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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 313x161, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20217421 No.20217421 [Reply] [Original]

What's the saddest sentence you can write?

>> No.20217429

I get zero pussy.

>> No.20217432

>And then I was alone again.
closing line of my diary desu, before the epilogue that describes how I killed myself by drinking four gallons of rubbing alcohol

>> No.20217435

I don't care if my mother cries anymore.

>> No.20217457

Today was much like yesterday.

>> No.20217561

For sale baby shoes: never worn

>> No.20217563

my name.

>> No.20217573

For sale condoms: never worn

>> No.20217574

my penis hurts

>> No.20217579

That nigga got ratioed

>> No.20217591
File: 15 KB, 220x330, 220px-John_Greenleaf_Whittier_BPL_ambrotype,_c1840-60-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have been

>> No.20217593

For sale: baby casket. never used.

>> No.20217602

I have never said the word "we"

>> No.20217608

The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.

>> No.20217609

I don't read women.

>> No.20217611

I'm a man, dad!

>> No.20217612

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.
- John Greenleaf Whittier

>> No.20217616

those who know know

>> No.20217621
File: 53 KB, 501x720, 1649413814208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in on chainlink

>> No.20217630

Yes I post on /lit/

>> No.20217634

For sale: Virginity: Never lost

>> No.20217637
File: 39 KB, 698x502, pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, /pol/ was right again.

>> No.20217650

You're here forever

>> No.20217680

For Sale: Tongue and pen: Could have been

>> No.20217689
File: 134 KB, 1024x650, 9D267464-30A9-4626-9F2D-7985D8E68CA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

я cacaл, мeня eбaли

>> No.20217716

I lost the only woman in this world that's would love me unconditionally; my mother.

>> No.20217742

Stop repeating this; it's cliche by this point

>> No.20217747

That just makes it more sad.

>> No.20217757

Of all sad words from ode and song, the saddest are these: /pol/ was right all along.

>> No.20217762

For Sale: Baby foreskin: Never consented

>> No.20217770
File: 28 KB, 268x325, 1624568863552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bank statement.

>> No.20217777

For sale baby sneed: never feeded

>> No.20217788

That's two sentences

>> No.20217816

My life’s story.

>> No.20218097

there's nothing here for me

>> No.20218109

i woke up today

>> No.20218112

been there - hope you're okay

>> No.20218136

I avoid life because it makes me remember.

>> No.20218192

as a friend

>> No.20218218

"I am happy"

>> No.20218233

Hitler lost

>> No.20218484

"Congratulations Madame President"

>> No.20218487

Operation Barbarossa has failed.

>> No.20218490

tfw no big titty goth gf

>> No.20218494

I write LitRPGs

>> No.20218500

Let's go Brandon

>> No.20218510

>What's the saddest sentence you can write about /lit/?
That a board about it will never be about it.


>> No.20218512

And then the palace made of dried, hardened feces crumbled into the sea, which was made of hot piss, and the bakelite soldiers all started eating pieces of the shitty walls as it fell around their heads, because they wanted a piece of their lost home forever kept inside them, that's if they survived in the waves of piss which also contained octopi made of cum

>> No.20218517


>> No.20218537

Gf doesn't fuck me but she hates when I fap so I fap in the shower but have to do it fast so she doesn't know

>> No.20218605

And then the temple made of dried, hardened feces crumbled into the sea, which was made of hot piss and the israeli soldiers all started eating piece of the shitty walls as it fell around their heads because they wanted a piece of their lost home forever kept inside them, that is if they survived the coming waves of piss which also contained gefiltefish made of cum

>> No.20218619

For sale: baby carrot: never chewed

>> No.20218637

she doesn't love you

>> No.20218660

I miss my mom

>> No.20218670

Currently Sneed's

>> No.20218671

Used baby for sale.

>> No.20218673

Mein Fuhrer, Steiner....

>> No.20218676

: _(

>> No.20218701

OP here. This was more saddening to read than I expected. Stay based lads, we're all going to make it

>> No.20218702

Just get a dog.

>> No.20218708

I am a man.

>> No.20218713

She turned around and told him that she liked him as a friend.

>> No.20218736

I am realizing that I have given up long ago.

>> No.20218740

I have Klinefelters syndrome

>> No.20218752

These aren't bad actually.

>> No.20218787

As the prisoner's cock penetrated his asshole, he knew he was a man no more

>> No.20218944

Bakker? Is that you?

>> No.20218987

At age 26 with a 6 figure salary, friends, hobbies, experiences, and muscles he had still never touched a vagina.

>> No.20219090


>> No.20219111

For sale: baby; never worn

>> No.20219199

Gilbert Gottfried just died :(

>> No.20219227

Zanzibart forgive me....

>> No.20219230
File: 201 KB, 1448x2048, 1645476070627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My butthole: leaking blood

>> No.20219233

For sale: new shoes; made from baby

>> No.20219235

"One cannot raise walls against what has been forgotten.
The citadel of Ishuäl succumbed during the height of the Apocalypse. But no army of inhuman Sranc had scaled its ramparts. No furnace-hearted dragon had pulled down its mighty gates. Ishuäl was the secret refuge of the Kûniüric High Kings, and no one, not even the No-God, could besiege a secret.
Months earlier, Anasûrimbor Ganrelka II, High King of Kûniüri, had fled to Ishuäl with the remnants of his household. From the walls, his sentries stared pensively across the dark forests below, their thoughts stricken by memories of burning cities and wailing multitudes. When the wind moaned, they gripped Ishuäl’s uncaring stone, reminded of Sranc horns. They traded breathless reassurances. Had they not eluded their pursuers? Were not the walls of Ishuäl strong? Where else might a man survive the end of the world?
The plague claimed the High King first, as was perhaps fitting: Ganrelka had only wept at Ishuäl, raged the way only an Emperor of nothing could rage. The following night the members of his household carried his bier down into the forests. They glimpsed the eyes of wolves reflected in the light of his pyre. They sang no dirges, intoned only a few numb prayers.
Before the morning winds could sweep his ashes skyward, the plague had struck two others: Ganrelka’s concubine and her daughter. As though pursuing his bloodline to its thinnest tincture, it assailed more and more members of his household. The sentries upon the walls became fewer, and though they still watched the mountainous horizon, they saw little. The cries of the dying crowded their thoughts with too much horror.
Soon even the sentries were no more. The five Knights of Trysë who’d rescued Ganrelka after the catastrophe on the Fields of Eleneöt lay motionless in their beds. The Grand Vizier, his golden robes stained bloody by his bowel, lay sprawled across his sorcerous texts. Ganrelka’s uncle, who’d led the heartbreaking assault on Golgotterath’s gates in the early days of the Apocalypse, hung from a rope in his chambers, slowly twisting in a draft. The Queen stared endlessly across festering sheets."

>> No.20219250

My dick is dead can I bury it inside your ass?

>> No.20219300

This is sad, someone actually wrote this horrendous shit bile.

>> No.20219339

I read the entire series thinking I knew who the Dunyain were until I carefully read this prologue again after finishing The Unholy Consult. Completely forgot that the Dunyain came after the plague.

>> No.20219346

No, the sad part is people think this shit is good.

>> No.20219363

She doesn't know anything yet I rarely see anyone present any concrete examples of what I was thinking of the time I was referred to a psychiatrist for a potential sleep disorder and I was wondering if you could have known what unholy retribution your little shit is dope

>> No.20219370


We are out of cocaine

>> No.20219396

It wasn't that he didn't know how to best the level but that his thumbs failed him -basedjak

>> No.20219492

the end

>> No.20219702

For sale: four grams, dubious purity.

>> No.20219711

I wasted my chance

>> No.20219780


>> No.20219827
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1580404257164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20219861

I've never read the gospels.

>> No.20219868

lol cringe you are cringe as fuck

>> No.20219872


>> No.20219910

A friend of mine returned all of his condoms to the health center at the end of his first year of college

>> No.20219919


>> No.20220211
File: 82 KB, 360x396, 0224 - TUULGZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Let's just be friends," my bride told me on our wedding night.

>> No.20220217
File: 126 KB, 655x666, 0403 - cG87wOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello," she lied.

>> No.20220219

This nigga eatin' beans

>> No.20220251
File: 1.68 MB, 1023x781, 0501 - 5p6ahua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You begin dying the moment you are born.

>> No.20220261

I have sold or given away plenty of unworn baby shoes. People buy shoes as presents but half the time you don't like them, or the kid doesn't like them, or they're rain shoes but the six-month period during which they actually fit happens to coincide with a historical drought, the list of reasons is honestly endless. Whoever wrote this stupid line never actually raised a child.

>> No.20220267

For sale, baby: lightly used

>> No.20220271

I'm gay

>> No.20220278
File: 478 KB, 708x600, pepe-hemingway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass...Ernest Hemingway wrote it as a demonstration of the saddest sentence ever.

>> No.20220295
File: 40 KB, 255x200, pepe-stressed-coffee-cigarettes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife, and mother of my three children, left me for her meth dealer on our anniversary.

>> No.20220299
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1607358450650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Et tu, Brute

>> No.20220305
File: 435 KB, 1599x2000, 10F3BB5F-2C9E-404B-A3E0-49F3F7E16365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of being worried about my mental health and the future. I'm worried I'm a narcissist, I'm worried that my stupid past actions will come
back to haunt me. I'm worried that this trauma has fixed my brain to be perpetually self-defeating and anxiety ridden.

Today, I truly now see the good in all people, and everyone is capable of changing to be the better version of themselves I see in them, but they keep choosing not to and I understand why. I also want to be better, i’ve learned my lesson, truly.

People hold on to their toxic traits with such vehemence, it now fills me with disdain to see them and understand they are so unwilling to be wrong that they will throw away betterment. I was once told I was a sentimental hypocrite and that phrase resonates strongly with me.

I talk in these rambling ways as well, primarily as cope to wander away from the topic I wish strongly to avoid discussing. I hope it’s not mental illness. I would like to write a story in which the main character tells a story to a woman he wishes to impress, but the story he concocts doesn't appear to end. He would captivate her with this story, the night would end, and she would nearly beg for him to speak more. He agrees as he loves enthralling beautiful women. She was far above his league, daughter of some old money family, he a mere college professor. The more he tells of this story, the more she searches for this old tale. She eventually talks to people she normally wouldn't just to see who else knows this tale, but no one does. The professor keeps telling these stories with painfully obvious messages woven in, but she doesn't get them, so he keeps crafting this complex story to try and teach her, but she just wants to get to the ending, to learn it for learning's sake. I'm not sure how the story will end, but it's a work in progress. Idk if I should ever publish, I don't feel like it's authentic work if I do.

>> No.20220309

For shoes, baby

>> No.20220336
File: 253 KB, 1536x2048, 0527 - yD8mMql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>story where protag tells woman story that never ends to impress her
With the genders reversed, that's literally "Arabian Nights".
Also...what you wrote is not a sentence.

>> No.20220342

this but without irony

>> No.20220391

Nailed it

>> No.20220398

For sale lawn mower: Never used

>> No.20220404
File: 13 KB, 600x434, pepe-liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Please, mommy, I'll be good, I promise," I screamed as I watched her drive into the distance, nothing but blistering desert as far as the eye could see.

>> No.20220407

>I looked in the mirror, it hit me, the lips, the nose, the ears, and now my fresh tan. I'm a nigger.

>> No.20220414
File: 8 KB, 275x184, beavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20220425

I feel comfortable around you

>> No.20220453
File: 10 KB, 234x215, 055 - I7FVvPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I watched the needle leave the womb, and felt its sickly poison overwhelm me, I wondered why my mom didn't love me any more.

>> No.20220459

For sale: condoms. Never worn.

>> No.20220462
File: 168 KB, 1280x800, 0535 - 0dR2W1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As he gazed up on the dead children piled up at his feet, the barrels of his guns still smoking, he thrilled knowing none of them would have to endure the middle-school bullying he did.

>> No.20220465

>he doesn't know that abortion techniques are much, much worse

they literally just grind up the fetus using a stick while it's kicking

>> No.20220466

I am really really, really sad : (

>> No.20220471
File: 76 KB, 579x553, 0576 - nCvVw6v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you...you know, like a brother.

>> No.20220477

Artistic license. I had to give the fetus a moment to ponder what was happening.
Besides, maybe it's not being done by a professional.

>> No.20220481

One time a girl I was fucking texted me while she was out partying with her female friends and drunk as shit and she said "You're soooo attractive" "Like not physically you know but intellectually" or something like that, but definitely "Like not physically you know" was the first part.

I'm autistic enough that I didn't mind but I did kek, makes for a good story.

>> No.20220496

was she ugly?

>> No.20220498
File: 23 KB, 312x247, 0597 - t6LHqi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, how's this instead:

"I'm gonna pierce the little fucker's skull," I heard dad say a few moments before a gleaming metal spike entered through the vagina and grew ominously closer.

>> No.20220522
File: 67 KB, 645x773, 0756 - GeG065U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneeling before the freshly-exposed grave of his long-deceased bride, he sputtered and cried, saying only "Marry me" over and over.

>> No.20220528
File: 25 KB, 306x306, 0641 - nWdz40P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrusting feverishly, nearing ecstasy, I heard her say "Hon, would you be a dear and flip the record over?"

>> No.20220531
File: 886 KB, 1977x1465, EA5D5511-6D1B-4996-BA57-C8B8157F0B4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t care, I needed to vent.

>> No.20220536
File: 114 KB, 456x356, 0658 - 42k9LKn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever work out for you.

>> No.20220540
File: 125 KB, 900x598, 211EFA12-769C-4C3B-B6A7-813D7D266325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re not even worth it.

>> No.20220544
File: 75 KB, 655x606, 0685 - HiUxykC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable, but it's still off-topic.
There's probably a "how are you doing anon" thread here on /it/, or maybe /b/, right now.

>> No.20220545

I'm the arrow shot straight to hell from the bow of William Tell.

>> No.20220551
File: 18 KB, 500x326, 0684 - UPOmAnK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I love you, I want to marry you, I want to bear your childr...oops, sorry, wrong guy," she said before striding away quickly.

>> No.20220552

If this is you irl, a book that actually helped (more than Manson's Models) was The Alabaster Girl. It basically talks about the need to make flirting with someone feel romantic and special, versus Manson's take that it's more of a formula you have to follow.
I never had a girlfriend until 23, but after changing careers to something that didn't take up nearly all of my time and reading the book, I dated someone for a month (then failed b/c I didn't physically flirt, contrary to the advice in both books), recovered from her breaking up for about four months, then dated another girl, and we've been steady for five months or so.

>> No.20220560
File: 152 KB, 616x725, 0694 - 5o2q9nY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You don't get the jackpot because we determined the slot machine malfunction," the casino manager growled, eyes as cold as ice.

>> No.20220565

Someday you will bury me.

>> No.20220570

"Oh you won the jackpot alright, except the jackpot is I'm gonna fuck your ass" the casino manager laughed

>> No.20220573
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 0702 - wFnv0DO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh, Caleb...oh, Caleb...OH, CALEB!" my girlfriend screamed as she came, as I wondered why she was calling out my best friend's name.

>> No.20220582
File: 934 KB, 3072x2304, 0704 - sOEkzK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how wonderful you think a girl is, somewhere out there is a guy who's totally sick of her.

>> No.20220590
File: 87 KB, 652x522, 0705 - Hpr1dGd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband and I don't need to use birth control any more; we just spend an hour with the kids in the evening.

>> No.20220600
File: 138 KB, 736x721, 0712 - J5WmxU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As he plummeted deeply into a chasm opened up in the Earth's surface, he wondered why God chose this, of all his prayers, to answer.

>> No.20220613
File: 8 KB, 450x401, 0720 - A3ANE93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Then I guess the human race will go extinct," she huffed, as the last woman in the world stormed away from me, the only surviving male.

>> No.20220624
File: 14 KB, 625x582, 0719 - 9viW6QK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I will love you until the end of the Earth," she gushed, taking the ring he had presented on bended knee, as the bright flash faded and he watched a glowing, seething mushroom cloud rise in the distance.

>> No.20220636
File: 87 KB, 684x576, 072 - Wned0se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I dozed off to sleep, I realized that if I died tonight, I would be OK with it.

>> No.20220666
File: 17 KB, 377x287, 0723 - y1gGHQC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As my digital wife lay on the floor of her hologram tube, the cybernetic blood flowing from her sliced forearms, I realized that no woman, not even a virtual one, would ever love me.

>> No.20220669

It was all so tiresome.

>> No.20220673
File: 8 KB, 200x195, 0724 - WwFtyWv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted several clever one-sentence sad stories, but they all remain unacknowledged.

(I know, meta)

>> No.20220674

You've been writing a suicide note ever since I could read.

>> No.20220675
File: 11 KB, 255x248, 0726 - RNCnmX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired to even care.

>> No.20220679

To think that I am the most capable incapable person there is.

>> No.20220682
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 0727 - 5z6sPxQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Please, God, take me back, I don't belong here," the child cried as he lay curled up on the floor of his closet.

>> No.20220692
File: 68 KB, 387x429, 0730 - QznMXnK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like crying, but I don't have any tears left.

>> No.20220698
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, 0732 - EUvDbY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Huh...I guess it *is* my birthday," the middle-aged man mumbled as he took his driver's license back from the liquor-store clerk.

>> No.20220707
File: 8 KB, 200x251, 0740 - SniYlor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"At least the Big Mac doesn't judge me," I sobbed as I stuffed the greasy burger into my face.

>> No.20220723
File: 20 KB, 320x240, 0743 - 5ASxLlv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.

>> No.20220728
File: 106 KB, 500x484, 0746 - E6RqZ9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in our advanced civilization, we are only nine missed meals away from anarchy.

>> No.20220738
File: 56 KB, 680x451, pepe-canoe-lake-BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm everything I hate.

>> No.20220750
File: 10 KB, 226x223, 0768 - 6ySkhUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could tell he was scared of what was happening, so I held him until his whimpers stopped and the veterinarian came to check on us.

>> No.20220754

I read some of Models and it was interesting, some of his examples of what to do vs what not to do definitely were describing some things I'd done as what not to do. Overall though the book basically seemed to say "have self-worth and b urself and eventually things will just work out". Where did you meet those girls? So far the only place I've gotten a handful of dates from in the past few years is Tinder and it's always very clunky, unromantic, and never goes anywhere.

>> No.20220756
File: 8 KB, 249x197, 0813 - SgWVMg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it strange how things don't really change,
isn't it sad we're insane,
playing the games that we know end in tears,
the games we've been playing for thousand and thousand of years...

>> No.20220759
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, bf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked down at the far right corner of my screen and saw that there were 93 posters and 157 posts and then I scrolled up and then I began counting the (You)less posts as I scrolled down and I wept.

>> No.20220763

i was captivated

>> No.20220764
File: 72 KB, 452x452, 0817 - ZfHGbko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I sat with her in the restaurant, I could tell she was already swiping left in her mind.

>> No.20220771

They're the best ones on this thread anon. But you didn't need me to tell you that did you

>> No.20220778
File: 76 KB, 600x597, 0825 - IueijRy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screamed in anguish as I realized my death had only been a dream.

>> No.20220781



>> No.20220785
File: 28 KB, 336x348, 0830 - EL7hmKz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll love you forever, even though I don't want to.

I'm just glad someone noticed.
Not sure why I'm so inspired to write these tonight.

>> No.20220796
File: 56 KB, 352x611, sadfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I appreciate it.
I never really self-identified as depressed, but I'm starting to wonder.

>> No.20220802

Ok pepe poster you seem to be aquatinted with melancholy and despair so let me ask you this:

What's the saddest thing you have ever heard someone say?

What's the saddest thing you could realistically image yourself saying (or have said)?

>> No.20220818

not pepe poster but

>I wish I hadn't gotten pregnant and dropped out of school (former boss told me this)

>I fear death everyday, and I don't even really like life (told my crush this once, a mistake)

>> No.20220821
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the saddest thing you have ever heard someone say?
You're going to die alone.

>What's the saddest thing you could realistically image yourself saying (or have said)?
You're going to die alone.

>> No.20220823
File: 21 KB, 809x808, 0842 - Yy81YRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the saddest thing you have ever heard someone say?

Actually, I can still hear her words in my ears:

"I like you ONLY as a friend, and I've never done anything to give you another impression...and WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU? NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T ACT LIKE THAT! GOD!!!"

>What's the saddest thing you could realistically imagine yourself saying (or have said)?

Just posted it, actually...and it's from the same conversation as the above line.

"I'll love you forever, even though I don't want to."

And I'll never talk to her again, and she doesn't want to hear from me, but not a day goes by that I don't think of her.
I really wish I wouldn't.
But she was the closest I ever found to a soulmate, even though she didn't feel that way toward me.
They say manic pixie dream girls aren't real?
Well, they are. At least once.

Thanks for listening, but I gotta crash soon.
Day-jobbery and all that.

>> No.20220829
File: 49 KB, 500x484, 0865 - Af1ieW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all die alone.

>> No.20220834
File: 28 KB, 633x758, OhKzRyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what she meant when she said it

>> No.20220842

Sleep tight anon. The best is yet to come

>> No.20220851

Black people, humans afterall...

>> No.20220878
File: 44 KB, 404x251, 0045 - nSMLDtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think this is the only retirement I can afford, he groused as he curled up to sleep on the bus stop bench.

Thanks, you've been a great audience.
Don't forget to tip your waitress.

I want to believe that.
Thanks for listening.

>> No.20220886

We're going back to Ikea.

>> No.20221356

But I'm allergic to peanut butter

>> No.20221506

It wasn’t me who wrote it but I think this is pretty sad: Father, father, why hast thou forsaken me?

>> No.20221555


>> No.20221576

never: sale worn

>> No.20221580
File: 54 KB, 559x528, Check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20221588


>> No.20221592

I know this feeling.

>> No.20221617


>> No.20221628

One small step for man, one giant dick for my cheating whore wife.

>> No.20221647

I post regularly on 4chan.

>> No.20221679

Jesús wiped

>> No.20221681

My cat died. Rip kitty

>> No.20221752
File: 65 KB, 492x356, the-kind-of-tired-sleep-wont-fix (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale: life, never lived

>> No.20221757
File: 531 KB, 587x425, unknown-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20221769

Her glance gave me no comfort, no solace, no ease or even a vision of hope on the horizon, because I knew that she was, and would always be, happier with him.

>> No.20221772

nigger didn't tongue my anus

>> No.20221781

They say the soul of a man is indestructible, intangible and eternal, but in truth it can be lost if surrendered fully to another.

>> No.20221794

I bargained with the pallid rider and said that I still have love to give and tears to weep but the rider didn't want to hear any of it, for what I did was done and what was squandered shall remain squandered until the the end of days.

>> No.20221819

Although it was hardened by hatred yet as brittle as glass, his heart still continued it's unceasing, agonizing beat.

>> No.20221856

Why won't mommy stop daddy from doing this to me?

>> No.20221870

A smirk, a laugh or even a groan would have been better than the silence and look on the hookers face.

>> No.20221926

It took 4 years overseas to earn this medal and selling it got me nothing but a few more hours of the sweet, dreamless bliss that controls my so called life

>> No.20221936

just go to the write what's on your mind thread if you want to vent into the void.

>> No.20221942

He didn't actually think it was nice, it was sarcasm. He just replied to all the dumb frogposts, correctly assuming they were all made by the same person.

>> No.20221984

"Sorry, I didn't mean to call you," she sent after I missed her 8 seconds call on the day that would've been our anniversary.

>> No.20221987

This one hits hard

>> No.20222389
File: 66 KB, 1125x1100, 1627898762146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gonna get any better

>> No.20222396


>> No.20222568

“He’s just a friend Anon; don’t worry about him.”

>> No.20222575

bro i learned that my sisters are gay. BOTH of them are gay what the fuck

>> No.20222583

Are they cute? If so link me up to their socials and I will fuck them till they learn to love cock.

>> No.20222587

theyre like 30 so u probs dont want to. im so confused bro what the fuck how were they both gay this whole time

>> No.20222600

I'm black.

>> No.20222604

For sale: baby shoes, tree-fiddy

>> No.20222731

Hits the Banks Statement, and Sasha Banks is going to WrestleMania.

>> No.20223035

incest is wincest

>> No.20223041

I spilled my beans

>> No.20223068

Rendering rangers for the super famicom is bretty gud

>> No.20223072

My life.

>> No.20223179

Came here to write this

>> No.20223274

Peepee fell off :(((((

>> No.20223395

beware of incest

>> No.20223478

For sale used underwear , never used

>> No.20223491

OP is a person that exists who wants you to be sad; he lives to inflict misery.

>> No.20223528
File: 8 KB, 220x229, 8afc34b50e894694537b46a5ec906da7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sex my penis: never fucked.

>> No.20223538

The savior was aborted.

>> No.20223553

I want to go home, but I am home
-John Darnielle

>> No.20223622

One day, my daughters will die and there is nothing I can do about it.

>> No.20223717

What's the point of memorising all the things to do with Nintendo, Doctor Who, music, all the rest of it, besides my own enjoyment? I know lots about this stuff, I spend many hours reciting the information as my main source of talking and pleasure, yet really - it does not matter.

Nobody really cares. Nobody shall ever really care. You will die alone, unloved, unmourned. None of it matters. On go the thoughts.

To run and leap and laugh, to speak and jest with other humans about such frivolous matters and seek a fun of playing - the loss of such things, is that merely an inevitability of growing up? Shall I ne'er again have the company of friends?

Why does it matter anyway? I am fine alone, mostly. I do not require other people as company, most of the time. The distracting thought that there are other people out there, talking, it does not matter, yet to be aware, to engage in a little communication with humans is worse than none at all. For after a small interaction, one may have a greater awareness of the vast quantity they are lacking, the total inability to speak and talk properly. I could, in the right circumstances. Were it one human and I, and the rules pre-determined, to simply talk of particular subjects in an errand or for amusement. Sometimes I lose all sense of fear and terror, not gaining confidence but not remembering to be anxious, whereupon I may speak and act without thought of the consequence - such events are greater, for to speak foolishly still is not right, but to inquire and state boldly, without this irrational notion that all that I speak and say and think is wrong, it is better, life, without these things.

Constantly thinking that other people are watching, it is irrelevant to myself, it should be. I have spent too long in the dark, reading bad passages that inflict only poison and cruelty upon myself, without merit or reward, stating no clear exactness on the root of the pain of which I alone am aware. The safety of repetition outdoes the horrors of the words. That is no great excuse.

>> No.20223729

At least before I could reliably be in rooms with other humans, at least the sound of the chattering, or being able to visit the adults afterwards, that familiar recognition, that quiet pondering from the chaos, is removed in this dwelling. No more friendliness from them, or else. A small dashing of hope; too tentative to knock and proceed; not talking loudly enough, on it goes; such is the nature of life.

Knowing about the mind's malady does not help altogether, anyway. I know o' that, I know many things in some regards, I have read much o' it for many years. TO summarise a life, of all things done and thought, spoken, the loss and tragedy, the beauty and provocative prose, to gather all the pain and wonder and summarise in one word, so easy to bash and critique, I find that most unjustified. I dream, quite oft', that, that the word would not exist. That would be superior. How self-centred, as if it were my name, itself, so personally affecting does it call me. The use is just maligned into this insulting form, as the common act, a sense of embarrassed woe for all mentioning, all and more of this. It does not make sense.

Fluctuating between good and bad, the cycle goes on. Sometimes I feel so elated as to not be aware that the notion of sorrow may exist. I am aware, however, that this is a peak, leading to an inevitable crash, whereupon I shall fall into a state of such futility that the slope back out seems far steeper than even that which led within, to the abyss of demons. In such a state, it seems, all thoughts must be conveyed in the mind as poetic anguish, badly written guff without meaning or resolution.

Good and bad, such simplistic terms. I would rather that was all, and nothing more to the nature of things. Complexity should not be of greater value, truer, knowing reality as itself, I am so unaware of most things that why should I be punished to know the badness of these small things I do like and enjoy?

>> No.20223733

All too self-centred, stop complaining, leave, leave, leave. So devoid of originality, why live, you idiot, you aren't saying anything new here. Just read something, or play, or work, stop thinking in your close-minded, obsessive little world that no one else can comprehend, even you cannot. None of it matters, just keep saying that, then cycle to the part where you're sadder and start rocking. Cry more. All your speech is amalgamations of other quotes, just repetitions, even here, all thought of before, nothing nothing nothing.

I must be more aware than they think, anyway. I can comprehend passages and prose in a multitude of ways, I understand metaphors, symbolism, when in a situation in which the task is to analyse such writing. Even when not, I know the meaning is varied. It is just the instinct to correct the incorrect speech - "literally" not meaning itself, that really is just terrible. All such nonsensical quotes, to correct them is to waste time, expostulate away the hours and miss the notion and humour and all aspects. I am aware o' it, I understand, probably, the intention, the amusement, but I must spend a long time doting o'er it, whether or not I point out the fallacy. To stay in these restricted, repetitive, idiotic thoughts, the trough of the senses must have been reached, or some lower alcove in which light does not glimmer with such a shimmering glisten.

Why waste the time with these thoughts, anyway? As you keep saying, none of it matters. And so on. I shouldn't go on about the people, just keep repeating the things. I would much rather be unaware o' any o' this, to be as before, without such parts, yet wholly better for the experience: to run and think only of what I am concerned with, being that which I find most fascinating, and the work, which is most significant. Otherwise, it is not useful, only some extra quantity, that I should jettison from the brain, Logopolis is a great story. I repeat phrases o'er and o'er, realise I am doing it but still seem to persist. The sound o' the phrase itself is pleasing to the mind, especially, it seems, when devoid of any meaning, just some combination of sounds that no one else may comprehend at all, absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.20223738


I did have many friends before but not for a while and consistently not really for a number of years. Or are you just lying to sound more desperate? No, I assure thee, I have none nearby that I may truly confide in. Then you simply did not try. Well, what matters it? Believe that, and all else, as an accepted truth, and thus I shall read and accept: being inferior, unable to comprehend emotions (mine or anyone else's), dying alone, not feeling things properly, freaking out o'er nothing of value, acting badly in all regards, losing any sense of credibility or dignity, either too scared to state the words, or else overconfident and speaking the wrong thing, unable to cope with changes, unable to communicate meaningfully with anyone, just a general loser, as the Doctor called Capricorn. I still enjoy that Christmas Special the most o' the lot.

And so on. None of this is original, or daring, or particularly provocative (another overused repetition), really. Just the same basic complaints you have said for a while, once again. At some point, you will either die, or accept these things and move on. Well, the third option I have chosen, it seems, from this maze of twisted passages, all alike (such a great reference, I bet everyone will understand). I can't help being agitated when there are such obvious errors. Just do not say anything, for all that you say and think is wrong! And so on. I have chosen, this incessant cycle, as told, back and forth, bad and good, misunderstanding and faulting, till the end, a slow and sombre farewell.

I understand more, I told you. I could see, people do not understand me or I them, properly, but the basic level, I could simply not grasp the true form of the attack. You will never understand, Asher. You are wrong. Just kill yourself. Just end your life, it will be better in the end. That's just a joke of course, I know better. People act in worse ways when anonymous - having to explain this in so poetic a guise may mislead the point, but I understand it, well constantly repeating that insists upon the opposite.

Saying statements of so callous a nature, it is not indicative of their true selves, only an amusement borne of not having any reprimanding for acting badly. Without repercussions, they may write and type as desired, therefore, badness occurs. How simply an analysis, yet the basic idea is retained - without consequence, greater evil and corruption shall be summoned forth, but given no form, only the baseless substance of words, apart from any power.

>> No.20223742

Typing too much, elaborating too far for too long, that is too much, no one will care. No one will care. I should not care that no one will care, I am writing for myself in the end. Just die.

Cruel or not, in the anonymity lies the power. Subjected to all, a degradation of any society shall occur, hence any sense of worth and true spirit is removed instantaneously, leaving only bitterness, absolutes, confusion, nothing, I will ne'er enjoy that land. It is not the place for me. Were it within my power to terminate such a thing, well, with so lacking a comprehension, I would not. Many future peoples could live in peace, and ne'er even hear of the words. I have no such right, with no clear consensus of the meanings - what a pathetic creature. That is all you are.

Isn't this enough writing now? Probably. It is just the level of madness that is hit upon when in an episode of such travesty and displeasure, that can ne'er be explained in even an hour, truly, or e'er, entirely. No one else may comprehend the complexities of another mind or their own, truly. Well, I am not interested in the studying of psychology, but stuck with this mind, am I. Perhaps to talk to another in reality would be greater, or to stop repeating these things to yourself - affirmative, that is likely, but as with all, it is just a sign of my faults that I should seek assistance. All things appear worse and bad when viewed from the imaginary perspective of some other person, for whom life and reality is of such grand stature. There is no such person. Why should I suffer these ridiculous thoughts, so ongoing, of such utter, utter irrelevance? You are doing it to yourself, but you still don't stop. Do you secretly like it? I don't know, no, I do not, no no no. But you enjoy repetition, and these constant thoughts, bad as they appear, are comforting in how familiar they sadden you. I do not understand.

Just to talk about Doctor Who is enough, why drag this rot into it? Because you will never have friends. You will never understand other people. You will always be a failure. All of your faults are explained in that error you cannot fix, that crux that remains, a blemish eternal, it should remain so, a footnote in the history of failure, just a sentence, a phrase, not this constant, unyielding, never-ending, pathetic, absurd, stupid and remorseless bashing of myself, o'er and o'er, just stop you idiot.

>> No.20223749


Thus it is so, perhaps a little exaggerated, of the kinds of things going through my mind when in a state of such sorrow and misery. Better to kill yourself, haha! No one cares. Untrue, untrue. Keep repeating it, keep hurting yourself, pity there isn't a giant wall to punch through as well, and no spades.

You have to write so articulately your meaningless, rambling thoughts, because you lack the social abilities, the simple discernment of how to talk properly, so instead you must write in this pathetic fanciful way, that no one else wants you to. Well, I hate it otherwise, it's just unbearable. You really think you are so superior that you have to write in this stupid esoteric way? I do not understand! I am used to it, in some places, not to some people. Therefore, you do indeed act differently, yes, in places where I am comfortable, in reality, I cannot talk properly anyway. I have that restricted feeling of not being able to talk or act, I hate it, I wish I could erase it completely.

Weren't you going to wrap this up? What, you mean finish? Yes yes, I know, I understand, OK? I understand the phrases, sometimes, but I still want to explain it, correct it, no one cares except you... Well, I nearly used the word, probably best to end soon then.

Fine, well, thus it is so. I cannot really understand. What a waste of time all this is. I just want to talk about Doctor Who, then why write all this? Because I have seemingly no other outlet except talking to myself, better to write it down every once in a while. I like that part in Hell Bent where the Doctor says he travels, "From time to time", that was a good line. Typical Moffat, a few nice scenes and lines but the overall story was guff.

>> No.20223755


Thus it is so. No conclusion to be drawn, you just hate to accept that life is irrational. Everything should be simpler, all talking to humans should be equivalent to following the rules such as the guidelines on Wikipedia, as if that is a perfect society and no one else seems to conform to its standards in reality. Why not? Because they are not mental idiots like you are. I have read the books on that, some guides, it does not really help, sort of. I hate that: knowing just enough to know that I am worse at talking, and inferior regarding such interactions, but not enough to know what is actually correct to say. That means I must remain in this constant anxious state, unable to act or speak, and so on, as you keep writing here. I would rather be ignorant, and the world oblivious entirely, or else so knowledgeable as for it not to be a problem. Why, then, would I be myself? If I cured myself, or grew so refined in the art of communication as to resolve these awfully simple problems, of such pointlessness, then I would not be myself, is that worse? None of this matters.

Well, thus it is so. Now go to bed.

>> No.20224025
File: 483 KB, 592x415, 1011 - I1n45GW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow...can't believe this thread is still alive.

Fighting insomnia last night (can't imagine why), it occurred to me that expanding these sad thoughts into a serial might work.
Is that something WattPad or RoyalRoad (or some similar site) might get into?
Or does it have to be Twilight fanfics and LitRPGs (respectively) only?
I could easily do 100+ chapters on this subject.

>> No.20224038
File: 1.50 MB, 500x500, pastoral-psychedelic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething pseud

offtopic...not a single sentence

>> No.20224066

They buried their son.

>> No.20224450

From the piece I'm writing

The drowning static over the film
kept poking at your insolence until it started complementing the mood to furnish itself as an aesthetic, chiseling your loss in it's medal.

>> No.20224486

It's meh.

>> No.20224555


>> No.20224571


>> No.20224764

i wanted to make big cummies but my peepee would not become the big peepee that night

>> No.20224913

For sale: penis, never use.

>> No.20224919


>> No.20225101

My cock just fell off.

>> No.20225969

It's okay bro, I'm here to catch it when it falls <3

>> No.20226059

The face of my dying child.

>> No.20226139
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x540, painterlyvalley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not real

>> No.20226265


>> No.20226326

i never graduated from phimosis.

>> No.20226346

That's actually pretty good.

>> No.20226855

For sale: baby shoes. Come with free extremely loud and annoying baby.

>> No.20227532

The baby came out black

>> No.20227548

What was once a bustling thread, died just minutes after I clicked, "Submit."

>> No.20228564

As much as I try, I know it deep Inside I will never be a good writer.

>> No.20228569

Unironically stopped caring long ago because she was so mean to me when I was a kid. Is that bad?

>> No.20228594

it's a samefag

>> No.20228598

This one makes me wanna go get drunk

>> No.20228603

I should have tried.

>> No.20228624

Unironically the last line in Cyrano de Bergerac is the saddest sentence ever written

>> No.20228643
File: 347 KB, 1200x627, 15408-dark-angel-of-death-with-light-in-hands-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been looking at some online auctions recently and something you occasionally see on lots for sale is:
"from the property of a deceased estate"
i.e. basically you are bidding on something that belonged to someone who is now dead
it makes me sad to think that nobody wanted to keep that person's things and couldn't even be bothered to sell it themselves, they just passed it all on to an auction house to deal with, and once the house takes their cut the owners won't get anywhere near what the item is probably worth. it makes me wonder what i'll do with all my stuff when i get older.

>> No.20228749
File: 94 KB, 1445x695, 1446985474549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost me again, she's almost you.

>> No.20228755

holy kek

>> No.20228773

sHE beLIEveD

>> No.20228808

when you see it you'll shit bricks

>> No.20228824

Great retort, you really added lots to the critical analysis by pointing out who the author was.

>> No.20228836

For a moment I could have been alright, but I was me.

>> No.20228847

The friends you made in school, high school, uni, those that are gone, you will never talk to them again.

>> No.20228888

I think I can improve this, anon.
There is a moment when your youth becomes a story you tell, and what you could have been could never be.

>> No.20228897

for sale: kissless virgin, hand never held.

>> No.20228903


>> No.20229214

Very sad, can you imagine someone that would believe this

>> No.20229475

Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know.

>> No.20230136
File: 53 KB, 503x458, 258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you're not old enough to have attended your first high school reunion.

>> No.20230146

Speak for yourself. My best homies are dudes I have Known since kindergarten.

>> No.20230158

For sale: one baby, heavily worn

>> No.20230200

Thinking about turning into a beetle.

>> No.20230217

It then occurred to me I left my wallet at home.

>> No.20230229


Though it hurt to admit, he knew no amount of effort would be enough, and she was right not to invest her heart in him.

>> No.20230241

today i will see a psychiatrist

>> No.20230348

What have i done to myself

>> No.20230417

Now that I've had sexual reassignment surgery, I'm beginning to doubt everything.

>> No.20230422

my penis is freaking small

>> No.20230428
File: 36 KB, 599x485, 1632248928869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my father only loves me for my body

>> No.20230443

For baby: shoe sale

>> No.20230463

that's only sad because my sister doesn't think the same

>> No.20230474

false, my college buddy I hadn't seen in a year anda half just knocked at my door two days ago to go have a drink.

>> No.20230617

>Sir, your child has inoperable brain cancer.

>> No.20230639

And the Oscar goes to. . . Ava DuVernay!

>> No.20230758

Holy kek

>> No.20230974
File: 179 KB, 1300x1941, life vs non-existence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A baby not having to endure 80 years of pointless suffering is... LE SAD

>> No.20230996

If it's all pointless suffering, according to you, then why don't you and other proponents of such ideas kill themselves? Sounds like you just wanna larp as le edgy life is meaningless suffering emo fags.

>> No.20231071

I dreamt of my childhood again.

>> No.20231089


>> No.20231466

As a child I watched into the eyes of my mother when I stumbled into the room, watching her slowly forming a pieceful expression on her face as she was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

>> No.20231473

And then she asked if it had gone in yet?

>> No.20231527

Saddest: the holocaust happened
Happiest: white people will go extinct by 2050

>> No.20231532

>white people will go extinct by 2050
That makes me sad. I love white women.

>> No.20231675

He had sex.

>> No.20231802


At least half those things are good

>> No.20231835

Despite everything, I still believe women have souls.

>> No.20232112

I wish I had an invading enemy I could surrender to, a homeland I could betray, a friend I could sell for thirty coins.

>> No.20232129

When the economy turned in the wake of calamity at the power plant, demand for fucking and sucking momentarily cratered; thus, Chuck was forced to sell the family business, putting his wife, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and sole remaining grandfather out of work.

>> No.20232133

Klaus Schwab won.

>> No.20232226

Just prior to the moment of climax, I pushed her face into the pillow and begged her to look away.

>> No.20232238

I see red hair everywhere now.

>> No.20232262


I spent my youth on imageboards, and now I've spent my adulthood on them too.

>> No.20232271

Is that even a thing? It’s been over ten years and I’ve never heard of there being one. Then again I changed my name and never talked to anyone from high school again.

>> No.20232276

This is a good answer

>> No.20232283

It’s hard and scary as an animal obviously

>> No.20232288

> pieceful expression

>> No.20232301

“Here lies anon: he never scored.”

>> No.20232302


>> No.20232696

reddit thread

>> No.20232772

People are so awful, loneliness is an acceptable second choice.

>> No.20232905

well we all die anyway so why rush it.

>> No.20232914

infant mortality is in the bad things of your image

>> No.20233447

This is a great one.

>> No.20233451

Extremely sad, seeing someone so brainwashed and deluded into thinking that to be true.

>> No.20233613

I don't dare consider the possibililty that I'm right, and she doesn't dare consider the possibility that she's wrong.