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20201947 No.20201947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that questioning the Holocaust narrative is officially illegal in Canada, should I worry that I might get a knock on my door by the local authorities because I own physical copies of several books from the Holocaust Handbook series? They were bought on Ebay and I'm afraid that because of this, I'm already put on a watchlist. Should I just get rid of them as a precaution, or am I safe?

>> No.20201965

You get what you deserve, chudgoy.
Don't ever question the 8 million again and we may forgive you

>> No.20201975

What are they gonna do arrest me for my 4ghan posts ?

>> No.20201976

Oyvey remember the 10 million

>> No.20201977

>8 millions
Yikes, say hello to your jailmates, extremist. Never downplay the death of our 10 millions again!

>> No.20201982

An extra circumcision for you! How dare you downplay the 12 million!?

>> No.20201990
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Yes fuck chuds

>> No.20201998

Your single mother says you spend too much time on the internet sweaty

>> No.20202021

I can't even ffs, fuck you nazi chuds scum, it's a well known fact over 30 million of God's chosen people lost their lives, maybe if you stopped watching infowars and your lowly white supremacist echochambers you would become decent human beings.

>> No.20202029
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>downplaying the nazis’ murder of jew to be outlawed
what does this even mean? you have to give a certain quotient of inditement as determined by law when talking about the holocaust?

Of course this is just a headline, so its (you) bait by default.

>> No.20202035

On a serious note, I am getting very scared about our country fellow leafs. This isn't Chud alarmism but I can't think of a point in history where our politics was this bad. Even during the FLQ crisis there was still a level of political discourse.

>> No.20202043

>should I worry that I might get a knock on my door by the local authorities because I own physical copies of several books from the Holocaust Handbook series?
Nothing is every 100% sure with the Law, but odds are good that no, you won't. You might get ordered by court to get rid of your material as part of your sentencing if you were found guilty of sharing material which denies the Holocaust while publicly supporting the claims of the material (as such, someone quoting Holocaust denial texts in order to study Holocaust denial would probably be fine).

>> No.20202046

What about the pedal power masturbation machines?
Or the lampshades of human skin.
Is this denying the 36 million?
Asking if Prussian blue shouldn't have formed on bricks in the presence of a certain chemical.
Asking where the actual ashes or bodies are.
Why did Russians come back to stage photos and build additional structures?
Why did Americans stage photos?
The 40 million oh god

>> No.20202055

Don’t they also send arms to the Nazis in Ukraine?
Just goose-step with blue and yellow reich regalia and they’ll never question you. Hide your books in that hole in the wall behind the toilet

>> No.20202057

>FLQ crisis
kek, 20 dudes burning mailboxes isn't going to stop the political discourse.
Pissing off truckers, in a country were a non-negligible number of folks need oil deliveries in order to avoid getting 10k + damages in burst pipes every year, however...

>> No.20202077
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>This totally happened that's why we have to outlaw anyone questioning it

>> No.20202079

You're still allowed to say what you want in private conversation. Stands to reason you can own books on the subject. I probably wouldn't author any though.

What a joke. Fuck this gay country.

>> No.20202105

>Stands to reason you can own books on the subject.
Get with the times, grandpa. We full NKVD now

>Last year, police said John had collected tens of thousands of documents in bulk downloads on to hard drives, which contained "a wealth" of white supremacist and anti-Semitic material.
>Ben John, who police described as a white supremacist, was given a two-year suspended sentence in August.
>The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive.
>The Court of Appeal ruled the original sentence was unlawful and ordered John to serve two years in prison.
>The ex-student was charged under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act, and found guilty by a jury of one count.


>> No.20202143

"Funny" thing is it actually was around 10-11 million or so, the other ones just weren't jews so they don't really matter.

>> No.20203016

No, just give you a spank.

>> No.20203042

Surely this is inexcusable from a liberal political point of view?

>> No.20203056
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>> No.20203059

OP is about Canada.

>> No.20203064

>You're still allowed to say what you want in private conversation

lmao the average westoid is the biggest fucking snitch narc janny goy possible, they would jump at any fucking opportunity to report you to the feds for wrongthink. not even the chinks are as eager to snitch and they get rewarded in social credit - westoids DO IT FOR FREE. THEY LITERALLY RAT THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OUT FOR FREE. russians under stalin would find us cringe

>> No.20203101

Both are equally cucked, tho. Australia and New Zealand as well.

>> No.20203112

Surely you've noticed by now that modern "liberals" do not support liberal values such as free speech.

>> No.20203679

Will my school reports on The Nuremberg Trials be Grandfathered?

>> No.20203697

its a net to allow anyone who questions the official narrative period to be arrested
>i believe jews were killed but the numbers were exaggerated
go to jail
>I believe the deaths of jews were due to lack of food during a time when the Germans couldn't even feed their own citizens let alone masses of prisoners
go to jail

>> No.20205022

Goddamn Canada is a shitty country

>> No.20205121

what a stupid country.

>> No.20205147

all jokes aside the west is about to become fucking hilarious as the increasingly brittle security regimes start cracking down on shit like this as their preferred distraction from society falling apart

i wonder if the next election will be what triggers the next step change, and you'll see CNN just straight up congratulating the government for detaining internet meme racists for wrongthink. some really nutty shit is about to go down, and it's going to be led and cheerled by brian stelter and other managerial types who need med cocktails to function lol. imagine how crazy things will get if the CNN oligarchy types think they've won and start getting extra cocky.

move to a small town while you still can.

>> No.20205151

All Westerners are Jews just like all Middle Easterners are Arabs.

>> No.20205154

oh also they're going to shut down the internet or "temporarily restrict it" within the next 5-10 years, 10 max

i know this is schizo but please start soft disclosing this fact to other internet schizos so we can collectively be prepared for the shock. a whole lot of people are going to be surprised when they just restrict the entire communication network and take away access to all this information we take for granted, and nobody can figure out how to get their bearings.

some trump thing will be the pretext.

>> No.20205156

What a stupid faggot your president is, leaf anon.

>> No.20205158

Ok, prove your statements.

>> No.20205161

>being such annoying assholes that your bs gets outlawed
/pol/tards are the scum of the earth and deserve death.

>> No.20205162

Schizos have been on this for 2 years already anon. WEF has been talking about "cyber pandemic" by some foreign state(yeah right), that will shutdown power grids across the West, necessitating a massively restricted new internet tied to Digital ID.

>> No.20205164

prove what?

>> No.20205176

It's the Anglo world controlled by America. Doubling down on its grip as dissent increases.

>> No.20205187

If you're going to be a bootlicker you should at least affect an empathic morality. It's just unbecoming to mix slavish adherence to state doctrine with an attitude of aggressive animus.

>> No.20205189

that actually makes me feel better, i wish i saw /pol/ types talking about it more, to the point of turning it into a common meme or something. i don't think people can anticipate the level of shock that will result from not being able to wikipedia shit anymore, much less google shit or communicate with eachother at will. we have a severe learned helplessness problem, and everybody thinks the internet is a "thing" that's "there," but it's not, it can be switched off any time.

i think there was an outer limits episode about this where everyone's effectively retarded because they use some device in their head so they never have to know or remember anything.

>> No.20205196

even their deaths have interest on them

>> No.20205197

>mentally ill /pol/ niggers calling anyone else bootlickers
kys senpai

>> No.20205212

I was under the impression that every single belief you have is safe to express publicly, while /pol/ face imprisonment from the state, being fired, etc if they state their views. Clearly they are much braver than you; if you were threatening the state in any way rather than bootlicking it you would face consequences.

>> No.20205216

I'd just start getting passive aggressive and begin saying:
>up to 6 million
Normies wouldn't catch on.

>> No.20205217

this will be used as a means of cracking down on right wing, white nationalist, and associated groups...simple as that. apparently they tried to do this before in the 90s but the supreme court struck it down. maybe it's yet to be struck down again but i wouldn't be surprised at all given the climate.

>> No.20205242

We may all be Cuckwealth nations but in Australia and New Zealand we dont have the same crazy laws the UK has.
>wont go to prison for saying nigger on twitter
>wont have house raided under suspicion of owning a knife
>wont be fined for not paying for the tv license

>> No.20205247

You don't deserve freedom or life at all. You are all worth less than dog shit. The world would be a billion times better if you all were strung up from lampposts. Worthless pieces of trash.

>> No.20205257

That's what I thought. Run along little doggie, check on the news for what you're allowed to think or say tomorrow, it changes after all lmao

>> No.20205268

What about making memes about kikes getting gassed and ashed? Will they rake the leaves for that?

>> No.20205273

>With antisemitism on the rise, Canadian officials are moving to make it a crime to publicly deny or diminish the Holocaust. "The Holocaust was one of the darkest chapters in human history," said Irwin Cotler, special envoy on Holocaust remembrance and antisemitism. "We must preserve its memory, combat contemporary antisemitism and be unequivocal when we say: never again." Wording in a budget bill provides for quickly changing the national criminal code, CTV News reports. Private conversation would be exempt.
My only hope is that Christian Zionism dies out with the boomers. How the fuck do you let yourself get led around by the nose like this

>> No.20205277

>led around by the nose
Antisemitic metonymy, the sentence is death.

>> No.20205709

Canadians officially can't say "the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have".

>> No.20205727

Begone, bunkertranny groomer.

>> No.20205751

if you're a literally who, you won't have to worry.

>> No.20205752

one day your feet will raise from the ground and it will be me pulling the rope

>> No.20205769

>still using the word "schizo" in an unironic way
I thought the past 2 years finally made people realize and wake up to the fact that the so-called "schizos" have always been right throughout the years. Guess deprogramming yourself from the NPC-Matrix way of thinking takes more time than I initially thought.

>> No.20206263

this post not relevant in Canada