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/lit/ - Literature

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20187057 No.20187057 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, can we admit that the first three books in A Song of Ice and Fire were fun? Or do I have to keep pretending to hate it so you guys will accept me?

>> No.20187059

ill come back and give my opinion once i see what the other posters have to say

>> No.20187066

>can we admit that the first three books in A Song of Ice and Fire were fun?
nobody claimed they are not fun

>> No.20187076

>nobody claimed they are not fun
/lit/ shat on it like it committed genocide against big titty goth chicks all the years game of thrones was popular.

>> No.20187079

As far as modern (young adult) fantasy writers go, not bad at all. Nothing amazing in hindsight though, but enjoyable enough.

>> No.20187080

/lit/ is full of bitter writers with no audience, of course they're going to shit on the popular mainstream genre fiction that has tons of readers. George R.R. Martin is a perfectly entertaining writer, his short stories are probably better than Asoiaf, though, since at least they have endings.

>> No.20187088

listen, the books are fun but they have big issues too prose, structure, etc. this in addition to a hatred for anything mainstream is the reason

>> No.20187100

>have big issues too prose, structure, etc.
You disliking something doesn't make it an issue.

>> No.20187105

>/lit/ is full of [redacted] writers with no audience, [who wouldn't (why would they?)] shit on popular mainstream [authors of] genre fiction [with] tons of readers.

I'm not jealous
I haven't read him
I don't want to be him
But I did watch some of the dramatization when it was free on the televe-e

>> No.20187120

He's objectively a good writer but /lit/ is filled with contrarians, you shouldn't take any opinion here seriously. Just come here for recommendations like every normal person.

>> No.20187228

You're even bitter in this reply.

>> No.20187239
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Really George???

>> No.20187302

Grrm has been on this board quite alot recently. So here are my two cents. I think I might find some people Who relate. Im 22 now.

I read the series at first in 2013, when i was 14. I loved the books a lot, went on reddit to discuss with my fellow redditors of the time. At that time everything was fine. I Even reread the books a year or two later. Still they were good. At some point as more and more seasons of the show was released, i felt the shifting tide of the tv show as it was becoming worse with time. And as it grew more popular I started not liking the show as well as the books. I was a certified contrarion thinking that "ew this is popular i will now distance myself from this horrible fantasy series".
But when the tvseries ended I started to regrow my love for the books that eventually started it all.
I've since reread the series again, and come to finde that My contrarion opinion was essentially based on My hatred for the tv series and its popularity.
I dont know if the remaining books can live up to the hype that they created. But at this time, that doesnt matter. The books are still good

>> No.20187307

Okay, I miswrote it, thanks for the edit

>> No.20187332

jesus fucking christ george.
I can only hope ASOIAF has a scene similar to this followed by a big THE END as one last fuck you to all the people who waited years to read this shit.

>> No.20187707
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I mean, it's definitely better than Blood Meridian. /lit/ is filled with 110 IQ wannabe academics, so you have to instantly disregard any prevailing opinion. Most young men aspire "to be" a certain type of person, and the tastes they express vocally are those meant to convey an impression about a particular identity they wish to embody. Young women do this too, but they're not on this board, for obvious reasons.

Anyway, to your point: Martin's plotting and character work is masterful and better than 90% of literary fiction. His prose is unremarkable and his world-building weak, so he'll never be allowed the glow of "real literature" the way Frank Herbert was, even though Dune's plot and characters were pretty shitty. Another example is Tolkien - if his prose were more simplistic he'd never be held in as high a regard. It's a bummer, but I look down on people who have aesthetic opinions contrary to my own anyway, so no biggie, they're beneath me.

Also George is a fat fuck who will never finish his story. That's not a good look for the tastemakers 50 years from now.

>> No.20187721

>it's definitely better than Blood Meridian.


>> No.20187788

Martin is the Stephen King of fantasy without the work ethic.

>> No.20187921

>the first three books
Youre just as bad as them

>> No.20187959

>I mean, it's definitely better than Blood Meridian

And right there i stopped reading your post

>> No.20187961

Stephen King is the Stephen King of fantasy. There are 9 books in The Dark Tower series.

>> No.20187966

So you are saying the ending of game of thrones is gonna be utter shit?

>> No.20188025

Young pretentious wannabe academics summarily filtered. My posts are exquisitely engineered.

>> No.20188071

Being a contrarian does not make you smart.

>> No.20188130

>/lit/ is full of bitter writers with no audience,
This. They seethe at whoever made it.

>> No.20188148

This really is how the s8 of the show felt like

>> No.20188167

Only wannabe literary establishment larpers hate it. Martin is a better author than anyone on this board.

>> No.20188183

Without a doubt.

>> No.20188195

Hardly fantasy, more like post apocalyptic scifi.

>> No.20188241

>not fantasy
>forth book is called Wizard and Glass
>has witches and demons and giant lobsters
Dark fantasy is still fantasy. It has elements of fantasy at the very least.

>> No.20188251

>Can instantly tell it's gravity's rainbow when the shit gets compared to nigger dick

>> No.20188395
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No, but it does make me correct.

>> No.20188414

>the glow of "real literature" the way Frank Herbert was
lmao what are you even talking about you dumb nigger?

Sure they were fun. But that just makes 4th and 5th feel especially disappointing and frustrating. You get the audience "addicted" and now deny them the next dose while pretending to be some wise artist, that's cunt behaviour.
He's capable of writing very exciting stuff and especially strong characters by fantasy standards. But if you can't control the narrative, if you obviously don't know what you're doing anymore and can't finish the damn story, you're not a good writer as a whole.
>Or do I have to keep pretending to hate it so you guys will accept me?
Stop being a fucking pussy maybe?

>> No.20188428

he isn't a bad writer really
he's just overhyped
its like reading
>"Things Fall Apart"
>"A Raisin in the Sun"
(but without the cringy identity politics grafted ontop)
its just stood up by popular culture
so of course criticts will be the most vocal and the educated on the subject will be the most open to such criticism as they value their ability to hold opinions counter to that of the status quo.

>> No.20188435
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George Martin is perhaps the best fantasy writer of our time. He knows fantasy is just for fun and relaxing. Unlike a few other wannabe literary writers.

>> No.20188498

So Star Wars would be considered fantasy.

>> No.20188592

>Epic fantasy
is this the biggest cope yet?

>> No.20188613

In a way after several centuries, those epic fantasy stories might just become the new Odyssey, Ramayana, RoTK, Shahnameh of the world

>> No.20188621

>order of knights with semi religious code
>vaguely defined esoteric magic system
>ghosts, little goblin man
>hero’s journey

I mean, in a way, it certainly could. You couldn’t say the same for Star Trek.

>> No.20188786
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>> No.20188788

Sounds like he's living the /lit/ dream. What's the issue?

>> No.20188806

>Odyssey, Ramayana, RoTK, Shahnameh
Those are Epic Poems and not epic fantasies. Outside of Tolkien, no one will remember any modern fantasy series.

>> No.20188829

should we take this opinion seriously?

>> No.20188840

I mean, he is right.

>> No.20188917

To bad I am not 13 years old anymore.

>> No.20188928

>Outside of Tolkien, no one will remember any modern fantasy series.
Nobody will remember Tolkien centuries from now.