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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 419x475, arthur-kills-a-hobo-for-his-clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2017556 [Reply] [Original]

Are we allowed to ask where to find specific ebooks for free?

Picture slightly unrelated

>> No.2017557

And before you ask, YES I've tried /rs/. No results for either book.

>> No.2017560

There is a sticky above your thread that addresses it.

>> No.2017563

Oh. Sorry. I usually have my glasses on, but right now I don't. I'm kind of blind without them.

>> No.2017581

That didn't find either book I was looking for!

>> No.2017588

What the hell do I do now?

>> No.2017590


>> No.2017591
File: 44 KB, 570x417, Mario-Hails-A-Cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for OP because I'm new to /lit/

>> No.2017602

I've tried both. No torrents of either book and all results are either to buy it or to read descriptions of it.

I'm looking for "Ico: Castle in the Mist" and "Xena: All I Need to Know I Learned from the Warrior Princess", if that helps.

>> No.2017608

Thanks for being nice.

>> No.2017613
File: 2.31 MB, 1024x1024, Finlay, Charles Coleman - The Prodigal Troll (.html.jpg(FB)).rar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps a /lit/ite has the ebook you're looking for...

then it's just a matter of how to pass it.

>> No.2017614

So no one can help me?

>> No.2017627

They're probably nowhere to be found because they're shitty books.

>> No.2017636


Here's a Xena book though I'm not sure it's the one you're looking for. Honestly both of those books are pretty niche and the chances of somebody having spend the time required to scan them is vanishingly small.

If you must, join a tracker, seed, and make the request. Offer enough bounty and somebody will scan them.

>> No.2017645

It's passworded, so I can't check if it's what I'm looking for.

>> No.2017647

> Offer enough bounty
Also, I can't offer any bounty. All I can offer is that I'll read them.

>> No.2017649

How Xena Changed Our Lives: True Stories by Fans for Fans
By Nikki Stafford

>> No.2017650

Yeah, that's DEFINITELY NOT what I was looking for.

>> No.2017652

Basically, if it doesn't have the exact names I entered in a previous message, it's not what I want.

>> No.2017653
File: 952 KB, 1024x1024, Friday, Nancy - My Secret Garden. Women's Sexual Fantasies.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2017655


>> No.2017661



>> No.2017662

So I'm never going to get to read these books?

>> No.2017674
File: 2.44 MB, 1024x1024, Martin, George R R - Song of Ice and Fire 1-4.7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But are we getting warmer?

>> No.2017787


>> No.2017799

Just buy it you fucking broke ass weaboo faggot.


>> No.2017967

I don't have any way to buy off the interbutts.

>> No.2017970
File: 23 KB, 450x338, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.2017974

Oh fuck, I haven't seen this copypasta since I stopped browsing /x/.

>> No.2018034

>stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone
But I'm using my tripcode for all threads. And all threads aren't gone.

>> No.2018043

>i can't buy stuff off the internet
because you're a kid with no bank account?

>> No.2018411

No, I haven't been able to find a job, so I live with my parents.

But yeah, I have no bank account.

>> No.2018431

I should have Ico: Castle in the Mist in a few days. I pre-ordered months ago during a sale on books from that company. You do realize it was released only yesterday right? Why do would you think such an obscure book would already be available?

You have no money what-so-ever?
So you basically a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_single
Good luck with that!