so I keep coming back.

>> No.20230731

Lol simping exists in the world, but calling all interaction with women "simping" is just a cope. Work on your social skills my friend, get some women

>> No.20230738

You misunderstand, you're a simp for having diseased and cynical relations with women, you're not a simp for appreciating women. It's like you said you want to be around sexy children as much as possible and got called a creep, and you replied "Lol nothing wrong with children, I love 'em." We know you love 'em, it's the way you do it that's fucked up.

>> No.20230747

>I went to a reading circle at my university, and we collectively read and discussed a short story.
How do i find these?

>> No.20230751

Diseased and cynical? I spent and evening discussing literature with intelligent and beautiful women, and I said that I preferred that to being called a nigger on 4chan. In what world is that a diseased relationship?

>> No.20230755

I'm glad you stay away bro. Your instincts are good. That shit is pure evil.

I don't know how you'll find your way but I think you will. If the order isnt too nice maybe step out, go back to a previous thing you thought was good in your life, or something you could go toward.

There are so many things you can try.

>> No.20230761

Don’t listen to him, he’s just jealous

>> No.20230764

Be active on campus, try to make friends. I only found out about it because a friend of my friend (who is much more sociable than me) was running it

>> No.20230771

>try to make friends
Ah yes, hard mode

>> No.20230774

Look for a rural parish with lots of young families and a Latin mass, avoid the boomer parishes.
Talk to the priests, if it's a young priest in the kind of parish I specified above he'll be a very smart, very based kind of guy. And they love talking to men because it's mostly old people they interact with.
If you were in Canada I'd point you towards Madonna House-Combermere. They are essentially a self sufficient homestead with a couple hundred permanent lay apostolate residents (vows of celibacy and poverty), a couple dozen priests and allegedly one orthodox hermit in the woods but I've never seen him. I think they have close to 1000 acres, it's a big operation.
They accept pretty much anyone one as a guest worker for up to a year, you just work on the farm, it's all super relaxed, you'll eat homemade cheese and bread and whatnot. There's daily mass in the eastern rites. Note that going as a guest worker is not in anyway the same thing as becoming a lay apostolate, just in case it's confusing.

>> No.20230786

Mucho texto

>> No.20230788

Too much words

>> No.20230811

Yes I know its easier said than done, but there's honestly no other way to find these social circles than putting yourself out there and making friends

>> No.20230813
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hey, it's that chick

>> No.20230815
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>hehehe le logical fallacy
I speak from experience faggot, maybe some people get tired of discussing it with anon because he's not good at conversing and may sort of hyperfocus on the 1 subject which may make it tiring, I'm willing to believe that's a possibility, but very few people have any semblence of passion anymore

>> No.20230817

It's like a leftist meme

>> No.20230818

Namen bitte?

>> No.20230823

>not good at conversing and may sort of hyperfocus on the 1 subject which may make it tiring
Stop hurting my feelings

>> No.20230957

no one knows what Bildungsroman means you’re just trying to act smart
But real talk op, I have completely lost faith in this place a long time a go. This is actually my first time browsing /lit/ this year. I'm glad there're still effort posters around though. Perhaps it's worth it after all to sit through twitter screen caps and /pol/ tier baits

>> No.20230969

Do you think she did died from smoking yet

>> No.20230992

>no one knows what Bildungsroman means
not sure if joking

>> No.20230997

Unfortunately it's true. Only the elite know.

>> No.20231011

>they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
Not gonna lie, that's a brainlet mode of thought. How old is this person? Usually it's not considered weird at all to be passionate about something outside of work.

>> No.20231026
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>> No.20231087


>> No.20231095


>> No.20231103

Thanks fren. I'm going to ask her if she will be my girlfriend. Wish me luck.

>> No.20231116

What kind of books do you think she reads?
W-Would she want to cuddle in bed and read them together?

>> No.20231128
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And yes

>> No.20231138

Infact im cuddling her right now reading the Schertel book. Thanks Dr. Schertel.

>> No.20231145

Best of luck anon, but she's probably had 500,000 previous requests for the same.

>> No.20231152

Yes but I'm different.

>> No.20231173

I lived on a cult compound in Brazil once which was built up around Steiner's work. The reason it gets no fanfare in academia is because it's a load of crazy bullshit if you really think that planting crystals along earth lines in order to better harvest shitty organic radishes is a good use of your time then knock yourself out, but I've seen industrial grow ops using fertilizer and pesticide pull ten times the yield in half the time

>> No.20231218

I spend 8-10 hours a day doing labwork and then I abuse myself by going on 4chan and debating with strangers far too late into the night. What now huh??

>> No.20231226

>I've seen industrial grow ops using fertilizer and pesticide pull ten times the yield in half the time
But at what cost anon? At what cost?

>> No.20231245

In the world where you keep doing this and they don't put out and you get zero pussy and all of you die childless

>> No.20231256

Oh they put out. Just not with you.

>> No.20231263

Yeah that's why anon shouldn't be nurturing a parasocial relationship with superficial sluts who go to the circle to preen their egos wearing a fake personality

>> No.20231350

I wrote an effort post but then deleted it. Long story short it is a matter of the medium presenting unique writing opportunities.

>> No.20231395

I unironically effortpost because I learned my online writing style on Reddit debating with Redditors circa 2013-15. This means that you have to defend any point three sources deep in order to cover your ass from shallow meme rebuttals, then you get downvoted anyways.
I did this because I genuinely cared about the issues at at hand. Admittedly also because of egotism. Sometimes it was possible to actually turn the hive mind against the idiot I was replying to
For a brief period last year I took up trolling doomers and writing effortposts to personally insult and undermine individual posters, but then I got banned
And I know what this sounds like but I was never involved in the Gamergate shitstorm; also, this post itself does not reflect my usual writing style.

>> No.20231417

Bros she said yes! Oh God thank you so fucking much! I love you God!

>> No.20231462

Meds, now.

>> No.20231546

I sometimes feel a post deserves a good response and that I can learn something new by articulating what I think.
>Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead?
Because I am not a writer and my thoughts are mediocre at best, I effortpost here as I would use a personal journal, to get my thoughts in order.

>> No.20231610


Stupid sow. You mean to write stupid sow.

>> No.20231650
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holy cringe

>> No.20231714

You'll never change my mind

>> No.20231717
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I have better avenues for that already. At best effortposting can help cohere some lazily-held positions or get you to look further into previously bookmarked topics. But that's around the limit of its utility. I wouldn't look to /lit/ for feedback because it's unlikely to come from an epistemic peer, after a certain point anyway.

>> No.20231725

>epistemic peer
What would it take to be your epistemic peer?

>> No.20231742

>I have better avenues for that already.
Go on.

>> No.20231745

there's like a few thousand of us at most, spread across the world. It's not like everyone in my surroundings is secretly /lit/ yet no one talks about it.

>> No.20231758

Then who's buying all those books on Amazon? That small elite of bookworms?

>> No.20231806

Mills and boon sponsor the whole industry

>> No.20231812

don't date npcs

>> No.20231937

Shitposting damages primarily only the poster himself. You deny yourself any chance to a real conversation and degrade your cognitive abilities and get even dumber.

Composing a proper, serious response to a thread, you've reflected on the matter, maybe discovered something new and learned from the experience. Even if you get no meaningful engagement, you've grow a little bit more as a person. Anyone could be content with that.

>> No.20231948

>What makes effortposts worth it to you?
My mind is long format, I effortpost therefore I am

>> No.20231953

~98% of women are npcs lad

>> No.20232022

It depends on the subject. Minimally, to have actually read the work being discussed. But if you're effortposting, it's generally because you have a particular insight into the topic. Be it because you have read an author's entire corpus, or you are familiar with the secondary literature, or you can evaluate their ideas with a relevant subject, or even that you've just spent a long time pondering your orb. Whatever the case, to be an epistemic peer, you have to have a comparable knowledge of the topic so you can meaningfully evaluate it. Say, if I made a post about which social contract theorist's pseudo-anthropology was most accurate, then to be my epistemic peer you would also have to have read the relevant works of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau (perhaps even Spinoza), as well as at least some of the literature on state formation and pre-state societies, and for all this to fairly fresh in your memory. There probably are anons here that are peers on such a topic, but they also need to be on at the same time and in the same thread as you, and motivated to have a conversation, which is rare. And that's why you'll get 7 (you)'s saying 'good post' but not one meaningful reply, because most people don't know enough about the subject to say much else. When the disparity is too great, it's no longer a discussion but a lecture.
IRL feedback.

>> No.20232202
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I effort post on /wg/ to help my fellow writer anons. Only when Im away from my computer to write.

>> No.20232225

That's what makes them fun to bed

>> No.20232265

>8 am the son
>And the heir...

>> No.20232292

t. Possible Retard

>> No.20232537

No I dont defend my posts, and with enough experience you learn what is worth talking about. People forget you are anonymous here and can make a post, hide the thread and never know what people said. This is an especially important skill when you realize I say something retarded. I just laugh and run over to another thread.

>> No.20232540

>that's why you'll get 7 (you)'s saying 'good post' but not one meaningful reply,
Don’t forget the “shut up fag”s, “kys”s, “go back”s, and the mandatory “doesn’t read the post but immediately wants to refute you”s.

>> No.20232541

the dunning-kruger effect is the dunning-kruger effect of psychology