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File: 169 KB, 750x1000, strippong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20207270 No.20207270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wanna read about the seven princes of hell and demonology, however I got filtered by Milton so give me recommendations.

>> No.20207281

I hate women.

>> No.20207282

>dude sluts lmao xD

>> No.20207285


>> No.20207307


>> No.20207319

You really don't have to be a simp to have some fun with some sluts. Frats are gay but my friends in one and I get invited to parties sometimes. Crazy. You should try it if you're in college/uni.

>> No.20207324

i have nervous breakdowns in the presence of women

>> No.20207343

This is why I only date black girls, they are trad.

>> No.20207344


>> No.20207345

>fun with some sluts
Thats what I said >>20207282

>> No.20207348

Frat parties are for frat boys, they aren't things that normal guys can just go to. The way to get laid in college is basically the same way you get laid in general, talk to girls and build connections. Also, dating apps.

>> No.20207371

Once played a game of strip poker at a college party. We were all pretty equal, down to our underwear, and there was this one shortstack girl I really wanted to see nude, but she was winning, so I said, at the last hand, everyone but the winner strips down, which everyone agreed to.
Well the tiny big tittied girl won that hand too. I was so pissed I told her it wasn't fair since she was the only one I cared about seeing stripping, and she blushed in the most adorable manner. Since I sensed weakness, I told her, hey since you were going to do it anyways if you lost, might as well do it, right?, and she laughed and got naked.
Tits were awesome.
We made out a bit later that night but unfortunately didn't hook up, don't remember what happened.
I met her about a decade later at a party, completely by surprise. I didn't recognize her at first, and she was an absolute bitch to me for some reason (she had become a lawyer, and fat and mean). When I realized who she was, I loudly mentionned, hey, didn't you play a game of strip poker with me years ago at this party? That's were I know you from right?
She was not happy at all.

>> No.20207387
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alas, I am not american

>> No.20207389

>Since I sensed weakness
this is where you fail

>> No.20207392

Dating apps are 85% male, excluding certain obscure ones which are more focused on relationships than hookups. Generally women value relationships over hookups.

>> No.20207404

Even if this is real, it just shows how ridiculous and retarded the whole dynamic of these things is. America college kiddies are sperglords who ruin good old drunken, sexy fun with neurotic bullshit, since they aren't doing so much for its own purpose as to prove they are liberated enough to do it.

>> No.20207410

That sounds a bit high, I'd like a source.

I'm not a chad by any means but I've gotten laid through tinder several times, and even had one relationship.

>> No.20207414

Whats the secret?

>> No.20207421

You haven't lived until you convince a broad 2 pair beat 3 of a kind when she's down to her bra and panties.

>> No.20207429

be 6'+

>> No.20207430

not him but there is no secret besides have good pics. also if can’t get a girl irl then you need to solve that first. too insecure? don’t have any social ability? there is always a reason

>> No.20207444

The tangible advice I can give is pay for the full premium service if you are at all serious about using the app, and make a point of using it in different towns. The formula works in a certain way that gives you way better odds in new places (ideally high population places).

As for the rest, I think you get the general idea. Be attractive, don't be unattractive. Don't be a whiny faggot. Oh, and you should generally go for phone numbers and dates rather than snapchats and 'come to my place', though I have succeeded with both and it depends on the woman.

>> No.20207447

You can get laid on Tinder, I'm autistic and barely keep it together presentation-wise and I got laid on Tinder all the time because I'm white and tall. But he is right that the apps are mostly men. Look up the data analyses of different dating apps and sites and the hypergamy curve. Women rate 80-90% of men as "below average." There are videos on Youtube where women try being a man on Tinder for a few weeks and almost have a nervous breakdown because they can't understand all the ghosting and weird standoffish non-replies, or the lack of matches even though they used let's say a 6/10 or even 7/10 guy as their picture.

You can still get laid if you're presentable, but it's really shotgun method and you will get a lot of whores and damaged goods. Also you need at least several of the following traits to have a decent chance: tall, white, decent looking, "professional" (rich, upper middle class) looking, drug connection, OR some kind of niche character like thug badboy or emo lanklet trust fund theorybro namedropping Deleuze and getting a few enby art hoes.

Tinder only works the way it's advertised for rich, good looking people who can afford to do the classic Instagram vacation pictures and pictures of them at some kind of gala. For everyone else, you're either scraping the bottom of the barrel if you have some of the above traits, or you're getting nothing whatsoever.

That's if you want to get laid. You can also try to find the 20% of girls on there at any given time who identify as "lollll I hate dating apps I just want a bf ughhhh I can't believe I reinstalled this." You can get pretty good at spotting them on the non-Tinder apps like Bumble and Hinge. But they often collapse into whores or live double lives as whores anyway, just to tide them over with validation until they get something "real."

>> No.20207455

Everyone knows women have a better position but that extreme 80/20 thing is incel nonsense.

>> No.20207460
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I've match a few times, but I don't know what the fuck to say. I need more hobbies

>> No.20207461

>Tinder only works the way it's advertised for rich, good looking people who can afford to do the classic Instagram vacation pictures and pictures of them at some kind of gala
Why do we think this matters? It's my impression that women just want pictures that aren't 14 year old-tier mirror selfies, and maybe evidence that you actually go outside.

>> No.20207466

No it isn't. Why would women be on Tinder except intermittently? They can go on and within a few days or a few weeks at most they will have a whole stable of guys lined up to text and go on dates with. Men sit on the toilet swiping right until their swipes run out for 40 minutes a day. It's pathetic. No man should live like that.

You shouldn't say incel as a pejorative, it's a meaningless term and has contributed to the alienation of the growing underclass of perfectly fine men who can't participate in this degenerate casual sex culture.

>> No.20207468

The definition makes it a perjorative, same as "underclass". I don't hate them and, as seen in this thread, I am trying to help them, but I sure as hell am not going to put them on a pedestal.

>> No.20207472

Those are UK numbers. Apparently 90% of tinder user base is male in the UK, so you’re competing with 8 others for 1 girl. I’m not sure what it is in the US. I’d give you a source but I’m lazy.

>> No.20207473
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>VGH no matches on the toilet; hitler was right!

>> No.20207478

I'd call it something like 60%, if I were to guess.

>> No.20207489

I just looked it up it’s 85-90% male in the UK and 78% male in the US. Apparently American women are more whorish than UK women.

>> No.20207491

You aren't helping them by making them feel like you have to hold your nose to deal with them, and describe them in subhuman terms to let them know the status difference between the two of you. Precisely what they are increasingly beginning to doubt is whether the source of that status difference is valid at all, and whether they should just impose a saner system on you and everybody else. If you want to prevent them from going further into this kind of thinking, which has already basically hardened into an assumption a priori, I'd advise a gentler approach.

But I don't really care either way. I want them to be angrier because I think they're right.

National Socialist gender policies were actually interesting. They honoured women while also acknowledging their difference, and it caused record civic participation by women and made women a hell of a lot happier than they are as childless histrionic prostitutes.

>> No.20207494

>National socialist gender policies
Traditional family values aren’t restricted to Nazism. Nazism borrowed them from Christianity.

>> No.20207505

>They honoured women
by treating them like breeding machines to send more children off to war, yes

>> No.20207519

I agree, any natural law doctrine would do. I'm just saying the Nazis were interesting insofar as they had what amounted to a natural law doctrine on gender roles.

Women like to have big families. Women as "breeding machines" is an obsession of a dehumanized progressive movement that sees the purpose of life as hedonism and views any natural or traditional activity as arbitrary or burdensome. The same society that complains about underpopulation and the need for immigration also endorses abortion and demands that women live like hedonists until they're 50, while getting surgeries to appear younger.

At some point the Nazis became the sane ones.

>> No.20207534
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>obsession of a dehumanized progressive movement
you mean like the nazis?

>> No.20207544

Partly yes, they were themselves victims of various things like scientism, materialism, and technology worship. Their racial doctrine was crass. The best parts of Nazism were just the natural Volksgemeinschaft of the German people being given an opportunity to shine by the Machtergreifung. I don't know if a Jung-Papen style authoritarian government would have incorporated more of the same currents without smothering them. The Nazis half smothered them, half hypercharged them to dangerous and unnecessary levels. But they were also (correctly) anticipating a two-front war with Anglo finance and Bolshevik terror so I can kind of understand why they had a "we have to work with what we've got" mentality.

Just a shame so many of them were bad eggs. Himmler especially.

>> No.20207549

>sure if you ignore all the bad stuff they were actually good!!!


>> No.20207555

0 pussy mfs

>> No.20207560

Everything composed partly of ordinary people trying their best has mixes of bad and good in it. The USSR had many good people, so did the Anglo-American bloc and many others. The tragedy is usually that the good people are swept up in currents they wouldn't agree with if they knew where they were headed, or that they are manipulated deliberately by some higher power.

Most states become "normal" after a while, through the sheer inertia of normal people trying to live their lives. Obviously you want to rely on more than this to ensure good outcomes but it's important to remember that people are basically good and basically want to do good, if you just meet them halfway. Except trannies.

>> No.20207568

lol dude you're not on /pol/ right now you don't have to act like a chud

>> No.20207580

I would fuck the one on the right so fucking hard, to tears and beyond painting every wall of the house with her sweat and cracking them all afterwards with her moans. She cute.

>> No.20207581
File: 103 KB, 900x668, Berlin-1945-Photos-of-the-Aftermath-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most states become "normal" after a while, through the sheer inertia of normal people trying to live their lives.
you're not wrong

>> No.20207585

Incels aren't just unattractive, they are retarded. The ones I've known IRL say lots of stupid shit and are very difficult to be around.

>> No.20207599

Literally just have sex lmao

>> No.20207621

That is partly due to the fact that they lack opportunities for proper socialization because the only social settings available are a shallow dating culture and a hedonistic youth culture. Autistic people can find a modus vivendi if handled with basic compassion, and not subjected to confusing popularity contests for meaningless prizes (sex with whores).

This is a good example. Think about what you're doing. That's a human being.

In the long run, what impulse do you think wins out: the one that identifies compassionately with the dead man being degraded for fighting for his homeland, or the one that takes sadistic pleasure in picking a "side" as an excuse to mock the corpses of the other side's soldiers? Nobility always wins in the end because it's objectively correct and every person knows this instinctively. Every person knows instinctively and unconsciously, at least at a deep level, that war is fickle and they could just as easily be the mangled corpse in the ditch, and something must unite all of us in this essential vulnerability. Jünger's Storm of Steel has some good reflections on this.

Even you know it at some deep level, which is why subverting it like this by trying to desecrate a corpse gives you a giddy thrill. If all human life weren't sacred, if it weren't an eternal truth that even the enemy can be noble and should be respected as a fellow human being, it wouldn't be luridly fascinating for you to deny it. You would be indifferent to it.

>> No.20207623

Good Morning

>> No.20207629

See this is what I meant about incels saying stupid shit that makes people not want to be around them

>> No.20207637

stupid games get stupid prizes

>> No.20207657
File: 114 KB, 1600x990, 2016-05-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

Indeed, that was my point. Enjoy your movement filled with suicidal trannies and neurotic perverts siloed off into millions of discord channels.

>> No.20207666

That effortpost you made about how all women shit on walls was just retarded

>> No.20207675

Enjoy your dead nazis

>> No.20207679

I am a reincarnationist (except for trannies).

>> No.20207689

hopefully you can reincarnate into something less stupid

>> No.20207717

Alright, as I pass you in the tranny tollhouse being shown by God the forms of Man and Woman, and why they can't be mixed or interchanged, I will consider reincarnating as something even smarter than I already am. But this is already a lot to handle.

>> No.20207728

>bro just be a completely different person and you'll get laid

>> No.20207733

And then what?

>> No.20207754

Yes? If you aren't getting laid you're objectively a failed man and should fix yourself while there's still time. Entry level requirements for pussy are lower than ever, just look presentable and behave like a decent human being. That's it.

>> No.20207762
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>> No.20207769

Buy her plan B, if needed, then block her number

>> No.20207772

>America college kiddies
Not American, French.

>> No.20207773

And this is relevant how?

>> No.20207784

You buy her plan b so you don't have a child you're not ready for, and you block her number to prevent any attachment being formed.

>> No.20207788

>failed male
By your definition. I'm glad you got low quality pussy just by looking presentable, but I don't have to make this compromise.

>> No.20207791

Only way I can have sex is with a prostitute. Women don’t love me.

>> No.20207794

Enjoy 0 pussy then, loser

>> No.20207807

I meant to what was said before, you said
>Literally just have sex lmao
so what happens then?

>> No.20207810

Legit the only consequence of getting 0 pussy is inconsequential nobodies calling me an incel online.

>> No.20207817

meant for >>20207784

>> No.20207827

What happens then is that you can cuddle for a bit, but do NOT spend the night with her

>> No.20207840
File: 189 KB, 1200x1372, 83a52d_9428527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more sexy women

>> No.20207843

No one cares about your country, frog.

>> No.20207844

She looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.20207845
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>> No.20207848

And what does this change?

>> No.20207856
File: 14 KB, 300x225, NoComment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers really can't help themselves, can they?

>> No.20207873

>This is your brain on porn

>> No.20207884

That is not true. Sex is an actual biological need, they say that if you could put it in a pill that it would be a wonder drug. I've been the better part of a year without sex and I'm feeling the effects of it.

>> No.20207892

I like Vera, wish she'd do some actual nudes.

>> No.20207895

About your personality, you mean?

>> No.20207912

Not that anon but I've had sex this year after not getting any throughout most of the the scamdemic, and it hasn't changed anything. It's nice but nothing more. Now I understand having done it at least once so you know what it is, but after that, unless it's mind blowing pure ecstasy sex, it's no different from going out for good food. Nice, but not essential.

>> No.20207920

Well there must be a reason you told those people to have sex right? What will change if they do?

>> No.20207929

You're just not introspective enough to get it. Sex has an actual effect on your body chemisty and mental state that lasts long after it's over.

I'm not saying that one 30 second session with an ugly whore will make a magical change in you for the never several months, but regular sex with someone you care for makes a huge difference.

>> No.20207933

Needs to pan the camera more to the left.

>> No.20207938

It means you're now socially adjusted enough to pass a basic human test. Failing this test is basically failing life.

>> No.20207954

My first time was over 10 years ago and my last time was a few days ago, now what?

>> No.20207962
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>tfw 25 yo virgin turning 26 next month
>tfw went to big party school, made lifelong friends got drunk all the time did coke partied but was too afraid of women to ask them out and messed it up every time a girl asked me out
>graduate, get job in beach town in home state
>all of my friends are guys and the few that have gfs don't have any single friends for me around here
>rarely have an opportunity to talk to women, only really viable in bars and that never seems to work out for me
I don't hate women, I'm not blackpilled, but why does this have to be so hard. I'm a normie in every other facet of my life but why are women so hard for me

>> No.20207963

So it doesn't apply to you then, dipshit.

>> No.20207970

>You're just not introspective enough to get it.
What is this supposed to mean? I can assure you I've spent more time thinking about these things and my relation to them than the average person and probably you.
>Sex has an actual effect on your body chemisty and mental state that lasts long after it's over.
So does good food, or drugs.
>but regular sex with someone you care for makes a huge difference.
I was in a stable relationship with regular sex for more than 5 years. Everything I said here >>20207912 still stands.

>> No.20207971

You just gave us the reason, you're afraid and don't try. That's on you.

>> No.20207978

Okay but you told me to have sex. Are you just a retard who shouts random things then?

>> No.20207979

You're just making all these random and senseless responses to something that is proven to be true. Of course sex is part of being healthy, this has been throughly investigated.

>> No.20207980

I conquered most of my fear of women towards the end of college but now that I'm out of college there's no place to even try. I'm on apps and I've swiped through hundreds of thousands of girls cumulatively on them but it's only led to like a few dates that they never want to see me again afterwards. Mostly they just ghost. Outside of apps I have no real interaction with women. I don't know what else I have to do. I'm /fit/, I make money, I do fun things I enjoy

>> No.20207982

Are you a faggot who get ridiculously defensive for 10 posts everytime someone makes a cheap insult at him?

>> No.20207991


>> No.20207993

I don't know what to tell you man, it should have happened by now. Unironically consider therapy.

>> No.20207998
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>> No.20208006

I see...

>> No.20208012

>something that is proven to be true
Doesn't mean anything.
You just claimed something, I said it doesn't work like that, and you go
>but the experts say it does!
Look, sex is nice, and I understand having to at least experience it, but it doesn't change anything in the long run. What are the symptoms you're experiencing from withdrawal?

>> No.20208021

Why would I need therapy I'm not mentally ill, I'm not depressed I'm honestly pretty optimistic about my future I have a good job and I'm going to get into a top-tier business school. Therapy seems like a thing for women to go talk about their problems in lieu of what the Catholic church did for them for like 2000 years. If you need somebody to tell you're everything's okay why not just become a catholicuck

Honestly it never stopped attractive women from being into me in college, obviously they were always shorter than me, but I must be attractive enough facially to compensate for it somewhat. I was just too autistic/nervous to realize what was happening until it was too late

>> No.20208025

Black women arethe biggest whores there are

>> No.20208026

sounds like you're projecting. Go jerk off. The niceness of sex is greatly upset by the fact that you have to deal with some untrustworthy dumb child in your household to have it. All I want in life is peace and quiet.

>> No.20208027

Are you a retard who shouts random things for no reason? It's only an insult if it actually makes sense.

>> No.20208029

Maybe you're a closeted homo? I mean with all your bitching and whining you sure do sound like one.

>> No.20208032

What the fuck are you talking about? Obviously I was refering to the fact that you're failing in social situations and need professional help figuring out what is happening.

>> No.20208045
File: 147 KB, 886x989, Thesmugbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 foot 4 here, got laid at 18 and regularly ever since, Jesus fucking Christ you guys are faggots.

>> No.20208050

It should be against the rules to start a thread with an image that has literally nothing to do with the topic of the board or post.

>> No.20208053

No I'm not a fag, nothing about men is attractive to me I like women.

Why would I go pay a therapist a ton of money then? They're for women to talk about their feelings. What, is some bitch (whose likely mentally ill herself) with a psychology masters from Devry University going to tell me what to say to women to make them sleep with me? kek

>> No.20208054

Anything I could tell you would be subjective and you'd throw it out the window, not wasting my breath. Go look up the studies that have been done on this, it's not just silly pop psychology but hard science that measures bodily chemicals like serotonin.

>> No.20208059

kek I'm even shorter than you, dw about height all that much, it's an obstacle sure but if you aggressively stage manage your surroundings and your appearance then you can still trick women here and there

>> No.20208061

You're just saying random words now, no idea why this upset you so hard.

>> No.20208066

Yeah I've never really worried about height a whole lot. Some guys on here seem incredibly neurotic about it but desu it seems like women just want you to be taller than them and even then you can make up for that

>> No.20208070

I'm some other dude just replying to you. You seem to have the most reddit arguments ever. Shit's "proven" and stuff like that lmao.

>> No.20208072

Instead of throwing around buzzwords, tell us what you think not having sex and then having sex does to you, faggot. You keep hammering on about that "studies prove..." but fail to say what they actually purport to prove. Does not having sex for a long time make your peepee shrink? Does it make you schizophrenic?

>> No.20208073

The nazis were the bettet side. The anglos and commies were controlled by international (jewish) finance. This is an entry-level redpill, lurk more retard.

>> No.20208079

chud propaganda

>> No.20208086
File: 89 KB, 370x449, 1621788881040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chud propaganda

>> No.20208087

>saying the thing you think is propaganda

>> No.20208090

im calling it chud propaganda as a good thing obviously

>> No.20208100

It's clear you have some actual issues that come out when dealing with people and there isn't much I can tell you here on 4chan, you'd need someone who has a chance to pick your brain about this and get some sense for what you might not be seeing. It doesn't work like
>"But I'm doing everything right!"
>oh okay then, must be hopeless and everyone else's fault

>> No.20208105

That's just because this isn't worth arguing about. It's like trying to hold a philosophical argument with someone who has decided the concept that plants grow due to sunlight and nutrition "doesn't make sense", what do you tell them? I could post some actual studies but I'm being lazy right now.

>> No.20208109

Basically it makes you less happy and satisfied and more uneasy, thought it went without saying that was the sort of thing we were talking about.

>> No.20208114

super cute

>> No.20208120

how can you be certain that both sides of this narrative are not both nonsense in some form?

>> No.20208139
File: 42 KB, 600x642, 1603243204935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can you be certain that both sides of this narrative are not both nonsense in some form?

>> No.20208141

non-argument chud

>> No.20208146

That's very vague and subjective. I went without going out for food for more than a year as well at the same time and that was harder (but it only bothered me incidentally, not continually). So how is sex any different from anything "good/nice" like quality food?

>> No.20208152

You can never be absolutely certain but one side is accepted (or even pushed) by the establishment, which obviously does not have my interests at heart, and the other is maligned. That seems like a decent indicator at least.

>> No.20208153
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>> No.20208155
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I can't stand the standoffish non replies. >Ah lol aww
Want to punch through my screen.
You're right about the rich vacation pictures. I was a nobody until my vacation photos uploaded. I think women there expect me to be disgusted by them because the girls I liked ghosted me. The girls who I was like ugh maybe eh were crazy about me. Frickin great post man you know your stuff.

>> No.20208157

>That's very vague and subjective
That's what I just said, retard.

Humans have a fundamental need to be valued by others, and sex is the height of this need. It's not just some random luxury, it is hardwired into us to be seen as extremely important. It's supposed to be that way, that's how we make future generations and form bonds with others so we can be stronger together.

>> No.20208161

or perhaps a hidden third option which is really what they're hiding by creating this false narrative

>> No.20208167

God I love Instagram goddesses!