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File: 571 KB, 1004x1400, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20209199 No.20209199 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading pic related
>basic bitch creation myth
>really long list of names
>basic bitch flood myth
>really long list of names

When does it get good?

>> No.20209204


>> No.20209357

>basic bitch

>> No.20209525

wisdom books are really the only good bits. proverbs, job, and ecclesiastes. the rest is about >>those fucking jews<<

>> No.20209538

don't try and read it cover to cover
you need to constantly link the NT and OT to find the Christian significance
also get a good commentary or you'll miss all the symbolism
it's meant to be meditated on

>> No.20209539

The creation myth probably relates to the creation of the psyche in a symbolic way. Reread it with that in mind.

>> No.20209543

the cope in this thread

>> No.20209565

>read the Book of Job
>not a single tip for getting a job
what an absolute failure of a guidance document

>> No.20209578


>> No.20209607
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>tfw can't bring myself to believe anything or have faith

>> No.20209608

>one of the she Jews gets raped
>her family finds out
>family says, “get circumcised and we’ll take that as a sign of good faith”
>gentiles cut part of their dicks off in treaty
>jews launch attack and slaughter them for raping the she Jew.
there’s a ton of good stories in there if you look, even in OT.

>> No.20209643
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Nice faith in your belief of you having no faith, bro.

>> No.20209656

Except they aren't myths

>> No.20209661

At this point I just wish I could be happy as christcucks desu . Atheism ain't doing me any good

>> No.20209669
File: 125 KB, 1046x915, Christ is King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is always waiting for you with his arms outstretched.

>> No.20209670

When Sodom hits

>> No.20209687
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>> No.20209718

read it for the gore

>> No.20209740

Do you take the big bang theory on faith?
Don't you take it on faith that the universe wasn't created last Wednesday along with all your memories and your life?

>> No.20209778
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>stabbing fat kings so hard they poop
>Killing giants by flinging stone good
>evil warlord gets struck a killing blow when a woman throws a rock at him from the top of a tower. He's so humilated that he asks his armour bearer to kill him so he doesn't have to be killed by a woman.
>evil queen gets thrown out of a window by her assistants and is devoured by dogs
>Perverts try to rape an angel. He blinds them.
>God drops a nuke on Sodom.
>drunk man getting raped by his daughters
>Perverts try to rape a priest. He gives them his wife instead, who they rape to death. He comes back later with an army who kill everyone in the city.
>David cutting off hundreds of foreigner foreskins; gives them to king as a present
>Solomon impregnating some guy's wife, then murdering the husband to try and cover it up.
>David's son absolom raping all his concubines
>God manifests as an angel to talk to Jacob. Jacob gets into a fistfight and tries to beat the shit out of him.
>The talking donkey. Also the unicorns, behemoth, leviathian, dragons, giants, etc.
>god wiping out armies with earthquakes, hail, etc.
>Jews genociding various inhabitants of Canaan down to the women and children, even their animals because god told them to
>the walls of jericho
>Anything written by Solomon
>Joseph's mercy to his brothers

Only halfway through, it has dry points like leviticus and deut., but it's decent on the whole. Also as the other anon said, half of the book won't make sense without a commentary, (small details like the Tower of Babel being made of waterproof materials to protect them in case of a second god-flood (even though god promised he would never do it again, showing their distrust in god, etc.))

>> No.20209804

View it as a preamble to the New Testament and you'll get through it. Keep in mind, very few people would read the Bible if not for Christ

>> No.20209811

Great post and I hope you get through it all! Proverbs is when it starts getting much more readable and then from there it's easy going

>> No.20209854

What commentary had that about Babel in it?

>> No.20209907
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Thank you for your kind words.



>c. “Let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly” …they had asphalt for mortar: Using baked bricks and asphalt for mortar, men built a tower that was both strong and waterproof, even as Noah used the same material in waterproofing the ark (Genesis 6:14). Later Moses’ mother used the same material in waterproofing Moses’ basket (Exodus 2:3).

On the whole I found it quite good, especially when it quotes from multiple other commentaries. A Christian perspective, though it seems to (very infrequently) have a strong anti-catholic bent to it.

>> No.20209992

>really long list of names
yeah those parts pissed me off too

>> No.20210042

>A Christian perspective, though it seems to (very infrequently) have a strong anti-catholic bent to it.
So yeah, a Christian perspective.

>> No.20210109
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You're not reading the right translation, fren.

>> No.20210630


>> No.20210686

When you don't read Genesis first like a retard

>> No.20210738

It was not written to entertain. St. Augustine writes that it is purposefully obtuse in order to break the yoke of our pride.

Praise be to God.

>> No.20210743

Just keep asking God and He will give it to you.

Ask even though it seems stupid and empty. Our feeling of disconnection from God is simply blindness. The blind man cannot see even a little bit... he can't see anything, not a single photon (irrespective of his good faith or his intelligence).

Christ's granting sight to the blind was a type of the blindness of men in their sins and his restoration of our intellect through the gift of the light of faith. This is not something we wrench into our souls through our own power, but a grace, a gift of almighty God. Keep asking for it, and you will receive!

>> No.20210748

What's amazing is that this is probably not even half of the strange stuff in the early books or in the Bible in general. Truly the work of God.

>> No.20210756

>tfw you are wiser than Chrysostom, Basil, Maximus, Damascene, Aquinas, Augustine

I got tired ratherquickly but I hope you understand

>> No.20210758

Literally just LARP for a few months. Be as cynical as you want, but you'll find yourself truly believing eventually

>> No.20211961
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>he got filtered by Genesis
I'll give you a hint anon
Even the first chapter mentions the trinity
Go back and re read it

Also fyi: chapter 10 is names of countries/peoples

>> No.20211975

I like my Bible I got from them but some of the study notes are Reformed calvinst theology and it's a little annoying
But as with all bible commentary there are imperfections

>> No.20211987

source: your ass

>> No.20211991

Nah. Seriously look up the meanings. I did it on my own before some anon posted that pic

It's honestly pretty cool to see.

>> No.20212000

all this and yet we're supposed to believe non-christians are the sinners/heretics..?

>> No.20212002

>small details like the Tower of Babel being made of waterproof materials to protect them in case of a second god-flood

>> No.20212004
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Reminder the OT was written after the NT and describes medieval events, with references to early cannons and firearms

>> No.20212017

Ah nvm I see it >>20209907
Thank you

>> No.20212018

>underrating King David

>> No.20212499

What commentary?

>> No.20212835

it's kinda the opposite for me, I keep trying to stop caring and be an atheist but God is on my mind constantly

>> No.20212973
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These are all Old Testament, i.e. before Christ, and so concern the ancient jews, not that it matters since Christians absolutely believe themselves sinners.

Also, I mistakenly wrote;
>Solomon impregnating some guy's wife, then murdering the husband to try and cover it up.

When actually this was King David, supposedly considered the greatest and most righteous of the kings of Israel. It very much makes the point that all human beings are, in general, pretty shit. I find the sheer monotone bluntness it has in describing endless genocide, slavery and rape as though they were everyday things (like they still are) almost refreshing in an odd way, a heavy contrast to the magic fairy rainbow world painted by modern media.

>> No.20213021

I think the most accurate translation (eg. Kenan probably does not mean sorrow) is as follows:

Man [was] appointed [as] mortal
dwelling from Glory of God [will] descend
[He will be] hung [by] men of the sword to be brought low

and in the genealogy of Cain:

Mankind [will] lament [He who will be] hanged
[the] fugitive, smitten of God, [the] man of God, [who is] to be brought low

>> No.20214309
File: 293 KB, 1758x2560, NJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but you could try the New Jerusalem Study Edition initially published in 1985
it's not "commentary" but it's in my opinion the best translation from original sources (and the last one before they started making "woke" revised translations) and as a study edition includes general summaries, context, cross-references, and detailed footnotes
(you can rip it to pdf using 14 day borrow, Adobe Digital Editions, and a plugin for Calibre... or you can buy it for $60... reader edition with only the text runs for $20)

>> No.20215356

I'm guessing that those parts are to help with family heritage of the king or (probably more likely) a way to explain time passing. I don't know if the ancient Hebrews had a way to actually describe how much time has passed specifically, so maybe that was just their way of doing so...? I don't know, those parts always struck me as odd.