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20180104 No.20180104 [Reply] [Original]

any book that explores this concept?

>> No.20180117

Maybe your parents should have done more to make your life better, eh?

>> No.20180122

Is this bait or are you oblivious?

>> No.20180131

stop asking for handouts and find your own books

>> No.20180143

Except that even lower class roastie still has much easier life than middle class man. She could just spread her legs and not work a day in her life. Women cant suffer like men do

>> No.20180153

>stop asking for handouts
isn't it what the board is for?

>> No.20180162

have sex dude holy shit

>> No.20180167

Paula should've joined the military (done something in admin or cyber where she wouldn't be in combat and would also learn professional skills) and then went to a good college after 4 years. Not that hard.

>> No.20180169

I'd like to fuck Paula

>> No.20180170 [DELETED] 

Bend over

>> No.20180173

>no argument
How many homeless are women? How many people on minimum wage are women? OPs pic might work if they were both guys but in reality paula would live life on easy mode

>> No.20180174

no, and people like you are why the board is polluted with dogshit threads like this one.

>> No.20180179
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any book that explores this concept?

>> No.20180184

>just become a whore lmao

>> No.20180185

thats not true. ugly women cant just sell their holes.

>> No.20180192

Not him but why is this board for if not for recommendations?

>> No.20180195

Legi any asian guy making 6 figures out of college would marry and provide for any 3/10 white woman in a heartbeat

>> No.20180198

>marrying well off man is being a whore now
If she does bare minimum like learn to cook and clean she can. Provided she doesnt wait until she is 30+

>> No.20180202

>if you're not homeless your life is easy mode
Also I see more female minimum wagies than male

>> No.20180206

They hated Jesus because he told the truth.

>> No.20180214

Privilege is a sliding scale though
Paula is still more privileged than some seal baby or some tard without enough brain cells to read.
Plus if she’s American she still has it pretty good compared to somebody in the Congo

>> No.20180217

yeah but you drew the bar at 3/10. i'm not talking 3/10 i'm talking -3/10

>> No.20180220

I think that’s just dyel cope

>> No.20180227

In 50 years the guy who doesn't lift will be riddled with joint and back problems

>> No.20180231

If I curse your mum, you'll probably hate it too. Doesn't make me a Jesus or that I am right.

>> No.20180234

>Uh well I could do it too if I wanted to, but I don't
Oldest cope in the book

>> No.20180241

cooking and cleaning are still skills someone has to be taught, who is going to teach a woman so deformed and hideous that people question if they are human?

>> No.20180247

sour grapes

>> No.20180256

Revolt of the Elites

>> No.20180267
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Jesus was incel?

>> No.20180278 [DELETED] 

It skips the part where poor people get to college for free.

>> No.20180284

It skips the part where poor people get to go to college for free.

>> No.20180295

>But i hope not
>I really hope not

>> No.20180299

>Jesus wanted to fuck all the hoes, but god told him “NO”

>> No.20180302

What gets me is you can easily do sets in between intellectual activities, in the same room. You're going to take breaks anyway, make some of them useful.

>> No.20180307

Are you suggesting Jesus and God are different people?

>> No.20180314

Google and youtube

>> No.20180316

I like the implication that rich parents don't die

>> No.20180317

Jesus is the created son of God, cope and seethe niceancel

>> No.20180322

There are some very good incel cooks on /ck/, it's honestly easier to learn on your own (if you don't have a silly woman's brain, that is).

>> No.20180331

I've not read it, but Resurrection by Tolstoy has exactly this storyline.

>> No.20180336

i guess she can walk to the public library then >>20180104 puala shouldn't sit on her ass and watch tv, she should go to the public library

>> No.20180338


>> No.20180355

One of my favorite experiments concern this. They made people play a rigged monopoly game. Player A received twice as much money as player B from the beginning, collected twice as much when passing start, and was allowed to roll the dice twice as opposed to a single time when it was his turn. The decision as to who should be player A and who should be player B was made with the flip of a coin.

After inevitably blowing player B the fuck out of the water, in the post-game interview, not a single one of the player A's attributed their succes to luck - all of them highlighted their great skill and acumen.

Which is even more hilarious since monopoly literally requires neither skill nor strategy.

>> No.20180358

And then the whole bus started clapping

>> No.20180361

so can you, plenty of gay sugar daddies out there

>> No.20180365

Just have sex incel, please.

>> No.20180368

just because the artist is a spastic doesn't mean that OPs image is in anyway false.

>> No.20180373


>> No.20180379

go back up the thread, someone said that lowerclass women can just spread their legs. i said no because women can be ugly which prompted just the cooking cleaning issue. but nobody will teach someone so poor and ugly to cook and clean. then two pointed out you could just go online and get cooking information (or any information for that matter). but if a woman is too poor to have her own computer she should go to the public library to get access to the internet and learn.
SO we can conclude that if paula's parents were more strict and demanded she get As in her class (or they would take away her TV time) paula would have a better chance of not repeating being a poor person like her parents and accepting mediocrity. paula must sacrifice her TV time (sitting on her ass time) and learn. the only public, readily available resource would be the library since her public school is too shitty to properly educate her.

>> No.20180393
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>on a date with a girl and agreeing with her about all of this and how it needs to be fixed

>> No.20180411

But status quo authoritarianism doesn’t fix it. Even when it’s real state socialism and not the fake out shit for angsty boys that you’re implying

>> No.20180412

All your factors are part of a ridiculous victim fantasy. In truth, the only people that end up at that sort of level are severe drug addicts (and drug addicts aren't fat, by the way). Everyone has internet access, it's been over a decade since schools stopped offering alternative options and just assumed any given kid would be able to do an online assignment.

>> No.20180414


>> No.20180436
File: 13 KB, 380x250, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Germany it's the other way around: if you're a poor fag you'll get a huge low + rent money by the government. The loan is without interest and has to be payed back only in half so in effect you get gifted thousends of Euros.

Meanwhile if your parents are just upper middle class and have a decent income, you'll get nothing. Zero. You will have to live with your parents until you're finished or you will be the one working the two extra jobs while begging your dad for the cash.

So what's more comfortable, growing up poor and getting government to be your daddy or growing up somewhat wealthy and having to beg for money and woe to you if you have a bad relationship with your parents, while on top you will be labeled priviledged and spoiled.

I don't even have the motivation to make any money, life is easier for my children if I don't.

>> No.20180450

>"Oh, he lifts weights every other day and counts his calories? Must not have a lot of time to read Harry Potter!"

>> No.20180460

I'm sure you are exaggerating.

>> No.20180466

So all those poor people are hanging out with socialites taking hors d'oeuvres off a platter you’re holding

>> No.20180519

thats exactly my point. the comic is ridiculous. although i think one could contest obesity and eating disorders are not mutually exclusive from other forms of addiction. but i dont have enough knowledge in the medical field to argue that point.

>> No.20180525

cope and seethe

>> No.20180528

your comment doesnt make any sense.
Anon was making a joke that a certain party has socialist in its name so if you meet a girl who was passionate about the subject matter, that would be a lolsy thing to say.

Your the one who sounds angsty and serious. And besides IDK if nazism is status quo atm. I feel there has been a recent uptake of subtextless aspies the last few days.

>> No.20180537

In a society with things to do other than "make money" and "spend money," this system would work.

>> No.20180538

On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.20180541

Opiates generally make you quite skinny

>> No.20180587

He should have included it because it would show Richard receiving a big fat inheritance

>> No.20180622
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the post game interview part is not mentioned theremjhgx

>> No.20180655

Yeah, lolzy.
You never know around here who’s just behaving like a fool or is an actual one.
Fascism is currently being lauded by the US/west

>> No.20180657


>> No.20180658

It's literally like that. I was genuinely shocked when I found out how much students from poor backgrounds get, idk the exact numbers but it's easily 500€ per month and you need 300-400 for rent in a shared apartment, 100€ is enough for food for one person and if you work a bit you'll have more than enough money left for cloths, books etc. But try to make 500€ while studying on your own.

I know a guy from high school who has his rich grandpa paying everything but I don't get anything from anyone, someday, once I'm 40 or 50 I will inherit quite a bit of money but tell me how that helps me now? Can't pay my rent from money I'll have in 30 years. I could ask for my share of inheritance now but I don't want to have it squandered when I'll have a family, while my siblings keep it.
not exactly. My parents are holding the plate for poor people by paying high tax rates. They worked hard for owning a house and being upper middle class coming from very modest background themselves. That's why they don't quite have the mentality to throw their son whatever money he needs.

>> No.20180668

I don't understand why Americans get so offended by this comic. Isn't it obvious that being born in a rich, stable household with educated parents give you an advantage in life?

>> No.20180678

The comic exaggerates it a whole lot and skips the part where the poor girl gets all this free shit from the government.

>> No.20180689

You see them at minimum wage because they don't commit to working enough to go higher, they are just making some extra money until some man covers for them.

>> No.20180698

And that they don’t work long hours

>> No.20180705

It's basically the same here in America, we just haven't standardized it.

>> No.20180710

>The comic exaggerates it
lmao imagine knowing nothing

>> No.20180727

wealth and class priviledge are very real, it would be nice to have a political party try to address it rather than attempt to address fake priviledges all the time but then again, the political class is entirely made up of people with money and status so that's not going to happen
sickening lazy faggot cope, the ripped dude will be healthier as an old man (so long as he did it natty)
>Fascism is currently being lauded by the US/west
>t. seething ruskie mad that le evil nazi ukrainians didn't get instantly stomped
fascism/nazism/antisemitism is trendy alternative at the moment but you are beyond retarded if you think it is status quo, its the least status quo of any of the post enlightenment ideologies

>> No.20180738

>by paying high tax rates
Ah, good.
But no, really. Greece is paying for quite a lot too.
Ha, and now I hear Germany is sending arms to Ukrainian nazis

A better arrangement is get rid of capitalism

>> No.20180739 [DELETED] 

Marx, Foucault, Bourdieu, etc.
I think the comic is right. That being said, somehow I'm an immigrant and very poor and have a very old single parent with unrecognized mental conditions and physical conditions, and I somehow still am getting a PhD with no debt. If you're smart and can play your cards well you can get by. But you really do have to be smart as well.

>> No.20180744

okay retard

>> No.20180754

>eight years of training and supplies, including WMDs

>> No.20180770

>but you are beyond retarded if you think it is status quo
Naw, I meant they’d maintain the economic status quo but under spiffy uniformed authoritarianism.

>> No.20180772

go to the roots, read Marx and anarchist theory

>> No.20180795

youre retarded

>> No.20180798

Curious, isn't it? Its how you know it's the product of some ingratiating hyperprivileged sack of shit, scoring good-boy points with people they pretend to understand. Community Colleges are everywhere in the US, Federal Aid requires a mailing address. That's it.
Of course it's false. IRL, negative outcomes are always the byproduct of SES, which is the fault of the parents. Being poor doesn't make one a bad parent, allowing your child to enter into the milieu of poverty makes you a bad parent (because peers raise them during adolescence, not the parents - read The Nurture Assumption, which is why we see so much crime in poorly policed poor communities, because behavior is emulative). Poor parents that shield their children from the milieu of poverty send kids to schools, help them get scholarships, are good people with shit luck. Poor parents that allow their kids to skip school, to drink and smoke and prostitute themselves are shit people that breed the cycles of noncontributory burdens.

>> No.20180825

This comic misses that most white people with college educated parents aren't like this, we went to public school and weren't obsessed over at all times. It's pretty rare to hear about people just flat-out paying for their kid's college too, generally they have a moderate college fund and beyond that are left to try for scholarships. What's more, most of our parents worked in industries where you can't just 'call in a favor' and get your kid a job. My dad's industry was collapsing as I went off to college and my mother works in the public sector.

Also, lots of these parents have serious issues and decline to help their kids even when they can. Mine were generally quite good but I've heard lots of stories about others.

>> No.20180839

>his free shit from the government.
like... healthcare (depending where you are and possibly a scholarship? she's not a single mother and you never spoke to a woman in your life.
but anyway, what if that was a man and not a woman?

>> No.20180847

you are genuinely retarded

>> No.20180857

where in the comic is it implied that this is 1. a white privilege; 2. the experience of the majority of white people?

>> No.20180859

IQ is heritable anon. That's what caricatures like OPs don't mention. Both in Europe and america there are many funds for highly gifted people to get into academia.
>A better arrangement is get rid of capitalism
Not at all. This will make the populous lose even more control over what happens with the wealth it generates. Communism is a totalitarian system tirelessly working to enslave the people, it starts by annihilating any previous upper class and organic hierarchy and promises to redistribute the wealth to the masses at the bottom of society. If those masses are lucky they profit in the short term but in the long term they will make up the deracinated slave cattle of an even smaller circle while the billionairs and big investors are never touched. This is communism.

>> No.20180866

answer me you coward

>> No.20180886
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It's what will come across to the average low IQ lefty reading it. For a long time now they have done a bait-and-switch with "the 1%" and normal white families with a moderate disposable income. It certainly wasn't intended as an empty "the two extremes are different" statement in the vein of pic related.

>> No.20180888

>IQ is heritable anon
come on now. tell me that a superstitious mud-eating korean peasant from the 19th century shares the IQ of his samsung engineer great-great-great grandson.
you retards are all nature and no nurture when reality clearly presents otherwise.

>> No.20180900

What's to answer? You just threw a bunch of ridiculous claims and insults at me followed by question marks. I don't respect you enough to bother.

>> No.20180913

Is the concept in question "tl;dr"?
In that case just read the Bible or anything by Stephen King.

>> No.20180915

IQ is from a combination of genes, nutrition, and upbringing. It's not just one or the other. However, the fact that this bitch got a B in school suggests that she was not that bright or motivated. Girls at that age easily get A+ on everything because school is designed for them (it's all about note taking ).

>> No.20180917

do you think the government goes around drowning young childless women in cash? you absolute moron

>> No.20180924

Why aren't you a whore anon? There's plenty of people with money looking for that kind of "special time" with all sorts of men.

>> No.20180925

No I don't and that wasn't implied, you fucking child.

>> No.20180927
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it is really my fault for engaging you.

>> No.20180933

you never engaged with me, dipshit. If you can't understand how a 4chan thread works, no one will respect your opinion on the actual discussion.

>> No.20180936

The women on the right is just bitter because her parents were poorfags, probably due to lackluster genetics. Those shitty genetics were passed down to her, hence why she didn't get anywhere in life.

She's probably an activist or something like that. Notice how it's always leftists and activists who hate the idea of generational wealth and even just the idea of anyone having wealth in general.

It's sooooooooo pathetic.

>> No.20180955

The implication that the poor girl's parents can't afford blocks and books to keep in the apartment really shows the ridiculous assumptions that these lefties make about poverty. Poor people almost never have zero dollars available to them, even if they're in debt they are constantly buying unneeded things on credit. Yet, you hear all these statements about "he had to rob the store because he couldn't afford clothes to go to school in!"

>> No.20180957

Look at the absolute roastie seethe you caused.

>> No.20180959

genes and nutrition make up the lions share. Meanwhile in the west almost no one is malnutritioned to the degree to which the IQ is negatively affected. Malnutrition on children in the west only happens when the parents are quite indifferent to their offspring which is a mental defect.
>come on now. tell me that a superstitious mud-eating korean peasant from the 19th century shares the IQ of his samsung engineer great-great-great grandson.
You seriously think he became a well payed engineer by his mom reading books to him and forcing him to do maths? Then why does it just work on him? You absolutely understimate the degree of intelligence that is needed to be a sucessful farmer both in medieval Europe and ancient Asia. Rice farming entails complicated watering systems, grain farming entails the constrction of effective farming machines, there is the issue of the weather, soil quality, preventing plant diseases, and much more.

>> No.20180961 [DELETED] 

Wow, you've never interacted with any females, have you? Regurgitating Peterson-tier talking points about
>muh school being a feminine factory
makes you come cross like the incel you almost definitely are.
The government(s) don't drown the disadvantaged in cash, but they do provide assistance and financial programs to ameliorate the issues that you probably associate with low-income homes. They're available to anyone that's able to fill out the necessary forms.

>> No.20180965

the only thing guaranteeing that generational wealth is going to trickle down is a small section of the inheritance laws. and how easy is to change that! you'd be surprised.

>> No.20180971

Yep. Her IQ was almost definitely made worse by her parents sitting her down on the floor with no toys and ignoring her for her entire childhood, but whose fault is that? Sure as hell not Richard's.

>> No.20180972

>well off man
There’s not enough well off men for every woman to have one. This is obvious, you childish incel. If a woman wants to be a housewife she has to prepare to live in poor conditions because this isn’t the 1950s anymore when a working class man could support his wife and kids on his salary. This only exists now in rich households and religious households where the family produces 5+ children, which is definitely not an easily life for a mother. Besides, even if a woman is very pretty, being a trophy wife is not a fulfilling existence, especially if she does not love her husband. This anti female sentiment is so pathetic because it’s literally just resentment at being a virgin.

>> No.20180977

>You absolutely understimate the degree of intelligence that is needed to be a sucessful farmer both in medieval Europe and ancient Asia
I don't think I do, no. You seem to underestimate how hard it is to design cutting edge technology, however.

>> No.20180984

I've fucked way more girls than you, faggot. It's just common knowledge that women are better suited to note-taking. I've talked to actual professionals about this.

>> No.20180995

>no one will respect your opinion
the day I except respect from this mental ward is the day I off myself

>> No.20180999

>This only exists now in rich households and religious households where the family produces 5+ children
How did that make sense in your head? It only is possible in situations where it is even harder to do?

>> No.20181006

Claiming to be 'above' 4chan while actively posting on it (and being quite bad at it, by the way) makes you more pathetic than anyone else in this thread.

>> No.20181008 [DELETED] 

Sure you have, anon. Get back to the fries.

>> No.20181014

>Get back to the fries.
You really are not good at this. Just call me a chud or something at that point, jesus christ.

>> No.20181015

designing an effective plow working on the specific soil of your field based on what a mediaval peasant knew comes close to designing a CPU or car engine based the knowledge we have. The latter needs more logical intelligence the former more creative thinking. The best proof of my theory is the fact that the most enigneers in Asia and Europe come from a long line of subsitance farmers.

>> No.20181016

Every western country has tons of gibs and benefits for having kids. If you have enough of them you are probably better financially than if you worked

>> No.20181052
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This post... Jesus

>> No.20181083 [DELETED] 

Good at what? Mocking you, because you think "I've talked to professionals" doesn't make you come across like a silly imbecile? Calling you a chud doesn't convey the loathing you merit. Here's a tip for you
>professionals don't share information with the sort of retard that would use that information as a nonspecific anecdote anonymously to validate a meaningless exchange.
Ipso facto, you're a larping wagie, probably ADHD, definitely an incel. Get back to the fries.

>> No.20181104

You're just having a mental breakdown right in front of me. I didn't ask to be your therapist, faggot.

>> No.20181118

And yet, you reply.
>Baited, Basted, Seething

>> No.20181123

>professionals do a thorough background check and psychological examination of you before rambling about something while you happen to be sitting next to them
yeah okay

>> No.20181140

>And yet, you reply.
you're just saying canned comebacks without fitting them to the context. If you're going to keep coming here, I suggest getting better at this.

>> No.20181142

go on

>> No.20181147

You shut your digital mouth demon. My parents provided the best they could, and it's up to me to make the best of it

>> No.20181148
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>He felt so embarrassed about his sperg out that he deleted it

>> No.20181156

clearly you've not been to Los Angeles

>> No.20181157

even /fraud/sters will be healthy and strong in old age. just look at Arnie

>> No.20181160

more random words from a mentally broken child, this is getting painful to watch

>> No.20181204

>Marxfags actually masturbating on this
Until proven otherwise both families are working class, not capitalist rent-chasers. Thus the intergenerational inheritance of Richard of social connections and capital would hardly disappear even if socialism were to be achieved, at least with modern technological levels. In other words, you're all actually just liberals, not marxists.

>> No.20181209


>> No.20181214

>In other words, you're all actually just liberals, not marxists.
You had me until this part, that doesn't seem to follow. Liberalism has this problem much worse.

>> No.20181220

>You had me until this part, that doesn't seem to follow. Liberalism has this problem much worse.
I mean radilibs of course, "humanist marxists" and the rest of the revisionist ilk.

>> No.20181228

It's my understanding that the original fantasy version of Marxism would have been opposed to this sort of thing. Full communism basically abolishes the family altogether.

>> No.20181250

Its called generational wealth.
His parents somewhere up the line either had enough kids they could afford or figured out how to make enough money to set up their future generations. Left did nothing wrong.

The rights patents had more kids than they could afford, did not make time to help them study, and still she is better off than them. If she gets married and doesnt have too many kids she can set her kids up like him

Its just false on its own merits. No one is entitled to equity, only equality and still that is conditional.

>> No.20181251

>It's my understanding that the original fantasy version of Marxism would have been opposed to this sort of thing
The original version of Marxism was simply opposed to capitalist rent-chasing and the C-M-C' system. It wasn't inherently anti-family or even anti-hierarchy in general.
>Full communism basically abolishes the family altogether.
Marx argued that capitalism would be the one to abolish the family, with socialism and communism at most just inheriting this condition and creating a new "type of family". Of course, arguing for the abolition of families wouldn't work very well on 7-member proletarian families.

>> No.20181262

Then why do I always hear that Marx thought the ultimate goal for humanity was 'free love' anarcho communism? I haven't heard that contested until now

>> No.20181285

This. The only disagreeable thing about 'Richard' is that he developed this arrogant view, which is an extreme case of artistic license and you see it less and less in real life these days.

>> No.20181311

>Then why do I always hear that Marx thought the ultimate goal for humanity was 'free love' anarcho communism?
Marx didn't have an "ultimate goal", his writings were not normative, but rather descriptive and predictive. That is not to say that such a system doesn't imply its own kind of ethics, but he didn't make it a center of his theories like say Kant. And free love was more Engels' thing anyway. As to why you hear this, it's both because anarcho-communists would like to claim the mantle of "real socialism" and because, being the weakest branch, it's convenient for non-Marxists to strawman them as such.

>> No.20181312

>Its just false on its own merits. No one is entitled to equity, only equality and still that is conditional.
I think the important takeaway is that success isn't just a result of talent or effort, but also determined by circumstances caused by the inherent unfairness (which is inevitable) of any system, and that should always, or must always be taken into account when comparing the success or worth of people. People like to ask why haven't X written more books (or the equivalent in a different circle)- this is why. Circumstances within a system that heavily favors a certain demographic above others.

>> No.20181336

>The rights patents had more kids than they could afford, did not make time to help them study, and still she is better off than them

not if she's subject to an inevitable economic depression

>> No.20181347

i thought this cartoon was making fun of the way people judge the burly guy and would be about he has hidden depths like everyone does and then it was just like "nah obviously he's a stupid chad they couldn't possibly have thoughts"
are we sure these aren't satire?

>> No.20181351

>caused by the inherent unfairness (which is inevitable) of any system
An important consideration of this is that 'Paula' would have plenty of unfair advantages too. It has always been discussed to death that she has pussy power, but working class spic parents usually have pretty good network connections too. Most of the mexican kids I knew growing up got pretty solid jobs in some trade, while many white kids had parents in good jobs but ones that simply didn't work like that and the kids had to start working at Target.

>> No.20181367

Definitely not satire, it's made by some fat geek with emotional issues.

>> No.20181399

This comic is too deep for /lit/ to understand unfortunately

>> No.20181402


>> No.20181439

>I've fucked way more girls than you
prove it

>> No.20181517

You deleted the original post because you are a coward. Cowards don't get laid. I rest my case.

>> No.20181664

All I'm getting out of this is that the girls parents shouldn't have had kids. If people actually had roots in their community instead of living like lepers while espousing globalist garbage, you could have pretty much everything left has.

>> No.20181844

Not the same anon. I just want to see proof of your claim.

>> No.20181905

>that should always, or must always be taken into account when comparing the success or worth of people
Why though?
Human life isn't something that you can break down into a spreadsheet with numerical advantages and disadvantages. At the end of the day every single person is only out for themselves. Sure the Paulas of the world love to bitch about how life isn't fair and if only X, Y, and Z then they'd be able to make it, but it's not like there aren't refugees with nothing but the shirts on their back who manage to make it, or that rich white guys don't get completely shafted by life as well. You either embrace the struggle, and have the will and wits to envision what you want in life and get it, or you don't. I can't respect the people who work minimum wage jobs for years and years while constantly bitching about how they can't get it, because they don't even understand what "it" is. Richard kept his head down, worked hard, and most importantly, did what it took to get where he got. Paula did the same. They both deserve their life, and trying to say otherwise is just a load of cope from bitter poorfags.

>> No.20181956

it's true: he could do it, if he wanted to. But he doesn't want to. He tells himself that he doesn't want to because it's pointless and won't matter and he's doing other stuff, but that's not it. He doesn't want to because it's hard. The truth is: pretty much anyone can maintain a decent level of physical fitness. He says it won't matter because "we'll all be saggy", but that's wrong. Everyone ages, but the fit and healthy man will age in a far more graceful fashion. He says that it's actually good that he doesn't exercise, because he's spending time on other things, and that the fit man will be "boring", but that's wrong. Fitness doesn't require so much time that you have none left to devote to other things. It's also trivial to multi-task: listen to books on tape while lifting or going for a jog. No, the only reason he isn't doing it is because he doesn't want to put in the effort, and he's convinced himself that that's a good thing.

>> No.20181974

check pornhub

>> No.20181978

I was with you until the end, but your conclusion is absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.20182045

>Exercises zero agency, takes what life hands her, sits on the TV and just exists
>As a result ends up catering to rich corporate drones while milking a victim complex which is out of this world

>Exercises zero agency, takes what life hands him, does his homework and just exists
>As a result ends up a corporate drone neck deep in a cesspool of other corporate drones, while milking the narcacisstic ego of a well groomed poodle

They both got exactly what they deserved in life, and you can't say a thing that will change my mind.

>> No.20182295

Damn the roasties really hated this post didn't they

>> No.20182542
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I have a liberal cousin who posted this on her Facebook page a few years ago, but she more reflected the person on the left…her father was a chemical engineer for an oil company and grew up in an upper middle-class lifestyle, got into college, grad school, eventually landing a great job in a multi-billion Fortune 500 company. I couldn't tell if she fancied she was the woman on the right, or not, despite meaning that she would be undermining her own hard work in higher education because she grew up in the environment on the left.

>> No.20182549

Inequality is good and natural, an individual cannot achieve betterment by chasing the false utopian goal of equality but can only ascend by leaping to the superior half of inequality

>> No.20182600
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My family was poor as fuck when I was growing up. I'm not anymore because I was gifted with an unusually high IQ, precociousness, and an interest in learning that my parents did the bare minimum of encouraging. I can tell you from experience that 99% of poor people deserve their lot in life. They are crab-in-the-bucket scum, and the 1% of them that aren't can and will get out of it.

>> No.20182846

I was born into privilege.
My dad is a high ranking (and well paid) diplomat that works for one of the myriad UN sub-agencies. Whenever we travelled we could skip the endless lines at customs because of his diplomat’s visa.
I received a French education and graduated with an IB diploma.
The privileged like myself are definitely aware that how things work because of our positions, we are not blind.
I have imposter’s syndrome, I constantly doubt myself, the thought that my position in life isn’t because of my merits but because of my life circumstances eats me up inside.
I can only speculate but your cousin probably feels the same, that’s why she posted the comic on Facebook.

>> No.20183141

>Do the same thing (she also did her homework)
>Get different results
How do you figure that both of them "deserved" what they got? If you have a really reductive "anything you get is automatically what you deserve" definition then you should just avoid using the word altogether, that's what I do.

>> No.20183146

The meme is clearly written for bourgeois liberals who feel guilty, not actual people like 'Paula'

>> No.20183160
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It was maybe 5+ years ago and I've forgotten the concept but it wasn't humility or imposter syndrome. She spent years in science-related grad school and she really did work hard, I know that, she knows that. But the problem is that if she associates with the woman on the right, she's just another hypocrite with a victimhood complex...no Hillary-voting white woman raised in an affluent family is going to admit that she played life on easy mode, whether it's true or not. But if she associates with the man on the left, then she'd be admitting her hard work amounted to nothing, she was already bound for success, and again, no Hillary-voting white woman raised in an affluent family is going to admit that she played life on easy mode.

Despite being intelligent and hard-working, she didn't seem to have the self-awareness to realize that associating with either side as depicted makes her look bad.

>> No.20183182

This. The meme that most poor people are smart and hardworking is just that, a meme, and the exceptions are just that, exceptions.
t. also grew up poor

>> No.20183186

There's nothing wrong with inequality. The problems come in when the upper classes cease to be leaders.

>> No.20183291

>no Hillary-voting white woman raised in an affluent family is going to admit that she played life on easy mode.
I disagree with this, lots of them are obnoxiously open about it, it's a virtue signal. The issue is they never acknowledge the gender element of it, they think they had it just as easy or hard as any brothers they may have had.

>> No.20183332

sick take dude that's totally edgy and out of the box keep it up looking forward to more of your takes

>> No.20183340

nah, he'll be dead from heart failure

>> No.20183357

Yeah this always made sense to me. If you spend a lifetime making good choices and working hard, shouldn't you be able to provide for your children better than those who were irresponsible?

>> No.20183375

Heavy projection. He gave no indication that his goal was anything like that, by assuming it was you're just telling us that *you* make that a goal.

>> No.20183495

holy based

>> No.20183500

either it's hopeless and she should accept her place, or it's not hopeless and she could've done more

>> No.20183505
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Any book that explores this concept?

>> No.20183532

Yep. The ending really fails to make a useful point, just "be mad".

>> No.20183623

Or the solution is outside the realm of her individual action and comic was meant for people like guy on the right.

Americans have this retarded idea that world is inherently just and orderly place, where everthing falls into place, barring random, rare exceptions.

World is inherently unjust, messy and has tendency to get messier and less just unless sombody tries to fix it. And for most of time, large scale problems like your cucked education system need actual cooperation, because one normal person can't even attempt fix the institutional mess alone, unless he gets declared dictator.

And everybody is willing to fellate the rich fucks on the assumption that they are inherently better, because their grandpapy got lucky on stock market. Amerifucks will bend over backwards to talking about generational IQ and personal responisbility just to avoid admitting that maybe system where schools in poor neighbourhoods are by design given worse funding and talented kids from these neigbourhoods are administratively chained to them has some obvious problem.

The original comic is essentially about dude who got pretty comfy life with parents being able to invest cash into his education and guide him, in social strata where he's inherently insulated from many struggles (the American school distict funding is joke) and consistently given leg up till he reached comfortable hights. Then started talking shit about how "nobody ever handed him anything on plate" completely missing that up to early twenties he consistently helped by his familly cash and connections. It's litterally about the type of WASP bullshit thats common for both conservatives and liberals, it's just that insulated conservatives preffer justify their good starting position talking about morlity, justice, grit and good genetics, while affluent lefties preffer to deflect the issue with victim comples mixed with some talk about grit and their parents' struggles.

The poor fuck on the left was essentially given bad hand and consistently kicked down forced into life of meaningless struggle. And yes, the struggle can be sometimes just a pointless waste. No matter how much Americans rant about "Muh grit, muh overcomming, muh adversity" being forced to deal with shit tier school because you are administratively chained to poor district, getting constantly messed up by social credits, up I meant credit score, and other meaningless bullshit isn't magically separating wheat from society's chaff, because 1 - slightly richer chaff can avoid selection proccess, 2 - there is no reward for those moral, hardworking people who keep doing right thing.

>> No.20183633

None of that challenges the idea that the right move for her is to accept her place. If the solution is outside of her control, she can't do anything.

>> No.20183638

Mario if he real

>> No.20183650

didn't read

>> No.20183662

mario if he real

>> No.20183677

I didn't bother reading all that but what I got through read like a 14-year-old school shooter's manifesto. Have sex, lose weight, and maybe find a social group. I wish you the best.

>> No.20183694

There is difference between accepting that you are in deep shit and declaring that shit is moral and just. That chick did the right thing and still got sacked, and still carried on.

The comic is meant more for the people like the guy on right, who can actually influence the system, because they have cash and connections. In every era of history society's elite getting their heads stuck in their asses and loosing contact with reality was prelude to disaster.

Also, there is such a thing as the collective action. In sane system people would have ability to vote for stuff like reform of education funding, but in two party politicall hellscape where only guys getting to keep tabs on politicians are his donnors most people are forced to contend to voting between "liberal" mummy of warmonger and geriatric "conservative" reality star, both of which will vote the same where it commes to economy.

>> No.20183707

those babies look so fucking ugly

>> No.20183709

The whole talk about incels and shooters is symptom of american social cuckery. Everytime somebody tries to imagine improvement to system, you call him looser and designate him as a threat. Also, you are on 4chan, everybody there assumed to be piece of garbage engaging other trash.

>> No.20183710

No, the comic is meant to validate bourgeois liberals by giving them the chance to deal with their guilt by feeling bad for this fictional girl in this ridiculous situation, and ultimately just come away less motivated and more angry at white men (many of whom are poorer than them). Not a single proposal was offered.

>> No.20183714

What improvement are you imagining? It sounds like what you're imagining is just the abstract concept of improvement itself.

>> No.20183716

Just don't spaz out and actually try it dude, I don't want this thread brought up during the trial.

>> No.20183736
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>this is Richard, his ancestors built this whole country
>and this is Paula. Her ancestors? Not so much

>> No.20183739


>> No.20183745

Frankly, I prolly read to much into her economic issues, because my country has saner education model and I see american one as a mess.

Yeah, thats what I was talking about. The American mind is cucked out of political will. Nobody is willing to look at the system as something that can be judged by measurable standards and improved upon.

Onions and champagne liberals are frustrating to look upon, because they can somehow see that there is a problem, turn the situation into suffering porn, cream themselves and go their merry way without doing anything.

>> No.20183750

Work on your English

>> No.20183778

In cultural sense? Cut down on the "just world" nonsense, cut down on fellating rich fucks just because they are rich and unlearn the learned helplessness average American has when it commes to cooperating with others and making changes to system.

Politically? Up the funding of schools in poor neighbourhood to the acceptable level, change the student loans into actual funding per student, get rid of credit score, purge the society from usurers (bye, bye debth fuelled overconsumption) and actual funding towards infrastructure and public utilities.

>> No.20183788

>purge the society from usurers (bye, bye debth fuelled overconsumption)
Nice antisemitism, chud. Back to >>>/pol/ with you.

>> No.20183807

>implying that I care about usurers foreskin or size of heir schnotz

Look, fuck I care if poverty parasites are Jews or not. If your bussiness sole purpose is preying on poor/stupid/unlucky, then you can go fuck yourself, because society doesn't need you.

>> No.20183814
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>If your bussiness sole purpose is preying on poor/stupid/unlucky, then you can go fuck yourself, because society doesn't need you.

>> No.20183818
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>> No.20183822

Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.20183847

meant for >>20183807

>> No.20183896
File: 524 KB, 559x519, 1649301035351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the dumbfucks unironically agreeing with this picture and how hard it is. LEARN CODING.

Most jobs want experience than a degree because, in coding, more employers want people who CAN work, rather than "eehh, well he's qualified?".

It's beyond retarded that people don't want to get into coding if they genuinely do not want to go to university or a trade school.

Many courses on coding or computer science can be had for free, you can even get a certificate online if you do the work.
>but coding is boring
Yeah, but you don't have many options now, do you? And coding will get you a shit ton of money quickly if you work your way up.

Build your resume, work on projects, and keep at it. Some work at some dead-end job and get mad it doesn't lead you anywhere. Be smart about your employment and plan your next move.

Stop being a victim of your own existence, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can do it if you really want it.

>> No.20183905

is the same anon who posted this

>> No.20183921

This is what I do.
Reading The Sorrows of Young Werther in between sets.

>> No.20183927

Nah, I'm just shilling coding and computer science to people that should study it.

It's a lucrative profession (I mean it's boring but you'll be paid a lot for it) that requires experience over a piece of paper.

You can learn it through a variety of ways for free. Harvard has their entire introduction to computer science for free on YouTube. FREE. Not a single cent needs to come out of your pocket for this. All you need to do is sit down, pay attention, and study the material.

You can go a step further and get their certificate for it if you really want it, but what you really should do is use your knowledge and do projects and put them down on your resume. Find a job in coding and build upon that. It's a long-term plan.

>> No.20183932

I had the childhood of the kid in the left and i still wound up a massive fucking loser.

>> No.20183965

You seek /fit/, not /lit/.

>> No.20183968

eat a dick

>> No.20183979

Half of your ideas would do nothing and the other half are simply ridiculous

>> No.20183981

I'm thinking about double majoring and doing Computer Science along with a meme degree

>> No.20183995

Based and true. Although you could have made this better by saying selling feet pics. Literally don't even have to fuck other men anymore.

>> No.20184219

i don't get it

>> No.20184230

maybe but transistors are getting super-pricey and there are just a shit load of comp sci kids these days, many of whom are very low quality and simply looking for white-collar work. If you want big money I would look elsewhere in emerging fields.

>> No.20184264

I grew up in an upper-middle class family that slowly lost all our wealth and privilege. A few details will be simplified in what follows but basically:
>average upper-middle class kid in nice neighborhood in fancy public school
>parents marriage is terrible
>they get divorced after my Dad loses his job
>move to a different part of the state
>have to attend a much worse school
>barely graduate bcuz I have such shitty living conditions
>manage to get into some shitty satellite school
>state pays for everything bcuz poor
>work really hard, transfer to main campus
>now I'm surrounded by dumb middle class kids who've never worked an honest days labor
>I hate it
But my grants and loans cover tuition and expenses. My family is still desperately poor but I'll be graduating soon and then I have no idea.

in truth my story is much closer to that of the girl whose Rhodes scholarship was rescinded by Penn, but it would be too much to explain everything here

>> No.20184284

She should have gone on welfare and saved her money to move to a different country.

>> No.20184298

desu i'd disagree about the malnutrition in the sense of actual vitamins and minerals, nobody is starving but everybody is eating fucking slop that has been slowly drained of all nutrition for decades

>> No.20184312

It seems weird and suspicious that (a hereditary blue-collar average-intelligence prole) typing on a computer would get so much money. Of course, it makes more sense when you realise that software is either a bubble, or that you need a bugman work ethic, or that hidden under the appearance of using a computer to program automation, you have to actually use your brain at work. And if people wanted to do that, they wouldn’t be asking for advice. If you’re an American, and poor, and experience livelihood insecurity, move to a european country.

>> No.20184336

>If you’re an American, and poor, and experience livelihood insecurity, move to a european country.
Honestly this. They're not even allowed to be against the idea; anti-immigrant beliefs are considered a far-right taboo.

>> No.20184378

Poverty Safari. Basically a guy talking about the effects of poverty on himself and his town.

>> No.20184487

>I'd rather have the inheritance now
>I don't want to ask for it now
You are confused. Take the money now and leverage it for a better education and life, and then that will translate to a better life for your kids.

>> No.20184509

What does it matter if "you" caused your success or not? You're successful. Stop listening to your hateful thoughts.

>> No.20184523
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pic related

>> No.20184580

Even better, save for a year, buy a laptop, and move to the third world.
You can multiply your money by something like 40x just by hoping on a plane, and it's literally never been easier to fake everything from academic credentials to letters of recommendation to medical forms. Any wageslave in America could be living like a king in a country without age of consent laws of they weren't such a victim complex little bitch.
Then again, I'm a privileged white guy. So whenever I say this it causes incredible seething. I used to care, but now I just hate people and their mediocrity. Everywhere losers who take the path of least resistance, then bitch and complain about anyone who works smarter than they do, because their whole ego is tied up in working some dead end blue collar job and being a miserable sack of shit.

>> No.20184589


>> No.20184598

fucking kek

>> No.20184623
File: 429 KB, 1498x1080, Wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had this exact situation in the UK to anon.
because my mothers partner had a relatively good paying job, my loan payments would've been the absolute minimum that no one can survive on.
when i explained that because I wasn't related to him, that he wouldn't be sending me money whatsoever i effectively got a shrug and told to go away.
i ended up staying home and commuting and i still got the "muh poor students do worse than rich ones" shit thrown at me.
meanwhile all the 'poor' students would constantly go out drinking and socialising and then wondering why they didn't have any money.

>> No.20184767

> 500€ per month
> 300-400 for rent in a shared apartment
>100€ is enough for food for one person
>he doesn't consider hobbies or sport activities
You never lived alone and it shows.
You don't have decent living conditions if you can't make a 1/3 for each.

>> No.20184807

>check your privilege the comic
god, I wished someone gave me an internship. Had to find a decent one. I remember reading AFFC while looking. Arya inspired me to never give up.

>> No.20184825

>healthy man will age in a far more graceful fashion
you know its cope right? to age gracefully or not, its still the same. living is cope

>> No.20184851

the lesson there is if you're underprivileged, you have to work harder to get better chance for success. Success is never a hundred percent only if you work harder. Its always luck and hardwork. There's not much you can really do with luck. You just have to try and try again hoping for a milli-chance you'll succeed.

>> No.20184866

check your privilege?

>> No.20184871

It's a hell of a lot riskier to try to make your fortune in the colonies than to try your hand at a comfortable middle class life in the developed world. But you are right.

>> No.20184876

lol, this couldn't be any more contrived.

>> No.20184919

Same thing in Austria. Social democracy tends to reward lazy lowlifes with cheap housing, welfare and all kinds of benefits while the middle class gets its ass fucked by taxes.
They always like to pretend like its reducing wealth inequality by distributing money from the rich to the poor but really its just taking money from the average Joe and giving it to useless losers while the rich get to live it up.

>> No.20184946
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>> No.20184971
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>> No.20184990

already did

>> No.20185173

is richard benjamin button, wtf?

>> No.20185227

mario if he real

>> No.20185292

eh I used to worry if my dad would come back alive from work each day.

Thing was we went to a particular "church" that was really a philosophy school/uni level from a babe upwards.

The expectation was we would be so far in advance of others it did not even bare consideration.

And that was essentially what happened.

Being first in a year of 250 was not just expected but was not even the point.

You should be 95-100 across all subjects and if other were too close then the test was to easy.

I remember dad said after coming clear first, you could have done better, i knew him to be right. I was kinda lazy desu.

We were surrounded by 1000's of books at home, and had a rich cross section of social friends via the church, rich, poor, smart, mental, old young.

Death was common and we went to alot of funerals of people that died from the church.

It really made you think.

I eventually did law engineering and medicine at ivy leauge.

>> No.20185310

oh, okay

>> No.20185319


mario if he real

>> No.20185406

Then what the fuck is your point you retard

>> No.20185411
File: 18 KB, 648x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If American, cope

>> No.20185630

She looks like a nice, submissive girl. Could have a nice life if it weren't for the nose.

>> No.20185705

They are given substantial support in college, and also have access to things like subsidized housing. No one was suggesting they're literally given piles of money just for existing.

>> No.20185712

it says "look up auckland city mission's 'speaking for ourselves' booklet" at the bottom

>> No.20185726

>make incredibly stupid post
>people point out how dumb it is
>lol look how many roasties seething
This website is a parody of itself

>> No.20185734

No one has pointed out anything wrong with it, because there is nothing to point out. He is entirely right.

>> No.20186141

More about this Church and what are you doing now?

>> No.20186149

>I eventually did law engineering and medicine at ivy leauge.

>> No.20186187

There's no way to make a fortune other than risk though.

The reason I'm well off is because my dad spent half a decade living in his car while building a business. I crunched the numbers and realized I could make more money on welfare living in a cabin in the woods than I would making $40/h in the big city, so I did exactly that and then used my free time to build a passive revenue stream.

Used to be make a comfortable life for myself living in a third world hostel, working full time for the roof, and selling coke to English backpackers on the side.

Every blue collar pleb I know seethes at me because they can't see past their nose, and to them I'm just a guy with a rich dad who won't get a "real job" like them. Meanwhile they can be earning 60-70k a year and then blow it all on renting, owning a big truck, going to expensive music concerts, and buying drugs.

How am I supposed to respect the poor when they are so lacking in creativity and balls?

>> No.20186196

Did many other people in that "church" end up in ivy league/government?
Is it some kind of elite Freemason temple for the 1%?
Whatever your experience s were they're interesting as fuck

>> No.20186214


>> No.20187357
