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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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20184359 No.20184359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Attention: Janny

How is this allowed up and yet you delete dozens of threads that have potential for legitimate literary discussion?

>> No.20184367

it's called ekphrasis you fucking abecedarian

>> No.20184370

Link those dozens (24) of threads from their warosu

>> No.20184372
File: 292 KB, 342x589, janny 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20184399
File: 487 KB, 1938x482, 32423423423423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It falls under creative writing. Read the sticky.

>> No.20184413
File: 32 KB, 392x590, 1617413680925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attention: Janny

>> No.20184419

God I can't believe I started a thread about a psychoanalytic critique of Buddhism and now someone made this

>> No.20184439

>discussion of creative writing

>> No.20184443



>> No.20184501

Not an argument.

>> No.20184539
File: 31 KB, 452x363, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not an argument.

>> No.20184542

Theme is irrelevant. The thread was perfectly on topic (creative writing).

>> No.20184563

the pic is also NSFW

>> No.20184600

>psychoanalytic critique of Buddhism
that's so retarded I'd rather click on OP pic

>> No.20184615

You can literally breastfeed at work

>> No.20184621

There aren't any nipples or vaginas or cocks, perfectly alright as well.

>> No.20184626

confirmed NEETs
imagine explaining to HR why you are looking at a woman's mommy milker out with only the nipple covered

>> No.20184633

Is OP still on warosu collecting his 24+ examples?

>> No.20184641

>having HR spying on you
what are you, a slave? lmao

>> No.20184700

One of the good things to come out of Covid is to have reduced HR to our own personal ethics.

>> No.20185070

t. 0 dollars in bank account

>> No.20185095

is it now?

I mean the basic gist of eastern religion is to "stop thinking" (no mind, etc.), and that if one were to step out of the mind entirely one would experience the end of suffering (and that one cannot even achieve this in death because of samsara or whatever). But a psychoanalytical critique would say: you desire to stop thinking because you desire to go back to a time before you had "thoughts" or language even, when you were a baby sucking on mommy milkies and life revolved singularly around milk. That is what "Ego Death" is in a literal sense, the desire for "death" is in truth a desire to return to "the womb" or more realistically the pre-linguistic "jouissance". This is proven through the myth of Samsara, since the assumption there directly equates death with a return to the womb (except now the desire for death is displaced onto some kind of "beyond" of Nirvana--and Nirvana is the word Freud uses to describe the "death drive" in Beyond the Pleasure Principle). But this is just a basic error, an unconscious assumption that is distorted in conscious reality through these various beliefs and practices. There is no proof that death will result in going to a "dark place" (the womb), just as there's no proof that death will result in rebirth by the same token, or ego-death will result in liberation. It's all an illusion, it helps tremendously in helping people ignore reality.

>> No.20185132

>I mean the basic gist of eastern religion is to "stop thinking" (no mind, etc.),
no it's not. stopped reading there because you are retarded.

>> No.20185212
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>> No.20185257
File: 68 KB, 787x783, 1649018050949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attention: Janny

>> No.20185325

I've had real, nonshitpost Molly Bloom threads deleted multiple times over the OP pic being of a saucy, meaty woman showing her belly... Gotta wonder why that bothers jannies and not this....

>> No.20185332

A baby that young doesn't really have anything you could describe as coherent 'thoughts'. It might not even old enough to conceive of that boob as a separate entity from itself.