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/lit/ - Literature

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20177798 No.20177798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever given a love poem to a woman?

>> No.20177805

I exclusively go after trannies now, because I hate women for making it virtually impossible to find young virgins anymore.

>> No.20177806
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>gf accused of me of having an asian fetish because i post a picture of her on /sp/
>wrote a love poem as an apology
>she posts the poem on her instagram

>> No.20177807

once to a trans friend

>> No.20177814

Yes. It got my dick sucked many a time.

>> No.20177820

Not a woman, my friend. You gave a poem to a man and you're gay for doing so.

>> No.20177824
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I wrote a poem in a Valentine's Day card to my girlfriend at uni. It was extremely cringeworthy since half of it was about how I'd been miserable with writer's block lately.

She's actually been published since.

>> No.20177872

I think you know what to do. Steal her work and get published yourself.

>> No.20177906

yeah one time in 6th grade I brokeup with my girlfriend, then she made me feel really bad about her so I wrote her one and she really liked it and rejected me and then I was able to move on.

>> No.20177908

In 8th grade, I wrote a ten page poem to a Mormon girl I was trying to woo. She never dated me and I still cringe thinking about what a tard I was.

>> No.20177913

My love poem to my girl is my body
When she feels my muscular arms,
It brings to her more sensation than a hundred nerdy words.

>> No.20177929

once in high school but it was dogshit
i've written good poems since but none of em about women

>> No.20177957

There have been poems about Lucifer, poems about dirt and rocks, poems about animals and even poems about shit, but there should never be a poem about a woman. They just aren't worth thinking about.

>> No.20177984

I exclusively write love poetry in the comment section of book-tubers with immense milky bazoongas because there's no chance I'll meet them and destroy the illusion.

>> No.20178127

To many women and none of it resulted in sex. I just don't think my love poetry is good, but maybe the medium is only good for unrequited love like Dante's.

>> No.20178131

Why would I bare my soul in a creative and emotional endeavor for the sake of a woman? Women aren't capable of truly appreciating something like that.

>> No.20178175

Yeah, all the time.

>> No.20178190
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only works if you're good looking fren

I have never seen a booktuber with immense milky bazoongas

>> No.20178205
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>only works if you're good looking fren
This unironically.
Protip, fellas: this is a very bad idea.

>> No.20178224

>I just don't think my love poetry is good
Woah you still managed to learn nothing about the way women actually are despite all of this failure. Impressive.

Don't write them poems, they don't give a shit. Go and lift weights and get your cash up. You can still appreciate poetry without being "the poetry guy". Women truly don't give af, unless you have the swagger of Henry Miller 2.0, and even then it's still not about the writing, but the whole vibe of the man.

>> No.20178239


>> No.20178241
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It's never sealed the deal, but it's usually been received as a thoughtful gesture. Less striking than flowers, but an improvement on a love note.

>> No.20178247
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>It's never sealed the deal
Crazy how naive you lot are for otherwise smart guys.

>> No.20178257

This was okay until you went with "nerdy"

And wtf is that meter? It could work as spoken if you do it broken beatnik but you're not doing yourself any favors in that direction. What about
"My love poem to my girl is/ my body.
When she feels my/ muscular arms it
brings to her/ more sensation, than uncounted words"

It's still not cutting it on paper. God save you, you might need bongos.

>> No.20178283
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It's always been more a touch than an impetus. To the last love I wrote, I asked her the breeze, to guide my sail, that she filled me with spirit. We honestly grew closer flirting in a hall of mirrors, or fucking in a hot tub changing room at a ski resort. The instant, the moment, the pathos of things holds more potential, as I've found it. The writing is a touch, not the thing itself. One exception.

In the sunlight, after a journey, she laid with me. I read Whitman to her as she drifted away, in perfect love.

>> No.20178287

shemales give the best blowjobs

>> No.20178292

I don't appreciate poetry

>> No.20178297

Trannies are just better at sex. They like getting fucked and butt sex is tighter than a pussy

>> No.20178305

That's a man

>> No.20178310
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my nigger

>> No.20178315

For me? It's xoellexo

>> No.20178322

I hope you shake out these tedious mannerisms soon enough. It's such a common trope young 20something literary guys fall into. Not that it's bad to be loving or poetically sensitive about life in general, but it's the way you go about relaying this to other men. It's too precious. Too contrived.

Ask yourself this simple question: would you speak like this in simple conversation with other men face to face, or would you shy away from it? Be honest.

>> No.20178325

I've been a big simp but never that big

>> No.20178332


If the conversation were on love notes, probably.

I think you wouldn't.

>> No.20178359

Yes, and she wouldn't stop telling her friends how insecure she felt about herself afterwards.

>> No.20178361

You know it's funny. I've been a newfriend here for many years and I've seen wave after wave of young precocious guys who fall into the exact same trappings and yet are so convinced of their wit and earnestness all the while. Then a couple years later they all look back at how they carried on and chuckle at the foolishness of it all.

I'm just trying to help you speed up the process.

>> No.20178378


You do realize that the unsolicited advice coming from a place of purely supposed erudition and experience engender the exact foolishness you are warning me against?

Remove the log from your own eye first.

>> No.20178385

Once. In high school. She called the cops. This was 1999 for those keeping score. I can't imagine what guys put with nowadays, I'd imagine its much worse

>> No.20178392

If you're the type of guy to hang out on 4chan in his late 30s it wasn't the love letter that got the cops called on you.

>> No.20178402

Uh this was when I was 16. 4chan wasn't around back then

>> No.20178403


This, but also given what you mentioned, it very well could have been the content of the poem.

>> No.20178404

It was implicit solicited the moment you posted that ridiculous horseshit to me unironically. Men will hear talk like
and know it rightly to be the talk of a bullshitter. And so they'll ask themselves, 'if he is a bullshitter about this, in what other ways is he a bullshitter? Can I trust him?" That latter question is incredibly important, and will shape a lot in your life.

There are other guys your age who are just as literary and smart as you are, and they've worked this out where you have yet to. They don't act like this anymore. They are still very earnest and thoughtful people, capable of great insight, but they all saw that they needed to dial the bullshit factor back when associating with other men. It was a posture that was false, and wasn't of any practical use. It only served to get in the way.

>> No.20178409

I mean lets be real, how would I have the foresight to know I'd be doing that at this point, friendo?

>> No.20178411

How ugly are/were you? If Chad gave her a love poem she would suck his dick the same day after school.

>> No.20178414


Counterpoint, I don't give a shit. Eat dust old man.

>> No.20178415

Doesn't matter. It's still a man and thus, off-topic.

Also, gay.

>> No.20178428

>I don't give a shit
No one who takes the time to post the preening shit what you did can fairly say that they don't give a shit. Just stop being a spaz cunt and take on the actually useful advice that I am trying to give you. Fkn newfag.

>> No.20178433


Let me clarify, I don't give a shit about you or your opinions. You can shove that advice all the way up your ass.

>> No.20178435


>> No.20178440


>> No.20178443

>I don't give a shit about you
I don't expect you to. I'm a random nobody.
You still talk like a poof regardless.
>triggered second-hand
lmao what a beta

>> No.20178446


>> No.20178451


>> No.20178454


>> No.20178458



>> No.20178468

Touch (leaves of) grass.

>> No.20178477


>> No.20178487

not a poem, but a song.
there was this Scandinavian girl (pen pal sort of thing) which seemed to be into me, but then i sperged out and she became cold and distant. i wrote her a song as an attempt to "get her back" and got blocked. it was about how beautiful she was with heavy remarks on her height and race kek.

>> No.20178488

All trans women are women.
I am reporting you to the WEF.
Now you fucked up.

>> No.20178570
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How could I have ever had faith in women?
How could I have ever loved them?

>> No.20178577

girls used to ask me to write their name on binder paper in high school because they thought my handwriting was beautiful. they used tell me things to write, and i'd write it out for them.

>> No.20178725


>> No.20178745

That's a man

>> No.20178921

Trans women are men.
Trans men are women.
All trans people have mental illness.

>> No.20178937

It worked for Fitzgerald. Somewhat.

>> No.20179283

What if I am good looking according to good looking women?

>> No.20179413

Truly one of the most horrific things ever posted on this board. Grow up. Read Goethe. Find God.


>> No.20179426

I also did this and felt ashamed for being turned down and then more enamoured because of it.

>> No.20179525

>tfw recognize every tranny in 4chan
it's over

>> No.20179539

Troonmeister, I kneel...

>> No.20179630

Yes, worst mistake I ever made

>> No.20181005

That's not a woman!!!

>> No.20181094

I think you're wasting your time with him anon. People so embarrassingly stereotypical in their behavior cant be helped by anything else than self-awareness, which nobody else can give them.

>> No.20181674

I know.

>> No.20181710

Well that's neither here nor there, things turned out okay. Let sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.20181770
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I sent this to my high school crush one day. She ignored me. That's when I realised women have no pity and their "cute", "kind", "nurturing" demeanour is just a total fucking fake act.

>> No.20181799

Yeah, though it's been a few years and the poem was a bit weird.

An awful person

To be a good person: a trial for most
The strains that we face will make most of us worsen
We struggle and struggle against that great host
the one that I love is a quite awful person

A person who’s good would be quite independent
And always be working a substantial job
Their reliance on others would long since have ended
Their bills all but skewered on their shish kebab

Now for someone to be good, they need lots of school
Ask russell or dewy or even just hobbes
Degrees are now foremost, the greatest of all rules
How else are you going to earn cash in wads

The last thing you need is your own will attained
No blocks or impediments barring the way
You must not have actions in any way chained
A person or persons who tell you to stay

The one that I love wants to be a bad person
No job, education, or free actions rife
Just cooking, some daughters, and maybe a few sons
A quite awful person, but excellent wife

>> No.20181909

It wasn't a good idea

>> No.20181924

Yeah, I've give erotic poetry to multiple women. I'm still friend with them.

>> No.20181929

I wrote a love poem for my wife on Valentines Day. She cried from laughter and called me a faggot

But really, she loved it and it inspired me to start reading more poetry and practicing my own

>> No.20181948

That's a cute message and its awkwardness only compounds its sweetness. That she couldn't see it means you would have never been happy with her after all.

>> No.20181980
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Anyone else sort of worried that as technology progresses we won't be able to easily spot trannies as men?

>> No.20181997

You can ALWAYS tell

>> No.20182006

Deserved to be ignored for your entirely autistic message. What a fucking retard you are. Beyond salvation.

>> No.20182094

No, I'd happily date one!

>> No.20182102

his porn is bad anyways