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/lit/ - Literature

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20194573 No.20194573 [Reply] [Original]

What do you read when you're at your emptiest/most hollow? Can books give you that little spark which gets you out of that tar pit?
I personally find Oblomov to be quite helpful during these recurring episodes. Wholly recommend it to any NEETs struggling with that.

>> No.20196609


>> No.20196642
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>What do you read when you're at your emptiest/most hollow?
4chan desu. Pic related though it’s cringe. Usually books of sayings and short passages like Tao te Ching or the art of worldly wisdom. Not whole books as much.
>Can books give you that little spark which gets you out of that tar pit?
As much as anything else non-chemical.
That’s been on my to-read list for a while.

>> No.20196675

The Teachings of Silvanus

>> No.20196702

That little spark is already inside you.

Stop narrating your life as being "empty" or "hollow".

>> No.20196900

it's not about life itself you know. it's inner bankruptcy, or corrosion.

>> No.20197203
File: 84 KB, 538x490, Screenshot_20220409-121113_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theravada Blackpills like the five recollections of the inevitability of loss to all that is near and dear.
The Heart Sutta of the Prajnaparmita
TS Elliot's the Hollow Men
Jose Jose El Triste lyrics in English:
>I dont know if I will ever see you again
>today I want to savor my pain
>I plead not for compassion nor piety
>the story of our love so it is written
>for all of eternity!

>> No.20197263

The vaccum was paradoxically the key invention that allowed for harnessing sparks at all prior to transistors and MOSFETs. Think of this as a spiritual analog within our consciousness too, big branes. You are experiencing a pervasive symptom that has a purpose and an end. Do not seek therapy but a consequence to cope with the hardship on the journey. The heart can bear it. The heart will lead you to the end of it soon and it will be mature, deeper and stronger for it. But if you back down, you will see it over and over forever. Edify yourself lads. Dont self soothe your way out of these growing pains in sad realizations for there are many but not too many to overcome.

>> No.20197290

Alan Watts broke me out of the cycle of self loathing

>> No.20197374
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Just dilute it with merit and patience.
After finishing Schopenhauer's "Studies in Pessimism" I feel too dark to concern myself with typical trivial topical currents. As long as I am not in an audience of fools I have confidence. I am not ready yet to grind through Russian works like Gulag Archipelago. Berserk is a good aesthetic desu. I am always growing, lads even when it's too slow to appreciate.

>> No.20197397
File: 59 KB, 1200x683, BruceandTerryBatmanBeyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman is /lit/ and KINO
Fiction is worth its escapes from reality. Creativity is crucial for changing your reality from "realistic" expectations that are really just naive settling for the usual.

>> No.20197410
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>> No.20197431 [DELETED] 
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Batman vs Buddha Troll Poster who ruins this site

>> No.20197461

Listen to any happy song with sad lyrics. Now listen to a sad song and go exercise. Funny how the content or substance never changes but your response does.

>> No.20197511
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>> No.20197540
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>> No.20197578
File: 99 KB, 500x433, KeanuReevesTiredOfEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gunner's Dream (Waters)

Floating down through the clouds
Memories come rushing up to meet me now.
In the space between the heavens
and in the corner of some foreign field
I had a dream.
I had a dream.
Good-bye Max.
Good-bye Ma.
After the service when you're walking slowly to the car
And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air
You hear the tolling bell
And touch the silk in your lapel
And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band
You take her frail hand
And hold on to the dream.
A place to stay
"Oi! A real one ..."
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.

Night after night
Going round and round my brain
His dream is driving me insane.
In the corner of some foreign field
The gunner sleeps tonight.
What's done is done.
We cannot just write off his final scene.
Take heed of his dream.
Take heed.

>> No.20197633
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Fasting is transcendental. SOVL

>> No.20197661
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Translated to English:

How sad it was to say goodbye,
When we adored each other so much,
Even the swallow migrated
Foreshadowing the end.

How sad everything is without you,
The beach has no sea,
The colors turn gray,
Everything is loneliness now.

I don't know If I'll see you once again,
I don't know what will become of my life
without the light of your being,
that doesn't shed light on me anymore.

Today I want to savor my pain,
I don't ask for compassion nor pity
This love story was written
to be eternal

"What a sad one", everyone says of me,
That I'm always speaking of you
But they don't know that by thinking of your love, of your love,
I am able to help myself go on, to help myself live.

Today I want to savor my pain,
I don't ask for compassion nor pity
This love story was written
to be eternal

"What a sad one", everyone says of me,
That I'm always speaking of you
But they don't know that by thinking of your love, of your love,
I am able to help myself go on, to help myself live.

>> No.20197730
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Without the light of your being that doesn't ignite flame in me any longer.*

This is key to what sparked my intuitive interest in Buddhism and its emptiness concept of Sunyata as well as extinguishment of self, the cessation of suffering. Jose Jose sings and wails about his pain only to be left standing free of his suffering having learned it through contemplating it or "savoring" it. It is far from the kind of hand wringing "savoring" that American Media promotes.

Mexican culture must be the opposite of Indian culture as it is sensuous, cruel, malicious. Indian testosterone vs Mexican testosterone are basically opposites. Look at the Cow worship vs Bull Torero torture.

I miss the Advaita Vedanta vs Buddha debates on this site. It was like the extreme of man vs woman. Self vs Nonself. I believe in this dialectic as the world soul through the symbol of Sun and Blood as the dynamic yet self replicating eternal yet mortal. Japanese composites if you will.

"An unsurpassed, penetrating and perfect Dharma is rarely met with even in a
hundred thousand million kalpas. Having it to see and listen to, remember and
accept, I vow to taste the truth of the Tathagata's words.
Bodhisattva Vows at end of 1 minute sit:
Beings are numberless, I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them,
Dharma gates are endless, I vow to enter them,
Buddha’s way is unsurpassable, I vow to become it"

>> No.20197739
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I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone

>> No.20197758
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Lepers suffer emptiness more than anyone else I believe.Prisoners cannot withstand solitary confinement. This book taught me a lot about the physiology and phenomenon of pain.

>> No.20197763
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>> No.20197770
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>> No.20197774
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>> No.20197775

the forensic records society by magnus mills, good dark humour, not too deep

>> No.20197793
File: 238 KB, 1325x441, SemperFiGuenonBuddha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love debates m8s so much energy to quell my doubts

>> No.20197828
File: 247 KB, 1200x800, Teotihuacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun and blood are immune to mereological dissolution or monist absolution. They are living ineffables yet intuitively graspable. Atomically sound in molecular atomic and subatomic action yet between volumes of empty atoms and empty fields and empty fluid motions they are encapsulated. Some kind of zeno's paradox coalesces these arguments and views we cling to.

>> No.20197984
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>> No.20197989

It must have hurt her to dick down her own son

>> No.20198003

>Can books give
No. Do 30 burpees then pump iron.

>> No.20199511

*buuuuurrrrpppp* ahhh

>> No.20201242

curious presence of namefags here

>> No.20201700

Then read Bret Easton Ellis’ “Glamorama”