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/lit/ - Literature

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20212873 No.20212873 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever went to a literature club? How was it?

>> No.20212904

I'm in one, frankly almost everyone are assholes and have no idea what they're talking about. I think most of them don't even really read.

>> No.20213035

How and where does one find a litterature club to join?

>> No.20213055

You start one.

>> No.20213964

In highschool or in college.

>> No.20213993

This post would be a great board banner.

>> No.20214001

Fuck yeah!

>> No.20214005


>> No.20214026
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yeah, in college. it was boring. not enough chicks.
the ones with enough chicks had appallingly bad books.
But I suppose that if I were to start a book club with books of my interest it would end up full of insufferable cunts, somewhat like this board.
funny how hard it is to find like-minded people after a while if you're not willing to put up with their weird side.
i suppose reading will always remain a completely solitary activity to me

>> No.20214047

There's one at my library. I don't think it would work for me because I rarely read fictions and my feedbacks would probably be boring as fuck

>> No.20214088
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>> No.20214115

I actually did start my own once. There were 5 people including me. We sat in a park in the city and read rudolf steiner. I was reading and inbetween I was elaborating to my listeners with my thoughts about it.
I gave the normies some time to speak to. Let them read some paragraph as soon as I am tired. For some it was a wepl needed reading exercise. And none of them voiced their own thoughts and opinions about what's been read so eloquently as I was.
we stopped doing it after a while because we read die Philosophie der Freiheit and then I got bored of the normies and their slow reading that I left them behind.

>> No.20214969

>put up with their weird side.
Anon, you are likely quite weird and off-putting too. I hope you've considered this.

>> No.20215174

No self awareness!

>> No.20215180

He's obviously implying that he is himself an insufferable cunt

>> No.20215228

I have autism and am remarkably unintelligent; didnt pick up on this. Sorry anon :(

>> No.20215234
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No problem, anon.

>> No.20215248

Big kiss???

>> No.20215327

Not literature, but I was in a philosophy one for several years during college. We would all read the same text and discuss it together, so it functioned similarly.

It was pretty fun honestly. The guy running it lent pretty far left and was big on the idea of collective thinking, so there was less outright debating (though disagreements were common) and more emphasis on trying to decipher the text and then extract meaning from it.
For me, it was just nice being around people who had a lot of knowledge in philosophy and literature, even if their personal conclusions differed from my own.

>> No.20215468


>> No.20215519

Yes, see >>20215180

>> No.20215568

I was ready to post that anyone here who actually reads considers everyone else who reads seriously insufferable pretentious assholes while being one himself, but then I realized I have the same problem as you
I read

>> No.20215618

Will you give big kiss?

>> No.20215619

Not him but I will :3

>> No.20215624

Be my girlfriend(male) too?????

>> No.20215650
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Only if there are lots more kisses!!!

>> No.20215674
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God I would fucking ruin Sayori

>> No.20215688


>> No.20216179 [SPOILER] 
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I'm more of a Yuri enjoyer, but to each their own I suppose.

>> No.20216893

>Have you ever went
You clearly haven't

>> No.20217118
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>>Have you ever went
>You clearly haven't

>> No.20217361

yes, I will
no homo

>> No.20217373

>have you went
mutts should be castrated for illiteracy

>> No.20217761

Disagree. Mutts shouldn't be taught to read.

>> No.20217793

I did go to lit club for college. I ended up becoming president of the club after the first person had to quit, but there were only 8 of us. I'm not a great speaker though, and I felt as though it was shoved into my hands because nobody else wanted to do the work of maintaining a college club. Otherwise, it was pretty good. We voted on what we wanted to focus on for the month. Was hard to maintain a balance between horror and people who wanted to read slice-of-life YA shit. Horror kept winning, but I had to throw some to like The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

>> No.20217796
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Currently running a small discord book club where I assign a book to read every month but no one besides me actually reads it.

That’s fine though, I like having a little community of book worms to talk to.

>> No.20218556
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>>Have you ever went
>You clearly haven't

>> No.20218582

Yeah but they were all women and asked me to get something then locked the door

>> No.20218584

>not forsaking women and most friends for reading except the occasional outing for fun every other weekend
I've never been happier

>> No.20218601

I’ve started two of my own, one of which has over 500 members at the moment. But I joined a professional one in my area that happened to have a lot of published authors in it. Their connections helped me get some extra publication credits and introduced me to a few editors that I still use today for side projects and the like.

>> No.20218628

>But I suppose that if I were to start a book club with books of my interest it would end up full of insufferable cunts, somewhat like this board.
This is the paradox. Similarly matched intelligent people are insufferable because they are intelligent enough to be stubborn in their convictions and so will only butt heads,. Being around less intelligent people though and one's intelligence won't get sharpened through conflict. And you will have to put up with shallow bullshit. I desire to find those similar to myself, but when I find similarity it only irritates.

>> No.20218691

Literature clubs are not real.

>> No.20218720

I don’t see how you can have a literature club where everyone is reading different things. There’s nothing really informative to talk about; you’re just giving your review of a book to a bunch of people and then listening to their reviews of other books.

>> No.20218909

Philosophy reading groups work, since there's more to talk about conceptually. Literature clubs are associative to a fault, mostly just a group therapy session with people talking about their personal experiences using the text as an excuse.

>> No.20218983


>> No.20218995

too many gays and women

>> No.20219040


The problem with book clubs is the pull towards superficial content or manner of reading. It's merely a social engagement

>> No.20219049

>having to read what other people assign for you
I'm not in school anymore get off my back I don't wanna read Death of a Salesman FUCK OFF!

>> No.20220096

Death of a Salesman is a classic that you should want to read without having it “assigned” to you

>> No.20220179

Send me a DM at バカのアホ#1273

>> No.20220814

Helped my roommate in college set up a Lit club, it was just a drinking club for our friends.