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/lit/ - Literature

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20178221 No.20178221 [Reply] [Original]

>«Science fiction talks about things that are not real, but that COULD BE. Fantasy talks about things that are not real, and could never be, because they require magic.» -- Orson Scott Card.

Dune is fantasy (prescience).
Star Wars is fantasy (the Force).
The debate is over.

>> No.20178229

>OP is just now discovering science fantasy

>> No.20178232

Both fantasy and science fiction are gay. Only mythology and normal fiction are the fictions worth reading.

>> No.20178293

>science fantasy
No such thing. Manicheism is the only logical position in this issue.

>> No.20178298
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>> No.20178543

Name a scifi which isn't fantasy
Pro tip: you can't

>> No.20178605

All scifi and fantasy are trash literature except The Hobbit.

>> No.20178632

There are countless sci-fi books without any sort of magic or occult powers. The Three body problem's saga is the first that comes to mind. Aliens, yes. Magic, no.

The plebeian take of a 20-something that wants to sound well read and only manages to sound pretentious.
We know you read Terry Brooks under the covers, faggot.

>> No.20178639

Show me a single book then that isn’t a mindless romp.

>> No.20178650


>> No.20178656

You just moved the goalpost. I accept your admission of defeat.

Also, this second question is highly subjective instead of being objective like the first one (is there magic or not?), and is therefore a dishonest way to debate. I could tell you that The Three Body Problem's saga is NOT at all a mindless romp, but then you might say "Yes it is, for me it is!" and the discussion would die in the swamp of subjectivity. Impossible to settle an argument like that.

>> No.20178657

How is brave new world a mindless romp?

>> No.20178663

neither genre is actually talking about a different world than our own. they talk about our world (at least, that which the author experiences), using a hypothetical other as a comparison. this is tiny baby shit and you all should be embarrassed if you think about them in terms of the surface-level worldbuilding

>> No.20178667

No I didn’t move the goalpost. A mindless romp is a very typical description for most of scifi and fantasy because of their juvenile topics and shallow themes. But most of all the writing is just too simple and straightforward, mostly so that kids would understand it.

>> No.20178670

>they talk about our world using a hypothetical other as a comparison
That is obvious and doesn't have much to do with the thread subject.

>> No.20178677

>No I didn’t move the goalpost.
First you asked if there was a single sci-fi book without magic in it (an objective question). The answer you received was YES.
Then you asked a second question, completely different in nature: is there a sci-fi book which isn't "a mindless romp" according to your definition of the word. This is both moving the goalpost and dishonestly turning the discussion into a subjective matter so you can never be proven wrong.

>> No.20178681

>First you asked if there was a single sci-fi book without magic in it (an objective question)
What are you even talking about. I never asked that. Here’s me post:

>> No.20178685
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>I can't enjoy writing unless it's in Old English and iambic pentameter, sorry plebs, I just can't.

Also, you're an ignorant faggot. Try "Blindsight" and its sequel, if you want some hard sci-fi with very complex language and structure.
But you won't, because you don't really want to read good stuff, you just want to look as if you do. Pretentious faggot twink.

>> No.20178687

You’re posting with atleast two different persons, anon.

>> No.20178688

So you're not this anon as well: >>20178543
I assumed you were because in your other post you said "then show me X", as if you were the anon I was talking to.

Anyway, the second point still stands: your question can have no answer because it's a highly subjective one. You can define "mindless romp" however you like, regardless of the book I suggest, so it's a dishonest way to discuss.

>> No.20178693

>A mindless romp is a very typical description for most of scifi and fantasy
Shit like the Shannara series definitely fits the bill. Other series definitely don't. You're being childish, you can't generalize entire genres like that.

>> No.20178698

>you don’t even read

I read lots of great books but I don’t need a coating of the fantastical to enjoy reading.

>> No.20178703

>the only books worth reading have no fantastical elements within them used to highlight some theme or principle in al allegoric way or to stimulate thought
Dante wants a word, pretentious little faggot.

>> No.20178707
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You will never be a writer.
You have no brains, no vision, no skills, no courage to be bold and original.
When you look in the mirror you can see your smooth, pale hands, devoid of the calluses a writer would have.
You can see your cheeto encrusted neckbeard, with not a single hair above your jawline.
You can see the thick glasses that you flaunt in an attempt to look like an intellectual, but that are actually due to your masturbation addiction.
Your parents talk about you in their bed during sleepless nights fraught with anxiety and shame.
You acquaintances (you have no friends) mock your cringe intellectualoid persona and your literary aspirations.
All the encouragement you get is from embarassed near-strangers and people who want to keep selling you their writing workshops and courses.
Your keyboard, glazed in dried semen, watches you in mute sadness as you fap and pant. It has never been used for anything more complex than typing "trap genderbend doujin sword art online", and knows that it never will.
You will never be read in admiration to a flock of college girls that will fawn over you like groupies.
You will never put on paper any amazing saga of bravery and magic, you will never conceive any mindblowing insights, you will never depict a generation's experience or craft awe-inspiring worlds out of thin air.
You will never be a writer.

>> No.20178710

The fantasy genre, especially nowadays, can very rightfully be generalized like such. The vast majority of the texts that are published are low quality. The genre got incredibly popular for some reason and that naturally means many authors and therefore many bad books.

>> No.20178715
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>"trap genderbend doujin sword art online"
I have been blind my entire life.

>> No.20178724
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>especially nowadays
>The vast majority
Yeah, most stuff of every genre is shit, dude. Especially if you only look at new stuff that hasn't passed the test of time. The "serious literature" genre has stuff like Sally Rooney, ffs. Most of the genre is of similar quality. That doesn't mean that there aren't good books in that niche.

>> No.20178962

Aliens are just magic by another name