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20170815 No.20170815 [Reply] [Original]

I think they’re collections of essays about animation and some of his world views, if so where they interesting, is he a good non fiction writer?

>> No.20170832

Also can you recommend any good books written by filmmakers and animators on their philosophies about film, not really technical stuff more about how they view the art form?

>> No.20170978


>> No.20171122
File: 18 KB, 200x300, starting-point-1979-1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read the "starting point" and "turning point" books. They were mostly interviews, but there were some essays and monologues as well which I generally found to be far more interesting. In particular I enjoyed hearing his views on Ponyo and the reasons why he tends to use female characters. The material was ordered somewhat chronologically, and one interesting aspect was that you could see how he would talk about certain future movies without having a clear view of what they would be. It was almost possible to sort of see how the movies took shape in his mind. It reminded me of how Wagner would discuss operas decades before they were written. I find this interesting since Ponyo is probably the most explicitly Wagnerian film I've ever seen.

The interviews are generally less interesting because he tends to repeat himself, which I suppose is normal for interviews when you are being asked similar questions. The worst thing is that even if the interviewer asks something else he tends to go off on tangents related to things he has already stated in other interviews. Some of those became pretty hard for me to read, The worst one was when there was a discussion between him, a historian and a philosopher. It just felt like they were mostly talking past each other for 30 pages. There was a hilarious "anime is a mistake" moment where I think the philosopher had a daughter who was getting into the manga industry and he and his wife had initially been against it but now, after coming into contact with Miyazaki they've been more hopeful that it will turn out well; and Miyazaki just goes "No. Manga is fucking garbage".

>> No.20171156
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He's ted-pilled.

>> No.20171166

If he was an English speaking Hollywood guy would he have been cancelled by now?

>> No.20171176

If I could give up part of my worthless life to extend his I would in a heartbeat I will genuinely be so sad when he dies and I don’t care if you call me a fag.

>> No.20171231

He would be like Kubrick and flee the place long before such a thing happened.

>> No.20171234

Pretty ironic considering the garbage he makes.

>> No.20171277

>He would be like Kubrick
murdered by hollywood pedophile elites?

>> No.20171302


>> No.20171323 [DELETED] 

Great anon, thanks for the overview.
I've never read any of his interviews so it will mostly be mew stuff to me and I can always skip if it repeats.
I'll try the 1st one and see if I like it and then proceed with the second accordingly.

>> No.20171329

Great anon, thanks for the overview.
I've never read any of his interviews so it will mostly be mew stuff to me and I can always skip if it repeats.
I'll try the 1st one and see if I like it and then proceed with the second accordingly.

>> No.20171361

Surely if he was so hated by elites they would have started a media campaign to smear him like they do with everyone else who criticised them. Kubrick is still pretty beloved as far as I can tell, apart from a few people who complain about the way he used his actors.

>> No.20171387

It is worth mentioning that he is pretty strictly against war and violence in general. It is weird because he will often express his life-affirming philosophy, yet he refuses to go the final step. Though, he does grow more and more blackpilled throughout the books so who knows where he stands right now.

>> No.20171564

Why are manchildren obsessed with the movies of this dude? They're very milquetoast and not all well written despite the beauty.

>> No.20171576

Because they want to see le heckin girl take on industrial society/evil adults #92283
Tranime fags are truly embarrassing

>> No.20171639

You do know you’re on /lit/ right?

>> No.20171689

The art of animated films. His films are charming and unlike a lot modern children’s fare. The man himself is quite a curmudgeon and a lot like the poster base here. Gtfo, casual.

>> No.20171818

He wouldn't say that if he didnt earn millions from his stuff. It's typical rhetoric from ivory tower "socialists".

>> No.20171835

i like miyazaki films for their fun stories and good morals :)

>> No.20171862

It's the fucking same old story. Alan Moore is same way. It's tiring to hear people who got rich off a medium shit on it

>> No.20171870

>le milquetoast
Go watch Angel's Egg or whatever you fag

>> No.20171889

>go watch the only good anime that actually has nuanced and isn't plagued by shitty nip writing and tropes

>> No.20171954

"Making a Film" by Federico Fellini

>> No.20172364

I would highly recommend Andrei Tarkovsky's 'Sculpting in Time'. It is perhaps the most beautiful reflection on the meaning of art and its relationship to God I have ever read.

>> No.20172386

I like Andrei Tarkovsky's Sculpting in Time a lot.

>> No.20172741

I would agree with you if these 2 weren't probably the best their respective mediums have to offer and didn't also know how to spot other talanted artists within said mediums (like anno for miyazaki and Garth Ennis for moore).
They've also worked in these industries since close to their conception and have a right to be cynical about the way things are going with man children and political correctness taking over everything catering to an audience who know less and less what good art looks like.

>> No.20172768

>hates otaku for being completely detached from reality and obsessed with escapist fantasies with zero purpose whatsoever
>does just that
Bukowski would have a field day with this guy.

>> No.20172772

Are there any specific essays/interviews where he talks at length about modernity and modern art/artists? I always enjoy his boomer rants when I see them on youtube and documentaries.

>> No.20172800

21 krump street

>> No.20172812

He is almost eco-fash. Tribal life = good
Urbanization = bad

>> No.20172818

Actually its normies and lefty anarchist scum that love his movies and organize communal watch-alongs at their community centres.

As a person with over 1000 anime series watched, I don't enjoy his movies. The only one I rewatch is Wind Rises. I never watched his movies as a kid, so maybe that is why I don't appreciate them that much.

>> No.20172829

But he is doing based trad pastoral euro romanticism(which was basically the isekai genre of the 19th century).

>> No.20172836
File: 38 KB, 740x370, 5D8DC953-1D9C-4AD2-B34A-D6A4473840AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kubrick went to the UK to make pictures. You think they bothered to assassinate him for Eyes Wide Shut?

He’s definitely not fascist, much less your meme contradiction in terms

>> No.20172860

I agree but isn't eco fash different from regular fash like no intentional genocides or wars just forced return to the old ways.
I'm not saying that's a good thing or wouldn't result in deaths but I can see how EFs would think they have the moral high ground over regular facists and how an old man without much touch with reality could slip into that mindset.

>> No.20172869

>like no intentional genocides or wars just forced return to the old ways
That’s nuts cuz you’re going to have to give up nationalism. You get that far, you might as well look into green anarchism or anarcho-primitivism. It is like a rightwing anarchism already

>> No.20172883

Love how defensive leftist loser are about appropriating media that even in the slightest is about empathy.

Just face it, Miyazaki movies are basically reactionary. Marx would say they are cope and that anti-industrialism is being a useful idiot for aristocrats and traditionalists.

>> No.20172987

>useful idiot for aristocrats and traditionalists.
opposed to him being a useful idiot for capitalists?

>> No.20173008

angels egg creator loves miyazakis films. so did kurosawa.

>> No.20173040

Sure thing Miyazaki, but just know that your precious planes will also return to grass, you hack.

>> No.20173058

>t. has see like 2 anime in his life
Angels egg isn't even much outside the viuals

>> No.20173068

>I would agree with you if these 2 weren't probably the best their respective mediums have to offer
I don't know about moore but Miyazaki is hardly the best, he just hates anything that isn't animated the way he wants it, and only likes his own works. He doesn't even like anything anno has made.

>> No.20173075 [DELETED] 

Funniest review your dad's condom brand ever got