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/lit/ - Literature

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20212679 No.20212679 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20212681

You know, there are books about such things. Would you rather read 4chan faggots making shit up or read under 100 pages to know the actual answer?

>> No.20212688

Both. Takes hardly any effort to write a question here and to get the simple answers that many people come here looking for.

>> No.20212718


>> No.20212723

He secretly transcended time and space to read the entire Harry Potter series, and some Lovecraft in between.

>> No.20212788

My diary desu

>> No.20212878

Ok fag. What's the book?

>> No.20212898

Did he lose his virginity to prostitutes in Italy? Or was Schiller his lover?

My class had an argument about this. Which seems more likely?

>> No.20212903

He ripped off Shakespeare all day

>> No.20213096

He was secretly a black (trans) woman.

>> No.20214456

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Christoph Martin Wieland, Johann Joachim Winckelmann,

Homer, Shakespeare, Ossian,

>> No.20214469

Add Fouqué to the list as well.

>> No.20214507

Goethe liked comics. In fact Goethe is responsible for getting Rodolphe Töpffer, the first comics artist, published.

>> No.20214551

The artist fucked up in this book so damn bad. His one leg is twice the length of the other kek

>> No.20214613

He watched Rick and Morty obviously

>> No.20214624


>> No.20214685

The Greeks (Homer, and the Tragedians), Shakespeare, the French tragedians (Corneille, Racine, and Molière). In philosophy he liked Spinoza and Schopenhauer. He was also fond of Persian Islamic poets such as Hafez.

>> No.20215227
File: 157 KB, 400x605, 9781631494895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20215919

Thank you friend

>> No.20216117

Wilhem Meister's Apprenticship contains a lot literary and theatre critique which you can assume is a stand in for Geothe's own. Shakespeare looms large.

Schiller can be considered an extension of Goethe's tastes. Lotte in Weimer by Mann may help set the scene.

>> No.20216506

>Did he lose his virginity to prostitutes in Italy?

>> No.20216918
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After looking around me in vain for a means of disciplining my peculiar nature, I at last chanced upon the Ethics of this man. To say exactly how much I gained from that work was due to Spinoza or to my own reading of him would be impossible; enough that I found in him a sedative for my passions and that he appeared to me to open up a large and free outlook on the material and moral world. But what specially attached me to him was the boundless disinterestedness which shone forth from every sentence. That marvelous saying, 'Whoso truly loves God must not desire God to love him in return,' with all the premises on which it rests and the consequences that flow from it, permeated my whole thinking. To be disinterested in everything, and most of all in love and friendship, was my highest desire, my maxim, my constant practice; so that that bold saying of mine at a later date, 'If I love Thee, what is that to Thee?' came directly from my heart.

>> No.20217778
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I literally just read Goethe's Wikipedia page and wrote down any name that was mentioned that he read. I'm a such a fraud.

>> No.20217790

>off by one
It's what I deserve.

>> No.20218162

>In fact Goethe is responsible for getting Rodolphe Töpffer, the first comics artist, published.
Now this is a worthy factoid

>> No.20218217

half of my taste in literature is frmed from reading the wikipedia influences for my favorite writers and just reading their influences, who are usually great also.