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File: 27 KB, 337x297, wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20171181 No.20171181 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too intelligent to believe in utopian ideologies

I wish I was dumb enough to fall for something like communism, transhumanism, le singularity, or even an idealized theocracy.

I envy the dumb brutes who think they're working towards a perfect future, I really do.

>> No.20171211

You're too intelligent for your own good and too intelligent for wisdom. Too intelligent for love or romance. Too intelligent for virtue or happiness.

>> No.20171225

Must be hard being 17 these days

>> No.20171244

I, much like Stanley Kubrick, understand that deep down we are all monkeys. Destined for a life of war and bananas

>> No.20171267

Just one more genocide and you'll establish utopia, I believe in you

>> No.20171276

Post the IQ. Now.

>> No.20171282

Nigga you're retarded.

>> No.20171295
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The true whitepill is only achievable through the far end of the blackpill. Clearly you're not as far along on your journey as you seem to believe

>> No.20171343

Curious, what future utopia do you lot believe in?

It's easy to insult me; instead tell me why I'm wrong according to your ideology.

>> No.20171352

Swing and a miss, faggot. You're the one pushing some sort of intelligentsia / geniocracy ideal. Luckily for the world, moderate intelligence paralyzes thumb-twiddling high horse fags like you from making cataclysmic mistakes. Low IQ people are too dull to be caught in intellectual traps and high IQ people are too smart for intelligence. Midwits like you are the perfect puppet

>> No.20171358

Midwit Genocide. Incl. anyone who would waste our time making such an asinine and unoriginal post. I'd rather deal with Waldunspam than people like this.

>> No.20171363

>buzzword, buzzword, buzzword

You're trying too hard

>> No.20171370
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My first thought exactly

>> No.20171379

Go to bed, Stirner

>> No.20171392

>I'd rather deal with Waldunspam than people like this.

You can hide threads instead of crying in them, especially if you're going to just be throwing buzzword filled tantrums in them

>> No.20171393

Let me put it in terms you can understand. Mind is the great imprisoner and liberator, the nexus of all extra-personal control. For the less intelligent, this affinity for mind-control is weak--their antenna has weak reception. For the exceptional, the intellect becomes a means for its own liberation and escape; using a thorn to remove a thorn, "using the stones to destroy the stones". Meanwhile, those in the middle have a strong enough intellectual affinity to be susceptible to trickery, but not a strong enough intellect to discover their own means for transcendence and self-mastery. They will forever be at the mercies of impersonal forces, their mind acting as "occupation" for the prevailing hegemony.

>> No.20171406

This sounds like an incel manifesto, yikes

Someone get the kevlar before this anon snaps and starts shooting

>> No.20171442

It's honestly sad to see your predetermined dialogue boxes activating the moment you see something you don't understand. Go into a quiet room and stare at a wall for a while. You are more than your immediate environment and influences. I hope you find that out eventually.
>incel manifesto
If you haven't realized by now that these terms are meant to shut down important discussions about your personal development, I don't know what to tell you. You can suffer if you want.

>> No.20171522

Generally very young people are the ones that get hitched up in the first gnosis revelation they encounter (i.e. Marxism, Socialism, Fascism etc.) and build their whole personality around it. It's all a trap.

>> No.20171541


>> No.20171550
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>tfw too intelligent to succeed

>> No.20171559

Sure, but a different type of no-self-awareness young person thinks something like this is an intelligent thing to say:
>I envy the dumb brutes who think they're working towards a perfect future, I really do.
It's juvenilia. Useless nonsense only uttered for the purpose of self-aggrandizement.

>> No.20171567

Cringe is good, because it means I took a risk. Much better than the vacuous pedestrian nothing-man, roadside prop, passerby, ghoul

>> No.20171572


>> No.20171573

God this is embarrassing, even by 4chan standards.

Redo your whole personality, OP. It's garbage. and I'm willing to bet you have no friends at your high school.

>> No.20171635
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It actually may be possible in the future but for now we still have a ways to go. Much more suffering, destruction, and rebuilding awaits us.

>> No.20171641

Embarrassment and shame is such a strong force in your lives that it's the first thing you think of when you try to knock somebody else down. That says more about you than it does about me. Get to a point where you're not ashamed of who you are and then we can have a mature discussion

>> No.20171658

I'm actually wodering whether utopias are still written today (and I don't necessarily mean political theories like communism etc. but something like the original utopia). Could you name me a good utopia that was written in the last decade or so?

>> No.20171664

>bro it'll happen eventually trust me never mind the fact we're more distrusting and cynical than ever before

>> No.20171667

OP, you SHOULD be ashamed about who you are. Everything you've said is self-aggrandizing pseud bullshit. The reason nobody is engaging with your ideas is because they're boring, juvenile garbage. It's not smart. YOU'RE not smart.

I'm trying to help you. Get out of your head. Read more. Be humble. Stop brainstorming creative ways to feel better than everyone else. It's a waste of your thoughts.

>> No.20171681

Humanity will never achieve utopia, but you can't deny that things are getting better. Slavery, war, and genocide used to be the constant state of the world. These things all still exist, but to a much lesser extent. Government has become more accountable to it's people, technology is helping us live more productive and comfortable lives, and we are becoming more free to do what we want, as opposed to solely surviving. The next step will come, and power will reside slightly more in the individual as opposed to the leader. It is inevitable

>> No.20171703

I was making for some fun speculation and you've just been defensively shit-flinging this entire time. It's not that deep brah, take a chill pill
>no engagement
my (you)s beg to differ. thanks btw
>Get out of your head. Read more.
Are you retarded? Reading to get out of your head is like trying to drive your way out of your car.

>> No.20171739
File: 38 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the (you)s are people rightfully calling you a cringe retard. That's not engagement.

You'll tell yourself the reason nobody likes you is because you're "just too smart", but really it's because you're a little prick. I tried to help.

>> No.20171795
File: 95 KB, 643x324, D79B424E-6D59-4FE8-90FE-91FB936B41B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which propaganda have you fallen for then?

>> No.20171804

You sound like World Economic Forum's target audience

>> No.20171814


>> No.20171816
File: 71 KB, 700x700, 1648213450282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government has become more accountable to it's people

>> No.20171823

>instead tell me why I'm wrong according to your ideology.
I have an IQ of 137.

>> No.20171839

IQ isn't real, it's a fake metric used to deflate arguments against inequality.

>> No.20171845

Childhood is thinking you are building heaven
Adulthood is realizing you are building your ideal hell

>> No.20171884

Engagement is raw provocation and reaction, it has nothing to do with like or dislike (although ideally it's 50/50). And why would I trust a person who fundamentally dislikes me to know what's best for me? That seems like suicide-- especially when the person in question gives no valid reasoning whatsoever beyond "there's other people like me who don't like you"...like yeah, that's the point. I ignore those people and stick with the ones who like me. That's called being a real person with boundaries and not a people-pleasing doormat

>> No.20171894

>but you can't deny that things are getting better.
I do deny.
>Slavery, war, and genocide used to be the constant state of the world.
Slavery just took on a different face, wars are thought by proxy and by international capitalist trade feuds that only put more stress on the slaves, genocide is still happening just in different ways.
>These things all still exist, but to a much lesser extent.
Just because they're not pointing a gun at your face doesn't mean they haven't poisoned your drink.
>Government has become more accountable to it's people
If you call Jews "people".
>technology is helping us live more productive and comfortable lives
Read Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore Kaczynski
>and we are becoming more free to do what we want
Slavery to your own impulses isn't freedom.
>It is inevitable
Not if I can help it.

>> No.20171896

OP, I happen to agree with what you're saying, but arguing with retards on the internet is not a healthy way to express or expand your worldview. you seem like kind of an asshole. if you sincerely believe what you're saying and want to continue your philosophical development, I suggest that you get off the internet and read some books.
>Nietzsche has some very insightful things to say about the failure of ideologies
>the bible will help you understand the roots of ideological thinking in Western culture
>to better understand how we entered our current neoliberal hellscape where people put their hope in gibberish like transhumanism; I recommend the electric kool aid acid test and why liberalism failed
>to learn to be less of an asshole, I recommend Bukowski and the Tao Te Ching

>> No.20171929

Most people don't believe in anything these days. They might self identify with (insert ideology), but how many of them would actually sacrifice anything for that cause should push come to shove? How many would be willing to die and become a genuine martyr of said cause? Yes, many LARP ideologies these days, but at their core everyone is too cynical to actually believe in them. Political Idealists of all flavors are all collectively playing a game of poker where every participate is bluffing and none are willing to raise past what the previous person bet

>> No.20171931 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 1067x600, yeoreum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i flirted with communism but rejected it once i learned more about it

Commies tend to hate neets and virgins. They also hate eugenics(which i am strong advocate for).

i am a self-reliance/frugality advocate(which i think is more practical than waiting for a welfare state to come to help you). Don't rely on others for survival because people are selfish as fuck and will prioritize their interests over yours.

>> No.20171939

Your not smart for knowing this.

>> No.20171952

Your lack of vision for the future is the total opposite of intelligence, stop looking for excuses for your autism

>> No.20171992
File: 2.45 MB, 710x400, chef.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to believe in *insert vague general topic here*
You are not intelligent if you are so unilateral on any inherently flux concept you fart sniffer. I would be embarrassed to make such a broad statement, and I wouldn't classify myself anywhere near utopian you pea brained imbecile. As a simple point of linguistics more than anything else.

you fool.

>> No.20172001
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, pumping balloons up .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a selfish cutthroat capitalist like everyone else

this is my political philosophy

>> No.20172015

you can only be truly selfless under capitalism.

>> No.20172049

ITT: People stupid enough to think a utopia actually possible or desirable.
Anyone who believes that is in severe denial about the average human's capacity for empathy.

>> No.20172554

Join. DIE!
Join. DIE!

>> No.20172613

Monasteries are monarchical and seem to have a fair amount of selfless people

>> No.20172615

Christian Monarchy with a Pneumatic Monarch and hereditary rule is the only answer.

>> No.20172686

Where can I read more about your ideas on mind control?

>> No.20172722

>I envy the dumb brutes who think they're working towards a perfect future, I really do.
Stop whining and start working towards your goals. Your fate is in your own hands - you can always become as stupid as you want to be, and nothing can actually get in your way. Retardation and ensuing happiness are entirely within your reach. You already made the first step by posting this thread - now you only need to keep going. You can make it.

t. your retard bro

>> No.20172925

Optimist like you is why I hate humanity.

>> No.20172931

Ikr? People that don't pick a path and stick to if will have their paths picked out for them

>> No.20172936
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He meant collectives that aspire towards a perfect future, anon

>> No.20172960

And I mean that he can still become a part of those. He just needs to work on himself.

>> No.20172961

None of these are inherently utopian though. Proponents of each all recognize the enormously difficult road ahead and are very sensitive to the practical difficulties they face.

Plenty of young people also build their personality around being 'the outsider' who 'sees above it all'. That's why Reddit loves Diogenes and the Joker so much.

>> No.20172995

>Proponents of each all recognize the enormously difficult road ahead and are very sensitive to the practical difficulties they face.
I hope that's a joke.

>> No.20173090
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>thinks it is intelligence that makes him find utopian ideologies wrong
>doesn't understand it is rationality that topples religions
rationality isn't the result of intelligence, it is the other way around. you seek the truth out of the need for a rational explanation, thusly growing your intellect and understanding of what is what. as soon as you realize the fact that gun is a tool, not a living object that media associates with murder (instead of people who use said guns) as soon you move onto all other tools humanity developed for one reason or another. ideologies are just part of it. democracy, capitalism, communism, utopian fairy tales--all of that are tools, just as religion, just as social media, just as laws and societal norms. the problem here is, that some people's rationality stop before understanding that not all of those tools are a bad thing and then we have chaos of USA, the corrupt and destroyed European circus of a government, totalitarianism in asia, slavery in africa, USA-owned proxy countries and almost eight billion drones, world-wide, who are, most of the time, too deep in the "being special" propaganda to realize they do not matter in the least; that everything is temporal, that they'll be forgotten and buried under the time of dust and future civilizations that will come and go, and none of the things we do, think or understand will ever matter in the universe that is ultimately doomed to die in a death that will take an unfathomably more longer time than it took for our species to even to evolve.
intelligence? it doesn't mean a thing.
ideologies? just tools used by those in power.
your realization? doesn't change the fact you're still a drone.

>> No.20173101

>this thread
I'm too intelligent for this site

>> No.20173108


>> No.20173110

You can only be truly selfless.

>> No.20173152

Why do you hate life? Just off yourself

>> No.20174446

>pick where you want to be subservient lest you become subservient

>> No.20174661
File: 79 KB, 482x427, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to get gf
trooning is the way isn't it?

>> No.20174802

>Smart people will be on my side….. BECAUSE THEY JUST WILL OK?!

lol shutup dumbass

>> No.20174808

>Useless nonsense only uttered for the purpose of self-aggrandizement.

Honestly, I added that sentence to get (You)’s

>> No.20175093

>power will reside slightly more in the individual as opposed to the leader

LOL Wallstreet, the military industrial complex, alphabet agencies, tech corporations, and the media are all working in concert to trample individual freedoms and anyone who opposes them is labeled a fascist.

>> No.20175122

>Reddit loves Diogenes and the Joker so much

Maybe ten years ago, modern reddit has been astroturfed to be neoliberal establishment bootlickers

>> No.20175147

>Is on 4chan.

Ok sure, OP.

>> No.20175151

>breast implants
>exogenous hormones
>gaping flesh wound
Yes, an intelligent person would do this.
To be fair, I understand wanting to be a "woman" for the sake of maximing personal aesthetics, but the technology to achieve it doesn't exist.
At best, you're very pretty boy with maybe good implants assuming you already have feminine features.
At worst, you're an abomination from hell that cries on Twitter about how lesbians won't suck your girldick.

>> No.20175162

Personalities are mostly changed by experience not internal factors

>> No.20175168

Not what I was arguing, but okay

>> No.20175211

take intelligence suppressors and enjoy life for once
If you live in New York I can take you to our local commie cell and start the procedure

>> No.20175234
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>I understand wanting to be a "woman" for the sake of maximing personal aesthetics

I don't even understand it for that reason. Granted, I'm homosex as hell, but wanting to be a woman is so alien and hilarious to me. It's like wanting to be inferior, like wanting to be tarnished.

>> No.20175277

>commie cell

I don't think you need any additional intelligence suppressors anon

>> No.20175379
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You guys should really consider then anti thoonker manifesto. I think there's something to it.