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/lit/ - Literature

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20217286 No.20217286 [Reply] [Original]

Urwissend stachest du einst
der Sorge Stachel in Wotans wagendes Herz:
mit Furcht vor schmachvoll feindlichem Ende
füllt’ ihn dein Wissen,
daß Bangen band seinen Muth.
Bist du der Welt weisestes Weib,
sage mir nun: wie besiegt die Sorge der Gott?

>> No.20217292


Meu coração tem catedrais imensas,
Templos de priscas e longínquas datas,
Onde um nume de amor, em serenatas,
Canta a aleluia virginal das crenças.

Na ogiva fúlgida e nas colunatas
Vertem lustrais irradiações intensas,
Cintilações de lâmpadas suspensas,
E as ametistas e os florões e as pratas.

Como os velhos Templários medievais,
Entrei um dia nessas catedrais
E nesses templos claros e risonhos...

E erguendo os gládios e brandindo as hastas,
No desespero dos iconoclastas
Quebrei a Imagem dos meus próprios sonhos!

>> No.20217544

Que felicidade em encontrar um brasileiro cultivado por estas bandas!

>> No.20217873
File: 580 KB, 1071x1654, FIEXfsMVQAEUejd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du bist nicht, was du dich nenn’st.
Was kam’st du, störrischer Wilder,
zu stören der Wala Schlaf?

>> No.20218036
File: 73 KB, 1200x800, Roger Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Wagner poster.

>There is no work of philosophy that delves so deeply into the paradoxes of erotic love as Tristan and Isolde, no work of Christian theology that matches Wagner's exploration of the Eucharist in Parsifal, and no work of political theory that uncovers the place of power and law in the human psyche with the perceptiveness of The Ring.