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20218295 No.20218295 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to understand "the system" or "the machine"? I want to understand why the world is the way it is, why the political system is such a mess and why globalism and foreign policy is the way it is

>> No.20218347

The modern world system - Wallerstein
Empire - negri
La politique comparee - Badie
Diplomacy - Kissinger
Clash of civilizations - huntington

>> No.20218348

all of history can be explained in one book

>> No.20218390
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Henry Kissingers World Order and Diplomacy.

>> No.20218395

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20218402

Everything boils down to money and neanderthalian hoarder instinct. All else is just so much subterfuge

>> No.20218405

Very cool thanks friend

>> No.20218406

Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan. Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson would also help insofar as it explains individual motivations.

>> No.20218408

So wealth of nations and tragedy of the commons?

>> No.20218434

Definitely a solid start

>> No.20218452

A 5-10 minute conversation with the dwellers of shitholes like Connecticut will tell you more than any book. There isn't a single higher order concept in their mind. They have risen to the top because they are solely consumed by materialism and they only speak of the material realm. You couldn't hope to fake their sincere passion over the scoreboard of dollars earned, cars and homes owned, and destinations traveled to. To call them juvenile is an insult to sportsball thralls. At least sportsball has narratives. They make for incredibly shit company, but they do serve their purpose of shattering the illusion of the allure to chase material gain.

>> No.20218505


>> No.20218544

Great recs. Anymore like these?

>> No.20218567

He's right though, these people don't read. Maybe you should read some Foucault though.

>> No.20218578

Michael Hudson Super Imperialism

>> No.20218617

Good rec, thanks

>> No.20218767
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>materialism le bad

>> No.20218796

These people have no power or impact or influence at all. I don't care about them or what they think. I want to understand states and civilizations and the relationships between then

>> No.20218815

Anything to an excess and the exclusion of all else is bad. Especially wojacks.

>> No.20218841

These people own and run the multinational corporations that are more powerful than states and civilizations. Remember how no amount of science and research mattered when the airline ceo said the ruling was too harsh? Industrialized activity creates machines of commerce populated by cog workers. Government and citizen activity is but a farce compared to the lion's share of all human activity organized by industry. Especially government which is either pointless theater with badly skilled actors or a part of the machine itself. There is no larger plan behind globohomo. It's just various shades of making numbers go up and propaganda techniques to achieve this. Not number go up forever even, just number go up as fast as possible.

>> No.20218846

Spengler and yockey

>> No.20218852

idk huuh...maybe...Xi Jinping's biography?

>> No.20218885

no western leader would ever do something this human
like when he greeted the pigeon

>> No.20219016

>the pigeon

>> No.20219034

People are born and have reality coded onto them through language by other people who influence them. This process continues until you are too old to perform cognition. The people who are most influential are the most manipulative and have the most power. These people encode reality to the highest degree. Over time this creates culture and contributes to society once a certain threshold is reached. Now we have the internet and culture can be encoded without the need of an influential person but through subconscious messaging and symbolism. Everything is fucked because fundamentally humans are flawed and too selfish. Nothing functions properly because at the root of it is selfishness. And also, there is no truth in anything that is a system of beliefs, so it can be deconstructed and shown to not work.

>> No.20219038
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Read Marx

>> No.20219057
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I insist that you read this, and become a racist, like me!

>> No.20219071
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A history book will tell you quite a bit

>*dramatic music intensifies*

>> No.20219078
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the Chuckgavad Sneeda

>> No.20219109

Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard

Propaganda - Jaques Ellul

Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

the last one is just to understand how the first 2 affect every humans brain and outlook on the world. all i can offer, sorry, anom

>> No.20219117

If you value externals, the only thing you can do in the end is lose everything.

>> No.20219135

Why does it feel like there is a concerted effort amongst all but one anon in this thread to not mention Marx. Marx answers all of this and more.

>> No.20219153

Kissinger's Diplomacy is a terrible book lol
I actually live in Connecticut ask me anything bros

>> No.20219158

Yeah you just need to know history and know how humans work, there's no great mystery to it.

>> No.20219163

Alright I'll bite ; which one ?

>> No.20219172

>Marx answers all of this and more.


>> No.20219187

The very first reply had several neomarxists

>> No.20219231

Obviously Dianetics. Putin is actually the secret offspring of L. Ron Hubbard and is in a desperate struggle against Lord Xenu who is trying to enslave all Thetans

>> No.20219238

Essay by Hoppe that explains why states lead to war and why the US is the top power right now

>> No.20219240

Read the last book of Plato's Republic. It's all a cycle.

>> No.20219277

You're just looking for any angle from which to defend the idea that there's something inherently noble or spiritual about poverty. It's contrarian nonsense.

>> No.20219307

>Kissinger's Diplomacy is a terrible book lol

>> No.20219309

>why states lead to war
Without states you'd just have private wars between resourceful persons and families. But someone might get really good at these private wars. Eventually he will develop a system of recruiting among the various families and communities he's extended his reach over, and use these extensions of his sovereignty to enforce his will on increasingly distant people. He will have rules in place, if you will, that in exchange for not being raided or attacked, you must pay him tribute in whatever you have that is valuable. Other such persons will be doing the same thing in the places he couldn't quite get to. But there may be places where they bump into each other and things get rather tense. Why should he have to buy off someone else—they are supposed to pay HIM for the right to be left alone. This cannot stand. War begins

>> No.20219328

Also want to know why. I've heard it's dated but still good

>> No.20219342

give me the rundown on L. Ron Hubbard, where do I start?

>> No.20219350

It's EXTREMELY basic bitch and also leads readers to wrong conclusions. For example Kissinger emphasizes American 'isolationism' leading up to World War 2 while completely ignoring the Mexican-American War, Sewell's ambitions to annex Canada after the Civil War and his purchase of Alaska, the Spanish-American war, participation in suppressing the Boxer rebellion, etc. It's just a very poor take on American history in general, the kind of thing they feed to naive high school students. I just cannot recommend it at all.

>> No.20219356

Humans lead to war. What a dumb take.

>> No.20219358

sour grapes

>> No.20219406

Can I read it if I don't give a single fuck about American history?

>> No.20219407

what does that have to do with marx

>> No.20219416

No, it's mostly about American foreign policy and history, not diplomacy in general.

>> No.20219457

"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle."
Historical, socio-cultural analysis.Guess who.

>> No.20219462

It's not though since governments don't give a shit about classes other than lip service

>> No.20219469

Based, love Mark Felton

>> No.20219479
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The underlying mechanisms all point to it. Why do lobbyists exist? Super-PACs? Why do all the big corps make these shitty anti-union videos and advertisements?

>> No.20219559

For money for them and no one else

>> No.20219593

Seeing Like a State
After Tamerlaine
Decline of the West
Icarus Fallen

>> No.20219744

Thanks friend

>> No.20220157
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>> No.20220170

This is based with how audacious it is.

>> No.20220177

Pretty sure it's illegal under the NLRA

>> No.20220190

Now you're starting to get it.

>> No.20220393

Daniil andreev roza mira

>> No.20220512
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Your thread could be re-phrased "What books contain the best intelligence reports" I like it. Here's my effort.

1. The Coming War by Erich Ludendorff
2. The World Conquerors by Louis Marschalko
3. Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day
4. The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant
5. The Racial Prospect by Seth K. Humphrey
6. The Brief for the Prosecution by C.H. Douglas
7. something on mind control--"The Science of Coercion" or "The Rape of the Mind" "Shadow Men," maybe

>> No.20220597


>> No.20220602

I was filtered by the beginning, so god damn boring

>> No.20220606

The bible

>> No.20220704

yeah i don't think that's what i'm looking for

>> No.20220714

These are some interesting recs. I also recommend Quigley, Lothrop Stoddard, Whittaker Chambers' Witness, Bella Dodd's School of Darkness.

>> No.20220726

I have World Systems Theory by Wallerstein, have had it for a long time, is it worth trudging through?

>> No.20220760

Wondering the same thing

>> No.20220768

i want to know if anyone has read all 4 volumes of The Modern World System and if it's worth it

>> No.20220807

Add the following:
A History of Central Banking
Culture of Critique
+ Anything about Freemasons, the NWO, etc.

>> No.20220810

Wasn't Wallerstein partly influenced by Braudel? I remember reading that somewhere

What I've heard of him kind of reminds me of Ranke's theory of power blocs and hegemons, I bet if you search Wallerstein and Ranke on google books you'll find a summary of them that you can use to test your interest

>> No.20220830
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The Jews and Their Lies

>> No.20220832

If you want to go the Jew route, Politics of Nonassimilation is a good book

>> No.20220904

I'm not glorifying poverty at all, I'm middle class and enjoy its comforts, but to be "A materialist" and to value externals above all can only end in utter ruin, by definition. It's a dead end philosophy.

>> No.20220956

You haven't read the first three then if that's what you think

>> No.20221317
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>> No.20221377

Is travel materialistic? Should I avoid travel?

>> No.20221401

Who cares. It's fun if you have the means to.

>> No.20221423

Holy fucking cringe.
Go back.
Don't fall for that retard

>> No.20221431

Why? Seems pretty eclectic and balanced. Are you just reacting to Negri and Hardt being leftists?

>> No.20221433

Which is why /lit/ is retarded.

>> No.20221437

Stop. Worst fucking chart ever.

>> No.20221450

>neocon garbage

>> No.20221831

Unions are coming to save workers? They are tools of political parties in most countries

>> No.20221872
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>a new video game system with the latest hits sounds like fun
it used to be

>> No.20221956
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>> No.20222527

Not always

>> No.20222718

it pretty much is, the entire concept of historical materialism denies a prime mover and is harmful to moral discourse.

>> No.20222729

not only this but ontologically, it implies if something came from nothing and everything is a result of physical action, then all morals are based only upon the presumption of consequences, that is, the result of things happening, and not why they're wrong in the first place

>> No.20222740

Read financial media. Chomsky quote is gay i do actually read financial media.

>> No.20222744

Just checked and it says Musk wants to completely buy Twitter
Based or cringe?

>> No.20222751

Read about the pervasive succession crisis threatening japans economy for starters.

>> No.20222792

What's wrong with it?

>> No.20222834

Got any links my dude?

>> No.20222842
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Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin

>> No.20222885

Isn't he a meme?

>> No.20222919

Not now. Putin literally quotes him

>> No.20223360

Haven't experienced that feel in over a decade

>> No.20223372

if so that's bad news for us. I stopped following Dugin after I realized he had no plans for the west exception destruction, so I can't see myself supporting his ideas, however, I have my own worldview and writings which outline a practical vision for the Atlanticist powers in the aftermath of war or revolution.

>> No.20223384

hate to say it but most neocons have the power, so they're able to make clear distinctions about what is and what's not considered the operations of government machinery. that being said, I despise what they stand for.

>> No.20223431

The complete works of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr.

>> No.20223522

>I have my own worldview and writings
Post them. I'd be interested in reading

>> No.20223558

the real elite get into schools because their family owns a double-digit percentage of the school. don't fool yourself into thinking our ruling class even approaches a meritocracy, either on its own terms or in relation to its host society. like I don't even need to pull out the canard about people with phds being dumb as shit, because the situation with our ruling elites is even more dire than that
like what you're saying here, is analogous to asserting that the pedophile warlords of northern afghanistan that the taliban recently kicked the shit out of, are typically better educated than the farmers whose crops and children they steal. that is a direct comparison. that is the same thing

People wonder how the mass cullings and executions of classes of people happened in historical revolutions, like how could anyone get heated enough to burst into houses and commit lynchings and executions on otherwise innocent people.
My best answer is, imagine everyday of every second of your life you are lorded over by people like this and their helpers, only they don't even have to disguise their gross indignation and wealth under the pretext of humanitarianism or meritocracy. The resentment of eons of institutionally enforced elitism and one-way antagonism has to go someone where, and in the rare cases in history where revolutions prevailed it would go right through the skulls of the smug-fucks who curated the resentment of the masses.

>> No.20223617
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Because you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.20223626

Limits to Growth

>> No.20223633

Imagine being at a public meeting, serving as President of a world power, and being so engrossed with filling up the space inside a paperclip holding official documents

>> No.20223645

Thank god the elites are fucking retarded otherwise we would be eating the bugs by now

>> No.20223704
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>> No.20223880

It's a deep fake, dummy

>> No.20223888

I went to an Ivy League and my family isn't rich or powerful, I just got good grades and test scores
You are assuming it's some "sikrit club" or something. Literally half of campus is Asian

>> No.20223902

Hope and Tragedy.

>> No.20223929

Marx's Capital. ALL 3 volumes. No bullshit.
David Graeber's entire bibliography, but specifically Debt.
Braudel's Capitalism series.
Hobsbawm's 4 book series
Culture of Critique (the jew problem is real, deal with it)
The Golden Bough

If you read and understand these, you will be depressed for now knowing how bad things really are, but you will also be smarter than 99.999% of the people on earth.

I'm not even a Marxist, I tend to lean more right wing, but Marxist history books are the only history books that actually admit that things are fucked up.

>> No.20223986

How can you accept the Marxist analysis of why the status quo is wrong and still be right wing?
It's like agreeing with Spinoza and still being a devout Christian.

>> No.20223991

Only Marxist history books say things are bad? Right wing historiography is way more catastrophic, apocalyptic in fact

>> No.20223992

I am racist

>> No.20224002

I've done the latter. Its ok to be contradictory sometimes

>> No.20224015
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Which still doesn't make sense with being right wing as, from a materialist perspective, no right wing ideology actually gives a fuck about race other than the extreme right using it as rhetoric for the low IQs.
I also feel a bit conflicted with the fact that you are basing your politics on identity predicates when Marxist theory clearly states how shallow and useless idpol is.

>> No.20224041

>How can you accept the Marxist analysis of why the status quo is wrong and still be right wing?
he doesn't

>> No.20224051

U/Acc Primer ignore all other answers

>> No.20224093

>I'm not even a Marxist, I tend to lean more right wing, but
Thanks for clarifying, I almost assumed you were worthy of being taken seriously

>> No.20224099

this legit

>> No.20224147

There are uncomfortable realities that the left refuses to admit.
They can say "capitalism is fucked yo" and "history was a mistake."
But they can't say negroes are subhuman savages and jews are literal demonspawn on earth.
When there is an ideology that combines left-wing analysis with right wing realism, call me.

>> No.20224152

You could have just said I'm racist but you like to use a lot of words

>> No.20224162
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The Dictator's Handbook.
There's a YouTube video that explains the basics in about 20 minutes:

>> No.20224184

Fuck off you passive agressive worm.

>> No.20224196

There is literally nothing wrong with being racist. It's how we evolved for 498,000 years of history.
"Refugees welcome" is how the enemy tribe would pillage your town and rape your family.

>> No.20224214

pathetic naturalistic fallacy from a midwit

>> No.20224218

How was your bar mitzvah?

>> No.20224222
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Except that would literally go against the logic of the system which again dictates how identity predicates are secondary to materialist class analysis.
You can't synthesise the two because the dialectics of leftism negates the possibility of racist nonsense, it's like expecting atheism and religion to find a middle ground which just isn't how dialectics work.
Racism as is understood today has little to no relation with how we evolved or whatever, neighboring tribes and brigands of your own race would loot, rape and pillage your town which made people paranoid not of the other because of their racial purity or some nonsense, but because of their willingness towards violence.
Read Locke.

>> No.20224245

Locke was one of the biggest retards who ever lived and 97-98% of the problems of clown world can directly be traced back to him. Liberalism and democracy are both unnatural and have to go.

>> No.20224254

unironically Marx and Lenin

>> No.20224258

this midwit simply cannot let go of his naturalistic faggotry lmao

>> No.20224259

you're thinking of J.S. Mill. he was the first philosopher to openly advocate feminism

>> No.20224266

National Bolshevism it is, then
sir this is a literature board

>> No.20224309

Mill was bad too. He was basically the Ayn Rand of his day.
But Locke was where it all began.
>dude we all have a blank slate when we're born
Now children can be indoctrinated.
>dude all religions are great and you should have freedom to choose!
Literally every work of anthropology ever written has shown that when you separate religion from society, said society collapses.
>dude liberalism is based! i love democracy!
Now instead of having a well run government where the citizens played a minimal role in politics, now factions are formed, friendships are ruined and the 90 IQ gender studies majors think their opinion on international geopolitics should be taken seriously.

>> No.20224364

Short answer: Read Hegel.
Long answer: Read entire western canon.
Real answer: Read entire western canon including the occult, esotericism and history. Do this and it will all make sense.

>> No.20224401

How did he get away with it.

>> No.20224424

read world order a couple of years ago. pretty based as introduction to IR.
>Kissinger's Diplomacy is a terrible book lol
Have it in my bookshelf but never read it. I take it its not worth it?

>> No.20224430

explain please. Ive read the republic but was a couple of years ago. What do you mean?

>> No.20224877

Never heard of him but he sounds like a faggot

>> No.20224891

>But they can't say negroes are subhuman savages and jews are literal demonspawn on earth.
why would you say that if you cant prove it

>> No.20224901

But the US was isolationist during the interwar period. Unless he was talking about the entire history of the US? That would be pretty stupid were that the case

>> No.20224902

In the 19th century no less! Unheard of!

>> No.20225000

>it's like expecting atheism and religion to find a middle ground
What about atheistic religions?

>> No.20225183

You mean like Buddhism and Taoism? Not same anon, btw

>> No.20225200

Don't lump them together. Buddhism is dumb street shitter bullshit while Daoism is giga Chad shit that let's you become a fucking super Saiyan once you establish your dantian.

>> No.20225206

I'm not I know they're distinctly separate but both are non-theistic religions

>> No.20225232

read Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War, also read Carl Schmitt's The Concept of the Political.
And always remember, time is a flat circle

>> No.20226349

Good recs

>> No.20226367


>> No.20226943

agape agape
the tunnel

>> No.20227015
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>halfway to bump limit
>pic rel has not been recommended

>> No.20227466

Never heard of it before. Neat

>> No.20227574
File: 27 KB, 545x562, 9B10A548-15F9-4B9F-87BE-31C43F1CC3F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.20227781

hey pedro

>> No.20228029

who's pedro

>> No.20228739

his wife's boyfriend