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20213395 No.20213395 [Reply] [Original]

Too many Nietzsche threads filled with new anons who have not done the required reading. To fix it, I think we are going to have to start a book club. We will be reading through 'The Antichrist' by Friedrich Nietzsche. You can find a pdf of the book here:


We will be reading about 5 passages a day. Since there are 63 sections including the preface, this should theoretically take less then two weeks to complete. However, some passages might warrant more time then others, so it may take anywhere from 13 days, to perhaps even a whole month depending on how it goes.

If you have any thoughts or questions based on the reading, feel free to post them. Or, just sit back like Gondola, observing and enjoying the text. You can challenge other anons on their opinions and interpretations, but keep it respectful. Overall, lets have some fun reading a classic.

Without further ado -

>> No.20213401


The Preface:

This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my “Zarathustra”: how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?—First the day after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.

The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me—I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops—and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him.... He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner—to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm.... Reverence for self; love of self; absolute freedom of self....

Very well, then! of that sort only are my readers, my true readers, my readers foreordained: of what account are the rest?—The rest are merely humanity.—One must make one’s self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul,—in contempt.

Friedrich W. Nietzsche.

>> No.20213408


Section 1:

—Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans—we know well enough how remote our place is. “Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the Hyperboreans”: even Pindar, [1] in his day, knew that much about us. Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death—our life, our happiness.... We have discovered that happiness; we know the way; we got our knowledge of it from thousands of years in the labyrinth. Who else has found it?—The man of today?—“I don’t know either the way out or the way in; I am whatever doesn’t know either the way out or the way in”—so sighs the man of today.... This is the sort of modernity that made us ill,—we sickened on lazy peace, cowardly compro mise, the whole virtuous dirtiness of the modern Yea and Nay. This tolerance and largeur of the heart that “forgives” everything because it “understands” everything is a sirocco to us. Rather live amid the ice than among modern virtues and other such south-winds!... We were brave enough; we spared neither ourselves nor others; but we were a long time finding out where to direct our courage. We grew dismal; they called us fatalists. Our fate—it was the fulness, the tension, the storing up of powers. We thirsted for the lightnings and great deeds; we kept as far as possible from the happiness of the weakling, from “resignation”... There was thunder in our air; nature, as we embodied it, became overcast—for we had not yet found the way. The formula of our happiness: a Yea, a Nay, a straight line, a goal....

[1]Cf. the tenth Pythian ode. See also the fourth book of Herodotus. The Hyperboreans were a mythical people beyond the Rhipaean mountains, in the far North. They enjoyed unbroken happiness and perpetual youth.

>> No.20213411

When do you mean to start reading? Right now? Would it not be better to schedule it, as it is being done with the Don Quixote threads, so as to have more anons know, and join from the get-go? No one will join reading half-way through, few will see this thread, and fewer will begin reading now.

>> No.20213416


Section 2:

What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.

What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.

What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.

Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).

The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.

What is more harmful than any vice?—Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity....

>> No.20213420

>the required reading

>> No.20213423


Section 3:

The problem that I set here is not what shall replace mankind in the order of living creatures (—man is an end—): but what type of man must be bred, must be willed, as being the most valuable, the most worthy of life, the most secure guarantee of the future.

This more valuable type has appeared often enough in the past: but always as a happy accident, as an exception, never as deliberately willed. Very often it has been precisely the most feared; hitherto it has been almost the terror of terrors;—and out of that terror the contrary type has been willed, cultivated and attained: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick brute-man—the Christian....

>> No.20213429


Section 4:

Mankind surely does not represent an evolution toward a better or stronger or higher level, as progress is now understood. This “progress” is merely a modern idea, which is to say, a false idea. The European of today, in his essential worth, falls far below the European of the Renaissance; the process of evolution does not necessarily mean elevation, enhancement, strengthening.

True enough, it succeeds in isolated and individual cases in various parts of the earth and under the most widely different cultures, and in these cases a higher type certainly manifests itself; something which, compared to mankind in the mass, appears as a sort of superman. Such happy strokes of high success have always been possible, and will remain possible, perhaps, for all time to come. Even whole races, tribes and nations may occasionally represent such lucky accidents.

>> No.20213436


Section 5:

We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts—the strong man as the typical reprobate, the “outcast among men.” Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!—

>> No.20213444

>We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man,

>> No.20213462

>being the most valuable, the most worthy of life
It's cute watching Nietzsche try to think. He never defines life but it's the thing that's ultimately valuable yet "man is an end." But:
>it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life;
He just abstracts an implicit good and life and then says man is an end.

Life without Christ is really sad :(

>> No.20213480

>What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.
Wow crazy. I wonder if he just put a minus sign in front of the Gospels and then jacked off to his scriblings thinking he was a genius.

>> No.20213533

>This tolerance and largeur of the heart that “forgives” everything because it “understands” everything is a sirocco to us. Rather live amid the ice than among modern virtues and other such south-winds!... We were brave enough
Lol denying grace isn't difficult at all, revenge is literally the default state of man.

>> No.20213554


Well, honestly, we'll see how it goes. It's a fairly short book. The readings that I posted today (preface - section 5) amount to about 1000 words. Assuming an average reading speed of about 300 words per minute, it means that it would take about 3 minutes to read through them once. But of course, one is free to take as much time as they would like to go through the passages, to get the most out of them.

As for the Don Quixote thread, I see what you mean. As a result, I'll try to keep this thread alive for as long as possible to garner more attention, and maybe put some time before I post the next readings. I might even repost this first reading a few times to garner some more attention. However, I still want to start the readings.

>> No.20213563

>Too many Nietzsche threads filled with new anons who have not done the required reading. To fix it, I think we are going to have to start a book club. We will be reading through 'The Antichrist' by Friedrich Nietzsche
Why would you start with 'The Antichrist' if you're looking to 'fix' the problem with new anons who have not done the required reading? Shouldn't you start with something else to then read 'The Antichrist'? Fucking dumb niggers.

>> No.20213707

If anyone wants a study of what it looks like to be possessed the the devil or demonology you can see it here in all its weird splendour.
>tripfag as Dionysian
Literally posts the least Dionsyian medium
>It's a fairly short book. The readings that I posted today (preface - section 5) amount to about 1000 words. Assuming an average reading speed of about 300 words per minute, it means that it would take about 3 minutes to read through them once.
This is subtle but curcial. 1) focuses on instrunentality of knowledge of knowledge being studied. 2) Short book isn't even quantitatively linked to reading time. 3) Meaningless info.
>But of course, one is free to take as much time as they would like to go through the passages, to get the most out of them.
This is how porn works. He is implying value with none being there.

>As for the Don Quixote thread, I see what you mean. As a result, I'll try to keep this thread alive for as long as possible to garner more attention,
>sees competing thread
>must make his more important

>I might even repost this first reading a few times to garner some more attention.
See above

>However, I still want to start the readings.
Ends with wants but starts initially that this reading is required, aka desire and necessity are conflated.

>> No.20213758

Anon I don't know who you are so I'm just going to warn you, the devil itself is what is inhabiting you. Go to a church and get holy water doused on you. If I am wrong, you lose 30 minutes. If I am right, you can sleep easier at night. Ignore every reaction to doubt or laugh - it's not you that's doing that. The difference between Christ and the devil is Christ lets you know he's there, the devil pretends it's you.

Good luck.

To all those reading this thread, leave.

>> No.20213786

Antichrist is probably Nietzsche's best or 2nd best book. Definitely recommend it, even as a first read of Nietzsche's work.

>> No.20213804

Eternally more based than the don quixote threads (inb4 irony)

>> No.20213807

Stinky christkeks typed these posts. Go pray instead—it's holy week and this is a sinful place.

>> No.20213809

fuck off butters-wannabe

>> No.20213813


Just making a thread for it is a terrible medium for discussion

>> No.20213818


>> No.20213827

Nietzsche was one of the following:

1. An idiot that thought he was a genius
2. The greatest troll in philosophy
3. A genius

>> No.20213865

>This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive
imagine starting your book by stating that it is probably too profound for any human to understand

>> No.20213883

>probably too profound for any human to understand
Isn't this the defense theists usually resort to for their God? And Nietzsche cannot do this, because....

>> No.20213937

>holy week
I missed the Gospel Christ talks about this.
The word overcome is supposed to imply Christ is something better to be overcome, right? Do you have a reason that makes sense?
>born in the middle of trillions of stars for 70 years among billions, potentially infinite
>demons? too weird

>> No.20213961

> born in the middle of trillions of stars for 70 years among billions, potentially infinite
>demons? too weird

Yes. I can see stars, but I’ve never seen a demon.

>> No.20213966

Have you seen atoms?

>> No.20213983

What is not overcome must die, what is overcome must die. TO LIVE IS TO DIE. Kill Christ, and in the unholy murder, become what is more than Christ, ANTI-CHRIST, for all life doth seethe, any perturbation is stagnation, to stand still is to die, TO LIVE IS DIVINE

>> No.20213995

And what IS a demon?

>> No.20214000

Define "to live"
Also mega ultra cringe

>> No.20214009

An invisible pyschic force which works via deception to try to deceive you into not finding your soul or realizing you are immortal.

>> No.20214016

I recant, oh Kek!
To live is to actualize ones soul

>> No.20214017

Atoms are too small to be seen with visible light, but I have captured images of them using radiation of sufficiently small wavelength.

>> No.20214020

Also, rebelling against Christ is ridiculous, you've just acknowledged his existence and validity.

>> No.20214022

I die with my soul, immortality is the deception

>> No.20214028

That's actually really cool! Imagine if your mind had archetypes which had certain laws only other minds could see. That is roughly demons and angels.
>To live is to actualize ones soul

>> No.20214030

His existence as a truth amongst men is irrefutable, it is a FACT which must be reckoned with, but what of beyond unto GODS I do implore you to proceed, LIVE

>> No.20214033

Could be true imho. It's your choice :D. I'd be pretty happy to have you in eternity though.

>> No.20214036

One actualizes by pushing time forward via Causality, which is to say, Action: fact creation

>> No.20214040

>but what of beyond unto GODS I do implore you to proceed
I almost want to write fancy prose to show you up and be mean but honestly you're just being dramatic and silly

>> No.20214048

>pushing time forward
Uh. Should someone tell him?

>> No.20214057

>I am silly!
Mega ultra cringe tbqhf
Liquor takes its toll

>> No.20214065

Time is relative to the observer, nice try satan

>> No.20214069

At least make up your own insults, silly billy :). I don't think liquor is an excuse for this degree of riduclousness

>> No.20214077

>Time is relative to the observer
Too small of scope - this is bite sized. Is that true for individual Earth time at 5 years? Sure. Not really for galaxies or even solar system time events.

>> No.20214089

>Isn't this the defense theists usually resort to for their God?
Yeah but Nietzsche is wrong

>> No.20214096

>The jist is like, uh, move forward with your life and , uh, you know, become as one with yourself
Is this the kinda hippie shit you expect me to spew? Freud I am not, moreso am I unto that mischievous serpent, rather I say, 'Leave the garden'

>> No.20214110

Nothing exists without observation (inb4 god) you are digressing the conversation

>> No.20214119

No. I'd expect you to say that Jesus is the Christ and God.
>rather I say, 'Leave the garden'
1) too late
2) still using that conception of the world? What about Ovid? Or Sumerian? Egyptian? Uhuh

>> No.20214124

Furthermore, only life has time, time-outside-of-life is irrelevant, what care have I, existence before my essence? Not a mot.

>> No.20214132

define exists :)

Every thread is Christ's.

>> No.20214144

Relativity dictates a difference of perspective between two observers, a I say is, 'I see it thus". You believe Christ is god? Fine, I'll see you in hell, if Mephisto manages to wrangle my soul, but I'll give him a good what for

>> No.20214154

Existence is Event (we can go at this all day)

>> No.20214158

>Relativity dictates a difference of perspective between two observers
Physics told you that it was theologocally true to believe physics? Which equation was that?

>> No.20214167

define event

>> No.20214171

FAITH, the epistemic annihilator, all knowledge proceeds from Faith, see >>20214144 for all is vanity and fleeting to the wind, yet sand I cast unto thine eyes until divine doth make it crime

>> No.20214178

Define 'define'

>> No.20214184

>assumes I'm arguing for faith
It's an epistemological miscategorization.
>threatens violence

>> No.20214195

>Implying I spoke of Physics
Divine physics perhaps, secular is allegorical

>> No.20214196

Ideas as their nearness in what they have in our soul to what God would see them as. You believe in existence but you're just too naive to notice it.

>> No.20214205

You missed the point. /I/ am arguing for Faith.

>> No.20214206

>secular is allegorical
>divine physics
Are these jokes? Do you want to try again?

>> No.20214212


>> No.20214232

Existence is not idea, ideas are IN existence insofar as they are believed in which case their believer becomes a fact. Existence is the manifold of events, to go further is to stray into either hyper- or hypo- physicalism (infinity in either direction) what care? Existence IS, to face the facts we must accept them, we ARE, whenceforth? What care how? To what end? Forward we march

>> No.20214240

>YIKES, my wife's boyfriend's dick is bigger than mine!

>> No.20214243


>> No.20214250

Face it, before my anti-theology you are but a dove before a fender, at least die with some DIFNITY, or has your Christ compassionately taken even this to the cross?

>> No.20214254

>Existence is not idea
>ideas are IN existence insofar as they are believed in which case their believer becomes a fact.
Relies on your original, and wrong, definition of existence being consciousness which is just secularizing the soul without God.
>Existence is the manifold of events, to go further is to stray into either hyper- or hypo- physicalism (infinity in either direction) what care?
Literally says nothing
>Existence IS, to face the facts we must accept them, we ARE, whenceforth? What care how? To what end? Forward we march
Great so you have no answers but seem to disagree a lot.

>> No.20214260

okay this is bait my bad

>> No.20214265

>existence being consciousness
Never made this claim, besides I need no God to exist, I AM the great I am.
>Literally says nothing
Nothing TO YOU, who have not the eyes to hear.
>Great so you have no answers but seem to disagree a lot.
I bring not peace but a SWORD. Beyond Babylon lies the eternity of my Will. I have no answers only questions, quod vidas?

>> No.20214277

Aha! Silence at last! The blasphemer has been banished! Once more unto the breach!

>> No.20214278

>Nothing exists without observation
>Never made this claim
Same thread too lol.

Ooh imitating biblical language - I'm so upset!

>Beyond Babylon lies the eternity of my Will.
>I AM the great I am
You being dumb and willing enough to make these staements doesn't make them true.

>> No.20214282

Is this what bongland teenagers are like?

>> No.20214294

>You being dumb and willing enough to make these staements doesn't make them true.
>Same thread too lol.
You who cannot read between the lines should have seen I only ever sought to deem the existence of Ideas upon consciousness. Existence needs no consciousness, neither ideas, it's the other way around: ideas -> consciousness -> existence

>> No.20214303

Never been, ask an anglican

>> No.20214307

Yeah fair re-hypocritical.

Solid bait but I'm done.

>> No.20214312


>> No.20214318

You who cannot read between the lines should have seen I only ever sought to deem the existence of Ideas upon consciousness.

I bring not peace but a SWORD. Beyond Babylon lies the eternity of my Will. I have no answers only questions, quod vidas?

>> No.20214322

Absolute Relativity demands observation to exist, without the observer is there an event? Surely we must posit so, but to see beyond sight? Impossible, no? Thus the circle finds it way back to where it started, THUS, does Faith find us where we parted.

>> No.20214330

I honestly can't tell if this is serious. Just fyi

>> No.20214332

I too stare into the fire

>> No.20214335

see >>20214330

>> No.20214339

Dubs shoulda told you so

>> No.20214351

Yeah friend I'll be totally honest and level with you - your posts are genuinely pathetic. I hope you're doing alright.

>> No.20214358

Fuck off already, this thread was ruined long ago. Back to your cloister.

>> No.20214362

>this thread was ruined long ago.
Good :)

>> No.20214367


>> No.20214632
File: 56 KB, 600x800, Soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20214636

Christcucks still mad that Nietzsche absolutely destroyed them.

>> No.20214819

thank you for posting these. first time i have ever praised a tripfag, but the thread definitely warrants it. I've read much of neesha and this isn't my first reading of the antichrist but I'll try to post in these threads when I see them up. Watching these schizophrenic christniggers flood the thread and seethe hard is making my day. Please don't stop posting whatever you do.

on this point, of how Christianity wages war against "the strong man". The way they do this is both contradictory and insidious - probably because it's an unconscious thing. They preach love, turning the other cheek, the unity of man, etc, the sin of inflicting harm, but they love nothing more than mobbing up and tearing down wealthy, happy, successful people. They love the succulent joy of open-hatred and inflicting pain even more than a non-Christian, if only because of the taboo associated with it. It helps too if you're worthless and harmless individually. I think it's the same Christian principles that underly socialist purges, cancel culture, and even natsoc jew-hunting. There have always been genocides, killings, exiles, community mobs across history, but only through Christianity are these things turned into a real bloodlust, a real love for something you were otherwise too pathetic to do. One can easily look towards the classic Christian stories of the bloodthirsty viking raider to see a classic manifestation of this fantasy

>> No.20214900

just one :)
>but they love nothing more than mobbing up and tearing down wealthy, happy, successful people.
A theology of people and not theology
>They love the succulent joy of open-hatred and inflicting pain even more than a non-Christian
>It helps too if you're worthless and harmless individually.
Not relevant
>I think it's the same Christian principles that underly socialist purges, cancel culture, and even natsoc jew-hunting.
Yes but Marx wasn't very Christian, strongly agree, and probably not.
>There have always been genocides, killings, exiles, community mobs across history, but only through Christianity are these things turned into a real bloodlust, a real love for something you were otherwise too pathetic to do.
They sell history books you know?
>One can easily look towards the classic Christian stories of the bloodthirsty viking raider to see a classic manifestation of this fantasy
See above

So to review. You view some people as abhorrent for being immoral by using your own arbitrary ethical standards. Also, you do realize nearly every Christian agrees with you except for the singular motion of "Christians are worse at this."

>> No.20214917

Post words next time.

>> No.20215384

Was that even a real person on the other end, or did you just spend am hour of your time replying to yourself?