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File: 18 KB, 271x368, November_2004_Cover_of_Harper's_Magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20207567 No.20207567 [Reply] [Original]

I read Harper's and sometimes New Yorker for fiction. I try to avoid wasting too much time and energy scrolling through generic news or Op-Ed. I used to read The Atlantic a bit but find it overly dramatic/click-baity on some socio-political topics.

>> No.20207654

Lapham's Quarterly, Harper's, New Criterion

>> No.20207704

Weird Tales
Also, if any anons would be, I'm looking for some soulful magazines, old, new, big, small, whichever, as long as they have that "soul" and that tackle interesting topics relating to fantasy, history, literature and storyelling.

>> No.20207712

did you read that Harper's piece about the history of trauma as a concept and it's bastardization into an industry and personality complex. was pretty interesting.

I mostly read film journals and criticism

>> No.20207741

Harper's and The Atlantic (wow, what a coincidence). I used to read Wired but I found three magazines too much to balance in a month.

>> No.20208022

Paris Review,

>> No.20208179

This + Hedgehog Review, New Atlantis, and First Things if I'm bored

>> No.20208194
File: 153 KB, 591x838, 1643159457774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter Currents

American Renaissance

The Occidental Quarterly

Occidental Observer


Junge Freiheit
Nouvelle Ecole

>> No.20209195

How do I read this thing without subscription?I used to fetch it on Calibre but it no longer works.

>> No.20209303
File: 38 KB, 600x568, A2AF8838-0A4C-4B5C-B1AA-CE70D28B7ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20209610

Subscription gives you access to the full archives, so it is a pretty great deal. Just eat beans and rice for a week or two or go sell plasma to cover the expense if you are a poor fag. It really is not expensive. And you could just go read it at the library if nothing else.

>> No.20209613
File: 346 KB, 800x2500, JoeRape169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is for faggots. I don't need help making up fictional news. I don't need help making up opinions. Are you that fucking stupid you still need somebody to spoonfeed you bullshit?

I can cook up bullshit with the best of them, I'm not going to pay some subhuman to deliver his mass-produced allergen-free bullshit and eat that instead of delicious home-cooked bullshit.

>> No.20209626

>t. just stubbed my toe

>> No.20209627

Are there any literary magazines that aren't saturated with social justice, feminism, and Black Lives Matter bullshit? Looking at their submission guidelines they all seem to be anti-white now.

Like the Paris Review. Last time I looked at that magazine a few years ago and there was a play about Black Lives Matter and it was the cringiest goddamn thing. Wish I could find it now so we could all laugh together.

>> No.20210203

New Criterion leans right. American Conservative is a full blown paleo conservative magazine, although there's not much literature

>> No.20210211

Why are Harper's covers so shitty? I'm seriously considering canceling my subscription for that reason alone.

>> No.20210684

Harper's is pretty terrible. I was reading it recently and it just made me sick.

All the bien pensant mandarins are so accustomed to swallowing the most odious godless bullshit as the truth.

Lapham's, however, is extremely based, because primary sources are literature, not journalism

>> No.20210704

Also New Criterion following Trump because he's the only one left is really stupid and they basically threw away all their credibility by siding him. Which is no surprise in this STUIPD country. But it is a surprise that the last bastion of conservatism as something contrary to the common "right"

>> No.20210904

Nintendo Power.