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File: 163 KB, 1300x500, alex-patrick-tyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20182593 No.20182593 [Reply] [Original]

Who would win, /lit/?

>> No.20182608

Alex because Patrick is just a spoiled yuppie and Tyler isn't real. Alex would intuit what Patrick is and then fucking smash him into pieces.

>> No.20182638

Patrick is a full grown man though, Alex is like 16.

>> No.20182646
File: 627 KB, 1000x897, Bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This edgy fedora tipping atheist.

>> No.20182671

I would call Alex more of a man than Patrick. Alex is hard and rolls up his sleeves to get what he wants. Patrick is just privileged and an ambush hunter. Alex is a leader of difficult men to lead. He's street smart and clever, on top of being an experienced brawler.

>> No.20182679

>Alex is hard and rolls up his sleeves to get what he wants. Patrick is just privileged and an ambush hunter.
Sure, but Patrick is still more of a killer and doesn't take it up the bum.

>> No.20182706

>Sure, but Patrick is still more of a killer
Killing in a certain way. Like I said, Alex would sniff him out and use his ego against him. He's to sharp for Pat to deceive and close combat favors Alex.

>and doesn't take it up the bum.
Alex is still more masculine and dangerous.

>> No.20182713

Yes because he rules supreme and they rage and scream.

>> No.20182719

>Alex is still more masculine and dangerous.
what part of him BEING SIXTEEN YEARS OLD have you read wrong you mong

>> No.20182724

Patrick definitely

>> No.20182740

Nothing, experience trumps age. Pat is just a spoiled yuppie; Alex is a vicious street king.

>> No.20182752

You could fight random teenagers in the streets for decades and you'd still get BTFO by a full grown gym rat if you were just a 16yo kid. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.20182755

Alex the viscous street king
In front of him all will fail and die
All for his victory and pried will sing
resounding in the streets like a lullaby

>> No.20182768

Not to mention Patrick has probably been taught every kind of Muay Thai and Karate pipopopipopo fight style in existence by experienced teachers no less

>> No.20182773

>You could fight random teenagers in the streets for decades and you'd still get BTFO by a full grown gym rat if you were just a 16yo kid.
>You're fucking delusional.
Patrick isn't buff by any means and Alex is no shrimp. You obviously have no experience in this regard because someone who has been scrapping for years is going to fuck some pencil pusher's shit up, even if he is a serial killer. Reread A Clockwork Orange, Alex can fucking go and is not a dim bulb.

>> No.20182779

Bateman. Tyler is imaginary and the other is british or something

>> No.20182788

So this is the Superman vs Goku discussion but for the edgy kids? kek

>> No.20182794

Bateman only attacks weak creatures like women and children. Alex is in street fights with his equals. Alex would win in a fight.

>> No.20182795

Who is Goku?

>> No.20182797

>Alex can fucking go and is not a dim bulb
yeah he can beat the shit out of teenagers like him and old men with his friends helping. what an experienced fighter innit mate

>> No.20182810

Only because he cares about his personal safety and going around trying to kill full grown men isn't the smartest choice when you're a fucking serial killer

>> No.20182812

Other british people? Is that supposed to impress me? Theres probably a paraplegic that can take out other paraplegics I dont know if that's much of a bragging point. Some guy in a top hat and athletic cup is supposed to take on an American?

>> No.20182817

Yes, he fights other teenagers armed with melee weapons. What does Patrick do, some bicep curls and exfoliate? Alex can lead psychos and would see right through Patrick. You don't become a leader of a violent gang without being tough and relatively sharp. Patrick could never do that; he's too self-absorbed and insecure.

>> No.20182820

>when you're a fucking serial killer
or is he...?

>> No.20182828
File: 447 KB, 550x295, 123312321312312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we murica be da best
holy kek what a bore

>> No.20182837

Not him but Patrick could easily do that if everyone around him had room temperature IQ like it's the case for Alex and even then he still got betrayed by his gang

>> No.20182868

There's more to leading than just manipulation and only 1 of Alex's crew was actually dumb, IIRC. Patrick is too self absorbed and narcissistic to lead a gang. He's a prima donna unable to bond, unlike Alex. Patrick can only be a manager, not a leader.

>> No.20182899

literally me

>> No.20182902

Looks like a fag, is he a fag?

>> No.20182915
File: 17 KB, 200x320, bakker y caitlin sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fag but he is supremely non-straight, he doesn't shy away from dominating the non-supreme males.

>> No.20182963

So, a fag afterall.

>> No.20182987

Just non-straight, which is actually based because he is not limiting himself to w*men which is simp behavior.

>> No.20182992 [DELETED] 

I wonder what goes into the minds of the fag hags that chases after get men like in the pic.

>> No.20183002

I wonder what goes into the minds of the fag hags that chases after gay men like in the pic. Shit always leaves me wondering.

>> No.20183009

He is not just a normie gay, he is HARD gay which is the based version, he writes masculine literature about real men dominating lesser men.

>> No.20183012

This, it's like limiting yourself to one type of music.

>> No.20183017

I think its documented that fag hags are just outgoing women who are seeking a substitute for heterosexual relationships. so, essentially a proto-simp.

>> No.20183027

You guys are repressed homosexuals and should come to terms with it. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.20183029

Exactly, imagine listening to one genre when there is a lot of good music out there.

>> No.20183042
File: 227 KB, 891x1200, tumblr_a20d30b9ef9064e30eebddc76cc676f1_55c57fe7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not repressing it, we are just not the regular gay, we are the based version of it called Hard Gay, which is red pilled and non-pozzed.

>> No.20183053

Sounds total gay, fuck off to reddit or whatever discord you came from/.

>> No.20183069

Who cares about labels? Women can get fucked and so can guys, if they're both attractive enough. Honestly, I was a pussy hound most of my life, but women aren't anything to put on a pedastal.

>> No.20183071

So you want me to be a SIMP like you and only date w*men? I prefer being gay than be a SIMP.