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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 197 KB, 1669x2560, 12 rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20201561 No.20201561 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get older and realize this guy was right about everything?

>> No.20201575

Well yeah. But that's just because it's updated jung.

>> No.20201584

Right about everything? No. Better than the alternatives (Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Left-Wing mental illness) yes.

>> No.20201585

the destruction of the nuclear family and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.20201608

Jordan's all well and good for depressed 16 year old boys who've been demonised for their entire developmental period, but that tweet about him being too cowardly to slay his enemies with the flaming sword or whatever is spot on.

>> No.20201617

>Nuclear family
You mean the extended family. Atomization led to the nuclear family, which was the furthest erosion of the family unit.

>> No.20201621
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>> No.20201622

The opposite for me

>> No.20201626
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>> No.20201660

He felt pity and wasn't disturbed.

>> No.20201664

Does this book have the “Wash your penis” meme?

>> No.20201667

cringe. jordan peterson doesn't even believe in god, and people that do certainly aren't interested in vaguely genocidal rhetoric of 14 yr olds

>> No.20201684

>step one, clean your room
>step two, get addicted to benzo
lmao, any sane man would know never mess with gaba receptors

>> No.20201760

Jordan's entire thing is that when he says "god" he simultaneously does and does not literally mean the Christian deity. The twatter poster is only following him in that. It's why people think he's just a conservative who wants to push Christianity because he's always like "man these things are so complicated, luckily the only terminology we can use to discuss these problems is religious terminology isn't that neat.
He insists on using religious language for sufficiently complex non religious problems and then acts surprised when people like you think he is literally talking about god. Honestly I blame him more than you for that.

>> No.20201769

I certainly do not think he is literally talking about God. but he wants to seem to others as though he is talking about God. only I don't think his use of the word "God" is meaningful in any philosophical sense -- except maybe in the way stoners philosophise. his tweedle-dee obscurantism doesn't have any real precedent.

>> No.20201784

I think we agree desu

>> No.20201808

this site is 18+

>> No.20201819

>Just blame yourself for everything and be stoic bro
Wow this is so profound....

>> No.20201830

>get older
anon the book only came out like 4 years ago

>> No.20201893

Its better to think life is like a Marvel Movie with super villains plotting against woe is me. I want to feel important even though I'm not as important as I want to be. Roleplaying is fun.

>> No.20201978
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>> No.20201981

what does this all mean? break it down for me boys.

>> No.20201994

what a tool

>> No.20201997


>> No.20202010

its neoreactionary larp. they're basically saying that the deeper JP stared into the abyss, the more it dawned on him that his humanitarian methods of restoring the world to order was untenable, and that the only way of defeating evil was by embodying the monster that he's sworn to keep within.

in other words, they claim that all is lost, that the degeneracy has taken too deep a root, that violence and war is the only way back to sanctity, and that JP has now realized this too but is too much of a coward to self-confess it.

>> No.20202030

>My inability to get women to fuck me is the superstructure derived from the economic base of bourgeois ownership of the means of productions, personal agency is ideology

>> No.20202045

It's Jung, of course it isn't right.

>> No.20202075

This. Although the first three words seem to indicate that you don't believe that it's the case? You literally spelled it out perfectly. They want to kill you and rape your children. What possible way do we have out of this other than violence and war.

>> No.20202090

>you don't believe that it's the case?

no, i'm not a 21 year old virgin who observed the whole planet through the lens 4chan

>> No.20202091

>They want to kill you and rape your children.

>> No.20202098

These seething righties have gone completely mental.

>> No.20202114

Kek smartest rightoid everybody

>> No.20202121


>> No.20202127

the destruction of large, extended, close family was. Nuclear family is fucking totalitarian concept.

>> No.20202150

Your mockery only reinforces my beliefs

>> No.20202156

Couldn't care less.

>> No.20202160

t. radicalized terrorist

>> No.20202162


>> No.20202178

Wasn't this always his point, though? That the world is evil but you shouldn't waste energy on that and instead focus on things you can change?

>> No.20202203

congratulations, you have reached peak foolishness.

>> No.20202217

not really, or at least that's only part of it.

JP believes that the world can (and must) be repaired, but that it's a bottom-up process. repair yourself before you repair the world.

>That the world is evil but you shouldn't waste energy on that and instead focus on things you can change?

JP would say that you should indeed spend energy on repairing the world and ridding it on evil, but that its a daunting enterprise and that you gotta have your shit fixed before you even try

>> No.20202223

i should also add:

repair yourself before you repair the world, and also that repairing yourself will as a consequence repair the world when collectively undertaken

>> No.20202225

No, OP. You always were a far righter but you finally admitted you have this problem.

>> No.20202248

>Right about everything.

It's a jung fanfic. There isn't a single new idea in this book, just reworded shit for rich white 16 year olds.

>> No.20202278

Oh yeah, I'm a dumb dumb.
How secular of him

>> No.20202283
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>> No.20202284

The rich 16 year olds are discussing how to kill him in their mandatory high school feminism classes

>> No.20202301

i dont like peterson but this is from when he was in the process of moving lol. if youre gonna attack someone at least do it honestly

>> No.20202303

stop marxist literature then

>> No.20202312

Where are these mandatory high school feminism classes?

>> No.20202328

The demons that those pictures were talking about. Though half of the replies is one samefag

>> No.20202340
File: 2 KB, 123x82, meds now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get help

>> No.20202473

Stop it.

>> No.20203145

Applying Sun Tzu to life is a decent idea, but thinking everything shares the same idea of evil is utterly retarded.

Also, the world is collectively dying, so it’s impossible for it to collectively repair itself.

>> No.20203156

plus, it's obviously not trash

>> No.20203209

>in other words, they claim that all is lost, that the degeneracy has taken too deep a root, that violence and war is the only way back to sanctity
This is basically the whole fantasy the neo right thrives on. "They're out to get us, we must defeat the liberals/marxists/globohomos/jews or they will kill us."

>> No.20203359

Have we decided on his diagnosis? I think maybe he's a paranoiac?

>> No.20203409
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This anon gets it. The breakdown of extended families into nuclear families was an early symptom of modern degeneracy.

>> No.20203499

imagine taking seriously the words of a benzo addict who eats nothing but meat and cries incessantly

>> No.20203547

So you’ll ruin yourself and others simply out of spite? If that pettiness is what your absurd beliefs have done for your character, then don’t you think it’s time for some radical introspection?

>> No.20203550

On his last JRE episode he says that will to power is a psychopathic postmodern idea. When I watched it I could tell he was hiding something because he seemed very desperate in the way he was saying it. Soon it became clear to me: his entire philosophy is secretly justified by will to power alone. He teaches that responsibility brings meaning because you can't have positive affect without goal pursuit, that ethics are fundamentally pragmatic, and that you become a "better" person once you've encountered the shadow and consciously incorporated it into your personality. All of this is justified by the fact that you become more powerful if you accept it. None of it implies any metaphysic or any form of religious truth whatsoever, but people are deceived by the way he talks into thinking that's what they've been provided with. If ethics are pragmatic and therefore a tool, no deeds are done fundamentally for their own sake. Everything becomes a means to a means, with a hypothetical end that only exists in the future, never the present. He says his definition of love is "to act out the desire of one's best interest" or to "be on the side of the person that is struggling towards the light", but that's clearly retarded once you consider that people who love each other will knowingly waste time together or even hurt each other. Jordan's definition of love implies that people only love others inasmuch as they are useful to them. It also implies that Jordan does not love people entirely, only part of them. He uses the metaphor of "burning off the part of you that is unworthy", but somehow misses the fact that everyone except the messiah will have a part of themselves that is not "aimed at the light" which means that Jordan Peterson (if he follows his own doctrine at heart) does not love anybody fully, that there is an aspect of every person which Peterson does not love. This ironically justifies people calling him a Nazi because he applies the same ethical standard individually as Nazis do collectively except while Nazis do it by asserting that it is the responsibility of all citizens to act in total benefit to the state, Peterson does it by asserting that if you act in a way that is not ultimately pragmatic you both lack and are unworthy of love. Its clear that the reason he does this is because he hates collectivism of any kind so he resorts to inventing a new (false) definition of love that can work while excluding the fundamental aspect of unity that renders love psychologically collective in nature. By doing so his ethics essentially amount to high-functioning psychopathy.

>> No.20203571

His writing speaks for itself. Anyone who has actually read or listened to his shit knows firsthand that his ideas are sound and logical. It blows my fucking mind that people are so eager to shit on him; his work is the incarnation of human integrity.

>> No.20203597
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The first mention of JP on /lit/

>> No.20203607

Better than fashy tradboyz?

>> No.20203638

I thought nucks were all goofy weirdos.

>> No.20203661
File: 369 KB, 950x450, children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They're out to get us, we must defeat the liberals/marxists/globohomos/jews or they will kill us."

>> No.20203670


>> No.20203672

Mostly English, but also History is now taught with this bent of judging the righteousness of every historical event by how much it oppressed women or minorities or how it lacked women or minority representation.

I remember learning world history through an economic lens from a based philosophy burn out turned teacher. He did his due dilligence to teach without too much of an agenda and the economic gestalt narrative just developed naturally. Would have been better to dive deeper into the ideological movements that shaped the eras, but that was my own lack of attention combined with the restraint of condensing 600 years of history into one year of study. It's a lot easier to simplify down to economic motivations for pattern recognition. Getting to the ideological layer is obviously where the deeper understanding resides.

>> No.20203682

Every private school in the country.

>> No.20203707

Sure, they mean they are literally going to come to fuck your children.

>> No.20203708

Yes, they stated that that was the goal.

>> No.20203710

Peterson is an economic/political system? Nice retarded direction-braining

>> No.20203717

God this board is embarrassing.

>> No.20203720

The will to power is a prisoner's dilemma. I've been wrestling with this same conundrum for a long time. I earnestly want there to be a refutation of the will to power, but I also want to remain in the truth with my criticism of the will power. So far my efforts have been in vain, but I'm not giving up. I have a lot of respect for the will to power. I have too much respect in general for ideologies I have a viscerally negative reaction to. Hence why I'm on this site surrounded by many I disagree with. I believe that if I am ever to surpass the will to power and develop a system beyond its myopia I must, at some level, attune with and respect its truth.

I identify the will to power with Mars. I'm dredging the depths of the cthonic layers to try to find a force that can overpower and usurp Mars that isn't just another fucking shade of Mars. It's probably a sisyphean task, but it keeps my mind occupied.

>> No.20203722 [DELETED] 

Enjoy ruining your life.

>> No.20203733
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>> No.20203785

I don't think the will to power has to be refuted. Love is the most powerful aspect of human consciousness and so the highest form of will to power must subordinate itself to the love of God otherwise power is compromised.

>> No.20203797

You can't refute anything N says as he doesn't really offer any proofs or arguments. You can dismiss the idea though.

>> No.20203843

>get older
What are you finally old enough to buy your own books now?

>> No.20203865

The lyrics are "we'll make them tolerant and fair." Not "we're going to rape children's assholes with our big gay dicks".

Basically (most of) the right is a bunch of pearlclutching morons. Yeah the left have their idiots too, but you "we're under attack by satanic pedophiles" people are just the worst. Literal 60 IQ retards.

>> No.20203892

Theres a recent video from peterson where he asks the question to his viewers, "Is Peterson a wolf in sheeps clothing" then proceeds to say that he doesnt know if he believes Jesus was a real person.

>> No.20203908

Not a very convincing sheep costume then.

>> No.20203920

Convincing enough that the comments were filled with hundreds of people praising him as a 'prophet' of the modern day.

>> No.20203924

He was right when he claimed he went 25 days straight without any sleep because he drank a glass of apple cider?

>> No.20203934

Just because his fan base is full of retards doesn’t make his work any less insightful or meaningful.

>> No.20203940

It doesn't make it any less insightful or meaningful because that's simply not possible.

>> No.20203946

If his work is only considered meaningful or insightful by retards...

>> No.20203970
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How many citations do your papers have you snarky little faggot?

>> No.20203975

I’m 99% sure neither of you have read his books. It’s good stuff— really good stuff. Judge his work by its own merits, not by the comments of morons.

>> No.20203976

brutal btfo'ing


>Peterson's book begins with an oddly incomplete account of its origins and motivations, followed by an unconscious dismissal of Aristotle's most compelling account of the purpose of life, followed by a lazy attempt to justify using a specialized term as a mystical buzzword for the rest of the book. Yet in some respects, these are the most reasonable eight pages of the book.

>As we will see, once his rules begin outright, Peterson wades into a muck of assertions without argument; disconnected similes and examples that insult reason; arbitrary and happenstance judgments; and implications that are dangerous in their banality.

>Elsewhere in the book Peterson occasionally promises that he is not a dualist or a Manichean. But it is impossible to see anything else in this series of disconnected assertions. There are no reasons, evidence, or arguments presented; just chaos is this, order is that.

>Conservatives used to be the ones who defended this traditional idea, clinging to their Aristotle, Augustine, and liberal arts, unsoiled by social science and psychobabble. Now, with the rise of Peterson, even this virtue of conservatism has been lost. I pray that some day it will be found. For now, the defenders of Peterson have been unable to defend his actual claims and ideas, opting instead to praise the effects they project in him or the affects they feel in their hearts. They say that he represents strength; but his ideas are weak and brittle. If this is what conservatism has become-unable to defend itself through tradition, substance, and argument-then maybe conservatives deserve a pop-psychology rulebook more then the classics.

>If anything characterizes this book, it is banality. You will find in it neither bold transgression nor a genius gone bad. Peterson is not an anti-hero or a misguided scoundrel. He is a tenured full professor of psychology at a major research university, who decided to write a self-help book to profit from his newfound fame. His book is opportunistic. There was nothing spectacular about reading it; the experience was mostly boring and tedious. I predict it will be stocked in thrift stores everywhere within a few years.

>> No.20203985
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>If his work is only considered meaningful or insightful by retards...
...and the hundreds of people he personally counseled during his multi-decade career as a clinician and those who worked with him and cited his work as a research scientist and the academics who produced their own work stemming from his academic papers. What have you done? Post on 4chan?

>> No.20203986

>not by the comments of morons.
by this logic, I should disregard what you just told me about his book

>> No.20203987

It's always a head scratcher when some sensitive schizo like you tries to insult someone based on an assumption so random and specific. How exactly did you intend this to offend me?

>> No.20203991

>He's trying his best!!! If you don't like it, make your own book instead of sitting here complaining!!!!!
Jordan Peterson fanboys really are a special breed of faggot

>> No.20203996

>If anything characterizes this book, it is banality. You will find in it neither bold transgression nor a genius gone bad. Peterson is not an anti-hero or a misguided scoundrel. He is a tenured full professor of psychology at a major research university, who decided to write a self-help book to profit from his newfound fame. His book is opportunistic. There was nothing spectacular about reading it; the experience was mostly boring and tedious. I predict it will be stocked in thrift stores everywhere within a few years.
This is the correct take. However, he's still a better media personality than the world deserves and has a lot more credibility than people like Sam Harris and those New Athiest faggots who shit up the internet a decade ago.

>> No.20204003

Tranny doctors have a lot of 'happy' clients but that doesnt mean their work should be respected.

>> No.20204008

How is he better than nu-Atheists? They at least were clear in their views and tried to act based, he bounces around the room and breaks down crying.

>> No.20204012

To the people who criticize Jordan: do you know any better self help books than his?

I haven't read 12 rules for life but I've tried a couple self help books and most are really bad.

>> No.20204013
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Peterson is a flawed person. However, I'm tired of hearing the same vapid criticisms of a media persona pseuds like you mistake as an intellectual exercise. Oh, you're above a message meant for the general public and can call bullshit on a guy who appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher? I'm so impressed! You must be a fucking genius.

>> No.20204016

The Philokalia

>> No.20204022

>Oh, you're above a message meant for the general public and can call bullshit on a guy who appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher? I'm so impressed! You must be a fucking genius.
I can do other things too, you'd find out about them if you brought up topics other than Jordan Peterson.

>> No.20204025
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>he cries!
I don't care if he cries. I don't care he made the most out of an unexpected career as a public figure. As stated, he personally counseled hundreds of people over multiple decades and produced a body of relatively impactful academic work in both theory and applied research. New Athiests cried about a cartoon version of religion for decades and encouraged neckbeards to parrot their asinine talking points. Peterson told them to clean their room and shave. Point Peterson.

>> No.20204029

>I've tried a couple self help books

That was your mistake. There isn't a single good one, anon. Read psychology or philosophy and/or just go to a therapist.

>> No.20204036

>I can do other things too, you'd find out about them
...if you were relevant. Tell it to your nonexistent friends because the internet doesn't care.

>> No.20204037


>> No.20204039

Lol yeah like not even know what the fuck the thread you’re posting in is about.

>> No.20204040

After I fell for the Meditations meme, I will never again read a self help book that is older than a few decades. The people back in the day weren't stupid. But their philosophy is retarded. The only self help book that has ever done anything for me was written in the last decade and summarized state of the art scientific findings, a few of which were useful.

>> No.20204041

So a clinician who helped hundreds of people suffering from severe mental illness is a "tranny doctor." Great leap of logic there faggot, care to try again?

>> No.20204042

>it's not possible to go outside, have a life, get an education, and learn skills if you aren't famous on youtube
you JP fanboys say such random things when someone insults your father figure, it's really quite mesmerizing

>> No.20204044

you really are fucking stupid

>> No.20204058

Sounds like you could have used a dad yourself to teach you how to not be such a self-absorbed dweeb on 4chan.

>> No.20204061

I could have used one and did, he's a cool guy. I helped him work on a project today.

>> No.20204066

>he's still a better media personality than the world deserves

He's a terrible and totally incoherent media personality. IIRC he was at one point the most cited researcher in his discipline, and I'm sure he was an excellent clinician and professor as well. But he descended into complete madness within a couple years of being recruited as a useful idiot for the right wing media complex. He has no idea what he's talking about vis a vis politics, sociology, or economics, and his opinions about them stem entirely from boomer academic frustration with stuff like Judith Butler coming into his discipline. It's not novel or unique, see: any of his colleagues at the University of Toronto (Ray Blanchard, Kenneth Zucker).

He seems to hate his new life in the griftosphere, and I feel bad for him. I think he was on the right track for a while, and could have come up with some really cool stuff if he had stayed in his lane and read beyond the boomer psychology professor canon of Joseph Campbell, Jung, and so on. Some of his old lectures were awesome.

>> No.20204067

Fuck off pseud I'm not a fanboy. I had him as a prof before he blew up. It's just annoying to see all of you faggots continuously circle jerking about how much smarter you are because you figured out something is a dumbed-down message for the general public (without somehow realizing you're arguing on the same level). Peterson can be quite an asshole (I've personally had a negative experience with him no he didn't touch me ) but all this pseud shit and ad homs because you're a leftypol faggot, contrarian retard who mistakes personal cynicism for wisdom, and/or a chud who is upset he doesn't hate Jews enough...it's fucking tiresome man. Go clean your room.

>> No.20204072

You're the one who equated counseling people with mental illness to chopping off cocks and creating pseudo-vaginas. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.20204076

>It's just annoying to see all of you faggots continuously circle jerking about how much smarter you are because you figured out something is a dumbed-down message for the general public (without somehow realizing you're arguing on the same level)
This is like going up to an argument where one person says 2+2=5 and the other says 2+2=4 and rather than throwing in with the side that is right screaming at them that being right on this doesn't prove that they are Albert Einstein.

>> No.20204093

It's really telling about your worldview that you think someone who criticizes something that you yourself agree is objectively stupid can only be doing it because of autistic internet ideologies. I can only imagine how hard of a time you face dealing with people in real life, making these ridiculous assumptions every time someone expresses a view on the issue at hand.

>> No.20204101

Not quite, it's like I'm calling you a pathetic retard because you're patting yourself on the back for figuring out 2+2=4 when the conversation is about admonishing you for staring at your sister's tits. Cope.

>> No.20204106

How did you honestly not get his point? It's not fucking complicated or veiled in any way, he's just saying you can be a quack and still have happy patients. The tranny was an example of the same principle, not a description of Jordan Peterson.

>> No.20204110

It's really telling that you have to slide and project about my personal beliefs because you have no other place to go after having how pathetic your behavior is pointed out to you. Cope. I'm going to eat dinner.

>> No.20204118

You have jerked yourself off so hard in this thread. I am being lazy and making simple insults because that's all the issue is worth to me, I treat it as a 4chan meme and not an emotionally charged crusade like you do.

I absolutely am a more intelligent and impressive person all around than you but my view on Jordan Peterson has very little to do with it (though it's telling that you failed this basic test).

>> No.20204121

How did you not get my point? Can you prove that the people Peterson counseled weren't the better for it? The point was a false equivocation and the fact Peterson held that career for decades is evidence enough he was successful. Get why you're a retard now? Dinner time.

>> No.20204124

I can tell you were shaking while you wrote that. I will enjoy knowing that I will live in your thoughts for the next several days.

>> No.20204125

>y-y-you're trying! I'm not even trying...
I stopped reading after that. Cope faggot.

>> No.20204133

Thank you for telling everyone you fantasize about having control over the emotional state of strangers on the internet. Real healthy, faggot. (Ok, I really have to go eat now). Keep seething.

>> No.20204137
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>Cope. I'm going to eat dinner.
>Get why you're a retard now? Dinner time.
I know this board is getting flooded with incredibly soft children from reddit but jesus fucking christ.

>> No.20204150

Of course I do, that's whole point of 4chan, you tried and failed to do the same thing. I enjoy knowing that I ruined your dinner. Tell your mommy about me and maybe she'll make you some desert to cheer you up.

>> No.20204161

At this point idk who is even arguing about what lol. It’s so goddamn bizarre to think that JBP’s books can cause this much impotent rage among anons. You faggots should really read what he’s written before riding either side of the meme train. At least then you won’t be mimicking the very morons you claim to despise.

>> No.20204165

You aren't good at samefagging, dinnerboy.

>> No.20204170

By tranny doctor I clearly meant a 'clinical physician' who tells people their mental illness is entirety normal and by cutting off their penis they will no longer feel like killing themselves.
See the point Im trying to make? The entire field is worthless.

>> No.20204181

I think it needs to be said that the sort of person who could be notably improved by being told to clean their room and work on issues with their own control instead of constantly seething about abstract concepts would have been improved by just about any sincere attempt to help them. When you're at rock bottom, you can only go up.

>> No.20204189

I wouldnt know, I was born perfect.

>> No.20204192

me too

>> No.20204197

I'm too old for him (39) and had a very present father growing up. I'm afraid he is not for me

>> No.20204218

I know you really wish I was dinnerboy anon, but I’m not. I’m just a guy who avoided JBP because of memes, then one day was convinced to check out his books and had my whole worldview changed for the better. It’s truly a shame and kinda backwards IMO for his work to be shat on by anons who haven’t even read it, but it is what it is.

>> No.20204225

really sad that you gad to interrupt your dinner with mommy just to make this pathetic post in the same gay writing style

>> No.20204231

Lol have it your way, anon. Cheers.

>> No.20204270
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>I'm too old for him (39) and had a very present father growing up.
So you're saying your father touched you?

>> No.20204277

Very strange take away from a self help book anon.

>> No.20204318

>The entire field is worthless.
The entire field is looking forward to your paper. It's sure to be not just groundbreaking but revoliutionary. When are you publishing?

>> No.20204332

you really need a new list of pre-packaged comebacks, this one sucks

>> No.20204353

What’s the best place for me to start with Jung?

>> No.20204385

They escaped the mainstream psy-op, to fall into an other psy-op. No free minds.
The jews were always a cover up for something darker, and more ancient.

>> No.20204396

The only thing they could conceivably be a cover up for is Moloch himself lmao

>> No.20204412

Kys tranny.

>> No.20204416

>Its clear that the reason he does this is because he hates collectivism of any kind so he resorts to inventing a new (false) definition of love that can work while excluding the fundamental aspect of unity that renders love psychologically collective in nature.
What's with the neo-right and the hate of collectivism? Don't they see that the situation is catastrophic, and that it is the only real way out? In Capitalism, it's only getting worse. Whatever the political variant.

>> No.20204421

It's a controlled opposition talking point that abuses right-liberal ideology to make them completely ineffective and atomized.

>> No.20204434

Collectivism doesn't work as an ideology, collectivism only works as a description of a social order that is already in place. All the self-proclaimed "collectivists" I've encountered online are actually incredibly self-centered and hard to get along with. They hate the vast majority of people in their nation and their idea of 'community' is entirely theoretical, it could only exist if everyone acted exactly like they wanted them to.

>> No.20204435

There are people between the jews, and Moloch. It's not even secret knowledge. Jews are excellent, for taking the blame. And you fell for the trap.

>> No.20204443

I dont see you naming these people so I'll assume you're just making stuff up

>> No.20204444

It's either this, or mass depopulation.

>> No.20204447

It comes from Hayek, who sees politics as a struggle between individualism and collectivism. Most of the new right envision themselves as classical liberals in the vein of Hayek, and have either read the Road to Serfdom or have absorbed dudes like Sargon of Akkad's regurgitation of it.

>> No.20204448

Sure, i'm making this up.

>> No.20204452

You're not on/x/, nobody finds this baboon tier mystery man act compelling

>> No.20204459

I you give all power to the most rich, at one point, they are gonna will to depopulate you.

>> No.20204462


>> No.20204480

I'm the one you're replying to:
Its because the only way for collectivism to work is through religious belief or else you have a tyrannical society that weakens its own people by actively discouraging and preventing individual development. The radical individualists know that collectivist ideologies dissolve the individuality of those who subscribe to it but they won't face the fact that without religion people become atomized which kills society.

>> No.20204485

>get older
As in 17? Yeah, das deep man

>> No.20204489

He cries because he's a bitch, I've seen him cry like 50 times now, it's embarrassing.

>> No.20204494

I don't agree with this thesis at all desu. There are multiple poles around which a collectivist society can coalesce. Chinese society has been markedly collectivist for its entire history and it isn't because of a religious doctrine, it's a racial unity.

>> No.20204506

>Chinese society has been markedly collectivist for its entire history and it isn't because of a religious doctrine, it's a racial unity.
Do you want to live in China?

>> No.20204516

>Anyone else get older and realize this guy was right about everything?
Are you including the drug addiction, too?

>> No.20204703
File: 40 KB, 624x378, 1640311482604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want to kill you and rape your children.
>and they think its funny

>> No.20204852

>he descended into complete madness within a couple years of being recruited

Speaking on any stage about anything is a difficult task. Then when people don't like what you have to say or your life can be affected by it. Go to an open mic and try to tell jokes for 5mins. I'll bet you will want to die, before during, and after it. Trying to be a public figure is akin to having those episodes you are not always at your best. We practice our various instruments and make our mistakes in private. Being a public figure there is not practice for it. You just start doing it.

>> No.20204904


Hahahaha, you people are always trying to convince yourself you are actually the only ones who get it.

Peterson's just a little bitch conservative who has spent the last decade trying to rationalize his internal desire for woman to shut up and for him to be allowed to scream faggot at left leaning people as opposed to just tending to his business and that of his clients.

He wants to be seen as a smart boy selling you on a cultural framework that ALREADY FAILED because it was unsustainable.

>> No.20204960

he's just a fag
>"Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie."
wow...he's like me when i was 14
probably truly believes that he's being honest when he's actively avoiding to speak the truth

>> No.20204987

When I was 14 I thought honesty was real and meaningful but now I hate it. Fraud is based.

>> No.20204996

>using 'based' in a descriptive fashion
you are still 14.

>> No.20204998

Shut up faggot. You're on 4chan, accept that we talk in 4chanese or go somewhere else.

>> No.20205011

>ignorance is my culture!
not on this board, newbee. critically questioning your vocabulary is in the spirit of /lit/, maybe go back to whatever board you hail from.

>"Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping."
he also encourages depersonalization.

>> No.20205016

why would anyone listen to a guy who cant even get his own life straight?

>> No.20205029

Brevity is the soul of wit.

>> No.20205030

>"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
also known as
>people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

>> No.20205033

What that guy said is an application of his own principle. Jordan Peterson says this yet lives in a state of miserable chaos, and still criticizes others.

>> No.20205042

>"Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t."
he also phrases it so weirdly.
i would have just said
>respect even the idiot's intelligence as if he was smarter than thou
but who am i to critize him

>> No.20205053

Jordan is obviously a mess of a person but his boomer advice is all fairly sensible. It is annoying to be lectured on that stuff by a deranged benzo addict perhaps but he's not really wrong

>> No.20205056

>Jordan is obviously a mess of a person but his boomer advice is all fairly sensible
It doesn't matter, by his own logic it doesn't count.

>> No.20205057

No one asked, autist.

>> No.20205058

That doesnt actually follow. You shouldnt be a hypocrite because it's pointless and will skew your vision, but that doesnt mean a hypocrite is incapable of saying true things.

>> No.20205064

I follow his book and thus I do not listen to people who criticize despite imperfect houses, thus I do not listen to him.

>> No.20205075

i don't need permission, dog.

>> No.20205079

He doesn't tell you to not listen to people who criticize despite imperfect houses, he recommends that you not do it yourself. Do you actually not get the distinction?

>> No.20205106

I don't listen to losers like you, go clean your room.

>> No.20205130

I'm not remotely a Petersonite lol. I just dont think his advice is bad, because as I said it's just accumulated boomerisms about personal responsibility that are fairly obvious.

>> No.20205141

most likely he´s dissapointed that his classical liberal ilk went full sjw and he was left behind

>> No.20205142

>that will to power is a psychopathic postmodern idea

didn´t it come neetszche?

>> No.20205177

He cries because his message failed
He knows what is coming
Irrational bloodthirsty violence that will only be stopped by rightfull bloodthirsty violence

>> No.20205183

Not him but China is a cozy place to live.

>> No.20205193

He's definitely right about Benzo's, those things are fucking great.

>> No.20205227

Someone redpill me on communism.

>> No.20205237

>Wasn't this always his point, though? That the world is evil
If he believes this then he is evil for having kids.

>> No.20205248

Define "communism"

>> No.20205328

OP has not gotten old enough if he still thinks Jordan Peterson was right about "everything."

>> No.20205347

This is just a generic self-help book
To this day I can't believe leftists hate the nigga because conservatives liked the book. I mean, there are literal long ass essays on goodreads on why this book is bad because it has long paragraphs.

>> No.20205369

>long paragraph reviews complaining about long paragraphs

>> No.20205462

literally the top rated review

>> No.20206645

>I can't believe conservatives are so stupid!
