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20187381 No.20187381 [Reply] [Original]

It's not a stretch to say that contemporary western society doesn't give a FUCK about men, and this is doubly true for men with functional low-level autism. Disproportionate rates of homelessness, poverty, depression, suicidality, etc. Nobody cares. Women receive constant support and validation for the majority of their lives, whereas men are criticized and suppressed as soon as they enter the public school system. I suspect that the lion's share of delusional trannies/incels/far-right/far-left troublemakers are just autistic men lashing out. Are there any decent books that speak to their experiences?

Hardmode: no Houellebecq.

>> No.20187732
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lemme bite. I'm autistic and there is such a gaping maw in this regard, especially from autistic authors, since many spergs are language challenged and math nerds, though I read an autobiographical book by a guy I used to know he co-wrote with his mom, I'll post it as picrel so you can look it up. however from the point of an actual autistic male its very difficult. most books on the autistic experience are written by professionals or moms of autistic men so it only gives a stilted view of the actual experience. I'm an essayist and philosopher trying to come up with a system of thinking beneficial to both the incel experience and the autistic experience though its been criticized by both camps. for the record, I'm not a tranny or anything, just a straight white dude with a good amount of socialization problems and inability to read body language/social cues so I assure you not all of us are whacked out, although my ideological leanings do tend to be a tad extreme.

>> No.20187758
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>I'm an essayist and philosopher trying to come up with a system of thinking beneficial to both the incel experience and the autistic

>> No.20187763

thanks. that's Townsend isn't it? he makes comfy food stuff with an early days America touch.

>> No.20187774

Autism is the purse poodle of the 2020s. By 2030 it will be hip to have an STD.

>> No.20187795

It's "hip" to have autism if you're a sexy 19 year old girl using it for likes on tiktok. It's not "hip" to be a socially isolated and (probably) depressed man with no support whatsoever.

>> No.20187798

That's a bit harsh don't you think? I don't think its necessarily "hip" to be autistic, since people mostly likely diagnosed with autism don't fit with the current woke zeitgeist of diversity programs, since most are white and male, so that goes against woke ideology. And afaik, its already hip to have STDs considering how many roastoids wear them as a badge similar to amount of abortions they've had.

>> No.20187830

Science has proven the existance of mental conditions as products of chemical imbalances in the brain that are most effectively treated by medication. The denial of mental illness isnt radical but a cover for systems of domination based on institutionalized ableism and the far rights science denial propaganda. Many 4chan users are neurodivergent but have internalized the ableist prejudices of the wider society rendering them vulnerable to radicalization by incels, transphobes, russian bots or white supremacists. it would be far more radical to adopt an intersectional equity perspective that places evidence based treatment and the lived experience of mental health consumers first and foremost in its intersections with gender race sex worker status, internalized stigma against the use of hard drugs. Besides it plays into the arguments of reactionaries to imply queer peoples identities are based on trauma and not on objective scientific and psychiatric authority.

>> No.20187838

i really hope this post is bait

>> No.20187843

nah, anxiety and OCD are the pet poodles.
despite the fact that most retards who believe they have OCD actually don't because its entirely different from the "everything has to be neat and in order lol quirky" shit people think it is when in reality it's basically a lesser form of psychosis that will drive you legitimately insane without medication or treatment.
blame tiktok for this gay shit.

>> No.20187854
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>> No.20187856

I'm far right and autistic. anti-ableism doesn't exclusively have to be a left-wing phenomenon. I read about bioleninism and Trofim Lysenko and how it could be applied to a reactionary framework, it would essentially be the same epistemological grounding applied to mostly indo-european males that would benefit those with autism and especially the incel community. just because you have an ugly mug or you have socialization problems doesn't mean you cannot have the ideal life without predatory migrants or state-enforced gender role reassignment.

>> No.20187863

Tfw no jewish trans gf with high functioning autism who gets off being degraded as a retarded faggot who fell for pedophilic ZOGaganda that was anyhow meant for the goyim and who then takes turns calling me out for my internalized ableism and antisemitism and queerphobia and insufficient enthusiasm for the managerial therapeutic states post liberal biopolitics

>> No.20187865

This is fucking brutal man lmao get a grip

>> No.20187866

retype that in English, please.

>> No.20187867

kafka dostoyevsky basically everything on the r9k reading list.

>> No.20187920


"Autism" is a catch-all diagnosis for weird, sicky, and ugly offspring. A doctor isn't going to tell a mother her son is being ostracized because he's an fucked up freak. And being ostracized since you were like 5 years old and unable to socialize with the other kids leads to increasing immaturity and a lack of automatic familiarity with social cues and customary beliefs. That is, their social mind is "poorly greased".

Some people seem autistic because of actual psychological reasons, such as fixating and poring into things too much and compulsive behavior. And then some people truly have abnormal perception and neuroanatomy which would seem to fit the profile of autism like Temple Grandin (actual autists). Like with most psychological disorders, the people who end up with the diagnosis are probably very heterogeneous and psychologists barely understand what they're talking about

>> No.20187932

I met Temple Grandin at a conference years ago when I was a kid.

>> No.20188038

Trannies=buckbroken autistic people

>> No.20188059

Most of them will be faking it. TikTok is full of people pretending to have conditions they don't like it's some sort of trend.

Autistic women tend to be just as socially isolated and depressed with little in the way of support.

>> No.20188070

>start new job
>working remotely
>find it easy
>after a few weeks my manager says I'm not being "engaged" enough with the team, people don't have confidence in me
>says the solution is to do a bunch of vague stuff like talking more

I did well in school and university. I don't think I have a low IQ. I do the work and have done the work at all jobs I've been at. By all objective measures I do fine. But there is something in my demeanour, my personality, or my looks that makes normies absolutely despise me, that makes them have "no confidence in me" (I've heard this in multiple jobs from my manager, who doesn't say that they have no confidence in me, but they say other people told them), and at times makes them attempt to describe me as a failure in every single non-objective employee metric or requirement they can think of.

The attitude of every single senior employee I've worked with seems to be "Yes, you do the work, but you don't have the X factor necessary to be above the lowest rung." They don't say that outright but they say basically everything close to that.

>> No.20188120


You have to ass kiss and be gregarious. If your coworkers suck or you treat your job like it's merely a job and not a cargo cult then you will not rise up in the ranks.

>> No.20188232

The one i know irl is a rather homely jewish girl often go on "dates", just talk to each other which is very different from what people in their 20s usually do. still a virgin. Also a few online penpals. Tranny acquaintance convinced me to read fernand deligny merleau pontys phenomenology of perception and korzybski's general semantics of the nervous system. Not really sexually attracted to them either but some arent all that bad. Bigger gulf would be with people who are politically propagandized to the point they dont talk about anything else. uneveness of the autist personality were they can be friendly and kind to a point that is uncanny or completely intractable, unaware of obvious blindspots but deeply perveptive in other aspects, apparently uninterested in sex or possesed by bizarre sexual obsessions


>> No.20188813

>internalized stigma against the use of hard drug
Nice pasta.

>> No.20188853

No it's really not and I really don't get why people are like this with Autism
I can get how devastating it must feel like to be told that you have an incurable condition that will permanently affect the way you think and perceive the world but doctors are working on way more symptoms than just 'socially awkward'
Asperger's certainly wasn't diagnosed that way

>> No.20188863
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idk about autism, but I have a crippling linguistic disorder and its kind of terrifying. I can only really think somewhat straight when i am on adderal. otherwise its almost like flowers for Algernon. How one concept doesnt quite flow into another. I have a sense that it use to make sense, but the progression of subsequent ideas no longer seems to track in a basic ontological level and its kind of terrifying. I am aware of the absence, But I do not know the exact object.

>> No.20188873

Sounds like you're just stupider than you think. What a way to do mental gymnastics. You can't follow concepts that flow on from each other because the patterns escape your grasp. You don't have a mental illness. You are stupid.

>> No.20188898

take it as you will. because I can be very lucid on more complex topics, and other times I cant even make a competent sentence for a very simple day to day scenario.

If I was doing mental gymnastics, I would say its more likely me being hysterical since I always do well on written exams and the like as well as being the group leader when im coherent. Unless thats been falsified to fuck with me.

>> No.20189000

Once, when I was a young child, I asked a teacher to tie my shoelaces. She said "Do I look like a shoe-lace tier or a teacher." The only option intentioned in her, downwardly inflected dismissal, was to walk away. However, had she said "I am a teacher, I will show you how to tie your laces" I would now be a millionaire, maybe even a multimillionaire.

>> No.20189151

based teacher, also no you would never be a millionaire

>> No.20189195

>Science has proven the existance of mental conditions as products of chemical imbalances in the brain
And yet few ever ask: Why are the chemicals imbalanced?
When someone with no future prospects whatsoever feels it's not worth going on because they've got no future prospects, we label them depressed. When someone who hasn't been sure they'll be able to make rent every week since 2013 feels a sense of impending danger or doom we say they've got anxiety. Well, of course they fucking do. But a reasonable person might ask: What if the problem isn't in their head? what if the problem is with the way their life is set up? What if they lived in different conditions - would the problem would go away? What if the medication is just putting a bandaid on a bullet to the head?

But nah, probably not. it's just one of those random fuckups of nature that nothing can prevent. Like when you get a baby bird born without wings, or when I reply to what's probably a bait post as an excuse to illustrate an idea that's on my mind.

>> No.20189202

Chris Chan a comprehensive history

>> No.20189205

jokes on you, I was literally just like this >>20189000 anon, but my teacher said: "I am a teacher, I will show you how to tie your laces", and now I am worth a rough 12.5 million USD.

>> No.20189208

Of mice and men

>> No.20189209

I must have extreme resilience because I'm about to be 40 and I simply cannot see myself being female at all. Maybe its my misogyny, or at least anti feminist views but turning into a chick seems like a downgrade for me. I dunno.

>> No.20189291

Same. I've been told that I do everything perfectly but I lack in the social aspect, or that I lack passion, etc. I'm too honest I guess, can't bother pretending.

>> No.20189325

this is actually a good point

i guess faulkner stuff too didnt he write about retards

>> No.20190327
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>> No.20190339
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>> No.20191538
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>> No.20191774
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Infinite Jest and The Pale King both feature some pretty high-grade autism. Also anything by Kafka.

>> No.20191814


If you have any experience with psychology or therapy for any reason, you would know that the people who work in clinical psychology are usually not thoughtful and prudent people. They take things at face value and are normally not interested in actually understanding their clients. So yes, "feeling sad or tired" often amounts to depression and anxiety, "socially awkward or mismatched for some reason" often amounts to aspergers or depression. The diagnostic paradigm used to be different where people who are badly socially maladjusted or seem to have weird perceptions were diagnosed with schizophrenia and there were many more subtypes to accommodate the broadness and heterogeneity of it. The newer paradigm doesn't seem like it is a whole lot better at avoiding the problem of heterogeneity and giving people diagnoses with are specifically accurate to their problems or at least useful in helping them

>> No.20191949

>I'm an essayist and philosopher trying to come up with a system of thinking beneficial to both the incel experience and the autistic experience though its been criticized by both camps.

Same here, but so far my ideas have not been received positively. What's not being discussed is that a larger majority of incels most likely have a neurological condition that makes it harder to relate to other people, hence their difficulties not only with romance but finding regular friendships. They end up believing that they just have to copy neurotypicals in order to feel accepted but in the end keep getting isolated in a never ending cycle. This continues until they hopefully fully realize and accept who they are and break the cycle.

>> No.20191974

There is a documentary called The Platform Master about a legitimately autistic man and his unique world view. He exhibits the classical symptoms of autism which are stunted social skills and a preoccupation with fantasy. But what I believe the main difference between him and autistic men who go amok is his diagnosis was recognized early and his parents were cooperative when it came to dealing with his condition. Instead of complaining about no bitches and friends on Youtube he fixates on numbers and finding glitches in video games.

He understands he hardly has any friends because he has barely anything in common with most people but he seems genuinely happy with what he's dealt with and everyday is a wondrous experience for him, whether it be eating pizza or associating numbers to colors.

>> No.20192330 [DELETED] 

You're not supposed to be cared about, you're supposed to take care of yourself

>> No.20193745

It's already hip