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/lit/ - Literature

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20193814 No.20193814 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished pic related and I'm not blown away per se, but I have come out with a more tuned worldview. I feel like a lot of this book could be summed up in a single page but that would take away from the meaning behind it, gay science. Nietzche's opinions on art, poetry, artists, and music tie beautifully with his rejection of morality and judo-Christian values. I used to think Christianity declining in the west was a bad thing, and maybe right now it is as we become spiritually and morally homeless, but what a better time to realign ourselves with a morality that propagates strength over weakness, a set of values that pushes the human race forward. I am not a Christian, Christianity goes against everything that is beautiful and jagged about the world and humanity, but I am not an atheist. The metaphysical truths we admit to will be wholey opposite to the slave mentality Christianity has touted since the Romans.

>> No.20193843
File: 48 KB, 640x470, 640px-nietzsche_olde_01-640x4701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody has actually read nietzsche, stop lying.

>> No.20193861 [SPOILER] 
File: 508 KB, 1405x1123, 1649469072013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not you illiterate faggot, when the fuck did we let newfags start posting here?

>> No.20193893
File: 23 KB, 194x246, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, opa

>> No.20193923
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>> No.20195310

What are you reading next?

>> No.20195369



wtf is a nietzsche is it a magical creature from Hogwarts

>> No.20196376

Very unknown creature from Tolkien's world, only mentioned once in his letters

>> No.20196379

Sorry but you're gay

>> No.20196386

The Science of Homosexuality, Dr. Nietzsche (PhD in gender studies and proto-fascism)

>> No.20196473

Didn't we tell you to read Plato first?
And what did you end up doing... you struggled through the rest of this volume... which is perhaps Nietzsche's worst work...
Read Genealogy of Morals next.

>> No.20196505

I’ve never read Plato, and I’ve only read Genealogy of Morality, and This Spoke Zarathustra and feel I understand Nietzsche fine. I don’t agree with everything, but it isn’t that difficult. Kinda liberating in a way

>> No.20196517

Stop pretending to be me you faggot. >>20196473
Yes you did but guess what? Fuck you

>> No.20196701
File: 206 KB, 479x330, contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rejecting the advice of those who have already walked the same path as you