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File: 13 KB, 215x270, Rene-guenon-1925_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20169434 No.20169434 [Reply] [Original]

His critique of the modern West is simply infallible. I really understand now why so many people hate him, they have to be extremely triggered.

>Certainly 'Progress' and 'Civilization', with capital letters, may be very effective in certain sentences, as hollow as they are rhetorical, most suitable for imposing on a mob, for which words are rather a substitute for thought than a means of expressing it, thus it is that these two words play one of the most important parts in the battery of formulas which those 'in control' today use to accomplish their strange task of collective suggestion without which the mentality that is characteristic of modern times would indeed be short-lived. In this respect we doubt whether enough notice has ever been given to the analogy, which is nonetheless striking, between, for example, the actions of the orator and the hypnotist (and that of animal-tamer belongs equally to the same class); here is another subject for the psychologists to study, and we call their attention to it in passing. No doubt the power of words has been more or less made use of in other times than ours; but what has no parallel is this gigantic collective hallucination by which a whole section of humanity has come to take the vainest fantasies for incontestable realities; and, among these idols of modern worship, the two which we are at the moment denouncing are perhaps the most prenicious of all.

>> No.20169461


>> No.20169471

>lire Guénon en anglais

>> No.20169498

I hope that you subscribed

>> No.20169533

should ifirst learn french for geunon or italian for evola?

>> No.20169539
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>gigantic collective hallucination by which a whole section of humanity has come to take the vainest fantasies for incontestable realities
this except tardlarping is itself that vainest fantasy

>> No.20169548

>learning french to read pseudo-theosophiste commentaries on arabic and sanskrit theological tracts

>> No.20169564

french, evola was a deviant

>> No.20169588

i wonder what motivates people to call it larping like >>20169539

>> No.20169606

why are you so intolerant of evola? i like both, and other evolians don't seem to be hostile toward geunon

>> No.20169607

It's literally just the tweet-sized version of Freud's criticism of religion, except Guenon prefers religion so he applies it "Modernity" instead, as the soteriology of an eternal material progress were so radically different from his preferred Islamic paradise.

>> No.20169612

You will never be a kşatriya

>> No.20169628

why specifically the word "tradlarp" tho? what does this have to do with larping?

>> No.20169630

Même en français le pérennialisme et la propagande islamiste ça reste de la merde. Guénon est simplement un de ces intellectuels français qui ont viré réactionnaire à la suite de la première guerre mondiale.

>> No.20169635

similar reason to why many christians are intolerant of mormonism while Mormons dont seem hostile towards christianity.

>> No.20169640

You don't think cargo culting as a religious fundamentalist because you think the modern world is ugly is delusional?

>> No.20169655

Another day, another guenon shill thread

>> No.20169661

It's because you don't believe in any of this shit sincerely. You're like a politician who just says certain things to get votes. It's very clear from everything outside of tradlarpers claiming to believe in what they believe in that they don't have an ounce of sincerity.

Most populist politicians are like this as well. They act out a character, but everyone is well aware that it's just a character. It's no surprise that Trumpists love Guenon and Evola, as they all try to larp as reactionary revolutionaries, who will totally beat modernity and all the SJWs

>> No.20169665

>a whole section of humanity has come to take the vainest fantasies for incontestable realities

Kek, pretty rich coming from a schizo larper.

>> No.20169666

The hateful Guenonians are coping with the fact that Evola was, even after his paralysis, more of a man than they will ever be. But it's like football teams, instead of accepting that both had meaningful things to say, they start behaving like hooligans.
Also they falsely hold on the to claim that Evola put the warrior caste above the priestly caste, which he did not do.

>> No.20169680

>other evolians don't seem to be hostile toward geunon
yeah because Evola was influenced by Guenon but the later is totally independent from the first. There are many things which I don't like from Evola, one is his dualism between lunar and solar, the civilization of the mother and the heroic one, etc. he interprets civilizations and spirituality through a philosophical lens, just to assimilate it to his worldview which is full of prejudices towards many traditions like christianity or advaita, sometimes he also makes claims which are similar to Guénon's non-action principle but they are contradicted by other if his statements

>> No.20169691

>put the warrior caste above the priestly caste
The fact that tardlarpers care about this and think it is "metaphysics" is why they have earned their name.

>> No.20169697

>he interprets civilizations and spirituality through a philosophical lens, just to assimilate it to his worldview which is full of prejudices
Yes it's called writing

>> No.20169718

no. That goes against the whole idea of tradition which is about not doing philosophy and instead passing down the ancient wisdom. There is no 'your worldview' or anything like that in the traditional mentality.

>> No.20169724

>There is no 'your worldview' or anything like that in the traditional mentality.
Obviously not true. Study the history of religions instead of tardlarp commentaries. Unless.... has REAL tradition never been tried?

>> No.20169726

Yeah but who cares, static traditions are cringe

>> No.20169752

The idea of tradition is that there are permanent values and lessons which are relevant in every age, but easily forgotten, and so must not only be handed down, but re-discovered in light of new problems. “Past good future bad unga bunga” is a failure mode of tradition.

>> No.20169757

there are no 'traditions' there is only one real true tradition and of course it is static because it is perfect
study Guenon's writing. I am not talking about 'history of religion' that is all just the exoteric aspect. The esoteric aspect is the truth.

>> No.20169768

I never said past good future bad. there are cycles and currently we are in the Kali Yuga which is actually bad. Tradition is not there to solve todays problems. Instead it is completely against everything that is happening today.

>> No.20169770

>that is all just the exoteric aspect. The esoteric aspect is the truth.
Merely reworded "just trust me" ism. It is patently obvious that religions and their values change over time and no religion has some eternal unchanging form or expression

>> No.20169789

they literally do. Only the exoteric part changes

>> No.20169802

This is one of those true believer things. You have no means to convince anyone skeptical of that claim because you've split exoteric and esoteric apart, so you've already admitted there is no evidence to put forth and the other person merely has to trust your priestly gnosis.

>> No.20169809

Why do the religious act like secularists are sorcerers for doing the same thing that religious rhetoric does? Oh wow they have privileged and sacralized concepts. Never seen that before, must be the devil who invented it.

>> No.20169822

NTA, but he's saying exoteric=/=esoteric because your shitty argument ignores this very basic concpet
>convince me!!!
read the fucking books

>> No.20169828

>learning French or Italian for literal meme authors
The utter state of /lit/

>> No.20169834

Thanks for letting us know you're a retard

>> No.20169836

"It's esoteric not exoteric" is just a tool to deploy in defense of a rival exegesis. If you have no argument other than "it's esoteric I don't have to explain shit" then you are merely hoping the force of your claim to having special gnosis is enough to defeat the competing interpretation.

>> No.20169843

im not trying to convince you. this isnt some populist movement. the majority will always be uninitiated

>> No.20169845

Considering that there are no longer any archaic warriors or priests in society as important socio-political factions it remains be shown why identifying with and ranking them is not larping

>> No.20169856

>this isnt some populist movement
give me a break 2016igger, you only care to posture about religion because of your interest in politics and culture war like everyone else who reads those authors and posts about them

>> No.20169858

Another thread which has degenerated because of the opinions of some. If you want to be serious, study Guénon and see what he has to say and not just his critique of modernity but everything, especially his metaphysics. If you just want to put Guénon to your selection of favorite authors then you are missing the point and will not achieve anything, just go with other author if that is your interested, enough people have distorted the work of Guénon.

>> No.20169878
File: 45 KB, 480x480, when the drugs kick in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigantic collective hallucination
That's just what humanity's entire existence is, though

>> No.20169887

evola was an absolute charlatan. if you are asking this you shouldnt be here

>> No.20169895

>That's just what humanity's entire existence is, though
your concept of humanity is not the same as that of other civilizations, you think that just because you take the modern western civilization as THE civilization, you project your limited intellectual horizon upon all humanity from all times

>> No.20169896
File: 209 KB, 1230x1000, __souryuu_asuka_langley_ayanami_rei_ikari_shinji_and_neco_arc_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_4_more_drawn_by_aiu404l__76dd65529ac9ecb62e1a89a828aac92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't necessarily disagree. But if that's the case there is no reason to single out "modernity" as particularly odious

>> No.20169915

no I do not care about politics and I do not care for Trump, Biden or whoever. They are all part of our current times. Tradition is opposed to all modernity.

>> No.20169916

Who said anything about identifying with them? That's you. It is merely about the natural order of things.

>> No.20169920
File: 317 KB, 2000x1952, __cirno_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_aiu404l__1b3b89018d0a63020029e3bbae4ccb22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't care about x
>i only care about y, which is explicit in its dedication to being polemically anti-x

>> No.20169927

If you are intectually invested in the question of whether a society dominated by archaic priests would be more correct than one dominated by archaic warriors then you are larping. Has nothing to do with the natural order of things.

>> No.20169953

Again, thanks for letting us know you're retarded.

>> No.20169980

You will never be a kşatriya

>> No.20170046

>Guenon thread
>has more than twice the number of replies compared to posters
Every single fucking time. You guys are pathetic.

>> No.20170091

>i dont like him cuz hes racist and worked with fascists
Kek take your hormones

>> No.20170097

Stop posting low iq subhuman

>> No.20170104

Esoteric knowledge isn't really meant to be discussed or argued, it is beyond or outside of that.

>> No.20170115

>. It is patently obvious that religions and their values change over time and no religion has some eternal unchanging form or expression
>t. Fag who knows nothing about esoteric or initiatic doctrines
Religion is a separate category, what are you even doing in a Guenon thread? Go make a thread about poc authors or whatever braindead irrelevant garbage your mentally ill trans brain knows about.

>> No.20170124

i dont like him cuz <pol lingo> and worked with <pol lingo>
kek take your <pol lingo>

>> No.20170146

That's fine. You're still retarded.

>> No.20170183

lots of very enlightened traditionalist contemplative types ITT and definitely not a seething pack of ressentiment-nursing culture war-riors with brainrot

>> No.20170199

>triggered by pol
Poor snowflake

>> No.20170230

The problem with Trad threads is they will innevitably get filled up with common religious people asking for proof or looking for debate (why are you in a Guenon thread if you haven't read him or don't know anything about his work?). Or worse than common religitards, trannies or left wingers who don't even want debate and just want to shut things down because they are offended. Truth is best expressed in silence.

>> No.20170234

Pol lives in your head rent free, people who use pol or have pol worldviews are quite literally superior to you.

>> No.20170246

post list of books read this year

>> No.20170275

These threads are remarkably poor quality. If you have a question, the answer is invariably to read the author's books, as if the other posters who are supposed to be in favor of the author's positions haven't read them or didn't understand them, and therefore cannot answer you; or usual roster of cultural war enemy identifications are trotted out as labels for the person asking questions or criticizing to drive them off. So all that is left to do is for the tardlarpers is parrot a few talking points and congratulate one another for not being bad people. It's the sort of wound licking nihilism any sensible person would condemn.

>> No.20170321
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 299385722044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally ill tranny tries commanding people
Post your hideous tranny face so we can laugh harder, you fucking abomination.

>> No.20170342

rent free

>> No.20170356

i'm more reactionary and anti-globohomo than you as pol is a psyop shithole full of degeneracy

still you should read more instead of browsing that place

(very easy to bait illiterate pol shitposters)

>> No.20170375

Damn, all it took to make schizoid incels worship a hack who wrote about le magic was the most basic bitch run-of-the-mill cultural criticism at the close of the Belle Epoque.

>> No.20170386

>If you have a question, the answer is invariably to read the author's books
Yes, usually because the questions are retard-tier, like not understanding the difference between synthesis and syncretism, which inevitably brings down the quality of the threads. If the questions were actually interesting, people wouldn't tell you to just read the books. I'm not interested in telling some pleb why/how all initiatic traditions essentially aim towards the same goals/knowledge, and why this is above religion.

Like, what is the difference between the lesser and greater mysteries, practically speaking? Why does Guenon, not without reason, claim Hermeticism was originally a Priestly art (Hermes-Thoth, Priest-King), yet the final stage of the work (preceded by the White) is the Royal Red or the crown/king? Hermeticism also seems to have a much more active and wet character than what one would expect from a Priestly art.

>> No.20170392

I don't even use pol and probably read more than you, pol is right though.

>t. tranny crying about "pol lingo" on 4chan

>> No.20170399

>t. reads marx

>> No.20170401

>trannies are actually rightwing and based too!

>> No.20170416
File: 282 KB, 385x461, jewish tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello fellow nazis!
>please stop using pol, it is very bad for j- i mean it is a shithole full of degeneracy!
Get to work on your wrists in a hot bath.

>> No.20170425

t. never have, and you're a giant faggot who believes in magic like some jungle savage

>> No.20170431

>Truth is best expressed in silence.
God I wish more Guenonretards would live by these words.

>> No.20170440

All of the elite kings, emperors and priests of antiquity believed in higher dimensions and most were initiated, they had it down to a science. Jungle niggers are just superstitious, they don't actually experience it.

>> No.20170461

>I'm not interested in telling some pleb why/how all initiatic traditions essentially aim towards the same goals/knowledge, and why this is above religion.
None of the religions in question actually believe this. Devout Muslims do not believe devout Hindus are going to reach Allah, for instance. This entire perennialist view of religion is an outgrowth of theosophy and of the same lineage as any other new ager "all religions are the same" mentality of secular people aggressively misinterpreting things they don't actually believe have consequences in the first place because they are embedded in a in a culture that treats beliefs as sociological curiousities. A real Hindu or a real Muslim or a real Christian or whoever else does not have this flat ahistorical view of religions where all the ones with initiations are true and all the ones without are less true; he believes his religion is true, not because it satisifies some aloof academic taxonomizing but because it is the expression of his values. That none of you can actually argue for why perennialism is true and simply defer to the authors who support it is ridiculous. There are soccer moms with a better grasp of spirituality than you.

>> No.20170542

>initiation/esotericism is the same as religion
I already said I'm not interested, in fact you even quoted that part! If you have any possible answers to the question I posed, that would be of interest. Again, I really do not understand why you would come into a Guenon thread with such an entry-level/non-existent understanding of esoteric traditions. And you make claims about other people's "grasp of spirituality". This is unwise.

>> No.20170616

this is one of the works which I was kinda bored by the end of it, I agree in general nevertheless, but it could've been a much shorter work to get the points down
but also this is where I think his excessive distaste for the west emerges as often quite simplistically prejudicial, pretty sure it's in this book where he basically denies the (recent) proto-Indo-European link simply because of how spiritually inept and different modern westerners appear to be compared to Indo-Aryans, though from the rest of his writings I'm pretty sure he basically recognizes that early Indo-Aryans lived in a more northern abode compared to historical times in line with e.g Tilak

>> No.20170624

Esotericism was invented for exegetic purposes. It's not a separate thing from religion. If you don't actually believe in Brahman or Allah or the authority of Hindu and Muslim scriptures, why would you be a Hindu or Muslim esotericist?

>> No.20170946

We do not believe, for our part, in the existence of an “Indo-European” race, even if we do not wish to persist in calling it “Aryan”, which makes no sense. But what is significant is that German scholars have given this supposed race the denomination of “Indo-Germanic”, and that they have taken all their care to make this hypothesis plausible by supporting it with multiple ethnological and above all philological arguments. We do not wish to enter into this discussion at this point. We will only point out that the real resemblance which exists between the languages of India and Persia and those of Europe is by no means the proof of a community of race.

To explain it, it suffices that the ancient civilizations that we know of were originally brought to Europe by some elements relating to the source from which the Hindu and Persian civilizations directly proceeded. We know, in fact, how easy it is for a tiny minority, under certain conditions, to impose its language, with its institutions, on the mass of a foreign people, even though it is ethnically absorbed in it in a short time. A striking example is that of the establishment of the Latin language in Gaul, where the Roman presence, except in a few southern regions, was never more than negligible. The French language is undoubtedly of more or less pure Latin origin, and yet the Latin elements entered only a very small part in the ethnic formation of the French nation; the same is also true for Spain. On the other hand, the “Indo-Germanic” hypothesis is all the less valid since the Germanic languages have no more affinity with Sanskrit than other European languages. It can only serve to justify the assimilation of Hindu doctrines to German philosophy; but, unfortunately, this supposition of an imaginary kinship does not stand the test of the facts, and nothing is in reality more dissimilar than a German and a Hindu, intellectually as well as physically, if not even in more ways.


>> No.20170958

so there are no 'indo-europeans', the common root being the hyperborean primordial tradition, which is simply polar, neither western nor eastern

>> No.20171414


I don't know why the idea that different religions/metaphysical systems are (imperfect) attempts to comprehend the same phenomenon is difficult for you. You can describe a tree in a dozen different langues, but they're all talking about the same thing, even if it's in mutually incomprehensible ways.

>> No.20171668

>attempts to comprehend the same phenomenon
Big assumption there hippie